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The Tocino

1 kl. Pork Cut into thin

1 pck. Twin mix lasap
1 cup white sugar or honey
1 cup 100% apple juice or pineapple
1\2 tbsp. Salt
1 tbsp. Soysuace
1 tbsp. Ousyter sauce
Mix it well cover it into food container marinate overnight or 2-3 days inorder the tocino will
be tender and it will preserve 1-3 months.

How to cook homemade tocino

Place it on the frying pan or kettle leave it until the suace will come out mix well before you
cover after 2min. Cove it again for 2min. After that lovw heat so that it will not easily burned
add cooking oil 1-2tbspn. It si necessary low heat so that it won’t burn. Serve Tocino and sunny
side up egg and cucumber apple juice will help to tenderrize.

Skinless Longanizza

1kl. Ground pork

9tbspn. Dark brown sugar
1 tbspn. Sweet paprika
3tbspn.veg. oil
1 1\4 tbspn. Cornstarch and salt
1 tspn. Ground black pepper
2 head garlic
Crushed garlic in order to produce suace add ground pork, bl pepper , paprika (optional) add
brown sugar, b. Pepper add garlic, add c. Oil. Mix it well the refregerate it for 2 hours then
wrap it into wax paper 1 scoop then fold wax paper the get the card or Id card or any card hold
the end of the card push it and make the same with the card size use it to mold the langgonizza
then refregerate over night. When you cook it heat the frying pan fry it just cook it light dont
and fast so that it wont stick to a frying pan and to each other then add water leave it until will
boil until cook the add extra c. Oil until the water will evaporte until cook then serve it with
atsara . delicious.
Lechon belly

5 Liempo pork belly romove the ribs or 5 kls. pork

Lemon grass, scallon , or dahon sa sibuyas plenty of garlic onion. small toyo, knorr liquid
seasoning c.oil, knorr savorate seasoning,
6 tbspn. Knorr savorate pork seasoning
½ cup soy sauce,
1 pc. Onion 3 geads garlic,
2 banches scallion
3 stalk Lemongrass
Prepare pok belly cleasn it then place savorich add on the top of the belly then spread it so that
it will equal side by side spread it then add toyo it help and give color so that it will darken the
color then leave it for 30 min. Then slicr the sibuyas dahon or scallion then lemon grass cut in
the midst se aside the hard one then crused the middle so that it will produce the juice then
slice onion into thin then arlic peel ith then chop it . then place the spices on the top of the
liempo do not put everything leave some spices roll it comprss then use kitchen lambo or
thread then mend it side by side also the middle so that it won’t open place c. Oil all over
porkbelly then put it on roasting rock but the pork will be hanged then transfer the left over
then rost it for 3-4hours. First hour brushed liempo with toyo and c. Oil brush it to liempo 350-
360Fin 2 hours check the water if no more add water always watch it 3 hours make 360 to
370degrees then prepare the sarsaa sibuas with garlic white sugar small amout then sil from
freezer then chpped it. Then mix it then microvare for 2 second nasa 400F degress 3 hours and
30 min. Until 4 hours or 3and 45 minutes.


Sticky rice , garlic onion, luy-a, Fish sauce, beef cubes, beef intestine , turmeric powder, okstrips


Put c. Oil into pan kung init na put luy-a maluto then add sibuyas mix it well garlic until golden
brown then put okstripe and intesten then put black pepper then add fish sauce then wait until
golden brown mix it well so that it will not burn then put beef cubes the add water then add
trumeric powder until it boil then add sticky rice then mix it well so that it won’t burn stick to
each other then let it boil until the sticky rice will cook then mix it well so that it wont be burn.

Ground pork
Vienna sausage /hot dog hard boile eggs
Sweet pickle relish
Tomato sauce
Egg raw 2 pcs.
Cheddar cheese
Green & red bell pepper
Raisin 2 small box
Masns onions
Bread crumbs
Place ground pork then bread crambs raw eggs mix it then carrots bell pepper
onion pickle relish eggs cheddar cheese then mix it evenly then place raisin
tomato sauce the purpose add color and taste mix it well then place embutido sa
center flatten it then place on the center then roll the aluminum foil steam for
one hour heat first the steamer leave it for 1 hr.


4kls. Pork loin

2 cups brown sugar
24 club garlic
2 cups pieapple juice
8 tbspn. Soysauce
16 tbspn. Vinegar
Cheken Arrozcaldo

1 cup sticky rice

4 checkin thigh cut inot small pcs.
6 cup water
2tsp. Chechen bouilon (optional)
1\3 cup fish sauce patis
1 clob garlic minced
2 pcs. Ginger
Green onion
1\2 cup chopped onion


Brown cheken add 2tbsp. C. Oil until golden brown add onion, genger, garlic cook untill onion is
brown ten add patis add rice add 6 cup water ratio 1 cup water stir until boil continue to stir
until 20 min. add checken bouilon then add green oion then serve it with boiled eggs and green

Puto Bumbong

Sticky rice, flour, 1 tbsp. Ube flavor, 1 3\4 water


Add water, add 1tbsp ube flavor, then mix then add left water mix well add ube halya masahin
util na mix until it will like clay then use crater or shraded until finish then use aluminum foil
then use margarine then cut into 1\4 inches or isa ka dangaw you can use kahon sa saging so
tha chep . the steam water or pag init na ug steamer brush margarine into the surface of foil
then put 1 1\2 tbsp. Puto bumbum not big until done then steam it for 12-15 min. ater that
remove from steamer fthen for tha tappings: 1 pc. Grated coconut , 1 grated cheese , 1 can
condensed milk or add sugar then 1 cup margarine used banana leaves put into styro cut leaves
into size of styro or paper cup or clean cup. Cut the edge. Then brush margarine the surface of
banana leaves then get the puto then place it on the banana leaves. Add grated coconut. Add
cheese shreaded add condesned or white sugar.

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