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Name : Feby Ayu Mutia R

NPM : 1906289104
Class : A. 203

The Benefits of Early Morning Sun

The sun provides a fundamental element for most of the life on earth, it makes sense
that all life forms, including humans, need the power of the sun to their life. In the human
body, early morning sun can give a lot of benefits, such as making people feel better, stress
relieves, increase vit. D and could give more energy. Because of that, our body is meant to be
in the sun, and exposure to sunlight during the day is crucial to our wellbeing. It is advised to
get at least 10-15 minutes of sunlight daily.
The types of light given off by the sun’s rays vary throughout the day. According to
the ideal time, the combination of UV and infrared light is at an ideal balance between 8 am
and 10 am. It’s during this time that the sun can cause our body to produce more energy. Both
UV and infrared light are important is because infrared helps enhance the absorption of UV
rays in a healthy way.
Sitting under the early morning sun helps to improve the blood circulation in
the body and eliminates toxins from the body. It is also necessary for the absorption of
calcium by the bones. Research also suggests that UVB rays promote the synthesis of
vitamin D in the human body, which is crucial to an increase in blood pressure.
Vitamin D is also very needed for babies for bones and teeth, so that the morning sun is
identical with the baby. 
Another benefit of getting early morning sun for 10 minutes that it helps to
balance circadian rhythm, which is how our body regulates when to go to sleep and
when to wake up, ideally having your peak energy in the mornings and die down into
the evening. Getting proper and adequate sleep helps to boost metabolism, stress
relieves and to make feel better throughout the day.
The morning sun is an amazing thing that boasts of many health benefits. Also, early
morning sun has been identified as the most beneficial. So, remember, get outside for a little
bit of sunshine whenever we can do and be healthy.

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