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The Fold: Leibniz and the Baroque

By Gilles Deleuze
Outline by Philip Turetzky –

I. The Fold

1. The Pleats of Matter

(A) The fold that goes to infinity
1. The Baroque is an operative function endlessly producing folds
2. Infinity is composed of two infinities: pleats of matter & folds in the
3. Matter is amassed according the first type & organized according to
the second type.
4. The multiple has both many parts & contains many folds.
5. Descartes’ error was to seek continuity in rectilinear paths (instead
of in matter’s curvature) & liberty in a rectitude of the soul (instead
of in the inclension of the soul).
(B) The Baroque home
1. The two levels are connected (so continuity rises into the soul).
2. Pleats of matter envelop levels & folds in the soul.
3. The upper floor is windowless, but decorated w/a skin diversified
by folds (springs).
4. These springs move into action when matter triggers vibrations at
the lower extreme.
5. Baroque architecture (Wölflin): horizontal widened lower floor,
curve stairs pushing into space, matter in masses, rounded angles,
cavernous shapes & vortical forms moving turbulently.
(C) The lower floor: matter, elastic forces, springs
1. The curvature of the universe is prolonged by the fluidity of matter,
the elasticity of bodies, & motivating spirit as mechanism.
2. The parts of matter form vortices (within vortices…): active force
giving matter a spinning movement w/o a tangent.
3. The totality of matter is like flows & waves in a pond.
4. Descartes’ error was to define fluids passively & abstractly via
parts lacking cohesion, i.e., in terms of separability of parts.
5. Leibniz sees that bodies are elastic & so express active compressive
6. Elastic bodies have cohering parts divided (not by separability)
infinitely in smaller & smaller folds retaining cohesion (like folded
paper not like grains of sand).
7. The smallest unit of matter is the fold (not the point which is never
a part but rather a simple extremity of the line).
8. Unfolding (not the contrary of folding) follows the fold up to the
following fold.
(D) Organism and plastic forces
1. Division of parts in matter decomposes it infinitely into
independent points.

2. Formation of an organism becomes probable when an already

folded infinity of indeterminate states includes cohesion at each
3. Force is everywhere in matter at every level. The matter-fold is a
matter-time in continuous discharge.
4. Insofar as folding is not opposed to unfolding, this is also true of
tension-release & contraction dilation (not condensation-rarefaction
which implies a void).
(E) Organic folds
1. Inorganic matter is determined by its surrounding environment in
exogenous folds. But, organic matter is defined by endogenous
2. Material (plastic) forces organize masses: they need only be
distinguished from preceding forces & added to them. This
suffices to produce organic matter from raw matter.
3. But, every organ is born from a preexisting organ (even though
plastic forces prepare & preform organs).
4. Living matter does not exceed mechanical processes, but
mechanisms are not sufficient to be machines. Organisms are
machines where every part is a machine, where mechanisms are
organized into parts that are not machines. Plastic forces are
machinelike [machinic] rather than mechanical.
5. Living organisms have an internal preformation making them
move from fold to fold, while inorganic mechanisms require an
external action to pass from one level of folds to another.
6. Inorganic matter goes toward increasingly greater masses w/
statistical mechanisms. Organic matter goes toward increasingly
smaller polarized masses w/internal individuation.
7. Organic interiority is an interior of space (but not yet of motion
which will require true interiorities – souls) by which the principle
of individuation applies (no two leafs are alike).
8. Folding/unfolding is not merely tension/release but
enveloping/developing involution/evolution. Organism = ability
to fold & unfold its parts to a degree of development re: its species.
9. To unfold is to increase, to grow, to fold is to diminish, to reduce.
10. The difference between machine (organic) & motive force
(inorganic) is not merely metric – movement goes from fold to fold.
When a part of a machine is a machine the part is not the same as
the whole.
11. Matter is folded under elastic forces & again under plastic forces
(but cannot move from the 1st to the 2nd). So the universe is not a
great animal – organisms are irreducibly individual.
12. Masses & organisms (2 kinds of forces/folds) are coextensive –
living things are ubiquitous but not universal.
13. Objection: development now means epigenesis: organisms &
organs not preformed containing one another, but formed from
something else that doesn’t resemble them – differentiation of an
undifferentiated. But epigenesis holds a virtual preformation

(exceeding a simple metric). Hence, both conceive the organism as

a fold.
14. Epigenesis: the organic fold is pushed up from a relatively smooth
surface (a differentiation of the undifferentiated. Preformation:
fold starts from another fold inside the same type of organization (a
fold OF two a difference being differentiated).
(F) Why another floor is needed, a problem of the animal soul
1. A point of view (sensitive animal soul) is already individuated in
the plastic forces of the body.
2. Plastic forces don’t explain the degrees of unity they bring to the
masses they are organizing. They assume a unity of synthesis
independent of all causal action (“immaterial principle of life”) as a
precondition of their causal power to be folded to infinity –
preformation of bodies & preexistence of souls in fertile seeds.
When an organism unfolds its sensitive soul opens onto a theater in
which it perceives & feels according to a unity independent of but
inseparable from its causal powers.
3. Problem: human souls unfold & gain a degree of organic
development at the same time as their sensitive souls become
reasonable – changing levels – theater of matter becoming theater
of spirits in a complex relation to the pleats of matter.
(G) The elevation of reasonable souls, and its organic and inorganic
1. Body & soul are not really distinct: any localization of the soul in
the body becomes a projection of the soul focusing on a point of the
body (Desargnes’s geometry).
2. Some souls on the lower floor are chosen to become reasonable
requiring an upper floor so they can change their levels.
3. Animal souls are already on the 2nd floor because they are degrees
of unity. Plastic forces are derivative forces defined re: the matter
they organize. Souls are primitive forces defined only in the self
“through analogy” w/the mind.
4. Extrinsic determinations explain everything except the unity of a
concrete movement (Bergson). The curvilinear course of a body
under external influence goes back to a higher internal
individuating unity on the 2nd floor containing the law of (folds)
changes of direction. The same movement is determined from the
outside (accidentally – derived from the straight line) but unified
from the inside (primary from the interior of the body – only
awaiting suppression of an external obstacle).
5. The need for the 2nd floor (the windowless soul) is metaphysical.
Things move as if the pleats of matter had no reason themselves.
The Fold is always between two folds – the between-two-folds
seems to move everywhere: Is it between inorganic & organic,
organisms & animal souls, animal souls & reasonable souls, bodies
& souls?

2. The Folds in the Soul

(A) Inflection

1. Inflection is the genetic element of variable curves (folds) – the

elastic point (Klee vs. Kandinsky).
2. Klee (a) the inflection (b) no exact unmixed figure can exist –
Leibniz: one “will never be able to fix upon a certain precise surface
in a body as one might if there were atoms.” (c) mark the convex
side w/shadow
(B) Singularities
1. Inflection (point) = an intrinsic singularity. It does not refer to
coordinates (as do extrinsic singularities – maxima/minima).
2. Inflection is the pure Event of the line or point – the Virtual
(ideality par excellence). It is the world itself (not in the world), or
rather its beginning – “a non-dimensional point” “ between
3. 3 transformations:
a. 1st vectorial, operating by symmetry w/a tangent plane of
reflection – transforming inflection at a turning point
(optical) (e.g. an ogive or pointed arch).
b. 2nd projective, projecting an internal space defined by hidden
parameters (singularities of potential) onto an external
c. 3rd infinitely variable curves (e.g. Koch’s curve) – the curve
passes through an infinity of angular points w/o a tangent –
enveloping an infinitely porous world – more than a line less
than a surface – a fractal, between dimensions. Homothesis
causes variation to coincide w/ a change of scale. An
angular point between 2 others cannot be determined, but
latitude remains for a detour so each interval becomes a site
of a new folding – we thus go from fold to fold rather than
from point to point. So, contours blur to give definition to
the formal powers of material rising to the surface as
supplementary folds allowing neither symmetry or a
favored plane of projection – deferring while also promoting
production/ inflection which is transversally irresistible.
Inflection becomes vortical & variation opens onto
(C) Baroque mathematics and variation: the irrational number, the
differential quotient, the family of curvatures
1. Baroque math’s object becomes variation itself (a “new affection” of
variable sizes).
2. In calculus & re: irrational numbers each term no longer must have
a particular value as in algebra, but variation becomes presently ∞ –
caused by a curved element. Irrational numbers are limits of 2
convergent series. dy/dx is the common limit of the relation
between two quantities that are vanishing.
3. The continuous is a labyrinth that cannot be represented by a
straight line which must be intermingled w/curves exposing
lacunae in the line of rational points, e.g., via a circle cutting a line
between any two points or the point that retains the differential
relation as two magnitudes vanish.

4. So, there will always be an inflection that makes a fold from

variation bringing it to infinity. This fold = Power. Force is an act
of the fold.
(D) The new status of the object
1. When variation becomes the objective of math the function comes
to be extracted, & it, itself, becomes the objective.
2. There exists a series of curves implying constant parameters for
each curve & a reduction of variables to a single unique variable =
the fold. The goal then is no longer an essential form but a pure
functionality (a surface of variable curvature).
3. This “objectile” refers to the current state where the fluctuation of
the norm replaces the permanence of a law (automation)
4. The new status of the object is temporal modulation (rather than
form imposed on matter) – a continuous variation of matter as a
continual development of form. Circulation of energy amounts to
permanent withdrawal from the mold. A modulator is a
continuous temporal perpetually variable mold.
5. Leibniz conceives the object temporally & qualitatively in that
qualities are flexible & taken in modulation. The object becomes an
event (manneristic, not essentializing).
(E) Perspectivism: variation and point of view
1. The subject changes too. Moving from the inflected point to a place
at which vectors perpendicular to tangents meet in a state of
2. This is a point of view insofar is it represents a variation.
3. Here perspectivism means a subject is what remains in the POV
(not a dependence on a predefined subject). The subject is a
superject (Whitehead).
4. Every POV is a POV on variation. A POV does not (initially) vary
w/a subject, rather a POV is a condition in which an eventual
subject apprehends a variation or something = x (anamorphosis).
Perspectivism is a relativism in which the condition in which the
truth of a variation appears to a subject (not the variation of truth
according to a subject).
(F) The new status of the subject
1. Is there a contradiction between the law of continuity & the
principle of indiscernibles?
2. Singularities are not contiguous but belong fully to continuity.
Points of inflection constitute envelopes re: indivisible relations of
distance (hence they don’t contradict continuity).
3. There are as many POVs (w/indivisible distances) as inflections in
inflection (w/increasing length). Continuity is made up of
distances between POVs (as much as an infinity of curves).
4. Perspectivism is pluralism, implying distance not discontinuity.
5. Leibniz defines extension as continuous repetition of position, i.e.,
of POV – an order of distances between POVs makes repetition
(G) From inflection to inclusion

1. POV on a variation replaces the center of a configuration, e.g., conic

sections relate to the POV of the objectile of the variants of the
incline of the section. This projection is an unfolding – an invariant
of transformation (not the contrary of a folding any more than an
invariant is the contrary of variation).
2. POV & variation envelop one another – a POV does not exist
outside a variation nor a variation outside a POV.
3. The law of envelopment by a variation is an involution (Desargues
– projections of a rotating triangle, e.g.).
(H) The subdivision
1. In an world of variable curvature, POV replaces a center & the
geometry of perception is an architecture of vision not figure or
contact. The object exists only in the declension of its profiles.
Perspectivism is the truth of relativity (not the relativity of what is
2. POV is a power of arranging cases, a condition for the
manifestation of reality, for every area (figure) the need to assign
the POV w/o which truth could not be proven. Leibniz constructs
the table of cases that refers to POV as the art of judgment. Only
POV provides us w/answers & cases. W/o the right POV disorder
would reign.
(I) The monad, the world, and the condition of closure
1. We have gone from variation to POV, fold to envelopment,
inflection to inclusion.
2. A simple intuition: Why would something be folded if it were not
to be enveloped in something else? The envelope is an envelope of
inherence or of unilateral “inhesion.” This is the fold’s final cause.
3. We move indiscernibly from the fold to the envelope. A gap opens
& makes the envelope the reason for the fold. What is folded is
virtual & only exists in something that envelops it.
4. Inclusion/inherence now becomes a condition of closure
(envelopment) – no windows. It cannot be explained by POV, but
requires a soul (which includes what it apprehends from its POV).
Inflection is an ideal condition (virtuality) that exists only in the
soul that envelops it. So, the soul is full of folds.
5. Folds only exist in the soul, e.g. innate ideas = pure powers
(virtualities) whose act consists in folds in the soul, & completed act
of an inner action of the soul. This is true of the whole world = a
virtuality existing only in the folds of the soul.
6. The soul implements inner pleats via which it gives itself a
representation of the enclosed world.
7. We move from virtual (inflection – the fold) to the actual (inclusion
– the soul the fold’s final cause & completed act).
8. Hence, 3 kinds of singularities: physical point – the point of
inflection itself an elastic or plastic fold. Devalorizing the exact
point into the mathematical point – the point of position, not as
extremity on a line but a place that is a conjunction of vectors, a
POV. POVs have genetic value: pure extension as the continuation
of the point according the relations of distance that define space. In

order to become the point of focus the mathematical point becomes

a modality a projection of a metaphysical point – the point of
inclusion, the soul that occupies, is projected by, the POV.
9. The soul/subject = the monad – a unity that envelops a multiplicity
– developing the One in a series. The One has the power of
envelopment (implications) & development (explications) of the
multiple, the folds it makes when enveloped & unfoldings when
developed. A universal Unity complicates all the Ones.
10. Implication, explication, complication form the fold, the variations
of One-Multiple.
11. The math of inflection allows Leibniz to posit a convergent ∞ series
as the enveloping series. The metaphysics of inclusion allowed him
to posit enveloping unity as irreducible individual unity. The
infinity of the series prevents individuals from being absorbed into
a universal spirit. The harmony of POVs replaces universal
complication & prevents pantheism & immanence.
12. It is not enough that a POV apprehends a perspective, for it brings
forth the series of all inflections – the variety of all possible
connections – a labyrinth – the entire world is enclosed in the soul
from one point of view.
13. The world is the ∞ curve that touches at an infinity of points an infinity of
curves, the curve with a unique variable, the convergent series of all series.
14. Why no universal POV? An ∞ series cannot be separated from an
infinity of variations that make it up. We take it re: all possible
orders, favoring one re: the entire series.
15. A monad does not express the entire world except by more clearly
expressing a small region, a finite sequence. The soul can always
unfold a limited number of folds inside itself. But this does not
suffice for individuation. We can only say at this point that there
exist an infinity of souls & POVs.
16. Q: The theme of the POV would lose meaning were we not to posit
inclusion in subjects, but if the world only exists in subjects how
can we go from inflections of the world to inclusion in subjects. A:
The world is in the subject but the subject is also for the world –
God created the world in which Adam sinned not just Adam the
sinner. God creates the world & creates souls for this world, so the
law of seriality does not reside in the soul even though it contains
17. The soul is a product resulting from the world God chooses. So no
monad contains the reason of the series from which monads result.
Subjects relate to the world as if to a virtuality that they actualize.
Closure is a condition of being for the world. The condition of
closure holds for the ∞ opening of the finite, making it possible for
the world to begin again & again in each monad. The soul is the
expression of the world (actuality) because the world is what the
world (virtuality) expresses.
18. Q: is something else needed besides the actualization in the soul to
effectuate the virtual, a realization in matter?

3. What is Baroque?
(A) The room without windows
1. That Monads have no windows replaces the image of painting &
model with a line of ∞ inflection holding for a surface – an opaque
grid of inscription – a tabulation of information.
2. The monad’s dark background is essential to it – a room covered
with lines of variable inflection.
3. The Baroque invests in places where what is seen is inside. Like
camera obscura the light comes from openings that are hidden, &
trompe l’oeil cover the walls. Baroque architecture: a cell w/o
windows or doors where everything happens inside.
4. The monad is an inside w/o an outside. In contrast the façade is an
outside w/o an inside & full of holes. Organic matter sketches a
relative interiorization, always unfinished. A fold passes through
living material allotting the metaphysical principle of life to the
absolute interiority of the monad & makes the ∞ exteriority of
matter into the physical law of phenomena.
(B) The inside and the outside, the high and the low
1. The Baroque severs the façade from the inside, while each pushes
the other to the fore. A new kind of link is needed between the
independent determined outside & the autonomous spontaneous
2. The link is possible because of the division into an elongated lower
floor of ∞ receptivity formed by heavy matter w/holes & an upper
floor as pure inside w/walls hung w/folds of the soul. Leibniz
makes these coexist via a tendency towards lowest equilibrium
states & a tendency toward a system of weightlessness in which
souls become reasonable. These are distributed as a function of an
ideal line actualized on one side, realized on the other.
3. Platonic division of two worlds is of an ∞ staircases from the
multiple to the One. But the Baroque is characterized by two floors
separated by a fold that echoes itself.
4. In painting Tintoretto & El Greco paint this two floor theme.
(C) Heidegger, Mallarmé, and the fold
1. Severing the inside from the outside along the Fold that actualized
in the folds of the soul & effected along the creases of matter.
Heidegger differentiator of difference does not refer to a pre-given
undifferentiated, but to an endlessly folds/unfolds Difference from
each of its two sides unfolding one (unconcealing) while folding
the other (concealing) relating one to the other by distinguishing
2. Mallarmé’s fan reveals withdrawal on its sensitive side & finds
inclusion on its closed side.
3. Every fold of matter which we see becomes included in the folds of
the soul which we read. These are not two worlds but
correspondence through the Event – the unity which creates being.
4. For Leibniz, these were the veins in marble: on one side living
matter, on the other side inclusion in the soul. “To read” for
Leibniz is the inner act in the monad.

5. Despite working in fragments, Leibniz provides the total book – the

monad as reading room/book. The inside/outside = the
legible/visible make emblems – mutual expression.
(D) Baroque light
1. Light & shadow as 1/0: the walls of the upper room covered in
fuscum subnigrum (Caravaggio’s red-brown background on which
shadow get placed – figures defined by their covering not their
contour. This is a new regime of light, a slit amidst shadows.
2. W/o openings the light has been sealed in the monad & is lit when
raised to the level of reason. Light as the fuscum from which both
light & shadow emanate. The luminous not the eye, the opaque not
the object, the shadow not projection. Clarity is relative &
inseparable from obscurity & effaces contours (not Descartes
physics of light & logic of the idea).
3. Clarity endlessly plunges into obscurity. Chiaroscuro in a series
that moves in both directions. Outside the series: God & the white
mirror on one side – shadows & ∞ holes on the other. The line of
light passes between the two a common limit of two folds.
(E) The search for a concept
1. Leibniz presents his system in the lower floor in response to others’
queries or opposition, but the System in the upper floor remains
uncompromised – “the best of all sides” in which everything is
always the same (in different degrees of perfection).
2. Doubts about the Baroque are not about the existence of something
for which there is a concept (unicorn), but about the criterion for an
operative concept – which is that of the Fold.
3. A Baroque line moves according to the fold. The method of the
Baroque is a severing that casts the divided terms next to one
4. While folds occur outside the Baroque (Oriental folds of void/full
e.g.), these folds are limited, e.g. by some geometrical structure, the
Baroque fold is unlimited. Folds rid themselves of their supports
(cloth, granite…) so as to infinitely converge.
(F) The six esthetic qualities of the Baroque
1. The specificity & possible historical extension of the Baroque arises
out of 6 traits.
2. 1st : The Fold: The problem is how to continue the fold infinitely
(not how to finish folding). The fold makes matter expressive re:
different speeds, scales, & differential vectors of different materials.
The ∞ line of inflection is the genetic element of a form of
expression (Gestaltung).
3. 2nd: The inside & the outside: Since the line of inflection is virtual it
is actualized in the soul & realized in matter – the inside (closed
room, spontaneity, action) & the outside (façade, receptivity).
These are conciliated only by harmony.
4. 3rd: The high & the low: severing – resolution of tension, occurs
when the line of the universe (the ∞ fold) divides into two levels
expanding on two sides connected as high & low. Baroque is
abstract art positing form as folded from matter to manner –

texturologie to logologie whose harmony must go as far as

indiscernibility. Textured matter becomes raw material, form’s
folds become force – material-force replaces matter/form.
5. 4th: The unfold: The unfold is not contrary to or effacing the fold.
The unfold continues the act of folding as the condition of its
manifestation. The fold becoming method/process/act the unfold
becomes its result. Light sometimes vibrates color in the pleats of
matter, sometimes in the folds of the immaterial surface. The
Baroque line contains no voids – folds are always full.
6. 5th: Textures: Leibniz’s physics includes derivative forces re: matter
& resistance of material = texture – the manner material is folded
constitutes its texture, defined by style not its heterogenous parts.
Mannerism: everything is folded in its own manner re: its matter.
The objectile connected to different dilating layers – matter
becomes matter of expression. Texture’s factors: (i) light –
chiaroscuro (ii) depth – the fold determining thin superimposable
depth (iii) overlayed depth – the body disappears in falls & rises
(waves & sums). (iv) these textures tend toward a spiritual point
that envelopes form. This is not explained by the composite parts,
but projection of a spiritual point into matter.
7. 6th: The paradigm: Models of the old must go through the specific
material, the composite materials of the fold (texture) does not hide
its expression (formal element). The Platonic model of weaving
fails to extract the formal elements of the fold, since it supposes a
common measure of two mixed terms encircling repetition of
proportion. The formal element appears only with what is ∞,
incommensurable, & excessive – when the variable curve
supercedes the circle. The paradigm becomes mannerist (a power
of thinking & a political force) proceeding to a formal deduction.
(G) Modern or abstract art: textures & folded forms: Formal deduction
distinguishes simple & composite folds – resulting in material Textures &

II. Inclusions

4. Sufficient Reason
(A) Events or predicates
1. Everything that happens (including causations) has a reason.
Sufficient reason includes the event as one of its predicates.
2. Inflection is the event that happens to a line. Inclusion is the
predication that places inflection in the concept of the line – in a
metaphysical point. The seen on the thing is read in its concept
(signature/enclosure). Sufficient reason is inclusion: event =
predicate – every predicate is grounded in the nature of things in
the subject/concept of the thing.
3. For Leibniz, the concept is a metaphysical not merely a logical
being, it is individual (not general) defined by predicates-as-events.
4. Analysis discovers predicates in a notion taken as a subject or a
subject for an event-as-predicate. Re: necessary truths the predicate

is expressly included in the concept. Re: contingent truths the

predicate is implicitly/virtually included. These do not separate
finite from ∞ analysis.
5. The virtual ≠ an inexistent indefinite. Analysis of existences is
necessarily ∞ & so escape analysis – propositions of essence attend
to all analysis.
6. Definition posits the identity of one term with at least two other
terms (reasons) substitutable by reciprocal inclusion. These are
real/genetic definitions revealing the possibility of the defined.
They do not work by genus/differentia – they are neither
comprehensive, abstract, nor general. Demonstration = a chain of
definitions (reciprocal inclusions). Definitions lack temporal
relations – they determine the possibility of the defined by
following the “power” & not the “act”.
7. The chain must begin w/undefinables (an indefinite chain would
yield only nominal definitions). These undefinables are auto-
inclusions (not reciprocal), identicals which only include themselves
– auto-positions of the ∞.
(B) The four classes of beings, the genres of predicates, the nature of subjects,
the modes of inclusions, the case of infinity, the corresponding principles
1. Leibniz loves principles inventing & playing w/them & seeks to
“prove” them. His principles are not empty universal forms, but
are determinations of classes of beings.
2. E.g. the principle of identity (contradiction) makes us aware of the
class of identicals (complete beings). The principle of identity is a
cry & a signal (not an abstraction).
3. Every form ∞ by itself (not by means of a cause) is identical to itself,
e.g., thought. These forms are not wholes w/parts, but are
absolutes having NO relation w/any other. They are pure
disparities, that cannot be contradicted & stand in a nonrelation.
4. The identicals are attributes of God (as in Spinoza). This requires
the ontological proof 1st requires a real definition of God to show it
is possible & contains no contradiction. The absolute forms, then,
must belong to a same Being. Their real distinction is formal,
attributed to a single being ontologically one & formally diverse
(real distinction does not imply separability). The ontological proof
goes from the totality of all possibilities to the individuality of
necessary being: ∞/1. Identicals are a class of beings w/one
member. Absolute forms precede God as elements of his
possibility, but God precedes them “in re” & “in act”.
5. The Combinatory goes from Identicals to Definables. Definables
presuppose at least two primitives in a relation under a vinculum
or by a particle (e.g. A in B). The Combinatory’s levels: I composed
of primaries or indefinables in relation, II composed of simple
derived beings, III composed of 3 primaries etc.
6. E.g.s include prime numbers & geometric axioms as primes from
which other numbers & figures are derived. Prob: what is the
status of the relations themselves, marked by prepositions, articles,
verbs, & cases? How do relations emerge from nonrelation?

7. Baroque thought recognizes: absolute forms constituting God as

infinity by itself (excluding wholes & parts), infinity through cause
constitutes wholes & parts (w/o largest or smallest part), i.e., a
series. These series are not quite ruled by the principle of identity,
but by a principle of similitude (homothty) which signals a new
class of beings: extensities (including extensions time, number,
infinitely divisible matter, i.e., all that is partes extra partes. Each
term of the series (a whole for precedents & part for what ensues) is
defined by at least two requisites (reasons or constituent elements
that are not parts but aspects/manners).
8. E.g. a numerical set where each whole/part is defined by the first
numbers that enter into the relation (4 = 1 + 3 rather than as 2x2).
Wholes & parts & similitude are not already related but the original
formula of a derived infinity. Thus primary terms acquire relations
by becoming requisites (definers of the derived).
9. As auto-inclusions primaries were attributes of God. As belonging
to 2nd order infinity predicates become relations not attributes.
Requisites define whole/parts to infinity, & are reciprocally
included in the defined. Sufficient reason appears since each
definer is a reason of the defined. Relations are unities of the
nonrelation w/wholes/parts. Leibniz escapes the traditional
criticism that he can’t account for relations, because predicates =
relation in the reciprocal inclusion in the defined subject (4 = 1R3),
not attribute. Even in monads predicates are affections & relations.
10. This presupposes a 3rd order of infinity, of convergent series tending
toward a limit, an order of intensities (intension not extension), laws
not relations, Characteristic not Combinatory, the real in matter
that fills extension, not matter. This real in matter has characters
determined in a series of magnitudes converging on a limit in the
relation between limits dy(/)dx. Hence, laws of nature are
necessarily differential equations. Requisites designate conditions,
limits, & differential relations between these limits.
11. Degrees of characters replace part/whole, e.g. an actual sound
includes intensity, pitch, duration, timbre, as aspects. The real in
matter, e.g., has inertia, impetus, impenetrability, & attachment.
Texture of a body is the sum of its inner qualities, the latitude of
their variation, & the relation of their limits. Here is an inclusion
that is nonreciprocal & unilateral & sufficient reason becomes a
principle: everything real is a subject whose predicate is a character
in a series, the sum of predicates = relation among the limits of
these series.
12. Requisites ≠ intuitive essences of 1st ∞, nor theorematic essences of
2nd ∞. Requisites = problematic essences of 3rd ∞. Problems precede
theorems & demonstrations. Axioms (conditions) concern
problems. The Characteristic is a calculus of problems/limits
(unlike the Combinatory) conditions of a problem to which the
thing responds in a case (= the value of a variable in a series).
13. We are fixed to requisites proceeding by enthymemes working by
ellipses & problematic short-cuts

14. The inner character of things can be understood experimentally,

but we can also get to the texture of things (connections of
characters) & have rational knowledge of them.
15. Three types of terms/inclusions: Alphabet/absolute-simples
(Identicals)/auto-inclusions, Comminatory/relative-simples
(Definables in series of wholes/parts)/reciprocal inclusions, &
Characteristic/limitative-simples (Requisites or convergent series
tending towards limits)/unilateral inclusions localize at their limits.
16. Each of these is known where it is folded. Things are folded in
nature/Ideas in the soul so that they cannot be easily unfolded.
Absolute Forms are simple folds, Definables composite folds,
Requisites complex textures.
17. 4th category of notions: individual notions = monads – possible
existents (substances) not merely possible things. The schema:
identities/forms, extensities/magnitudes, intensities/things,
individualities/substances. Predicates of individual notions form
another ∞ convergent series tending toward a limit. Individuals
envelop the ∞, inverting God, the monad = 1/∞. Q: is this the same
type as the convergent series of intensities?
18. Things ≠ substances: things have several internal characters & so
belong in several series each tending toward its limit connected by
a differential relation dy/dx. We have more than one notion of a
same thing, but not for an individual. Each monad expresses the ∞
world from its own point of view. The clear portion of each monad
extends to the clear portion of another, & the clear portion of a
monad extends infinitely into its obscure zone. There is a
continuation of convergent series into one another.
19. The world, infinitely ∞ convergent series (compossible) makes the
differential relation mean the analytical extension of one series into
another, not merely the unity of convergent series. Infinity now
means a law of continuity classifying limits, transforming series
into a totality. Monads only distinguishes by their manner of
expressing the world. The principle of sufficient reason becomes
the principle of indiscernibles: There can be no apparently identical
20. The texture of a thing contains the serial law determining the play
of characters & differential relations between limits. Monads,
however, contain ∞ series, but not the law of the series. Orders of
differential relations refer to a totality outside the monad. The
world is in the monad, but the monad is only a function of the
world it expresses. The law belongs to the whole of infinitely ∞
series & limits which God chooses.
21. The whole series is in the monad, but the reason of the series is not,
since its limit is extrinsic in a preestablished harmony of monads.
This exteriority of reason follows from the possibility of prolonging
∞ series into each other. Since the monad includes the world it
cannot include the serial reason common to all monads. Hence, a
4th inclusion, unilateral but cannot be localized (since the limit is
outside the monad) – 4 inclusions & 4 infinities.

22. Essences are always in an infinity. Re: essences, we can stop & use
a definition as if it were an Identical, a Requisite as if it were a
definition, of a Limit as if it were reached. But re: existences we
cannot stop since series can be extended & inclusion cannot be
23. All analysis is ∞ (whether of essences or existences). The entire
world is included in an existent, the virtual is the character of an
inclusion that cannot be localized. The world is virtually 1st, while
the monad is actually 1st. Inclusion is virtual since it has to be
extracted, & the predicate is included in the subject only “under a
certain power.”
24. E.g. irrational numbers: roots to be extracted, or differential
relations involving quantities not of the same power. Analysis of
things = determination of predicates as requisites by extracting
roots or depotentializing magnitudes (re: intrinsic limits). Analysis
of existents = determination of predicates as world by prolonging
series of powers (re: extrinsic limits). Objective incertitude re:
whether the fold passes between essences & existents, or between
essences of God & consequences, or between essences of things &
(C) Leibniz’s mannerism – The predicate is not an attribute
1. Predicates are only attributes in the case of absolute forms which
are like conditions of possibilities for the notion of God,
nonrelations as conditions of all possible relations. Predicates are
relations or events. Events are relations to existence & time. The
notion or subject is an event marked by a verb or a relation marked
by a preposition. Unilateral inclusion ≠ proposition as attribution.
2. Attributes express qualities & designate essences. For Leibniz
predicates are not defined by qualities or an existing subject. The
subject is defined by its unity, the predicate = a verb expressing
action/passion. Leibnizian inclusion has the scheme subject-verb-
object not that of attribution subject-copula-attribute. Predication is
a change/movement/act, not the state of travel. The predicate is
the proposition itself. “I travel.”/”I think.” ≠ “I am a traveling
being.”/”I am thinking being.” Thought is not a stable attribute,
but a predicate passing from one thought to another.
3. The predicate as verb is the basis of the conception of the event
(neither attribute nor quality), but an incorporeal (Stoics) predicate
of a proposition’s subject (e.g. “The tree greens.”). The proposition
state a manner (aspect) of being. The Stoics substitute “to follow”
for Aristotle’s “to be” substituting manner for essence. For Leibniz,
the world is an event, & as incorporeal/virtual predicate must be
included in every subject, from which a manner (point of view is
extracted. The world is predication & the subject what goes from
one predicate (aspect of the world) to another. Basis-manners
displaces essence.
4. Leibniz is always concerned w/relations. That predicates are
internal relations cannot easily be extracted from sentences. The
predicate or subject may not be given (e.g.s in text p. 54). The

concept goes through wholes/parts, things/substances by means

of extensions, intensions, & individuals & the concept itself
becomes subject. The concept, then, is not the logical possibility of
its object, but the metaphysical reality of the subject. All relations
are internal since predicates are not (logical) attributes.
(D) The five criteria of substance
1. Two nominal characters: Substance is concrete, determined,
individual – Substance is subject to inherence/inclusion. But these
two get removed in lieu of essential, necessary, universal attributes.
2. For Descartes substance is simple & contains elements only
distinguishable by abstraction (distinctions of reason). Leibniz
invokes unity of being rather than simplicity (hence substance
cannot be defined by an essential attribute in distinction from
manners of being.
3. Substance: a unity that can be interior to movement – a unity of change
that can be active (excluding simple extension. This is the unity of
passage. Movement (a) unity in the instant & its tendencies (b)
inner unity for all its duration [haeceity] (c) active unity inciting &
totalizing movement. Substance = inner unity of an event, & active
unity of change (change as predicate).
4. Leibniz extends Descartes: two things can be really distinct w/o
being separable (regardless of commonalities). Even simple beings
& individual substances have requisites (express a common world,
or converge toward inner characters (form-matter, act-force, active
unity-limitation). At the limit nothing is separable. Substances can
have many attributes, & several substances a common attribute.
5. Five criteria of substance: (1) metaphysical unity of being (2) logical
inclusion of the predicate in the subject (3) physical inner unity in
movement (4) psychological active unity of change (5)
epistemological requisites of inseparability.
(E) Styles and depth
1. Descartes’ essentialism (constant attribute for substance) contrasts
w/ Leibniz’s mannerism (fluid spontaneous manners) – rather than
abstractions Leibniz restores the series a then b then c…
2. Complex movement has an inner unity & complex change an active
unity (giving to consciousness a series of minute perceptions
buried in the soul’s depths – fuscum subnigrum). The spontaneity
of manners requires the dark depth from which manners surge.
Mannerism of substances: “All is born to them out of their own
depths, through a perfect spontaneity.”

Class of Predicate Subject Inclusion Infinity Principle


Identicals Forms or God Auto- Infinity Principle of

(absolutely attributes inclusion by itself contradiction

Definables Relations Extensions Reciprocal Infinity Principle of

(relatively among or Sizes Inclusion by the similitude
simple) definers (wholes & cause
Conditionables Requisites Intentions or Inclusion ∞ Series Principle of
(limitatively (their Things unilateral with sufficient
simple) relations (what has localizable internal reason
or laws) degrees & limit
Individuals Events or Existents or Inclusion ∞ series Principle of
(wholly Modes Substances unilateral with indiscernibles
simple) (relations cannot be outer
with localized limit

(F) The play of principles

1. Principles unfold themselves already existing in what precedes &
are folded into what follows. E.g. sufficient reason appears re:
Things connecting inner characters, but the principle of
indiscernibles explicates reason re: individuals.
2. The principle of contradiction expresses the reason of Identicals
(here is suffices for reason), sufficient reason resides in definables &
so already in the principle of similitude. There is a play of passages
& transformations of principles: sufficient reason reciprocal of
contradiction, indiscernibles inverse of sufficient reason…
3. Leibniz’s principles do not divide into compartments, but govern
the passage of beings, things, concepts. Principles tend toward two
poles: folding together so everything is always the same thing,
unfolding so everything is distinguished by degree, differing in
manner. ∞ variety/difference in one & the same world.

5. Incompossibility, Individuality, Liberty

(A) Incompossibility or the divergence of series
1. Propositions of existence are neither impossible nor contradictory.
A different relation is needed to explain why a false contrary is not
self-contradictory. Adam the non-sinner must include a different
world than Adam the sinner.
2. Between two worlds there is a vice-diction, not a contradiction, &
this implies an original relation of incompossibility between
3. The world = ∞ converging series that can be extended into one
another around a unique point. This means another world appears
when series diverge in the neighborhood of singularities.
Compossibles: totality of converging extensive series constituting a
world. Incompossibles: series that diverge constituting different
possible worlds & whose monads express different worlds.

4. Leibniz does not accept a dualism of our relative world as a

reflection of an absolute world. Instead, our world is the only
existing world which excludes all other possible worlds, since it is
the “best.” The principle of the Best (rather than of the Good)
applies sufficient reason to the world.
5. While a world only exists in monads that express it, there is
something prior – God primarily creates a world, & thereby
individuals. The world is a pure emission of singularities (a series of
inflections/events). Singularities are surrounded by ordinaries:
something is singular to the degree an inflection can move
anywhere. Everything is ordinary because a singular point is the
coincidence of two ordinary points from different vectors. But
following Leibniz’s two poles everything is ordinary & everything
is singular. Singulars & ordinaries must be distinguished re: one
6. Whenever singularities can be extended into the neighboring area
of another along regular lines that have common values in both
directions, they belong to the same world. If lines cannot be so
extended & so diverge, they do not pass through common values,
then they do not belong to the same world. We can know that a
bifurcation exists w/o knowing its reason.
7. Leibniz revises the divine play or calculus existing at the origin of
the world so as to abandon human models for a calculus of ∞ series
ruled by convergence & divergence.
(B) The Baroque narrative
1. Baroque narratives involve stories enclosed one in the other, &
variation of the narrator/narration relation. This has the
architecture of a pyramid w/a summit (the Best) but no base (levels
lost in obscurity).
2. Each narrative converges w/a 1st singularity (w/values different
from the others) & so diverges from the other narratives. Each
narrative is possible but incompossible w/the others.
3. The convergent beginning is a bifurcation, a point in the
neighborhood of the series’ divergence. Borges “Garden of forking
paths” Maurice Leblanc Balthazar.
4. Borges wanted God to create all incompossible worlds at once (a
deceiving God). Leibniz distrusted Descartes non-malevolent God
position, & sorts out God’s tricks by God giving the rule that
possible worlds cannot come to exist if they are incompossible with
the one God chooses.
(C) Preindividual and individual singularities
1. Only a nominal definition of the individual has been given, since
we do not know what constitutes its clear area, nor its relation to
the body. The real definition of an individual = an individual
occurs around some local singularities, its primary predicates –
concentration, accumulation, & coincidence of some converging
preindividual singularities form the nucleus of a monad, never a
simple notion.

2. The core of an individual are singularities, i.e., requisites of the

individual notion. Hence, the monad clearly expresses these
singularities, & hence, every individual expresses the whole world
since each nuclear singularity can be extended up to the other
singularities, given that the series converge (on a compossible
world & excludes incompossible worlds.
3. God creates as many divergent Adams as worlds. Every possible
monad is defined by some preindividual singularities & is
compossible w/all monads w/which they converge & is
incompossible w/all monads w/whose singularities w/which they
4. These divergent Adams can all be called Adam because a
singularity can be isolated from its prolongations. The singularity
becomes indefinite, its predicate is not of one world or another & its
subject becomes an Adam in general. However, individuation does
not come from these general predicates by genus/differentia, but
goes from singularity to singularity under the law of convergence.
5. Individual difference is not of species, as infirma species. Leibniz
diverges from the usual opposition between individual & concept.
Only individuals exists (nominalism) but they exist by the power of
the concept. This power consists in condensing & prolonging
singularities/events. Prolonged singularities are not preindividual
as the world is virtually 1st re: the individuals that express it – the
individual is the actualization of preindividual singularities (w/no
previous determination – which would require individuation).
6. All individual differences between mathematical beings is specific
since it can only be said in terms of definers, in this sense the
metaphysical individual is an infirma species – there are as many
species as individuals (the material of a triangle makes no
mathematical difference). This does not hold for things & organic
bodies where different characters make up a series in which species
never stop dividing & the thing or body never stops changing.
Series mark the relation of determination w/the alteration of bodies
which means that the individuality of the body comes from
elsewhere. What individuates is the body is the soul/monad.
7. The law of continuity determines the mathematical area of
wholes/parts, the physical area of corporeal characters, & the
cosmological area of prolonged singularities. The principle of
indiscernibles (two individuals cannot be distinguishes solely from
the outside by number, space, or time. (a) the soul is individual
circumscribing some singularities differing from others (b) souls
individuate bodies (c) mathematical species individuate because
two figures of the same species are mathematically one individual.
8. The principle of indiscernibles establishes divisions in continuity
w/o holes. Continuity doesn’t make differences vanish only value
of the terms of a relation re: its inner reason. Difference exists in
pure variability (polygon/circle) of speed, & is intrinsic, intelligible

9. The law of continuity is located in the concept, where the sensible

ends & the intelligible begins (this is another way of denying the two
worlds (ideal/real – intelligible/sensible). Every individual is
distinguished from another by its primary singularities which don’t
extend as far as the singularities of other individuals re: a spatio-
temporal order in which continues indefinitely. The comparative
extension & intensity of these zones allow monads to be divided
into vegetal, animal, human, angelic traits in continuity.
(D) The play of the Baroque world
1. The play of the world emits singularities, series going from one
singularity to another, rules of convergence/divergence organizing
series of possibles into compossible ∞ totalities incompossible
w/one another, & allots singularities of each world in the monads
that express the world. God chooses both the best world & also the
best allotment of singularities in possible monads. Hence, rules of
the world’s composition in a compossible totality, rules of the
world’s actualization in monads, & rules for realization of the
world in the appropriate materiality.
2. Space-time is to be filled w/the fewest possible voids & the greatest
possible figures. Space-time, in each world, is an order of distances
from one singularity to another or one monad to another, &
continuous prolongation re: distance. Hence, space-time- extension
are in the world (not the inverse).
3. For Nietzsche & Mallarmé the world lacks principles, that is why
the roll of the dice is the power of the affirmation of Chance.
Nothing rather than something lies behind the world. This makes
incompossibles enter into the same world.
4. Before the world lost its principles (nihilism) human Reason had to
collapse (e.g. Kantian last resort of principles). The Baroque’s way
of saving theology was to multiply principles, so that a principle
responded the objects given. Principles are used reflectively
transforming law into universal jurisprudence.
5. Leibniz, like Prospero, brought singularity together w/the concept.
6. It is not enough to say that for Leibniz the game falls under the
principle of the Best (which is only a consequence of the defeat of
the Good). The Leibnizian game is a proliferation & excess of
principles – a game of reflection (skill replaces wisdom/prudence)
– a game of filling holes, refusing absence – a game of nonbattle like
guerrilla war, encircle the enemy & neutralize him by making him
incompossible, impose divergence on him.
(E) Optimism, the world’s misery, and Mannerism
1. The Best arises from the ruins of Platonic Good – the world is the
best because it is this one. The philosopher acts as God’s lawyer –
theodicy – who has to rebuild the world w/new principles of
2. This schizophrenia reconstructs the world w/the monad’s
autoplastic modifications. The meeting of two monads is the
development of their own prearranged spontaneities upholding

their distance – actions/reactions reduce to postures allotted

through distance (Mannerism).
3. The principle of the Best (optimism) saves God’s freedom but not
human liberty, since for Leibniz everything in the world is closed.
4. Incompossibility resolves the problem of future contingencies w/o
guarantying voluntary events. How can liberty conjoin w/the
monad’s complete determination?
(F) The question of human liberty
1. If the predicate were an attribute, then there could be no liberty,
but the predicate is an event appearing as a change of perception &
is voluntary when that change can be given a reason (motive). Two
illusions: (a) Objectifying motives as if they were weights on a scale
(but motives are always subjective) (b) Dividing motives as if they
could be selected among, but rather than choosing motives
(desiring to desire) the soul invents them. Restlessness replaces the
scale & 1000 springs replace the array. Action is voluntary when
the soul gives itself an amplitude bending to one side.
2. E.g. working vs. partying are two orientations each w/a sum of
possible perceptions. Returning to motives they have not stayed
the same. The voluntary act is free since it expresses the entire soul
at a moment of its duration.
(G) Inclusion of the predicate and the living present
1. Inflections are included in souls. Inclination is the fold in the soul,
inflection the way the fold is included. Leibniz: the soul is inclined
w/o being necessitated. Motive is an expression of the present, an
inclination not a determination. Inclusion extends infinitely to the
past & future because the living present rules their division. The
function of inherence in the monad is of the unity of the act made
in the present. Inherence is the condition of liberty.
2. The act is closed (complete) means the act is the unity proper to a
movement that is being made. Like for Bergson interiority constitutes
liberty, since the living present is intensively/extensively variable
confused w/the monad’s clear zone constituting the amplitude of
the soul at an instant. One could have done otherwise insofar as
the soul could have another amplitude constituting the unity of
another act. An act is free since it expresses the wholeness of the
soul in the present.
(H) A phenomenology of motives
1. One is damned for one’s present action, not for past acts. Judas,
e.g., is damned because he hates God. Hatred of God is the
minimum of amplitude of the soul, including in its clear area only
the predicate “to hate God” – retaining only the hope of the “rage
of reason.”
2. Increasing amplitude would make it be another soul. One is
damned at every moment. The damned are free resentful people
who cannot be done with the present wound, scratching over &
over again.
3. The soul cannot take another amplitude, for then it would be
another soul. It does what it does entirely (= its freedom). That

God foresees & preordains the degrees of a soul’s amplitude, & that
another degree would be another soul does not hinder liberty. The
soul is free because every time it constitutes the motive of the event
it produces – it is programmed by motivation where material
things are programmed for mechanical acts.
(I) Leibniz and Bergson: movement as it happens
1. Leibniz & Bergson have the same: (a) critique of illusion re: motives
(b) conception of inflections of the soul (c) inherence/inclusion as
condition of free acts (d) free act as what expresses the self (e) the
problem of God’s foreknowledge which Leibniz resolves by appeal
to God the reader who unfolds all pleats developed sensorily over
time. The present seems to lose its privilege via predestination.
2. To say that God is omnipresent is to sate that God passes through
all conditions of the monad & coincides w/it at the instant of
action. Reading consists in grasping the tendency by which the
following condition arises from the preceding.
3. The point of view of each monad results from God’s reading which
traverses & coincides w/the monad. The monad is free since its
action results from what passes through & happens within it.
Eternity consists of this coincidence w/all the passages.
(J) Baroque damnation
1. The system of inclusion threatens morality rather than liberty. The
amplitude of the reasonable soul is its clear area (its living present).
Amplitude can vary statistically re: child/adult/aged – good/bad
health… & re; amplitude’s limits. Morality = trying to expand
amplitude to produce a free act expressing the most possible in a
monad’s condition.
2. This is a morality of progress: Q: have I chosen that where
amplitude is maximal. Adam was too lazy to explore enough. A
soul’s progress = extending its clear region (prolonging God’s
passage to the max), actualizing all singularities in focus, &
winning over to new singularities = imitating God, an
intensification (amplification) of an elevation of power, growth in
dimensions, & gain in distinction.
3. This seems limited by the totality of progress in the world
(convergence of all areas – compossible monads. However, this
fails to note that monads are not simultaneous, they must await
their time of clarity. In death we fold infinitely on ourselves.
Resurrection brings a final elevation. The damned only enclose
their hatred of God – the maximum of rage/minimum of
amplitude of reason. The dramatic order of time: rise, descent, rise.
4. The monad comes to live, its task, more when called to reason, i.e.,
unfolds its clear zone – to develop all its perceptions. Yet, at the
same time (a) an ∞ of monads remains folded (b) an ∞ fold onto
themselves (c) an ∞ is damned, hardened in a single fold that will
not unfold. These three allow a monad to amplify the area
unfolded during its reasonable life, bringing development,
distinction, & reflection to its region, & hence exceed statistical
variations. This is not a zero sum game, only the damned cannot so

progress & only they are harmed. Their punishment is

involuntarily serving the positive progress of others.
5. Leibniz’s optimism arises from the ∞ quantity of possible progress
the damned liberate as founding the best of all possible worlds.
This multiplies their rage making a world of progress possible. The
two floors divide the world of the damned from that of the saved.
God determines the total quantity of progress eternally in the
calculus of ∞ series moving through increasing magnitudes of
consciousness & the subtractions of the damned.

6. What Is an Event?
(A) Whitehead the successor
1. Whitehead raises the Q: What is an event? Like Leibniz he accepts
the play of principles, multiplication of categories, conciliates
universals & individual examples, transforms the concept into a
subject, & critiques attributes. Events are produced in chaos only if
a sort of screen intervenes.
2. Chaos does not exist, since a screen intervenes that makes
something emerge from chaos. Chaos would be a purely
disjunctive diversity (Many), something is a One, a singularity.
Something emerges from Chaos because a screen intervenes, e.g. all
possibles (chaos) get screened allowing only compossibles & the
3. Chaos would be a depthless shadow, but the screen splits off the
fuscum subnigrum (containing all colors). Psychically chaos would
be the sum of all possible perceptions, while the screen extracts
differentials integrated in ordered perceptions. The screen
comprises infinite series of wholes & parts appearing chaotic
because we cannot follow them.
(B) Extension, intensity, the individual
1. Three conditions of the event: (a) Extension: one element stretched
as a whole over following elements, its parts – forming an ∞ series
w/o end or limit. The event is a vibration w/∞ harmonics (space &
time = abstract coordinates of all series that are in extension ≠
limits. (b) extensive series have intrinsic properties (intensity,
timbre, a tint, a value…) Matter offers characters determining its
texture – intensities [cf. Kant].
2. (c) the individual: for Whitehead = creation of the new. Element =
everything that is a part & that has parts + intrinsic features. The
individual = a concrescence of elements, i.e., a prehension =
individual unity of elements. Everything prehends its antecedents
& concomitants &, by degrees, the world. Prehension moves from
the world to the subject (from prehended datum to prehending
one, from public to private, potential & real, the subject of its own
becoming & the belonging to the becoming of another event. The
event is a nexus of prehensions, always the objectification of one
prehension & subjectification of another.

(C) Prehensions and monads

1. Three characteristics of prehension: (a) The datum is expressed in
the subject – prehending the datum is the manner in which it is
folded in the subject (when positive). (b) the subjective aim assures
passage from one prehension to another in a becoming (placing the
past in a present anticipating the future. (c) The subject filled w/
itself yields a satisfaction.
2. All three characteristics belong to Leibniz’s monad. Perception is
the datum of the prehending subject to the degree its spontaneity
fulfills/objectifies a potential (so, perception is the active
expression of the monad as a function of its POV). The monad
actively expresses sensitive, active, or conceptual manners (e.g.
appetite: a becoming moving from one perception to another). This
sum of perceptions fills a pleasure in expressing the world, this joy
in contracting vibrations so as to produce the new. Q: what
conditions does the objective world allow for subjective production
of novelty. The best of all possible worlds is the one in which the
new is produced.
(D) Eternal objects
1. Eternal objects/ingressions = a 4th component of events: Events are
fluid: extensions move, gain & lose parts; things continuously
change; prehension continually enter & leave variable components.
Permanence must arise from flux. Eternal objects are pure
Possibilities realize in flux & pure Virtualities actualized in
prehensions, hence prehensions only grasp others by apprehending
eternal objects. Eternal objects belong to processes of
actualization/realization gaining permanence only in the limits of
the flux creating them or prehensions actualizing them.
2. Leibniz’s monads: actualize themselves from virtualities & realize
possibilities in composite substances (as perceived qualities), in
aggregates (things), & in extended phenomena (figures).
Permanency includes monads actualizing the virtual & extending
to possibilities grasped in reflection. Qualities, things, & figures are
reflected & actualized in monads but realized in flux.
(E) The concert
1. A concert is an event – periodic movements through space
w/harmonics, inner qualities (pitch, intensity…), & active
perceptions (each perceives its own & others sounds).
2. Monads or prehensions originate sounds, fill themselves w/their
perceptions & move from perception to perception. Scales are
eternal objects both Virtualities actualized in origins & Possibilities
realized in vibrations. Leibniz divides the concert into two sound
sources each hearing only its own perceptions & harmonized
w/the other, since vertical rules of harmony are enveloped in their
spontaneities replacing horizontal connections.
3. For Whitehead prehensions connect directly to one another – the
same universe in process. For Leibniz, monads exclude
incompossible universes, all that exist express the same world w/o
exclusion, w/o contact or horizontal relations, but only an indirect

harmony allows them to express each other, no windows. For

Leibniz this is because of the condition of closure, compossibility.
For Whitehead, prehensions are naturally open onto one another &
onto the world (w/o having to pass through a window)
4. Leibniz: bifurcations & divergences of series form borders between
incompossible worlds so existing monads include the existing
compossible world. Whitehead: bifurcations, divergences,
incompossibilities, & discord belong to the same world that can no
longer be included in expressive units but only be made or undone by
prehensive units, variable configurations or changing captures – a
chaosmos. Even God becomes process, the play of the world
diverges & is kept open by divergent series & incompossible
totalities pulling them outside – a world of captures not closures.
(F) Modern Leibnizianism: suppression of the condition of closure, and the
1. The Baroque is a transition from the collapse of classical reason
(due to divergences, incompossibilities, discords & dissonances) to
reasons reconstitution by dividing divergences into as many
worlds as possible w/incompossibilities at their borders. Discords
are resolved in accords because discords only occur between
worlds. Melody gets blurred, but is regained via harmony &
distance between dissonances.
2. The neo-Baroque unfolds divergent series & incompossibles in the
same world. Harmony’s crisis leads to an emancipation of the
dissonance in chromaticism w/no resolution to a tonality – opening
onto a polytonality – “a polyphony of polyphonies.”

III. Having a Body

7. Perception in the Folds

(A) The requirement of having a body
1. Having a body is a moral necessity explained by the obscure depths
of the monad – a passive limitation on its activity requiring
extension & resistance.
2. In contrast: monads must have bodies because their clear zone of
expression relates to its body coinciding w/its immediate
3. (a) monads condense incorporeal events prior to bodies (b) these
events form a zone of clear expression (c) they necessarily relate to
the monad’s body & incarnate bodies that act on it – this relation is
genetic not given & so the body explores the clear zone.
4. Q1: Why is the need to have a body sometimes concluded from the
obscure zone, & sometimes from the clear zone? Q2: How does the
existence of the body follow from the clear?
5. The world only exists in its representatives (∞ minute perceptions) -
∞ tiny inflections endlessly folding & unfolding.
(B) First stage of deduction: the ordinary and the remarkable

1. Micro obscure perceptions compose macro clear conscious

perceptions – destabilizing the preceding macroperception &
preparing the next, e.g., pain followed by pleasure, hunger by
2. Microperceptions are passages as much as components constituting
disquiet. There are microperceptions not integrated into present
perception & also some not integrated into the preceding one.
3. Perceptions can only be distinguished from appetites on the molar
level not the micro level. Causes: (a) metaphysical – every monad
contains an ∞ world (b) psychological – every conscious perception
implies ∞ micro perceptions that prepare, compose, or follow it.
4. The move from molecular to molar perceptions is made through a
totalization that is not a relation of parts/wholes, since even wholes
may be imperceptible, e.g., accustomed noises not consciously
5. Inconspicuous perceptions become conscious by going from
ordinary to remarkable. Mathematically, two heterogenous parts
enter into differential relations determining a singularity, e.g., blue
& yellow vanish in green db/dy = g, likewise blue determined by a
differential relation between two colors we cannot detect – this is
what happens s/hunger (lack of sugar determines hunger as
something remarkable).
(C) Differential relations
1. Microperceptions get selected by engaging in differential relations
& so produce the quality in consciousness when its threshold is
passed. Inconspicuous perceptions are requisites (genetic
elements). As in Maïmon, perceptions don’t suppose an object or
the conditions of it affecting us, but rather the reciprocal
determination of differentials producing the complete
determination of the object as a perception & the determinability of
its space-time conditions. This requires an inner method of genesis
& concept of difference. Space-time becomes the nexus of
differential relations in the subject (in which an Idea is actualized –
a quality actualizing an eternal Object = Idea) & the object the
product of these relations in conscious perception.
2. This does not reintroduce ∞ understanding because the ∞ only
means there is an unconscious in finite understanding that cannot
be thought in finite thought (a non-self in the self). Reciprocal
determination of differentials refers to microperceptions as
representatives of the world in the finite self..
(D) Recapitulation of singularities
1. The argument can appeal to both obscurity & clarity, since clarity
arise from & returns to obscurity. Differential relations draw
inconspicuous perceptions into clarity by selecting
microperceptions that operate in producing conscious perceptions.
2. Existing monads universally include the same world offering the
same microperceptions & differential relations – the same eternal
object actualized in each. Yet, differently actualized in each monad,

each perceiving a different quality by differential relations selecting

microperceptions appropriate to it.
3. Contra-Descartes, for Leibniz a genetic process makes clarity
emerge from obscurity & clarity plunges into obscurity. Monads
will attain different levels of clarity – more or less clear to the
degree revealed by sensibility.
4. Answer to Qs (7A4 above): the need for a body appeals to both
clarity & obscurity since clarity must emerge out of obscurity.
Differential relations filter microperceptions determining distinct &
confused. But clarity is relatively obscure & absolutely confused, &
the distinct is relatively confused & absolutely inadequate. Clear
perception is never distinct.
5. Clear perception is distinguished in that it is remarkable, 1st
filtering remarkable (clear & distinguished) perceptions from
ordinary ones. The distinct presupposes a filter assuming the
remarkable to be regular & extracting its singularities. A 3rd filter
drawing the ordinary from the singular would allow everything to
be both ordinary & remarkable.
(E) Psychic mechanism and hallucinatory perception
1. Three meanings of the singular: (a) inflection: the point of inflection
extended up to the neighborhood of other singularities (lines of the
universe related by distance) (b) the perspectival axis of the
concave curve as the monad’s POV (c ) the remarkable re:
differential relations constituting perception. A 4th making up
extrema (maxima/minima). The Baroque thus subordinates the
true to what is singular & remarkable.
2. Their zones of clarity distinguish monads. Monads w/o a clear
zone are conceivable. They would lack differential mechanisms for
selecting & extracting remarkable points, lack a clear zone.
3. This limit condition is abstract except in death. Animals, even
proteins, can perceive, discriminate, & distinguish (react to) some
things, e.g., the tick’s three affects.
4. Animals differ re: extension & hermeticism of their clear zone:
some associating conscious perceptions w/others in the ∞ process
of reciprocal determination (remembering monads) – some w/the
power to extend & intensify their zones attaining a real (not merely
associative) connection of conscious perceptions (reasonable
monads, under the condition that some are Damned).
(F) Dusts and folds in the soul
1. Monads can be classified: naked, remembering, reasonable.
Fechner develops many more classes. Most monads at some time
believe they are damned, but w/freedom the soul convalesces.
2. Microperceptions force selection & infest consciousness when
differential mechanisms are inhibited, where tiny folds folding/
unfolding at speeds normal consciousness cannot hold. Formation
of clear perceptions draw a fold between conscious/unconscious
joining tiny edges to areas, moderating speeds, selecting out micro-

3. Because of this fold over folds, the unfolded surface is never the
opposite of the fold but moves from some perceptions to others.
Unfolding: (a) drawing a great fold over ∞ tiny folds (b) undoing
tiny folds that pass through all thresholds unveiling their dark
depth. Always unfolding between two folds & so always
perceiving in the folds.
(G) Second stage: from perception to the organic body
1. No perception has an object: conscious perception refers only to the
physical mechanism of differential relations among unconscious
perceptions, & these are related only to the metaphysical
mechanism of the world existing solely in the monads –
unconscious perceptions are representatives not representations of
the world.
2. We grasp figures w/o objects that arise from the depths & fall back.
I see into the folds – the situation of perception is the event & which
is always collective.
3. Deduction stage 1: monad  what is perceived (phenomena). But,
then, only phenomena exist. The perceived is not a given, but is
generated by differential relations among microperceptions. This
does not justify the conclusion that our body exists nor that other
bodies affect it.
4. The collection of unconscious perceptions has no unity; it receives
unity from differential relations carried out by thought.
(H) What does perception look like?
1. Q: Why go beyond phenomena to bodies? W/o bodies there
would be less variety in perceivers (no animals, e.g.). More
important, the perceived resembles something that forces reflection
on it, e.g., pain resembles the movement of something digging into
my flesh.
2. Perception resembles, not an object, but by evoking a vibration
gathered by a receptive organ, e.g., pain resembles a multiplicity of
tiny movements (throbs) in the flesh. Resemblance is like a
projection, pain projected on the material vibrations. Projection is
an analogy: minute perceptions/conscious perceptions = vibrations
of matter/the organ.
3. That the perceived resembles something does not mean perception
represents an object. Affective qualities, confused or obscure
perceptions resembles as projective or natural signs resembling
matter in extension (vibrations, tendencies in motion). Geometry
plunges into obscurity. Resemblance = what resembles not what is
resembled – matter is necessarily produced in conformity w/this
relation – the likeness is itself the model making matter be that
which it resembles.
4. Q: How does the material side of the analogy presented? Here the
Q re: differential calculus is that of obscure perceptions.
(I) Organs and vibrations: the physical mechanism of excitation
1. Differential calculus is not adequate for infinitesimal things, since
the existing ∞ is not whole/part nor does it tend towards a limit.

Calculus is a psychic mechanism that cannot be assumed in the

physical mechanism perception resembles except as a fiction.
2. Bodies essentially have the power of diminishing infinitely & the
power of being in constant flux. Physical mechanism work by
communication & propagation of movement (not by differential
relations). Matter, then, is full of organs contracting the vibrations
they receive – physical causality gathers the effect of ∞ causes.
3. Extrinsic physical causality goes from a body to what it effects to ∞.
Intrinsic psychical causality goes from a monad to effects of
perception of the universe that it produces spontaneously. These
two correspond to two calculations two halves of the calculus.
Differential mechanisms in the monad resemble mechanisms of
communication & propagation of extrinsic movement.
(J) Pleats of matter
1. The relation of vibrations received introduced limits making
calculus applicable, but this relation is not itself differential, its
application is based on there being receptive organs in matter.
Newton’s calculus determines magnitudes according to the
intensities that form them – fluxions disappear in increased
magnitude. Leibniz’s calculus is based on reciprocal determination
of differentials in which the soul conserves & distinguishes tiny
components. Leibniz’s calculus resembles Newton’s although they
differ metaphysically – the likeness is the model that determines
what it resembles.
2. Deduction: (a) monad requires a body = limitation matter, (b) the
requirement is filled by flux matter. Stage (b) moves from the
perceived to the body (1) perception’s relation resembles an organ
(2) organs constitute received vibrations to ∞ (3) the psychic
mechanism of perception is the model of the physical mechanism
of bodies (4) Perception, as representative of the world, becomes
the representation of an object in conformity w/organs.
(K) The status of calculus
1. The organic body of the monad corresponds to its perceptions.
Perceiving establishes folds in the soul like a matter organized in
pleats. Perception straddles folds of tiny perceptions & the fold
between consciousness & matter (tiny vibratory folds gathered in
an organ).
2. The monad has a clear & distinguished zone because it has ideal
virtual events, singularities. It has a body because it has this zone
of expression. That which is expressed clearly (in the kairos)
concerns its body & acts on it & its environment. When perception
becomes of an object this can be inverted in accord w/ordinary
language & the empirical order: I have a clear zone because I have a
3. In this sense the monad can suffer even though all is drawn from
itself. Is the illusory action of bodies on one another causing
perceptions merely a way of talking? The answer requires an
analysis of causalities.

8. The Two Floors

(A) The two halves: the ones and the others, the “each” and “every”
1. Conceiving the concept as merely aggregate spoils it, since the
concept is distributive (part/whole relations). Reasonable monads
re: the world as to the comprehension of their concept. Monads are
“each” (every one for itself) – bodies are “one”, “some”, “any”.
Upper floor: reasonable monads – the Each
2. Lower floor: material universe of bodies. These converge since
monads express the sum of the world & bodies are impressed by ∞
other bodies. Two regimes: vertical immanent causality (concepts
of liberty, final causes, the best) – transitive horizontal causality
(concepts of nature, efficient causes, physical laws w/hypothetical
3. These convergences encroach on one another, e.g., efficient causes
only operate where final causes fulfill the conditions.
(B) Mathematics of halves
1. 1st half – the object perceived (the world of expression): the world
(object) as the equation of an ∞ curvature of inflection gives the
monads as primal forces by the rule of tangents (vectors of
concavity). Differential relations extracted from the equation are
present between microperceptions in the monads. Hence every one
conveys the curvature of its POV.
2. 2nd half – the object as content (empirical laws of nature):
differential equations & integrations determine the efficient causes
of perception re: matter & bodies perception resembles.
(C) The role of the extrema
1. Singularities of extrema operate in nature since the curve is related
to coordinates in which maxima & minima get determined. Not
vectors of concavities, but of weight (e.g. the catenary curve). Not
reciprocal determination, but complete determination by maxima &
minima determining various derivative forces.
2. Two calculi re: the equation of the world (a) in the minds that
conceive it (b) in Nature that makes it possible. These calculi are
probably continuous & complementary, but different. In one
differential relations determine maximum quantity of being, in the
other maxima/minima determine the relations in the equation.
Properties of extrema constitute Nature, but their choice refer to
properties of inflection that put the whole into play as if it were a
property of being the limit of a convergent series. The equation is
enveloped in the monads & creased in matter.
3. Upper floor: line of variable curvature w/o coordinates, ∞
inflection where vectors of concavity mark the position of monads –
individual weightlessness. Lower floor: coordinates determine
extrema – masses following an extrinsic vector of gravity. Between
these a tension is shown w/rises & falls of the upper.
4. Figures refer to coordinate axes implying a supplementary
dimension to be surveyed & are dependent. Structures refer to
serially ordered relative positions = monads, self-surveiling

superjects, are absolute vertical positions, surfaces, volumes unified

as overviews.
5. Monads oversee themselves w/o needing distance (nonlocalizable
linkages), they are absolute interiorities (not subjects of perceiving,
nor objects of perception) that enjoy themselves by withdrawing
themselves from co-present perceptions & w/o sense organs or
physical excitations. Individuals endlessly being formed, not a
vitalism, but absolute active unities actualizing virtualities or
potentials in harmony w/o determining one another.
6. Leibniz’s critique of Newton insofar as phenomena of attraction
need not exceed mechanisms of contact/succession. Movements
created from one instant to the next by minute releases of tension.
7. An extension w/o an overview (links w/o sufficient reason)
operate in even organic phenomena. A form cannot be reduced to
a phenomenal field, since it must retain its distinct details &
individuality in the hierarchy in which it is inserted. Semi-wholes
& attractions once formed only make another layer of horizontal
linkages. Here the only finality is produced by the mechanism.
(D) Virtual-present, possible-real: the event
1. These laws, like statistics, govern collections, masses, organisms,
distributing forces determining material links. The two aspects of
the calculus distinguish individual beings (absolute forms, primal
forces) above from molar structures (masses, derivative forces)
2. Individual beings’ forms & forces = hierarchy, accord, variety, &
sufficient reason of collections. Lower floor implies loss of
individuality in its components re: composite collections &
secondary forces of linkage. The folds of matter hide something
from the relative surface they affect differ from the folds of form
that reveal details of an absolute surface.
3. The line of the world is like a virtuality actualized in monads
conveying that line from their POVs on their surfaces. While the
possible-real concerns God’s choice of which possible monads
(w/their actuality) get realized. There are possible actualities that
must still be realized.
4. The world is a virtuality actualized in monads & a possibility
realized in matter. Phenomena = what is perceived in monads.
Whether the perceived resembles something corresponding to it is
the question of the perceived’s realization in objective Nature. It is
in the body that something is realized & becomes substantial.
5. Actualization operates via distribution, realization via resemblance.
The world is a pure virtuality & possibility, an incorporeal event
(Stoic), a pure predicate. That is how the world can be
distinguished from its own realization/actualization (how, e.g., a
soul feels pain & body is hit).
6. The world is the pure reserve of events actualized in selves,
realized in things. This reserve must preexist the world as an
withdrawn ideal event.

7. The material universe is expressive re: world & souls.

Preestablished harmony is accord between the distributive regime
of actualization of souls and the collective regime of realization of
bodies. The former goes from the entire world to a designated
zone, the latter from part to part. To the degree a body corresponds
to the designated zone of the soul & is successively impressed by
all other bodies, the body expresses re: its surroundings what the
soul expresses in its region.
8. Q: What founds the appurtenance of one body to each monad?
This accentuates the problem of the union of soul & body. How
does One body belong to each soul?
(E) Leibniz and Husserl: the theory of appurtenances
1. The monad is the Ego in its concrete plenitude, the Self related to
the sphere of its appurtenances/possessions, myself is found in the
mark of something foreign in me (hence I can constitute Nature to
which the other in me belongs. For Leibniz & Husserl, the thought
of the self, the fact of diverse thoughts/perceptions, my clear zone,
primary matter (the requirement of having a body, this body all
belong to me. This body differs from my other possessions in that
it is extrinsic, not in my monad.
2. For Husserl, the other self is discovered via aperceptive
transposition from my body. For Leibniz, the plurality of monads
was discovered earlier in that all that exceeds my clear zone is the
negative image (the intrinsic mark in me) of other monads, since
they use it for their clear zones. So, the community of monads
appear w/o needing bodies.
3. A monad can have an extrinsic possession (on the lower level),
since while soul & body are really distinct that does not imply that
they are separable (preestablished harmony rules their real
distinction, union makes them inseparable). What a monad
perceives must “resemble” a body in general – that it have a body
is individual, the body that it has is, at first, generic.
4. An organic, generic body is made of collections of ∞ material parts,
but it only has organs insofar as organs are inseparable from
animal monads whose special zone corresponds to one ∞ collection
or another (what matters is inseparability from souls that can
5. The monad that has a body differs from those that are the requisites
of that body (of its parts), & each of the latter has a body differing
from those that are requisites for it…
(F) Body and soul: appurtenance inverted, provisional appurtenances
1. My body accords w/the law of collections because it continuously
moves & changes, my monad constantly has a body, but monads
only temporarily belong to parts of my body. For Husserl, the
organic composition of my body is not a problem, since the Other
arises in me only w/the other body through which I intend an
Alter Ego that doesn’t belong to me – the animal is an anomaly.
2. For Leibniz, the alter ego arises earlier in phenomenological
deduction & is explained by preestablished harmony. The other

that now arises is the animal & all animalcules inseparable from the
fluid parts of my body.
3. Animals in nature are enlargements of animalcules, an animal
monadology. These are temporary appurtenances, since my sphere
of appurtenances discovers me. It is therefore difficult to know
what belongs to me (e.g. Beckett’s Malone). A metaphysical
vinculum is needed to sort out what belongs to me.
4. This is philosophically important in that Having come to replace
Being. It is new that species, degrees, relations & variables of
possession are used to analyze the content & development of Being.
5. Since perceptions as included predicates replace attributes,
predication is a having. Likewise, the body, an extrinsic property,
introduces temporalization, precariousness into having. There
cannot, then, be having once & for all. Havings are continuously
reshuffled relations between monads (both re: harmony & union).
Monads have other monads (cells, atoms…) as their properties.
These are phenomena of domination/subjugation & appropriation
under a certain power – to have is to convey what one contains w/
a certain power, & so is associated w/capitalism.
(G) Domination and vinculum
1. Expression as a code of correspondences as domination as a
reading of appurtenances & possessions. A specific body belongs
to my monad as long as my monad dominates its monads. A body
always belongs to me since its parts are continuously replaced like
Theseus' ship. But, domination would be vague w/o being defined
by a substantial vinculum – a complex relation of variable terms &
a constant term.
2. The constant term = the dominant monad. Dominating other
monads (variable terms) cannot be a predicate contained in a
subject. The dominant monad is a subject of adhesion of the
3. This seems paradoxical since monads are absolute interiorities
(inner surfaces w/only one side), yet re: the vinculum this surface
as an outside. But, the condition of closure is an ∞ fold that can be
unfolded only by recovering the outside of its own interiority, the
vinculum, membrane coextensive w/everything inside, an
unlocalizable link bordering the absolute interior.
4. Variables enter into a relation exterior to them, an outside of the
constant dominating ∞ variables under this relation. This relation
presupposes the individuality of the monads & their perceptions,
for it neither depends on them nor they on it. The relation extracts
a common modification, an Echo, they all have together when
reflected on the surface of a wall.
5. The vinculum is this reflecting wall, the form of the outside.
Variable monads are emitters, the echo is the modification of the
whole. The vinculum dominates its variables as a mass effect (not
in their individuality) – it acquires monad en masse inverting
appurtenance. The monads, then, belong to ∞ material parts
inseparable from them. They make up the specificity of these parts

in general: homogeneity of parts replacing one another,

heterogeneity of parts coordinated.
6. The vinculum filters monads, masses making up the unity of the
body & the specificity of its organic parts. The organic body = that
which possesses a dominant.
7. The vinculum re: the dominant variable determines an individual
unity of the body that belongs to it, my own body. Specific unity
presupposes this individual unity. Parts can replace parts because
they can be specifically replaced, & because they belong to an
individual body. (a) each monad is inseparable from a body it
possesses (b) each possesses a body insofar as it is the constant
subject of a vinculum (c) the vinculum takes monads en masse for
its variables (d) theses masses belong to & are inseparable from ∞
material parts (e) these parts make up the organic composition of a
body unified as species by the vinculum (f) this is the individual
monads body insofar as its vinculum imposes individual unity.
(H) The three species of monads: dominant, dominated, defective
1. Monads are primary active forces inseparable from a body, it does
not contain, corresponding to its clear zone, which it requires since
its force is limited. A monad is dominant to the degree it has
requirements: reasonable monads necessarily are dominant, even in
death or reversion to the animal. Monads dominate insofar as they
project active primary force at a point in the body.
2. Dominated monads (= also dominant from another POV).
Reasonable monads are never dominated, animals can be when
taken en masse re: ∞ aggregates of material parts that own them.
These parts compose a body of their dominant monad acquired
under a vinculum.
3. Aggregates are material, clusters are monads inseparable from
aggregates. Masses make organic parts from the body of their
dominant monad, & hence are active, collective, & derivative, i.e.,
apparent units of generation/corruption – organic composition:
envelopment, development, & fluxion of material parts.
4. Monads in clusters constitute corporal/composite substantiata.
Since monads belong to clusters only under a vinculum, they must
fall under a dominant monad fulfilling the dominant monad’s
requirement of having a body.
5. Having a body requires primary matter, & secondary matter fills
that requirement. For secondary matter is an inorganic aggregate
w/derivative forces organized by the mass of monads. Derivative
forces belong to dominated monads (which retain their
individuality) & act on the aggregates collectively. Yet, clusters of
dominated monads & their forces exist only in the individuality of
their dominant, a primary force of surveillance.
6. Derivative forces are intermediate between individual distributions
& statistical collections. These forces act on aggregates but belong
to organisms. Matter, then, also has textures. Secondary matter is
“clothed” in that it is either a structure w/an organic fabric

(surface) or the fabric itself – texture enveloping the abstract

(I) Crowds, organisms, and heaps
1. These interactive clusters are in constant flux, w/appurtenances/
possessions entering & leaving the body to come under a different
vinculum making mutations & reassociations available.
Metamorphosis involves this capacity for ∞ envelopment of their
parts, & also fluxions reassociating parts in different aggregates.
2. Material aggregates may also leave an organism w/o falling under
another vinculum, merely pressed together (like felt). But even
these contain organisms. They are purely mechanical and
perceived by monads, but insofar as they are actualized they have
3. Bodies can only follow a law via their inner active nature.
Inorganic bodies have forces, & so a 3rd species of monads.
4. These are defective monads. 1st species of monads = unities of
inner change; 2nd = units of organic composition (generation/
corruption); 3rd = units of outer movement (successive
determination re: surroundings mechanically linked. Yet, all
movement possesses an inner unity (inertia).
5. Like for Bergson, an inner unity of trajectory is presupposed to a
resistance (elasticity) extrinsically determined. Inner forces (units)
of movement (tendencies) belong to aggregates & defective
monads w/o a vinculum.
6. 1st species of monads are powers in action (inseparable from an
actualization they execute). 2nd are dispositions or habitus arranged
under a vinculum. 3rd are tendencies waiting on the suppression of
impediment. The instant is itself a tendency, it does not disappear
w/o tending toward a future instant into which it passes. The
inner unity of movement must recreate itself at each instant.
Monads of the 3rd kind flash through the difference of illuminators
& illuminated.
(J) Force
1. Derivative forces = primary forces taken under a vinculum or in the
flash of an instant – taken as multitudes w/plastic = organic forces
or taken in a mass w/elastic forces. Derivative forces are neither
substance nor predicate, but several substances existing only in a
mass. They are “material souls,” i.e., material forces.
2. Material forces are really distinct from bodies; they don’t interact.
Material forces are present to a body by requisition. They belong to
the body that belongs to a dominant monad, a primary force
removed from the multitude or mass, but present to its body by
projection. Derivative forces act as primary forces re: their own
(K) Private and public
1. Public means the derivative (requisite) status of the monads – in-
multitude/in-mass. Here they belong inseparably to a body.
Private means monads in themselves, their POV & projections.

Here a (different) body belongs to them. Reasonable monads have

only a private status; they are public only re: society of spirits.
2. 3 classes: bare entelechies w/perception, animal souls w/memory,
feeling & attention, reasonable minds. Reasonable minds are only
dominant owning a body. Animal souls sometimes dominant,
sometimes dominated (related to a body en mass & dominated).
Entelechies are degenerate souls tied to a body in a heap, neither
dominant nor dominated.
3. Souls (inner spontaneity) & matter (outer determination) are really
distinct, each w/its own laws. There is no real interaction between
them, but an ideal action since each according to its own laws
expresses a single world, souls actualizing bodies realizing it.
4. This single world does not exist outside its expressants – two floors
of the same house, private apartments above, common rooms
below. Kant isolates the two so that the upper floor only regulates
the lower.
5. Instead for Leibniz the floors are inseparable yet really distinct –
the upper folded over the lower. The soul present via projection
(force is presence). Bodies are present via requisition. These
presences (appurtenances) are not actions. They belong to one
another through an original zone in which a body belongs to a
private soul & a soul take on public status re: a collective body.
This zone is the fold of the upper over the lower, so it is an
indeterminate zone between the sensible & the intelligible.
(L) Where does the fold go?
1. The fold goes between essences/existences, body/soul,
inorganic/organic, species of monads; it is a unlocalizable primal
tie – a looser link than the vinculum. The fold & vinculum only
bind souls having bodies to souls having bodies & in this way
moves from soul to body & back. The ideal cause, then, works, not
by action but, by this movement – matter makes syntheses, souls
make up units of synthesis. Only souls act following their laws,
bodies continually realize this action according to their laws.
2. The world is actualized in souls, realized in bodies & so is folded
twice in accord with two regimes of laws. This fold (Zweifalt), is the
zone of inseparability between the two folds. Bodies realize the
world ≠ being made real re: the actuality of the soul (perception/
inner action) – Something currently perceived in the soul is realized
in the body, viz. the fold or the vinculum. Leibniz’s transcendental
philosophy bearing on the event rather than on phenomena –
transcendental actualization/realization instead of Kantian

9. The New Harmony

(A) Baroque clothing and matter clothed
1. The Baroque is defined by the fold that goes to ∞, whose model is
fabric & clothing that is not subordinated to the body it covers.
2. Hence, folds cannot be explained by the body, but by a spiritual
adventure, an art of textures.

(B) The fold to infinity: painting, sculpture, architecture, and theater

1. Go-betweens/Elements explain the freeing folds from reproducing
the finite body. Elements mediate distend & broaden the relation
of clothing to the body. The autonomy of folds of clothing convey
the intensity of a spiritual force on the body to turn it inside out &
mold its inner surface.
2. Elements intervene as derivative forces materializing ∞ spiritual
force. They appear in everyday productions: drapery, tablecloth,
jewelry, & paintings which cannot be unraveled w/o going to ∞ &
extracting something spiritual.
3. The law of extrema of matter implies maximum matter for
minimum extension – matter flows out of frames tending to unfold
in extension w/masses overflowing frames or making them
disappear – a fluid conquest of abstraction.
(C) The unity of the arts
1. The Baroque creates a unity of the arts by a continuity extending
each & one into another: painting extended into sculpture, into
architecture overflowing façades, into city planning.
2. Extensive unity produces a universal theater. The sum of arts
becomes the Socius. Modern abstract art is set between two arts.
The theater of the arts becomes an ∞ machine (every part is also a
machine) endlessly folding & unfolding.
(D) The world as a cone: allegory, emblem, and device
1. Elements = powers enlarging & distending the world: frames mark
a direction coexisting w/others – forms link to all directions at
once. A collective unity in extension (a plateau) goes toward a
different unity: comprehensive, spiritual, punctual, conceptual.
The world as a cone joining its material base to an apex/POV.
Leibniz’s world unites continuity in extension w/individuality.
2. The law of the cupola is a double Baroque figure that also holds for
sculpture: a base of powers & elements converging on an apex that
unifies it – derived forceces below, primal force above.
3. The cone combines the highest inner unity w/the broadest unity of
extension w/o which the former could not exist. The essence of the
Baroque is to bring ∞ space w/o a center under a unity projected
from a summit as POV.
4. The essence of the Baroque realizes something in illusion –
connecting illusion to a spirtual presence that provides a collective
unity – presence is itself hallucinatory.
5. Walter Benjamin showed that allegory is a power of figuration that
produces a history from nature & makes history into nature in a
decentered world. Allegory exceeds the logical relation of concept
to object. Sometime the object is cut from its ties to the universe &
is connected to an Idea that develops its concept morally or
6. Sometimes the object is extended re: natural relations & overflows
its frame entering into a series interiorizing the concept as
something personal. Allegory uses emblems w/3 elements: images
/seeing, inscriptions-maxims/reading, proper names/signing.

7. (a) Images tend to exceed their frames linking continuously w/

broader cycles [series] since the pictured form is an event. (b)
Inscriptions are propositions tending toward a concept – the whole
proposition is a predicate. (c) propositional concepts are enveloped
by an individual subject as its owner.

(E) Leibniz’s concettism

1. Concept becomes concetto/apex because folded in an individual
subject. The world as a cone becomes an allegory of allegory
2. Leibniz’s philosophy belongs to this world: transforming
perceptible objects into series of continuous figures – events
assigned to these figures & inscribed in propositions – predication
of propositions to an individual subject containing their concept =
apex/POV – principle of indiscernibles insuring the interiority of
concept & individual. Scenographies – definitions – POVs yield a
unity of multiple (objectively) & multiplicity of one & unity of
multiplicity (subjectively)  cycle completed by one-one, multiple-
3. Leibniz’s philosophy is an allegory of the world transforming
symbol to allegory, & allegory of all possible worlds – a kind of
story in which description replaces object, concept becomes
narrative, & subject becomes POV/subject of expression.
(F) Music or higher unity
1. The cone has continuity both along its base & vertically.
2. Music is both love of order & measure beyond the senses &
affective pleasure from vibrations. Baroque music extracts vertical
harmony from horizontal melody – elevating harmony as higher
(G) Harmonics: the monad as number
1. Leibniz’s concept of harmony is attuned to Baroque music; it is
preestablished implying a new state of things. Harmony differs
from occasionalism as harmony differs from melodic counterpoint.
2. Harmony relates multiplicity to a certain unity w/distinctive traits
(existence, number, beauty). Harmonic unity: allows the existent to
derive from ∞, is a numerical unity enveloping a multiplicity, is
affective insofar as grasped confusedly by the senses. Leibniz
discovers the number of the existent as an ∞ series of rationals
enveloped in the irrational number in the form of an inverse 1/n.
The word harmonic refers to: inverse numbers, the harmonic
triangle of numbers, the harmonic mean summing inverses,
harmonic circulation & of periodic movement.
3. From harmony to monads: harmony is monadological since the
monads begin from harmony. When God judges X to be harmonic,
it is conceived as a monad, existent mirror & expression of the
world. The simple number, for Leibniz, is the inverse – the monad
1/∞ is the inverse of the divine formula ∞/1 & is God’s inverse.
This yields a new proof, by inverse, of God’s existence.
(H) Theory of accords

1. The inverse is infinitely small; it is not collective, but individual &

distributive. The numerators 1 of inverses are marked by their
denominators, differentiating them. Hence, souls do not reduce to
a world soul since each monad is a unit surrounded by a zone of
convergent series expressing the unit re: a distinctive variable value
as its way of combining the unit w/∞. Hence each monad
expresses its zone clearly re: 1/n. Monads include the world as ∞
series of infinitesimal units & establishes differential relations &
integrations only on their part of the ∞ series – so monads enter
into ∞ series of inverses. Hence, each monad presents accords = the
relation of a state w/its differentials. Accord is the product of a
calculus w/an affective state. Monads are distinguished by its
chords (e.g. hearing the sound of the sea).
2. My being in the world is an anxiety of microperceptions. I produce
an accord when differential relations in an ∞ sum of micro-
perceptions makes their integration into a clear perception possible,
selecting it in a particular zone. Accords can be classified, since a
monad cannot select in a zone in which it does not have accords &
linkages can be different in different monads.
3. (a) Major/perfect accords: small anxieties get integrated in pleasure
that can be continued, multiplied, reflexive, & attractive for other
accords – these are dynamisms that passing between accords &
infinitely combining them. (b) minor accords: differential relations
can only integrate infinitely small parts in unstable combinations
that can be inverted unless attracted by a perfect accord. (c)
dissonant accords: integrate partial pains w/pleasure anticipating
the next pain, displacing pain in search of consonant major accords,
suppressing resentment by activity trying to suppress causes.
Leibniz’s theory of evil is a method to anticipate & resolve
dissonances. The damned’s hatred of God draws pleasure from
pain & prevents this resolution.
(I) The two aspects of harmony: spontaneity and concertation
1. Monads’ spontaneity is that they produce & undo endless accords
transforming one another tending toward resolution. POV is the
selection monads exert on the whole world to extract accords from
a part of the line of ∞ inflection = the world.
2. Monads select accords from their inner depths. So, the soul is the
basis of its own self-enjoyment. The line of the world is inscribed as
vertical harmony on the monads inner surface; the monad extracts
accords superimposed on that surface.
3. Monads express the same world that only exists within its
expression. Monads’ concertation = an accord among accords – an
accord of spontaneities – between the monads themselves.
4. Organic bodies are inseparable from crowds of monads; inorganic
bodies inseparable from instantaneous monads. Yet all monad are
in perfect accord in a vertical harmony in which monads stay
disconnected while their accords are strictly internal.
5. Law of inverses: What is in one monad’s obscure region is in
another’s clear region. There is a monad that has clearly as an

accord on its vertical surface whatever a given monad contains

obscurely. Since all monads convey the same world, the clearly
expressed event is a cause & the one that expresses it obscurely is
the effect – a purely ideal causality w/only its own spontaneity
instead of action.
6. The clear & distinguished zone of monads tend to vary in each
instant – spatial vectors & temporal tensors of increase & decrease.
One monad can express an event more clearly than another.
7. Concertation sums the ideal causal relations & is perfectly
reconciled w/spontaneity. Causality moves from the more clear
(more stable) to the less clear (less stable). Spontaneity produces
clarity & concertation is ideal causality (relating clear to obscure).
(J) Harmony, melody, and Baroque music
1. Spontaneity produces each monad’s inner accords on its absolute
surface. Concertation = correspondence of accords such that there
can be no major accord in a monad w/o a minor/dissonant accord in
another monad. Spontaneity is the inner, i.e., sufficient reason
applied to monads; concertation is that reason applied to spatio-
temporal relations implied by the monad. The order of coexistence
& succession of monads must be vectored/oriented – movement
goes from clearer to less clear, perfected accord to less perfected
(the clearest = reason itself). Harmony is preestablished re: each
interior expression & also re: the common expression in concert
between expressive spontaneities.
2. The horizontal lines of melody are not only harmonized but also
fall under a vinculum (basso continuo) of a dominant monad that
sets a tonality. But the vinculum does not impose harmonic laws
on the polyphony of lines, since lines can be brought under another
3. Melody lines gains a force of variation via foreign elements
realizing accords (e.g. delays, interweavings), & a force of
continuity of a motif crossing tonalities. Nature becomes a melody
& flow of bodies that does not contradict the subjective, conceptual,
harmonic, distributive unity.
4. Nature’s melody (conformity of the senses) depends on the
spiritual harmonic unity & gives it a body. There is a harmony of
harmony & melody – going from the intelligible to the sensible.
The upper floor contains vertical harmonic monads w/inner
accords concerted in the lower floor stretched out in an ∞ melodic
line of sensible variation & continuity. The folding of the upper
floor over the lower realizes accords – melody realizes harmony.
5. Leibniz’s analogies w/Baroque music are exact. Expression = affect
of accord & harmony treats dissonance as a function of accords
(chords) moving by contrasts consolidating a tonality submitting
melodic lines to harmonic principles.
6. These binary relations between Leibniz’s text & music is not
enough. Accords determine affective states that conform to the text
providing melodic inflections. The text is folded re: accords &
enveloped by harmony.

7. After Baroque music solutions do not pass through accords. The

problem has changed. POV & world have changed going beyond
the closed model.
8. For Leibniz, monads must enclose the entire world, & a selection of
convergence among divergent worlds has preceded their inner
selection of a clear zone by means of differential relations. Once
harmonics lose their privilege, dissonances needn’t be resolved &
divergences can be affirmed in atonal series. When monads are in
tune w/divergent series/incompossible monads, monads open
onto & straddle several worlds.
9. In a world of divergent series, the dice throw replaces the game of
Plentitude & monads cannot contain the entire world. Instead of a
closed circle, an open trajectory spirals out from a center, vertical
harmony & melody begin to fuse in a diagonal where monads
penetrate each other & are modified – groups of prehension carry
them along & make transitory captures.
10. It becomes a mode of living in which differences between inside &
outside, public & private dissolve – variation & trajectory transform
monadology into nomadology. We now discover new ways of
folding & envelopment instead of Leibniz’s accords.

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