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NAME: Today is __________________________________

Hello! My name is Carol and I live in London. I get up at 7 o’clock. I have

breakfast, I get dressed, I brush my teeth and I go to school. I like going to

school because I have many friends. I start my classes at 9 o’clock and I

finish at 2 o’clock. I have lunch at half past 2 and I do my homework. At 5

o’clock, I go to Spanish’s classes and I finish at 7 o’clock. I get home at half

past 7 and I have a shower. At half past 8, I have dinner and I watch TV. I

go to bed at half past 9.

Because: porque
Many: muchos
Spanish’s classes: clases de español

1. Are these sentences True or False?

a) Carol lives in Madrid.
b) Carol has dinner at 8:30.
c) Carol doesn’t like going to school.
d) Carol goes to French’s classes.

2. Translate the text.






NAME: Today is __________________________________



3. Write a short text about you.









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