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NARRATOR:  Once upon a time there was a very cruel king who decided to exile from his kingdom
every old man and woman. He gave strict orders to his soldiers to carry out his wishes.

KING:  My loyal soldiers , you must follow my orders. Today you must take away from my land
every old man and woman, and I don`t care who they are. Just do it!. They only eat and sleep, but
they don`t work. And if they do not produce, then I don`t want them here!.

NARRATOR: One of the soldiers named David spoke up.

DAVID: But your majesty, what about my grandfather?.

KING: I said I don`t care who they are. I will punish you if you don`t obey me. Now go!.


NARRATOR: The soldiers did as they were told. They opened the palace´s gates and every old man
and woman was thrown away from the kingdom. But David did not do as he was told. That same
day he talked to his wife.

DAVID: I can`t do it, Lila!. I love my grandfather.  But what can I do?.

LILA: Let`s hide him in the kitchen. Remember there`s a small door behind the stove.

DAVID: You`re right!. I forgot about that room. Let`s hurry up, we have no time!.

NARRATOR: David talked to his grandfather about the king`s orders, and kept him in the secret
room for several months. But one day war started in the kingdom and food became scarse.

KING: My loyal soldiers. You know what we are going through now with this war. You must find
some food to feed my people, otherwise you will all be locked up in a dungeon.

NARRATOR: David became worried.

DAVID: I know there is no way to find food, Lila. What should I do?.

LILA: Let`s ask your grandfather, maybe he can tell you what to do.

NARRATOR: David told his grandfather about the situation.

GRANDFATHER: Don`t worry, I have the solution.

DAVID: But grandfather, you can`t even get out from this place.  How can you help me?.

GANDFATHER: You will do all the hard work.

DAVID: Then tell me.

GRANDFATHER: Ants work during the summer gathering food for the winter. You must find their
nests. I am sure they will be full of grain.

DAVID: Thank you grandfather, I will talk to the other soldiers right now.

NARRATOR: David talk to them and they went straight to the field looking for ant nests.

SOLDIER 1: Come here!. Look what I found!.

SOLDIER 2: You were right, David!.

DAVID: These nests are full of grain. Let`s gather it.

NARRATOR: They gathered loads and loads of grain.

SOLDIER 3: Now, let`s go to the palace.

SOLDIER 1, 2, 3: You saved us, David!.

NARRATOR: When the king was informed about the good news, he said to David.

KING: I was told that it was your idea. Tell me how did you know?.

DAVID: Your majesty, I rather not.  You will punish me.

KING: Don`t be afraid, nothing will happen to you, I promise.

DAVID: My grandfather told me what to do.

KING: Your grandfather?. Isn`t he supposed to be far away from here?.

DAVID: I love my grandfather so much, that I couldn`t throw him away, as you said. So I hid him in
a secret room inside my house.

KING:  And he has been there all this time?.

DAVID:  Yes, your majesty. Me and my wife, Lila, have taken care of him.

KING:  Mmmm, I am sorry for having done what I did. How fool I was!. Old people are wise.  They
have the experience and knowledge that only life can provide. Bring them all back… now!.

SOLDIERS: Yes, your majesty!.

DAVID: Thank you!.

KING:  Before you go, David, let me tell you something. I know that everybody will be grateful to
you. They will always remember that one of my soldiers saved them from dying of hunger. Now go,
and take out your grandfather from the secret room.

DAVID: Yes, your majesty.


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