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What's New

Overall Improvement:
1. Snapping : Orthogonal Snapping is now availbale for Section, Platofrm and
Boundary input.
2. Legend for Cut Fill Colour will appeared in layout after analysis (Press C or
click the CutFill Layout icon)
3. Legend for Cut Fill will show also in report.
4. Legend of Slope Classificaiton is avaiable when export DXF and report.
5. After finish run analysis, it will have a beep sound (require speaker)
6. Parameter->Section : All parameters are now catagorised properly according to
their nature, more neat and easy to choose.
7. Chainage Sectio : Chainage Section new to draw a curve line and it will generate
cross ssection along that line with interval and tangent to that curve line. Very
suitable for road and river projects.
8. New Chainage Section's icon.
9. New EL Format able to read : when 12 23 is present, it will read as 12.23
10. EL Format to read : when 12. .23 is present, it will able to read too.
11. New Breakdown Report : ANother option for user to have breakdown report : Now
it will breakdown platform by platform to show each and every platform cut fill

Top Soil Thicnkess:

1. Top Soil Thickness : User able to input top soil removal (in m) before run
2. Top Soil Thicnkess will be appeared in Reports & Layout when Top Soil thickness
is not equal to 0.

1. Slope Volume is present in Breakdown Report though no slope is run previously.
Now it is cleared and will show 0 volume if no slope is being run in this project.
2. When export Layout DXF, the Platform line is broken in CAD. Now it will remain
3. Breakdown report counter number starts with 0 where in excel breakdown it starts
with 1. Now after fixed, both are tally to start with 1.
4. Defualt Cut and FIll colour changed to Cut= Red , Fill= Blue (previously it is
5. Default Value for Slope Classification, previously user needs to set it
everytime they open a new project.
6. Select Cut Slope and Cut Slope position is reversed now to follow the overal
trend of program.

New :
1. Slope Classification now export file has seperate layer for different class.
2. Slope Classificaiton export now has project boundary layer inside the dxf.

1. Certain -ve value of EL cannot capture due to the base point reference error of
the drawing, now it is fixed.

1. Fixes on boundary points auto delete whenever there is no turning point of it.
Now it will detect in between if there is platform points intercepted on that
point, then that point won't be deleted automatically.
2. Platform overlapped when it is too small (<1m width). Now it won't overlapped


1) Retailing wall button : Displaying the section of EL and PL of BOUNDARY LINES.

1.1) Retaining Wall(+ base height(begin, end)) If IsWall is true.
2) Slope classification export DXF.
3) Slope in from boundary (Only generate slope at the edge which is not a retaining
4) User define Boundary Slope in or out during generate slope process.
5) Boundary Slope display at plan drawing.
6) Section cut view refresh when user add new cut section.

V1.5.5 (or V1.5.5N )

1. Network Version : Fixed program will disconnect every 30min due to inactive
network data detected. Now it won't disconnect anymore. (It's fixed)
2. Cut Volume : Certain project cut volume is not accurate due to overlapped EL
points (which cannot detected from CAD file). Now it is accurate.

1. Support touch screen laptop or PC screen.
Fixes :
1. After Export the Cut Fill Colour does not follow as per parameter . Now it is
following the colour.

Some EL level will indicated wrongly in section table text. Now it works fine.

Platform or Boundary import with overlapped polyline or polygon will now triggered
warning, user needs to fix the overlapping issue before run.

V1.4.1 (Interim)
1. The slope generation not deleted after first run, causing the turfing area still
displayed on plan view. Now it is fixed.

Rock Profile:
1. Added Rock Profile Import (in layer setting of import tab)
2. Rock Volume will be calculated.
3. Section will show the rock profile.
4. 3D will show rock as gold area.

1. Turfing 2D and 3D area available by pressing "S"
2. Breakdown report with turfing area in table.
Import Tab:
1 Now can import PL Lines (Selection of PL Lines or PL Points in Import Tab)

Slope Classification:
1. Added Slope classification in 3D view.
2. Slope classification in report.
3. New Parameter for Slope classification.

1. Bigger number will have comma for every thousand.
2. Not Consistent Volume calculation in certain case (majority case works fine)
3. Zero Volume run for certain case even with project boundary (most case works

1. Certain drawing file with invalid entities will return as zero cut and fill
volume. This version fixes the invalid entry and will able to generate the volume

1. For certain PC with uncommon seperator (eg. their PC will read ; instead of ,
due to their regional languange setting) which produce unreadable project
files to other PC. Now it can be opened in any seperator setting.
2. PL points import is now available back. User may select the PL points layer in
import setting.
(note: PL points and PL Line is mutual exclusive, only one type of PL can be exist
in a single project)
(Meaning that if you have already PL points, you are unable to input PL line in one
project, vise versa)

Fixes :
1. Section with -ve value , now the section will show correct value.

1. On plan, the slope can have slope pattern (Big U or Ballon). Please go to
Parameter->General->Slope pattern.
By default is straight line
2. 3D view now can change colour. Please go to Parameter->3D view to change all

Fixes :
1. The section PL indicate wrong level (it displayed as EL), has been fixed

1. Import Warning : During Import, Terra Alpha will check the % of successful
import and let user to go back to change import limits or layer selection of EL.
2. Import with boundary : In this version, EL layer and Boundary are two important
elements to import without any problem.
3. The level of PL Line will be indicated on plan. Every corner of the line will
have a indicator text bounded with box.
4. PL Line indicator text height can be adjusted in Parameter->General

Sections :
1. Added Parameter :
- Big Interval = The key figure on section ruler, normally 10 or 20
- Small Ruler = The small ruler marking on Y axis of Section
- Section Spacing = Distance between one section and another section.
- Section Text Height = for all text in section, now user can set the text height.
- Auto Vertical Line = Vertical demarkation whenever detect changes of platform,
software will put a line in the section.
(Set False, the vertical line will as per definition of Vertical Line Distance)
- Vertical Line Distance = Valid when Auto Vertical Line is = False.

1. "Road Line" and "Select Road Line" have now changed to "PL Line" and "Select PL

1. Section : Plan view Section demarkation and line will hide by pressing "space",
together with the irrelevant entities.
2. Section : Added Area of Cut (Ac) and Area of Fill(Af) in all section. Parameter
can be set "TRUE" or "False" to turn on/off.
3. Section : Section text, scale and colour can be changed inside Parameter->
4. Import : Pop up warning message whenever found any points out of range of min
or max import limits.
5. Layout : Added a summary of table (of volume and area) after run in the bottom
of layout.
6. 3D Export : Added a new button "Export 3D". The full 3D solid will be exported
to DXF file.
7. Parameter : Added new parameter for Section.
Fixes :
- Fix after import, the layout become too small.
- Multiple Section tabs, now only single Section tab allowed.
- Improved snapping function
- Fixed exported 3D model in DXF which has only one layer. Now it will seperate
EL,PL and Platform to different layer name.

- Batch Export button (Beside Report button). User can choose to tick what to
export into a folder "Output"
- Copy Cross Section on Plan. Create a Section first, select it, and click Copy
Section, then click on direction of copy on plan.
- Cross Section on Plan has attribute property grid.
-Unable to slope whenever difference is less than 5m on Boundary slope.
- Increase functioninty and stability of Snapping function.
- Solved 3D view for certain case the text of platform does not display correctly.
- solved report view where some case the margin will become too small or too big to
fit in A4 size paper.

- Icon set for 3D result view, View Platform Level, View Platform, View EL, View
Cut/Fill Area
- Breakdown calculation report in box, generating in Excel (user shall specify at
least one interception points in layout, and speficy the box size)
- Rise/Lower Platform button added. (Select the item then key in to rise or lower
by x m)
- Remove of PL Points import, replace with PL Line modelling inside the software.
Fixes :
- Attributes title corrected to correspond item.

Fixes :
Open New Project pop out error and unable to proceed.

-On Slope Context menu, right click to apply all to Width, Height, Beam in one go.
-Program auto add 2m if user press "PG UP" accidentally in keyboard

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