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Inna Buleziuk, 411


It is the use of homing pigeons to carry messages. Pigeons were effective as messengers due to
their natural homing abilities. The Pigeons were transported to a destination in cages, where they would
be attached with the messages, and then naturally the pigeon would fly back to its home where the
owner could read his mail.
The Arabians invented pigeon post in 630 AD, as a form of communication. The Pigeons were
also used by Persians, Romans, Greeks, Mughals.
The first known use of pigeons as postal messengers was in ancient Egypt. In 2900 B.C.E. in
Egypt, incoming ships released pigeons as an announcement of important visitors.
Place (area) of usage
Primarily, pigeon post was used locally, namely in the nearby cities, but later messenger birds
could overcome the distance of more than a thousand miles and at speeds of up to 70 miles per hour to
successfully deliver a message.
Pros and Cons
+ it is fast, free and there is no traffic in the air
- pigeons could get lost and the letter could get wet in rain
Messenger pigeons were extremely popular in the past. They were used by the Romans, such
as Julius Caesar, Charlemagne, and by the ancient Greeks. There were pigeon heroes in World Wars 1
and 2, who delivered messages that changed the course of history. Up to this present time, pigeon posts
continue to be useful in the most remote places where electricity and Internet are unavailable.
Potential Usage
Pigeons, specifically homing pigeons, have an excellent sense of direction and can easily find
their way. After composing the message in little scraps of paper people tied and attached this to the
bird’s leg.
Initially, pigeons were used to deliver news or even love letters, but later they gained a large
importance. They helped provide vital communications and win wars. This post is currently losing its

Could you connect me  with/to  a  number  in  Paris,  please? I'm not getting through.
Negotiations with  management  broke  down.
The  information  is transmitted  electronically  to the  central  computer.
I received a  phone  call  from  your  mother.
He interpreted her  comments  as an  implicit  criticism  of the  government.
to communicate with someone, esp. by telephone:
I  tried  phoning  her, but I couldn’t get through.
She  spends  hours  on the  phone  chatting  to  her  friends.
The  insurance  company  wired millions of  dollars  to  its  accounts  to  cover  the  payments.

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