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The descriptions of each register will tell you what they do, but some processes span multiple registers, this
document covers those processes. This document applies to US based X and A series science cameras with
GenICam support (for instance the X6900sc and A6700sc).

Note: Over GigE these register names have Camera prefixed to it, over CXP the registers are named as listed.
To transfer a file from the PC to the camera:

• Set FileSelector and FileName to the file you want to transfer.

o Some files are directly selectable with just FileSelector, some also need FileName.
o For instance, to select a non-uniformity correction:
▪ Set FileSelector to Correction and FileName to the name of the NUC
• Set FileOperationSelector to Open
• Set FileOpenMode to Write
• Set FileSize to the size of the file you are going to transfer
• Set FileCompression to None
• Execute FileOperationExecute and wait for it to finish
• Check FileOperationStatus, if it is not Success there was an error
• Set FileOperationSelector to Write
• Get the length of the FileAccessBuffer
• While there are bytes left in the file
o Set FileAccessOffset to the current offset into the file
o Read up to length bytes from the file
o Set FileAccessLength to the number of bytes read from the file
o Write the bytes read from the file to FileAccessBuffer
o Execute FileOperationExecute and wait for it to finish
o Check FileOperationStatus, if it is not Success there was an error, stop the transfer, but still close
the file
• Set FileOperationSelector to Close
• Execute FileOperationExecute and wait for it to finish
• Check FileOperationStatus, if it is not Success there was an error

To transfer a file from the camera to the PC:

• Set FileSelector and FileName to the file you want to transfer.

o Some files are directly selectable with just FileSelector, some also need FileName.
o For instance, to select a non-uniformity correction:
▪ Set FileSelector to Correction and FileName to the name of the NUC
• Set FileOperationSelector to Open
• Set FileOpenMode to Read
• Set FileCompression to None
• Execute FileOperationExecute and wait for it to finish

This document does not contain export-controlled information.

• Check FileOperationStatus, if it is not Success there was an error
• Get FileSize, this is the number of bytes in the file and the number of bytes you need to transfer
• Set FileOperationSelector to Read
• Get the length of the FileAccessBuffer
• While there are bytes left to transfer
o Set FileAccessOffset to the current offset into the file
o Set FileAccessLength to the smaller of the length of FileAccessBuffer and the number of bytes left
to transfer
o Execute FileOperationExecute and wait for it to finish
o Check FileOperationStatus, if it is not Success there was an error, stop the transfer, but still close
the file
o Read FileAccessBuffer
o Write FileAccessLength bytes from FileAccessBuffer into the file.
• Set FileOperationSelector to Close
• Execute FileOperationExecute and wait for it to finish
• Check FileOperationStatus, if it is not Success there was an error

The camera also supports on the fly ZLib compression. This is enabled by setting FileCompression to ZLib. The
camera compresses or decompresses the file on the fly, so the compressed size is not known before the transfer
starts. However, the file is transferred as though it was compressed before the transfer started. This means each
FileAccessBuffer contains length of FileAccessBuffer bytes of compressed data, except for the last transfer. When
uploading transfer all the blocks of compressed data. When downloading transfer full blocks until ZLib indicates
the stream is done decompressing.

• Set DirectorySelector and DirectoryName to the directory you want to list.
o Some directories are directly selectable with just DirectorySelector, some also need
o For instance, to select the non-uniformity correction directory:
▪ Set DirectorySelector to Correction
• Set DirectoryOperationSelector to List
• Execute DirectoryOperationExecute and wait for it to finish.
• Check DirectoryOperationStatus, if it is not Success there was an error
• For each index between zero and DirectoryEntryIndexMax inclusive do:
o Set DirectoryEntryIndex to the current index
o Get DirectoryEntryName, DirectoryEntrySize, DirectoryEntryAttrib, DirectoryEntryModifiedTime

The process varies depending on which options you select, but at its core the process is:

• Setup the NUC options with registers in the CorrectionPerform category

• Execute CorrectionStart and wait for it to finish
• The NUC process is now running asynchronously in the camera
• Poll CorrectionStatus until it is Ready do the following each time you poll

This document does not contain export-controlled information.

o You can either present CorrectionStatusText to the user and let them command
CorrectionContinue, CorrectionAccept, CorrectionDiscard, or CorrectionAbort
o Or if CorrectionStatus is WaitingForFirstSourceExternal or WaitingForSecondSourceExternal fill
the field of view with the requested source and then execute CorrectionContinue
• Check CorrectionResult, if it is not Okay there was an error
• Execute CorrectionAccept to CorrectionDiscard to keep or revert the NUC
• Get the number of bad pixels detected by reading CorrectionBadPixel* registers
• If you want to save the NUC use PSXCorrectionSaveName and PSXCorrectionSave


To enumerate NUCs get a directory list of the corrections directory (as above).

To get the size of the NUC file:

• Set FileSelector to Correction

• Set FileName to the name of the NUC
• Set FileOperationSelector to GetInfo
• Execute FileOperationExecute and wait for it to finish
• Get FileSize

To get detailed information about the NUC file:

• Set CorrectionQueryName to the name of the NUC

• Execute CorrectionQueryExecute and wait for it to finish
• Check CorrectionQueryStatus, if it is not Success an error occurred
• Get detailed information by reading CorrectionQuery* registers

• Set PSXCorrectionLoadName to the name of the NUC you want to load (as read from above)
• Execute PSXCorrectionLoad

Where X is the preset number you want to load into (0-3)

• For each index between zero and CalibrationQueryIndexMax inclusive do:
o Set CalibrationQueryIndex to the current index
o Get detailed information by reading CalibrationQuery* registers

• Set PSXCalibrationLoadName to the tag of the calibration you want to load (as read from above)
• Execute PSXCalibrationLoad

Where X is the preset number you want to load into (0-3)

This document does not contain export-controlled information.

• Set StateSaveName to the name you want to save as, this string must not contain invalid filesystem
characters like / \ : * ? " < > |
• Execute StateSave

The following is a list of GenICam registers extracted from the GenICam XML file. The XML file is the definitive
source, but this list can help if you do not have a camera. Not all camera models support all features, so some
registers below may not apply to your camera.


ActivePreset: Integer, RW, Beginner

Preset to output when in single preset mode. You should also set the video preset to the same value when you are
in single preset mode.

AnalogOffsetVoltage: Float, RW, Beginner

Analog offset voltage in volts.

AnalogOffsetVoltageMax: Float, RO, Beginner

Maximum analog offset voltage in volts.

AnalogOffsetVoltageMin: Float, RO, Beginner

Minimum analog offset voltage in volts.

BlackHot: Boolean, RW, Beginner

Invert pixel values, making black hot and white cold.

CLHeaderDisable: Boolean, RW, Beginner

Disable header over cameralink

CLHeaderOnly: Boolean, RW, Beginner

Send only header over cameralink

ColorMax: Integer, RO, Beginner

Maximum valid color (number of colors - 1) for detectors that support multiple colors.

CXPHeaderDisable: Boolean, RW, Beginner

Disable header over CoaXPress

CXPHeaderOnly: Boolean, RW, Beginner

Send only header over CoaXPress

DetectorBias: Float, RW, Beginner

FPA bias in millivolts.

DetectorBiasIndex: Integer, RW, Beginner

Index of the detector bias to query or edit.

DetectorBiasIndexMax: Integer, RO, Beginner

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Maximum detector bias index (number of detector biases - 1).

DetectorBiasMax: Float, RO, Beginner

Maximum FPA bias in millivolts.

DetectorBiasMin: Float, RO, Beginner

Minimum FPA bias in millivolts.

FrameSyncDelay: Float, RW, Beginner

Delay in microseconds before acting after getting a frame sync.

FrameSyncMode: Enumeration, RW, Beginner

Frame sync mode, what action a frame start starts.
Possible values are:
Integration = 0
Frame sync starts integration.
Readout = 1
Frame sync starts readout.

FrameSyncPolarity: Enumeration, RW, Beginner

Polarity of the frame sync signal.
Possible values are:
ActiveLow = 0
ActiveHigh = 1

FrameSyncSource: Enumeration, RW, Beginner

Which signal to monitor for frame syncs.
Possible values are:
Internal = 0
Internal frame sync generated by the current frame rate.
External = 1
External frame sync in BNC.
Video = 2
Frame syncs generated from the video output.

GainLevel: Integer, RW, Beginner

FPA gain level number.

GainLevelMax: Integer, RO, Beginner

Maximum FPA gain level number.

GigeHeaderDisable: Boolean, RW, Beginner

Disable header over GigE

GigeHeaderOnly: Boolean, RW, Beginner

Only send header over GigE

GigEPreset: Enumeration, RW, Beginner

Preset(s) to output over GigE.
Possible values are:
PS0 = 0
PS1 = 1
PS2 = 2

This document does not contain export-controlled information.

PS3 = 3
All = 4

HSMAvailable: Boolean, RO, Beginner

True if High Sensitivity Mode is available.

HSMEnabled: Boolean, RW, Beginner

Enable or disable high sensitivity mode.

IntegrateOutPolarity: Enumeration, RW, Beginner

Polarity of the integrate out signal.
Possible values are:
ActiveLow = 0
ActiveHigh = 1

IRIGLatchSource: Enumeration, RW, Beginner

Determines which signal latches IRIG time.
Possible values are:
FrameStart = 0
IntegrationStart = 1
IntegrationEnd = 2

LensControlType: Enumeration, RW, Beginner

Possible values are:
None = 0
No motorized lens control.
FMB = 1
Motorized lens control in the RS6700.
Neos = 2
Control an external NEOS lens.
Pitts = 3

LensControlTypeChanged: Boolean, RO, Invisible

Force lens control type to be invalidated.

PresetSequencingMode: Enumeration, RW, Beginner

Preset Sequencing Mode.
Possible values are:
SinglePreset = 0
Output a single preset, the active preset.
PresetSequencing = 1
Output preset sequences based on dwell count.
Superframing = 2
Output superframes based on subframe enabled.

PS0CalibrationLoad: Command, RW, Beginner

Load the factory calibration given by LoadTag into preset 0.

PS0CalibrationLoadTag: String(256), RW, Beginner

Tag name of the factory calibration to load into preset 0 when Load is executed.

PS0CalibrationTag: String(256), RO, Beginner

This document does not contain export-controlled information.

Tag name of the factory calibration currently loaded into preset 0.

PS0CalibrationUnload: Command, RW, Beginner

Unload the factory calibratoin currently loaded into preset 0.

PS0Color: Integer, RW, Beginner

Color selection for preset 0 for detectors that support multiple colors.

PS0CorrectionLoad: Command, RW, Beginner

Load the non uniformity correction given by LoadName into preset 0.

PS0CorrectionLoadName: String(256), RW, Beginner

Name of the non uniformity correction to load into preset 0 when Load is executed.

PS0CorrectionName: String(256), RO, Beginner

Non uniformity correction currently loaded for preset 0.

PS0CorrectionSave: Command, RW, Beginner

Save the non uniformity correction in preset 0 to the file given by SaveName.

PS0CorrectionSaveName: String(256), RW, Beginner

Name of the non uniformity correction to save into from preset 0 when Save is executed.

PS0CorrectionUnload: Command, RW, Beginner

Unload the non uniformity correction currently loaded into preset 0.

PS0DigitalGain: Float, RW, Beginner

Digital gain applied to the image data after the non uniformity correction for preset 0.

PS0DigitalOffset: Float, RW, Beginner

Digital offset applied to the image data after the non uniformity correction for preset 0.

PS0DwellCount: Integer, RW, Beginner

Number of images to output before moving to the next preset when preset sequencing for preset 0.

PS0FrameRate: Float, RW, Beginner

Frame rate in Hertz for preset 0.

PS0FrameRateActual: Float, RO, Beginner

Actual frame rate that the camera is using for preset 0 in Hertz. This value is bounded by the camera and may be
different from the frame rate requested.

PS0FrameRateMax: Float, RO, Beginner

Maximum frame rate for preset 0.

PS0FrameRateMin: Float, RO, Beginner

Minimum frame rate for preset 0.

PS0FrameWidth: Integer, RW, Beginner

Frame width (period in clocks) for preset 0.

PS0FrameWidthActual: Integer, RO, Beginner

Actual frame width that the camera is using for preset 0 in clocks. This value is bounded by the camera and may

This document does not contain export-controlled information.

be different from the frame width requested.

PS0FrameWidthMax: Integer, RO, Beginner

Maximum frame width for preset 0.

PS0FrameWidthMin: Integer, RO, Beginner

Minimum frame width for preset 0.

PS0IntegrationTime: Float, RW, Beginner

Integration time in milliseconds for preset 0.

PS0IntegrationTimeMax: Float, RO, Beginner

Maximum integration time for preset 0.

PS0IntegrationTimeMin: Float, RO, Beginner

Minimum integration time for preset 0.

PS0IntegrationWidth: Integer, RW, Beginner

Integration width (period in clocks) for preset 0.

PS0IntegrationWidthMax: Integer, RO, Beginner

Maximum integration width for preset 0.

PS0IntegrationWidthMin: Integer, RO, Beginner

Minimum integration width for preset 0.

PS0SaturatedPixels: Integer, RO, Beginner

Number of saturated pixels in preset 0.

PS0SaturationCountThreshold: Integer, RW, Beginner

Maximum value a pixel in preset 0 can have before it is considered saturated.

PS0SaturationPixelThreshold: Integer, RW, Beginner

Maximum number of saturated pixels in preset 0 before preset 0 is considered saturated.

PS0SubframeEnabled: Boolean, RW, Beginner

Enable/output preset 0 when superframing.

PS0SyncOutDelay: Float, RW, Beginner

Delay between the sync out signal and the actual output out of the camera for preset 0.

PS1CalibrationLoad: Command, RW, Beginner

Load the factory calibration given by LoadTag into preset 1.

PS1CalibrationLoadTag: String(256), RW, Beginner

Tag name of the factory calibration to load into preset 1 when Load is executed.

PS1CalibrationTag: String(256), RO, Beginner

Tag name of the factory calibration currently loaded into preset 1.

PS1CalibrationUnload: Command, RW, Beginner

Unload the factory calibratoin currently loaded into preset 1.

This document does not contain export-controlled information.

PS1Color: Integer, RW, Beginner
Color selection for preset 1 for detectors that support multiple colors.

PS1CorrectionLoad: Command, RW, Beginner

Load the non uniformity correction given by LoadName into preset 1.

PS1CorrectionLoadName: String(256), RW, Beginner

Name of the non uniformity correction to load into preset 1 when Load is executed.

PS1CorrectionName: String(256), RO, Beginner

Non uniformity correction currently loaded for preset 1.

PS1CorrectionSave: Command, RW, Beginner

Save the non uniformity correction in preset 1 to the file given by SaveName.

PS1CorrectionSaveName: String(256), RW, Beginner

Name of the non uniformity correction to save into from preset 1 when Save is executed.

PS1CorrectionUnload: Command, RW, Beginner

Unload the non uniformity correction currently loaded into preset 1.

PS1DigitalGain: Float, RW, Beginner

Digital gain applied to the image data after the non uniformity correction for preset 1.

PS1DigitalOffset: Float, RW, Beginner

Digital offset applied to the image data after the non uniformity correction for preset 1.

PS1DwellCount: Integer, RW, Beginner

Number of images to output before moving to the next preset when preset sequencing for preset 1.

PS1FrameRate: Float, RW, Beginner

Frame rate in Hertz for preset 1.

PS1FrameRateActual: Float, RO, Beginner

Actual frame rate that the camera is using for preset 1 in Hertz. This value is bounded by the camera and may be
different from the frame rate requested.

PS1FrameRateMax: Float, RO, Beginner

Maximum frame rate for preset 1.

PS1FrameRateMin: Float, RO, Beginner

Minimum frame rate for preset 1.

PS1FrameWidth: Integer, RW, Beginner

Frame width (period in clocks) for preset 1.

PS1FrameWidthActual: Integer, RO, Beginner

Actual frame width that the camera is using for preset 1 in clocks. This value is bounded by the camera and may
be different from the frame width requested.

PS1FrameWidthMax: Integer, RO, Beginner

Maximum frame width for preset 1.

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PS1FrameWidthMin: Integer, RO, Beginner
Minimum frame width for preset 1.

PS1IntegrationTime: Float, RW, Beginner

Integration time in milliseconds for preset 1.

PS1IntegrationTimeMax: Float, RO, Beginner

Maximum integration time for preset 1.

PS1IntegrationTimeMin: Float, RO, Beginner

Minimum integration time for preset 1.

PS1IntegrationWidth: Integer, RW, Beginner

Integration width (period in clocks) for preset 1.

PS1IntegrationWidthMax: Integer, RO, Beginner

Maximum integration width for preset 1.

PS1IntegrationWidthMin: Integer, RO, Beginner

Minimum integration width for preset 1.

PS1SaturatedPixels: Integer, RO, Beginner

Number of saturated pixels in preset 1.

PS1SaturationCountThreshold: Integer, RW, Beginner

Maximum value a pixel in preset 1 can have before it is considered saturated.

PS1SaturationPixelThreshold: Integer, RW, Beginner

Maximum number of saturated pixels in preset 1 before preset 1 is considered saturated.

PS1SubframeEnabled: Boolean, RW, Beginner

Enable/output preset 1 when superframing.

PS1SyncOutDelay: Float, RW, Beginner

Delay between the sync out signal and the actual output out of the camera for preset 1.

PS2CalibrationLoad: Command, RW, Beginner

Load the factory calibration given by LoadTag into preset 2.

PS2CalibrationLoadTag: String(256), RW, Beginner

Tag name of the factory calibration to load into preset 2 when Load is executed.

PS2CalibrationTag: String(256), RO, Beginner

Tag name of the factory calibration currently loaded into preset 2.

PS2CalibrationUnload: Command, RW, Beginner

Unload the factory calibratoin currently loaded into preset 2.

PS2Color: Integer, RW, Beginner

Color selection for preset 2 for detectors that support multiple colors.

PS2CorrectionLoad: Command, RW, Beginner

Load the non uniformity correction given by LoadName into preset 2.

This document does not contain export-controlled information.

PS2CorrectionLoadName: String(256), RW, Beginner
Name of the non uniformity correction to load into preset 2 when Load is executed.

PS2CorrectionName: String(256), RO, Beginner

Non uniformity correction currently loaded for preset 2.

PS2CorrectionSave: Command, RW, Beginner

Save the non uniformity correction in preset 2 to the file given by SaveName.

PS2CorrectionSaveName: String(256), RW, Beginner

Name of the non uniformity correction to save into from preset 2 when Save is executed.

PS2CorrectionUnload: Command, RW, Beginner

Unload the non uniformity correction currently loaded into preset 2.

PS2DigitalGain: Float, RW, Beginner

Digital gain applied to the image data after the non uniformity correction for preset 2.

PS2DigitalOffset: Float, RW, Beginner

Digital offset applied to the image data after the non uniformity correction for preset 2.

PS2DwellCount: Integer, RW, Beginner

Number of images to output before moving to the next preset when preset sequencing for preset 2.

PS2FrameRate: Float, RW, Beginner

Frame rate in Hertz for preset 2.

PS2FrameRateActual: Float, RO, Beginner

Actual frame rate that the camera is using for preset 2 in Hertz. This value is bounded by the camera and may be
different from the frame rate requested.

PS2FrameRateMax: Float, RO, Beginner

Maximum frame rate for preset 2.

PS2FrameRateMin: Float, RO, Beginner

Minimum frame rate for preset 2.

PS2FrameWidth: Integer, RW, Beginner

Frame width (period in clocks) for preset 2.

PS2FrameWidthActual: Integer, RO, Beginner

Actual frame width that the camera is using for preset 2 in clocks. This value is bounded by the camera and may
be different from the frame width requested.

PS2FrameWidthMax: Integer, RO, Beginner

Maximum frame width for preset 2.

PS2FrameWidthMin: Integer, RO, Beginner

Minimum frame width for preset 2.

PS2IntegrationTime: Float, RW, Beginner

Integration time in milliseconds for preset 2.

This document does not contain export-controlled information.

PS2IntegrationTimeMax: Float, RO, Beginner
Maximum integration time for preset 2.

PS2IntegrationTimeMin: Float, RO, Beginner

Minimum integration time for preset 2.

PS2IntegrationWidth: Integer, RW, Beginner

Integration width (period in clocks) for preset 2.

PS2IntegrationWidthMax: Integer, RO, Beginner

Maximum integration width for preset 2.

PS2IntegrationWidthMin: Integer, RO, Beginner

Minimum integration width for preset 2.

PS2SaturatedPixels: Integer, RO, Beginner

Number of saturated pixels in preset 2.

PS2SaturationCountThreshold: Integer, RW, Beginner

Maximum value a pixel in preset 2 can have before it is considered saturated.

PS2SaturationPixelThreshold: Integer, RW, Beginner

Maximum number of saturated pixels in preset 2 before preset 2 is considered saturated.

PS2SubframeEnabled: Boolean, RW, Beginner

Enable/output preset 2 when superframing.

PS2SyncOutDelay: Float, RW, Beginner

Delay between the sync out signal and the actual output out of the camera for preset 2.

PS3CalibrationLoad: Command, RW, Beginner

Load the factory calibration given by LoadTag into preset 3.

PS3CalibrationLoadTag: String(256), RW, Beginner

Tag name of the factory calibration to load into preset 3 when Load is executed.

PS3CalibrationTag: String(256), RO, Beginner

Tag name of the factory calibration currently loaded into preset 3.

PS3CalibrationUnload: Command, RW, Beginner

Unload the factory calibratoin currently loaded into preset 3.

PS3Color: Integer, RW, Beginner

Color selection for preset 3 for detectors that support multiple colors.

PS3CorrectionLoad: Command, RW, Beginner

Load the non uniformity correction given by LoadName into preset 3.

PS3CorrectionLoadName: String(256), RW, Beginner

Name of the non uniformity correction to load into preset 3 when Load is executed.

PS3CorrectionName: String(256), RO, Beginner

This document does not contain export-controlled information.

Non uniformity correction currently loaded for preset 3.

PS3CorrectionSave: Command, RW, Beginner

Save the non uniformity correction in preset 3 to the file given by SaveName.

PS3CorrectionSaveName: String(256), RW, Beginner

Name of the non uniformity correction to save into from preset 3 when Save is executed.

PS3CorrectionUnload: Command, RW, Beginner

Unload the non uniformity correction currently loaded into preset 3.

PS3DigitalGain: Float, RW, Beginner

Digital gain applied to the image data after the non uniformity correction for preset 3.

PS3DigitalOffset: Float, RW, Beginner

Digital offset applied to the image data after the non uniformity correction for preset 3.

PS3DwellCount: Integer, RW, Beginner

Number of images to output before moving to the next preset when preset sequencing for preset 3.

PS3FrameRate: Float, RW, Beginner

Frame rate in Hertz for preset 3.

PS3FrameRateActual: Float, RO, Beginner

Actual frame rate that the camera is using for preset 3 in Hertz. This value is bounded by the camera and may be
different from the frame rate requested.

PS3FrameRateMax: Float, RO, Beginner

Maximum frame rate for preset 3.

PS3FrameRateMin: Float, RO, Beginner

Minimum frame rate for preset 3.

PS3FrameWidth: Integer, RW, Beginner

Frame width (period in clocks) for preset 3.

PS3FrameWidthActual: Integer, RO, Beginner

Actual frame width that the camera is using for preset 3 in clocks. This value is bounded by the camera and may
be different from the frame width requested.

PS3FrameWidthMax: Integer, RO, Beginner

Maximum frame width for preset 3.

PS3FrameWidthMin: Integer, RO, Beginner

Minimum frame width for preset 3.

PS3IntegrationTime: Float, RW, Beginner

Integration time in milliseconds for preset 3.

PS3IntegrationTimeMax: Float, RO, Beginner

Maximum integration time for preset 3.

PS3IntegrationTimeMin: Float, RO, Beginner

This document does not contain export-controlled information.

Minimum integration time for preset 3.

PS3IntegrationWidth: Integer, RW, Beginner

Integration width (period in clocks) for preset 3.

PS3IntegrationWidthMax: Integer, RO, Beginner

Maximum integration width for preset 3.

PS3IntegrationWidthMin: Integer, RO, Beginner

Minimum integration width for preset 3.

PS3SaturatedPixels: Integer, RO, Beginner

Number of saturated pixels in preset 3.

PS3SaturationCountThreshold: Integer, RW, Beginner

Maximum value a pixel in preset 3 can have before it is considered saturated.

PS3SaturationPixelThreshold: Integer, RW, Beginner

Maximum number of saturated pixels in preset 3 before preset 3 is considered saturated.

PS3SubframeEnabled: Boolean, RW, Beginner

Enable/output preset 3 when superframing.

PS3SyncOutDelay: Float, RW, Beginner

Delay between the sync out signal and the actual output out of the camera for preset 3.

SaturatedFlag: Boolean, RO, Beginner

Indicates if any presets have more saturated pixels than the count threshold.

SkimmingAvailable: Boolean, RO, Beginner

True if the skimming voltage is available.

SkimmingEnabled: Boolean, RW, Beginner

Enables the skimming voltage.

SkimmingVoltage: Float, RW, Beginner

Skimming voltage in volts.

SkimmingVoltageMax: Float, RO, Beginner

Maximum skimming voltage in volts.

SkimmingVoltageMin: Float, RO, Beginner

Minimum skimming voltage in volts.

SuperframeRate: Float, RW, Beginner

Rate at which to output superframes in Hertz.

SuperframeRateActual: Float, RO, Beginner

Actual superframe rate that the camera is using in Hertz. This value is bounded by the camera and may be
different from the superframe rate requested.

SuperframeRateMax: Float, RO, Beginner

Maximum superframe rate in hertz.

This document does not contain export-controlled information.

SuperframeRateMin: Float, RO, Beginner
Minimum superframe rate in hertz.

SuperframeWidth: Integer, RW, Beginner

Period in clocks between outputting superframes.

SuperframeWidthActual: Integer, RO, Beginner

Actual superframe width that the camera is using in clocks. This value is bounded by the camera and may be
different from the superframe width requested.

SuperframeWidthMax: Integer, RO, Beginner

Maximum number of clocks between outputting superframes.

SuperframeWidthMin: Integer, RO, Beginner

Minimum number of clocks between outputting superframes.

SyncOutPolarity: Enumeration, RW, Beginner

Polarity of the sync out signal.
Possible values are:
ActiveLow = 0
ActiveHigh = 1

SyncOutSource: Enumeration, RW, Beginner

Signal to output on the sync out BNC.
Possible values are:
IntegrationStart = 0
FrameStart = 1
SaturationFlag = 2

TriggerDelay: Float, RW, Beginner

Delay in microseconds after recieving a trigger before acting.

TriggerInternalRate: Float, RW, Beginner

Rate in hertz that the internal trigger generator generates pulses.

TriggerInternalWidth: Integer, RW, Beginner

Period in clocks between trigger pulses generated by the internal trigger generator.

TriggerIRIGDay: Integer, RW, Beginner

IRIG day to match when generating a trigger from IRIG time.

TriggerIRIGHour: Integer, RW, Beginner

IRIG hour to match when generating a trigger from IRIG time.

TriggerIRIGMicrosecond: Integer, RW, Beginner

IRIG microsecond to match when generating a trigger from IRIG time.

TriggerIRIGMillisecond: Integer, RW, Beginner

IRIG millisecond to match when generating a trigger from IRIG time.

TriggerIRIGMinute: Integer, RW, Beginner

IRIG minute to match when generating a trigger from IRIG time.

This document does not contain export-controlled information.

TriggerIRIGRead: Command, WO, Beginner
Read the IRIG trigger time values actually being used. Useful if you have modified the values but not commited

TriggerIRIGSecond: Integer, RW, Beginner

IRIG second to match when generating a trigger from IRIG time.

TriggerIRIGWrite: Command, WO, Beginner

Commit the IRIG trigger time values. The IRIG trigger time values will not take effect until you commit them with
this command.

TriggerMode: Enumeration, RW, Beginner

What to do when a trigger is recieved.
Possible values are:
FreeRun = 0
No triggers, camera free runs.
TriggeredFreeRun = 1
Stop outputting frames, wait for a trigger, then free run, outputting frames continuously.
TriggeredSequence = 2
Trigger a single preset sequence.
TriggeredPresetAdvance = 3
Trigger advances to the next preset.

TriggerPolarity: Enumeration, RW, Beginner

Polarity of the trigger signal.
Possible values are:
ActiveLow = 0
ActiveHigh = 1

TriggerRearm: Command, WO, Beginner

Rearm the trigger after recieving one. Use this to stop outputting images and wait for a trigger again when in
triggered free run mode.

TriggerSequenceCount: Integer, RW, Beginner

Number of preset sequences to output when in triggered sequence mode.

TriggerSoftware: Command, WO, Beginner

Send the camera a software trigger.

TriggerSource: Enumeration, RW, Beginner

Source to monitor for triggers.
Possible values are:
Internal = 0
Internal frequency generator.
External = 1
External trigger in BNC.
Software = 2
Software trigger.
IRIG = 3
Trigger on IRIG time match.

VoltageDisplayName: String(32), RO, Beginner

This document does not contain export-controlled information.

Friendly display name of this voltage.

VoltageEditable: Boolean, RO, Beginner

True if this voltage is editable.

VoltageIndex: Integer, RW, Beginner

Index of the generic voltage to query or edit.

VoltageIndexMax: Integer, RO, Beginner

Maximum index for the voltage index selector.

VoltageName: String(32), RO, Beginner

Name of this voltage.

VoltageVolts: Float, RW, Beginner

Voltage in volts of this voltage.

VoltageVoltsMax: Float, RO, Beginner

Maximum voltage in volts of this voltage.

VoltageVoltsMin: Float, RO, Beginner

Minimum voltage in volts of this voltage.


BadPixelPickerPick: Command, RW, Beginner

Modify the bad pixel list.

BadPixelPickerPreset: Integer, RW, Beginner

Preset to modify the bad pixel list of.

BadPixelPickerState: Boolean, RW, Beginner

True to mark the pixel as good, false to mark the pixel as bad.

BadPixelPickerX: Integer, RW, Beginner

X position of the pixel to set as good or bad.

BadPixelPickerY: Integer, RW, Beginner

Y position of the pixel to set as good or bad.


CalibrationIsFactoryCalibrated: Boolean, RO, Beginner

True if the camera is factory calibrated.

CalibrationReload: Command, RW, Guru

Execute this command to reload the factory calibration file if it has changed on the camera.


CalibrationQueryA1: Float, RO, Beginner

Calibration coefficient.

This document does not contain export-controlled information.

CalibrationQueryA2: Float, RO, Beginner
Calibration coefficient.

CalibrationQueryB: Float, RO, Beginner

Calibration coefficient.

CalibrationQueryB1: Float, RO, Beginner

Calibration coefficient.

CalibrationQueryB2: Float, RO, Beginner

Calibration coefficient.

CalibrationQueryBackgroundValue: Float, RO, Beginner

Counts -> radiance background value for this calibration.

CalibrationQueryBahdpassHigh: Float, RO, Beginner

Bandpass end in microns for this calibration. Can be used with Plank's equation to get an approximate

CalibrationQueryBandpassLow: Float, RO, Beginner

Bandpass start in microns for this calibration. Can be used with Plank's equation to get an approximate

CalibrationQueryCoeff0: Float, RO, Beginner

Counts -> radiance polynomial coefficient 0 for this calibratoin.

CalibrationQueryCoeff1: Float, RO, Beginner

Counts -> radiance polynomial coefficient 1 for this calibratoin.

CalibrationQueryCoeff2: Float, RO, Beginner

Counts -> radiance polynomial coefficient 2 for this calibratoin.

CalibrationQueryCoeff3: Float, RO, Beginner

Counts -> radiance polynomial coefficient 3 for this calibratoin.

CalibrationQueryCoeff4: Float, RO, Beginner

Counts -> radiance polynomial coefficient 4 for this calibratoin.

CalibrationQueryCoeff5: Float, RO, Beginner

Counts -> radiance polynomial coefficient 5 for this calibratoin.

CalibrationQueryCoeff6: Float, RO, Beginner

Counts -> radiance polynomial coefficient 6 for this calibratoin.

CalibrationQueryCorrection: String(256), RO, Beginner

Non uniformity correction used with this calibration.

CalibrationQueryF: Float, RO, Beginner

Calibration coefficient.

CalibrationQueryFilterID: Integer, RO, Beginner

ID of the filter used with this calibration.

This document does not contain export-controlled information.

CalibrationQueryIndex: Integer, RW, Beginner
Index of the calibration to query.

CalibrationQueryIndexMax: Integer, RO, Beginner

Maximum valid calibration query index.

CalibrationQueryLens: String(256), RO, Beginner

Name of the lens used with this calibration.

CalibrationQueryLensFilter: String(256), RO, Beginner

Name of the filter that should be screwed into the back of the lens for this calibration.

CalibrationQueryLUTSize: Integer, RO, Beginner

Number of entries in the radiance -> temperature lookup table for this calibration.

CalibrationQueryMaxCounts: Integer, RO, Beginner

Maximum valid raw count value for this calibration.

CalibrationQueryMaxRadiance: Float, RO, Beginner

Maximum valid radiance for this calibration.

CalibrationQueryMaxTemp: Float, RO, Beginner

Maximum valid temperature for this calibration in Kelvin.

CalibrationQueryMinCounts: Integer, RO, Beginner

Minimum valid raw count value for this calibration.

CalibrationQueryMinRadiance: Float, RO, Beginner

Minimum valid radiance for this calibration.

CalibrationQueryMinTemp: Float, RO, Beginner

Minimum valid temperature for this calibration in Kelvin.

CalibrationQueryName: String(256), RO, Beginner

Friendly name of this calibration.

CalibrationQueryOrder: Integer, RO, Beginner

Counts -> radiance polynomial order for this calibratoin.

CalibrationQueryR: Float, RO, Beginner

Calibration coefficient.

CalibrationQueryTag: String(256), RO, Beginner

Tag name of this calibration. Use this when loading the calibration.

CalibrationQueryTempCoeff0: Float, RO, Beginner

Radiance -> temperature polynomial coefficient 0 for this calibratoin.

CalibrationQueryTempCoeff1: Float, RO, Beginner

Radiance -> temperature polynomial coefficient 1 for this calibratoin.

CalibrationQueryTempCoeff2: Float, RO, Beginner

Radiance -> temperature polynomial coefficient 2 for this calibratoin.

This document does not contain export-controlled information.

CalibrationQueryTempCoeff3: Float, RO, Beginner
Radiance -> temperature polynomial coefficient 3 for this calibratoin.

CalibrationQueryTempCoeff4: Float, RO, Beginner

Radiance -> temperature polynomial coefficient 4 for this calibratoin.

CalibrationQueryTempCoeff5: Float, RO, Beginner

Radiance -> temperature polynomial coefficient 5 for this calibratoin.

CalibrationQueryTempCoeff6: Float, RO, Beginner

Radiance -> temperature polynomial coefficient 6 for this calibratoin.

CalibrationQueryTempOrder: Integer, RO, Beginner

Radiance -> temperature polynomial order for this calibratoin.

CalibrationQueryX: Float, RO, Beginner

Calibration coefficient.


CorrectionBadPixelMethod: Enumeration, RW, Beginner

Method to use when correcting bad pixels.
Possible values are:
TwoPointGradient = 0
Compute the bad pixels value by interpolating the nearest surrounding good pixels.
NearestNeighbor = 1
Replace the bad pixel with the nearest good pixel.
None = 2
Don't correct bad pixels.

CorrectionDigitalEnabled: Boolean, RW, Beginner

Enable non uniformity correction on the digital image outputs.

CorrectionDirectory: String(256), RO, Beginner

Directory used to store non uniformity corrections.

CorrectionShowBadPixels: Boolean, RW, Beginner

Show bad pixels by forcing them high instead of correcting them.

CorrectionVideoEnabled: Boolean, RW, Beginner

Enable non uniformity correction on the video output.


CorrectionAutoDeltaTemp: Float, RW, Beginner

Front panel temperature change in degrees C that causes an auto nuc.

CorrectionAutoDeltaTime: Integer, RW, Beginner

Number of minutes after an auto update to perform the next auto update.

CorrectionAutoEnabled: Boolean, RW, Beginner

Enable automatic non uniformity correction with the internal flag (offset update).

This document does not contain export-controlled information.

CorrectionAutoInProgress: Boolean, RO, Beginner
True if an auto update is currently in progress.

CorrectionAutoPerform: Command, WO, Beginner

Perform an auto update immediately.

CorrectionAutoUseDeltaTemp: Boolean, RW, Beginner

Perform an auto update when the front panel changes by DeltaTemp.

CorrectionAutoUseDeltaTime: Boolean, RW, Beginner

Perform an auto update when DeltaTime minutes after the last auto update.


CorrectionAbort: Command, WO, Beginner

Abort the correction process. To properly stop the correction process it must be accepted, discarded, or aborted.

CorrectionAccept: Command, WO, Beginner

Accept the results of the correction process. To properly stop the correction process it must be accepted,
discarded, or aborted.

CorrectionADMax: Integer, RW, Beginner

Maximum value a pixel can have during the correction before it is considered a bad pixel.

CorrectionADMin: Integer, RW, Beginner

Minimum value a pixel can have during the correction before it is considered a bad pixel.

CorrectionBadPixelAboveADMaxSource1PS0: Integer, RO, Beginner

Number of bad pixels detected because their value was above ADMax in the first source for preset 0.

CorrectionBadPixelAboveADMaxSource1PS1: Integer, RO, Beginner

Number of bad pixels detected because their value was above ADMax in the first source for preset 1.

CorrectionBadPixelAboveADMaxSource1PS2: Integer, RO, Beginner

Number of bad pixels detected because their value was above ADMax in the first source for preset 2.

CorrectionBadPixelAboveADMaxSource1PS3: Integer, RO, Beginner

Number of bad pixels detected because their value was above ADMax in the first source for preset 3.

CorrectionBadPixelAboveADMaxSource2PS0: Integer, RO, Beginner

Number of bad pixels detected because their value was above ADMax in the second source for preset 0.

CorrectionBadPixelAboveADMaxSource2PS1: Integer, RO, Beginner

Number of bad pixels detected because their value was above ADMax in the second source for preset 1.

CorrectionBadPixelAboveADMaxSource2PS2: Integer, RO, Beginner

Number of bad pixels detected because their value was above ADMax in the second source for preset 2.

CorrectionBadPixelAboveADMaxSource2PS3: Integer, RO, Beginner

Number of bad pixels detected because their value was above ADMax in the second source for preset 3.

CorrectionBadPixelAboveGainMaxPS0: Integer, RO, Beginner

This document does not contain export-controlled information.

Number of bad pixels detected because their gain was above GainMax for preset 0.

CorrectionBadPixelAboveGainMaxPS1: Integer, RO, Beginner

Number of bad pixels detected because their gain was above GainMax for preset 1.

CorrectionBadPixelAboveGainMaxPS2: Integer, RO, Beginner

Number of bad pixels detected because their gain was above GainMax for preset 2.

CorrectionBadPixelAboveGainMaxPS3: Integer, RO, Beginner

Number of bad pixels detected because their gain was above GainMax for preset 3.

CorrectionBadPixelBelowADMinSource1PS0: Integer, RO, Beginner

Number of bad pixels detected because their value was below ADMin in the first source for preset 0.

CorrectionBadPixelBelowADMinSource1PS1: Integer, RO, Beginner

Number of bad pixels detected because their value was below ADMin in the first source for preset 1.

CorrectionBadPixelBelowADMinSource1PS2: Integer, RO, Beginner

Number of bad pixels detected because their value was below ADMin in the first source for preset 2.

CorrectionBadPixelBelowADMinSource1PS3: Integer, RO, Beginner

Number of bad pixels detected because their value was below ADMin in the first source for preset 3.

CorrectionBadPixelBelowADMinSource2PS0: Integer, RO, Beginner

Number of bad pixels detected because their value was below ADMin in the second source for preset 0.

CorrectionBadPixelBelowADMinSource2PS1: Integer, RO, Beginner

Number of bad pixels detected because their value was below ADMin in the second source for preset 1.

CorrectionBadPixelBelowADMinSource2PS2: Integer, RO, Beginner

Number of bad pixels detected because their value was below ADMin in the second source for preset 2.

CorrectionBadPixelBelowADMinSource2PS3: Integer, RO, Beginner

Number of bad pixels detected because their value was below ADMin in the second source for preset 3.

CorrectionBadPixelBelowGainMinPS0: Integer, RO, Beginner

Number of bad pixels detected because their gain was below GainMin for preset 0.

CorrectionBadPixelBelowGainMinPS1: Integer, RO, Beginner

Number of bad pixels detected because their gain was below GainMin for preset 1.

CorrectionBadPixelBelowGainMinPS2: Integer, RO, Beginner

Number of bad pixels detected because their gain was below GainMin for preset 2.

CorrectionBadPixelBelowGainMinPS3: Integer, RO, Beginner

Number of bad pixels detected because their gain was below GainMin for preset 3.

CorrectionBadPixelFactoryPS0: Integer, RO, Beginner

Number of bad pixels added from the factory bad pixel list for preset 0.

CorrectionBadPixelFactoryPS1: Integer, RO, Beginner

Number of bad pixels added from the factory bad pixel list for preset 1.

This document does not contain export-controlled information.

CorrectionBadPixelFactoryPS2: Integer, RO, Beginner
Number of bad pixels added from the factory bad pixel list for preset 2.

CorrectionBadPixelFactoryPS3: Integer, RO, Beginner

Number of bad pixels added from the factory bad pixel list for preset 3.

CorrectionBadPixelNewPS0: Integer, RO, Beginner

Number of new bad pixels detected for preset 0.

CorrectionBadPixelNewPS1: Integer, RO, Beginner

Number of new bad pixels detected for preset 1.

CorrectionBadPixelNewPS2: Integer, RO, Beginner

Number of new bad pixels detected for preset 2.

CorrectionBadPixelNewPS3: Integer, RO, Beginner

Number of new bad pixels detected for preset 3.

CorrectionBadPixelTotalPS0: Integer, RO, Beginner

Total number of bad pixels detected for preset 0.

CorrectionBadPixelTotalPS1: Integer, RO, Beginner

Total number of bad pixels detected for preset 1.

CorrectionBadPixelTotalPS2: Integer, RO, Beginner

Total number of bad pixels detected for preset 2.

CorrectionBadPixelTotalPS3: Integer, RO, Beginner

Total number of bad pixels detected for preset 3.

CorrectionBadPixelTwinklingPS0: Integer, RO, Beginner

Number of twinkling bad pixels detected for preset 0.

CorrectionBadPixelTwinklingPS1: Integer, RO, Beginner

Number of twinkling bad pixels detected for preset 1.

CorrectionBadPixelTwinklingPS2: Integer, RO, Beginner

Number of twinkling bad pixels detected for preset 2.

CorrectionBadPixelTwinklingPS3: Integer, RO, Beginner

Number of twinkling bad pixels detected for preset 3.

CorrectionContinue: Command, WO, Beginner

Continue the correction process. Execute this after presenting a uniform source when prompted to by

CorrectionDetectBadPixels: Boolean, RW, Beginner

Detect bad pixels while performing the correction. This detects pixels that are stuck high or low (ADMin/ADMax)
or do not respond correctly to changes in energy (GainMin/GainMax).

CorrectionDetectTwinklingPixels: Boolean, RW, Beginner

Detect twinkling pixels when detecting bad pixels. Twinkling pixels flicker by flipping between a high value and a
low value, or a high or low value and a normal value.

This document does not contain export-controlled information.

CorrectionDiscard: Command, WO, Beginner
Discard the results of the correction process and revert to the previous correction. To properly stop the correction
process it must be accepted, discarded, or aborted.

CorrectionFlagSetpointDeltaHigh: Float, RW, Beginner

Delta from the camera's internal temperature used for the flag temperature for the second source.

CorrectionFlagSetpointDeltaLow: Float, RW, Beginner

Delta from the camera's internal temperature used for the flag temperature for the first source.

CorrectionFlagSetpointFixedHigh: Float, RW, Beginner

Temperature to use for the internal flag for the second source.

CorrectionFlagSetpointFixedLow: Float, RW, Beginner

Temperature to use for the internal flag for the first source.

CorrectionFlagSetpointType: Enumeration, RW, Beginner

NUC flag setpoint type used for internal corrections.
Possible values are:
Delta = 0
Set the flag temperature to the camera's internal temperature plus a delta.
Fixed = 1
Set the flag temperature to a fixed value.

CorrectionGainMax: Float, RW, Beginner

Maximum value a pixels gain coefficient can have before it is considered a bad pixel.

CorrectionGainMin: Float, RW, Beginner

Minimum value a pixels gain coefficient can have before it is considered a bad pixel.

CorrectionNumFrames: Integer, RW, Beginner

Number of frames to collect and average from each uniform temperature source.

CorrectionPS0: Boolean, RW, Beginner

Use preset 0 when performing a correction, multiple presets can be corrected at once.

CorrectionPS1: Boolean, RW, Beginner

Use preset 1 when performing a correction, multiple presets can be corrected at once.

CorrectionPS2: Boolean, RW, Beginner

Use preset 2 when performing a correction, multiple presets can be corrected at once.

CorrectionPS3: Boolean, RW, Beginner

Use preset 3 when performing a correction, multiple presets can be corrected at once.

CorrectionResult: Enumeration, RO, Beginner

Result of the correction process.
Possible values are:
Okay = 0
Correction completed successfully and must be accepted or discarded.
Abort = 1
Correction was aborted by the user.

This document does not contain export-controlled information.

AbortInvalidParam = 2
Correction was automatically aborted because on of the parameters is invalid.
AbortFlagCoolerRunaway = 3
Correction was automatically aborted because the flag cooler/heater could not reach the desired
temperature and started to enter thermal runaway.

CorrectionResultText: String(256), RO, Beginner

Text description of the correction result.

CorrectionSource: Enumeration, RW, Beginner

Uniform temperature source to use.
Possible values are:
External = 0
Internal NUC flag.
Internal = 1
External blackbody.

CorrectionStart: Command, WO, Beginner

Start the correction process. Poll CorrectionStatus and command
CorrectionContinue/CorrectionAbort/CorrectionAccept/CorrectionDiscard as needed.

CorrectionStatus: Enumeration, RO, Beginner

Status of the correction process.
Possible values are:
Ready = 0
Ready to start the correction process. Previous correction process is complete (if any), check
CorrectionResult for the status of the previous correction process.
SavingOldNUC = 1
The current NUC is being backed up so it can be reverted to if the correction is discarded.
WaitingForFirstSourceExternal = 2
The camera is waiting for the user to fill the field of view with a uniform temperature source and
command continue.
WaitingForFirstSourceInternal = 3
The camera is bringing the internal NUC flag to temperature.
CollectingFirstSource = 4
The camera is collecting images of the first uniform temperature source.
DoneCollectingFirstSource = 5
The camera has finished collecting images of the first uniform temperature source.
WaitingForSecondSourceExternal = 6
The camera is waiting for the user to fill the field of view with a uniform temperature source and
command continue.
WaitingForSecondSourceInternal = 7
The camera is bringing the internal NUC flag to temperature.
CollectingSecondSource = 8
The camera is collecting images of the second uniform temperature source.
DoneCollectingSecondSource = 9
The camera has finished collecting images of the second uniform temperature source.
CollectingTwinkleSource = 10
The camera is collecting images of a uniform temperature source used to detect twinkling pixels.
DoneCollectingTwinkleSource = 11
The camera has finished collecting images of a uniform temperature source used to detect twinkling
ComputingCoefficients = 12

This document does not contain export-controlled information.

The camera is computing the NUC coefficients.
Starting = 13
The correction process has started, but hasn't done anything yet. After starting a correction the process
will go into this state before CorrectionStart finishes executing. This is to make sure application logic
doesn't see a Ready state right after commanding CorrectionStart and confusing it for the process being
ApplyingFactoryBadPixelList = 14
The camera is applying the factory bad pixel list to the NUC.

CorrectionStatusText: String(256), RO, Beginner

Text description of the correction status. This is descriptive enough for the user to figure out what he/she should
do next to continue or finish the process.

CorrectionTwinklerDelta: Integer, RW, Beginner

Maximum ammount a pixel's value can change before it is considered bad when detecting twinkling pixels.

CorrectionTwinklerNumFrames: Integer, RW, Beginner

Number of frames to collect when detecting twinkling pixels. This value is rounded up to the nearest power of

CorrectionType: Enumeration, RW, Beginner

Type of correction to perform.
Possible values are:
OnePoint = 0
One point correction. Compute offsets from a single uniform temperature source. No gain is used.
TwoPoint = 1
Two point correction. Compute gains and offsets from two uniform temperature sources.
UpdateOffset = 2
Update offsets. Compute new offsets using one uniform temperature source, gain values are unchanged.

CorrectionUseFactoryBadPixels: Boolean, RW, Beginner

Add the factory bad pixel list to the list of bad pixels found during this correction.


CorrectionQueryADMax: Integer, RO, Beginner

Maximum value a pixel can have before it is considered a bad pixel used when this NUC was created.

CorrectionQueryADMin: Integer, RO, Beginner

Minimum value a pixel can have before it is considered a bad pixel used when this NUC was created.

CorrectionQueryAnalogOffset: Float, RO, Beginner

Analog offset voltage in volts used when this NUC was created.

CorrectionQueryBadPixelAboveADMaxSource1: Integer, RO, Beginner

Number of bad pixels detected because they were above ADMax in the first source when this NUC was created.

CorrectionQueryBadPixelAboveADMaxSource2: Integer, RO, Beginner

Number of bad pixels detected because they were above ADMax in the second source when this NUC was created.

CorrectionQueryBadPixelAboveGainMax: Integer, RO, Beginner

Number of bad pixels detected because they were above GainMax when this NUC was created.

This document does not contain export-controlled information.

CorrectionQueryBadPixelBelowADMinSource1: Integer, RO, Beginner
Number of bad pixels detected because they were below ADMin in the first source when this NUC was created.

CorrectionQueryBadPixelBelowADMinSource2: Integer, RO, Beginner

Number of bad pixels detected because they were below ADMin in the second source when this NUC was created.

CorrectionQueryBadPixelBelowGainMin: Integer, RO, Beginner

Number of bad pixels detected because they were below GainMin when this NUC was created.

CorrectionQueryBadPixelFactory: Integer, RO, Beginner

Number of bad pixels added from the factory bad pixe list when this NUC was created.

CorrectionQueryBadPixelNew: Integer, RO, Beginner

Number of new bad pixels detected when this NUC was created.

CorrectionQueryBadPixelTotal: Integer, RO, Beginner

Total number of bad pixels detected when this NUC was created.

CorrectionQueryBadPixelTwinklers: Integer, RO, Beginner

Number of twinkling pixels detected when this NUC was created.

CorrectionQueryColor: Integer, RO, Beginner

Color output when the NUC was created, if the camera supports multi color.

CorrectionQueryDetectBadPixels: Boolean, RO, Beginner

True if bad pixel detection was enabled when this NUC was created.

CorrectionQueryDetectorBias: Float, RO, Beginner

Detector bias in millivots used when this NUC was created.

CorrectionQueryDetectorBiasIndex: Integer, RW, Beginner

Detector bias to query for cameras that support multi color.

CorrectionQueryDetectorBiasIndexMax: Integer, RO, Beginner

Maximum detector bias index (number of biases - 1) for cameras that support multi color.

CorrectionQueryDetectTwinklingPixels: Boolean, RO, Beginner

True if twinkling pixel detection was enabled when this NUC was created.

CorrectionQueryDeviceID: String(64), RO, Beginner

Serial number of the camera this NUC was created on.

CorrectionQueryDeviceModel: String(64), RO, Beginner

Model name of the camera this NUC was created on.

CorrectionQueryDigitalGain: Float, RO, Beginner

Digital gain value used when this NUC was created.

CorrectionQueryDigitalOffset: Float, RO, Beginner

Digital offset value used when this NUC was created.

CorrectionQueryExecute: Command, RW, Beginner

Read information about the NUC named CorrectionQueryName.

This document does not contain export-controlled information.

CorrectionQueryFilterID: Integer, RO, Beginner
ID of the filter that was in the field of view when this NUC was created.

CorrectionQueryFrameRate: Float, RO, Beginner

Frame rate in Hertz used when this NUC was created.

CorrectionQueryFrameSyncMode: Enumeration, RO, Beginner

Frame sync mode the camera was in when the NUC was created.
Possible values are:
Integration = 0
Readout = 1

CorrectionQueryFrameWidth: Integer, RO, Beginner

Frame width (period in clocks) used when this NUC was created.

CorrectionQueryGainLevel: Integer, RO, Beginner

FPA gain level number used when this NUC was created.

CorrectionQueryGainMax: Float, RO, Beginner

Maximum value a pixels gain coefficient can have before it is considered a bad pixel used when this NUC was

CorrectionQueryGainMin: Float, RO, Beginner

Minimum value a pixels gain coefficient can have before it is considered a bad pixel used when this NUC was

CorrectionQueryHeight: Integer, RO, Beginner

Height of the FPA window used when this NUC was created.

CorrectionQueryIntegrationTime: Float, RO, Beginner

Integration time in milliseconds used when this NUC was created.

CorrectionQueryIntegrationWidth: Integer, RO, Beginner

Integration width (period in clocks) used when this NUC was created.

CorrectionQueryName: String(256), RW, Beginner

Name of the NUC to query.

CorrectionQueryNumFrames: Integer, RO, Beginner

Number of frames collected when creating this NUC.

CorrectionQueryOffsetX: Integer, RO, Beginner

FPA window x offset used when this NUC was created.

CorrectionQueryOffsetY: Integer, RO, Beginner

FPA window y offset used when this NUC was created.

CorrectionQueryReverseX: Boolean, RO, Beginner

Image horizontal flip state used when this NUC was created.

CorrectionQueryReverseY: Boolean, RO, Beginner

Image vertical flip state used when this NUC was created.

This document does not contain export-controlled information.

CorrectionQuerySkimmingEnabled: Boolean, RO, Beginner
True if the skimming voltage was enabled when this NUC was created.

CorrectionQuerySkimmingVoltage: Float, RO, Beginner

Skimming voltage used when this NUC was created.

CorrectionQuerySource: Enumeration, RO, Beginner

Uniform temperature source used when creating this NUC.
Possible values are:
External = 0
Internal = 1

CorrectionQueryStatus: Enumeration, RO, Beginner

Status of the last CorrectionQueryExecute.
Possible values are:
Success = 0
NUC information read sucessfully.
Failure = 1
Could not read the NUC or the NUC doesn't exist.

CorrectionQueryTwinklerDelta: Integer, RO, Beginner

Maximum pixel value delta used for detecting twinkling pixels when this NUC was created.

CorrectionQueryTwinklerNumFrames: Integer, RO, Beginner

Number of frames collected to detect twinkling pixels when this NUC was created.

CorrectionQueryType: Enumeration, RO, Beginner

Type of NUC that was performed to create this NUC.
Possible values are:
OnePoint = 0
TwoPoint = 1
UpdateOffset = 2

CorrectionQueryWidth: Integer, RO, Beginner

Width of the FPA window used when this NUC was created.


FilterNumberOf: Integer, RO, Beginner

How many filter slots there are in the filter wheel

FilterReplaceable: Boolean, RO, Beginner

True if filter is user replaceable. False if the camera has to be sent back to have filters replaced (Saturn)

FilterWheelCurrentFilterID: Integer, RO, Beginner

Filter ID of the filter that is currently in the field of view.

FilterWheelDesiredFilterID: Integer, RW, Beginner

Filter ID of the filter to move into the field of view with FilterWheelSelectDesiredFilterID.

FilterWheelFilterID0: Integer, RW, Beginner

Filter ID of the first filter scanned in the wheel.

This document does not contain export-controlled information.

FilterWheelFilterID1: Integer, RW, Beginner
Filter ID of the second filter scanned in the wheel.

FilterWheelFilterID2: Integer, RW, Beginner

Filter ID of the third filter scanned in the wheel.

FilterWheelFilterID3: Integer, RW, Beginner

Filter ID of the fourth filter scanned in the wheel.

FilterWheelPresent: Boolean, RO, Beginner

True if the camera has a filter wheel.

FilterWheelScan: Command, RW, Beginner

Scan the filter wheel, detecting which filters are present.

FilterWheelSelectDesiredFilterID: Command, RW, Beginner

Moves the filter from FilterWheelDesiredFilterID into the field of view.


FilterIDInSlot0: Integer, RW, Beginner

For Cameras that cannot read filter ID. Defines the filter ID placed in a given position in the wheel.

FilterIDInSlot1: Integer, RW, Beginner

For Cameras that cannot read filter ID. Defines the filter ID placed in a given position in the wheel.

FilterIDInSlot2: Integer, RW, Beginner

For Cameras that cannot read filter ID. Defines the filter ID placed in a given position in the wheel.

FilterIDInSlot3: Integer, RW, Beginner

For Cameras that cannot read filter ID. Defines the filter ID placed in a given position in the wheel.


FilterInfoAvailable: Boolean, RO, Beginner

Determines if the filter info registers are available.

FilterInfoIndex: Integer, RW, Beginner

Index (or ID) of the filter to get info on.

FilterInfoName: String(64), RW, Beginner

Name of this filter.


FlagCoolerEnabled: Boolean, RW, Beginner

Turns the NUC flag cooler/heater on and off.

FlagDesiredTemperature: Float, RW, Beginner

Temperature to bring the NUC flag to if it is temperature controlled, the cooler is enabled, and it is in the field of

This document does not contain export-controlled information.

FlagMoveToInFOV: Command, RW, Beginner
Command the flag to move into the field of view.

FlagMoveToStowed: Command, RW, Beginner

Command the flag to move out of the field of view.

FlagPresent: Boolean, RO, Beginner

True if this camera has a NUC flag.

FlagState: Enumeration, RO, Beginner

State of the NUC flag (in or out of the field of view).
Possible values are:
Stowed = 0
InFOV = 1

FlagTemperatureControlled: Boolean, RO, Beginner

True if the NUC flag is temperature controlled.


AutoFocusAvailable: Boolean, RO, Beginner

true if this lens supports Auto Focus

FocusAccuracy: Integer, RW, Beginner

Maximum distance between the target and actual focus position.

FocusAutoFast: Command, RW, Beginner

Auto focus, finding an in focus image as fast as possible. This method is faster than AutoFocusFull, but it may not
find the best focus if the image starts to go out of focus before finding the best focus position.

FocusAutoFull: Command, RW, Beginner

Auto focus, traveling through the full focus range. This method is slower than FocusAutoFast, but since it travels
through the full focus range it will find the best focus for the scene.

FocusAutoResult: Enumeration, RW, Beginner

Result of the auto focus process.
Possible values are:
Success = 0
Failure = 1

FocusAutoResultText: String(32), RW, Beginner

Text description of the result of the auto focus process.

FocusAutoROIPosition: Enumeration, RW, Beginner

Region of the image to focus on.
Possible values are:
Center = 0
TopLeft = 1
TopRight = 2
BottomLeft = 3
BottomRight = 4

FocusAutoROIShowWhenFocusing: Boolean, RW, Beginner

This document does not contain export-controlled information.

True to show the auto focus roi on the video output while auto focusing.

FocusAutoROISize: Integer, RW, Beginner

Size of the ROI to use when auto focusing.

FocusAutoStatus: Enumeration, RW, Beginner

Status of the auto focus process.
Possible values are:
InProgress = 0
Done = 1

FocusAutoStatusText: String(32), RW, Beginner

Text description of the status of the auto focus process.

FocusCurrentPosition: Integer, RW, Beginner

Current actual focus position.

FocusFar: Command, RW, Beginner

Move the focus to the far position.

FocusFarPosition: Integer, RW, Beginner

Focus position used for the far position.

FocusFastSpeed: Integer, RW, Beginner

Speed the focus motor moves at when using Fast in Move.

FocusManualMode: Boolean, RO, Beginner

True if the lens is in manual focus mode and cannot be controlled.

FocusMediumSpeed: Integer, RW, Beginner

Speed the focus motor moves at when using Medium in Move.

FocusMove: Enumeration, WO, Beginner

Move the focus in a direction at a given speed.
Possible values are:
FarFast = 4294967293
FarMedium = 4294967294
FarSlow = 4294967295
Stop = 0
NearSlow = 1
NearMedium = 2
NearFast = 3

FocusMoveBy: Integer, WO, Beginner

Move the focus by the given number of positions (signed).

FocusMoveTo: Integer, WO, Beginner

Move the focus position to the given value.

FocusNear: Command, RW, Beginner

Move the focus to the near position.

FocusNearPosition: Integer, RW, Beginner

This document does not contain export-controlled information.

Focus position used for the near position.

FocusPacedMove: Float, WO, Beginner

Move focus in +or- direction at this percentage of max speed

FocusPacedMoveAvailable: Boolean, RO, Beginner

True if paced (percentage based) focus movement is available.

FocusPosition: Integer, RW, Beginner

Target focus position.

FocusPositionIncrement: Integer, RW, Beginner

Ammount to increment the position when FocusSlowControl is Position.

FocusPresent: Boolean, RO, Beginner

True if the camera has a lens with focus control.

FocusQueryFOV: Enumeration, RW, Beginner

The field of view used to query the near/far position, speed, and accuracy.
Possible values are:
Narrow = 0
Wide = 1
Continuous = 2

FocusRangeMax: Integer, RO, Beginner

Maximum value for focus position.

FocusRangeMin: Integer, RO, Beginner

Minimum value for focus position.

FocusSlowControl: Enumeration, RW, Beginner

Method to use when trying to move the focus slowly.
Possible values are:
Position = 0
Increment the target position by the position increment in software.
Speed = 1
Use the camera's slow move speed.

FocusSlowSpeed: Integer, RW, Beginner

Speed the focus motor moves at when using Slow in Move.

FocusSPIEnable: Boolean, RW, Beginner

Disable the lens spi bus. This will cause auto focus to avoid using the spi bus

FocusToDistance: Float, WO, Beginner

Value in meters to focus to.

FocusToDistanceAvailable: Boolean, RO, Beginner

Lens can focus given an object distance

FocusToDistanceMax: Float, RO, Beginner

Maximum value for focus to distance in meters.

This document does not contain export-controlled information.

FocusToDistanceMin: Float, RO, Beginner
Minimum value for focus to distance in meters.


FOVCurrentPos: Integer, RO, Beginner

Current actual continuous zoom position.

FOVIsContinuous: Boolean, RO, Beginner

True if the lens supports continuous zoom instead of discrete states.

FOVMax: Command, RW, Beginner

Move the continuous zoom to it's maximum position.

FOVMin: Command, RW, Beginner

Move the continuous zoom to it's minimum position.

FOVMove: Enumeration, WO, Beginner

Move the continuous zoom in a direction and speed.
Possible values are:
FarFast = 4294967293
FarMedium = 4294967294
FarSlow = 4294967295
Stop = 0
NearSlow = 1
NearMedium = 2
NearFast = 3

FOVMoveBy: Integer, WO, Beginner

Move the continuous zoom position by the given delta.

FOVMoveTo: Integer, WO, Beginner

Move the continuous zoom to the given position.

FOVPacedMove: Float, WO, Beginner

Move fov in + or - direction at this percentage of max speed

FOVPacedMoveAvailable: Boolean, RO, Beginner

True if paced (percentage based) field of view movement is available

FOVPos: Integer, RW, Beginner

Target continuous zoom position.

FOVPresent: Boolean, RO, Beginner

True if the camera has a lens with field of view control.

FOVRangeMax: Integer, RO, Beginner

Maximum position for continuous zoom.

FOVRangeMin: Integer, RO, Beginner

Minimum position for continuous zoom.

FOVState: Enumeration, RW, Beginner

This document does not contain export-controlled information.

Current field of view (if not continuous).
Possible values are:
Narrow = 0
Wide = 1
Continuous = 2


LensStateDirectory: String(256), RO, Beginner

Directory used to store lens states.

LensStateLoad: Command, RW, Beginner

Load the lens state file named LensStateLoadName as the current state.

LensStateLoadName: String(256), RW, Beginner

Name of the lens state to load when executing LensStateLoad.

LensStateModified: Boolean, RW, Beginner

True if the lens state has been modified since it was loaded.

LensStateName: String(256), RW, Beginner

Name of the currently loaded lens state (focus/fov settings).

LensStateSave: Command, RW, Beginner

Save the current lens state to a file named LensStateSaveName.

LensStateSaveName: String(256), RW, Beginner

Name of the lens state to save when executing LensStateSave.


LockinAlphaFilter: Enumeration, RW, Beginner

Digital filter applied to the lockin A/D value.
Possible values are:
Off = 0
a1_2 = 1
a1_4 = 2
a1_8 = 3
a1_16 = 4
a1_32 = 5
a1_64 = 6
a1_128 = 7

LockinAvailable: Boolean, RO, Beginner

True if lockin is available on this model. Note: This option requires factory configuration, so it may not be physically
available even if this model supports it.

LockinCoupling: Enumeration, RW, Beginner

Lockin Coupling
Possible values are:
AC = 0
DC = 1

This document does not contain export-controlled information.

LockinEstInputFreq: Float, RW, Beginner
Estimated input lockin frequency in Hz. Setting this improves the accuracy of the lockin phase and period. Ignore
this if you ware using the lockin as just an A/D.

LockinOneShotDelay: Integer, RW, Guru

Number of clocks to ignore zero crossings after one is detected. Use LockinEstInputFreq instead.

LockinSampleDecimation: Integer, RW, Guru

Decimation factor used when sampling the lockin A/D. Use LockinSampleFreq instead.

LockinSampleFreq: Float, RW, Beginner

Frequency to sample the lockin A/D at.


StateDirectory: String(256), RO, Beginner

Directory in the camera used to store camera save states in.

StateIsFactoryDefault: Boolean, RO, Beginner

True if the current camera state is the factory default state.

StateLoad: Command, RW, Beginner

Loads the state in LoadStateName into the current camera state.

StateLoadFactoryDefaults: Command, RW, Beginner

Loads the factory default state.

StateLoadHardDefaults: Command, RW, Guru

Loads harcoded defaults for this camera model into the current camera state.

StateLoadName: String(256), RW, Beginner

Name to use when loading a camera state.

StateName: String(256), RO, Beginner

Name of the currently loaded camera state.

StateSave: Command, RW, Beginner

Saves the current camera state to SaveStateName.

StateSaveFactoryDefaults: Command, RW, Guru

Saves the current camera state as the factory default state.

StateSaveName: String(256), RW, Beginner

Name to use when saving a camera state.


SSDArm: Command, WO, Beginner

Arm for recording, start grabbing pretrigger frames, wait for trigger.

SSDAutoPlay: Boolean, RW, Beginner

Automatically play the buffer after recording (and after auto saving if set).

This document does not contain export-controlled information.

SSDAutoSave: Boolean, RW, Beginner
Automatically save the buffer to the SSD after recording.

SSDDisarm: Command, WO, Beginner

Disarm recording, discard pretrigger buffer, stop waiting for a trigger.

SSDDrivePresent: Boolean, RO, Beginner

True if an SSD is plugged in.

SSDDriveRecognized: Boolean, RO, Beginner

True if an SSD is plugged in and properly formatted.

SSDDriveSpaceFree: Integer, RO, Beginner

Number of free bytes on the drive.

SSDDriveSpaceFreeHigh: Integer, RO, Invisible


SSDDriveSpaceFreeLow: Integer, RO, Invisible


SSDDriveSpaceTotal: Integer, RO, Beginner

Total space on the drive in bytes.

SSDDriveSpaceTotalHigh: Integer, RO, Invisible


SSDDriveSpaceTotalLow: Integer, RO, Invisible


SSDDriveSpaceUsed: Integer, RO, Beginner

Number of used bytes on the drive.

SSDDriveSpaceUsedHigh: Integer, RO, Invisible


SSDDriveSpaceUsedLow: Integer, RO, Invisible


SSDEndFrame: Integer, RW, Beginner

Playback end limit, last frame to play, 0 based and inclusive.

SSDFormatDrive: Command, WO, Beginner

Format the SSD, all data will be lost.

SSDLoadMovie: Command, WO, Beginner

Load the movie at movie index from the SSD into the buffer.

SSDLoadMovieIndex: Integer, RW, Beginner

Index of the movie to load.

SSDLoopPlayback: Boolean, RW, Beginner

Loop when playing the memory buffer.

This document does not contain export-controlled information.

SSDMaxNumFrames: Integer, RO, Beginner
Maxinum number of frames that can be recorded.

SSDNumFrames: Integer, RW, Beginner

Number of frames to record.

SSDPauseBuffer: Command, WO, Beginner

Pause the memory buffer.

SSDPlaybackFrame: Integer, RO, Beginner

Currently playing frame.

SSDPlaybackRate: Float, RW, Beginner

Playback rate in hertz.

SSDPlaybackWidth: Integer, RW, Beginner

Playback period in clocks.

SSDPlayBuffer: Command, WO, Beginner

Play the memory buffer.

SSDPresent: Boolean, RO, Beginner

True if the SSD/Memory board is present.

SSDPretriggerFrames: Integer, RW, Beginner

Number of frames before the trigger to keep.

SSDResumeBuffer: Command, WO, Beginner

Resume playing the memory buffer.

SSDSaveBuffer: Command, WO, Beginner

Save the memory buffer to the SSD.

SSDSaveName: String(64), RW, Beginner

Filename to use when saving the buffer to the SSD.

SSDSkipBackward: Command, WO, Beginner

Pause playback and skip back one frame.

SSDSkipForward: Command, WO, Beginner

Pause playback and skip forward one frame.

SSDSkipToFrame: Integer, WO, Beginner

Pause playback and skip to this frame.

SSDStartFrame: Integer, RW, Beginner

Playback start limit, first frame to play, 0 based.

SSDState: Enumeration, RO, Beginner

State machine state.
Possible values are:
Disarmed = 0

This document does not contain export-controlled information.

Armed = 1
Triggered = 2
Complete = 3
Playing = 4
Saving = 5
Paused = 6
Formatting = 7
Loading = 8

SSDStopBuffer: Command, WO, Beginner

Stop playing the memory buffer.

SSDTrigger: Command, WO, Beginner

Trigger a recording.


SSDMovieQueryEndDay: Integer, RO, Beginner

IRIG time of the last frame in the movie.

SSDMovieQueryEndHour: Integer, RO, Beginner

IRIG time of the last frame in the movie.

SSDMovieQueryEndMicrosecond: Integer, RO, Beginner

IRIG time of the last frame in the movie.

SSDMovieQueryEndMillisecond: Integer, RO, Beginner

IRIG time of the last frame in the movie.

SSDMovieQueryEndMinute: Integer, RO, Beginner

IRIG time of the last frame in the movie.

SSDMovieQueryEndSecond: Integer, RO, Beginner

IRIG time of the last frame in the movie.

SSDMovieQueryExecute: Command, WO, Beginner

Read information about the movie at the given index.

SSDMovieQueryHeight: Integer, RW, Beginner

Frame height of the movie.

SSDMovieQueryIndex: Integer, RW, Beginner

Movie index to query.

SSDMovieQueryIndexMax: Integer, RO, Beginner

Last valid movie index.

SSDMovieQueryName: String(64), RO, Beginner

Name of the movie.

SSDMovieQueryNumber: Integer, RO, Beginner

Unique number of the movie.

This document does not contain export-controlled information.

SSDMovieQueryNumFrames: Integer, RO, Beginner
Number of frames in the movie.

SSDMovieQueryStartDay: Integer, RO, Beginner

IRIG time of the first frame in the movie.

SSDMovieQueryStartHour: Integer, RO, Beginner

IRIG time of the first frame in the movie.

SSDMovieQueryStartMicrosecond: Integer, RO, Beginner

IRIG time of the first frame in the movie.

SSDMovieQueryStartMillisecond: Integer, RO, Beginner

IRIG time of the first frame in the movie.

SSDMovieQueryStartMinute: Integer, RO, Beginner

IRIG time of the first frame in the movie.

SSDMovieQueryStartSecond: Integer, RO, Beginner

IRIG time of the first frame in the movie.

SSDMovieQueryStatus: Boolean, RO, Beginner

True if the last query was successful.

SSDMovieQueryWidth: Integer, RO, Beginner

Frame width of the movie.


VideoBrightness: Integer, RW, Beginner

Brightness to apply to the video output for formats that support it.

VideoContrast: Integer, RW, Beginner

Contrast to apply to the video output for formats that support it.

VideoFormat: Enumeration, RW, Beginner

Video format to output.
Possible values are:
vfNTSC = 0
vfPAL = 1
vfSVGA = 2
vfNTSCSP = 3
vfPALSP = 4
vf720p60Hz = 5
vfSXGA = 6
vf1080p24Hz = 7
vf1080p30Hz = 8
vf1080p60Hz = 9
vf720p59_9Hz = 10
vf1080p29_9Hz = 11
vf720p50Hz = 12
vf1080p25Hz = 13

This document does not contain export-controlled information.

VideoOffsetRead: Command, RW, Beginner
Read the actual video offset values being used. Updates VideoOffsetX/Y to the values actually being used (for
instance if they've been modified but not written).

VideoOffsetWrite: Command, RW, Beginner

Commit the video offset values. Commit changes to VideoOffsetX/Y.

VideoOffsetX: Integer, RW, Beginner

X Offset from the top left of the video output to place the image. Use VideoOffsetRead to update this to the actual
value used, Use VideoOffsetWrite to set this as the actual value used.

VideoOffsetY: Integer, RW, Beginner

Y Offset from the top left of the video output to place the image. Use VideoOffsetRead to update this to the actual
value used, Use VideoOffsetWrite to set this as the actual value used.

VideoPosition: Enumeration, RW, Beginner

Where to place the image on the video output.
Possible values are:
SameAsFPA = 0
Output the image on the video output with the same offset as the image on the FPA (sensor). I.E. use
OffsetX and OffsetY for the offset into the video output.
Center = 1
Center the image in the video output.
Offset = 2
Use a manually specified offset for the image.

VideoPreset: Integer, RW, Beginner

Preset to output on the video output. This should match the active preset unless you are preset sequencing or

VideoTemporalFilter: Enumeration, RW, Beginner

Temporal filter to apply to the video output.
Possible values are:
vtfNone = 0
vtf4Tap = 1
vtf4TapAdaptive = 2

VideoTemporalFilterTreshold: Integer, RW, Beginner

Pixel value deltas above this value will be applied immediately instead of averaged.

VideoUpdateRate: Enumeration, RW, Beginner

When to update the video image for output formats that support interlacing.
Possible values are:
Frame = 0
Field = 1

VideoZoomBilinear: Boolean, RW, Beginner

Use bilinear interpolation when zooming.

VideoZoomFactor: Enumeration, RW, Beginner

Zoom factor to apply to the image on the video output.
Possible values are:
vzfHalf = 0

This document does not contain export-controlled information.

vzf1x = 1
vzf2x = 2
vzf4x = 3
vzf4_3x = 4


PaletteDirectory: String(256), RO, Beginner

Directory where palettes are stored.

PaletteLoad: Command, RW, Beginner

Load the palette given by PaletteLoadName.

PaletteLoadName: String(256), RW, Beginner

Name of the palette to load with PaletteLoad.

PaletteName: String(256), RO, Beginner

Name of the currently loaded video output palette.


VideoAGCDDESharpness: Integer, RW, Beginner

Sharpness factor used with DDE scaling.

VideoAGCDDEThreshold: Integer, RW, Beginner

Threshold for change used with DDE scaling.

VideoAGCFilterDampening: Float, RW, Beginner

Filter dampening factor. Dampening affects how quickly changes in the scene affect the scaling algorithm.

VideoAGCFilterDampeningEnabled: Boolean, RW, Beginner

Enable filter dampening. Dampening affects how quickly changes in the scene affect the scaling algorithm.

VideoAGCFilterRate: Float, RW, Beginner

Enable the filter rate. The filter rate is how often scaling is updated. If the filter rate is not enabled the scaling will
be updated every frame.

VideoAGCFilterRateEnabled: Boolean, RW, Beginner

Enable the filter rate. The filter rate is how often scaling is updated. If the filter rate is not enabled the scaling will
be updated every frame.

VideoAGCManualHigh: Integer, RW, Beginner

Maximum pixel value used with manual scaling. The imae is scaled evenly between the minimum and maximum
pixel values.

VideoAGCManualLow: Integer, RW, Beginner

Minimum pixel value used with manual scaling. The imae is scaled evenly between the minimum and maximum
pixel values.

VideoAGCMethod: Enumeration, RW, Beginner

Scaling algorithm to apply to the image data on the video output.
Possible values are:
Plateau = 0

This document does not contain export-controlled information.

DDE = 1
Linear = 2
Manual = 3

VideoAGCPlateauP: Integer, RW, Beginner

P value used for Plateau scaling.

VideoAGCROIEnabled: Boolean, RW, Beginner

Enables the AGC ROI. When enabled the scaling algorithm will compute the color map from only the pixels inside
the ROI, otherwise the entire image is used.

VideoAGCROIHeight: Integer, RW, Beginner

Height of the AGC ROI. Use VideoAGCROIRead to update this to the actual value used, Use VideoAGCROIWrite to
set this as the actual value used.

VideoAGCROIOffsetX: Integer, RW, Beginner

X Offset from the top left of the image to the start of the AGC ROI. Use VideoAGCROIRead to update this to the
actual value used, Use VideoAGCROIWrite to set this as the actual value used.

VideoAGCROIOffsetY: Integer, RW, Beginner

Y Offset from the top left of the image to the start of the AGC ROI. Use VideoAGCROIRead to update this to the
actual value used, Use VideoAGCROIWrite to set this as the actual value used.

VideoAGCROIRead: Command, RW, Beginner

Read the actual AGC ROI values being used. Updates VideoAGCROIWidth/Height/OffsetX/OffsetY to the values
actually being used (for instance if they've been modified but not written).

VideoAGCROIShowWhenEnabled: Boolean, RW, Beginner

Show the AGC ROI on the video output when it is enabled.

VideoAGCROIWidth: Integer, RW, Beginner

Width of the AGC ROI. Use VideoAGCROIRead to update this to the actual value used, Use VideoAGCROIWrite to
set this as the actual value used.

VideoAGCROIWrite: Command, RW, Beginner

Commit the AGC ROI values. Commit changes to VideoAGCROIWidth/Height/OffsetX/OffsetY.


VideoOverlayAGCROIColor: Integer, RW, Beginner

Index of the color used for the AGC ROI on the video output overlay.

VideoOverlayClear: Command, RW, Beginner

Clear everything off the video output overlay.

VideoOverlayClearMessage: Command, WO, Beginner

Achnowledge/clear the infomational/warning message shown on the video output overlay.

VideoOverlayEnabled: Boolean, RW, Beginner

Enables the text/graphic overlay on the video output.

VideoOverlayFocusROIColor: Integer, RW, Beginner

Index of the color used for the auto focus ROI on the video output overlay.

This document does not contain export-controlled information.

VideoOverlayShowAGCROI: Boolean, RW, Beginner
Show the AGC ROI on the video output overlay.

VideoOverlayShowAirGapTemp: Boolean, RW, Beginner

Show the current air gap temperature on the video output overlay.

VideoOverlayShowCameraInfo: Boolean, RW, Beginner

Show the camera model and serial number on the video output overlay.

VideoOverlayShowChassisTemp: Boolean, RW, Beginner

Show the current chasis temperature on the video output overlay.

VideoOverlayShowDate: Boolean, RW, Beginner

Show the current date on the video output overlay.

VideoOverlayShowFlag: Boolean, RW, Beginner

Show the NUC flag state on the video output overlay.

VideoOverlayShowFocus: Boolean, RW, Beginner

Show the current focus position on the video output overlay.

VideoOverlayShowFocusROI: Boolean, RW, Beginner

Show the auto focus ROI on the video output overlay.

VideoOverlayShowFOV: Boolean, RW, Beginner

Show the current field of view on the video output overlay.

VideoOverlayShowFrameRate: Boolean, RW, Beginner

Show the current frame rate on the video output overlay.

VideoOverlayShowFrontPanelTemp: Boolean, RW, Beginner

Show the current front panel temperature on the video output overlay.

VideoOverlayShowHourMeter: Boolean, RW, Beginner

Show the hour meter on the video output overlay.

VideoOverlayShowInternalTemp: Boolean, RW, Beginner

Show the current internal temperature on the video output overlay.

VideoOverlayShowIRIG: Boolean, RW, Beginner

Show the current IRIG time on the video output overlay.

VideoOverlayShowLensTemp: Boolean, RW, Beginner

Show the current lens temperature on the video output overlay.

VideoOverlayShowLogo: Boolean, RW, Beginner

Show the FLIR logo on the video output overlay.

VideoOverlayShowMessage: Boolean, RW, Beginner

Show the infomational/warning message on the video output overlay.

VideoOverlayShowPalette: Boolean, RW, Beginner

This document does not contain export-controlled information.

Show the current color palette on the video output overlay.

VideoOverlayShowPreset: Boolean, RW, Beginner

Show the current active preset on the video output overlay.

VideoOverlayShowStateName: Boolean, RW, Beginner

Show the last loaded or saved state name on the video output overlay.

VideoOverlayShowTime: Boolean, RW, Beginner

Show the current time on the video output overlay.

VideoOverlayShowZoom: Boolean, RW, Beginner

Show the current digital zoom level on the video output overlay.

VideoOverlayTextBackground: Integer, RW, Beginner

Index of the color used for the background behind text on the video output overlay.

VideoOverlayTextColor: Integer, RW, Beginner

Index of the color used for text on the video output overlay.

VideoOverlayUseDefaults: Command, RW, Beginner

Revert to the default settings for the video output overlay.


CameraFileAccessBuffer: Register(512), RW, Beginner

Buffer that holds data to be written to the currently open file, or data that was read from the currently open file.

CameraFileAccessLength: Integer, RW, Beginner

Number of valid bytes in the read/write buffer.

CameraFileAccessOffset: Integer, RW, Beginner

Offset into the file to read or write at.

CameraFileCompression: Enumeration, RW, Guru

Compression type to use when transfering the file.
Possible values are:
None = 0
ZLib = 1

CameraFileModifiedTime: Integer, RO, Guru

Last modified time of the file read when getting info on a file.

CameraFileModifiedTimeHigh: Integer, RO, Invisible


CameraFileModifiedTimeLow: Integer, RO, Invisible


CameraFileName: String(256), RW, Guru

Name of the file to operate on.

CameraFileNewName: String(256), RW, Guru

This document does not contain export-controlled information.

Name to rename a file to when renaming a file.

CameraFileOpenMode: Enumeration, RW, Beginner

How to open the selected file when executing an open command.
Possible values are:
Read = 0
Open for reading.
Write = 1
Open for writing.
ReadWrite = 2
Open for reading and writing. File compression cannot be used.
Create = 3
Open for reading and writing, fail if the file already exists. File compression cannot be used.

CameraFileOperationExecute: Command, RW, Beginner

Execute the selected file operation.

CameraFileOperationResult: Integer, RO, Beginner

Number of bytes actually read or written to the file.

CameraFileOperationSelector: Enumeration, RW, Beginner

File operation to perform.
Possible values are:
Open = 0
Open a file.
Close = 1
Close the currently open file.
Read = 2
Read data from the currently open file.
Write = 3
Write data to the currently open file.
Delete = 4
Delete the selected file.
Rename = 5
Rename the selected file.
GetInfo = 6
Get information on the selected file (modified time and size).

CameraFileOperationStatus: Enumeration, RO, Beginner

Status of the file operation.
Possible values are:
Success = 0
Failure = 1

CameraFileSelector: Enumeration, RW, Guru

Selects the file or directory to operate on. Used in conjunction with Name.
Possible values are:
Generic = 0
SaveState = 1
Correction = 2
LensState = 3
Palette = 4
FactoryDefaultState = 5

This document does not contain export-controlled information.

CalibrationLUT = 6

CameraFileSize: Integer, RW, Beginner

Size of the file read when getting info on a file.


BoardType: Enumeration, RO, Beginner

Board set used by the camera.
Possible values are:
BHP1 = 0
BHP2 = 1
Venus = 2
GHP = 3
Saturn = 4
Neptune = 5

CameraLinkType: Enumeration, RW, Beginner

Type of CameraLink output to use. Some models that output CameraLink Full will allow you to output CameraLink
Base at a lower rate instead.
Possible values are:
Base = 0
Full = 1

CameraLinkTypeAvailable: Boolean, RO, Beginner

True if the camera link type is selectable.

CameraModel: String(32), RO, Beginner

Model number/name of the camera.

CameraSerial: String(32), RO, Beginner

Serial number of the camera.

CameraSubtype: Integer, RO, Beginner

Specific camera type of the camera.

CameraType: Enumeration, RO, Beginner

General camera type of the camera.
Possible values are:
SC6000 = 3
SC8000 = 4
RS6000 = 7
X6000sc = 9
X8000sc = 10
A6000sc = 11
A8000sc = 12
RS8000 = 13
RS6000v2 = 14
A6000scMer = 15
A6000scSat = 16
A8000scSat = 17
X6000scNep = 18
X8000scNep = 19

This document does not contain export-controlled information.

CameraVariant: Integer, RO, Beginner
Camera variant.

CoaXPressLinkCount: Integer, RW, Beginner

Number of CoaXPress links to use.

CoaXPressLinkCountAvailable: Boolean, RO, Beginner

True if CoaXPress is available.

ComponentInfo: String(32), RO, Beginner

Extra component information or version number selected by InfoSelector.

ComponentInfoSelector: Enumeration, RW, Beginner

Selects extra component information including version information.
Possible values are:
CPLD_Version = 0
NFPGA_Version = 1
VFPGA_Version = 3
Digitizer_Version = 5
FPA_Serial = 6
IDCA_Serial = 7
Cooler_Serial = 8
Flex_Part_Number = 9
Flex_Revision = 10
Flex_Serial = 11
AppCore_Version = 12
AppServices_Version = 13
Bootloader_Version = 14
FLIRKernel_Version = 15
GCA_Version = 16
WinCE_Version = 17
common_dll_Version = 18
PowerBoard_Version = 19
PowerBoardBoot_Version = 20
SerComm_Version = 21
CXPComm_Version = 22
PFPGA_Version = 23
CFPGA_Version = 25
SSDFPGA_Version = 27
Updater_Version = 29
Recovery_Version = 30

CoolDownTime: Integer, RO, Beginner

Time from powerup to cooldown

DetectorType: Enumeration, RO, Beginner

Detector material.

This document does not contain export-controlled information.

Possible values are:
InSb = 0
InGaAs = 1
VisGaAs = 2
QWIP = 3
HgCdTe = 4
Bolometer = 5
T2SLS = 6
EpiAlloy = 7

EventQueue: Integer, RW, Invisible

Queue for events happening on the camera. Reading this register removes the item from the queue. 0 means no

FPACold: Boolean, RO, Beginner

True if the FPA is cold and has been cold for a while. When true the image data should be stable.

IRIGDay: Integer, RW, Beginner

IRIG time day. Use IRIGRead to read the current value and IRIGWrite to set the IRIG time.

IRIGHour: Integer, RW, Beginner

IRIG time hour. Use IRIGRead to read the current value and IRIGWrite to set the IRIG time.

IRIGLocked: Boolean, RO, Beginner

True if the IRIG time is locked to an external time source.

IRIGMicrosecond: Integer, RW, Beginner

IRIG time microsecond. Use IRIGRead to read the current value and IRIGWrite to set the IRIG time.

IRIGMillisecond: Integer, RW, Beginner

IRIG time millisecond. Use IRIGRead to read the current value and IRIGWrite to set the IRIG time.

IRIGMinute: Integer, RW, Beginner

IRIG time minute. Use IRIGRead to read the current value and IRIGWrite to set the IRIG time.

IRIGRead: Command, WO, Beginner

Read the current IRIG time.

IRIGSecond: Integer, RW, Beginner

IRIG time second. Use IRIGRead to read the current value and IRIGWrite to set the IRIG time.

IRIGWrite: Command, WO, Beginner

Set the IRIG time.

IRIGYear: Integer, RW, Beginner

IRIG time year. Use IRIGRead to read the current value and IRIGWrite to set the IRIG time.

NumPowerCycles: Integer, RW, Beginner

Number of times that this camera has been turned on

OperatingTime: Integer, RO, Beginner

Total number of minutes the camera has been powered on.

This document does not contain export-controlled information.

PleoraBoardType: Enumeration, RO, Beginner
Type of pleora board installed in the camera.
Possible values are:
PT1000 = 0
NTxUV3 = 1
NTxGigE = 2

Readout: Enumeration, RO, Beginner

ROIC used by the camera.
Possible values are:
ro0207_4CH = 0
ro0207_8CH = 1
ro0207_16CH = 2
ro0404_4CH = 3
ro0404_8CH = 4
ro0404_16CH = 5
ro0209_4CH = 6
ro0309_4CH = 7
ro9809_4CH = 8
ro0403_4CH = 9
ro0002_4CH = 10
ro0804_16CH = 11
ro0802_4CH = 12
ro0802_8CH = 13
ro0802_16CH = 14
ro0403_2CH = 15
ro1308_4CH = 16
ro1308_8CH = 17
ro1308_16CH = 18
ro1202_4CH = 19
ro1202_8CH = 20

Ready: Boolean, RO, Beginner

True if the camera is ready to accept commands.

RTCDay: Integer, RW, Beginner

Realtime clock day. Use RTCRead to read the current value and RTCWrite to set the realtime clock.

RTCHour: Integer, RW, Beginner

Realtime clock hour. Use RTCRead to read the current value and RTCWrite to set the realtime clock.

RTCMinute: Integer, RW, Beginner

Realtime clock minute. Use RTCRead to read the current value and RTCWrite to set the realtime clock.

RTCMonth: Integer, RW, Beginner

Realtime clock month. Use RTCRead to read the current value and RTCWrite to set the realtime clock.

RTCRead: Command, WO, Beginner

Read the current realtime clock time.

RTCSecond: Integer, RW, Beginner

Realtime clock second. Use RTCRead to read the current value and RTCWrite to set the realtime clock.

This document does not contain export-controlled information.

RTCWrite: Command, WO, Beginner
Set the realtime clock time.

RTCYear: Integer, RW, Beginner

Realtime clock year. Use RTCRead to read the current value and RTCWrite to set the realtime clock.


DeviceFirmwareVersion: String(16), RO, Beginner

Version number of the GigE board's firmware.

DeviceTemperature: Float, RO, Beginner

Value of the temperature sensor selected by DeviceTemperatureSelector in degrees Celsius.

DeviceTemperatureSelector: Enumeration, RW, Beginner

Selects the temperature sensor to read for the DeviceTemperature register.
Possible values are:
FPA = 0
Digitizer = 1
PowerBoard = 2
FrontPanel = 3
AirGap = 4
Internal = 5
Chasis = 6
Lens = 7
Flag = 8


DirectoryEntryAttrib: Enumeration, RO, Beginner

Attributes of the directory entry at this index.
Possible values are:
File = 0
Directory entry is a file.
Directory = 1
Directory entry is a sub-directory.

DirectoryEntryIndex: Integer, RW, Beginner

Index of the directory entry to get info on.

DirectoryEntryIndexMax: Integer, RO, Beginner

Maximum directory entry index. The number of entries in the directory is this plus one.

DirectoryEntryModifiedTime: Integer, RO, Beginner

Last modified time of the directory entry at this index.

DirectoryEntryModifiedTimeHigh: Integer, RW, Invisible


DirectoryEntryModifiedTimeLow: Integer, RO, Invisible


DirectoryEntryName: String(256), RO, Beginner

This document does not contain export-controlled information.

Name of the directory entry at this index.

DirectoryEntrySize: Integer, RO, Beginner

Size of the directory entry at this index, if it is a file.

DirectoryFreeSpace: Integer, RO, Beginner

Number of available bytes in the selected directory. Read with OperationSelector and OperationExecute.

DirectoryFreeSpaceHigh: Integer, RO, Invisible


DirectoryFreeSpaceLow: Integer, RO, Invisible


DirectoryName: String(256), RW, Beginner

Name of the directory to operate on, used with Selector.

DirectoryOperationExecute: Command, RW, Beginner

Execute the selected directory operation.

DirectoryOperationSelector: Enumeration, RW, Beginner

Operation to perform on the directory.
Possible values are:
List = 0
List the contents of the selected directory.
Create = 1
Create the selected directory.
Delete = 2
Delete the selected directory.
GetFreeSpace = 3
Get the number of available bytes in the selected directory.

DirectoryOperationStatus: Enumeration, RO, Beginner

Status of the executed operation.
Possible values are:
Success = 0
Failure = 1
Empty = 2

DirectorySelector: Enumeration, RW, Beginner

Directory to operate on, used with Name.
Possible values are:
Generic = 0
SaveState = 1
Correction = 2
LensState = 3
Palette = 4


HeaderDisable: Boolean, RW, Beginner

Only output the image, discard the header.

This document does not contain export-controlled information.

HeaderOnly: Boolean, RW, Beginner
Only output the header.

Height: Integer, RW, Beginner

Height of the image provided by the device (in pixels).

HeightInc: Integer, RO, Beginner

Step size for image height, the height must be a multiple of this + 1.

HeightMax: Integer, RO, Expert

Maximum height of the image (in pixels). This dimension is calculated after vertical binning, decimation or any
other function changing the vertical dimension of the image HeightMax does not take into account the current
Region of interest (Height or OffsetY). Its value must be greater than 0 and less than or equal to SensorHeight
(unless an oversampling feature is present).

HeightMin: Integer, RO, Beginner

Minimum image height the sensor supports.

ImageHeight: Integer, RW, Beginner

Height of the image not including the header.

ImageWidth: Integer, RW, Beginner

Width of the image not including the header.

OffsetX: Integer, RW, Beginner

X Offset from the top left of the sensor to start the image window.

OffsetY: Integer, RW, Beginner

Y Offset from the top left of the sensor to start the image window.

ReverseX: Boolean, RW, Beginner

Reverse the image in the X direction, aka flip horizontally, aka invert.

ReverseY: Boolean, RW, Beginner

Reverse the image in the Y direction, aka flip vertically, aka revert.

SensorHeight: Integer, RO, Beginner

Height in pixels of the sensor, maximum possible image height.

SensorWidth: Integer, RO, Beginner

Width in pixels of the sensor, maximum possible image width.

Width: Integer, RW, Beginner

Width of the image provided by the device (in pixels).

WidthInc: Integer, RO, Beginner

Step size for image width, the width must be a multiple of this.

WidthMax: Integer, RO, Expert

Maximum width of the image (in pixels). The dimension is calculated after horizontal binning, decimation or any
other function changing the horizontal dimension of the image.

WidthMin: Integer, RO, Beginner

This document does not contain export-controlled information.

Minimum image width the sensor supports.


IRFormat: Enumeration, RW, Beginner

Format of the output data.
Possible values are:
Radiometric = 0
Output raw counts.
TemperatureLinear100mK = 1
Output temperature data, each count is 100 millikelvin. Divide by 10 to get Kelvin. Only valid if the
camera is factory calibrated and a factory calibration is loaded.
TemperatureLinear10mK = 2
Output temperature data, each count is 10 millikelvin. Divide by 100 to get Kelvin. Only valid if the
camera is factory calibrated and a factory calibration is loaded.


AtmosphericTemperature: Float, RW, Beginner

Temperature of the atmosphere between the sensor and the target.

EstimatedTransmission: Float, RW, Beginner

Estimated atmospheric transmission, enter 0 to calculate an approximate value from the other object parameters.

ExtOpticsTemperature: Float, RW, Beginner

Temperature of the external optics if any.

ExtOpticsTransmission: Float, RW, Beginner

Transmission of the external optics if any.

ObjectDistance: Float, RW, Beginner

Distance between the sensor and target.

ObjectEmissivity: Float, RW, Beginner

Emissivity of the target.

ReflectedTemperature: Float, RW, Beginner

Ambient temperature the target may be reflecting.

RelativeHumidity: Float, RW, Beginner

Relative humidity of the atmosphere between the sensor and target.

This document does not contain export-controlled information.

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