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Material and formal object Meaning of Philosophy

The material object of philosophy is all beings in the  from the Greek word, philos = lover or friend;
widest sense of the term; its formal object is all beings and Sophia = wisdom or knowledge
in its ultimate reasons, causes, and principles, studied  is the science of beings in the ultimate reasons,
in the light of human reason. causes, and principles acquired by the aid of
reason alone.
Benefits derived from a knowledge of philosophy  Is a science because it is based on certain
1. Philosophy provides the searcher priceless knowledge derived from reasoned
information ranging from the smallest atoms demonstration of causes and reduced to a
and the cells to man and the stars and the system.
universe and god.  Is a science of being, that is full, of all things
2. Philosophy is the unification and which can be reached by the human mind:
systematization of all important knowledge man, the world, and God; everything that is or
within the domain of reason. becomes or is known.
3. Philosophy is the supreme achievement of the  Is a search for meaning
human intellect in a purely natural way.
4. Philosophy enables one to distinguish truth Origin of Philosophy
from error in the midst of conflicting and Philosophy, in the West, began in the Greek
confusing opinion. colony of Miletus with Thales (who, according to
5. Imbued with the great principles of true ancient sources, was the first to ask “What is the basic
philosophy, one can become a better character stuff of the universe from which all else comes?”) but
and a greater man. spread outward in the works of subsequent thinkers
and writers to reach its heights in the works of Plato
The purpose of philosophy and his pupil Aristotle. The mathematician and mystic
1. Philosophy enables us to understand ourselves Pythagoras (famed for his Pythagorean Theorem
better; today) was the first to call himself a philosopher.
2. Philosophy helps us understand others, our
fellowmen; Components of Philosophy
3. Philosophy helps us understand others’ way of 1. Ethics or Moral Philosophy – this is the
thinking; philosophical analysis of the morality of
4. Philosophy helps us understand the world and human acts, the exploration for living a
our place and role in it; good life and the ultimate foundation of
5. Philosophy helps us understand the what is good or evil.
significance, meaning, value, and finality of 2. Logic – this is the philosophical
human life; and exploration on science and art of correct
6. Philosophy helps us know and understand god thinking.
in his nature, essence, activities, and attributes. 3. Epistemology – this is the philosophical
quest on the principles of human
Objectives knowledge, its extent and limitations.
1. Philosophy of man gives a broader horizon in 4. Cosmology or Philosophy of Nature - this
understanding ourselves, others, and god; is the philosophical quest for a profound
2. Philosophy of man helps identify the points of understanding of the inanimate physical
divergence and convergence between humans being or of the material universe.
and brutes and between humans and plants; 5. Social /Political Philosophy – this is the
3. Philosophy of man exposes man to a thorough philosophical exploration on knowledge of
and deeper understanding of himself as a the human person on the ultimate
unique dipartite creature that he is the foundation of the state, its ideal form,
substantial unity of body and soul; power and man’s place in society.
4. Philosophy of man helps understand better his 6. Philosophy of Man – this is the
nature, the meaning of his existence, his philosophical study of man. It is an
points point of origin, and his terminal point, endless inquiry in his attempt to
who is god; and understand himself and the world he lives
5. Philosophy of man enables man to encounter in, his dignity, truth, freedom, justice,
the diverse views of different philosophers love, death, and his relations with others
concerning his nature, his uniqueness, and his and with God.
role in the whole spectrum of god’s creation. 7. Ontology or General Metaphysics – this is
the philosophical exploration for what
reality is in the final analysis and the
principles of being and reality of things in o Apprehension. Idea, Predicability of
general. Ideas
8. Theodicy or Special Metaphysics – this is o Judgment, Enunciation, Predication of
the philosophical inquiry in the essence Ideas
and existence of God. His nature and his o Reasoning, Argument, Inference of
relations to man and the rest of creation New Predication
based mainly on reason.
9. Rational /Philosophical Psychology – this Soundness and Validity
is the philosophical inquiry on living Argument
beings and the ultimate principles of life. is a set of statements or group of propositions
10. Aesthetics – this is the exploration for a of containing a conclusion and one more premises. The
profound apprehension of knowledge of conclusion is a claim to follow from others or the
beauty, its nature and appreciation. premises, which are regarded as providing support or
grounds for the truth of the conclusion. Hence, the
Branches of Philosophy entire process is an act of reasoning. If there is no
1. Theoretical – the division of the conclusion supported by reasons, there is no argument.
theoretical is into theology, metaphysics For an argument to be present, there must be some
and physics. claim, expressed as a conclusion, supported by
2. Moral – “practical” as concerned with evidence or reasons, expressed as premises. Anything
acting, in other words “ethical” because else is a non-argument.
morals consist in acting as well.
3. Mechanical – means “imitative”. It Main Division of an Argument
concerns things that humans produce. 1. Simple Argument – contains only one
4. Logical – means “having to do with conclusion and one or more premises
speech”, since logic treats words. 2. Complex Argument – contains a main
argument and one or more simple
Meaning of Logic: arguments serving as premises of the main
 Comes from the Latin word logos, meaning argument.
science or knowledge.
 Is the science and art of correct thinking Types of Premises
1. Independent premises – if the premise can
Importance of Logic: support fully the conclusion without the
 Logic is not intended to be merely informative, mediation of another premise.
or to instruct; it is directive, aiming to assist 2. Dependent premise – if one premise needs
the mind in the proper use of its power. the mediation of another in order to
 It guides us to know something previously support fully conclusion.
 It serves as an instrument for helping us Validity
discover the why’s of things around us. is another term that is loosely used in ordinary
language. In logic we restrict its meaning to arguments
Logic and Common Sense and inferences. But even logicians do not agree on
 By experience – a lot of knowledge has been what to call valid. We also call “valid” that argument
acquired through experience alone. or inference in which the antecedent and consequent
 By insight into the following principles: have this truth-relationship:
1. If the antecedent is true and the sequence
By insight into the following principles: valid, the consequent is true, but not vice-
1. Identity – a thing is identical with self versa.
2. Nonidentity – a thing is not identical with 2. If the consequent is false and the sequence
another. valid, the antecedent is false, but not vice
3. Contradiction – a thing cannot be and not- versa.
be at the same time.
4. Sufficient Reason – everything has its Lesson 3: Ideas
reason. Am effect must have a cause. Nature of ideas
Ideas are the building stones of knowledge
Division of Logic since they are the elements that constitute judgment.
 Logic is commonly divided according to the
three acts of the mind which provide different Definition:
elements to its subject matter and different 1. Nominal- from the greek word eidos = that
bases of inferential functions: which is seen, an image.
2. Real- an idea is an intellect representation Mutual relation or opposition: How do ideas relate
of objective reality. with one another?
A. Compatible ideas – are those ideas whose
attributes can be united into another or a third idea.
B. Incompatible ideas – are ideas whose
Process of forming ideas: comprehension do not include the attributes of
1. Perception – the object is presented to the other ideas.
external senses. What is formed is a 1. Contradictory – are two ideas: one expresses
percept (a picture in the mind of a present the idea while the other is the denial
object) 2. Contrary – are two ideas which are the
2. Imagination – in the absence of the object, extremes of a series belonging to the same class
an image or phantasm is formed in the 3. Privative – are two ideas, one expresses a
imagination. perfection and the other its absence in a subject
3. Sensory memory – the image is stored in which should possess it
the sensory memory. If the subject wishes 4. Relative – are two ideas united in such a way
to remember the image, he can recall the that one cannot be understood without the
image from the sensory memory. other.
4. Abstraction – this is the mental process
whereby the intellect strips the image of Concepts or ideas
all its nonessentials characteristics, retains Are the intellectual representations of things.
only the most essential and from this form The word “term” is used as a “name” for the concept
the idea or concept. or idea. The term deduced from the latin “terminus”, is
the extramental symbol of an idea. A term is an
Properties of ideas external expression of an idea. Ideas are mental
1. Comprehension – is the sum total of all expression of external objects. Terms express ideas.
attributes or thought elements constituting Terms are also expressions of extra-mental objects.
an idea in its representation of a thing.
2. Extension – is the sum total of all Logical properties of terms:
individual and groups to which an idea can 1. The comprehension of a term – it is the
be applied. sum-total of all the qualities/ elements or
attributes that comprise the meaning of a
Origin: How does the idea originate or where does the term. The comprehension of a term is the
idea come from? manifestation of the necessary elements/
1. Intuitive – is an idea formed as a result of essence of the object. It is also known as
direct sense perception connotation.
2. Abstractive – is an idea formed of objects 2. The extension of a term – it is the sum total
by some means other than immediate of the particulars to which the
sense perception comprehension of a term can be applied. It
is also called as denotations.
Perfection: how clear is the idea acquired?
A. Explicit idea – expresses the things in itself and its
notes openly
1. Clear idea – is acquired of the things around us
or is familiar to us
1.1 Distinct idea – one whose
comprehension is known to us.
a. Adequate idea – its
complete elements can be
b. Inadequate idea – only some
elements can be enumerated
1.2 Confused idea – can be distinguish
from others even without knowing its
basic elements
2. Obscure idea – is one which we have acquired
of things which are rare or far away
B. Implicit idea – expresses a thing or idea and it
includes something else.

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