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Student's Contact no:

Parent's Contact no:

Student's Undertaking

I Mr/Ms................................................................................................ Roll No. ……………..

studying in B. E. of Civil Engineering Department, College of Engineering and Technology
participating in the Design of Bridge Educational tour scheduled from 1 th March 20 & 08th March
20 at Bridge’ in District-Panaji, State-Goa. I declare and confirm to the Hon. Principal and
Design of Bridge Educational tour organizer that the college will not be held responsible in the
event of misfortune/accident/injuries and take full responsibility of any of the damage to the
property/ personal injuries to the other person as a result of negligent act during the period of the
tour by me. I shall abide by the college terms and conditions and shall obey the instructions of
the faculty members and coordinators who are accompanying this tour.

Student’s Sign

Parent's/Guardian’s Undertaking
I ……………………………………..................................................... parent / guardian of
…................................................. studying in B. E. of Civil Engineering Department of your
college, hereby voluntarily submitting the undertaking. We are aware that our son/daughter is
participating in the Design of Bridge Educational tour organized by the Civil Engineering
Department scheduled on 01th March 20 & 0th March 20 with our full acceptance. We shall
ensure that our son/ daughter shall abide by the college terms and conditions and shall obey the
instructions of the faculty members and coordinators who are accompanying this tour.

Parent's Sign

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