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tahir99-VRG & vip.persianss.

· I

tahir99-VRG &


Topical Diagnosis
in Neurology
An atom y, Physiology, Sign s,
Sym ptom s
5th edition

Math ias Baeh r, MD

Professor of Neu rology an d Ch airm an
Dep artm en t of Neu rology
Un iversit y of Gött in gen
Göt tin gen , Germ any
Mich ael Frotsch er, MD
9 . i r
Hertie Sen ior Research Professor

i r 9 & ns s
for Neu roscien ce an d Ch airm an
Dep artm en t of Stru ct u ral Neu robiology
h a
ta r s i
Cen ter for Molecu lar Neu robiology
Ham bu rg (ZMNH)
p e
Un iversit y of Ham bu rg
i p .
Ham bu rg, Germ any
v W ith con tribu t ion s by
W ilh elm Ku eker

Fou n din g au th or Peter Du u s

40 0 illu stration s, m ost in color,

by Professor Gerh ard Sp itzer an d Barbara Gay

Th iem e
Stu t tgart · New York

tahir99-VRG &

IV ·

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Im po rtant note : Medicin e is an ever-ch an gin g scien ce un -
dergoin g con tin u al developm en t. Research an d clin ical ex-
Baeh r, Math ias.
perien ce are con tin u ally exp an din g our kn ow ledge, in p ar-
[Du us’ n eu rologisch -topisch e Diagn ostik. En glish ]
ticu lar ou r kn ow ledge of proper treatm en t an d dru g th er-
Duu s’ topical diagn osis in n eu rology : an atom y,
apy. In sofar as th is book m en tion s any dosage or application ,
Physiology, sign s, sym ptom s/Math ias Baeh r,
readers m ay rest assu red th at th e auth ors, editors, an d p ub-
Mich ael Frotsch er ; w ith con tribution s by
lish ers h ave m ade every effort to en su re th at su ch refer-
Wilh elm Ku eker ; tran slated by Eth an Tau b ;
en ces are in accordan ce w ith the state of know ledge at the
Illu strated by Gerh ard Spitzer. 5th , rev. ed.
time of production of the book.
p. ; cm .
Neverth eless, th is does n ot involve, im ply, or express any
Rev. tran slation of th e 8th Germ an ed. c20 03.
gu aran tee or respon sibility on th e p art of th e p ublish ers in
In cludes in dex.
respect to any dosage in stru ction s an d form s of application s
ISBN 978-3-13-612805-3 (GTV : alk. pap er)
stated in th e book. Every user is requested to examine care-
1. Nervou s system Diseases Diagn osis. 2. Neu roan atom y.
fully th e m an ufactu rers’ leaflets accom panyin g each dru g
3. An atom y, Path ological. 4. Nervou s system Path ophysi-
an d to ch eck, if n ecessary in con sultation w ith a physician or
ology. I. Frotsch er,
specialist, w h eth er th e dosage sch edules m en tion ed th erein
M. (Mich ael), 1947- . II. Du us, Peter, 1908-. Top ical
or th e con train dication s stated by th e m an ufactu rers differ
diagn osis in n eu rology. III. Title. IV. Title: Topical
from th e statem en ts m ade in th e presen t book. Su ch exam i-
diagn osis in n eu rology. [DNLM: 1. Nervou s System
n ation is particu larly im portan t w ith drugs th at are eith er
Diseases–diagn osis. 2. Nervou s System –an atom y &
rarely used or h ave been n ew ly released on th e m arket.
h istology. 3. Nervous System –physiopath ology.
Every dosage sch edu le or every form of ap plication used is
WL 141 B139d 2011]
en tirely at th e user’s ow n risk an d respon sibility. Th e
RC347.D8813 2011
au th ors an d pu blish ers requ est every user to rep ort to th e
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pu blish ers any discrepan cies or in accuracies n oticed. If
errors in th is w ork are fou n d after p ublication , errata w ill be

1st Brazilian 1st Greek edition 1992 page.

posted at w w iem on th e p roduct description
(Portuguese) edition 1985 2nd Greek edition 2009
2nd Brazilian
(Portuguese) edition 1990
1st Indonesian
9 . i r
1st Chinese edition 1996
edition 1996
i r 9 & ns
Th is book is an auth orized an d revised tran slation of th e 9th
Germ an edition pu blish ed an d copyrigh ted 20 09 by Georg
1st Italian edition 1987 Th iem e Verlag, Stu ttgart, Germ any. Title of th e Germ an
1st English edition 1983
2nd English edition 1989 ta
1st Japanese edition 1982
r s i
edition : Neu rologisch -topisch e Diagn ostik. An atom ie—
Fu n ktion —Klin ik.
3rd English edition 1998
2nd Japanese edition 1984
3rd Japanese edition 1988
p e
1st French edition 1998
p .
4th Japanese edition 1999
Con tribu tor: Wilh em Ku eker, MD, Radiological Clin ic, De-
p artm en t of Neu roradiology, Un iversity Hospital Tü bin gen ,
1st Germ an edition 1976
2nd Germ an edition 1980
1st Korean edition 1990
Germ any

4th edition tran slated by Eth an Tau b, MD, Klin ik im Park,

1st Polish edition 1990
3rd Germ an edition 1983 Zu rich , Sw itzerlan d. Updates tran slated by Geraldin e
4th Germ an edition 1987 1st Portuguese edition 2008 O’Su llivan , Dublin , Rep. of Irelan d
5th Germ an edition 1990
1st Russian edition 1996 Illustrators: Gerh ard Spitzer, Fran kfurt/M, Germ any;
6th Germ an edition 1995
2nd Russian edition 2009 Barbara Gay, Stu ttgart, Germ any
7th Germ an edition 2001
8th Germ an edition 20 03 1st Spanish edition 1985
9th Germ an edition 2009
1st Turkish edition 2001
Som e of th e p roduct n am es, paten ts, an d registered design s
© 2012 Georg Th iem e Verlag,
referred to in th is book are in fact registered tradem arks or
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Germ any
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ISBN 978 3 13-612805 3 1 2 3 4 5 electron ic data processin g an d storage.

tahir99-VRG &


In 20 05 w e pu blish ed a com plete revision of Du us’ Alth ou gh th e book w ill be u sefu l to advan ced
textbook of topical diagn osis in n eu rology, th e first stu den ts, also physician s or n eurobiologists in ter-
n ew edition sin ce th e death of its origin al auth or, ested in en rich in g th eir kn ow ledge of n eu -
Professor Peter Du u s, in 1994. Feedback from read- roan atom y w ith basic in form ation in n eu rology, or
ers w as extrem ely positive an d th e book w as tran s- for revision of th e basics of n eu roan atom y w ill
lated in to n u m erou s lan gu ages, provin g th at th e ben efit even m ore from it.
con cept of th is book w as a su ccessful on e: com bin - Th is book does n ot preten d to be a textbook of
in g an in tegrated p resen tation of basic n eu - clin ical n eu rology. Th at w ou ld go beyon d th e scope
roan atom y w ith t h e su bject of n eurological syn - of th e book an d also con t radict th e basic con cept
drom es, in cludin g m odern im agin g tech n iqu es. In described above. First an d forem ost w e w an t to de-
th is regard w e th an k ou r n eu roradiology col- m on strate h ow, on th e basis of th eoretical an a-
leagu es, an d especially Dr. Kueker, for providin g us tom ical kn ow ledge an d a good n eurological exam i-
w ith im ages of very h igh qu ality. n ation , it is p ossible to localize a lesion in th e
In th is fifth edition of “Du u s,” w e h ave preserved n ervou s system an d com e to a decision on fu rth er
th e rem arkably effective didactic con cept of th e diagn ostic step s. Th e cau se of a lesion is in itially
book, w h ich particularly m eet s th e n eeds of m edi- irrelevan t for th e p rim ary topical diagn osis, an d
cal stu den ts. Modern m edical cu rricula require in - elucidation of th e etiology takes place in a secon d
tegrative kn ow ledge, an d m edical stu den ts sh ould stage. Our book con tain s a cursory overview of th e
be tau gh t h ow to apply th eoret ical kn ow ledge in a
clin ical settin g an d, on th e oth er h an d, to recogn ize R G
m ajor n eurological disorders, an d it is n ot in ten ded
to replace th e system atic an d com preh en sive
clin ical sym ptom s by delvin g in to th eir basic
-V coverage offered by stan dard n eu rological text-
i r
9 9
kn ow ledge of n euroan atom y an d n eu rophysiology. books.
s .
h i r
Our book fulfils th ese requ irem en ts an d illust rates
th e im portan ce of basic n eu roan atom ical kn ow l- & ns
We h ope th at th is n ew “Duu s,” like th e earlier
edition s, w ill m erit th e appreciation of its
edge for subsequ en t practical w ork, as it in clu des
s i a
au dien ce, an d w e look forw ard to receivin g read-
actu al case st udies. We h ave color-coded th e sec-
e r ers’ com m en ts in any form .
tion h eadin gs to en able readers to distin gu ish at a
. p
v p
glan ce betw een n euroan atom ical (blu e) an d clin i-
cal (green ) m aterial, w ith ou t disruptin g th e th e- Professor M. Baehr
m atic con tin uity of th e text. Professor M. Frotscher

tahir99-VRG &

VI · Preface


1 Elements of the Nervous System ............................................. 2

Info rm atio n Flo w in the Nervo us System . 2 Functio nal Gro ups o f Ne uro ns . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

Ne uro ns and Synapses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Glial Cells . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

Neu ron s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
De velo pm ent o f the Ne rvo us Syste m . . . . . . 8
Syn apses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

Ne uro transm itters and Recepto rs . . . . . . . . . 7

2 Somatosensory System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

Periphe ral Co m po ne nts o f the So m ato - Posterior Colu m n s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

senso ry Syste m and Peripheral Regulato ry An terior Spin oth alam ic Tract . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Circuits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Lateral Spin oth alam ic Tract . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Recep tor Organ s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Oth er Afferen t Tracts of th e Spin al Cord . . . . 31
Periph eral Nerve, Dorsal Root Gan glion ,
Central Pro ce ssing o f So m ato senso ry
Posterior Root . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Periph eral Regulatory Circuits . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
18 R G
Info rm atio n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

Central Co m po ne nts o f the So m ato - -V So m ato se nso ry Deficits due to Le sio ns at

i r
senso ry System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
9 9 24
s .
Specific Sites alo ng the So m ato senso ry

Posterior an d An terior Spin ocerebellar

h i r & ns
Pathw ays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

Tracts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
s i a
e r
3 Motor System . p
.................................................................... 36

Ce ntral Co m po nents o f the Mo to r System v i p Co m plex Clinical Syndro m e s due to

and Clinical Syndro m es o f Le sio ns Affect- Le sio ns o f Specific Co m po nents o f the
ing Them . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Ne rvo us Syste m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Motor Cortical Areas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Spin al Cord Syn drom es . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Corticospin al Tract (Pyram idal Tract) . . . . . . . 38 Vascular Spin al Cord Syn drom es . . . . . . . . . . . 56
Corticon u clear (Corticobulbar) Tract . . . . . . . . 39 Nerve Root Syn drom es (Radicu lar
Oth er Cen tral Com p on en ts of th e Motor Syn drom es) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Plexus Syn drom es . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
Lesion s of Cen tral Motor Path w ays . . . . . . . . . 41 Periph eral Nerve Syn drom es . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
Syn drom es of th e Neu rom u scu lar Ju n ction
Peripheral Co m po nents o f the Mo to r
an d Mu scle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
System and Clinical Syndro m e s o f Lesio ns
Affecting Them . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Clin ical Syn drom es of Motor Un it Lesion s . . . 44

tahir99-VRG &

Contents · VII

4 Brainstem ......................................................................... 74

Surface Anato m y o f the Brainstem . . . . . . . . 74 Vestibulococh lear Nerve (CN VIII)—Coch lear
Medu lla . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 Com p on en t an d th e Organ of Hearin g . . . . . . 113
Pon s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 Vestibulococh lear Nerve (CN VIII)—
Mid brain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 Vestibular Com pon en t an d Vestibular
System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120
Cranial Ne rves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 Vagal System (CN IX, X, an d th e Cran ial
Origin , Com p on en ts, an d Fu n ction s . . . . . . . . . 77 Portion of XI) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126
Olfactory System (CN I) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81 Hyp oglossal Nerve (CN XII) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132
Visual System (CN II) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
Eye Movem en ts (CN III, IV, an d VI) . . . . . . . . . 89 Topo graphical Anato m y o f the Brainstem . 134
Trigem in al Nerve (CN V) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 In tern al Stru ctu re of th e Brain stem . . . . . . . . . 134
Facial Nerve (CN VII) an d Nervu s
Brainstem Diso rders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145
In term ediu s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
Isch em ic Brain stem Syn drom es . . . . . . . . . . . . 145

5 Cerebellum ....................................................................... 158

Surface Anato m y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158 Cerebellar Functio n and Ce rebe llar

Syndro m es . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164
Internal Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159
Vestibulocerebellum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164
Cerebellar Cortex . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159
Sp in ocerebellu m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165
Cerebellar Nu clei . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160
Cerebrocerebellu m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166
Afferen t an d Efferen t Projection s of th e
Cerebellar Cortex an d Nu clei . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162 Cerebellar Diso rders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167
Cerebellar Isch em ia an d Hem orrh age . . . . . . . 167
Co nne ctio ns o f the Ce re be llum w ith
Cerebellar Tum ors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167
Other Parts o f the Nervo us Syste m . . . . . . . . 162

6 Diencephalon and Autonomic Nervous System ........................... 170

Lo catio n and Co m po nents o f the Hypo thalam us . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 178

Die ncephalo n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170 Location an d Com pon en ts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 178
Hyp oth alam ic Nu clei . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179
Thalam us . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172
Afferen t an d Efferen t Projection s of th e
Nu clei . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172
Hyp oth alam u s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180
Position of th e Th alam ic Nuclei in
Fu n ction s of th e Hyp oth alam u s . . . . . . . . . . . . 184
Ascen din g an d Descen din g Path w ays . . . . . . . 172
Fu n ction s of th e Th alam u s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176 Peripheral Auto no m ic Ne rvo us Syste m . . . 188
Syn drom es of Th alam ic Lesion s . . . . . . . . . . . . 176 Fu n d am en tals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188
Th alam ic Vascular Syn drom es . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177 Sym path etic Nervou s System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190
Parasym path etic Nervous System . . . . . . . . . . 192
Epithalam us . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177
Auton om ic In nervation an d Fun ction al
Subthalam us . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 178 Distu rban ces of In dividu al Organ s . . . . . . . . . . 193
Visceral an d Referred Pain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199

tahir99-VRG &

VIII · Contents

7 Limbic System .................................................................... 202

Anato m ical Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202 Functio ns o f the Lim bic Syste m . . . . . . . . . . . 206
In tern al an d Extern al Con n ection s . . . . . . . . . . 203 Types of Mem ory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206
Mem ory Dysfu n ction —th e Am n estic
Majo r Co m po nents o f the Lim bic System . 203
Syn drom e an d Its Cau ses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 208
Hip p ocam p u s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203
Microan atom y of th e Hip pocam p al
Form ation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203
Am ygdala . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205

8 Basal Ganglia ..................................................................... 214

Prelim inary Rem arks o n Term ino lo gy . . . . 214 Functio n and Dysfunctio n o f the Basal
Ganglia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219
The Ro le o f the Basal Ganglia in the Mo to r
Clin ical Syn drom es of Basal Gan glia
System : Phylo genetic Aspe cts . . . . . . . . . . . . . 214
Lesion s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219
Co m po nents o f the Basal Ganglia and
The ir Connectio ns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 215
Nu clei . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 215
Con n ection s of th e Basal Gan glia . . . . . . . . . . . 217

9 Cerebrum ......................................................................... 226

De velo pm ent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 226 Association Fibers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 236

Com m issu ral Fibers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 238
Gro ss Anatom y and Subdivisio n o f the
Cerebrum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 228 Functio nal Lo calizatio n in the Cerebral
Gyri an d Su lci . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 228 Co rte x . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 238
Prim ary Cortical Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 239
Histo lo gical Organizatio n of the Cerebral
Association Areas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 247
Co rte x . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 231
Fron tal Lobe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 248
Lam in ar Arch itectu re . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 231
High er Cortical Fu n ction s an d Th eir
Cerebral White Matter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 235 Im pairm en t by Cortical Lesion s . . . . . . . . . . . . 248
Projection Fibers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 235

10 Coverings of the Brain and Spinal Cord;

Cerebrospinal Fluid and Ventricular System ............................... 260

Co ve rings o f the Brain and Spinal Co rd . . . 260 Cerebro spinal Fluid and Ventricular
Du ra Mater . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 260 System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 263
Arach n oid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 262 Stru ctu re of th e Ven tricu lar System . . . . . . . . 263
Pia Mater . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 262 Cerebrospin al Flu id Circu lation an d
Resorp tion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 263
Distu rban ces of Cerebrosp in al Flu id
Circu lation —Hydroceph alu s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 266

tahir99-VRG &

Contents · IX

11 Blood Supply and Vascular Disorders

of the Central Nervous System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 270

Arteries o f the Brain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 270 Cerebral Ische m ia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 283

Extradu ral Course of th e Arteries of th e Arterial Hypoperfusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 283
Brain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 270 Particular Cerebrovascular Syn drom es . . . . . . 295
Arteries of th e An terior an d Middle Cran ial Im paired Ven ou s Drain age from th e Brain . . 302
Fossae . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 273
Intracranial Hem o rrhage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 305
Arteries of th e Posterior Fossa . . . . . . . . . . . . . 275
In tracerebral Hem orrh age (Non trau m atic) . . 305
Collateral Circulation in th e Brain . . . . . . . . . . 278
Su barach n oid Hem orrh age . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 307
Veins o f the Brain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 279 Su bdu ral an d Ep id u ral Hem atom a . . . . . . . . . . 311
Su perficial an d Deep Vein s of th e Brain . . . . . 279
Vascular Syndro m es o f the Spinal Co rd . . . 312
Du ral Sin u ses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 280
Arterial Hypoperfusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 312
Blo o d Supply o f the Spinal Co rd . . . . . . . . . . 281 Im paired Ven ou s Drain age . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 312
Arterial An astom otic Netw ork . . . . . . . . . . . . . 281 Sp in al Cord Hem orrh age an d Hem atom a . . . 314
Ven ous Drain age . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 283

Further Reading ....................................................................... 315

Index ..................................................................................... 319

tahir99-VRG &

X · Contents


5-HT3 seroton in LPH lipotropin

ACA an terior cerebral artery LTM lon g-term m em ory
ACTH adren ocorticotrop ic h orm on e (corti- MCA m iddle cerebral artery
cotropin ) MD m edial dorsal n u cleu s of th e th alam u s
ADH an tidiu retic h orm on e MEG m agn etoen ceph alography
AIDS acqu ired im m u n odeficien cy syn drom e MIF m elan ocyte-stim u latin g h orm on e-
AMPA α-am in o-3-hydroxy-5-m ethyl-4-isox- in h ibitin g factor
azolepropion ate acid m .l. m edial lem n iscu s
ARAS ascen din g ret icu lar act ivatin g system MLF m edial lon gitu din al fasciculu s
Asp aspartate MP m etacarp oph alan geal
BAEP brain stem au ditory evoked poten tials MRF m elan ocyte-stim u latin g h orm on e-
BPPV ben ign paroxysm al p osition in g releasin g factor
vertigo MRI m agn etic reson an ce im gin g
CA corn u am m on is MSH m elan ocyte-stim u latin g h orm on e
CCA com m on carotid artery NMDA N-m ethyl- D-aspartate
CNS cen tral n ervou s system PCA posterior cerebral artery
CRF corticotropin -releasin g factor PET posit ron em ission tom ography
CSF cerebrospin al flu id PICA posterior in ferior cerebellar artery
CT com p uted tom ography PIF prolactin -in h ibitin g factor
DREZ dorsal root en try zon e (also called t h e (= dop am in e)
Redlich –Oberstein er zon e) PPRF param edian pon tin e reticular form a-
ECA extern al carotid artery tion
ECG electrocardiography/electrocardio- PRF prolactin -releasin g factor
gram PRL prolactin
EEG electroen ceph alography/elect roen - Py pyram idal tract
ceph alogram rCBF region al cerebral blood flow
EMG electrom yography/electrom yogram r.n . red n ucleus
EPSP excitatory postsyn aptic poten tial rtPA recom bin an t tissue plasm in ogen acti-
FLAIR flu id-at ten uated inversion recovery vator
fMRI fu n ction al m agn etic reson an ce SCD subacu te com bin ed degen eration
im agin g SNg su bstan tia nigra
FSH follicle-stim u latin g h orm on e sp .-th . spin oth alm ic tract
GABA γ-am in obu tyric acid SRIF som atotropin in h ibit in g factor
GH (STH) grow t h h orm on e (som atot ropic STM sh ort-term m em ory
h orm on e) STN subt h alm ic n u cleu s
GHRH grow th -h orm on e-releasin g h orm on e T3 triiodothyron in e
Glu glutam ate T4 tetraiodothyron in e (thyroxin e)
Gn RH gon adotrop in -releasin g h orm on e Th th alam u s
Gpe globu s pallidu s TRH thyrotropin -releasin g h orm on e
GPi globu s pallidu s, in tern al segm en t TSH thyroid-stim u latin g h orm on e
HIV h u m an im m u n odeficien cy viru s VA ven tral an terior n u cleus
HMSN h ereditary m otor an d sen sory poly- VEP visual evoked poten tials
n eu ropathy VI ven tral in term ediate n ucleu s
Hz Hertz VL ven tral lateral n u cleus
ICA in tern al carotid artery VOR vestibulo-ocular reflex
INO in tern uclear oph th alm oplegia VPL ven tral posterolateral n ucleu s of th e
IP in terph alan geal th alam u s
IPSP in h ibitory postsyn aptic poten tial VPM ven tral p osterom edial n u cleus of th e
LH luten in izin g h orm on e th alam u s

tahir99-VRG &


1 Elements of the
Nervous System
Information Flow in the
Nervous System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Neurons and Synapses . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Neurotransmitters and Receptors . . . . 7
Functional Groups of Neurons . . . . . . . 7
Glial Cells . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Development of the Nervous
System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

tahir99-VRG &

1 2

1 Elements of the Nervous System

Th e n ervous system is com posed of cells, called su bstan ces called neurotransmitters. In gen eral,
neurons, th at are sp ecialized for in form ation p ro- n eu ron s can be divided in to tw o classes: exci-
cessin g an d tran sm ission . Neuron s m ake con tact tatory an d inhibitory. Th e organ ization of t h e
w ith each oth er at ju n ction s called synapses, at n ervou s system is easier to un derstan d after a
w h ich in form ation is tran sferred from on e n eu ron brief con sideration of its (on togen etic) develop-
to th e n ext by m ean s of ch em ical m essen ger m en t.

Information Flow in the Nervous arm , w ith ou t any in terven in g com p lex processin g
in th e CNS; th is is w h at h appen s, for exam ple, in an
System in trin sic m u scle reflex su ch as th e kn ee-jerk
(patellar) reflex.
In form ation flow in th e n ervous system can be
broken dow n sch em atically in to th ree steps
(Fig. 1.1): an extern al or in tern al stim u lus im pin g-
in g on th e sen se organ s in duces th e gen eration of
Neurons and Synapses
n erve im pu lses th at travel tow ard th e cen tral
n ervou s system (CNS) (afferent impulses); com -
plex processin g occu rs w ith in th e CNS (informa- Th e neurons an d th eir processes (see below ) an d
tion processing); an d, as th e product of th is pro- th e synapses (see p. 4) are respon sible for th e flow
cessin g, th e CNS gen erates im pu lses th at travel of in form ation in th e n ervous system . At th e syn -
tow ard th e periph ery (efferent impulses) an d ef- apses, in form ation is t ran sferred from on e n eu ron
fect th e (m otor) resp on se of t h e organ ism to th e to th e n ext by m ean s of ch em ical su bstan ces called
stim u lus. Th u s, w h en a pedestrian sees a green n eu rotran sm itters.
traffic ligh t, afferen t im pu lses are gen erated in th e
opt ic n erves an d visual system th at convey in for- Dendrites and axons. Neuron s tran sfer in form ation
m ation about th e sp ecific color p resen t. Th en , at in on e direction on ly becau se th ey are bipolar: th ey
h igh er levels in th e CNS, th e stim ulu s is in terpreted receive in form at ion from ot h er n eu ron s at on e en d,
an d assign ed a m ean in g (green ligh t = go). Efferen t an d tran sm it in form ation to ot h er n euron s at th e
im pu lses to th e legs th en effect th e m otor respon se oth er en d.
(crossin g th e street). Th e receptive structures of a n erve cell, called
In th e sim plest case, in form ation can be tran s- dendrites, are bran ch ed processes attach ed to th e
ferred directly from th e afferen t to th e efferen t cell body. Neuron s vary con siderably w ith regard
to th e n um ber an d bran ch in g pattern of th eir den -
drites. Th e forw ard conducting structure is th e
axon, w h ich in h u m an s can be up to a m eter in
len gth . In con trast to th e variable n um ber of den -
CNS drites, each n eu ron p ossesses on ly a single axon . At
its distal en d, th e axon splits in to a n um ber of ter-
processing m in al bran ch es, each of w h ich en ds in a so-called
term in al bouton th at m akes con tact w ith th e n ext
Afferent impulses Efferent impulses, n eu ron (Fig. 1.2).
from receptors e.g., to the skeletal Th e lon g periph eral p rocesses of th e pseudo-
at the body surface m uscles
or in the internal organs un ipolar n euron s of t h e spin al gan glia are an im -
portan t special case. Th ese are th e fibers th at relay
Fig. 1.1 Basic organization of information processing in in form ation regardin g touch , pain , an d tem pera-
the nervous system tu re from th e body surface to th e CNS. Alth ou gh

tahir99-VRG &

Neurons and Synapses · 3
th ey are receptive structu res, th ey n on eth eless
possess t h e structu ral ch aracteristics of axon s an d
are design ated as such .
Dendrites Barr
Th e troph ic (n utritive) cen ter of th e n eu ron is it s body
cell body (soma or perikaryon), w h ich con tain s th e
cell n ucleu s an d various differen t types of su b-
cellular organ elles. Perikaryon

Axonal transport. Th e n eu rotran sm itters, or th e
en zym es catalyzin g th eir biosyn th esis, are syn -
th esized in th e perikaryon an d th en carried dow n
axon al m icrot ubu les to th e en d of th e axon in a Axon hillock

process kn ow n as axoplasm ic tran sport . Th e n eu- Axon (neurite)

rotran sm it ter m olecu les are stored in syn aptic
vesicles in side th e term in al bou ton s (each bou ton Myelin sheath
con tain s m any syn aptic vesicles). Axoplasm ic
tran sport, gen erally speakin g, can be in eith er
direct ion —from th e cell body tow ard th e en d of
th e axon (anterograde transport), or in th e
reverse direction (retrograde transport). Rapid Collateral axon
axoplasm ic tran sport proceeds at a speed of 20 0–
40 0 m m /day. Th is is distin ct from axoplasm ic
flow, w h ose sp eed is 1–5 m m /day. Axoplasm ic
tran sport is exploited in th e research laboratory Collateral axon
by an terograde an d retrograde tracer tech n iques
for th e an atom ical dem on st ration of n eu ral pro-
jection s (Fig. 1.3).

Axon myelination. Axon s are surroun ded by a

sh eath of m yelin (Fig. 1.4). Th e m yelin sh eath ,
w h ich is form ed by oligodendrocytes (a special
class of glial cells) in th e cen tral n ervou s system
an d by Schw ann cells in th e periph eral n ervou s
system , is a sh eet like con tin u ation of th e oligoden -
drocyte or Sch w an n cell m em bran e th at w rap s it- Axon ending (term inal)
self arou n d th e axon m u ltip le t im es, providin g with term inal bouton

electrical in sulation . Many oligoden drocytes or

Fig. 1.2 Structure of a neuron (schem atic drawing).
Sch w an n cells form th e m yelin surroun din g a
From : Kahle W and Frotscher M: Color Atlas of Hum an Anat-
sin gle axon . Th e segm en ts of m yelin sh eath form ed omy, Vol. 3, 6th ed., Thiem e, Stuttgart, 2010.
by tw o adjacen t cells are sep arated by an area of
un covered axon al m em bran e called a node of Ran-
vier. Becau se of th e in su latin g p roperty of m yelin ,
an action poten tial cau ses depolarization on ly at bran e. Betw een th ese tw o extrem es t h ere are
th e n odes of Ranvier; th u s, n eu ral excitation ju m ps axon s w ith m yelin of in term ediate t h ickn ess. Th u s,
from on e n ode of Ranvier to th e n ext, a process axon s are divided in to thickly myelinated, thinly
kn ow n as saltatory conduction. It follow s th at myelinated, an d unmyelinated axons (n erve
n eu ral con du ction is fastest in n euron s th at h ave fibers); th ese classes are also design ated by th e let-
th ick in su latin g m yelin w ith n odes of Ranvier ters A, B, an d C. Th e th ickly m yelin ated A fibers are
sp aced w idely apart. On th e oth er h an d, in axon s of 3–20 µm diam eter an d con du ct at speeds u p to
th at lack a m yelin coverin g, excitation m u st travel 120 m /s. Th e th in ly m yelin ated B fibers are up to
relatively slow ly dow n t h e en tire axon al m em - 3 µm t h ick an d con duct at speeds up to 15 m /s. Th e

tahir99-VRG &

1 4 · 1 Elem ents of the Nervous System


7 2

Fig. 1.4 Nerve fiber in the central nervous system, w ith

oligodendrocyte and myelin sheath (schem atic drawing).
1, Oligodendrocyte. 2, Axon. 3, Myelin sheath. 4, Node of
Ranvier. 5, Inner m esaxon. 6, Outer m esaxon. 7, Pockets of
cytoplasm . From : Kahle W and Frotscher M: Color Atlas of
Hum an Anatomy, Vol. 3, 6th ed., Thiem e, Stuttgart, 2010.

Fig. 1.3 Tracing of neuronal projections w ith retro- un m yelin ated C fibers con du ct n o faster th an
grade and anterograde tracer substances. Tracer sub- 2 m /s.
stances, such as fluorescent dyes, are injected either at the
site of origin or at the destination of the neuronal pathway
in question. The tracer substances are then transported
along the neurons, either from the cell bodies to the axon General structure. As late as th e 1950s, it w as st ill
term inals (anterograde transport) or in the reverse direc-
un clear w h eth er n eu ron s w ere con n ected to each
tion (retrograde transport). It is thus possible to trace the
entire projection from one end to the other.
oth er in a con tin uou s n etw ork (syn cytium ), w h ich
a Retrograde transport. w ould th eoretically allow rapid electrical com -
b Retrograde transport from m ultiple projection areas of a m u n ication betw een n euron s, or w h eth er each
single neuron. n eu ron w as en tirely en closed in its ow n m em -
c Anterograde transport from a single cell body into m ul- bran e. Su bsequ en t visualization of syn ap ses u n der
tiple projection areas. th e electron m icroscope settled th e qu estion : th ere
From : Kahle W and Frotscher M: Color Atlas of Hum an Anat-
is n o direct spatial con tin u ity betw een n euron s.
omy, vol. 3, 6th ed., Thiem e, Stuttgart, 2010.
Th e axon en ds on on e side of th e syn apse, an d
n eu ral im pu lses are conveyed across it by special
tran sm itter substan ces (Fig. 1.5). Th e axon term in al
(bou ton ) is th e presynaptic part of th e syn apse, an d
th e m em bran e of th e cell receivin g th e tran sm itted
in form ation is th e postsynaptic part . Th e p resyn -
aptic an d postsyn aptic m em bran es are separated

tahir99-VRG &

Neurons and Synapses · 5
by th e syn aptic cleft. Th e bouton con tain s vesicles 7
filled w ith th e n eu rotran sm itter subst an ce.
Exam in ation of syn apses u n der th e electron m i-
croscope reveals specialized, osm ioph ilic th icken -
in gs of th e presyn aptic an d p ostsyn aptic m em -
bran es, w h ich are m ore pron ou n ced on t h e postsy- 6
n aptic side in so-called asymmetrical synapses,
an d are app roxim ately equally th ick on bot h sides
in so-called symmetrical synapses. Th ese tw o
types of syn apse are also kn ow n , after th eir origi-
n al describer, as Gray type I an d Gray type II syn-
apses, respect ively. Asym m etrical syn apses w ere 4
fou n d to be excitatory an d sym m etrical syn ap ses 1
to be in h ibitory (see below for th e con cepts of exci- 3
tation an d in h ibition ). Th is hypoth esis w as later
con firm ed by im m u n ocytoch em ical stu dies usin g Fig. 1.5 Synaptic structure (schem atic drawing). 1, Pre-
an tibodies directed again st n eurotran sm itter su b- synaptic m em brane with gridlike thickening, leaving hexa-
stan ces an d th e en zym es involved in th eir bio- gonal spaces in between. 2, Synaptic cleft. 3, Postsynaptic
syn th esis. m em brane. 4, Synaptic vesicle. 5, Fusion of a synaptic ves-
icle with the presynaptic m em brane (so-called Ω [om ega]
Synaptic transmission (Fig. 1.6) is essen tially a figure), with release of the neurotransm itter (green) into
the synaptic cleft. 6, Vesicle with neurotransm itter
sequen ce of th ree differen t processes:
m olecules taken back up into the term inal bouton. 7, Axon
¼ Th e excitatory im pu lse (action potential) arriv-
filam ents. From : Kahle W and Frotscher M: Color Atlas of
in g at th e axon term in al depolarizes th e presy- Hum an Anatomy, Vol. 3, 6th ed., Thiem e, Stuttgart, 2010.
n aptic m em bran e, cau sin g voltage-depen den t
calciu m ch an n els to open . As a result, calciu m
ion s flow in to th e term in al bouton an d th en in - 1
teract w ith variou s protein s to cau se fusion of 4 5
syn aptic vesicles w ith th e p resyn aptic m em - K+
bran e. Th e n eu rotran sm it ter m olecu les w it h in Na +

th e vesicles are th ereby released in to th e syn ap-

tic cleft.
¼ Th e n eu rot ran sm itter m olecu les diffu se across 4
th e syn aptic cleft an d bin d to specific receptors
Na +
on t h e postsyn aptic m em bran e. Mg 2+ 2

¼ Th e bin din g of n eurotran sm itter m olecules to Ca 2+

Glutamate 3
receptors causes ion ch an n els to open , in du cin g
ion ic curren ts th at cau se eith er a depolarization Fig. 1.6 Synaptic transmission at a glutamatergic (exci-
or a hyperp olarization of th e postsyn aptic tatory) synapse (schem atic drawing). The arriving action
m em bran e—i.e., eith er an excitatory postsynap- potential induces an influx of Ca 2+ (1), which, in turn, causes
the synaptic vesicles (2) to fuse with the presynaptic m em -
tic potential (EPSP) or an inhibitory postsynaptic
brane, resulting in the release of neurotransm itter (in this
potential (IPSP). Th u s, syn aptic tran sm ission re- case, glutam ate) into the synaptic cleft (3). The neu-
sult s in eit h er an excit ation or an in h ibition of rotransm itter m olecules then diffuse across the cleft to the
th e postsyn aptic n eu ron . specific receptors in the postsynaptic m em brane (4) and
bind to them , causing ion channels (5) to open, in this case
In addition to th ese fast-actin g tran sm itter-gated Na + channels. The resulting Na + influx, accom panied by a
or ligand-gated ion channels, th ere are also G-pro- Ca 2+ influx, causes an excitatory depolarization of the post-
synaptic neuron (excitatory postsynaptic potential, EPSP).
tein-coupled receptors th at gen erate a m u ch slow er
This depolarization also rem oves a blockade of the so-called
respon se by m ean s of an in tracellu lar sign al cas- NMDA receptor by Mg 2+ ions. From : Kahle W and Frotscher
cade. M: Taschenatlas der Anatom ie, vol. 3, 8th ed., Thiem e,
Stuttgart, 2002.
1 6 · 1 Elem ents of the Nervous System

Fig. 1.7 Three types of

neuronal inhibition.
a, Recurrent inhibition.
b, Forward inhibition.
c, Disinhibition. From :
Kahle W and Frotscher M:
Taschenatlas der Anatom ie,
vol. 3, 8th ed., Thiem e,
Stuttgart, 2002.

Chemical and electrical synapses. Th e t ype of syn - ron s th rough n u m erou s collateral axon al bran ch es
aptic tran sm ission described above, involvin g th e (divergence of in form at ion tran sfer).
release an d receptor bin din g of a n eu rot ran sm itter,
is th e typ e m ost com m on ly foun d. Th ere are also Excitation and inhibition. Th e n ervous system is
so-called elect rical syn apses in w h ich th e excita- con stru cted in su ch a w ay th at each n eu ron can be
tion is tran sm itted directly to th e n ext n eu ron in on e of tw o basic states at any m om en t: eith er
across a gap junction. th e n eu ron is electrically disch argin g an d tran s-
m ittin g in form ation via syn apses to oth er n eu ron s,
Types of synapses. Syn ap ses m ediate th e tran sfer of or else it is silen t. Excitatory inpu t to th e n euron
in form ation from on e n eu ron to th e n ext; th e syn - cau ses it to disch arge, w h ile in h ibitory inpu t
apses th at brin g in form ation to a particu lar cell are cau ses it to be silen t.
kn ow n as its input synapses. Most inp ut syn apses It follow s th at n euron s can be classified as exci-
are to be fou n d on a cell’s den drites (axodendritic tatory an d in h ibitory in term s of th eir effect on
synapses). Th e den drites of m any n eu ron s (e.g., cor- th e n eu ron s to w h ich th ey provide inpu t. Exci-
tical pyram idal cells) p ossess th orn like p rocesses, tatory neurons are u su ally prin cip al n euron s (e.g.,
th e dendritic spines, th at en able th e com partm en - th e pyram idal cells of th e cerebral cortex), w h ich
talization of syn aptic inpu t. Many spin es con tain a often project over lon g dist an ces an d t h u s h ave
spine apparatus for th e in tern al storage of calciu m lon g axon s. Inhibitory neurons, on th e ot h er h an d,
ion s. Th e syn apses on den dritic spin es are m ain ly are often in tern eu ron s an d h ave sh ort axon s.
asym m et rical, excit atory syn apses.
Inpu t syn apses are fou n d n ot on ly on th e den - Principles of neuronal inhibition (Fig. 1.7). Collater-
drites bu t also on th e cell body itself (perikaryon ; als of excitatory cells can act ivate in h ibitory in ter-
axosomatic synapses) an d even on th e axon an d its n eu ron s, w h ich th en in h ibit th e prin cipal n eu ron
in itial segm en t, th e axon h illock (axo -axonal syn- itself (recurrent inhibition, a form of n egative feed-
apses). back). In forw ard inhibition, collaterals of p rin cipal
n eu ron s activate in h ibitory in tern eu ron s th at th en
Convergence and divergence of synaptic connec- in h ibit oth er prin cipal n eu ron s. Wh en an in h ibi-
tions. In gen eral, each in dividual n eu ron receives tory n eu ron in h ibits an oth er in h ibitory n euron , th e
in form ation th rou gh syn ap ses from m any differen t result in g decrease in in h ibition of th e postsyn aptic
n eu ron s an d n eu ron types (convergence of in for- p rin cip al cell causes a n et in crease in its activity
m ation tran sfer). Th e n eu ron can , in tu rn , m ake (disinhibition).
syn aptic con tact w it h a large n um ber of oth er n eu -
Glial Cells · 7
Neurotransmitters and an in flu x of n egat ively ch arged ch loride ion s, an d
th us a hyperpolarization of th e postsyn aptic cell.
Receptors Oth er types of ligan d-gated ion ch an n el in clu de
th e nicotinic acetylcholine receptor an d th e sero-
Excitatory and inhibitory neurotransmitters. In ton in (5-HT3 ) receptor.
classic n eu roan atom ical stu dies, n euron s w ere
divided in to tw o m ajor types on th e basis of th eir G-protein-coupled receptors. Th e respon se to a
sh ape an d th e len gt h of th eir project ion s: prin cipal st im u lus actin g th rough a G-protein -cou pled re-
n eu ron s w it h distan t projection s w ere called Golgi ceptor lasts con siderably lon ger, as it results from
type I n eu ron s, w h ile in tern eu ron s w ith sh ort th e activation of an in tracellu lar sign al cascade. Th e
axon s w ere called Golgi type II n euron s. Curren tly, respon se m ay con sist of ch an ges in ion ch an n els or
n eu ron s are u su ally classified accordin g to th eir in gen e exp ression . Exam ples of G-protein -cou pled
neurotransm itter phenotype, w h ich gen erally de- receptors in clude m uscarin ic acetylch olin e recep-
term in es w h eth er th ey are excitatory or in h ibitory. tors an d m etabotropic glu tam ate receptors.
Th e com m on est excitatory n eu rotran sm itter in t h e
CNS is glutamate, w h ile th e com m on est in h ibitory
n eu rotran sm itter is γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA).
Th e in h ibitory n eu rotran sm itter in th e sp in al cord
Functional Groups of Neurons
is glycine. Acetylcholine an d norepinephrine are
th e m ost im portan t n eu rotran sm itters in th e au - As discussed earlier, n euron s are cu rren t ly
ton om ic n ervous system bu t are also fou n d in th e classified accordin g to th e n eu rotran sm itters th at
CNS. Oth er im portan t n eu rotran sm itters in clu de th ey release. Th u s, on e speaks of th e glutam atergic,
dopamine, serotonin, an d variou s neuropeptides, GABAergic, cholinergic, an d dopam inergic system s,
m any of w h ich h ave been (an d con tin u e to be) am on g oth ers. Th ese system s h ave distin ct proper-
iden tified; th ese are fou n d m ain ly in in tern eu ron s. ties. Glu tam atergic n eu ron s m ake poin t-to-p oin t
con n ection s w ith th eir target cells, w h ile th e
Ligand-gated receptors. Ligan d-gated ion ch an n els dopam in ergic system , for exam ple, h as rath er m ore
are con stru cted of m u ltiple su bun its th at span th e diffu se con n ection s: a sin gle dopam in ergic n eu ron
cell m em bran e. Th e bin din g of n eu rotran sm itter to gen erally projects to a large n u m ber of target n eu -
th e receptor op en s th e ion ch an n el (i.e., m akes it ron s. Th e con n ection s of th e GABAergic system are
perm eable) for on e or m ore particular sp ecies of particu larly h igh ly specialized. Som e GABAergic
ion . n eu ron s (basket cells) m ake n um erous syn aptic
con n ection s on to th e cell body of th e postsyn aptic
Excitatory am ino acid receptors. Glu tam ate recep- n eu ron , form in g a basketlike stru ctu re arou n d it;
tors are subdivided in to th ree types called AMPA, oth ers form m ain ly axoden dritic or axo-axon al
NMDA, an d kainate receptors. Glutam ate bin din g to syn apses. Th e latter are fou n d at th e axon h illock.
an AMPA receptor resu lts in an in flu x of Na + ion s,
w h ich dep olarizes th e cell. Th e activation of an Neurotransm itter analogues or receptor blockers can
NMDA receptor also cau ses an Na + in flux, accom - be applied pharm acologically for th e specific en -
pan ied by a Ca 2+ in flux. Th e NMDA receptor, h an cem en t or w eaken in g of th e effects of a partic-
h ow ever, can be activated on ly after th e blockade ular n eu rotran sm itter on n euron s.
of it s ion ch an n el by a m agn esiu m ion is rem oved;
th is, in turn , is accom plish ed th rou gh an AMPA-
receptor-in du ced m em bran e depolarization
(Fig. 1.6). Th e excitatory n eurotran sm itter glu ta-
Glial Cells
m ate th us h as a graded effect: it activates AMPA re-
ceptors first an d NMDA receptors later, after th e Th e n u m erically m ost com m on cells in th e n ervou s
m em bran e h as been depolarized. system are, in fact, n ot th e n eu ron s, bu t th e glial
cells (also called glia or n eu roglia). Th ese cells play
Inhibitory GABA and glycine receptors. Th e activa- an in dispen sable su pportive role for th e fun ction of
tion of eit h er of th ese tw o types of receptor causes n eu ron s. Th e th ree typ es of glial cells in th e CNS
1 8 · 1 Elem ents of the Nervous System

are t h e astroglial cells (astrocytes), oligoden droglia fou rth ven tricle in th e brain stem . In th ose seg-
(oligoden drocytes), an d m icroglial cells. m en ts of th e n eu ral tu be th at grow to a relatively
Astrocytes are divided in to tw o types: p roto- lesser exten t, su ch as th e m esen ceph alon , n o ven -
plasm ic an d fibrillary. In th e in tact n ervou s system , tricle is form ed (in th e fu lly develop ed organ ism ,
astrocytes are respon sible for th e m ain ten an ce of th e cerebral aqu edu ct ru n s th rou gh th e m esen -
th e in tern al environ m en t (h om eostasis), particu- ceph alon ).
larly w ith respect to ion con cen tration s. Fin e astro- Over th e course of vertebrate phylogeny, pro-
cyte processes su rrou n d each syn apse, sealin g it off gressive en largem en t of th e telen ceph alon h as
from its su rroun din gs so th at th e n eu rotran sm it ter cau sed it to overlie th e brain stem an d to rotate
can n ot escap e from th e syn aptic cleft. Wh en th e back on itself in sem icircular fash ion . Th is rotation
cen tral n ervous system is in ju red, astrocytes are is reflected in th e stru ctu re of variou s com pon en ts
respon sible for th e form ation of scar tissu e (glio- of th e telen ceph alic gray m atter, in cludin g th e cau -
sis). date n u cleus an d h ippocam pu s; in th e cou rse of
Th e oligodendrocytes form th e m yelin sh eat h s certain w h ite m atter tracts, such as th e forn ix; an d
of th e CNS (see p. 7). Th e microglial cells are ph ago- in th e sh ape of th e lateral ven tricles, each of w h ich
cytes th at are activated in in flam m atory an d is com p osed of a fron tal h orn , a cen tral portion
degen erative p rocesses affectin g th e n ervou s sys- (atriu m ), an d a tem poral h orn , as sh ow n in
tem . Fig. 10.3, p . 262.

Cellular proliferation. Im m ature n euron s (n eu ro-

Development of the Nervous blasts) proliferate in th e ven tricu lar zon e of th e
n eu ral tu be, i.e., th e zon e n eigh borin g its cen tral
System cavity. It is a m ajor aim of cu rren t research in n eu -
roem bryology to u nveil th e m olecular m ech an ism s
A detailed discu ssion of th e develop m en t of th e con trollin g n eu ron al proliferation .
n ervou s system w ou ld be beyon d th e scope of th is
book an d n ot direct ly relevan t to its pu rpose. Th e Neuronal migration. New ly form ed n erve cells
physician sh ou ld u n derstan d som e of th e basic leave th e ven tricu lar zon e in w h ich th ey arise, m i-
prin ciples of n eu ral developm en t, h ow ever, as gratin g alon g radially orien ted glial fibers tow ard
develop m en tal dist urban ces accou n t for a large th eir defin itive location in th e cortical plate. Migra-
n u m ber of diseases affectin g th e n ervou s system . tory processes are described in greater detail on
Th e n ervou s system develops from th e (in itially) pp. 227 ff.
lon git udin ally orien ted neural tube, w h ich con sists
of a solid w all an d a cen tral flu id-filled cavity. Th e Grow th of cellular processes. On ce th ey h ave ar-
cran ial portion of th e n eural tube grow s m ore ex- rived at th eir destin ation s, th e postm igratory n eu-
ten sively th an th e rest to form three distinct brain roblasts begin to form den drites an d axon s. On e of
vesicles, th e rhom bencephalon (h in dbrain ), th e th e m ajor qu estion s in n eu robiology today is h ow
m esencephalon (m idbrain ), an d th e prosencephalon th e n ew ly sprou ted axon s fin d th eir w ay to th eir
(forebrain ). Th e prosen ceph alon , in tu rn , becom es correct targets over w h at are, in som e cases, very
fu rth er differen tiated in to a cau dal part, th e dien- lon g distan ces. Im portan t roles are p layed in th is
cephalon, an d th e m ost cran ial portion of th e en tire process by m em bran e-bou n d an d soluble factors
n eu ral tube, th e paired telencephalon (en dbrain ). th at are presen t in a con cen tration gradien t, as
Th e cen tral cavit y of th e tw o telen ceph alic ven - w ell as by extracellular m atrix protein s. Th ere are
tricles com m u n icates w ith th at of th e dien - ligan d–receptor system s th at exert both attractive
ceph alon th rou gh th e in terven tricular foram en an d repulsive in flu en ces to steer th e axon in to th e
(destin ed to becom e th e foram en of Mon ro). Th e appropriate target area. Th ese system s can n ot be
cen tral cavity u n dergoes its greatest en largem en t described in greater detail h ere.
in th e areas w h ere th e n eu ral tu be h as its m ost
pron oun ced grow th ; th u s, th e lateral ven t ricles Synaptogenesis. Th e axon term in als, h avin g fou n d
form in th e t w o h alves of th e telen ceph alon , th e th eir w ay to th eir targets, proceed to form syn aptic
th ird ven tricle w ith in th e dien ceph alon , an d th e con tacts. Recen t stu dies h ave sh ow n th at th e for-
Developm ent of the Nervous System · 9
m ation of syn apses, an d of den dritic spin es, is ac- Physiological neuronal death (program m ed cell
tivity-depen den t. Mu ch eviden ce su ggests th at death , apoptosis). Many n eu ron s die as th e CNS
n ew syn apses can be laid dow n th rou gh ou t th e develop s, presu m ably as p art of th e m ech an ism
lifespan of th e in dividu al, providin g th e basis of en ablin g th e precise an d specific form ation of in -
adaptive processes su ch as learn in g an d m em ory. tern euron al con n ection s. Th e regu lation of n eu-
ron al su rvival an d n eu ron al death is a m ajor topic
of cu rren t research .
1 10 · 1 Elem ents of the Nervous System

2 Somatosensory
Peripheral Components of the
Somatosensory System and
Peripheral Regulatory Circuits . . . . . . . 12
Central Components of the
Somatosensory System . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Central Processing of Somatosensory
Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Somatosensory Deficits due
to Lesions at Specific Sites along
the Somatosensory Pathw ays . . . . . . . 32
2 12

2 Somatosensory System
After a prelim in ary ch apter on t h e stru ctu ral ele- central nervous system, w ith ou t any in terven in g
m en ts of th e n ervou s system , th e discu ssion of its syn apses, alon g t h e cen tral process (axon ) of th e
m ajor fu n ction al com pon en ts an d m ech an ism s sam e n eu ron . Th is axon m akes syn aptic con tact
n ow begin s w ith th e perceptual processes m edi- w ith a second neuron in th e spin al cord or brain -
ated by receptor organs: as depicted earlier in stem , w h ose axon , in tu rn , proceeds fu rth er cen -
Figure 1.1, th ese organ s are th e site of origin of in - trally, an d crosses the midline to th e opposite side
form at ion flow in th e n ervou s system , in accor- at som e level alon g its path . Th e third neuron lies
dan ce w ith t h e basic organ izin g prin cip le, percep- in th e thalamus, th e so-called “gatew ay to con -
tion processin g respon se. Som atosen sory im - sciousn ess”; it projects to variou s cortical areas,
pulses from th e p eriph ery are con ducted alon g an m ost im portan tly th e prim ary som atosen sory
afferent nerve fiber to its n eu ron al cell body, w h ich cortex, w h ich is located in th e postcentral gyrus of
lies in a dorsal root ganglion (spinal ganglion). Th e th e parietal lobe.
im pu lses are th en con du cted onw ard in to th e

Receptors in the Skin

Peripheral Components of the
Somatosensory System and Most receptors in th e skin are exteroceptors. Th ese
are divided in to t w o classes: (1) free n erve en din gs
Peripheral Regulatory Circuits an d (2) en capsu lated en d organ s.
Th e en cap su lated, differen tiated en d organ s are
Receptor Organs probably m ain ly respon sible for th e m ediation of
Receptors are specialized sen sory organ s th at reg- epicrit ic sen sory m odalities su ch as fin e touch , dis-
ister physical an d ch em ical ch an ges in th e extern al crim in ation , vibration , p ressu re, an d so forth ,
an d in tern al environ m en t of t h e organ ism an d w h ile th e free n erve en din gs m ediate protopath ic
convert (tran sduce) th em in to th e electrical im - m odalities such as pain an d tem p eratu re. Th e evi-
pu lses th at are processed by th e n ervou s system . den ce for th is fu n ction al distin ction is in com plete,
Th ey are fou n d at th e periph eral en d of afferen t h ow ever (see below ).
n erve fibers. Som e receptors in form th e body Various receptor organ s of th e skin an d its ap-
abou t ch an ges in th e n earby extern al environ m en t pen dages are depicted in Figu re 2.1, in clu din g
(exteroceptors) or in th e distan t extern al environ - mechanoreceptors (for tou ch an d p ressu re), ther-
m en t (teleceptors, su ch as th e eye an d ear). Propri- moreceptors (for w arm an d cold), an d nociceptors
oceptors, su ch as th e labyrin th of th e in n er ear, (for pain ). Th ese receptors are located m ain ly in
convey in form ation abou t th e p osition an d m ove- th e zon e betw een th e ep iderm is an d th e con n ec-
m en t of th e h ead in space, ten sion in m u scles an d tive tissue. Th e skin can th us be regarded as a
ten don s, th e position of th e join ts, th e force sen sory organ th at covers th e en tire body.
n eeded to carry out a particu lar m ovem en t, an d so
on . Fin ally, processes w it h in th e body are reported Special receptor organs. Th e peritrichial nerve
on by enteroceptors, also called visceroceptors (in - endings aroun d t h e h air follicles are fou n d in all
clu din g osmoceptors, chemoceptors, an d barocep- areas of h air-bearin g skin an d are activated by th e
tors, am on g oth ers). Each type of receptor re- m ovem en t of h airs. In con trast, th e tactile cor-
spon ds to a stim u lus of th e appropriate, sp ecific puscles of Meissner are foun d on ly on glabrou s
kin d, p rovided th at th e in ten sity of th e stim ulu s is skin , particu larly on th e palm s an d soles bu t also
above th resh old. on th e lips, th e tip of th e ton gue, an d th e gen it als,
Sen sory receptor organ s are abu n dan t ly p resen t an d respon d best to tou ch an d ligh t pressu re. Th e
in th e skin bu t are also fou n d in deeper region s of laminated Vater–Pacini corpuscles (pacin ian cor-
th e body an d in th e viscera. pu scles) are foun d in deep er layers of th e skin ,
especially in th e area betw een th e cut is an d th e
subcu tis, an d m ediate pressu re sen sation s. Th e end
Peripheral Com ponents of the Som atosensory System and Peripheral Regulatory Circuits · 13
bulbs of Krause w ere on ce th ou gh t to be cold re-
ceptors, w h ile th e corpuscles of Ruffini w ere
th ough t to be w arm receptors, but th ere is som e
dou bt abou t th is at presen t. Free n erve en din gs
h ave been foun d to be able to tran sm it in form ation
abou t w arm th an d cold as w ell as about posit ion .
In th e corn ea, for exam ple, on ly free n erve en din gs
are presen t to tran sm it in form ation abou t all of
th ese sen sory m odalities. Aside from th e receptor
types specifically m en tion ed h ere, t h ere are also
m any oth ers in th e skin an d elsew h ere w h ose
fu n ction m ostly rem ain s u n clear.

Free nerve endings (Fig. 2.1) are fou n d in th e clefts

betw een epiderm al cells, an d som et im es also on
m ore specialized cells of n eu ral origin , su ch as th e
tactile disks of Merkel. Free n erve en din gs are p re-
sen t, h ow ever, n ot just in th e skin but in pract ically
all organ s of th e body, from w h ich th ey convey
n ociceptive an d th erm al in form ation relatin g to
cellular in jury. Merkel’s disks are m ain ly located in
th e pads of th e fin gers an d respon d to tou ch an d
ligh t p ressu re.

Receptors in Deeper Regions of the Body

A secon d grou p of receptor organ s lies deep to th e
skin , in th e m u scles, ten don s, fasciae, an d join ts
(Fig. 2.2). In th e m u scles, for exam ple, on e fin ds
m uscle sp in dles, w h ich respon d to stretch in g of
th e m u sculature. Oth er types of receptors are
Fig. 2.1 Somatosensory receptors in the skin. a Free
fou n d at th e t ran sit ion betw een m uscles an d ten -
nerve ending (pain, tem perature). b Tactile disk of Merkel.
don s, in th e fasciae, or in join t capsules. c Peritrichial nerve endings around a hair follicle (touch).
d Tactile corpuscle of Meissner. e Vater−Pacini corpuscle
Muscle spindles are very th in , spin dle-sh aped bo-
(pressure, vibration). f End bulb of Krause (cold?). g Ruffini
dies th at are en closed in a con n ective-tissue cap- corpuscle (warm th?).
sule an d lie bet w een th e striated fibers of th e
skelet al m uscu latu re. Each m u scle sp in dle it self
usu ally con tain s 3–10 fin e striated m uscle fibers,
w h ich are called intrafusal muscle fibers in con - Golgi tendon organs con tain fin e n erve en din gs,
trast to th e extrafusal fibers of th e m u scular tissu e derived from bran ch es of th ickly m yelin ated n erve
proper. Th e tw o en ds of each spin dle, com posed of fibers, th at su rrou n d a grou p of collagen ou s ten don
con n ective tissu e, are fixed w ith in th e con n ective fibers. Th ey are en closed in a con n ective-tissue
tissu e betw een m uscle fascicles, so th at th ey m ove capsu le, are located at th e ju n ction betw een ten -
in con ju n ction w ith th e m u scle. An afferen t n erve don an d m u scle, an d are con n ected in series to th e
fiber called an an n ulospiral en din g or prim ary adjacen t m uscle fibers. Like m u scle sp in dles, th ey
en din g w in ds arou n d th e m iddle of th e m u scle respon d to st ret ch (i.e., ten sion ), bu t at a h igh er
spin dle. Th is afferen t fiber h as a very th ick m yelin th resh old (see Fig. 2.12, p. 22).
sh eath an d belon gs to th e m ost rapidly con du ctin g
grou p of n erve fibers in th e body, th e so-called Ia Other receptor types. In addition to th e m uscle
fibers. For fu rth er details, see p . 18 ff. (m on osyn ap- sp in dles an d Golgi ten don organ s, receptor types in
tic in trin sic m u scle reflex; polysyn aptic reflexes). th e deep tissu es in clu de th e lam in ated Vater–
2 14 · 2 Som atosensory System

Pacin i corpu scles an d th e Golgi–Mazzon i cor-

puscles as w ell as oth er term in al n erve en din gs
th at m ediate pressure, pain , etc.

Peripheral Nerve, Dorsal Root

Ganglion, Posterior Root
Th e fu rth er “w ay station s” th rou gh w h ich an affer-
en t im pulse m u st travel as it m akes it s w ay to th e
CNS are th e p eriph eral n erve, th e dorsal root gan -
glion , an d th e posterior n erve root, th rou gh w h ich
it en ters th e spin al cord.

Peripheral nerve. Action poten tials arisin g in a re-

ceptor organ of on e of th e types described above
are con du cted cen trally alon g an afferen t fiber,
w h ich is th e periph eral process of th e first som a-
tosen sory n eu ron , w h ose cell body is located in a
dorsal root gan glion (see p. 16). Th e afferen t fibers
from a circu m scribed area of th e body run togeth er
in a periph eral n erve; su ch n erves con tain n ot on ly
fibers for su perficial an d deep sen sation (som atic
afferent fibers) bu t also efferen t fibers to striated
m u scle (som atic efferent fibers) an d fibers in n er-
vat in g th e in tern al organ s, t h e sw eat glan ds, an d
vascu lar sm ooth m u scle (visceral afferent an d
visceral efferent fibers). Fibers (axon s) of all of th ese
types are bu n dled togeth er in side a series of con -
n ective-tissu e coverin gs (en don eu rium , peri-
n eu riu m , an d epin eu riu m ) to form a “n erve cable”
(Fig. 2.3). Th e perin eu riu m also con tain s th e blood
Fig. 2.2 Receptors in muscle, tendons, and fascia. a An-
nulospiral ending of a m uscle spindle (stretch). b Golgi ten- vessels th at su pply th e n erve (vasa nervorum ).
don organ (tension). c Golgi−Mazzoni corpuscle (pressure).
Nerve plexus and posterior root. On ce th e perip h -
eral n erve en ters th e spin al can al th rough t h e in -
tervertebral foram en , th e afferen t an d efferen t
Unmyelinated Myelinated, fibers go th eir sep arate w ays: th e periph eral n erve
Blood vessel fibers, mostly segmented
automatic divides in to its tw o “sources,” th e an terior an d
fibres, m otor
Fat or sensory posterior sp in al roots (Fig. 2.4). Th e an terior root
con tain s th e efferen t n erve fibers exitin g th e spin al
cord, w h ile th e posterior root con tain s th e afferen t
fibers en terin g it. A direct t ran sit ion from th e p e-
riph eral n erve to t h e spin al n erve roots is foun d,
h ow ever, on ly in th e th oracic region . At cervical
an d lu m bosacral levels, n erve plexu ses are in ter-
posed betw een t h e periph eral n erves an d th e spi-
Perineurium n al n erve roots (th e cervical, brach ial, lu m bar, an d
Epineurium sacral plexu ses). In t h ese plexu ses, w h ich are lo-
cated outside th e spin al can al, th e afferen t fibers of
Fig. 2.3 Cross section of a mixed peripheral nerve
th e periph eral n erves are redistributed so th at
fibers from each in dividual n erve ultim ately join
Peripheral Com ponents of the Som atosensory System and Peripheral Regulatory Circuits · 15
Fig. 2.4 Nerve root seg-
ments and their relation-
Posterior root
ship to the vertebral
bodies. a Anatomy of the

anterior and posterior spi-


nal roots.

Dorsal ram us

b Enum eration of the nerve
root segm ents and the
levels of exit of the spinal
nerves from the spinal
canal. The spinal cord
T3 grows to a shorter final
T4 length than the vertebral
T5 colum n, so that the nerve
roots (proceeding caudally)
m ust travel increasingly
Anterior root Ventral ramus T7
long distances to reach

their exit foram ina. See


also p. 45, Chapter 3
(Motor System ).





Coccygeal nn. and
filum term inale

spin al n erves at m u ltip le segm en tal levels feren t fibers or, in som e cases, as h igh as t h e brain -
(Fig. 2.5). (In an alogou s fash ion , th e m otor fibers of stem . Th u s, in gen eral, a perip h eral n erve is com -
a sin gle segm en tal n erve root travel to m u ltiple pe- posed of fibers from m ultiple radicular segm en ts;
riph eral n erves; cf. Fig. 2.5 an d p. 62 ff. in Ch ap- th is is true of both afferen t an d efferen t fibers.
ter 3.) Th e redistribu ted afferen t fibers th en en ter
th e spin al cord at m u ltiple levels an d ascen d a vari- Digression: Anatom y of the spinal roots and nerves.
able distan ce in t h e spin al cord before m akin g syn - In total, th ere are 31 pairs of spin al n erves; each
aptic con t act w ith th e secon d sen sory n euron , spin al n erve is form ed by t h e jun ction of an an te-
w h ich m ay be at or n ear th e level of th e en terin g af- rior an d a p osterior n erve root w ith in th e spin al
2 16 · 2 Som atosensory System

Nerve root (posterior root)

n erves in each of th ese region s as th ere are verte-
Spinal brae (12 th oracic, 5 lu m bar, an d 5 sacral) (Fig. 2.4).
cord Plexus Peripheral n. Derm atom e Lastly, th ere is a sin gle p air of coccygeal n erves (or,
occasion ally, m ore th an on e p air).

Spatial organization of som atosensory fibers in the

posterior root. Nerve im pu lses relat in g to differen t
som atosen sory m odalities origin ate in differen t
types of periph eral receptor an d are con du cted
cen trally in sep arate group s of afferen t fibers,
w h ich are spatially arran ged in th e posterior root in
a ch aracteristic pattern . As sh ow n in Figu re 2.15
(p. 25), th e m ost th ickly m yelin ated n erve fibers,
w h ich origin ate in m u scle spin dles, ru n in th e m e-
dial portion of th e root; th ese fibers are respon sible
for proprioception . Fibers origin atin g in receptor
organ s, w h ich m ediate th e sen ses of tou ch , vibra-
tion , pressu re, an d discrim in ation , ru n in th e cen -
b tral portion of th e root, an d th e sm all an d th in ly
Nerve root Plexus Peripheral n.
Radicular (anterior root) m yelin ated fibers m ediatin g pain an d tem p eratu re
segments Myotome
sen sation run in it s lateral portion .
Fig. 2.5 Redistribution of afferent and efferent nerve
fibers in a nerve plexus. The sensory fibers contained in a Dorsal root ganglion. Th e dorsal root gan glion is
single peripheral nerve are distributed to m ultiple dorsal m acroscopically visible as a sw ellin g of th e dorsal
spinal nerve roots, and, analogously, the m otor fibers of a root, im m ediately proxim al to it s ju n ction w it h t h e
single nerve root are distributed to m ultiple peripheral ven tral root (Fig. 2.4). Th e n eu ron s of th e dorsal root
nerves. a In the periphery, the sensory fibers of a single
gan glion are pseu dou n ipolar, i.e., th ey possess a
radicular segm ent are grouped together once again to
supply a characteristic segm ental region of the skin (der-
sin gle process th at divides in to tw o p rocesses a
m atom e). b Radicular and peripheral nerve innervation of sh ort distan ce from th e cell, in a T-sh ap ed con figu-
m uscle: each m uscle is supplied by a single peripheral rat ion . On e of th ese tw o processes travels to th e re-
nerve, which, however, generally contains fibers from m ul- ceptor organ s of th e periph ery, givin g off n u m erou s
tiple nerve roots (so-called polyradicular or plurisegm ental collateral bran ch es alon g th e w ay, so th at a sin gle
innervation). gan glion cell receives inpu t from m u ltip le receptor
organ s. Th e oth er process (th e cen t ral process)
travels by w ay of th e posterior root in to th e spin al
can al. Th e n u m berin g of t h e sp in al n erves is based cord, w h ere it eith er m akes syn aptic con tact w ith
on th at of th e vertebral bodies (Fig. 2.4). Even th e secon d sen sory n eu ron im m ediately, or else as-
th ough th ere are on ly seven cervical vertebrae, cen ds tow ard th e brain stem (see Fig. 2.17, p. 27).
th ere are eight pairs of cervical n erves, because th e Th ere are n o syn apses w ith in th e dorsal root gan -
h igh est spin al n erve exits (or en ters) th e spin al glion itself.
can al ju st above th e first cervical vertebra. Th u s,
th is n erve, th e first cervical n erve (C1), exits th e
Somatosensory Innerva tion by Nerve Roots
spin al can al betw een th e occipital bon e an d th e
and Periphera l Nerves
first cervical vertebra (atlas); th e rem ain in g cervi-
cal n erves, dow n to C7, exit above th e corresp on d- Th e fibers of in dividual n erve roots are redis-
in gly n u m bered vertebra; an d C8 exits betw een tributed in to m u ltiple periph eral n erves by w ay of
th e seven th (low est) cervical vertebra an d t h e first th e plexu ses (cf. p. 14 ff.), an d each n erve con tain s
th oracic vertebra. At th oracic, lu m bar, an d sacral fibers from m u ltiple adjacen t radicu lar segm en ts
levels, each spin al n erve exits (or en ters) th e sp in al (see also Figs. 3.31, 3.32, an d 3.33, pp. 63, 64). Th e
can al below th e correspon din gly n um bered verte- fibers of each radicu lar segm en t regrou p in th e pe-
bra. Th ere are, th erefore, ju st as m any pairs of riph ery, h ow ever (Fig. 2.5), to in n ervate a particu -
Peripheral Com ponents of the Som atosensory System and Peripheral Regulatory Circuits · 17
Fig. 2.6 Segmental inner-
vation of the skin (after
Ophthalm ic n.
C2 Hansen−Schliack). a Ante-
C2 Maxillary n. Trigem inal n. rior view. b Posterior view.
Mandibular n. C3
C5 T3
T2 T4
T3 T5
C5 T4
T5 T6
T6 T7
T7 T8
C6 T1
T8 T9
T1 T9 T11
T10 T12
T12 C6 L2
C7 L3 S4
S2 C8
C7 L2

L4 L5


S1 L5

lar segm en tal area of th e skin (dermatome). Each m atom e corresp on ds to a p articu lar sp in al cord or
derm atom e correspon ds to a sin gle radicular seg- radicular level, th e derm atom e(s) in w h ich a
m en t, w h ich , in tu rn , correspon ds to a sin gle “sp i- sen sory deficit is located is a h igh ly valu able in -
n al cord segm en t.” Th e latter term is u sed even dicator of th e level of a lesion involvin g th e spin al
th ough th e m atu re sp in al cord n o lon ger displays cord or on e or m ore n erve roots. Th e sch em atic
its origin al m etam eric segm en tation . represen tation of Figu re 2.7 is in ten ded for didactic
Th e derm atom es on th e an terior an d posterior purposes, to h elp th e stu den t rem em ber w h ere th e
body su rfaces are sh ow n in Figure 2.6. Th e m et- bou n daries betw een th e cervical, th oracic, lu m bar,
am eric organ ization of th e derm atom es is easiest an d sacral derm atom al areas are located.
to see in th e th oracic region . Th e derm atom es for th e sen se of touch overlap
As sh ow n in Figure 2.5, th e derm atom es of to a greater exten t th an th ose for pain an d
n eigh borin g roots overlap con siderably, so th at a tem peratu re. It follow s th at, in a lesion of on e or
lesion con fin ed to a sin gle root often causes a tw o adjacen t roots, a derm atom al deficit of touch
barely discern ible sen sory deficit, or n on e at all. is gen erally h ard to dem on strate, w h ile on e of pain
an d tem peratu re sen sat ion is m ore readily ap-
Sensory deficits due to radicular lesions. A de- paren t. Th us, n erve root lesion s can be m ore sen si-
m on strable sen sory deficit in a segm en tal distribu - tively detected by testin g for hypalgesia or an alge-
tion is u su ally fou n d on ly w h en m u ltiple adjacen t sia, rath er th an hypesth esia or an esth esia.
n erve roots are involved by a lesion . As each der-
2 18 · 2 Som atosensory System

fore, m ore readily app aren t th an t h ose due to

radicular lesion s.

T1 Peripheral Regulatory Circuits

L1 S1
In th e n ext section after th is on e, w e w ill trace th e
ascen din g fiber path w ays respon sible for pain an d
tem peratu re sen sation , an d for sen sory m odalities
such as touch an d pressure, as th ey travel up t h e
sp in al cord an d in to th e brain . Before doin g so,
h ow ever, w e w ill explain th e fu n ction of a n u m ber
of im portan t periph eral regu latory circuits. Even
th ough th e cu rren t ch apter is devoted to th e
sen sory system , it w ill be u sefu l, in t h is lim ited
con text, to describe n ot on ly th e afferen t (sen sory)
arm of th ese regu latory circu its, bu t th eir efferen t
(m otor) arm as w ell.

Monosyna ptic a nd Polysyna ptic Reflexes

Monosynaptic intrinsic reflex. As illust rated in
Figure 2.11 (p. 22), th e large-diam eter afferent
fiber arisin g in a m uscle spin dle gives off m any ter-
m in al bran ch es sh ortly after en terin g th e spin al
cord; som e of th ese bran ch es m ake direct syn aptic
con tact on to n euron s in th e gray m atter of th e
Fig. 2.7 Segmental innervation of the skin: simplified
an terior h orn . Th ese n euron s, in turn , are t h e origin
diagram of dermatomal topography of efferen t m otor fibers, an d are th erefore called
motor anterior horn cells. Th e efferent neurites
exit th e spin al cord by w ay of th e an terior root an d
th en travel, alon g p erip h eral n erves, to th e skeletal
Sensory deficits due to peripheral nerve lesions. It m u scles.
is easy to see w hy a lesion affectin g a n erve plexu s A n eural loop is th us created from a skeletal
or a periph eral n erve produ ces a sen sory deficit of m u scle to th e spin al cord an d back again , com -
an en tirely differen t type th an a radicu lar lesion . As p osed of tw o n eu ron s—an afferen t sen sory n eu ron
plexu s lesion s u su ally cause a prom in en t m otor an d an efferen t m otor n eu ron . Th is loop con sti-
deficit in addition , w e w ill defer fu rth er discu ssion tutes a sim ple, m on osyn aptic reflex arc. Becau se
of p lexus lesion s to th e n ext ch apter on th e m otor th e arc begin s an d en ds in th e sam e m uscle, th e as-
system (pp. 62–66). sociated reflex is called an intrinsic (or propriocep-
Wh en a periph eral n erve is in jured, th e fibers tive) muscle reflex.
w ith in it, derived from m u ltiple n erve roots, can n o Such m on osyn apt ic reflex arcs provide th e n eu -
lon ger rejoin in th e periph ery w ith fibers derived roan atom ical basis for t h e regu lation of m uscle
from th e sam e n erve roots bu t belon gin g to oth er len gth (see below ).
periph eral n erves—in ot h er w ords, th e fibers in t h e
in ju red n erve can n o lon ger reach th eir assign ed Reflex relaxation of antagonist m uscles. In a strict
derm atom es. Th e sen sory deficit th u s h as a differ- sen se, th e m on osyn aptic reflex is n ot t ruly m on o-
en t dist ribu tion from th at of th e derm atom al defi- syn aptic, becau se it also h as a polysyn apt ic com -
cit seen after a radicu lar in jury (Fig. 2.8). Fu rt h er- pon en t. Th e reflex is m an ifested n ot only in con -
m ore, th e cu tan eou s areas in n ervated by in - traction of th e m u scle in question , bu t also in re-
dividu al p eriph eral n erves overlap m u ch less th at laxation of its an tagon ist m u scle(s). Th e in h ibition
th ose in n ervated by adjacen t n erve roots. Sen sory of m uscle cells th at leads t h ese m uscles to relax is a
deficit s du e to periph eral n erve lesion s are, th ere- polysyn aptic process occu rrin g by w ay of in ter-
Peripheral Com ponents of the Som atosensory System and Peripheral Regulatory Circuits · 19
Fig. 2.8 Innervation of
Ophthalm ic n. Ophthalm ic n. the skin by peripheral
Mandibular n. Trigem inal n. Greater occipital n. nerves. a Anterior view.
Maxillary n. Lesser occipital n.
Great auricular n.
b Posterior view. c The
Great auricular n. Dorsal ram i areas innervated by the
Transverse cervical n. of cervical nn. three divisions of the
Supraclavicular nn. Supraclavicular nn. trigem inal nerve and by
Ventral ram i
of thoracic nn. the cervical cutaneous
Lateral rami nerves.
Dorsal ram i of thoracic nn.
Axillary n.
Lateral cutaneous ram i of intercostal nn.
Intercostobrachial n.
Posterior brachial cutaneous n.
Medial brachial cutaneous n.
Posterior antebrachial cutaneous n.
Lateral antebrachial cutaneous n.
Medial antebrachial
cutaneous n.
Radial n.
Ulnar n. Ilio-
Median n. hypo-
gastric n.
Iliohypogastric n. Cluneal nn.
Genitofem oral n. Dorsal ram i
Ilioinguinal n. of lum bar nn.
Obturator n. Dorsal ram i
of sacral nn.
Lateral fem oral cutaneous n.
Posterior fem oral cutaneous n.
Fem oral n.
Com m on peroneal (fibular) n.
Superficial peroneal (fibular) n.

Saphenous n.

Sural n.
Saphenous n.
Deep peroneal Lateral plantar n.
(fibular) n. Medial plantar n.


Greater occipital n. C2 – C3

Lesser occipital n. C2
Great auricular n. C2 – C3

Transverse cervical n. C2 – C3

n eu ron s in th e spin al gray m atter. Were th is n ot Wh en a fin ger tou ch es a h ot stove, th e h an d is

th e case, ten sion in th e an tagon ist m u scles w ould pulled back w ith ligh tn in g sp eed, before any pain is
cou n teract agon ist con traction (see Fig. 2.14, p. 24). felt . Th e act ion poten t ials t h at arise in t h e cu -
tan eous receptor (n ociceptor) for th is reflex travel
Polysynaptic flexor reflex. An oth er im portan t re- by w ay of afferen t fibers to th e su bst an tia gelat i-
flex arc is th at of th e polysyn apt ic flexor reflex, a n osa of th e spin al cord, w h ere th ey are th en relayed,
protective and flight reflex th at is m ediated by across syn apses, in to cells of various types belon g-
m any in tern eu ron s an d is th u s polysynaptic. in g to th e cord’s in trin sic n eu ron al apparatu s
2 20 · 2 Som atosensory System

exten ded so th at t h e in dividu al can stan d on it

alon e (crossed extensor reflex). Th e su dden redis-
tribution of w eigh t does n ot cau se th e in dividu al to
fall over, becau se it is im m ediately com pen sated
for by reflex con t raction of m u scles of th e trun k,
sh ou lders, arm s, an d n eck, m ain tain in g th e body’s
uprigh t posture. Th is process requires syn aptic
com m u n ication am on g m any differen t n eu ron s in
Funicular neuron
th e spin al cord, w ith sim u ltan eou s participat ion of
Lissauer zone
th e brain stem an d cerebellu m . All of th is h appen s
Commissural in a fraction of a secon d; on ly afterw ard does th e
in dividual feel p ain , look to see w h at cau sed it, an d
ch eck w h et h er th e foot h as been in ju red.
Association Th ese m on osyn aptic an d polysyn aptic reflexes
neuron are un con sciou s processes occurrin g m ain ly in th e
Interneuron sp in al cord, yet th e last exam ple sh ow s th at h igh er
com pon en ts of th e CNS m ust often be activated at
th e sam e tim e, e.g., to preserve balan ce (as in th e
exam ple).
proprius Motor neuron

Regula tion of Muscle Length a nd Tension

Fig. 2.9 Intrinsic neurons and polysynaptic connections
As discussed above, m on osyn aptic an d p olysyn ap-
in the spinal cord. Note: interneurons are also called “in-
tercalated” or “internuncial” neurons (from Latin nuntius, tic reflex arcs serve differen t p urposes: p olysyn ap-
m essenger). tic reflex arcs m ediate protective an d fligh t re-
spon ses, w h ile m on osyn aptic reflex arcs are in cor-
porated in fun ct ion al circuits th at regu late th e
(in tern eu ron s, association n eu ron s, an d com m is- len gth an d ten sion of skeletal m u scle. Each m u scle,
sural n eu ron s). Som e of th ese cells—part icu larly in fact, con tain s tw o servo-con trol (feedback) sys-
th e association n eu ron s—project th eir processes tem s:
m ultiple sp in al levels up w ard an d dow nw ard, in ¼ A control system for length, in w h ich th e n u -
th e so-called fascicu lu s proprius (Fig. 2.9). After clear bag fibers of th e m uscle spin dles serve as
crossin g m ult iple syn apses, excitatory im p ulses fi- len gth receptors
n ally reach th e m otor n eu ron s an d travel alon g ¼ A control system for tension, in w h ich th e Golgi
th eir efferen t axon s in to th e spin al n erve roots, pe- ten don organ s an d th e n u clear ch ain fibers of
riph eral n erves, an d m uscle, producin g th e m uscu - th e m u scle sp in dles serve as ten sion receptors
lar con traction th at p ulls th e h an d back from th e
stove. Stretch and tension receptors. Muscle spindles are
A reflex of th is type requ ires th e coordin ated receptors for both stretch (len gth ) an d ten sion .
con traction of m ultiple m uscles, w h ich m u st con - Th ese tw o distin ct m odalities are subserved by tw o
tract in th e righ t sequ en ce an d w ith th e righ t in - differen t kin ds of in trafu sal fibers, th e so-called
ten sit y, w h ile ot h ers (th e an tagon ist m u scles) n uclear bag an d n u clear ch ain fibers (Figs. 2.11 an d
m ust relax at th e app ropriate tim es. Th e in trin sic 2.12). Fibers of both of th ese typ es are typically
n eu ron al apparatus of th e spin al cord is th e com - sh orter an d th in n er th an extrafu sal m u scle fibers.
pu terlike, in tercon n ected n et w ork of cells th at Th e tw o types of in trafu sal fiber are depicted sep a-
m akes th is process possible. rately for didactic reason s in Figu res 2.11 an d 2.12,
In an oth er paradigm atic situ ation , steppin g on a but, in reality, th e sh orter an d th in n er n u clear
sh arp rock gen erates n ociceptive im pu lses th at in - ch ain fibers are directly att ach ed to th e som ew h at
itiate a com plex but unvaryin g sequ en ce of even ts lon ger n uclear bag fibers. Mu scle spin dles gen er-
(Fig. 2.10): th e pain fu l foot is raised by flexion of ally con sist of t w o n u clear bag fibers an d fou r or
th e h ip, kn ee, an d an kle, w h ile th e opposite leg is five n uclear ch ain fibers. In th e m iddle of a n u clear
Peripheral Com ponents of the Som atosensory System and Peripheral Regulatory Circuits · 21
bag fiber, th e in trafusal m uscle fibers w iden to a
form a bag con tain in g about 50 n uclei, w h ich is
covered by a n etw ork of sen sory n erve fibers
kn ow n as a prim ary or an n u lospiral en din g (from
Latin annulus, rin g). Th is sp iral en din g reacts very Cerebellum
sen sitively to m u scle st retch , m ain ly registerin g
changes in m uscle len gth ; t h e n u clear bag fibers
are th u s st retch receptors. Th e n u clear ch ain fibers,
on th e oth er h an d, m ain ly register a persisten tly
stretch ed state of th e m uscle, an d are th us ten sion

Maintenance of constant muscle length. Th e extra-

fu sal m u scle fibers h ave a certain len gth at rest,
w h ich th e organ ism alw ays tries to m ain tain con -
stan t. Wh en ever th e m u scle is stretch ed beyon d
th is len gth , th e m u scle spin dle is stretch ed alon g
w ith it. Th is gen erates action p oten tials in th e an -
n u lospiral en din g, w h ich travel very rapidly in Ia
afferen t fibers an d are t h en relayed across a syn -
apse to m otor n euron s in th e an terior h orn of t h e
spin al cord (Fig. 2.11). Th e excited m otor n eu ron s
fire im p ulses t h at t ravel in equ ally rapidly con -
du ct in g, large-diam eter α 1 efferen t fibers back to
th e w orkin g extrafusal m uscle fibers, causin g th em
to con tract to th eir form er len gth . Any stretch of
th e m uscle in du ces th is respon se.
Th e physician tests th e in tactn ess of th is regu -
latory circuit w ith a quick tap on a m u scle ten don ,
e.g., th e patellar ten don for elicitat ion of t h e quad-
riceps (kn ee-jerk) reflex. Th e resu ltin g m u scu lar
st retch activates th e m on osyn aptic reflex arc. In -
trin sic m u scle reflexes are of m ajor value for local-
ization in clin ical n eu rology becau se th e reflex arc
for a particu lar m u scle occu pies on ly on e or tw o
radicu lar or spin al cord segm en ts; t h u s, a fin din g
of an abn orm al reflex en ables t h e physician to
in fer th e level of th e un derlyin g radicular or spin al
lesion . Th e m ore im portan t in trin sic m u scle re-
flexes in clin ical practice, th e m an n er in w h ich
th ey are elicited, an d t h e segm en ts th at p artici-
pate in th eir reflex arcs are sh ow n in Figu re 2.13.
It sh ou ld be realized th at the clin ical elicit ation of
in trin sic m uscle reflexes is an artificial even t: a
brief m u scular stretch such as th at produced w ith
a reflex h am m er is a rarity in everyday life.

Reflex relaxation of antagonist m uscles. Th e reflex Painful stim ulus

con tract ion of a st ret ch ed m u scle to m ain tain con -
stan t len gth is accom pan ied by reflex relaxation of
its an tagon ist m u scle(s). Th e regu latory circu it for Fig. 2.10 Flexor reflex w ith polysynaptic connections
2 22 · 2 Som atosensory System

Fig. 2.11 Regulatory cir-

Central Pyramidal cuit for muscle length
input tract

Nuclear bag muscle spindle

with annulospiral ending:
receptor for changes in
m uscle length (stretch)

Ia fiber

γ 1 m otor

α fiber
γ 1 fibers

Renshaw cell α1 m otor neuron

Fig. 2.12 Regulatory cir-

Pyram idal Reticulospinal Tendon organ (Golgi organ): cuit for muscle tension
tract tract receptor for m uscle tension

Nuclear chain m uscle spindle

with a primary ending and
a flower-spray ending
Tonic stretch reflex

II fiber
Ib fiber

α2 fiber
γ 2 fiber
Ia fiber

γ 2 m otor neuron
α2 m otor neuron

th is likew ise begin s in th e m u scle spin dles. Th e n u - n ist m u scle(s) (reciprocal an tagon ist in h ibition ,
clear ch ain fibers of m any m u scle spin dles con tain Fig. 2.14).
secon dary en din gs called flow er-spray endings in
addition to th e prim ary (an n u lospiral) en din gs dis- Setting of target values for muscle length. Th ere is
cu ssed above. Th ese secon dary en din gs react to a special m otor system w h ose fun ction is to set ad-
stretch as th e prim ary en din gs do, bu t th e afferen t ju stable target valu es in th e regu latory circu it for
im pu lses gen erated in th em travel cen trally in II m u scle len gth .
fibers, w h ich are th in n er th an th e Ia fibers as- As sh ow n in Figu re 2.11, th e an terior h orn of
sociated w it h th e prim ary en din gs. Th e im p ulses th e spin al cord con tain s n ot on ly th e large
are relayed via spin al in tern eu ron s to produ ce a α m otor n eu ron s but also th e sm aller γ m otor
n et in h ibition —an d th u s relaxation —of th e an tago- n eu ron s. Th ese cells project th eir axon s (γ fibers)
Peripheral Com ponents of the Som atosensory System and Peripheral Regulatory Circuits · 23
Fig. 2.13 The most im-
portant intrinsic muscle
Biceps C6

Radial n.
cutaneous n.


Biceps reflex Triceps reflex



Femorale n.
Quadriceps Tibial n.
fem oris

cnem ius

Quadriceps re fle x Trice ps surae re fle x

(patellar reflex, (Achilles reflex,
knee-jerk reflex) ankle-jerk reflex)

to th e sm all, striated in trafu sal fibers of th e Th e γ m otor n eu ron s are u n der t h e in flu en ce of
m uscle spin dles. Excitation by γ fibers in du ces several descen din g m otor path w ays, in cludin g th e
con traction of th e in trafu sal m u scle fibers at pyram idal, reticulospin al, an d vest ibu lospin al
eith er en d of a m u scle spin dle. Th is stretch es th e tracts. Th ey th u s serve as in term ediaries for th e
m idportion of th e spin dle, leadin g th e an n u lospi- con trol of m u scle ton e by h igh er m otor cen ters,
ral en din g to fire action poten tials, w h ich , in tu rn , w h ich is clearly an im p ortan t aspect of volun tary
elevate ten sion in th e w orkin g m u scle. m ovem en t. Th e γ efferen ts en able precise con trol
of volu n t ary m ovem en ts an d also regulate th e
2 24 · 2 Som atosensory System

Muscle tone. Every m u scle possesses a certain

degree of ton e, even in its m axim ally relaxed (rest-
Annulospiral in g) state. In th e clin ical n eu rological exam in ation ,
receptor th e physician assesses m u scle ton e by n otin g th e
resistan ce to passive m ovem en t of th e lim bs (e.g.,
Association flexion an d exten sion ).
Motor neuron neuron
Agonist Total loss of m u scle ton e can be produced ex-
Contrac- Antagonist
tion Relaxation perim en tally eith er by tran section of all of th e an te-
rior roots or, p erh aps m ore su rprisin gly, by tran sec-

– tion of all of th e posterior roots. Restin g ton e, th ere-
fore, is n ot a propert y of th e m u scle itself, bu t rath er
– Interneuron Fasciculus
proprius is m ain tain ed by th e reflex arcs described in th is
sect ion .

– Adaptation of m uscle tone to gravity and m ovem ent.

Th e h u m an body is con tin ually su bject to th e
earth ’s gravitation al field. Wh en an in dividu al
stan ds or w alks, an ti-gravity m u scles m u st be acti-
Fig. 2.14 Monosynaptic reflex w ith polysynaptic inhibi- vated (am on g t h em t h e qu adriceps fem oris, t h e
tion of antagonist muscles lon g exten sors of th e trun k, an d th e cervical
m u scles) to keep th e body erect.
Wh en a h eavy object is lifted, th e ton e n orm ally
presen t in th e qu adriceps m u scle n o lon ger su ffices
sen sitivit y of t h e stretch receptors. Wh en th e in - to keep th e body erect. Bu cklin g at th e kn ees can be
trafusal m u scle fibers con tract an d stretch th e preven ted on ly by an im m ediate in crease in quad-
m idportion of a m uscle spin dle, th e th resh old of riceps ton e, w h ich occurs as a resu lt of ton ic in t rin -
th e stretch receptors is low ered, i.e., th ey require sic reflexes in du ced by t h e stretch in g of t h e m u scle
m uch less m uscu lar stretch to be activated. In th e an d of th e m u scle spin dles w ith in it. Th is feedback
n orm al situation , th e target m uscle len gth th at is m ech an ism or servom ech an ism en ables au tom atic
to be m ain tain ed is au tom atically set by th e adapt ation of t h e ten sion in a m u scle to t h e load
fu sim otor (γ) in n ervat ion of th e m u scle. th at is placed upon it. Th u s, w h en ever an in dividu al
If both t h e prim ary receptors (n u clear bag fibers stan ds, w alks, or lifts, action poten tials are con -
w ith an n u lospiral en din gs) an d th e secon dary re- stan tly bein g relayed back an d forth to en su re th e
ceptors (n uclear ch ain fibers w ith flow er-spray m ain ten an ce of th e correct am ou n t of m u scle ten -
en din gs) are slow ly stretch ed, th e respon se of th e sion .
spin dle receptors is stat ic, i.e., u n ch an gin g in tim e.
On th e oth er h an d, if th e prim ary receptors are very
rap idly st retch ed, a dyn am ic (rapidly ch an gin g) re- Central Components of the
spon se en sues. Both th e static an d th e dyn am ic re-
spon ses are con trolled by efferen t γ n euron s.
Somatosensory System

Static and dynam ic γ m otor neurons. Th ere are pre- Havin g traced th e path of afferen t im pu lses from
sum ed to be tw o t ypes of γ m otor n eu ron s, dy- th e periph ery to th e spin al cord in th e precedin g
n am ic an d static. Th e form er in n ervate m ain ly th e section s, w e w ill n ow proceed to discu ss th eir
in trafu sal n uclear bag fibers, th e latter m ain ly th e fu rth er cou rse w it h in th e cen tral n ervou s system .
in trafusal n uclear ch ain fibers. Excitation of n u-
clear bag fibers by dyn am ic γ n eu ron s in duces a Root entry zone and posterior horn. In dividu al so-
st ron g, dyn am ic respon se m ediated by th e an - m atosen sory fibers en ter th e spin al cord at th e
n ulospiral en din g, w h ile excitation of n u clear dorsal root en try zon e (DREZ; also called th e Red-
ch ain fibers by static γ n euron s in du ces a static, lich –Oberstein er zon e) an d th en give off n u m erou s
ton ic respon se. collaterals th at m ake syn aptic con tact w ith oth er
Central Com ponents of the Som atosensory System · 25
Crossed anterio Lateral spinothalam ic tract Anterior spinocerebellar tract
colum ns
spinocerebellar (pain, tem perature) Posterior spinocerebellar tract
Posterior colum ns Proprioception (unconscious)
Muscle spindle and tendon organ
Cuneate Gracile (to the cerebellum and forebrain)
fasciculus fasciculus
(of Burdach) (of Goll) Proprioception, vibration, touch,
pressure, discrimination
(to the thalam us and cerebral cortex)

Posterior spinocerebellar Touch, pressure

Pain, temperature

Anterior spinocerebellar Medial bundle

tract Lateral bundle

Lateral spino-
thalam ic tract

Spinotectal tract
Spino-olivary tract

Motor fiber

Anterior spinothalam ic tract

Fig. 2.15 Position of fibers of different somatosensory modalities in the posterior root and root entry zone, and their
further course in the spinal cord

n eu ron s w ith in th e cord. Fibers su bservin g differ- in g th e spin al cord. Som e of th ese collateral fibers
en t sen sory m odalities occupy differen t position s m ake syn aptic con tact directly on to th e large
in th e spin al cord (Fig. 2.15). It is im portan t to n ote α m otor n eu ron s of th e an terior h orn (m on osyn ap-
th at th e m yelin sh eath s of all afferen t fibers be- tic reflex arc, Figs. 2.15 an d 2.11). Oth er collateral
com e con siderably th in n er as th e fibers traverse fibers arisin g at th oracic, lu m bar, an d sacral levels
th e root en try zon e an d en ter th e posterior h orn . term in ate in a colum n -sh ap ed n u cleu s occu pyin g
Th e type of m yelin ch an ges from periph eral to cen - th e base of th e posterior h orn at levels C8–L2,
tral, an d th e m yelin atin g cells are n o lon ger w h ich is variously n am ed th e in term ediolateral
Sch w an n cells, but rath er oligoden drocytes. cell colum n , th oracic n ucleus, Clarke’s colu m n , an d
Th e afferen t fiber path w ays of th e spin al cord Stillin g’s n u cleus. Th e postsyn aptic secon d n eu-
subservin g in dividual som atosen sory m odalit ies ron s w ith cell bodies lyin g in th is n ucleus are th e
(Fig. 2.16) w ill n ow be described in dividu ally. origin of th e posterior spin ocerebellar t ract, w h ose
fibers are am on g t h e m ost rapidly con du ctin g of
Posterior and Anterior any in th e body. Th e posterior spin ocerebellar tract
ascen ds th e spin al cord ipsilaterally in th e posterior
Spinocerebellar Tracts
portion of th e lateral fu n icu lu s an d th en travels by
Som e of th e afferen t im pu lses arisin g in organ s of w ay of th e in ferior cerebellar p edu n cle to th e cere-
th e m u scu loskeletal system (th e m u scles, ten don s, bellar verm is (p. 165; Figs. 2.16a an d 2.17). Afferen t
an d join ts) travel by w ay of th e spin ocerebellar fibers arisin g at cervical levels (i.e., above th e level
tracts to th e organ of balan ce an d coordin at ion , th e of th e in term ediolateral cell colu m n ) travel in th e
cerebellum . Th ere are tw o such tracts on each side, cu n eate fascicu lu s to m ake a syn apse on to th eir
on e an terior an d on e posterior (Fig. 2.16a). correspon din g secon d n eu ron s in th e accessory
cu n eate n ucleus of th e m edulla (Fig. 2.17), w h ose
Posterior spinocerebellar tract. Rapidly con du ctin g out put fibers ascen d to t h e cerebellu m .
Ia fibers from th e m uscle spin dles an d ten don or-
gan s divide in to n u m erou s collaterals after en ter-
2 26 · 2 Som atosensory System

Fig. 2.16 Major fiber

Via superior 3rd neuron tracts of the spinal cord
m edullary velum
and the sensory modali-
Anterior spinocere- ties that they subserve.
bellar tract, Thalam us
2nd neuron
a The anterior and poste-
Verm is Medial rior spinocerebellar tracts.
Posterior spinocere-
lem niscus b The posterior funiculus
bellar tract 2nd neuron
Cuneate (posterior colum ns). c The
2nd neuron nucleus anterior spinothalam ic
Thoracic nucleus Gracile and gracile
fasciculus tract. d The lateral
(Clarke’s colum n, nucleus
Stilling’s nucleus) Cuneate spinothalam ic tract.
1st neuron
1st neuron

a Unconscious proprioception b Position sense, vibration, pressure,

discrimination, touch
3rd neuron 3rd neuron
Thalam us Thalam us

Anterior spino-
2nd neuron
thalam ic tract

2nd neuron

Lateral spinothalam ic
Substantia gelatinosa
1st neuron

1st neuron

c Coarse touch and pressure pe rception d Pain, tempe rature (also tickle, itch,
sexual sensations)

Anterior spinocerebellar tract. Oth er afferen t Ia con trast to th e posterior spin ocerebellar tract, th e
fibers en terin g th e sp in al cord form syn apses w ith an terior spin ocerebellar tract t raverses t h e floor of
fu n icu lar n euron s in th e posterior h orn s an d in th e th e fourth ven tricle to th e m idbrain an d th en turn s
cen tral portion of th e spin al gray m atter (Figs. 2.15, in a posterior direction to reach th e cerebellar ver-
2.16a, an d 2.17). Th ese secon d n eu ron s, w h ich are m is by w ay of th e su perior cerebellar p edu n cle an d
fou n d as low as th e low er lum bar segm en ts, are th e th e su perior m edu llary velu m . Th e cerebellu m re-
cells of origin of th e an terior spin ocerebellar tract, ceives afferen t p roprioceptive inp ut from all re-
w h ich ascen ds th e sp in al cord both ipsilaterally and gion s of th e body; its polysyn aptic efferen t outp ut,
contralaterally to term in ate in t h e cerebellu m . In in tu rn , in fluen ces m u scle ton e an d th e coordi-
Central Com ponents of the Som atosensory System · 27
Fig. 2.17 Spinal cord
w ith major ascending
pathw ays and their
further course to target
structures in the cere-
brum and cerebellum
(schem atic drawing)

3rd neuron Paleo-


Lateral spino-

thalam ic

Posterior spino-


cerebellar tract

Anterior spino-

cerebellar tract

lem niscus Dorsal external arcuate fibers
Cuneate nucleus and gracile nucleus
Accessory cuneate nucleus
2nd neuron
Posterior spino- Proprioceptio n
cerebellar (m uscle spindles,
tract Golgi organs, joint
bodies, etc.)

Anterior Position sense,

spino- vibration, pre ssure,
cerebellar discrimination,
tract touch
(cutaneous receptors,
Anterior m uscle and tendon
spino- 1st neuron receptors, Vater–Pacini
thalam ic corpuscles)
Pressure, touch
(peritrichial nerve
endings and various
cutaneous receptors)

Pain, temperature
(free nerve endings,
Krause and Ruffini

n ated action of t h e agon ist an d an tagon ist m u scles tion of m ovem en t involves oth er, n onpyram idal
(syn ergistic m u scles) th at participate in stan din g, path w ays an d both α an d γ m otor n euron s. All of
w alkin g, an d all oth er m ovem en ts. Th u s, in addi- th ese p rocesses occu r u n con sciou sly.
tion to th e low er regu latory circu its in th e spin al
cord itself, w h ich w ere described in earlier sec-
tion s, th is h igh er fun ction al circu it for th e regula-
2 28 · 2 Som atosensory System

To the posterior Posterior Columns

colum n nuclei
We can feel th e position of ou r lim bs an d sen se th e
degree of m u scle ten sion in th em . We can feel t h e
w eigh t of t h e body restin g on ou r soles (i.e., w e
“feel th e grou n d un der our feet”). We can also per-
ceive m otion in th e join ts. Th u s, at least som e pro-
priocept ive im pu lses m ust reach con sciou sn ess.
Cuneate fasciculus, Su ch im pu lses are derived from receptors in
from upper lim b m u scles, ten don s, fasciae, join t capsu les, an d con -
n ective tissu e (Vater–Pacin i an d Golgi–Mazzon i
corpu scles), as w ell as cutan eou s receptors. Th e af-
feren t fibers conveyin g t h em are th e distal
processes of pseudou n ipolar n euron s in th e spin al
gan glia. Th e cen t ral processes of th ese cells, in
tu rn , ascen d th e sp in al cord an d term in ate in th e
posterior colum n n u clei of th e low er m edu lla (Figs.
2.16b an d 2.17).

Central continuation of posterior column path-

w ays. In th e posterior fu n icu lu s of th e spin al cord,
th e afferen t fibers derived from th e low er lim bs oc-
cupy th e m ost m edial position . Th e afferen t fibers
from th e u pper lim bs join th e cord at cervical levels
Gracile fasciculus,
an d lie m ore laterally, so th at th e posterior fu n icu lu s
from lower lim b
h ere con sists of tw o colum n s (on eith er side): th e
m edial gracile fasciculus (colu m n of Goll), an d th e
lateral cuneate fasciculus (colu m n of Bu rdach ). Th e
fibers in t h ese colu m n s term in ate in t h e corre-
sp on din gly n am ed n uclei in th e low er m edu lla, i.e.,
th e gracile n u cleus an d cu n eate n u cleu s, respec-
tively. Th ese posterior colu m n n uclei con tain th e
secon d n eu ron s, w h ich p roject th eir axon s to th e
thalam us (bu lboth alam ic tract). All of th e bu l-
bot h alam ic fibers cross th e m idlin e to th e oth er side
as th ey ascen d, form in g th e m edial lem niscus (Figs.
2.16b an d 2.17). Th ese fibers traverse th e m edu lla,
pon s, an d m idbrain an d term in ate in th e ventral
posterolateral nucleus of th e t h alam u s (VPL, p. 173;
Fig. 6.4, p. 174). Here t h ey m ake syn aptic con tact
w ith th e th ird n eu ron s, w h ich , in tu rn , give off th e
Fig. 2.18 Posterior funiculus, containing the posterior thalam ocortical tract; th is tract ascen ds by w ay of
colum ns: gracile fasciculus (m edial, afferent fibers from th e internal capsule (posterior to th e pyram idal
lower lim b) and cuneate fasciculus (lateral, afferent fibers tract) an d th rough th e corona radiata to th e prim ary
from upper lim b) som atosen sory cortex in th e postcentral gyrus. Th e
som atotopic organ ization of th e posterior colu m n
path w ay is preserved all th e w ay u p from th e spin al
cord to th e cerebral cortex (Fig. 2.19 a). Th e som ato-
topic projection on th e postcen tral gyrus resem bles
a person stan din g on h is h ead—an inverted
“h om un culu s” (Fig. 9.19, p. 240).
Central Com ponents of the Som atosensory System · 29
Fig. 2.19 Course of the
Postcentral sensory pathw ays by w ay
gyrus of the thalamus and in-
Arm Shoulder Head ternal capsule to the
Forearm Neck cerebral cortex
Hand Trunk
Finger Hip
IV V Thigh
Face Toes,
Upper lip

Lower lip

Tail of caudate nucleus
Pharynx Th
a la
Abdom en, m
viscera Pa
Pu du
ta m
en Internal
Head of
Insula nucleus

Corticospinal tract
Medial lem niscus
Lateral spinothalamic tract

Posterior column lesions. Th e posterior colum n s th e m edial lem n iscu s, th e th alam u s, an d th e post-
m ain ly tran sm it im pu lses arisin g in th e prop rio- cen tral gyru s.
ceptors an d cu tan eous receptors. If th ey are dys-
fu n ction al, t h e in dividual can n o lon ger feel th e The clinical signs of a posterior colum n lesion are,
position of h is or h er lim bs; n or can h e or sh e rec- th erefore, th e follow in g:
ogn ize an object laid in t h e h an d by th e sen se of ¼ Loss of the sense of position and m ovem ent
tou ch alon e or iden tify a n u m ber or letter draw n by (kin esth etic sen se): th e patien t can n ot state th e
th e exam in er’s fin ger in th e palm of th e h an d. Spa- position of h is or h er lim bs w ith ou t lookin g.
tial discrim in ation betw een tw o stim u li delivered ¼ Astereognosis: th e p atien t can n ot recogn ize an d
sim u ltan eou sly at differen t sites on th e body is n o n am e objects by th eir sh ape an d w eigh t usin g
lon ger p ossible. As th e sen se of pressure is also dis- th e sen se of tou ch alon e.
tu rbed, t h e floor is n o lon ger secu rely felt u n der ¼ Agraphesthesia: th e patien t can n ot recogn ize by
th e feet; as a result, both stan ce an d gait are im - tou ch a n u m ber or letter draw n in th e palm of
paired (gait ataxia), particu larly in th e dark or w ith th e h an d by th e exam in er’s fin ger.
th e eyes closed. Th ese sign s of posterior colu m n ¼ Loss of tw o-point discrim ination.
disease are m ost pron ou n ced w h en th e posterior ¼ Loss of vibration sense: th e patien t can n ot per-
colu m n s th em selves are affected, bu t th ey can also ceive th e vibration of a tun in g fork placed on a
be seen in lesion s of th e posterior colu m n n uclei, bon e.
2 30 · 2 Som atosensory System

¼ Positive Rom berg sign: Th e patien t can n ot st an d pu lses can circu m ven t th e lesion by w ay of th e
for any len gth of tim e w ith feet togeth er an d ipsilateral portion of th e path w ay. A lesion of th e
eyes closed w ith ou t w obblin g an d p erh aps fal- an terior spin oth alam ic tract at a cervical level,
lin g over. Th e loss of proprioceptive sen se can h ow ever, w ill p rodu ce m ild hyp esth esia of th e con -
be com pen sated for, to a con siderable exten t, by tralateral low er lim b.
open in g th e eyes (w h ich is n ot th e case, for ex-
am p le, in a p atien t w ith a cerebellar lesion ).
Lateral Spinothalamic Tract
The fibers in th e posterior colum n s origin ate in th e Th e free n erve en din gs of th e skin are th e perip h -
pseudou n ip olar n eu ron s of th e spin al gan glia, bu t eral receptors for n oxiou s an d th erm al stim uli.
th e fibers in th e an terior an d posterior Th ese en din gs con stitu te th e en d organ s of th in
spin oth alam ic tracts do n ot; th ey are derived from grou p A fibers an d of n early un m yelin ated grou p C
th e second n euron s of t h eir respective p ath w ays, fibers th at are, in tu rn , th e periph eral processes of
w h ich are located w ith in th e spin al cord pseu doun ipolar n euron s in th e spin al gan glia. Th e
(Fig. 2.16c, d, p . 26). cen tral processes pass in th e lateral p ortion of th e
posterior roots in to th e sp in al cord an d th en divide
lon gitudin ally in to sh ort collaterals th at term in ate
Anterior Spinothalamic Tract
w ith in on e or tw o segm en ts in th e su bstan tia
Th e im pu lses arise in cu tan eou s receptors (p er- gelat in osa, m akin g syn apt ic con tact w ith funicular
itrich ial n erve en din gs, tactile corpu scles) an d are neurons (secon d n eu ron s) w h ose processes form
con du cted alon g a m oderately th ickly m yelin ated th e lateral spin oth alam ic tract (Fig. 2.16d, p. 26).
periph eral fiber to th e pseu doun ipolar dorsal root Th ese p rocesses cross th e m idlin e in th e an terior
gan glion cells, an d th en ce by w ay of t h e posterior spin al com m issure before ascen din g in th e con -
root in to th e spin al cord. In side th e cord, t h e cen - tralateral lateral fu n icu lu s to th e th alam u s. Like th e
tral processes of th e dorsal root gan glion cells posterior colu m n s, th e lateral spin oth alam ic tract
travel in th e posterior colu m n s som e 2–15 seg- is som atotopically organ ized; h ere, h ow ever, th e
m en ts upw ard, w h ile collaterals travel 1 or 2 seg- fibers from th e low er lim b lie laterally, w h ile th ose
m en ts dow nw ard, m akin g syn aptic con tact on to from th e tru n k an d u pper lim b lie m ore m edially
cells at variou s segm en tal levels in th e gray m atter (Fig. 2.20).
of the posterior horn (Fig. 2.16c, p. 26). Th ese cells Th e fibers m ediatin g p ain an d tem perature sen -
(th e secon d n eu ron s) th en give rise to th e an terior sation lie so close to each oth er th at th ey can n ot be
spin oth alam ic tract, w h ose fibers cross in th e an te- an atom ically separated. Lesion s of th e lateral
rior sp in al com m issu re, ascen d in th e con tralateral spin oth alam ic tract th us im pair both sen sory m od-
an terolateral fu n icu lu s, an d term in ate in th e ven- alities, th ough n ot alw ays to th e sam e degree.
tral posterolateral nucleus of th e thalam us, toget h er
w ith th e fibers of th e lateral spin oth alam ic tract Central continuation of the lateral spinothalamic
an d th e m edial lem n iscus (Fig. 2.17, p. 27). Th e tract. Th e fibers of th e lateral spin oth alam ic tract
th ird n eu ron s in th is th alam ic n ucleu s th en project travel up th rou gh th e brain stem togeth er w ith
th eir axon s to th e postcentral gyrus in th e th ose of th e m edial lem n iscus in th e spinal lem nis-
thalam ocortical tract. cus, w h ich term in ates in th e ventral posterolateral
nucleus of th e th alam us (VPL, pp. 172, 173; see
Lesions of the anterior spinothalamic tract. As ex- Fig. 6.4, p. 174, an d Fig. 2.19). Th e th ird n eu ron s in
plain ed above, th e cen tral fibers of th e first n eu - th e VPL project via th e thalam ocortical tract to th e
ron s of th is t ract ascen d a variable distan ce in t h e postcentral gyrus in t h e parietal lobe (Fig. 2.19).
ipsilateral posterior colu m n s, givin g off collaterals Pain an d tem perature are p erceived in a rou gh
alon g th e w ay to t h e secon d n eu ron s, w h ose fibers m an n er in th e th alam u s, bu t fin er distin ction s are
th en cross th e m idlin e an d ascen d fu rth er in th e n ot m ade u n til th e im p ulses reach th e cerebral cor-
contralateral an terior spin oth alam ic tract. It fol- tex.
low s th at a lesion of th is tract at a lum bar or
th oracic level gen erally cau ses m in im al or n o im - Lesions of the lateral spinothalamic tract. Th e
pairm en t of touch , becau se m any ascen din g im - lateral spin oth alam ic tract is th e m ain path w ay for
Central Com ponents of the Som atosensory System · 31
Fig. 2.20 Somatotopic
Posterior funiculus organization of spinal
Sem ilunar tract cord tracts in cross sec-
Fasciculus Fasciculus (com ma of Schultz)
Substantia gelatinosa tion. The lam inae of Rexed
cuneatus gracilis
Dorsolateral tract (of Burdach) (of Goll) S are also designated with
(Lissauer’s tract) L
T Rom an num erals (cytoar-
Posterior spinocerebellar C
chitectural organization of
Lateral corticospinal
the spinal gray m atter).
tract I–III S
Thoracic nucleus



Rubrospinal and



reticulospinal tracts



Reticular formation
Anterior spino-
cerebellar tract
Lateral spinothalam ic

Olivospinal tract

Spinotectal tract

Spino-olivary tract


Anterior spinothalam ic tract

Vestibulospinal tract
Reticulospinal tract
Tectospinal tract
Anterior corticospinal

pain an d tem peratu re sen sation . It can be n eu ro- variou s target structu res in t h e brain stem an d deep
surgically tran sected to relieve pain (cordotomy); subcort ical n u clei. Th ese pat h w ays, w h ich origin ate
th is op eration is m u ch less com m on ly perform ed in th e dorsal h orn of th e spin al cord (secon d afferen t
today th an in th e past, becau se it h as been su p- n eu ron ) an d ascen d in its an terolateral fu n icu lu s,
plan ted by less invasive m eth ods an d also because in clude th e spinoreticular, spinotectal, spino -
th e relief it provides is often on ly tem p orary. Th e olivary, and spinovestibular tracts. Th e sp in ovesti-
latter ph en om en on , lon g recogn ized in clin ical ex- bu lar tract is foun d in th e cervical spin al cord, from
perien ce, su ggests th at pain -related im pu lses C4 upw ard, in th e area of th e (descen din g) vesti-
m igh t also ascen d th e sp in al cord alon g oth er bu lospin al tract an d is probably a collateral path w ay
routes, e.g., in sp in ospin al n eu ron s belon gin g to of th e posterior sp in ocerebellar tract.
th e fascicu lu s prop riu s. Figu re 2.20 is a sch em atic draw in g of th e variou s
If th e lateral spin oth alam ic tract is t ran sected in sen sory (ascen din g) t racts, as seen in a cross sec-
th e ven tral portion of th e spin al cord, pain an d tion of th e spin al cord. Th e m otor (descen din g)
tem peratu re sen sation are deficien t on th e op- tracts are also in dicated, so th at th e sp atial rela-
posite side on e or tw o segm en ts below th e level of tion sh ips betw een th e various tracts can be appre-
th e lesion , w h ile th e sen se of tou ch is preserved ciated. Fin ally, in addition to th e ascen din g an d de-
(dissociated sensory deficit). scen din g t racts, th e spin al cord also con t ain s a so-
called in trin sic ap paratu s, con sistin g of n euron s
Other Afferent Tracts of the Spinal th at project up w ard an d dow nw ard over several
spin al segm en ts in th e fasciculu s p ropriu s (Fig. 2.9,
p. 20).
In addition to th e sp in ocerebellar an d spin o-
th alam ic tracts discussed above, th e spin al cord
con tain s yet oth er fiber p ath w ays ascen din g to
2 32 · 2 Som atosensory System

Central Processing of Alt h ou gh th e differen t sen sory m odalit ies are

already spat ially segregated in th e th alam u s, con -
Somatosensory Information scious differen t iation am on g t h em requ ires th e
participation of th e cerebral cortex. High er fun c-
Figu re 2.17 traces all of t h e sen sory p ath w ays dis- tion s, su ch as discrim in ation or th e exact determ i-
cu ssed above, in sch em atically sim p lified form an d n ation of th e site of a stim u lus, are cortex-depen d-
in sp atial relation to on e an oth er, as th ey ascen d en t.
from th e posterior roots to th eir ult im ate targets in
th e brain . Th e sen sory th ird n eu ron s in th e A u n ilateral lesion of the som atosensory cortex pro-
th alam u s sen d th eir axon s th rough th e posterior du ces a su btotal im pairm en t of th e perception of
lim b of th e in tern al capsu le (posterior to th e py- n oxiou s, th erm al, an d tactile stim uli on th e op-
ram idal tract) to th e prim ary som atosen sory cor- posite side of th e body; con tralateral discrim in a-
tex, w h ich is located in th e p ostcen tral gyru s tion an d position sen se, h ow ever, are totally lost, as
(Brodm an n cytoarch itectu ral areas 3a, 3b, 2, an d 1). th ey depen d on an in tact cortex.
Th e th ird n eu ron s th at term in ate h ere m ediate
superficial sen sation , tou ch , pressu re, pain , Stereognosis. Th e recogn ition by tou ch of an object
tem peratu re, an d (partly) proprioception (Fig. 2.19, laid in th e h an d (stereogn osis) is m ediated n ot ju st
p. 29). by th e prim ary sen sory cortex, bu t also by associa-
tion areas in th e parietal lobe, in w h ich th e in -
Sensorimotor integration. In fact, n ot all of th e dividual sen sory featu res of th e object, su ch as its
sen sory afferen t fibers from t h e th alam u s term i- size, sh ap e, con sisten cy, tem p eratu re, sh arpness/
n ate in th e som atosen sory cortex; som e term in ate du lln ess, softn ess/h ardn ess, etc., can be in tegrated
in th e prim ary m otor cortex of th e precen tral an d com pared w ith m em ories of earlier tact ile ex-
gyrus. Th u s, th e sen sory an d m otor cortical fields perien ces.
overlap to som e exten t, so th at th e precen tral an d
postcen tral gyri are som etim es togeth er desig- Astereognosis. In ju ry to an area in t h e in ferior p or-
n ated th e sensorimotor area. Th e in tegration of tion of th e parietal lobe im pairs th e ability to rec-
fu n ction occurrin g h ere en ables in com in g sen sory ogn ize objects by touch w ith th e con tralateral
in form ation to be im m ediately converted to ou tgo- h an d. Th is is called astereogn osis.
in g m otor im p ulses in sen sorim otor regu latory cir-
cu its, about w h ich w e w ill h ave m ore to say later.
Th e descen din g pyram idal fibers em ergin g from
th ese circu its gen erally term in ate directly— Somatosensory Deficits due to
w ith ou t any in terven in g in tern eu ron s—on m otor Lesions at Specific Sites along
n eu ron s in th e an terior h orn . Fin ally, even th ou gh
th eir fu n ction s overlap, it sh ou ld be rem em bered
the Somatosensory Pathw ays
th at th e precen tral gyru s rem ain s alm ost en tirely a
m otor area, an d th e postcen tral gyru s rem ain s al- Figure 2.21 sh ow s som e typical sites of lesion s
m ost en tirely a (som ato)sen sory area. alon g th e som atosen sory path w ays; th e corre-
sp on din g sen sory deficits are discu ssed below.
Differentiation of somatosensory stimuli by their ¼ A cortical or subcortical lesion in th e sen -
origin and quality. It h as already been m en tion ed sorim otor area correspon din g to t h e arm or leg
th at som atosen sory represen tation in th e cerebral (a an d b, respectively, in Fig. 2.21) cau ses p ares-
cortex is spatially segregated in som atotopic fash - th esia (tin glin g, etc.) an d n u m bn ess in th e con -
ion : th e inverted sen sory h om u n cu lu s h as been tralateral lim b, w h ich are m ore p ron ou n ced dis-
en cou n tered in Figu re 2.19 an d w ill be seen again tally th an proxim ally. An irritative lesion at th is
in Figu re 9.19, p . 240. But som atosen sory represen - site can produ ce a sen sory focal seizu re w h en
tation in th e cerebral cortex is also spatially segre- spon tan eou s (epileptic) disch arge of th e in -
gated by m odality: pain , tem perature, an d th e flam ed/dam aged n erve cells occu rs; becau se
oth er m odalities are rep resen ted by distin ct areas th e m otor cortex lies directly adjacen t, th ere are
of t h e cortex. often m otor disch arges as w ell (jackson ian
Som atosensory Deficits due to Lesions at Specific Sites along the Som atosensory Pathways · 33
Fig. 2.21 Potential sites
of lesions along the so-
matosensory pathw ays.
For the corresponding clini-
cal syndrom es, see text,
p. 32 ff.

Thalam us

Spinal lem niscus

(anterior and lateral
spinothalam ic tract)

Lateral spinothalam ic

Trigem inal lem niscus

Principal sensory
nucleus of the trigem inal n.
Spinal nucleus and
Medial lem niscus tract of the trigem inal n.
Gracile nucleus
and cuneate nucleus

Lateral spinothalam ic

Anterior spinothalam ic
tract Posterior colum n pathways

seizu re, see textbooks of n eu rology for th e brain stem im pairs pain an d tem perature sen sa-
classification of epileptic seizu res). tion on th e opposite side of th e body an d face,
¼ A lesion of all sensory pathw ays below the bu t does n ot im pair ot h er som atosen sory m od-
thalamus (c) elim in ates all qu alities of sen sa- alit ies.
tion on t h e opposite side of th e body. ¼ If th e medial lemniscus and anterior
¼ If all som atosen sory pat h w ays are affected ex- spinothalamic tract (f) are affected, all som a-
cept th e path w ay for pain an d tem perature (d), tosen sory m odalities of th e con tralateral h alf of
th ere is hypesth esia on t h e opp osite side of th e th e body are im paired, except pain an d
body an d face, bu t pain an d tem perature sen sa- tem perature.
tion are u n im paired. ¼ Lesions of the spinal nucleus and tract of the
¼ Conversely, a lesion of the trigeminal lemniscus trigeminal nerve an d of th e lateral spino-
an d of th e lateral sp in oth alam ic tract (e) in th e thalamic tract (g) im pair pain an d tem perature
2 34 · 2 Som atosensory System

sen sation on th e ipsilateral h alf of th e face an d alit ies rem ain in tact (dissociated sen sory defi-
th e con t ralateral h alf of th e body. cit).
¼ Posterior column lesions (h) cau se loss of posi- ¼ A lesion affect in g multiple adjacent posterior
tion an d vibration sen se, discrim in ation , et c., roots (j) causes radicular pain an d paresth esiae,
com bin ed w ith ipsilateral ataxia (see Case Pre- as w ell as im pairm en t or loss of all sen sory
sen t ation 1). m odalities in th e affected area of th e body, in
¼ If th e posterior horn of the spinal cord is af- addition to hypoton ia or aton ia, areflexia, an d
fected by a lesion (i), ipsilateral p ain an d ataxia if t h e roots su pply th e up per or low er
tem peratu re sen sation are lost, bu t oth er m od- lim b.

Case Presentation 1: Subacute Combined Degenera tion

An 80-year-old wom an was hospitalized because of m arked
shortness of breath with dyspnea. The patient reported
that she had been suffering from an increasingly unsteady
gait and burning sensations throughout her body for about
a year and a half. The shortness of breath had developed in
the previous m onth and had worsened dram atically in the
past few weeks. The only previous disease reported by the
patient was “stom ach inflam m ation.”
On detailed exam ination by the adm itting neurologist, the
patient was in obviously poor condition, dehydrated and
with m arked dyspnea. Neurological exam ination revealed
spastic tetraparesis, which was m ore m arked in the legs,
with increased intrinsic m uscle reflexes despite the pre-
sence of obvious m uscle atrophy, especially on the trunk.
There was also evidence of severe spinal ataxia, severely dis-
turbed position sense, and hypesthesia and hypalgesia that
increased distally below about T8. Vibration sense in the
legs was alm ost absent (pallanesthesia). The neurologist
ordered pulm onary function tests because of the dyspnea, Fig. 2.22 Advanced subacute degeneration (funicular
along with MRI of the cervical and thoracic spine because of myelosis) w ith symptoms of paraplegia. On MRI of the
the neurological abnorm alities. cervical spine (C6 level), signal enhancem ent is seen in the
The pulm onary function tests revealed m arkedly posterior and anterolateral colum ns. This appearance is
dim inished expiratory volum e and reduced vital capacity. typical of advanced funicular myelosis.
Blood gases confirm ed global respiratory insufficiency with
reduced O2 and elevated CO2 levels. Blood chem istry re-
vealed a m arkedly reduced vitam in B12 level, and vitam ins classical posterior and pyram idal tracts but also the anterior
B6 , C, D, and folic acid were also low. MRI of the cervical and horns (quadriplegic syndrom e).
thoracic spine showed m arked signal enhancem ent in the The patient’s respiratory insufficiency was the result of
posterior and lateral colum ns and also in the anterior horns paresis of the respiratory m uscles (destruction of the inner-
(Fig. 2.22). vating m otor neurons).
Discussion with her fam ily physician revealed that the Because of the poor blood gases, the patient required con-
patient had known chronic atrophic gastritis with intrinsic trolled ventilation for several weeks. After correction of the
factor deficiency but that she had obtained vitam in B12 re- dehydration, electrolyte disturbances, and hypovitam ino-
placem ent therapy very irregularly in recent years. All of the sis, the patient recovered slowly and was transferred to a
findings together confirm ed the diagnosis of advanced sub- geriatric rehabilitation clinic 2 m onths following her initial
acute com bined degeneration, which involved not only the hospitalization.

3 Motor System
Central Components of the Motor
System and Clinical Syndromes of
Lesions Affecting Them . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Peripheral Components of the Motor
System and Clinical Syndromes of
Lesions Affecting Them . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Complex Clinical Syndromes due to
Lesions of Specific Components of
the Nervous System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
3 36

3 Motor System

Th e m otor im pu lses for volu n tary m ovem en t are h orn cells by w ay of several distin ct fiber path -
m ain ly gen erated in th e precentral gyrus of th e w ays in th e spin al cord. Th eir fun ct ion is m ain ly to
fron tal lobe (p rim ary m otor cortex, Brodm an n m odu late m ovem en t an d to regulate m uscle ton e.
area 4) an d in t h e adjacen t cortical areas (first Im pu lses gen erated in th e secon d m otor n eu-
motor neuron). Th ey t ravel in th e lon g fiber path - ron s of t h e m otor cran ial n erve n u clei an d th e
w ays (m ain ly th e corticonuclear and corticospinal an terior h orn of th e sp in al cord pass th rou gh th e
tracts/pyram idal path w ay), passin g th rou gh th e anterior roots, th e nerve plexuses (in th e cervical
brainstem an d dow n th e spinal cord to th e anterior an d lum bosacral region s), an d th e peripheral
horn, w h ere th ey m ake syn aptic con tact w ith th e nerves on th eir w ay to th e skeletal m uscles. Th e
second motor neuron—u su ally by w ay of on e or im pulses are conveyed to th e m u scle cells th rou gh
m ore in terven in g in tern euron s. th e motor end plates of th e n eu rom u scular jun c-
Th e n erve fibers em ergin g from area 4 an d th e tion .
adjacen t cortical areas togeth er m ake u p th e py- Lesion s of th e first m otor n euron in th e brain or
ramidal tract, w h ich is t h e qu ickest an d m ost sp in al cord u sually p rodu ce spastic paresis, w h ile
direct con n ection betw een th e prim ary m otor area lesion s of th e secon d m otor n eu ron in th e an terior
an d th e m otor n eu ron s of th e an terior h orn . In ad- h orn , an terior root, periph eral n erve, or m otor en d
dition , oth er cortical areas (esp ecially th e prem o- plate usually produce flaccid paresis. Motor defi-
tor cortex, area 6) an d subcortical n uclei (espe- cits rarely appear in isolation as th e resu lt of a le-
cially th e basal gan glia, cf. p. 214, Ch apter 8) partic- sion of th e n ervou s system ; th ey are usually ac-
ipate in th e n eural con trol of m ovem en t. Th ese com pan ied by sen sory, auton om ic, cogn itive, an d/
areas form com plex feedback loops w ith on e or n eu ropsych ological deficit s of variou s kin ds,
an oth er an d w ith th e prim ary m otor cortex an d depen din g on t h e site an d n atu re of th e causative
cerebellu m ; th ey exert an in flu en ce of th e an terior lesion .

Central Components of the 2

1 3
4 6aα 6aβ

Motor System and Clinical 8

Syndromes of Lesions Affecting


Th e cen tral port ion of th e m otor system for volun -

tary m ovem en t con sists of th e prim ary m otor cor-
tex (area 4) an d th e adjacent cortical areas (p articu -
larly th e prem otor cortex, area 6), an d th e corti-
cobulbar an d corticospinal tracts to w h ich th ese
cortical areas give rise (Figs. 3.1 an d 3.2).
Fig. 3.1 Primary motor area/precentral gyrus (area 4),
premotor cortex (area 6), and prefrontal eye field (area
Motor Cortical Areas 8). For the functions of these areas, see text p. 36 ff.
Th e prim ary m otor cortex (precen tral gyru s,
Fig. 3.1) is a ban d of cortical tissu e th at lies on th e surface. Th e area rep resen tin g t h e th roat an d
opposite side of t h e cen tral su lcu s from th e p ri- laryn x lies at th e in ferior en d of th e prim ary m otor
m ary som atosen sory cortex (in th e postcen tral cortex; above it, in sequ en ce, are th e areas rep re-
gyru s) an d, like it, exten ds u pw ard an d past th e su - sen t in g th e face, u pp er lim bs, trun k, an d low er
perom edial edge of t h e h em isph ere on to its m edial lim bs (Fig. 3.2). Th is is th e inverted “m otor hom un-
Central Com ponents of the Motor System and Clinical Syndrom es of Lesions Affecting Them · 37
Fig. 3.2 Course of the
Thorax, abdom en pyramidal tract, upper
Shoulder portion: the corona radiata
Upper Thigh
lim b and internal capsule
Hand Leg

Finger V Toes

IV Bladder, rectum
Precentral gyrus
Thum b
Neck, face
Dorsal Vision, hearing
Jaw Tem poropontine tract

Somatic sensation
Pa Thalam us
Pu du
t m
am Genu of internal capsule
Head of caudate nucleus
Frontopontine tract
Claustrum Frontothalam ic tract

Lentiform nucleus
Corticospinal tract

culus,” corresp on din g to th e “som atosen sory

h om u n cu lus” of th e postcen tral gyru s th at w as dis- Molecular layer
cu ssed in Ch apter 2 (see Fig. 9.19, p. 240).
Motor neurons are fou n d n ot on ly in area 4 bu t granular layer
also in th e adjacen t cortical areas. Th e fibers m edi-
atin g fin e volun tary m ovem en ts, h ow ever, origi- External
pyramidal layer
n ate m ain ly in th e precen tral gyru s. Th is is th e site
of th e ch aracteristic, large pyram idal neurons (Betz Internal
cells), w h ich lie in th e fifth cellu lar layer of th e cor- granular layer
tex an d sen d th eir rapidly con du ctin g, th ickly m y-
elin ated axon s (Fig. 3.3) in to th e pyram idal tract. pyramidal layer
Th e pyram idal tract w as on ce t h ou gh t to be en -
tirely com p osed of Betz cell axon s, but it is n ow
kn ow n th at th ese accoun t for on ly 3–4 % of its
fibers. Th e largest fiber con tin gen t in fact origi- Multiform layer
n ates from th e sm aller pyram idal an d fu siform
cells of Brodm an n areas 4 an d 6. Axon s derived
from area 4 m ake u p abou t 40 % of all pyram idal
tract fibers; th e rem ain der com e from ot h er fron tal
areas, from areas 3, 2, an d 1 of th e pariet al som a- Fig. 3.3 Microarchitecture of the motor cortex (Golgi
tosen sory cortex (sen sorim otor area), an d from stain)
oth er areas in th e parietal lobe (Fig. 3.1). Th e m otor
n eu ron s of area 4 subserve fin e, volu n tary m ove-
3 38 · 3 Motor System

Fig. 3.4 Course of the

Precentral gyrus pyramidal tract

From area 8


Internal capsule
Caudate nucleus (head) Midbrain
m esencephalic tract III
Corticonuclear tract IV Corticopontine tract

Corticospinal Cerebral peduncle

(pyram idal) tract ( = crus cerebri)


Pyramid XII Medulla
Decussation of the pyramids
Lateral corticospinal
Anterior corticospinal
tract (crossed)
tract (uncrossed)

Motor end plate

m en t of th e con tralateral h alf of th e body; th e py-

Corticospinal Tract (Pyramidal Tract)
ram idal t ract is, accordin gly, crossed (see Fig. 3.4).
Direct electrical stim u lation of area 4, as durin g a Th is tract origin ates in th e m otor cortex an d travels
n eu rosu rgical procedu re, gen erally in duces con - th rough th e cerebral w hite m atter (coron a radiata),
traction of an in dividu al m u scle, w h ile stim u lation th e posterior lim b of th e internal capsule (w h ere
of area 6 in du ces m ore com plex an d exten sive th e fibers lie very close togeth er), th e cen tral por-
m ovem en ts, e.g., of an en tire u pper or low er lim b. tion of th e cerebral peduncle (crus cerebri), th e
pons, an d th e base (i.e., th e an terior portion ) of th e
Central Com ponents of the Motor System and Clinical Syndrom es of Lesions Affecting Them · 39
m edulla, w h ere th e tract is extern ally eviden t as a gate eye m ovem en ts (p. 94), w h ich are a com plex
sligh t prot ru sion called th e pyram id. Th e m edul- m otor process. Because of its sp ecial origin an d
lary pyram ids (th ere is on e on eith er side) give th e fu n ction , th e p ath w ay origin atin g in t h e fron t al eye
tract its n am e. At th e low er en d of th e m edu lla, fields h as a separate n am e (th e corticom esen -
80–85 % of th e pyram idal fibers cross to th e oth er ceph alic tract), th ough m ost auth ors con sider it a
side in t h e so-called decussation of the pyram ids. part of th e corticon u clear tract.
Th e fibers th at do n ot cross h ere descen d th e spin al Th e corticom esen ceph alic tract ru n s in tan dem
cord in th e ipsilateral an terior fun iculu s as th e w ith th e pyram idal tract (ju st rostral to it, in th e
anterior corticospinal tract; th ey cross farth er posterior lim b of th e in tern al capsule) an d th en
dow n (u su ally at t h e level of th e segm en t th at th ey h eads dorsally tow ard th e n uclei of th e cran ial
sup ply) th rough th e an terior com m issu re of th e n erves th at m ediate eye m ovem en ts, i.e., cran ial
spin al cord (cf. Fig. 3.6). At cervical an d th oracic n erves III, IV, an d VI (th e oculom otor, troch lear, an d
levels, th ere are probably also a few fibers th at re- abdu cen s n erves). Area 8 in n ervates th e eye
m ain u n crossed an d in n ervate ipsilateral m otor m uscles exclu sively in syn ergistic fash ion , rath er
n eu ron s in th e an terior h orn , so th at th e n u ch al th an in dividu ally. Stim u lation of area 8 in du ces
an d trun cal m u scu latu re receives a bilateral corti- con ju gate gaze deviation to th e opposite side. Th e
cal in n ervation . fibers of th e corticom esen ceph alic tract do n ot ter-
Th e m ajority of pyram idal tract fibers cross in th e m in ate directly on to th e m otor n euron s of cran ial
decu ssat ion of th e pyram ids, th en descen d th e spi- n erve n uclei III, IV, an d VI; th e an atom ical situ ation
n al cord in th e con tralateral lateral fun icu lus as th e h ere is com p licated an d in com pletely un derstood,
lateral corticospinal tract. Th is t ract sh rin ks in cross- an d is discussed furth er in Ch apter 4 (p. 75 ff.).
section al area as it travels dow n th e cord, becau se
som e of its fibers term in ate in each segm en t alon g Other Central Components of the
th e w ay. Abou t 90 %of all pyram idal tract fibers en d
Motor System
in syn apses on to in tern eu ron s, w h ich th en tran sm it
th e m otor im pu lses onw ard to th e large α m otor A n u m ber of cen tral path w ays beside th e py-
neu ron s of th e an terior h orn , as w ell as to th e ram idal t ract p lay m ajor roles in th e con trol of
sm aller γ m otor n euron s (Fig. 3.4). m otor fun ction (Fig. 3.5). On e im portan t grou p of
fibers (t h e corticopontocerebellar tract) conveys
in form ation from th e cerebral cortex to th e cere-
Corticonuclear (Corticobulbar) Tract
bellu m , w h ose ou tpu t in t urn m odu lates plan n ed
Som e of t h e fibers of t h e pyram idal tract bran ch off m ovem en ts (cf. Ch apter 5 “Cerebellu m ”). Oth er
from th e m ain m ass of t h e tract as it passes fibers t ravel from th e cortex to th e basal ganglia
th rough th e m idbrain an d th en take a m ore dorsal (m ain ly th e corp us striatum = caudate n u cleu s an d
cou rse tow ard th e m otor cran ial n erve n u clei (Figs. put am en ), th e substantia nigra, th e brain stem re-
3.4 an d 4.54, pp. 38, 138). Th e fibers su pplyin g ticular formation, an d oth er n u clei (e.g., in th e m id-
th ese brain stem n u clei are partly crossed an d brain tect um ). In each of th ese st ru ctu res, th e im -
partly un crossed (for fu rth er details, cf. Ch apter 4, pulses are processed an d conveyed onw ard, via in -
p. 77 ff. “Cran ial Nerves”). Th e n u clei receivin g py- tern eu ron s, to efferen t tracts th at project to th e
ram idal tract inpu t are th e on es t h at m ediate vol- m otor n eu ron s of th e an terior h orn —th e tectospi-
un tary m ovem en ts of th e cran ial m u scu latu re n al, ru brospin al, reticu losp in al, vestibu lospin al,
th rough cran ial n erves V (th e trigem in al n erve), VII an d oth er tract s (Fig. 3.6). Th ese tracts en able th e
(th e facial n erve), IX, X, an d XI (th e glossoph aryn - cerebellum , basal gan glia, an d brain stem m otor
geal, vagu s, an d accessory n erves), an d XII (th e hy- n uclei to in fluen ce m otor fu n ction in th e spin al
poglossal n erve). cord. (For fu rth er details, see Ch apter 4 “Brain -
stem ,” an d Ch apter 8 “Basal Gan glia.”)
Corticomesencephalic tract. Th ere is also a con tin -
gen t of fibers travelin g toget h er w ith t h e cort i- Lateral and medial motor tracts in the spinal cord.
con uclear tract th at arises, n ot in areas 4 an d 6, but Th e m otor tracts in th e sp in al cord are an atom i-
rat h er in area 8, th e fron tal eye field (Figs. 3.1 an d cally an d fu n ction ally segregated in to tw o group s:
3.4). Th e im pu lses in th ese fibers m ediate con ju- a lateral group, com prisin g th e corticospin al an d
3 40 · 3 Motor System

Fig. 3.5 Brain structures

4 6aα 6aβ 8 involved in motor func-
2 tion and the descending
1 tracts that originate in

Frontopontine tract
Parieto - Corticospinal tract
tem poropontine tract with extrapyram idal
Occipito - fibers
m esencephalic tract
Thalam us
Putam en and
globus pallidus

Head of caudate nucleus

Tegm ental nuclei

Red nucleus
Substantia nigra

Pontine nuclei
From the cerebellum Py To the cerebellum
(fastigial nucleus)

Reticular formation

Lateral vestibular

Central tegm ental

Inferior olive
Pyram id
Rubrospinal tract Reticulospinal
Olivospinal tract tract
Vestibulospinal tract Tectospinal tract
Lateral corticospinal Anterior corticospinal
tract tract

rubrospin al tracts, an d a m edial group, com prisin g i.e., for precise, h igh ly differen tiated, fin e m otor
th e reticulospin al, vestibu losp in al, an d tectospin al con trol. Th e m edial tracts, in con trast, in n ervate
tracts (Kuypers, 1985). Th e lateral tracts m ain ly m otor n euron s lyin g m ore m edially in th e an terior
project to th e distal m u scu latu re (especially in th e h orn an d m ake relatively lon g prop riosp in al con -
up per lim bs) an d also m ake sh ort propriospin al n ection s. Th ey are prim arily respon sible for m ove-
con n ection s. Th ey are prim arily respon sible for m en ts of th e tru n k an d low er lim bs (stance and
volun tary m ovem en ts of th e forearm s an d h an ds, gait).

tahir99-VRG &

Central Com ponents of the Motor System and Clinical Syndrom es of Lesions Affecting Them · 41
Fig. 3.6 Synapses of the
Lateral corticospinal Anterior corticospinal
tract tract descending motor tracts
Olivospinal tract Reticulospinal tract onto anterior horn neu-
Rubrospinal tract Tectospinal tract rons
Vestibulospinal tract Descending somatosensory
fiber from posterior root

Semilunar fasciculus
(comm a of Schultz)
Annulospiral fiber (Ia)
Golgi fiber (Ib)

α 1 fiber
γ fiber

Lesions of Central Motor Pathw ays th e m edial descen din g tracts are dam aged (e.g., in
a spin al cord lesion ). Th e p ath ophysiology of sp as-
Pathogenesis of central spastic paresis. In th e acu te
ticity is still poorly un derstood, bu t th e accessory
ph ase of a lesion of th e corticospin al tract, th e deep
m otor pathw ays clearly play an im portan t role, be-
ten don reflexes are hypoactive an d th ere is flaccid
cau se an isolated, pu rely cortical lesion does n ot
w eakn ess of th e m u scles. Th e reflexes retu rn a few
cau se spasticity.
days or w eeks later an d becom e hyperactive, be-
cause th e m u scle spin dles resp on d m ore sen si-
Syndrome of central spastic paresis. Th is syn drom e
tively to stretch th an n orm al, p articu larly in th e
con sists of:
up per lim b flexors an d th e low er lim b exten sors.
¼ Dim in ish ed m u scular stren gth an d im paired
Th is hypersen sit ivity is du e to a loss of descen din g
fin e m otor con t rol
cen tral in h ibitory con trol of th e fusim otor cells
¼ Spastic in creased ton e
(γ m otor n euron s) th at in n ervate th e m u scle
¼ Abn orm ally brisk stretch reflexes, possibly w ith
spin dles. Th e in trafusal m u scle fibers are, th ere-
clon us
fore, perm an en tly activated (prestret ch ed) an d re-
¼ Hypoactivity or absen ce of exteroceptive re-
spon d m ore readily t h an n orm al to fu rth er stretch -
flexes (abdom in al, plan tar, an d crem asteric re-
in g of th e m u scle. A disturban ce of th e regulatory
circuit for m uscle length probably occurs (cf.
¼ Path ological reflexes (Babin ski, Opp en h eim ,
p. 22 ff.), in w h ich th e up per lim b flexors an d low er
Gordon , an d Men del–Bekh terev reflexes, as w ell
lim b exten sors are set to an abn orm ally sh ort tar-
as disin h ibition of th e fligh t respon se), an d
get len gth . Th e resu lt is spastic increased tone an d
¼ (in it ially) Preserved m u scle bu lk
hyperreflexia, as w ell as so-called pyram idal tract
signs an d clonus. Am on g th e pyram idal tract sign s
Loca lization of Lesions in the Centra l Motor
are certain w ell-kn ow n fin din gs in th e fin gers an d
toes, such as th e Babinski sign (ton ic exten sion of
th e big toe in respon se to strokin g of th e sole of th e A lesion involvin g th e cerebral cortex (a in Fig. 3.7),
foot). such as a tum or, an in farct, or a trau m atic in ju ry,
Sp astic paresis is alw ays du e to a lesion of th e cau ses w eakn ess of part of th e body on th e op-
cen tral n ervou s system (brain an d/or sp in al cord) posite side. Hem iparesis is seen in t h e face an d
an d is m ore pron oun ced w h en both th e lateral an d h an d (brachiofacial w eakness) m ore frequen tly

tahir99-VRG &

3 42 · 3 Motor System

Fig. 3.7 Sites of potential

Upper lim b lesions of the pyramidal
Tem poropontine
a Lower lim b tract. For the correspond-
Face hearing Lower lim b ing clinical syndrom es, see

text p. 41 ff.



Upper lim b



b Internal Fronto-
capsule thalam ic

Tem poropontine
Py Frontopontine

pontine Cerebral
and tecto- VI
e XII spinal
tracts VII


and tecto-
spinal tracts


th an elsew h ere, because th ese parts of th e body sp ared. An irritat ive lesion at site (a) can cause
h ave a large cortical rep resen tation . Th e typical focal (jackson ian ) seizu res (w h ich are described
clin ical fin din g associated w ith a lesion in site (a) is fu rth er in n eu rology textbooks).
a predom in an tly dist al paresis of t h e u pper lim b,
m ost seriou s fun ction al con sequ en ce of w h ich is If th e internal capsule (b in Fig. 3.7) is involved (e.g.,
an im pairm en t of fin e m otor con trol. Th e w eakn ess by h em orrh age or isch em ia), t h ere w ill be a con-
is in com plete (paresis rath er th an plegia), an d it is tralateral spastic hem iplegia—lesion s at t h is level
flaccid, rat h er t h an spastic, becau se th e accessory affect both pyram idal an d n onpyram idal fibers, be-
(n onpyram idal) m otor path w ays are largely cau se fibers of th e tw o types are in close proxim ity

tahir99-VRG &

Peripheral Com ponents of the Motor System and Clinical Syndrom es of Lesions Affecting Them · 43
h ere. Th e corticon uclear tract is involved as w ell, A lesion affectin g th e pyram idal tract in th e
so th at a con tralateral facial palsy resu lts, perh aps thoracic spin al cord (g in Fig. 3.7; e.g., trau m a, m y-
accom pan ied by a cen t ral hypoglossal nerve palsy. elitis) cau ses spast ic ip silateral m on oplegia of t h e
No oth er cran ial n erve deficits are seen , h ow ever, low er lim b. Bilateral involvem en t causes paraple-
becau se t h e rem ain in g m otor cran ial n erve n u clei gia.
are bilaterally in n ervated. Th e con t ralateral paresis
is flaccid at first (in th e “sh ock ph ase”) bu t be-
com es spastic w ith in h ou rs or days becau se of con -
com itan t dam age to n onpyram idal fibers. Peripheral Components of the
Motor System and Clinical
Lesion s at t h e level of the cerebral peduncle (c in Syndromes of Lesions Affecting
Fig. 3.7), su ch as a vascu lar process, a h em orrh age,
or a t um or, produ ce con tralateral spastic hem i- Them
paresis, possibly accom pan ied by an ipsilateral
ocu lom otor n erve palsy (cf. Weber syn drom e, Th e periph eral portion of th e m otor system com -
p. 153). prises t h e m otor cran ial n erve n uclei of th e brain -
stem , th e m otor an terior h orn cells of th e spin al
Pontine lesions involvin g th e pyram idal tract (d in cord, th e an terior roots, th e cervical an d lu m -
Fig. 3.7; e.g., a tum or, brain stem isch em ia, a bosacral n erve plexu ses, th e periph eral n erves, an d
h em orrh age) cau se contralateral or possibly bi- th e m otor en d plates in skeletal m u scle.
lateral hem iparesis. Typically, n ot all of th e fibers of
th e pyram idal tract are involved, because its fibers Anterior horn cells (α and γ m otor neurons). Th e
are spread over a w ider cross-sect ion al area at th e fibers n ot on ly of th e pyram idal t ract bu t also of t h e
pon tin e level th an elsew h ere (e.g., at th e level of nonpyram idal descen din g path w ays (th e reti-
th e in tern al capsu le). Fibers in n ervatin g th e facial cu lospin al, tectospin al, vestibu lospin al, an d ru-
an d hypoglossal n u clei h ave already m oved to a brosp in al tracts, am on g oth ers), as w ell as afferen t
m ore dorsal position before reach in g th is level; fibers from th e posterior roots, term in ate on th e
th u s, an accom p anyin g cen tral facial or hypoglos- cell bodies or den drites of th e larger an d sm aller
sal palsy is rare, th ou gh th ere m ay be an accom - α m otor n eu ron s. Fibers of all of th ese types also
panyin g ip silateral trigem in al n erve deficit or m ake syn aptic con tact w ith th e sm all γ m otor n eu-
abducen s palsy (see Figs. 4.66 an d 4.67, pp . 153, ron s, p artly directly, an d partly th rou gh in terven -
154). in g in tern euron s an d th e association an d com m is-
sural n euron s of th e in trin sic n euron al apparatu s
A lesion of th e medullary pyramid (e in Fig. 3.7; of th e spin al cord (Fig. 3.6). Som e of th ese syn apses
usually a tu m or) can dam age th e pyram idal tract are excitatory, oth ers in h ibitory. Th e th in , u n m yeli-
fibers in isolation , as th e n onpyram idal fibers are nated n eu rites of th e γ m otor n euron s in n ervate
fu rth er dorsal at th is level. Flaccid contralateral th e in trafusal m u scle fibers. In con trast to th e
hem iparesis is a possible result . Th e w eakn ess is pseudou n ip olar n eu ron s of th e spin al gan glia, t h e
less th an total (i.e., p aresis rath er th an p legia), be- an terior h orn cells are m u ltipolar. Th eir den drites
cau se th e rem ain in g descen din g path w ays are pre- receive syn aptic con t act from a w ide variety of af-
served. feren t an d efferen t system s (Fig. 3.6).
Th e fu n ction al groups an d n uclear colu m n s of
Lesions of the pyramidal tract in the spinal cord. A neu ron s in th e an terior h orn are n ot separated
lesion affectin g th e pyram idal tract at a cervical from on e an oth er by an atom ically discern ible
level (f Fig. 3.7; e.g., a tu m or, m yelitis, trau m a) borders (cf. Fig. 2.5b, p. 16). In th e cervical spin al
cau ses ipsilateral spastic hem iplegia: ipsilateral be- cord, th e m otor n euron s for th e u pper lim bs lie in
cau se th e tract h as already crossed at a h igh er th e lateral portion of th e gray m atter of th e an te-
level, an d spastic becau se it con tain s n onpyram idal rior h orn ; th ose for th e trun cal m u scles lie in its
as w ell as pyram idal fibers at th is level. A bilateral m edial portion . Th e sam e som atotopic prin ciple
lesion in th e u pper cervical spin al cord can cau se app lies in th e lu m bar sp in al cord, w h ere th e low er
qu adriparesis or qu adrip legia. lim bs are represen ted laterally, th e tru n k m edially.

tahir99-VRG &

3 44 · 3 Motor System

Inhibition of anterior horn cells by Renshaw cells. in tegrated in th e m otor u n it, an d th e result of th is
Am on g th e variou s types of in tern eu ron s of th e in tegration is tran sm itted to th e m u scle fibers.
an terior h orn , t h e Ren sh aw cells deserve sp ecial Mu scles p articip atin g in fin ely differen tiated
m en tion (Fig. 2.11, p . 22). Th ese sm all cells receive m ovem en ts are sup plied by a large n um ber of
syn aptic con tact from collateral axon s of th e large an terior h orn cells, each of w h ich in n ervates on ly a
α m otor n eu ron s. Th eir axon s th en project back few (5–20) m u scle fibers; su ch m u scles are t h u s
on to th e an terior h orn cells an d in h ibit th eir activ- com posed of sm all m otor units. In con t rast , large
ity. Ren sh aw in h ibit ion is an exam ple of a spin al m u scles th at con tract in relatively u n differen tiated
n egative feedback loop th at stabilizes th e activity fash ion , su ch as t h e gluteal m u scles, are sup plied
of m otor n eu ron s. by relatively few an terior h orn cells, each of w h ich
in n ervates 10 0–50 0 m u scle fibers (large m otor
Anterior roots. Th e n eu rites of th e m otor n eu ron s units).
exit th e an terior aspect of th e spin al cord as root-
lets (fila radicularia) an d join togeth er, form in g th e Clinical Syndromes of Motor Unit
an terior roots. Each an terior root join s th e corre-
spon din g posterior root ju st distal to th e dorsal
root gan glion to form a spin al n erve, w h ich th en Flaccid paralysis is caused by in terru ption of m otor
exits th e spin al can al th rou gh th e in tervertebral un its at any site, be it in th e an terior h orn , on e or
foram en . m ore an terior roots, a n erve plexu s, or a periph eral
n erve. Motor u n it dam age cuts off th e m uscle
Peripheral nerve and motor end plate. Th ere is on e fibers in th e m otor u n it from both volun tary an d
pair of spin al n erves for each segm en t of th e body. reflex in n ervation . Th e affected m uscles are ex-
Th e spin al n erves con tain afferen t som atosen sory trem ely w eak (plegic), an d th ere is a m arked
fibers, efferen t som atic m otor fibers, efferen t au - dim in u tion of m uscle ton e (hypotonia), as w ell as a
ton om ic fibers from th e lateral h orn s of th e spin al loss of reflexes (areflexia) because th e m on osyn ap-
gray m atter, an d afferen t au ton om ic fibers (cf. tic stretch reflex loop h as been in terru pted. Mu scle
p. 14). At cervical an d lu m bosacral levels, th e spin al atrop hy sets in w it h in a few w eeks, as th e m u scle is
n erves join to form th e n erve plexuses, w h ich , in gradu ally replaced by con n ective tissu e; after
tu rn , give rise to th e perip h eral n erves th at in n er- m on th s or years of p rogressive atrophy, th is re-
vate th e m uscu latu re of th e n eck an d lim bs (Figs. placem en t m ay be com plete. Th us, th e an terior
3.31, 3.32, an d 3.34). h orn cells exert a troph ic in fluen ce on m u scle
Th e th ick, m yelin ated, rapidly con du ctin g fibers, w h ich is n ecessary for th e m ain ten an ce of
n eu rites of th e large α m otor n euron s are called α 1 th eir n orm al stru ctu re an d fu n ction .
fibers (Fig. 2.11, p. 22). Th ese fibers t ravel to th e
w orkin g m uscu latu re, w h ere th ey divide in to a The syndrome of flaccid paralysis con sists of th e
h igh ly variable n um ber of bran ch es th at term in ate follow in g:
on m u scle fibers. Syn aptic im pu lse tran sm ission ¼ Dim in u tion of raw stren gth
occurs at th e n eu rom u scular jun ct ion s (m otor en d ¼ Hypoton ia or aton ia of th e m u scu latu re
plates). ¼ Hyporeflexia or areflexia
¼ Muscle atrophy
Motor unit. An an terior h orn cell, it s n eu rites, an d
th e m u scle fibers it in n ervates are collect ively Th e lesion can u su ally be localized m ore specifi-
term ed a m otor un it (Sh errin gton ). Each m otor cally to th e an terior h orn , th e an terior root(s), th e
un it con stitutes th e fin al com m on path w ay for n erve plexus, or th e periph eral n erve w ith th e aid
m ovem en t-related im pu lses arrivin g at th e an te- of electrom yography an d electron eurography
rior h orn cell from h igh er levels: its activity is in - (n erve con duction studies). If p aralysis in a lim b or
flu en ced by im pu lses in a w ide variety of m otor lim bs is accom pan ied by som atosen sory an d auto-
tracts th at origin ate in differen t areas of th e brain , n om ic deficits, th en th e lesion is presu m ably distal
as w ell as by im pu lses derived from in trasegm en - to th e n erve roots an d is th u s located eith er in th e
tal an d in tersegm en tal reflex n eu ron s of t h e sp in al n erve plexus or in th e periph eral n erve. Flaccid
cord. All of th ese m ovem en t-related im pu lses are paralysis is on ly rarely du e to a cortical lesion (cf.

tahir99-VRG &

Com plex Clinical Syndrom es due to Lesions of Specific Com ponents of the Nervous System · 45
p. 41); in such cases, th e reflexes are preserved or h orn s con tain m ostly m otor n eu ron s (see p. 43 ff.),
even exaggerated, an d t h e m uscle ton e is n orm al th e lateral h orn s m ostly au ton om ic n eu ron s, an d
or in creased. th e posterior h orn s m ostly som atosen sory n euron s
participatin g in a n u m ber of differen t afferen t
path w ays (see below an d Ch apter 2). In addition ,
th e spin al cord con tain s an in trin sic n eu ron al ap -
Complex Clinical Syndromes due paratu s con sistin g of in tern eu ron s, association
to Lesions of Specific n eu ron s, an d com m issural n eu ron s, w h ose
processes ascen d an d descen d in th e fascicu lu s
Components of the Nervous proprius (Fig. 2.9, p. 20).
System In th e adu lt, th e spin al cord is sh orter th an th e
vertebral colu m n : it exten ds from t h e cran iocervi-
cal ju n ction to about th e level of th e in tervertebral
Dam age to in dividu al com pon en ts of th e n ervous
disk betw een th e first an d secon d lu m bar verte-
system gen erally does n ot cau se an isolated m otor
brae (L1–L2) (Fig. 2.4, p. 15; th is m ust be born e in
deficit of th e kin d described up to th is poin t.
m in d w h en localizin g th e level of a sp in al process).
Rath er, m otor deficits are usually accom p an ied by
Th e segm en ts of th e n eu ral tube (prim itive spin al
som atosen sory, special sen sory, au ton om ic, cogn i-
cord) correspon d to th ose of th e vertebral colum n
tive, an d/or n eu ropsych ological deficits of variable
on ly up to th e th ird m on t h of gestat ion , after w h ich
type an d exten t dep en din g on th e site an d exten t
th e grow th of th e sp in e progressively ou tstrips th at
of th e lesion . Th e com plex clin ical syn drom es due
of th e spin al cord. Th e n erve roots, h ow ever, still
to lesion s in sp ecific region s of th e brain (telen -
exit from t h e spin al can al at th e n u m erically corre-
cep h alon , dien ceph alon , basal gan glia, lim bic sys-
spon din g levels, so th at th e low er th oracic an d
tem , cerebellum , an d brain stem ) w ill be described
lu m bar roots m u st travel an in creasin gly lon g dis-
in th e corresp on din g ch apters. In th is section , w e
tan ce th rough th e subarach n oid space to reach th e
w ill p resen t th e typical syn drom es arisin g from le-
in tervertebral foram in a th rou gh w h ich th ey exit.
sion s of th e spin al cord, n erve root s, plexu ses, pe-
Th e spin al cord en ds as th e conus medullaris (or
riph eral n erves, m otor en d plates, an d m u scu la-
con us term in alis) at th e L1 or L2 level (rarely at L3).
tu re.
Below th is level, th e lum bar sac (th eca) con tain s
on ly n erve root filam en ts, t h e so-called cauda
Spinal Cord Syndromes
equina (“h orse’s tail”; Fig. 3.22).
Becau se th e spin al cord con tain s m otor, sen sory, Th e fan like filam en ts of th e n erve roots still dis-
an d auton om ic fibers an d n u clei in a tigh t sp atial play th e origin al m etam eric structu re of th e spin al
relation sh ip w ith on e an oth er, lesion s of t h e spin al cord, but th e cord itself sh ow s n o segm en tal divi-
cord can cause a w ide variety of n eurological defi- sion . At tw o sites, h ow ever, th e spin al cord is som e-
cits, w h ich can be com bin ed w ith each oth er in w h at sw ollen , n am ely at th e cervical an d lumbar
m any differen t w ays. Carefu l clin ical exam in ation enlargements. Th e form er con tain s th e segm en ts
usually en ables h igh ly precise localization of th e correspon din g to th e up per lim bs (C4–T1), w h ich
lesion , bu t on ly if th e exam in er possesses adequate form th e brach ial p lexus; th e latter con tain s th e
kn ow ledge of th e an atom y of th e relevan t m otor, on es for th e low er lim bs (L2–S3), w h ich form t h e
sen sory, an d au ton om ic pat h w ays. Th u s, th is sec- lu m bosacral plexu s (Fig. 2.4, p. 15).
tion w ill begin w ith a brief discu ssion of clin ical
an atom y. Th e in dividu al spin al pat h w ays h ave al- Spinal cord lesions occasion ally affect on ly th e
ready been discu ssed on pp. 25 ff. (afferen t pat h - w h ite m atter (e.g., posterior colu m n lesion s) or
w ays) an d 38, 39. (efferen t pat h w ays). on ly th e gray m atter (e.g., acute poliom yelitis), bu t
m ore often affect both . In th e follow in g para-
General anatomical preliminaries. Th e spin al cord, graph s, th e m an ifestation s of typical spin al cord
like th e brain , is com posed of gray m atter an d syn drom es w ill be presen ted from a topical poin t
w h ite m atter. Th e w h ite m atter con tain s ascen din g of view. For com p leten ess, a n um ber of syn drom es
an d descen din g fiber tracts, w h ile th e gray m atter ch aracterized prim arily or exclu sively by som a-
con tain s n euron s of differen t kin ds: th e an terior tosen sory deficits w ill also be presen ted h ere.

tahir99-VRG &

3 46 · 3 Motor System

fin ed to a sm all area w it h in th e cord. Involvem en t

of th e an terior h orn s causin g flaccid paresis is rare,
an d h em ip aresis or paraparesis is even rarer. Elec-
trom yograp hy can dem on strate a segm en tal m otor
deficit in u p to 2/ 3 of all cases, but , becau se h erp es
zoster is u su ally fou n d in th e th oracic area, th e
deficit ten ds to be fu n ction ally in sign ifican t, an d
zoster m ay escape th e patien t’s n otice. In som e cases, th e
cu tan eou s lesion is absen t (h erpes sin e h erpete).
Herp es zoster is relatively com m on , w ith an in ci-
Fig. 3.8 Syndrome of the dorsal root ganglion den ce of 3–5 cases per 10 0 0 person s per year; im -
m u n ocom prom ised in dividuals (e.g., w ith AIDS,
m align an cy, or im m u n osupp ression ) are at ele-
vated risk. Treatm en t w ith topical derm atological
m edication as w ell as aciclovir, or an oth er sp ecific
virustatic agen t, is recom m en ded. Even w ith ap-
propriate treatm en t, posth erp etic n eu ralgia in th e
affected area is a n ot u n com m on com p lication . It
can be treated sym ptom atically w ith variou s m edi-
C4 – T6 All
somatosensory cation s, in clu din g carbam azepin e an d gabapen tin .

Posterior root syndrome (Fig. 3.9). If tw o or m ore

Fig. 3.9 Posterior root syndrome
adjacen t posterior roots are com pletely divided,
e.g., ow in g to traum atic in ju ry, sen sation in th e
correspon din g derm atom es is partially or totally
lost. In com plete posterior root lesion s affect differ-
en t sen sory m odalities to variable exten t s, w it h
pain sen sation u su ally bein g m ost stron gly af-
fected. Becau se th e lesion in terru pts th e p eriph eral
reflex arc, t h e sensory deficit is accom pan ied by
Ataxia, hyp oton ia an d hyporeflexia or areflexia in t h e
asynergia, m u scles su pplied by th e affected roots. Th ese typ i-
loss of
position sense cal deficits are produ ced on ly if m u ltip le adjacen t
roots are affected.
Fig. 3.10 Posterior column syndrome

Posterior column syndrome (Fig. 3.10). Th e poste-

rior colu m n s can be secon darily involved by path o-
Syndromes due to Lesions of Individua l
logical p rocesses affectin g th e dorsal root gan glion
Spina l Tracts a nd Nuclea r Areas a nd the
cells an d th e posterior roots. Lesion s of th e poste-
Associa ted Periphera l Nerves
rior colum n s typically im pair position an d vibra-
Syndrome of the dorsal root ganglion (Fig. 3.8). In - tion sen se, discrim in ation , an d stereogn osis; th ey
fection of on e or m ore spin al gan glia by a n eu- also produce a positive Rom berg sign , as w ell as
rotrop ic virus occu rs m ost com m on ly in th e spin al ataxia t h at w orsen s sign ifican t ly w h en th e
th oracic region an d cau ses pain fu l eryt h em a of th e eyes are closed (u n like cerebellar ataxia, w h ich
correspon din g derm atom e(s), follow ed by th e for- does n ot). Posterior colum n lesion s also often pro-
m ation of a variable n u m ber of cu tan eou s vesicles. du ce hyp ersen sitivity to pain . Possible causes in -
Th is clin ical pictu re, called herpes zoster, is as- clude vitam in B12 deficien cy (e.g., in “fu n icu lar m y-
sociated w ith very u npleasan t, stabbin g pain an d elosis”; see p . 47), AIDS-associated vacu olar m y-
paresth esiae in th e affected area. Th e in fection elopathy, an d spin al cord com pression (e.g., in cer-
m ay p ass from th e spin al gan glia in to th e spin al vical spin al sten osis). Tabes dorsalis du e to syph ilis
cord itself, but, if it does, it usu ally rem ain s con - is rare in North Am erica an d Western Eu rope bu t is
Com plex Clinical Syndrom es due to Lesions of Specific Com ponents of the Nervous System · 47
an in creasin gly com m on t ype of p osterior colu m n
distu rban ce in oth er parts of th e w orld.

Posterior horn syndrome (Fig. 3.11) can be a clin i-

cal m an ifestation of syrin gom yelia, h em atom yelia,
an d som e in tram edullary sp in al cord tu m ors,
am on g oth er con dit ion s. Like posterior root le- C5 – C8
sion s, posterior h orn lesion s produce a segm en tal therm -
som atosen sory deficit; yet, rath er th an im pairin g
all sen sory m odalities like posterior root lesion s,
posterior h orn lesion s sp are th e m odalities su b- Fig. 3.11 Posterior horn syndrome
served by th e posterior colu m n s, i.e., epicrit ic an d
proprioceptive sen se. “On ly” p ain an d tem p eratu re
sen sation are lost in t h e correspon din g ipsilateral
segm en ts, because t h ese m odalities are con du cted
cen trally th rou gh a secon d n euron in t h e posterior Py

h orn (w h ose axon ascen ds in th e lateral

Weakness, spastic
spin ot h alam ic tract). Loss of pain an d tem perature
sen sation w ith sp arin g of posterior colum n sen se C4 – T4
Weakness, flaccid

is called a dissociated som atosensory deficit. Th ere Analgesia

m ay be spon tan eou s pain (deafferen tation pain ) in therm anesthesia

th e an algesic area.
Fig. 3.12 Gray matter syndrome
Pain an d tem peratu re sen sation are in tact below
th e level of t h e lesion , as th e lateral spin oth alam ic
tract, lyin g in th e an terolateral fu n icu lus, is u n - a h ollow in g-ou t of t h e p aren chym a an d are sepa-
dam aged an d con t in u es to con duct th ese m odali- rate from th e cen tral can al. Th e term “hydrom y-
ties cen trally. elia” is som etim es used loosely for com m u n icatin g
syrin ges of t h e cen tral can al, but it properly refers
Gray matter syndrome (Fig. 3.12). Dam age to th e to an idiop ath ic, con gen ital varian t of syrin gom y-
cen tral gray m atter of th e spin al cord by syrin go- elia in w h ich th e syrin x com m u n icates w ith t h e
m yelia, h em atom yelia, in tram edullary spin al cord subarach n oid space, an d sh ou ld on ly be used in
tu m ors, or oth er p rocesses in terru pts all of t h e th is sen se. Syrin gom yelia m ost com m on ly affects
fiber path w ays passin g th rou gh t h e gray m at ter. th e cervical spin al cord, typically produ cin g loss of
Th e m ost prom in en tly affected fibers are t h ose pain an d tem peratu re sen sation in th e sh ou lders
th at origin ate in posterior h orn cells an d con duct an d upp er lim bs. A p rogressively expan din g syrin x
coarse pressu re, touch , pain , an d tem peratu re sen - can dam age th e lon g tracts of th e spin al cord, p ro-
sation ; th ese fibers decussate in t h e cen tral gray du cin g spastic (para)paresis an d disturban ces of
m atter an d th en ascen d in th e an terior an d lateral bladder, bow el, an d sexu al fu n ction . Syrin gobu lbia
spin oth alam ic tracts. A lesion affectin g th em pro- often cau ses un ilateral atrophy of th e ton gue,
du ces a bilateral dissociated sen sory deficit in th e hyp algesia or an algesia of t h e face, an d variou s
cu tan eou s area su pplied by th e dam aged fibers. types of nystagm us dep en din g on th e site an d con -
Syringomyelia is ch aracterized by th e form ation figu ration of th e syrin x.
of on e or m ore fluid-filled cavities in t h e spin al
cord; th e an alogous disease in th e brain stem is Th e syndrome of combined lesions of the posterior
called syrin gobu lbia. Th e cavities, called syringes, columns and corticospinal tracts (funicular myelo-
can be form ed by a n u m ber of differen t m ech a- sis) (Fig. 3.13; cf. Case Presen tation 1 on p. 34) is
n ism s an d are distribu ted in differen t ch aracteris- m ost com m on ly p rodu ced by vitam in B12 defi-
tic pattern s depen din g on th eir m ech an ism of for- cien cy du e to a lack of gastric in trin sic factor (e.g.,
m ation . Som e syrin ges are an expan sion of th e cen - in atroph ic gastritis), an d is kn ow n in such cases as
tral can al of th e spin al cord, w h ich m ay or m ay n ot “su bacu te com bin ed degen eration ,” or SCD. Foci of
com m un icate w ith th e fou rth ven tricle; oth ers are dem yelin ation are foun d in th e cervical an d
3 48 · 3 Motor System

th oracic region s in th e posterior colum n s (70–

80 %), an d som ew h at less com m on ly in th e py-
ram idal tracts (40–50 %), w h ile th e gray m atter is
Weakness, usu ally sp ared. Posterior colu m n dam age causes
loss of position an d vibration sen se in th e low er
Hypesthesia lim bs, resultin g in spin al ataxia an d a positive
T6 Rom berg sign (un stable stan ce w ith eyes closed).
Ataxia, asynergia, Th e accom panyin g pyram idal tract dam age cau ses
loss of
position sense spastic p araparesis w ith hyperreflexia an d bilateral
Babin ski sign s.
Fig. 3.13 Combined posterior column and corticospinal
tract syndrome (funicular myelosis) Anterior horn syndrome (Fig. 3.14). Both acu te
poliom yelitis an d spin al m u scle atrophy of variou s
types specifically affect th e an terior h orn cells,
particu larly in th e cervical an d lu m bar en large-
m en ts of th e spin al cord.
In poliomyelitis (a viral in fect ion ), a variable
n um ber of an terior h orn cells are acu tely an d irre-
versibly lost, m ain ly in t h e lum bar region , causin g
C7 – C8 flaccid paresis of th e m u scles in th e correspon din g
flaccid segm en ts. Proxim al m u scles ten d to be m ore
stron gly affected th an distal on es. Th e m u scles be-
com e atroph ic an d, in severe cases, m ay be
Fig. 3.14 Anterior horn syndrome com pletely replaced by con n ective tissu e an d fat. It
is rare for all of th e m u scles of a lim b to be affected,
becau se th e an terior h orn cells are arran ged in lon g
vertical colum n s w ith in th e spin al cord (Fig. 2.10).

Combined anterior horn and pyramidal tract syn-

drome (Fig. 3.15) is seen in amyotrophic lateral
sclerosis as th e resu lt of degen eration of both cort i-
Weakness, cal an d spin al m otor n eu ron s. Th e clin ical picture is
a com bin ation of flaccid an d sp astic paresis.
Weakness, Muscle atrop hy, appearin g early in th e course of
th e disease, is gen erally so severe th at th e deep
ten don reflexes w ould ordin arily be absen t, if on ly
Fig. 3.15 Combined anterior horn and pyramidal tract
syndrome (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis) th e low er m otor n eu ron s w ere affected. Yet, be-
cau se of th e sim u ltan eou s dam age of th e upp er
m otor n euron s (w ith con sequ en t pyram idal tract
degen eration an d sp asticity), th e reflexes often re-
m ain elicitable an d m ay even be exaggerated. Ac-
com panyin g degen eration of th e m otor cran ial
n erve n u clei can cau se dysarth ria an d dysph agia
(progressive bu lbar palsy).

Syndrome of the corticospinal tracts (Fig. 3.16).

Weakness, Loss of cortical m otor n eu ron s is follow ed by
degen eration of th e corticospin al tracts in a n um -
ber of differen t diseases, in clu din g primary lateral
Fig. 3.16 Syndrome of the corticospinal tracts (progres- sclerosis (a varian t of am yotroph ic lateral sclerosis)
sive spastic spinal paralysis) an d th e rarer form of h ereditary spastic spinal
Com plex Clinical Syndrom es due to Lesions of Specific Com ponents of the Nervous System · 49
paralysis. Th e m ost com m on su bform of th is dis-
ease is due to a m utation of th e gen e for an ATPase
of th e AAA fam ily on ch rom osom e 2; t h e disease
appears in ch ildh ood an d progresses slow ly t h ere-
after. Patien t s com plain in itially of a feelin g of Weakness, spastic

h eavin ess, th en of w eakn ess in th e low er lim bs. Hypesthesia

Spast ic paraparesis w it h a sp astic gait distu rban ce
Lateral colum n ataxia
gradu ally develops an d w orsen s. Th e reflexes are
brisker t h an n orm al. Spastic paresis of t h e upp er Ataxia, asynergia

lim bs does n ot develop u n til m uch later.

Fig. 3.17 Syndrome of combined involvement of the
posterior columns, spinocerebellar tracts, and
Syndrome of combined involvement of the poste-
(possibly) pyramidal tracts
rior columns, spinocerebellar tracts, and (possibly)
pyramidal tracts (Fig. 3.17). Wh en t h e path ological
process affects all of th ese system s, t h e differen tial
diagn osis sh ould in clude spin ocerebellar ataxia of Analgesia,
Friedreich type, th e axon al form of a h ereditary
Weakness, spastic
n eu ropathy (HSMN II), an d oth er ataxias.
Ch aracteristic clin ical m an ifestation s are pro- Weakness, flaccid
du ced by th e lesion s in each of th e involved sys- Loss of all
tem s. Friedreich ataxia begin s before age 20 w ith sensory modalities

loss of dorsal root gan glion cells, leadin g to poste- Hypesthesia,

loss of position sense
rior colu m n degen eration . Th e clin ical resu lt is an and discrimination
im pairm en t of position sen se, tw o-poin t discrim i-
n ation , an d stereogn osis, w ith spin al ataxia an d a Fig. 3.18 Spinal cord hemisection syndrome (Brown−
positive Rom berg sign . Pain an d tem peratu re sen se Séquard syndrom e)
are largely or com pletely spared. Th e ataxia is
severe, becau se both t h e posterior colu m n s an d Th e spinal cord hemisection syndrome (Brow n–
th e sp in ocerebellar tracts are involved; it is eviden t Séqu ard syn drom e, Fig. 3.18) is rare an d u su ally in -
w h en th e patien t tries to w alk, stan d, or sit, as w ell com plete; its m ost com m on cau ses are spin al
as in t h e fin ger–n ose–fin ger an d h eel–kn ee–sh in trau m a an d cervical disk h ern iation . In terru ption
tests. Th e patien t’s gait is u n coordin ated, w ith of th e descen din g m otor path w ays on on e side of
fest in at ion , an d also becom es spastic over tim e as th e spin al cord causes an in itially flaccid, ip silateral
th e pyram idal tracts progressively degen erate. paresis below th e level of th e lesion (spin al sh ock),
Abou t h alf of all patien ts m an ifest skeletal de- w h ich later becom es spastic an d is accom pan ied
form ities su ch as scoliosis or pes cavu s (th e so- by hyp erreflexia, Babin ski sign s, an d vasom otor
called “Friedreich foot”). distu rban ces. At th e sam e tim e, th e in terru ption of
Accordin g to Hardin g, Friedreich ataxia can be th e posterior colu m n s on on e side of th e spin al
diagn osed w h en th e follow in g clin ical criteria are cord cau ses ip silateral loss of p osition sen se, vibra-
m et: tion sen se, an d tactile discrim in ation below th e
¼ Progressive at axia of n o ot h er kn ow n cau se, level of th e lesion . Th e ataxia th at w ou ld n orm ally
begin n in g before age 25 years be cau sed by th e posterior colu m n lesion can n ot be
¼ Au tosom al recessive in h erit an ce dem on strated becau se of th e coexistin g ipsilateral
¼ Absen t deep ten don reflexes in th e low er lim bs paresis. Pain an d tem perature sen sation are spared
¼ Posterior colu m n distu rban ce on th e side of t h e lesion , becau se th e fibers sub-
¼ Dysarth ria w ith in five years of on set servin g th ese m odalities h ave already crossed to
th e oth er side to ascen d in th e lateral spin o-
The diagn osis can be defin itively establish ed by th alam ic tract, bu t pain an d tem perature sen sation
m olecu lar gen etic testin g to reveal th e un derlyin g are lost contralaterally below th e level of th e lesion ,
gen etic defect, a trin u cleotide expan sion on ch ro- becau se th e ipsilateral (crossed) spin ot h alam ic
m osom e 9. tracts are in terru pted.
3 50 · 3 Motor System

Spina l Cord Tra nsection Syndromes

General Sym ptom atology and Clinical Course
of Transection Syndrom es
C8 Acute spinal cord transection syndrome (Fig. 3.19).
C8 Th e com plete spin al cord tran section syn drom e is
m ost com m on ly caused by trau m a, less com m on ly
by in flam m ation or in fection (tran sverse m yelitis).
Acu te sp in al cord traum a in itially produ ces so-
called spinal shock, a clin ical pictu re w h ose
T10 path ophysiology is in com pletely u n derstood.
T10 Below th e level of th e lesion th ere is com plete, flac-
cid paralysis, an d all m odalities of sen sation are
L1 lost. Bladder, bow el, an d sexu al fu n ction are lost as
w ell. On ly th e bu lbocavern osus reflex is preserved—
L1 L1 an im portan t poin t for th e diagn ostic differen t ia-
tion of th is con dition from polyradiculitis, in w h ich
it is typically absen t. Th ere are also troph ic ch an ges
below th e level of th e lesion , in part icular,
dim in ish ed sw eatin g an d dist urbed t h erm oregu la-
tion . Th ere is a m arked ten den cy to develop decu -
bit us u lcers. Th e up per border of th e sen sory defi-
cit (th e “sen sory level”) is often dem arcated by a
zon e of hyp eralgesia.
In th e days an d w eeks after th e causative even t,
th e spin al n eu ron s gradu ally regain th eir fun ction ,
at least in p art, but rem ain cut off from m ost of th e
cen trally derived n eural im pu lses th at n orm ally
Fig. 3.19 Spinal cord transection at different segmen-
regulate th em . Th ey th us becom e “au ton om ous,”
tal levels
an d so-called spinal automatisms appear. In m any
cases, a stim u lu s below th e level of th e lesion in -
Sim ple tact ile sen sation is n ot im p aired, as th is du ces su dden flexion of th e h ip, kn ee, an d an kle
m odality is subserved by tw o differen t fiber path - (flexor reflex); if th e spin al cord tran section syn -
w ays: th e posterior colum n s (un crossed) an d t h e drom e is com plete, th e lim bs retain th e flexed
an terior spin oth alam ic t ract (crossed). Hem isec- posit ion for a lon g tim e after th e st im u lu s becau se
tion of th e cord leaves on e of th ese tw o path w ays of a spastic elevation of m uscle ton e. (In in -
in tact for tactile sen sation on eith er side of th e com plete sp in al cord tran section syn drom e, on th e
body—th e con tralateral p osterior colum n s for th e oth er h an d, th e legs are in itially flexed upon stim u -
side con tralateral to th e lesion , an d th e con - lation , but th en retu rn to th eir origin al position .)
tralateral an terior spin oth alam ic tract for th e side Defecation an d urin at ion gradually fun ction again ,
ipsilateral to it. bu t are n o lon ger u n der volu n tary con trol; in stead,
Aside from th e in terrupt ion of t h e lon g tract s, th e bladder an d bow el are em ptied reflexively on ce
th e an terior h orn cells m ay be dam aged to a vari- th ey are filled to a certain poin t. Detru sor–sph in c-
able exten t at th e level of th e lesion , possibly cau s- ter dyssyn ergia causes u rin ary reten tion an d
in g flaccid paresis. Irritation of th e posterior roots frequ en t , reflexive m ictu rition (p. 196). Th e deep
m ay also cau se paresth esiae or radicular pain in ten don reflexes an d m u scle ton e gradu ally retu rn
th e correspon din g derm atom es at th e u pp er an d can becom e path ologically elevated. Sexu al
border of th e sen sory distu rban ce. poten cy, h ow ever, does n ot retu rn .
Com plex Clinical Syndrom es due to Lesions of Specific Com ponents of the Nervous System · 51
Case Presentation 1: Incomplete Spina l Cord Tra nsection Syndrome due to
Pa ra infectious Myelitis
The patient, a 33-year-old architect, was sent to hospital by at the level of the C2 vertebral body. The rest of the MRI ex-
her fam ily physician after com plaining of ascending pins- am ination was norm al. The clinical diagnosis was parainfec-
and-needles paresthesiae in the lower lim bs and trunk. She tious myelitis following a viral upper respiratory tract infec-
had had a febrile “cold” two weeks earlier. There was no tion, causing incom plete spinal cord lesion syndrom e.
weakness or disturbance of bladder or bowel function. The signs and sym ptom s regressed com pletely under treat-
Clinical exam ination revealed im pairm ent of epicritic sensa- m ent with cortisone. To date, no other lesions have
tion below the C5 level, but no paresis or other neurological developed elsewhere in the CNS.
abnorm alities. CSF exam ination yielded an inflam m atory The MRI abnorm ality in this case would also have been con-
picture, with no evidence of chronic CNS inflam m ation (CSF sistent with a diagnosis of m ultiple sclerosis, which could be
electrophoresis revealed no oligoclonal bands). MRI of the excluded only on the basis of the CSFfindings and the further
cervical spinal cord revealed a signal abnorm ality in the cord course of illness.

a b

c d

Fig. 3.20 Parainfectious myelitis. a The sagittal T2- the axial T2-weighted im age, the lesion is seen to occupy
weighted im age reveals a lesion with hyperintense signal in the central portion of the cord. d Contrast enhancem ent in
the spinal cord at the level of the C2 vertebral body. b The the lesion is seen again in the axial T1-weighted im age after
T1-weighted sequence after the adm inistration of contrast the adm inistration of contrast m edium .
medium reveals m arked enhancem ent of the lesion. c In
3 52 · 3 Motor System

Case Presentation 2: Pa ra pa resis due to Spina l Cord Compression by a n Epidura l Tumor

(Lymphoma )
The patient, a 34-year-old office worker, was in the 34th ing touch and position sense and, to a lesser extent, the
week of pregnancy when she noted increasing weakness of protopathic m odalities as well. MRI revealed a large m ass in
both lower lim bs and im paired sensation on the lower half the thoracic spinal canal, com pressing the spinal cord and
of the body. She said the sensory disturbance had begun on displacing it anteriorly.
the inner surface of the thighs and then spread along the An em ergency cesarean section was perform ed, and the
legs and, finally, upward onto the trunk. She had had in- tum or was neurosurgically rem oved im m ediately after-
creasing difficulty with urination for several weeks, but had ward. Histopathological exam ination revealed lym phom a.
attributed this to pregnancy. The neurological deficits resolved com pletely, and no other
Clinical exam ination revealed spastic paraparesis with bi- m anifestations of lym phom a were found.
lateral Babinski signs and a sensory deficit below T10 affect-

a b
Fig. 3.21 Epidural lymphoma compressing the spinal contrast m edium ; the tum or has not spread intradurally.
cord. a The sagittal T2-weighted im age reveals severe spi- c Axial T1-weighted im age after the adm inistration of con-
nal cord com pression due to a m ass displacing the dura trast m edium . The lym phom a fills m ost of the spinal canal
mater and the cord ventrally. b A m oderate degree of ho- and displaces the spinal cord ventrally and to the right. The
mogeneous contrast enhancem ent in the tum or is seen in cord is significantly darker than the contrast-enhancing
the sagittal T1-weighted im age after the adm inistration of tum or.

Progressive spinal cord transection syndrome. sp astic paraparesis develops below th e level of th e
Wh en sp in al cord tran section syn drom e arises lesion , accom pan ied by a sen sory deficit, bow el,
gradu ally rath er th an sudden ly, e.g., because of a bladder, an d sexu al dysfun ct ion , an d auton om ic
slow ly grow in g t um or, spin al sh ock does n ot arise. m an ifestation s (abn orm al vasom otor regu lation
Th e t ran section syn drom e in su ch cases is u sually an d sw eat in g, ten den cy to decu bit us u lcers).
partial, rath er th an com plete. Progressively severe
Com plex Clinical Syndrom es due to Lesions of Specific Com ponents of the Nervous System · 53
Conus syndrome, du e to a spin al cord lesion at or
Spinal Cord Transection Syndrom es at Different
below S3 (Fig. 3.22), is also rare. It can be caused by
spin al tu m ors, isch em ia, or a m assive lu m bar disk
Cervical spinal cord transection syndrome. Spin al h ern iation .
cord tran section above th e level of th e th ird cervi- An isolated lesion of th e con us m edu llaris pro-
cal vertebra is fatal, as it abolish es breath in g (total du ces th e follow in g n eu rological deficits:
loss of fu n ction of th e ph ren ic an d in tercostal ¼ Detrusor areflexia w ith urin ary reten tion an d
n erves). Such p atien ts can survive on ly if th ey can overflow in con tin en ce (con tin u al drip pin g,
be artificially ven tilated w ith in a few m in utes of p. 196)
th e cau sat ive in ju ry, w h ich is very rarely th e case. ¼ Fecal in con tin en ce
Tran section at low er cervical levels produ ces qu ad- ¼ Im poten ce
riparesis w ith involvem en t of t h e in tercostal ¼ Saddle an esth esia (S3–S5)
m uscles; breath in g m ay be dan gerously im paired. ¼ Loss of th e an al reflex
Th e u pper lim bs are affected to a variable exten t
dep en din g on th e level of th e lesion . Th e level can The low er lim bs are n ot paretic, an d th e Ach illes
be determ in ed fairly p recisely from th e sen sory reflex is preserved (L5–S2).
deficit fou n d on clin ical exam in ation . If con u s syn drom e is produced by a tum or, th e
lum bar an d sacral roots descen din g alon gside th e
Thoracic spinal cord transection syndrome. Tran - con us w ill be affected soon er or later (Fig. 3.22). In
section of th e upp er th oracic cord sp ares th e up per such cases, th e m an ifestation s of con u s syn drom e
lim bs bu t im pairs breath in g an d m ay also cau se are accom pan ied by deficits due to involvem en t of
paralytic ileu s t h rou gh involvem en t of th e th e cauda equin a: w eakn ess of th e low er lim bs,
splan ch n ic n erves. Tran section of th e low er an d m ore exten sive sen sory deficits th an are seen
th oracic cord spares th e abdom in al m uscles an d in pu re con us syn drom e.
does n ot im p air breath in g.
Cauda equina syndrome involves th e lu m bar an d
Lumbar spinal cord transection syndrome. Trau - sacral n erve roots, w h ich descen d alon gside an d
m atic tran section of th e spin al cord at lu m bar below th e con u s m edu llaris, an d th rou gh th e lu m -
levels often causes especially severe disturban ces bosacral su barach n oid space, to th eir exit
becau se of con com itan t dam age of th e m ajor su p- foram in a; a tu m or (e.g., epen dym om a or lipom a) is
plyin g artery of th e low er spin al cord, th e great th e u su al cau se. Patien ts in itially com p lain of
radicu lar artery (of Adam kiew icz). Th e result is in - radicu lar pain in a sciatic distribu tion , an d of
farction of th e en tire lu m bar and sacral spin al cord severe bladder p ain th at w orsen s w ith cou gh in g or
(cf. Case Presen tation 3 on p. 55). sneezin g. Later, variably severe radicu lar sen sory
deficits, affectin g all sen sory m odalities, arise at L4
Epiconus syndrome, cau sed by a sp in al cord lesion or low er levels. Lesion s affectin g th e u pper port ion
at t h e L4 to S2 level, is relat ively rare (Fig. 3.22a of th e cau da equ in a produ ce a sen sory deficit in t h e
an d b). Un like con u s syn drom e (see below ), it is as- legs an d in th e saddle area. Th ere m ay be flaccid
sociated w ith sp astic or flaccid paresis of t h e low er paresis of th e low er lim bs w ith areflexia; u rin ary
lim bs, depen din g on th e precise level of th e lesion . an d fecal in con tin en ce also develop , alon g w ith
Th ere is w eakn ess or tot al paralysis of h ip extern al im paired sexu al fu n ction . With lesion s of th e low er
rotation (L4–S1) an d exten sion (L4–L5), an d portion of th e cauda equ in a, th e sen sory deficit is
possibly also of kn ee flexion (L4–S2) an d flexion exclu sively in th e saddle area (S3–S5), an d t h ere is
an d exten sion of th e an kles an d toes (L4–S2). Th e n o low er lim b w eakn ess, bu t urin ation , defecation ,
Ach illes reflex is absen t, w h ile th e kn ee-jerk reflex an d sexu al fu n ction are im paired. Tu m ors affect in g
is preserved. Th e sen sory deficit exten ds from L4 to th e cauda equ in a, un like con u s tum ors, produ ce
S5. Th e bladder an d bow el em pty on ly reflexively; slow ly an d irregu larly progressive clin ical m an ifes-
sexual poten cy is lost, an d m ale pat ien ts often h ave tation s, as th e in dividual n erve roots are affected
priapism . Th ere is tran sien t vasom otor paralysis, as w ith variable rapidity, an d som e of th em m ay be
w ell as a tran sien t loss of sw eatin g. spared u n t il late in th e cou rse of th e illn ess.
3 54 · 3 Motor System

Dural sac
Subarachnoid L1 b
space (open)
L3 L1


Epiconus L5 Spinal dura

S1 L2
S3 Sub -
Conus S4 arachnoid
medullaris S5 space
C Nerve
L3 root
Nerve root surrounded
surrounded Peripheral n. by p ia m ater
by spinal surrounded by
L4 epineurium
pia m ater

term inale S1

Cauda e quina L5

S1 S5


Two coccygeal ganglia a

Fig. 3.22a The epiconus, the conus medullaris, and the b Lateral view, after rem oval of the lateral arches of the
cauda equina, w ith the topographical relationships of vertebrae and opening of the dural sac, revealing the topo-
the nerve roots to the vertebral bodies and interverte- graphy of the spine, disks, and nerve roots.
bral disks. c A funnel-shaped outpouching of the dura m ater with
a Posterior view, after opening of the dural sac (theca) and openings for the anterior (ventral) and posterior (dorsal)
the spinal arachnoid. For the typical syndrom es produced roots.
by lesions affecting the epiconus, conus m edullaris, and
cauda equina, see text, p. 53.
Com plex Clinical Syndrom es due to Lesions of Specific Com ponents of the Nervous System · 55
Case Presentation 3: Lumbosacra l Spina l Cord Infa rction due to Acute Ischemia in the Territory
of the Anterior Spina l Artery (Anterior Spina l Artery Syndrome)
This retired 81-year-old wom an stated that she had fallen were m ore severely im paired than touch and position
on the m orning of adm ission because of sudden weakness sense.
in both lower lim bs. She had intense back pain im m ediately MRI revealed an area of signal abnorm ality in the lower por-
thereafter, which she attributed to the fall. The lower lim bs tion of the spinal cord, epiconus, and conus m edullaris. At
rem ained weak, and she becam e incontinent of urine and the level of the conus, the signal abnorm ality encom passed
stool. She had previously suffered from “thinning of the nearly the entire cross-sectional area of the cord. These find-
bones” with occasional painful fractures, but there had ings and the clinical m anifestations are consistent with spi-
never before been any weakness. Exam ination on adm is- nal cord infarction due to acute ischem ia in the territory of
sion revealed flaccid paraplegia, vesical and anal sphincter the anterior spinal artery.
dysfunction, and a sensory deficit on the lower lim bs and On further follow-up, the neurological deficits rem ained
lower portion of the trunk. Pain and tem perature sensation stable, without any worsening or im provem ent over tim e.

a b c d

e f g
Fig. 3.23 Acute spinal ischemia in the territory of the d The contrast enhancem ent has not increased. (e, f, g)
anterior spinal artery. Im ages obtained 12 hours (a, b, e) Axial T2-weighted im ages. e At first, only the spinal gray
and 3 days (c, d, f, g) after the onset of sym ptom s. The m atter is hyperintense. f Three days later, m ost of the spinal
osteoporotic vertebral body fractures seen on these im ages cord is hyperintense; only the dorsal portion of the cord,
were old and bore no relation to the acute neurological syn- supplied by the posterolateral vessels, is still of norm al sig-
drom e. a The sagittal T2-weighted im age reveals central nal intensity. Thus, the neural pathway for epicritic sensa-
hyperintensity of the spinal cord in and above the conus tion is less affected than the pathways for protopathic sen-
m edullaris. b The T1-weighted im age reveals m ild contrast sation and m otor function. g These changes can be fol-
enhancem ent. c Three days later, m arked hyperintensity lowed downward into the conus m edullaris.
can be seen in the spinal cord on the T2-weighted im age.
3 56 · 3 Motor System

(Fig. 3.24 c). Th ey in itially produ ce radicular p ain

Vascular Spinal Cord Syndromes
an d p aresth esiae. Later, as th ey grow, th ey cau se
Th e blood su pply of th e spin al cord an d th e clin ical in creasin g com pression of th e posterior roots an d
syn drom es resu ltin g from lesion s of in dividual spi- th e spin al cord, first th e posterior colu m n s an d
n al cord vessels are described in Ch apter 11, on th en th e pyram idal tract in th e lateral fun iculu s.
p. 281 ff. an d p. 312 ff. Th e resu lt is a progressively severe spastic paresis
of th e low er lim b, an d paresth esiae (p articu larly
Spina l Cord Tumors cold paresth esiae) in both low er lim bs, accom -
Com plete or part ial sp in al cord tran section syn - pan ied by a distu rban ce of both epicritic an d p ro-
drom e (in cludin g con us syn drom e an d cau da prioceptive sen sation , at first ipsilaterally an d th en
equin a syn drom e) is often cau sed by a tu m or. Spi- bilaterally. Th e sen sory distu rban ce u sually as-
n al cord tum ors are classified in to th ree types, cen ds from caudal to cran ial un til it reach es th e
based on th eir localization (Fig. 3.24): level of th e lesion . Th e spin e is ten der to percu ssion
¼ Extradural tu m ors (m etastasis, lym ph om a, at th e level of th e dam aged n erve root s, an d th e
plasm acytom a) pain is m arkedly exacerbated by cough in g or
¼ In tradural extram edullary tum ors (m en in - sn eezin g. Th e pain cau sed by posterior colu m n in -
giom a, n eu rin om a) volvem en t is of “rh eu m atic” quality an d in itially
¼ In tradural in tram edu llary tu m ors (gliom a, arises at th e distal en ds of th e lim bs. Hyperest h esia
epen dym om a) is n ot un com m on in th e derm atom es su pplied by
th e affected n erve roots; th is m ay be u seful for
clin ical localization of th e level of th e lesion . As th e
Extradural neoplasms (Fig. 3.24a an d b) ten d to spin al cord com pression progresses, it even tu ally
grow rapidly, often p rodu cin g progressively severe leads to bladder an d bow el dysfun ction .
m an ifestat ion s of spin al cord com p ression : spastic Ventrally situated tumors (Fig. 3.24 c) can in -
paresis of th e p arts of th e body su pplied by th e spi- volve t h e an terior n erve root s on on e or both sides,
n al cord below th e level of th e lesion , an d, later, cau sin g flaccid paresis, e.g., of th e h an ds (w h en th e
bladder an d bow el dysfun ct ion . Pain is a com m on tu m or is in th e cervical region ). As th e tum or
feature. Dorsally situ ated tu m ors m ain ly cau se grow s, it com presses th e pyram idal tract, cau sin g
sen sory distu rban ces; lateral com pression of th e spastic p aresis of th e ipsilateral low er lim b at first,
spin al cord can produce Brow n–Séquard syn drom e an d later of both low er lim bs. Tract ion on th e sp i-
(p. 49). n al cord due to stretch in g of th e den ticulate liga-
m en ts m ay fu rth er dam age th e pyram idal tract. If
Intradural extramedullary tumors m ost com m on ly th e com pressive lesion is an terolateral to th e cord,
arise from th e vicin ity of th e posterior roots con tralateral pain an d tem perature sen sation m ay

Fig. 3.24 Spinal cord

tumors. (a, b) Extradural
tum or; a dorsal to the spi-
nal cord, b ventral to the
spinal cord. c Intradural ex-
tram edullary tum or (dum b-
bell tum or with intraspinal,
intraforam inal, and extra-
foram inal portions).
d Intradural intram edullary
tum or.
Com plex Clinical Syndrom es due to Lesions of Specific Com ponents of the Nervous System · 57
be affected. With ven tral as w ith dorsal tu m ors, Nerve Root Syndromes (Radicular
progressive spin al cord com pression even tu ally
leads to bladder an d bow el dysfun ction .
Preliminary remarks on anatomy. As discu ssed in
Intradural intramedullary spinal cord tumors th e last ch apter, th e spin al n erves are form ed by
(Fig. 3.24 d) can be distin guish ed from extram edu l- th e u n ion of th e posterior an d an terior roots.
lary tum ors by th e follow in g clin ical features: After exitin g from th e spin al can al, th e fibers of
¼ Th ey rarely cau se radicular pain , in stead caus- th e sp in al n erves at differen t segm en tal levels re-
in g atypical (burn in g, du ll) pain of diffuse local- group to form th e th ree plexu ses (Fig. 2.5, p. 16)—
ization . cervical, brach ial, an d lum bosacral (see p. 62 ff.).
¼ Dissociated sen sory deficits can be an early Th e periph eral n erves em ergin g from th ese plex-
fin din g. uses each con tain fibers from m ultiple n erve roots.
¼ Bladder an d bow el dysfu n ction appear early in Th is redistribu tion of n erve fibers in th e p lexuses is
th e cou rse of tu m or grow th . th e reason w hy th e territories in n ervated by th e
¼ Th e sen sory level (upp er border of th e sen sory n erve roots differ from th ose in n ervated by th e pe-
deficit) m ay ascen d, because of lon gitu din al riph eral n erves. Each n erve root su pplies a ch arac-
grow th of th e tu m or, w h ile th e sen sory level as- teristic area of th e skin (derm atom e) an d in n er-
sociated w it h extram edullary tu m ors gen erally vates a ch aracteristic grou p of m uscles (m yotom e).
rem ain s con stan t, becau se of tran sverse Most m u scles receive n erve fibers from m ore th an
grow th . on e n erve root (polyradicu lar in n ervation ). Th e
¼ Mu scle atrop hy due to involvem en t of th e an te- few m uscles receivin g m ost or all of th eir in n erva-
rior h orn s is m ore com m on th an w ith ex- tion from a sin gle n erve root are called segm en t-
tram edu llary tum ors. in dicatin g m u scles. Th ese m atters are discu ssed
¼ Spast icity is on ly rarely as severe as t h at pro- m ore fu lly in Ch apter 2 on p. 16 ff.
du ced by ext ram edu llary tu m ors.
Syndrome of nerve root involvement (radicu lar
High cervical tumors can produce bu lbar m an ifes- syn drom e). Th e n erve roots are particu larly
tation s as w ell as fasciculation s an d fibrillation s in vu ln erable to dam age at or n ear th eir passage
th e affected lim b. Extram edullary tu m ors are th rough th e in tervertebral foram in a. Com m on
m uch m ore com m on overall th an in tram edu llary cau ses in clu de stenosing processes (n arrow in g of
tum ors. th e foram in a, e.g., due to bony overgrow t h ), disk
Tumors at the level of the foramen magnum protrusion, an d disk herniation com pressin g th e
(m en in giom a, n eu rin om a) often in itially m an ifest exitin g n erve root (Fig. 3.25). Oth er processes,
th em selves w ith pain , p aresth esia, an d hypesth e- such as in fectiou s diseases of th e vertebral bo-
sia in th e C2 region (occip ital an d great auricu lar dies, tu m ors, an d trau m a, can also dam age th e
n erves). Th ey can also cau se w eakn ess of th e ster- spin al n erve roots as th ey em erge from th e sp in al
n ocleidom astoid an d t rapeziu s m uscles (accessory can al.
n erve). Radicu lar lesion s p rodu ce th e follow in g charac-
teristic manifestations:
Dumbbell tumors (or h ourglass tum ors) are so ¼ Pain an d sen sory deficit in th e correspon din g
called becau se of th eir un ique an atom ical con figu - derm atom e
ration (Fig. 3.24c). Th ese are m ostly n eu rin om as ¼ Greater im p airm en t of pain sen sation th an of
th at arise in th e in tervertebral foram en an d th en th e oth er sen sory m odalities
grow in tw o direction s: in to th e spin al can al an d ¼ Redu ced stren gth in segm en t-in dicatin g
out w ard in to t h e paravertebral sp ace. Th ey com - m uscles an d, rarely an d in severe cases, m u scle
press th e sp in al cord laterally, even t ually p rodu c- atrop hy
ing a partial or com plete Brow n–Séqu ard syn - ¼ Reflex deficits correspon din g to th e dam aged
drom e. root(s) (Fig. 2.13, p. 23)
¼ Absen ce of auton om ic deficits (of sw eatin g,
piloerection , an d vasom otor fu n ction ) in th e
lim bs, becau se th e sym path etic an d parasym pa-
3 58 · 3 Motor System

Fig. 3.25 a Posterolateral

disk herniation at the L4−
5 level. The injured root is
not the L4 root, which exits
through the L4−5 inter-
vertebral foram en, but
rather the L5 root, which is
m edial to it and passes be-
hind the L4−5 interverte-
bral disk. b Central disk
herniation at L4−5 with
com pression of the cauda

th etic fibers join th e p eriph eral n erves distal to grow th of th e facet join ts (spondylarthrosis) an d of
th e n erve roots an d are th u s spared by radicu lar th e vertebral bodies th em selves (m ain ly in th e cer-
lesion s vical region , uncovertebral arthrosis). Th ese
processes cau se sten osis of th e in tervertebral
Motor deficits in th e segment-indicating muscles foram in a, w ith com pression of t h e tissues w ith in
of th e in dividu al m otor roots are useful for th e th em , in clu din g th e n erve roots (Figs. 3.26 an d
clin ical an d electrom yograph ic localization of 3.28).
radicu lar lesion s at cervical an d lu m bar levels. Th e
m ore im portan t segm en t-in dicatin g m u scles are
Cervical Root Lesions of Degenerative Origin
listed in Fig. 3.27 an d Fig. 3.29.
Cervical radicu lar syn drom es are n early alw ays
du e to foram in al sten osis of th is type, cau sed by
Ra dicula r Syndromes in Osteochondrosis a nd
osteoch on drosis. Th e en d plates of t h e cervical
Disk Degeneration
vertebrae are n orm ally som ew h at elevated on
Degen erative disorders of t h e vertebrae an d in ter- eith er side of th e vertebral body, w h ere th ey form
vertebral disks are t h e m ost com m on cau se of th e u n cin ate processes, creatin g a saddlelike struc-
radicu lar lesion s. tu re. Wh en a cervical in tervertebral disk degen er-
Th e in tervertebral disks are com posed of a ates, th e vertebral body above sin ks like a w edge
pu lpy in n er portion (n u cleu s pu lposu s) su r- in to th e saddlelike depression of th e on e below,
rou n ded by a fibrous rin g (an n u lu s fibrosu s). Th e cau sin g in creasin g p ressu re on th e u n cin ate
disks are n o lon ger su pplied by blood vessels on ce processes. Bon e rem odelin g occu rs, th rough w h ich
th e developm en t of th e spin e is com plete. Th ere- th e u n cin ate p rocesses are gradu ally disp laced
fore, as th e in dividu al ages, th e disks gradu ally lose laterally an d dorsally, an d th e in tervertebral
th eir elasticity an d turgor an d are less able to serve foram in a gradually becom e n arrow er (Fig. 3.26).
as sh ock absorbers for th e spin e. Th is cau ses diffi- Cervical osteoch on drosis is m ost com m on ly
cu lties prim arily in th e m ore m obile portion s of fou n d at C5–C6 an d C6–C7, an d often also at C3–C4
th e spin e, i.e., th e cervical an d lu m bar region s. an d C7–T1. Sten osis can affect on e or m ore foram in a
Osteochondrosis involves degen erat ion of th e to a variable exten t, eith er un ilaterally or bilaterally.
disk an d of th e cartilagin ous base an d en d plates of Th u s, eith er m on osegm en tal or p lurisegm en tal
th e vertebral bodies. Th is resu lts in sclerosis of th e radicular m an ifestation s m ay be p rodu ced. Th e
cartilagin ou s tissu e an d in deform ation of th e m ost com m on sym ptom s are segm en tal pain an d
vertebral bodies. Th e in tervertebral disks lose paresth esiae, w h ich are attribu table to n erve root
h eigh t, an d th e vertebral bodies on eith er side are irritation . More severe root involvem en t m an ifests
brou gh t closer togeth er. Th ere is also bony over- itself as sen sory, m otor, an d reflex deficits in th e
Com plex Clinical Syndrom es due to Lesions of Specific Com ponents of the Nervous System · 59
Fig. 3.26 Intervertebral
foramina of the cervical
spine from C3 to C7.
a Norm al width of the
foram ina. b Foram inal ste-
nosis caused by disk
degeneration (drawn from
a dissected anatom ical
specim en). c Plane of sec-
tion of d and e. d Norm al
uncinate processes. e Unci-
Uncinate nate processes deform ed
process by intervertebral disk
Artery generation.
and vein
in fat


a b


c d e

correspon din g segm en t(s). In addition to disk possibly atrophy of th e hypoth en ar m u scles;
degen eration , th ere m ay be con com itan t arth rotic dim in ish ed tricep s an d Tröm n er reflexes
ch an ges of th e facet join ts t h at restrict th e m obility
of th e cervical spin e in th e involved segm en ts.
Lum bar Root Lesions of Degenerative Origin
Individual cervical radicular syndromes (Fig. 3.27) In th e lu m bar region , th e in tervertebral disks are
are ch aracterized by t h e follow in g deficits: th ick, an d th e base an d en d plates are flat;
¼ C3, C4: pain in th e n eck an d sh oulder; rarely, degen erative disease can cause p rotru sion or
partial diaph ragm atic palsy h ern iation (prolapse) of on e or m ore disks, an d th e
¼ C5: p ain w ith or w ith out hypalgesia in t h e C5 displaced disk tissu e can th en directly com press
derm atom e; deltoid an d biceps w eakn ess th e n erve roots an d spin al gan glia. In addition ,
¼ C6: pain w ith or w ith out hypalgesia in th e C6 w h en ever a disk space is n arrow ed by osteoch on -
derm atom e; biceps an d brach ioradialis w eak- drosis, th e in tervertebral foram in a becom e n ar-
n ess; dim in ish ed biceps reflex row er, w h ich can also cau se n erve root com p res-
¼ C7: p ain w ith or w it h ou t p aresth esia or hy- sion an d radicu lar p ain (Fig. 3.28).
palgesia in th e C7 derm atom e; triceps an d pro- Disk degen eration m ost com m on ly affects t h e
n ator teres w eakn ess; possible th en ar atrophy; low est tw o lu m bar disks, L5–S1 an d L4–L5, an d less
dim in ish ed triceps reflex com m on ly th e L3–L4 disk.
¼ C8: p ain w ith or w it h ou t p aresth esia or hy- Figu re 3.22b sh ow s th e in tim ate spatial rela-
palgesia in th e C8 derm atom e; w eakn ess an d tion sh ip of th e lu m bar vertebral bodies, in terverte-
3 60 · 3 Motor System

Fig. 3.27 Segment-indi-

cating muscles and cu-
tane ous sensory distribu-
tion of the C6, C7, and C8
nerve roots (after Mum en-
thaler and Schliack).
brachii m .
brachii m .

Biceps Triceps C7 C8
reflex reflex

radialis m .

teres m .

m uscles


C6 C7 C8

Fig. 3.28 a Intervertebral

foramen of normal w idth
between L5 and S1, with
dorsal root ganglion.
b Stenotic intervertebral
foramen with deform ation
of the dorsal root ganglion
by the superiorly displaced
inferior articular process
(drawn from a dissected
anatom ical specim en).

bral disks, an d n erve roots. Th e n erve root exits th e h in d th e disk at th is level, on its w ay to its ow n ,
lu m bar spin al can al in its du ral sleeve rou gh ly at low er-lyin g foram en (Fig. 3.25). On ly a far lateral
th e level of t h e u pper th ird of th e vertebral body, disk prolapse can directly com p ress th e corre-
proceedin g obliquely in a ven trocau dal direction to sp on din gly n um bered n erve root.
th e in tervertebral foram en , th e up per portion of Th e L5–S1 in tervertebral disk is often som ew h at
w h ich con tain s th e dorsal root gan glion . Th u s, a n arrow er th an th e oth ers, because th e lum bar lor-
dorsolateral disk prot ru sion does n ot directly af- dosis is m ost pron ou n ced at th is level. As a resu lt,
fect th e n erve root exit in g at t h e correspon din gly an L5–S1 disk h ern iation can im pin ge on both th e
n u m bered level; rath er, it im pin ges on th e n erve L5 an d S1 n erve roots, causin g a com bin ed L5 an d
root of th e n ext segm en t below, w h ich passes be- S1 syn drom e.
Com plex Clinical Syndrom es due to Lesions of Specific Com ponents of the Nervous System · 61
Fig. 3.29 Segment-indi-
cating muscles and cu-
taneous sensory distribu-
tion of the L4, L5, and S1
nerve roots (after Mum en-
thaler and Schliack).

lateralis m .
m edialis m .

Knee-jerk Triceps
reflex surae m .

hallucis Peroneus
longus m . longus m .
Tibialis brevis m .
anterior m .

Extensor reflex
brevis m .

L4 L5 S1

In th e lu m bar region as in th e cervical region , Acute sciatica (“ch arley-h orse”) is n ot n eces-
disk h ern iation m ost com m on ly m an ifests itself sarily th e result of radicu lar irritation or in ju ry.
w ith sym ptom s of radicu lar irritation (pain an d An ot h er very com m on cau se is th e en t rap m en t of
paresth esia) in th e affected segm en ts. More severe parts of th e join t capsu le in th e in tervertebral join t.
radicu lar dam age produces segm en tal sen sory an d Degen erative disease of th e spin e is th e m ost im -
m otor deficits. portan t predisposin g factor for th is con dition as
A patien t sufferin g from lu m bar radicular irrita- w ell. Wh en th e in tervertebral disk is n arrow ed, th e
tion syn drom e m ay report th e abrupt cessat ion of in tervertebral join t facets are displaced in su ch a
sciatic p ain an d th e sim u ltan eou s appearan ce of w ay as to n arrow th e n eu ral foram in a (Fig. 3.28).
w eakn ess or a sen sory deficit. Th is situ ation arises Th e spin e loses h eigh t an d th e join t capsu les
w hen th e n erve root fibers su dden ly cease con - slacken , so th at certain m ovem en ts can in du ce en -
du ctin g im p ulses, im plyin g th e im pen din g death trapm en t of part of th e capsu le in side th e join t.
of th e n erve root. Em ergen cy n eu rosu rgical Ch iropractic m an ipu lation can brin g rap id relief in
decom p ression of th e affected root is in dicated. such cases.
A large disk prolap se can also, in rare cases,
pen etrate th e posterior lon gitu din al ligam en t in a Individual lumbar radicular syndromes (Fig. 3.29)
dorsom edial position an d pass in to th e lum bar spi- are ch aracterized by t h e follow in g deficits:
n al can al, cau sin g cauda equin a syn drom e (“m as- ¼ L3: pain w ith or w ith ou t paresth esia in th e L3
sive prolapse”; Fig. 3.25b an d Fig. 3.30). derm atom e; quadriceps w eakn ess; dim in ish ed
3 62 · 3 Motor System

Case Presentation 4: Massive L4/5 Disk Herniation with Upwa rdly Displaced Fragment
This 37-year-old engineer suddenly felt severe pain in the and from L5 downward on the left. There was m arkedly
low back while lifting weights in a fitness studio. Shortly af- dim inished sensation in all m odalities in a saddle distribu-
terward, he noted a sensory abnorm ality in the right thigh tion, as well as flaccid bladder paralysis with incipient over-
and weakness in the right knee, but nonetheless continued flow incontinence.
with his exercise routine. A few hours later, he had m ore MRI revealed a large disk herniation originating at the L4−L5
severe pain and num bness in the right lower lim b, and the level, with a cranially displaced free intraspinal fragm ent
sensory abnorm ality was present in the left lower lim b also, com pressing nearly the entire cauda equina (acute cauda
as well as in the perianal region. He could no longer em pty equina syndrom e).
his bladder. The patient was im m ediately transferred to the neurosurgi-
He sought em ergency m edical attention. Exam ination on cal service for an em ergency procedure. The herniated disk
adm ission to the hospital revealed severe weakness of the tissue was surgically rem oved the sam e evening, and the
lower lim b m usculature from L4 downward on the right, neurological deficits resolved com pletely thereafter.

a b c
Fig. 3.30 L4/5 disk herniation w ith upw ardly displaced seen equally well on the T1-weighted im age. It evidently
fragment. a The sagittal T2-weighted im age reveals com - originates in the L4−L5 disk space. c In the axial T1-
pression of the rootlets of the cauda equina, which are seen weighted im age, the lum en of the spinal canal is seen to be
as dark filam ents surrounded by bright cerebrospinal fluid. nearly entirely filled with prolapsed disk tissue. The hernia-
The conus m edullaris lies at L1. b The large disk herniation is tion is ventral and on the right side (arrow).

or absen t qu adriceps reflex (patellar or kn ee- Plexus Syndromes

jerk reflex)
Th e cervical plexus is form ed by n erve roots C2–C4,
¼ L4: pain w ith or w ith out paresth esia or hyp alge-
th e brachial plexus by n erve roots C5–T1, an d th e
sia in th e L4 derm atom e; quadriceps w eakn ess;
lumbosacral plexus by n erve roots L1–S3.
dim in ish ed qu adriceps reflex
¼ L5: pain w ith or w ith ou t paresth esia or hypal-
Lesions of the Cervica l Plexus
gesia in th e L5 derm atom e; w eakn ess of th e
exten sor h allucis lon gu s an d often also of th e Th e cervical plexu s (Fig. 3.31) occu pies a relatively
exten sor digitorum brevis; loss of th e tibialis sh eltered position an d is th us rarely in ju red. Un i-
posterior reflex lateral or bilateral ph ren ic n erve dysfu n ction (C3,
¼ S1: pain w ith or w it h ou t parest h esia or hy- C4, an d C5) is m ore com m on ly cau sed by a m edi-
palgesia in th e S1 derm atom e; w eakn ess of th e astin al p rocess th an by a cervical p lexus lesion .
peron ei, gastrocn em iu s, an d soleus m uscles;
loss of th e gastrocn em iu s reflex (Ach illes or
an kle-jerk reflex).
Com plex Clinical Syndrom es due to Lesions of Specific Com ponents of the Nervous System · 63
Fig. 3.31 The cervical
plexus (schem atic drawing)
Suboccipital n.

Greater occipital n. C1

Hypoglossal n.
Lesser occipital n.

Great C2
auricular n.


cervical n.



Supraclavicular nn.

To the Phrenic n.
brachial plexus

Lesions of the Brachia l Plexus Causes of Brachial Plexus Lesions

Brach ial plexus lesion s are classified in to tw o Traum a, usually du e to road acciden ts or sportin g
types, u pp er an d low er, on clin ical an d pragm atic in ju ries, is by far th e m ost com m on cau se of dam -
grou n ds. Th e an atom y of th e brach ial plexu s is age to th e brach ial p lexus. Men are m u ch m ore
sh ow n in Fig. 3.32. frequ en tly affected th an w om en . Most patien ts are
betw een 20 an d 30 years old.
In upper brachial plexus palsy (Du ch en n e–Erb Brach ial plexu s dam age also h as m any etiologies
palsy), due to a lesion of th e C5 an d C6 n erve roots, oth er th an traum a: com pression syndrom es in th e
th e deltoid, biceps, brach ialis, an d brach ioradialis area of th e sh ou lder (scalen e syn drom e; com p res-
m uscles are p aretic. Th ere is a sen sory deficit over- sion by safety belts, ru cksack straps, etc.; costo-
lyin g th e deltoid m uscle an d on th e radial side of clavicu lar syn drom e; hyperabdu ction syn drom e);
th e arm an d h an d. tum ors (e.g., apical lu n g tu m or w ith Pan coast syn -
drom e); inflam m atory-allergic lesions (n eu ralgic
In low er brachial plexus palsy (Klu m pke palsy), due sh ou lder am yotrophy); an d birth injuries.
to a lesion of th e C8 an d T1 n erve roots, th e w rist
an d fin ger flexors an d t h e in trin sic m uscles of t h e Scalene syndrome (Fig. 3.33). Th e cords of th e
h an d are paretic. Occasion ally, Horn er syn drom e is brach ial plexus pass th rou gh th e so-called scalen e
presen t in addition . Th ere are prom in en t troph ic h iatu s, w h ich is delim ited by th e an terior an d
abn orm alities of th e h an d an d fin gers. m iddle scalen e m u scles an d th e first rib. Th e h iatus
3 64 · 3 Motor System

Fig. 3.32 The brachial

plexus (schem atic drawing)

Dorsal scapular n. C5


Suprascapular n. C7

Lateral cord
(C5 – C7 )
Posterior cord
(C5 – T1 )

Medial cord
(C8 – T1 ) Phrenic n.

Musculo- Subclavius n.
cutaneous n. Lateral
pectoral n.
pectoral n.

Median n.
Long thoracic n.
Radial n.
Subscapular n.
Axillary n.
Ulnar n. Thoracodorsal n.

n orm ally h as en ough room for th e cords of th e

brach ial p lexu s an d th e su bclavian artery, w h ich
C5 accom pan ies th em , bu t path ological abn orm alities
such as th ose associated w ith a cervical rib can
Anterior critically n arrow th e h iatu s. In su ch cases, th e
scalene m . C6 cords of th e brach ial p lexus an d th e su bclavian
Cervical rib artery m u st pass over th e att ach m en t of th e cervi-
cal rib to th e first (th oracic) rib an d are vu ln erable
Fibrous band C7
to com pression at th is site. Th e m ost prom in en t
Brachial plexus sym ptom of scalen e syn drom e (a typ e of t h oracic
ou tlet syn drom e) is p osition -depen den t pain radi-
atin g in to t h e up per lim b. Parest h esia an d hy-
pesth esia are often presen t, especially on th e uln ar
side of th e h an d. In severe, lon gstan din g cases,
th ere m ay be w eakn ess of Klum p ke type (see
p. 63). Dam age to th e sym path etic n erve fibers
Subclavian a. travelin g w ith th e subclavian artery frequ en tly
1st rib cau ses vasom otor distu rban ces as w ell.

Fig. 3.33 Scalene syndrome (thoracic outlet syndrom e)

due to a cervical rib.
Com plex Clinical Syndrom es due to Lesions of Specific Com ponents of the Nervous System · 65
Fig. 3.34 The lum-
L1 bosacral plexus (schem atic

Iliohypogastric n. L2

Ilioinguinal n.

Genitofemoral n.
Lateral femoral cutaneous n.

Obturator n.

Femoral n.


Superior gluteal n.
Inferior gluteal n.
Sciatic n.
Com m on peroneal (com m on fibular) n. S5
Tibial n.

Posterior fem oral cutaneous n.

Coccygeal n.
Pudendal n.

plexu s (w h ich w ou ld be an alogous to n eu ralgic

Lesions of the Lumbosacra l Plexus
sh ou lder am yotrophy). On t h e oth er h an d, m eta-
Here, too, lesion s m ay be classified in to tw o typ es: bolic distu rban ces such as diabetes m ellitu s are
lum bar plexu s lesion s an d sacral plexu s lesion s. m ore likely to affect th e lum bar plexu s th an th e
Th e an atom y of th e lu m bosacral plexu s is sh ow n in brach ial plexu s.
Fig. 3.34.
Sacral plexus lesions. Th e sacral plexus is form ed
Lumbar plexus lesions (L1, L2, an d L3) are less by n erve roots L4, L5, an d S1 th rough S3. Th e m ost
com m on th an brach ial plexu s lesion s, becau se of im portan t n erves em ergin g from th e sacral plexu s
th e sh eltered location of th e lu m bar p lexus. Th e are th e com m on peron eal an d tibial n erves, w h ich
cau ses of dam age to both plexu ses are largely th e are join ed togeth er as th e sciatic n erve in its cou rse
sam e. Th ere are, h ow ever, practically n o cases of dow n th e posterior th igh . Th e tw o n erves separate
in flam m atory-allergic dysfu n ction of th e lum bar from on e an oth er ju st above th e kn ee an d t h en
3 66 · 3 Motor System

Fig. 3.35 The course of

selected important peri-
pheral nerves
ous n. Ulnar n.
Median n.

and inferior
gluteal nn.

Femo -
ral n.

Sciatic n.
tor n.


Axillary n. Saphen-
ous n.
Radial n.

Tibial n.

Peroneal n.

Ulnar n.

follow th eir in dividual p ath s fu rth er dow n th e leg sion of th e tibial n erve w eaken s th e plan tar flexors,
(Fig. 3.35). m akin g toe-w alkin g im p ossible. Peron eal n erve
Th e com m on peron eal n erve m ain ly in n ervates palsy is m ore frequ en t th an tibial n erve p alsy, be-
th e exten sors of th e foot an d toe, w h ile th e tibial cau se th e cou rse of th e tibial n erve is relatively
n erve in n ervates th e plan tar flexors an d m ost of sh eltered. Peron eal n erve palsy im pairs sen sat ion
th e in t rin sic m u scles of th e foot. A lesion of th e on th e lateral surface of th e leg an d t h e dorsu m of
com m on peron eal n erve, or of th e com m on pero- th e foot, w h ile tibial n erve palsy im p airs sen sation
n eal portion of th e sciatic n erve, w eaken s th e ex- on th e sole.
ten sors, cau sin g a foot drop (steppage gait); a le-
Com plex Clinical Syndrom es due to Lesions of Specific Com ponents of the Nervous System · 67
Peripheral Nerve Syndromes
Tran section of a m ixed periph eral n erve causes
flaccid paresis of th e m u scle(s) su pplied by t h e
n erve, a sensory deficit in th e distribu tion of th e in -
terru pted afferen t fibers of th e n erve, an d auton-
om ic deficits.
Wh en th e con tin u ity of an axon is disru pted,
degen eration of t h e axon as w ell as of its m yelin
sh eath begin s w ith in h ou rs or days at th e site of
th e in ju ry, travels distally dow n th e axon , an d is
usually com p lete w ith in 15–20 days (so-called sec-
on dary or w allerian degeneration).
Dam aged axon s in th e cen tral n ervous system
lack th e ability to regen erate, bu t dam aged axon s
in periph eral n erves can do so, as lon g as th eir m y-
elin sh eath s rem ain in tact to serve as a tem plate
for th e regrow in g axon s. Even w h en a n erve is
com pletely tran sected, resu tu rin g of th e su n dered
en ds can be follow ed by n ear-com plete regen era-
tion of axon s an d restoration of fu n ction al activity.
Electrom yography (EMG) an d n erve con du ction
stu dies are often very h elp fu l in assessin g th e
severit y of a p eriph eral n erve in ju ry an d t h e
ch an ces for a good recovery.
Figu re 3.35 illustrates th e an atom ical cou rse of a
Fig. 3.36 Typical appearance of peripheral nerve pal-
n um ber of im portan t periph eral n erves th at are sies affe cting the hand. a Wrist drop (radial nerve palsy).
com m on ly in ju red. Figure 3.36 sh ow s typical clin i- b Claw hand (ulnar nerve palsy). c Pope’s blessing (m edian
cal p ict ures of radial, m edian , an d u ln ar n erve p al- nerve palsy). d Monkey hand (com bined m edian and ulnar
sies. nerve palsy). The areas of sensory deficit are shaded blue.
Th e m ore com m on causes of isolated periph eral
n erve palsies are: com pression of a n erve at an
an atom ically vuln erable poin t or bott len eck
w ell as of a feelin g of sw ellin g in th e w rist or th e
(scalen e syn drom e, cu bital tu n n el syn drom e, car-
en tire h an d. Th e pain can often be elicited clin i-
pal t un n el syn drom e, peron eal n erve in ju ry at th e
cally by tap pin g th e carpal tu n n el (positive Tin el
fibu lar h ead, t arsal tu n n el syn drom e); traum atic
sign ). A fin din g of slow ed n erve con du ction
injury (in clu din g iatrogen ic lesion s, e.g., pun cture
th rough th e carpal tu n n el on n eurography of th e
an d in jection in ju ries); an d ischem ia (e.g., in com -
m edian n erve is con firm atory. Trop h ic abn orm ali-
partm en t syn drom e an d, less com m on ly, in in fec-
ties an d atrophy of th e lateral th en ar m uscles (ab-
tiou s/in flam m atory processes).
du ctor p ollicis brevis an d oppon en s pollicis) are
com m on in advan ced cases. Th e m edian n erve
Ca rpa l Tunnel Syndrome
con tain s an u n u su ally large proportion of au to-
Carp al tu n n el syn drom e (Fig. 3.37a) is cau sed by n om ic fibers; th u s, m edian n erve lesion s are a
m edian n erve dam age in th e carp al tun n el, w h ich frequ en t cause of com p lex region al pain syn drom e
can be n arrow ed at th e site w h ere th e n erve passes (previou sly called reflex sym path etic dystrophy, or
un der th e tran sverse carpal ligam en t (flexor reti- Su deck syn drom e).
n aculu m ). Patien ts typically com plain of pain an d
paresth esiae in th e affected h an d, w h ich are espe-
cially severe at n igh t an d m ay be felt in th e en tire
up per lim b (brach ialgia paresth etica n octurn a), as
3 68 · 3 Motor System

Fig. 3.37 a Carpal tunnel

w ith median nerve (carpal
Flexor Median n.
tunnel syndrom e). b Cubi-
tal tunne l syndrome: pres-
sure palsy of the ulnar
Carpal tunnel
nerve due to external com -
pression or dislocation.

Ulnar n.

a b

Ulna r Nerve Lesions—Cubita l Tunnel m otor, au ton om ic), or by th e distribu tion of n eu ro-
Syndrome logical deficits (m on on europathy m u ltiplex, distal-
sym m etric, proxim al). Polyn eu ropath ies an d poly-
Uln ar n erve palsy is th e secon d m ost com m on p e-
n eu ritides h ave m any cau ses, an d th eir diagn osis
riph eral n erve con dition , after m edian n erve palsy.
an d treatm en t are accordin gly com plex. A m ore
Th e uln ar n erve is particu larly vuln erable to in ju ry
detailed discussion of th ese disorders w ou ld be
at th e site of its passage t h rou gh th e cu bital tu n n el,
beyon d t h e scope of th is book.
on th e m edial side of th e exten sor aspect of th e
elbow (Fig. 3.37b). It can be dam aged h ere by acu te
Differentia l Dia gnosis of Radicula r a nd
trau m a or, even m ore com m on ly, by ch ron ic pres-
Periphera l Nerve Lesions
sure, e.g., by h abitually prop pin g u p th e arm on a
h ard surface, w h ich m ay be an u n avoidable pos- Th e fu n ction s of in dividu al m u scles an d th eir
tu re in certain occupation s. Paresth esia an d hypes- radicular (segm en tal) an d periph eral n erve in n er-
th esia in th e u ln ar portion of th e h an d are accom - vat ion are listed in Table 3.1. Th e in form ation in
pan ied, in advan ced cases, by at rophy of th e hy- th is table can be u sed to determ in e w h eth er
poth en ar m u scles an d of th e addu ctor p ollicis m u scle w eakn ess in a particu lar distribu tion is due
(u ln ar n erve p alsy w ith claw h an d). to a radicular or a periph eral n erve lesion , an d to
localize th e lesion to th e particu lar root or n erve
Polyneuropa thies th at is affected.

A p ath ological process affectin g m u ltip le periph -

eral n erves is called polyn eu ropathy, an d an in fec-
tiou s or in flam m atory process affectin g m ultiple
periph eral n erves is called polyn eu ritis. Poly-
n eu ropath ies can be classified by h istological–
structu ral criteria (axon al, dem yelin atin g, vascu -
lar-isch em ic), by t h e system s th ey affect (sen sory,
Com plex Clinical Syndrom es due to Lesions of Specific Com ponents of the Nervous System · 69
Table 3.1 Segmental and Peripheral Innervation of Muscles

Function Muscle Nerve

I. Cervica l plexus, C1–C4

Cervical nerves
Flexion, extension, rotation, and lateral flexion of the Deep m uscles of the neck C1–C4
neck (also sternocleidom astoid and
Elevation of the upper rib cage, inspiration Scalene m uscles C3–C5

Phrenic nerves
Inspiration Diaphragm C3, C4, C5

II. Brachial plexus, C5–T1

Medial and lateral pectoral

Adduction and internal rotation of the arm and depres- Pectoralis m ajor C5–T1
sion of the shoulder from posterior to anterior Pectoralis m inor

Long thoracic nerve

Fixation of the scapula on lifting of the arm (protrac- Serratus anterior C5–C7
tion of the shoulder)

Dorsal scapular nerve

Elevation and adduction of the scapula toward the Levator scapulae C4–C5
spine Rhom boids

Suprascapular nerve
Elevation and external rotation of the arm Supraspinatus C4–C6
External rotation of the arm at the shoulder Infraspinatus C4–C6

Thoracodorsal nerve
Internal rotation of the arm at the shoulder, and adduc- Latissim us dorsi C5–C8
tion from anterior to posterior as well as depression of Teres m ajor (from the posterior cord of
the elevated arm Subscapularis the brachial plexus)

Axillary nerve
Lateral elevation (abduction) of the arm up to the hori- Deltoid C5–C6
zontal position
External rotation of the arm Teres m inor C4–C5

Musculocutaneous ne rve
Flexion of the arm and forearm , supination Biceps brachii C5–C6
Elevation and adduction of the arm Coracobrachialis C5–C7
Elbow flexion Brachialis C5–C6

Median nerve
Flexion and radial deviation of the hand Flexor carpi radialis C6–C7
Pronation Pronator teres C6–C7
Wrist flexion Palm aris longus C7–T1
Flexion of the interphalangeal (IP) joint of the thum b Flexor pollicis longus C6–C8
Flexion of the proxim al IP joints of the 2nd through Flexor digitorum superficialis C7–T1
5th fingers
Flexion of the distal IP joints of the 2nd and 3rd fingers Flexor digitorum profundus C7–T1
(radial part)
Abduction of 1st m etacarpal Abductor pollicis brevis C7–T1
3 70 · 3 Motor System

Table 3.1 Segmental and Peripheral Innervation of Muscles (continued)

Function Muscle Nerve

Median nerve
Flexion of the m etacarpophalangeal (MP) joint of the Flexor pollicis brevis C7–T1
thum b
Opposition of 1st m etacarpal Opponens pollicis brevis C6–C7
Flexion of MP joints and extension of IP joints of 2nd Lum bricals I, II C8–T1
and 3rd fingers

Ulnar nerve
Flexion of MP joints and extension of IP joints of 4th Lum bricals III, IV C8–T1
and 5th fingers
Flexion and ulnar deviation of the hand Flexor carpi ulnaris C7–T1
Flexion of the distal IP joints of the 4th and 5th fingers Flexor digitorum profundus C7–T1
(ulnar part)
Abduction of 1st m etacarpal Adductor pollicis C8–T1
Abduction of 5th finger Abductor digiti quinti C8–T1
Opposition of 5th finger Opponens digiti quinti C7–T1
Flexion of MP joint of 5th finger Flexor digiti quinti brevis C7–T1
Flexion of MP and extension of IP joints of 3rd, 4th, and Interossei (palm ar and dorsal) C8–T1
5th fingers; also ab- and adduction of these fingers

Radial nerve
Elbow extension Triceps brachii, anconeus C6–C8
Elbow flexion Brachioradialis C5–C6
Extension and radial deviation of hand Extensor carpi radialis C6–C8
Extension at MP joints of 2nd through Extensor digitorum C6–C8
5th fingers; spreading of the fingers;
dorsiflexion of the hand
Extension of 5th finger Extensor digiti quinti C6–C8
Extension and ulnar deviation of hand Extensor carpi ulnaris C6–C8
Supination Supinator C5–C7
Abduction of 1st m etacarpal, radial Abductor pollicis longus C6–C7
extension of the hand
Extension of thum b at MP joint Extensor pollicis brevis C7–C8
Extension of thum b at IP joint Extensor pollicis longus C7, C8
Extension of 2nd finger at MP joint Extensor indicis proprius C6–C8

Intercostal nerves
Elevation of the ribs, expiration, Valsalva m aneuver, Thoracic and abdom inal
anteroflexion and lateral flexion of the trunk m uscles

III. Lumba r plexus, T12–L4

Femoral nerve
Hip flexion and internal rotation Iliopsoas L1–L3
Hip flexion and external rotation; knee flexion and Sartorius L2–L3
internal rotation
Knee extension Quadriceps fem oris L2–L4
Com plex Clinical Syndrom es due to Lesions of Specific Com ponents of the Nervous System · 71
Table 3.1 Segmental and Peripheral Innervation of Muscles (continued)

Function Muscle Nerve

Obturator nerve
Thigh adduction Pectineus L2–L3
Adductor longus L2–L3
Adductor brevis L2–L4
Adductor m agnus L3–L4
Gracilis L2–L4
Thigh adduction and external rotation Obturator externus L3–L4

IV. Sacral plexus, L5–S1

Superior gluteal nerve

Thigh abduction and internal rotation Gluteus m edius L4–S1
Gluteus m inim us
Hip flexion; thigh abduction and internal rotation Tensor fasciae latae L4–L5
Thigh abduction and external rotation Piriform is L5–S1

Inferior gluteal nerve

Hip extension Gluteus m axim us L4–S2
Obturator internus L5–S1
External rotation of the thigh Gem elli L4–S1
Quadratus fem oris L4–S1

Sciatic nerve
Knee flexion Biceps fem oris L4–S2
Sem itendinosus L4–S1
Sem im em branosus L4–S1

Deep peroneal nerve

Dorsiflexion and supination of the foot Tibialis anterior L4–L5
Extension of toes and foot Extensor digitorum L4–S1
Extension of 2nd through 5th toes Extensor digitorum brevis L4–S1
Extension of great toe Extensor hallucis longus L4–S1
Extensor hallucis brevis L4–S1

Superficial peroneal nerve

Dorsiflexion and pronation of the foot Peroneal m uscles L5–S1

Tibial nerves
Plantar flexion of the foot in supination Gastrocnem ius L5–S2
(together called triceps surae)
Supination and plantar flexion of the foot Tibialis posterior L4–L5
Flexion of distal IP joints of 2nd through 5th toes; plan- Flexor digitorum longus L5–S2
tar flexion of the foot in supination
Flexion of IP joint of great toe Flexor hallucis longus L5–S2
Flexion of proxim al IP joints of 2nd through 5th toes Flexor digitorum brevis S1–S3
Flexion of MP joints of toes, abduction and adduction Plantar m uscles of the foot S1–S3
of toes

Pudendal nerve
Closure of bladder and bowel Vesical and anal S2–S4
3 72 · 3 Motor System

Syndromes of the Neuromuscular Myopa thy

Junction and Muscle In con trast to m yasth en ia, th e m yopath ies (p ri-
m ary disorders of m u scle) gen erally cau se slow ly
progressive, n on -exercise-depen den t w eakn ess.
Abn orm al fatigabilit y of striated m u scle is th e car- Myop ath ic m u scle atrophy is less severe th an n eu-
din al m an ifestation of disorders of th e n euro- rogen ic m u scle at rophy an d is partially con cealed
m uscu lar ju n ction . Exercise-dependent w eakness by fatt y replacem en t of m u scle tissu e (lip osis, also
often affects th e extraocu lar m u scles first, causin g called lip om atosis), so th at th ere m ay be a discre-
ptosis or diplopia, as th e m otor un its of th ese pan cy betw een th e n orm al or p seu dohypertroph ic
m uscles con tain on ly a sm all n u m ber of m u scle appearan ce of m uscle an d t h e actu al degree of
fibers. Patien ts w ith gen eralized m yasth en ia also w eakn ess. Th ere are n o sen sory or au ton om ic defi-
suffer from dysph agia an d exercise-depen den t , cits, n or are th ere fasciculation s, w h ich w ould
m ain ly proxim al w eakn ess of skeletal m u scle. Th e im ply a n eu rogen ic lesion . Myalgia an d m u scle
m ost com m on cau se of th e m yasth en ic syn drom e sp asm s are m ore com m on in m etabolic th an in
is m yasth en ia gravis (older term : m yasth en ia con gen ital m yopath ies.
gravis pseudoparalytica), an autoim m u n e disease Th e m any types of m yopathy in clu de th e
in w h ich th e body form s an tibodies again st th e m u scu lar dystrop h ies (X-lin ked recessive, auto-
acetylch olin e receptors or ot h er com pon en ts of th e som al dom in an t, an d recessive), m etabolic m y-
m otor en d plate. Too few receptors are left for ade- op ath ies, m yoton ic dystroph ies (w ith addition al
qu ate sign al t ran sm ission , so th at th e m u scles can m an ifestation s su ch as cataract, fron tal baldn ess,
n o lon ger be su fficien tly excited by th e n erves th at an d oth er system ic abn orm alities, as in Stein ert–
in n ervate th em . Th e electrom yograp h ic correlate is Batten–Cursch m an n dystrop hy), an d m yositides. A
a dim in u tion in size (“decrem en t”) of th e m uscle system atic discu ssion of th ese diseases w ould be
action poten tial on repetitive electrical st im u lation beyon d th e scope of th is book. Th e m ost im portan t
of an affected m u scle. Myasth en ia gravis is diag- in form ation for th e differen tial diagn osis of m y-
n osed on th e basis of th e typical clin ical m an ifesta- opathy is derived from a detailed fam ily h istory,
tion s, th e electrom yograp h ic decrem en t, th e de- clin ical exam in ation , laboratory tests (particularly
m on stration of circu latin g an tibodies to th e acetyl- creatin e kin ase), an d electrom yograp hy, as w ell as
ch olin e receptor or oth er autoan tibodies, an d th e from m olecu lar gen etic an alysis, w h ich h as be-
im provem en t of w eakn ess up on adm in istration of com e h igh ly soph isticated in recen t years an d can
a sh ort-actin g acetylch olin esterase in h ibitor, such n ow provide an u n equ ivocal diagn osis in m any
as edrop h on iu m ch loride. Th e disorder can be cases. Th is, in tu rn , en ables a m ore reliable progn o-
treated effectively w ith lon ger-actin g acetylch o- sis an d w ell-foun ded gen etic cou n selin g.
lin esterase in h ibitors, im m u n e sup pression , an d
addition ally (in som e you n ger patien ts) thy-
m ectom y.

4 Brainstem
Surface Anatomy of the Brainstem . . . 74
Cranial Nerves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
Topographical Anatomy of
the Brainstem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134
Brainstem Disorders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145
4 74

4 Brainstem

Th e brain stem is th e m ost caudally situated an d (th e reticular formation), w h ich con tain s th e es-
phylogen et ically oldest portion of th e brain . It is sen t ial autonomic regulatory centers for m any
grossly su bdivided in to th e medulla oblongata vital bodily fu n ction s, in clu din g cardiac activity,
(u su ally called sim ply th e medulla), pons, an d mid- circulation , an d respiration . Th e reticu lar form a-
brain (or mesencephalon). Th e m edulla is th e ros- tion also sen ds activatin g im pu lses to th e cerebral
tral con tin u ation of th e sp in al cord, w h ile th e m id- cortex th at are n ecessary for th e m ain ten an ce of
brain lies ju st below t h e dien cep h alon ; th e pon s is con sciousn ess. Descen din g path w ays from th e re-
th e m iddle portion of th e brain stem . Ten of th e 12 ticular form ation in flu en ce th e activity of th e sp i-
pairs of cranial nerves (CN III–XII) exit from th e n al m otor n eu ron s.
brain stem an d are prim arily respon sible for th e in - Becau se th e brain stem con tain s so m any differ-
n ervation of th e h ead an d n eck. CN I (th e olfactory en t n uclei an d n erve path w ays in such a com pact
n erve) is th e in itial segm en t of th e olfactory path - sp ace, even a sm all lesion w ith in it can produ ce
w ay; CN II (th e optic n erve) is, in fact, n ot a periph - n eu rological deficits of several differen t types oc-
eral n erve at all, bu t rath er a t ract of t h e cen tral cu rrin g sim u ltan eou sly (as in th e variou s brain-
n ervou s system . stem vascular syndromes). A relatively com m on
Th e brain stem con tain s a large n u m ber of fiber brain stem fin din g is so-called crossed paralysis or
path w ays, in cludin g all of t h e ascending and de- alternating hemiplegia, in w h ich cran ial n erve
scending pathw ays lin kin g t h e brain w ith t h e pe- deficits ipsilateral to th e lesion are seen in com bi-
riph ery. Som e of th ese path w ays cross t h e m idlin e n ation w ith paralysis of th e con tralateral h alf of
as th ey pass t h rou gh th e brain stem , an d som e of th e body.
th em form syn apses in it before con tin uin g alon g In gen eral, cran ial n erve deficits can be
th eir path . Th e brain stem also con tain s m any nu- classified as supranuclear, i.e., cau sed by a lesion
clei, in cludin g th e nuclei of cranial nerves III in a descen din g path w ay from h igh er cen ters, u su -
through XII; th e red nucleus an d substantia nigra ally th e cerebral cortex, w h ich term in ates in th e
of th e m idbrain , th e pontine nuclei, an d th e olivary correspon din g cran ial n erve n u cleu s in th e brain -
nuclei of th e m edulla, all of w h ich play an im por- stem ; nuclear, if th e lesion is in t h e cran ial n erve
tan t role in m otor regu latory circu its; an d th e n u- n ucleu s itself; fascicular, if th e lesion involves
clei of th e quadrigeminal plate of th e m idbrain , n erve root fibers before th eir exit from th e brain -
w h ich are im portan t relay station s in th e visual stem ; or peripheral, if th e lesion involves th e
an d auditory pat h w ays. Furth erm ore, practically cran ial n erve proper after its exit from th e brain -
th e en tire brain stem is p erm eated by a diffu se n et- stem . Th e type of deficit produced depen ds on th e
w ork of m ore or less “den sely packed” n euron s site of th e lesion .

Dorsal view. Th e gracile tubercles are seen on eith er

Surface Anatomy of the side of th e m idlin e, flan ked by th e cuneate
Brainstem tubercles (Fig. 4.1b). Th ese sm all p rotrusion s are
produ ced by th e un derlyin g gracile n u cleus an d
Th e three brainstem segments, i.e., th e m idbrain , cu n eate n ucleu s of both sides. Th ese are th e relay
pon s, an d m edu lla, h ave clearly defin ed borders on n u clei in w h ich th e posterior colu m n fibers of th e
th e ven tral surface of th e brain stem (Fig. 4.1a). spin al cord form syn apses on to th e secon d n euron s
of th e afferen t path w ay, w h ich , in tu rn , project by
w ay of th e m edial lem n iscu s to th e th alam us. Th e
rostral border of t h e m edulla is defin ed by a lin e
Th e m edu lla exten ds from th e site of exit of th e draw n th rou gh th e caudal portion of th e m iddle
roots of th e first cervical n erve (C1), at th e level of cerebellar pedu n cles. Th e floor of th e fourth ven -
th e foram en m agn um , to its jun ction w ith th e p on s tricle, or rhom boid fossa, is bou n ded laterally by th e
2.5–3 cm m ore rost rally. in ferior an d su perior cerebellar pedu n cles an d
Surface Anatom y of the Brainstem · 75
divided in to rostral an d cau dal portion s by th e th ese h orizon tally disp osed pon tocerebellar fibers,
striae m edullares, w h ich con tain fibers ru n n in g w h ich th en , in turn , cross th e m idlin e an d travel by
from th e arcu ate n u clei to th e cerebellum . Th e w ay of th e m iddle cerebellar pedun cle to th e cere-
cau dal part of th e floor con tain s a n um ber of pro- bellu m . A sh allow groove in th e m idlin e of t h e ven -
tru sion s (tubercles) produ ced by th e u n derlyin g tral aspect of th e pon s con tain s th e vertically
cran ial n erve n uclei, in clu din g th e vagal triangle cou rsin g basilar artery. Th e groove is n ot cau sed by
(or “trigon e”; dorsal n u cleus of th e vagus n erve), th e artery, but rath er by th e bu lges on eith er side
th e hypoglossal triangle (n u cleu s of th e hypoglossal produ ced by th e pyram idal tracts as th ey descen d
n erve), an d th e vestibular area (vestibu lar an d th rough th e basis pon tis.
coch lear n u clei), w h ile th e rostral part con tain s th e
facial t ubercle, w h ich is produced by th e fibers of Lateral view. Th e lateral view (Fig. 4.1c) reveals th e
th e facial n erve as th ey cou rse arou n d th e abdu- h orizon tally disposed pon tin e fibers com in g to-
cen s n u cleu s. Th e roof of th e fourth ven tricle is geth er to form th e m iddle cerebellar peduncle
m ade up of th e sup erior m edullary velu m , th e (brach iu m pon tis). Th e trigem inal nerve (CNV)
cerebellar p edu n cles, an d th e cerebellu m itself. em erges from th e pon s just m edial to th e origin of
th e m iddle cerebellar pedun cle.
Ventral and lateral view s. A ven tral view of th e
m edu lla (Fig. 4.1a) reveals th e pyram ids, w h ich Dorsal view. Th e dorsal aspect of th e pon s form s
len d th eir n am es to th e pyram idal tracts, w h ose th e su perior portion of th e floor of th e fou rth ven -
fibers cou rse th rou gh t h em . Th e pyram idal decus- tricle. It takes th e form of a trian gle w h ose base is a
sation can also be seen h ere. Lateral to th e pyram id h orizon tal lin e defin in g th e border betw een th e
on eith er side is an oth er p rot ru sion called th e dorsal aspects of th e pon s an d th e m edu lla. At
olive, w h ich con tain s th e inferior olivary nucleus. eith er en d of t h is lin e, th e fou rth ven tricle open s
Th e hypoglossal nerve (XII) em erges from th e in to th e su barach n oid space th rou gh a lateral aper-
brain stem in t h e ven trolateral su lcus betw een th e ture (foram en of Luschka). Th e unp aired m edian
pyram id an d th e olive. Th e n uclei of th e hyp oglos- aperture of th e fou rth ven tricle (foram en of
sal n erve, like th ose of th e n erves to th e extraocular Magendie) is seen at th e cau dal en d of th e ven tricle
m uscles, are located n ear th e m idlin e in th e brain - (Fig. 4.1c). Th e roof of th e fourth ven tricle is
stem , in th e basal lam in a. Dorsal to th e olive, th e form ed by th e su perior cerebellar p edu n cles (bra-
roots of th e accessory (XI), vagus (X), an d glos- ch ia con ju n ct iva) an d th e su perior m edu llary
sopharyngeal (IX) nerves em erge from t h e brain - velu m .
stem in a vertically orien ted row (Fig. 4.1a an d c).
Fu rt h er dorsally, bet w een th e exit of th ese n erves
an d th e dorsolateral su lcu s, lies th e tuberculum
cinereum , form ed by th e n ucleu s of th e spin al tract Th e m idbrain (m esen ceph alon ) lies betw een th e
of t h e trigem in al n erve. Th is is also th e site of th e pon s an d th e dien cep h alon .
posterior spin ocerebellar tract, w h ich ascen ds to
th e cerebellu m by w ay of t h e in ferior cerebellar Ventral view. Th e ven tral view reveals tw o prom i-
pedun cle (restiform body). n en t bu n dles of fibers convergin g on to th e pon s.
Th ese are th e cerebral peduncles, or, as th ey are al-
tern atively called, th e crura cerebri (sin gu lar: crus
cerebri). Th e groove betw een th e pedu n cles,
Ventral view. Th e pon s (“bridge”) is so called be- kn ow n as th e in terp edu n cu lar fossa, is th e site of
cau se, w h en view ed from th e fron t, it appears to em ergen ce of t h e tw o oculom otor nerves (CN III)
con n ect th e tw o cerebellar h em isph eres to each from th e brain stem . Th e cerebral pedun cles disap-
oth er w ith a broad ban d of h orizon tally disposed pear caudally as th ey en ter th e pon s; rostrally, th ey
fibers, w h ich is boun ded caudally by th e m edu lla are en circled by th e optic tracts before en terin g th e
an d rostrally by t h e cerebral pedun cles (cru ra cere- cerebral h em isph eres (Fig. 4.1a).
bri) of th e m idbrain . Th e descen din g corticopontine
fibers form a syn apse w ith th eir secon d n eu ron s on Dorsal view. Th e dorsal asp ect of th e m idbrain (th e
th e ipsilateral side of th e pon s, w h ich give rise to m idbrain tectum , i.e., “roof”) con tain s fou r protru-
4 76 · 4 Brainstem

Mam illary Pulvinar

body Tectal lam ina Tela choroidea of
(quadrigem inal plate) the third ventricle
Crus cerebri Optic
tract Medial Epiphysis
body Superior m edullary



Middle Floor of
cerebellar the fourth
peduncle ventricle

Inferior Facial
cerebellar colliculus
Inferior olive peduncle Vestibular
Pyram id Striae m edullares of area
Pyram idal the fourth ventricle Tubercle of the
Hypoglossal nucleus cuneatus
Antero- triangle Area postrema
sulcus Vagal triangle Tubercle of the
Tuberculum nucleus gracilis
a cinereum Obex
(a) Brachium of the b
superior colliculus Superior colliculus (vision)

(b) Brachium of the Inferior colliculus (hearing)

inferior colliculus
Superior m edullary velum
Medial geniculate
body (hearing) Floor of the fourth ventricle
Lateral egress of the fourth
ventricle (foram en of Luschka)
Median egress of the fourth
ventricle (foram en of Magendie)
Tuberculum cinereum
Lateral geniculate (overlies the nucleus of the
body (vision) spinal tract of the trigem inal n.)

Crus cerebri Posterior m edian sulcus

Pons Posterolateral sulcus

Inferior sulcus

Fig. 4.1 Brainstem. a Ventral view. b Dorsal view. c Lateral view.

sion s collect ively term ed th e quadrigem inal plate. Lateral view. Th e tw o sm all protru sion s lyin g
Visu al in form ation is processed in th e u pper tw o lateral to th e quadrigem in al plate are th e m edial
protru sion s (th e superior colliculi), w h ile au ditory geniculate body (an auditory relay area) an d th e
in form ation is processed in th e low er tw o protru- lateral geniculate body (a visu al relay area). Th e
sion s (th e inferior colliculi), w h ich are som ew h at gen icu late bodies are com pon en ts of th e th alam us
sm aller. Th e trochlear nerve (CN IV) em erges from an d th u s belon g n ot to th e brain stem but to th e
th e brain stem ju st below th e in ferior collicu lu s on dien ceph alon .
eith er side an d th en courses ven t rally arou n d th e For didactic reason s, th e in tern al stru ctu re of
cerebral pedun cle. It is th e on ly cran ial n erve th at th e brain stem w ill be presen ted after th e cran ial
em erges from th e dorsal aspect of t h e brain stem . n erves h ave been discu ssed.
Cranial Nerves · 77
Fig. 4.2 Cranial nerve
Sensory Motor nuclei, dorsal view (sche-
Accessory (autonom ic) m atic drawing). The som a-
nucleus = Edinger– tosensory and special
Mesencephalic nucleus and Westphal nucleus
sensory nuclei are shown
tract of the trigem inal n. Nucleus of the oculomotor n.
on the left side of the
Nucleus of the trochlear n.
Principal sensory nucleus figure, the m otor and para-
of the trigem inal n. Motor nucleus of the
trigem inal n. sym pathetic nuclei on the

Nuclei of the Superior and inferior

vestibular n. salivatory nuclei
Nucleus of Nucleus am biguus
the cochlear n.

Nucleus of the tractus solitarius Nucleus cuneatus

Spinal nucleus and tract Dorsal nucleus of the vagus n.
of the trigem inal n. Nucleus of the hypoglossal n.
Nucleus gracilis
Nucleus of the accessory n.

h ow ever, th at th e secon d cran ial “n erve”—th e optic

Cranial Nerves n erve—is actu ally n ot a periph eral n erve at all, bu t
rath er a tract of th e cen tral n ervou s system .
Origin, Components, and Functions Recall th at spin al n erve fibers can be classified
as som atic afferen t, som atic efferen t , visceral af-
Figu re 4.2 is a sch em atic dorsal view of th e brain -
feren t, an d visceral efferen t . Th e classification of
stem , in w h ich th e m otor an d parasym path etic
cran ial n erve fibers is a little m ore com plicated,
cran ial n erve n uclei are sh ow n on th e righ t an d th e
for tw o reason s. Som e of th e cran ial n erve fibers
som atosen sory an d special sen sory n u clei are
are special sen sory fibers arisin g from th e sen se
sh ow n on th e left. Lateral view s sh ow in g th e an a-
organ s of th e h ead (vision , h earin g, taste, sm ell).
tom ical relation s of th e m otor an d p arasym pa-
Furth erm ore, som e of th e efferen t cran ial n erve
th etic n u clei, an d of th e som atosen sory an d sp ecial
fibers arise in n u clear areas th at are em bryologi-
sen sory n uclei, are foun d in Figu res 4.3 an d 4.4, re-
cally derived from th e bran ch ial arch es; th ese
fibers in n ervate m u scles of bran ch ial origin .
Th e origin , com pon en ts, an d fu n ction of th e in -
dividu al cran ial n erves are listed in Table 4.1. Figure Th ere resu lts a seven fold classification of cran ial
4.5 provides a syn optic view of th e sites of em er- n erve fibers, as follow s:
gen ce of all 12 cran ial n erves from th e brain stem , ¼ Som atic afferent fibers (p ain , tem perat ure,
th eir fu n ction al com pon en ts, an d th eir p erip h eral tou ch , pressure, an d p roprioceptive sen se from
sites of origin an d term in ation . All 12 cran ial n erves receptors in th e skin , join ts, ten don s, etc.)
are seen in t h e figu re, from I (olfactory n erve) to XII ¼ Visceral afferent fibers, w h ich carry im pu lses
(hypoglossal n erve); it sh ou ld be born e in m in d, (pain ) from th e in tern al organ s
4 78 · 4 Brainstem

Fig. 4.3 Motor and para-

sympathetic cranial nerve
III Accessory (autonomic) nucleus nuclei, lateral view (sche-
= Edinger–Westphal nucleus m atic drawing)

III Nucleus of the oculomotor n.

IV Nucleus of the trochlear n.

V Motor nucleus of the

trigem inal n.

VI Nucleus of the abducens n.

VII Nucleus of the facial n.

Superior salivatory nucleus

Inferior salivatory nucleus
interm edius X Dorsal nucleus of the vagus n.
XII Nucleus of the hypoglossal n.

Nucleus ambiguus

XI Nucleus of the accessory n.

¼ Special som atic afferent fibers carryin g im pu lses m u scles th at are derived from th e m esoderm al
from special receptors (eye, ear) bran ch ial arch es, i.e., th e m otor portion s of th e
¼ Special visceral afferent fibers carryin g im pu lses facial n erve (2n d bran ch ial arch ), glossoph aryn -
related to taste an d sm ell geal n erve (3rd bran ch ial arch ), an d vagu s n erve
¼ General som atic efferent fibers carryin g m otor (4th bran ch ial arch an d below )
im pu lses to th e skeletal m uscu latu re (ocu lom o-
tor, troch lear, abdu cen s, an d hypoglossal Th e cran ial n erves exit from th e sku ll th rough th e
n erves) open in gs (foram in a, fissures, can als) depicted on
¼ Visceral efferent fibers in n ervat in g th e sm ooth th e left side in Figu re 4.6. Th e cu t-off n erve stu m ps
m uscles, th e cardiac m u scu lature, an d th e in th eir corresp on din g open in gs are sh ow n on th e
glan ds (both sym path etic an d parasym path etic) righ t.
¼ Special branchial efferent fibers in n ervatin g
Cranial Nerves · 79
Fig. 4.4 Somatosensory
and special sensory
cranial nerve nuclei,
lateral view (schem atic

V Mesencephalic nucleus
and tract of the
trigeminal n.
V Principal sensory nucleus
of the trigem inal n.

VIII Nucleus of the vestibular n.

VIII Nucleus of the cochlear n.

Nervus interm edius


Nucleus of the tractus


V Spinal nucleus and tract

of the trigem inal n.

Table 4.1 The Cranial Nerves

Name Components Origin Function

I. Olfactory nerve Special visceral afferent Olfactory cells of the Olfaction

(or olfactory olfactory epithelium

II Optic nerve Special som atic afferent Retina, retinal ganglion Vision
(or optic fasciculus) cells

III. Oculomotor nerve (a) Som atic efferent Nucleus of the oculum otor Innervates superior, inferior,
nerve (m idbrain) and m edial rectus m uscles,
inferior oblique m uscle, and
levator palpebrae m uscle
(b) Visceral efferent Edinger−Westphal nuclei Sphincter pupillae m uscle,
(parasym pathetic) ciliary m uscle
(c) Som atic afferent Proprioceptors in the Proprioception
extraocular m uscles

IV. Trochlear nerve (a) Som atic efferent Nucleus of the trochlear Superior oblique m uscle
nerve (m idbrain)
(b) Som atic afferent Proprioceptors Proprioception
4 80 · 4 Brainstem

Table 4.1 The Cranial Nerves (Continued)

Na me Components Origin Function

V. Trigeminal nerve (a) som atic afferent Bipolar cells in the sem i- Sensation on the face and in
lunar ganglion the nasal and oral cavities
1st branchial arch (b) Branchial efferent Motor nucleus of the Muscles of m astication
trigem inal nerve
(c) Som atic afferent Proprioception Proprioception

VI. Abducens nerve Som atic efferent Nucleus of the abducens Lateral rectus m uscle

VII. Facial nerve (a) Branchial efferent Nucleus of the facial nerve Muscles of facial expression,
platysm a, stylohyoideus
m uscle, digastric m uscle
Nervus interm edius (b) Visceral efferent Superior salivatory nucleus Nasal and lacrim al glands,
2nd branchial arch salivation, sublingual and
subm andibular glands
(c) Special visceral afferent Geniculate ganglion Taste (anterior 2/ 3 of tongue)
(d) Som atic afferent Geniculate ganglion External ear, portions of the
auditory canal, external
surface of the tympanic
m em brane (som atosensory)

VIII. Vestibulocochlear Special som atic afferent (a) Vestibular ganglion Equilibrium , cristae of the
nerve sem ilunar canals, m aculae of
the utricle and saccule
(b) Spiral ganglion Hearing, organ of Corti

IX. Glossopharyngeal (a) Branchial efferent Nucleus am biguus Stylopharyngeus muscle,

nerve pharyngeal m uscles
3rd branchial arch (b) Visceral efferent (para- Inferior salivatory nucleus Salivation
sym pathetic) Parotid gland
(c) Special visceral afferent Inferior ganglion Taste (posterior 1/ 3 of the
(d) Visceral afferent Superior ganglion Som atosensory: posterior 1/ 3
of the tongue and pharynx
(gag reflex)
(e) Som atic afferent Superior ganglion Middle ear, eustachian tube
(som atosensory)

X. Vagus nerve (a) Branchial efferent Nucleus am biguus Muscles of the larynx and
4th branchial arch (b) Visceral efferent Dorsal nucleus of the vagus Thoracic and abdom inal
nerve viscera (parasym pathetic)
(c) Visceral afferent Inferior (nodose) ganglion Abdom inal cavity (som a-
(d) Special visceral afferent Taste: epiglottis
(e) Som atic afferent Superior (jugular) ganglion Auditory canal, dura m ater
(som atosensory)

XI. Accessory nerve (a) Branchial efferent Nucleus am biguus Muscles of the larynx and
(b) Som atic efferent Anterior horn cells Sternocleidom astoid and
trapezius m uscles

XII. Hypoglossal ne rve Som atic efferent Nucleus of the hypoglossal Muscles of the tongue
Cranial Nerves · 81
Fig. 4.5 Cranial nerves:
sites of exit from the
brainstem, components,
and distribution

Th e olfactory epithelium occup ies an area of about

Olfactory System (CN I)
2 cm 2 in th e roof of each n asal cavity, overlyin g
Th e olfactory path w ay (Figs. 4.7 an d 4.8) is com - portions of th e su perior n asal con ch a an d of th e
posed of th e olfactory epith elium of th e n ose, th e n asal septu m . It con tain s receptor cells, su pportive
olfactory n erve (CN I), th e olfactory bu lb an d tract, cells, an d glan ds (Bow m an ’s glan ds) th at secrete a
an d a cortical area (t h e paleocortex) exten din g serou s fluid, th e so-called olfactory m u cus, in
from th e u n cus of th e tem p oral lobe across t h e w h ich arom atic su bstan ces are probably dissolved.
an terior p erforated su bstan ce to th e m edial su r- Th e sensory cells (olfactory cells) are bipolar cells
face of t h e fron tal lobe un der t h e gen u of th e cor- w h ose p eriph eral processes term in ate in th e ol-
pu s callosu m . factory h airs of th e olfactory epit h elium .
4 82 · 4 Brainstem

Fig. 4.6 Sites of exit of

the cranial nerves from
the skull. The exit
foram ina are shown on the
Cribriform left, the transected cranial
plate (I)
nerves on the right.
Optic canal (II) I Olfactory bulb
Superior orbital
fissure (III, IV, VI, II Optic n.
V [ophthalm ic n.])
III Oculomotor n.

Carotid canal IV Trochlear n.

Ophthalm ic n.
Foram en rotundum
(V [maxillary n.]) Maxillary n.
Mandibular n. V
Foram en ovale
Trigem inal Trigem inal n.
(V [mandibular n.])
Foram en lacerum
Motor root
Internal VI Abducens n.
acoustic m eatus VII Facial n. and
(VII, VIII) nervus
interm edius
VIII Vestibulo-
cochlear n.
IX Glossopha-
Jugular foram en ryngeal n.
(IX, X, XI)
X Vagus n.
Hypoglossal XI Accessory n.
canal (XII) XII Hypoglossal n.

Olfactory nerve and olfactory bulb. Th e cen tral olfactory bu lb. Th e n eu rites of th ese cells form th e
processes (n eurites) of th e olfactory cells coalesce olfactory tract (2n d n euron ), w h ich lies adjacen t to
in to bun dles con tain in g h un dreds of u n m yelin ated an d ju st below th e fron tobasal (orbitofron tal) cor-
fibers surrou n ded by a Sch w an n -cell sh eath . Th ese tex. Th e olfactory tract divides in to th e lateral an d
fila olfactoria, abou t 20 on eith er side, are, in fact, m edial olfactory striae in fron t of th e an terior per-
th e olfactory n erves (CN I is th u s com posed of p e- forated substan ce; an oth er portion of it term in ates
riph eral n erve fibers, bu t is n ot a sin gle periph eral in th e olfactory trigone, w h ich also lies in fron t of
n erve in th e u su al sen se). Th ey pass th rou gh sm all th e an terior perforated substan ce. Th e fibers of th e
h oles in th e cribriform (“sievelike”) p late an d en ter lateral stria travel by w ay of th e lim en in su lae to
th e olfactory bulb, w h ere th ey form th e first syn - th e am ygdala, sem ilunar gyrus, an d am bient gyrus
apse of th e olfactory pat h w ay. Alth ou gh it is n ot (prepyriform area). Th is is th e site of th e 3rd n eu -
physically located in th e cerebral cortex, th e ol- ron , w h ich p rojects to t h e an terior portion of th e
factory bu lb is act ually a piece of th e telen - parahippocam pal gyrus (Brodm ann area 28, con -
ceph alon . With in it, com p lex syn apses are m ade tain in g th e cortical projection fields an d associa-
on to th e den drites of m itral cells, t ufted cells, an d tion area of th e olfactory system ). Th e fibers of th e
gran u le cells. m edial stria term in ate on n u clei of th e septal area
below th e gen u of th e corpus callosu m (su bcallosal
Olfactory pathw ay. Th e first n euron of th e ol- area) an d in fron t of th e anterior com m issure.
factory path w ay is th e bipolar olfactory cell; th e Fibers em ergin g from th ese n u clei p roject, in tu rn ,
secon d n eu ron s are th e m itral an d tufted cells of th e to th e op posite h em isph ere an d to th e lim bic sys-
Cranial Nerves · 83
Fig. 4.7 The olfactory
Longitudinal striae nerve and tract and the
Striae m edullares olfactory pathw ay
of the thalam us
Medial olfactory
Subcallosal area Habenulo-
cular tract


Olfactory bulb Inter-

Tegm ental
Olfactory e pithe lium longitudinal
Lateral Area 28
bipolar olfactory cells fasciculus
olfactory (entorhinal
stria area)
Uncus with Prepiriform Reticular
amygdaloid body area formation

Fig. 4.8 The olfactory

nerve and tract as seen
Olfactory bulb Olfactory tract from below

Me dial olfactory
stria Tem poral pole

Lateral olfactory
Lim en insulae
Anterior area
perforated substance Amygdaloid
Am bient gyrus
Sem ilunar
band of

tem . Th e olfactory p ath w ay is th e on ly sen sory Connections of the olfactory system w ith other
path w ay th at reach es th e cerebral cortex w it h ou t brain areas. An appetizin g arom a excites th e ap-
goin g th rough a relay in th e th alam u s. It s cen t ral petite an d in du ces reflex salivation , w h ile a fou l
con n ection s are com plex an d still in com pletely sm ell in du ces n au sea an d th e u rge to vom it, or
kn ow n . even actual vom itin g. Th ese processes also involve
th e em otion s: som e odors are pleasan t , oth ers
4 84 · 4 Brainstem

unp leasan t. Such em otion s probably com e abou t Rods and cones. Wh en ligh t falls on th e retin a, it in -
th rough con n ection s of th e olfactory system w ith du ces a ph otoch em ical reaction in th e rods an d
th e hyp ot h alam u s, th alam u s, an d lim bic system . con es, w h ich leads to th e gen eration of im p ulses
Am on g its ot h er con n ection s, th e septal area sen ds th at are u ltim ately prop agated to th e visual cortex.
association fibers to th e cin gu late gyrus. Th e rods w ere lon g th ou gh t to be respon sible for
Th e m ain con n ection s of th e olfactory system th e perception of brigh tn ess an d for vision in dim
w ith au ton om ic areas are th e m edial forebrain ligh t, w h ile th e con es w ere th ou gh t to su bserve
bundle an d th e striae m edullares thalam i (Fig. 6.9, color perception an d vision in brigh t ligh t. More
p. 180). Th e m edial forebrain bu n dle run s laterally recen t research , h ow ever, h as cast dou bt on th ese
th rou gh th e hypoth alam us an d gives off bran ch es to hyp oth eses. Th e u n derlyin g m ech an ism s of th ese
hypot h alam ic n u clei. Som e of its fibers con tin u e processes are probably m uch m ore com plex bu t
in to th e brain stem to term in ate in auton om ic cen - can n ot be discussed h ere in any fu rth er detail.
ters in th e reticu lar form ation , th e salivatory n u clei, Th e fovea is the site of sh arpest vision in th e ret-
an d t h e dorsal n ucleu s of t h e vagus n erve. Th e striae in a an d con tain s on ly con es, w h ich project on to
m edu llares th alam i term in ate in th e h aben u lar n u- th e bipolar cells of th e n ext n eu ron al layer in a on e-
cleus; th is path w ay th en con tin u es to th e in ter- to-on e relation sh ip. Th e rem ain der of th e retin a
pedun cu lar n ucleu s an d t h e brain stem ret icular for- con tain s a m ixture of rods an d con es.
m ation (Fig. 6.9, p. 180). Th e retin al im age of a visu ally p erceived object
is up side-dow n an d w ith left an d righ t inverted,
Disturbances of smell can be classified as eith er ju st like th e im age on th e film in a cam era.
qu an titative or qu alitat ive. Quan titative distur-
ban ces of sm ell in clude hyposm ia (dim in ish ed Optic nerve, chiasm, and tract. Th e retin al bipolar
sm ell) an d anosm ia (absen ce of sm ell). Th ey are al- cells receive inpu t on to th eir den drites from th e
w ays du e eith er to periph eral dam age of t h e ol- rods an d con es an d tran sm it im pu lses fu rth er cen -
factory n erve (e.g., becau se of rh in itis, t raum a w ith trally to th e gan glion cell layer. Th e lon g axon s of
disrupt ion of t h e n erve fibers in t h e cribriform th e gan glion cells pass th rou gh th e optic papilla
plate, or side effects of m edicat ion ), or to cen tral (disk) an d leave th e eye as th e optic n erve, w h ich
dam age of t h e secon d n eu ron in th e olfactory bu lb con tain s abou t 1 m illion fibers. Half of th ese fibers
an d/or tract (olfactory groove m en in giom a is a decu ssate in th e optic chiasm : th e fibers from th e
classic cau se). Qu alitative disturban ces of sm ell, tem poral h alf of each retin a rem ain u n crossed,
also kn ow n as parosm ias, m ay con sist of an un - w h ile th ose from th e n asal h alf of each retin a cross
pleasan t cacosm ia (e.g., fecal odor) or of hyper- to th e opp osite side (Fig. 4.9a).
osm ia (abn orm ally in ten se sm ell). Th ey are u su ally Th u s, at position s distal (posterior) to th e optic
du e to cen tral dysfu n ction , as in tem poral lobe ch iasm , fibers from t h e tem poral h alf of th e ipsi-
epilepsy. lateral retin a an d th e n asal h alf of th e con tralateral
ret in a are u n ited in th e optic tract.
Visual System (CN II) A sm all con tin gen t of optic n erve fibers
bran ch es off t h e optic tract s an d travels to th e su -
Visua l Pa thwa y
perior collicu li an d to n u clei in th e pretectal area
Th e retina (Fig. 4.9a) is th e receptor su rface for (see Fig. 4.26). Th ese fibers con stitu te th e afferen t
visual in form ation . Like th e opt ic n erve, it is a por- arm of variou s visu al reflexes, an d, in particu lar, of
tion of th e brain , despite its physical location at th e im portan t pupillary light reflex, w h ich w ill be
th e periph ery of th e cen tral n ervous system . Its discu ssed fu rth er below (p. 101).
m ost im portan t com pon en ts are th e sensory re-
ceptor cells, or photoreceptors, an d several types of Lateral geniculate body, optic radiation, and visual
neurons of t h e visu al path w ay. Th e deep est cellu - cortex. Th e optic t ract term in ates in th e lateral
lar layer of th e retin a con tain s th e p h otoreceptors geniculate body, w h ich con tain s six cellu lar layers.
(rods an d con es); th e tw o m ore su perficial layers Most of th e optic tract fibers en d h ere, form in g syn -
con tain th e bipolar n eu ron s an d th e gan glion apses w ith lateral gen iculate n eu ron s. Th ese, in
cells. tu rn , em it fibers th at ru n in th e h in dm ost portion of
th e in tern al capsule (Fig. 3.2, p. 37) an d t h en form a
Cranial Nerves · 85
Fig. 4.9 The optic nerve
Optic n. and the visual pathw ay.
3rd neuron: a Com position of the retina
(schem atic drawing). b The
visual pathway, with sites

2nd neuron of possible lesions. c The

Bipolar cells corresponding visual field

1st neuron



Pigm ent
Fovea Periphery
a Visual cortex

Optic n.

Optic tract

4th neuron
Optic radiation

Are a Superior striate area
19 an
d 18 Calcarine sulcus
Inferior striate area

broad ban d th at cou rses arou n d th e tem poral an d run n in g fibers, w h ich can be seen w ith th e n aked
occipit al h orn s of th e lateral ven tricle, t h e so-called eye in section ed an atom ical sp ecim en s.
optic radiation (of Gratiolet; see Fig. 4.10). Th e
fibers of th e optic radiat ion term in ate in th e visual Somatotopic organization of the visual pathw ay.
cortex, w h ich is located on th e m edial surface of th e Alth ou gh th e fibers of th e visual path w ay partially
occipit al lobe, w ith in , above, an d below th e cal- decu ssate in th e optic ch iasm , a strict poin t-to-
carin e fissu re (Brodm ann area 17). Fibers derived poin t som atotopic organ ization of th e in dividu al
from th e m acula occu py th e largest area of th e n erve fibers is preserved all th e w ay from th e ret-
visual cortex (Fig. 4.11). Area 17 is also kn ow n as in a to th e visu al cortex.
th e striate cortex because it con tain s th e stripe of Visu al in form ation is tran sm itted cen trally as
Gen n ari, a w h ite ban d com posed of h orizon t ally follow s. An object located in t h e left visu al field
4 86 · 4 Brainstem

Optic radiation for im pairm en t or loss of vision in th e affected eye.

lower half of the Brief episodes of visual im p airm en t in a sin gle
visual field
eye, last in g from a few secon ds to several
m in u tes (“tran sien t m on ocular blin dn ess”), are
design ated amaurosis fugax an d are gen erally
cau sed by m icroem bolism in to th e retin a. In such
cases, th e in tern al carotid artery is often th e
loop source of em boli an d sh ou ld be investigated for a
possible sten osis.

Calcarine area
Lesions of the optic chiasm, su ch as th ose produ ced
Optic radiation for upper
half of the visual field by a pit uitary tum or, cran iop h aryn giom a, or
Lateral Lateral m en in giom a of th e tu berculum sellae, gen erally af-
ventricle geniculate
(inferior horn) body fect th e decu ssat in g fibers in th e cen tral portion of
th e ch iasm . Th e resu lt is partial blin dn ess for ob-
Fig. 4.10 The optic radiation (of Gratriolet)
jects in th e tem poral h alf of th e visu al field of
eith er eye, i.e., bitemporal hemianopsia (th e
“blin ker ph en om en on ,” w h ere th e referen ce is to a
gives rise to im ages on th e n asal h alf of th e left ret-
h orse’s blin kers). Fibers in th e low er portion of th e
in a an d th e tem poral h alf of th e righ t retin a. Optic
ch iasm , derived from t h e low er p ortion of th e ch i-
n erve fibers derived from th e n asal h alf of th e left
asm , are com m on ly affected first by such pro-
retin a cross to th e left side in th e optic ch iasm to join
cesses; th u s, bitem poral up per quadran tan opsia is
th e fibers from th e tem poral h alf of th e righ t retin a
a com m on early fin din g. On ly color vision m ay be
in th e righ t optic tract. Th ese fibers th en p ass to a
im paired at first.
relay station in th e righ t lateral gen iculate body, an d
Less com m on ly, h ow ever, a lesion of th e ch iasm
th en by w ay of th e righ t optic radiation in to th e
can cause binasal hemianopsia, e.g., w h en a tu m or
righ t visu al cortex. Th e righ t visu al cortex is th u s re-
h as grow n aroun d th e ch iasm an d com p resses it
spon sible for th e perception of objects in th e left
from both sides (th u s m ain ly affectin g th e laterally
visual field; in an alogou s fash ion , all visu al im -
located, u n crossed fibers derived from th e tem -
pu lses relat in g to th e righ t visual field are tran s-
poral h alves of th e tw o retin as, w h ich are re-
m itted th rou gh th e left optic tract an d radiation in to
sp on sible for p erception in th e n asal h em ifield of
th e left visu al cortex (Fig. 4.9b).
each eye). An eurysm s of t h e in tern al carot id artery
Visu al fibers derived from th e m acu la are fou n d
an d basilar m en in git is are fu rth er possible cau ses,
in th e tem poral portion of th e optic disk an d in th e
bu t th e bin asal h em ian op sia in such cases is rarely
cen tral portion of th e optic n erve (Fig. 4.12). Dam -
age to th ese fibers can be seen by oph th alm oscopy
Bitem poral an d bin asal h em ian opsia are both
as atrop hy of t h e tem poral p ortion of th e disk
term ed heteronymous, becau se th ey affect op-
(tem poral pallor).
posite h alves of th e visual fields of th e tw o eyes:
th e form er affects th e righ t h em ifield of th e righ t
Lesions a long the Visua l Pa thwa y
eye an d th e left h em ifield of th e left eye, w h ile th e
Optic nerve lesions. Th e opt ic n erve can be dam - latter affects th e left h em ifield of th e righ t eye an d
aged at th e p apilla, in its an terior segm en t, or in th e righ t h em ifield of th e left eye.
its retrobulbar segm en t (i.e., beh in d th e eye). Le-
sions of the optic disk (e.g., papilledem a, caused Optic tract lesions, on th e oth er h an d, cau se homo-
by in tracran ial hyperten sion an d by a variety of nymous hemianopsia, in w h ich th e h em ifield of th e
m etabolic disorders) can be seen by op h th alm os- sam e side is affected in each eye. Wh en t h e fibers of
copy. Lesions of the anterior segment of the optic th e righ t optic tract are in terru pted, for exam p le, n o
nerve are often du e to vascu litis (e.g., tem poral visu al im pu lses derived from th e righ t side of eith er
arteritis). Retrobulbar lesions are a cardin al fin d- retin a can reach th e visual cortex. Th e resu lt is
in g in m u ltiple sclerosis (retrobu lbar n eu ritis). Le- blin dn ess in th e left h alf of t h e visu al field of each
sion s at any of th ese sites can cau se lon g-term eye (Figs. 4.9b an d c). Optic tract lesion s are usually
Cranial Nerves · 87
Fig. 4.11 Projection of
the visual fields onto the
retina, lateral geniculate
body, and visual cortex
Right Left Projection onto
Cuneus the left visual cortex

chiasm Projection on to
the left lateral
Right Left geniculate body

Projection onto the retina

Right Left

visual fields

Fig. 4.12 Position of the

Optic macular bundle in the
tract Optic retina, optic nerve, and
chiasm optic chiasm

Temporal Nasal


Optic n.

Optic disk

4 88 · 4 Brainstem

cau sed by a tu m or or basilar m en in git is, less often Lesions of the optic radiation. A lesion affectin g th e
by trau m a. p roxim al portion of th e optic radiation also cau ses
Because an in terru ption of th e optic tract also homonymous hemianopsia, w h ich , h ow ever, is
affects t h e optic n erve fibers travelin g to th e sup e- often incom plete, becau se th e fibers of th e optic
rior colliculi an d to th e p retectal area (cf. pp . 10 0 radiation are spread over a broad area (Fig. 4.9).
an d 101), it im pairs th e p upillary ligh t reflex in re- Hom onym ou s u pper quadran tan opsia im plies a le-
spon se to ligh t fallin g on th e side of t h e retin a ip si- sion in th e an terior tem poral lobe, affectin g th e
lateral to th e lesion . In t h eory, t h is hem ianopic light p art of th e radiation kn ow n as Meyer’s loop
reflex test could be u sed to distin gu ish optic tract (Fig. 4.10). Hom onym ou s low er qu adran tan opsia
lesion s from lesion s located m ore distally in th e im p lies a lesion in th e parietal or occipital portion
visu al p ath w ay. In p ractice, h ow ever, it is very diffi- of th e opt ic radiation .
cu lt to h in e a ligh t on to on e h alf of th e retin a exclu-
sively, an d t h e test is of n o u se in clin ical diagn osis.

Case Presentation 1: Lesion of the Optic Tract in a Pa tient with Multiple Sclerosis
This 19-year-old fem ale high-school senior, previously in ex- Further tests were perform ed, including an MRI scan of the
cellent health, noted a visual disturbance in which she had head, a cerebrospinal fluid exam ination, and recording of
blurry vision whenever she looked in certain directions. the visual evoked potentials (VEP). All of these tests con-
Within 24 hours, this blurriness spread over the entire right firm ed the clinical suspicion of an inflam m atory disease af-
hem ifield. She consulted her fam ily doctor, who referred fecting the CNS (m ultiple sclerosis) producing a lesion
her to hospital. along the course of the left optic tract. The patient was
The adm itting neurologist’s visualfield exam ination revealed given cortisone-bolus therapy and her sym ptom s resolved
right hom onym ous hem ianopsia sparing the upperm ost por- within three days.
tion of the right hem ifield. The rem ainder of the neurological
exam ination was norm al, as were the general physical exam i-
nation and all routine laboratory tests.

a b
Fig. 4.13 Inflammatory lesion of the left optic tract in a tract (arrow). b The T1-weighted coronal im age after in-
patient w ith multiple sclerosis, as revealed by MRI. a The travenous adm inistration of contrast m aterial reveals en-
T2-weighted coronal im age shows a hyperintense lesion hancem ent at this site, indicating a focus of acute inflam -
along the course of the left optic radiation above the m ation.
choroidal fissure, sparing only the basal portion of the optic
Cranial Nerves · 89
n u cleus of th e abdu cen s n erve lies in th e portion of
Eye Movements (CN III, IV, and VI)
th e p on tin e tegm en tu m un derlyin g th e floor of th e
Th ree cran ial n erves in n ervate th e m u scles of th e fou rth ven tricle.
eyes: t h e ocu lom otor n erve (CN III), th e troch lear Th e discu ssion of eye m ovem en ts in th is ch apter
n erve (CN IV), an d th e abdu cen s n erve (CN VI) w ill begin as sim ply as p ossible, i.e., w ith th e
(Figs. 4.14 an d 4.15). m ovem en ts of a sin gle eye in du ced by im pulses in
Th e n u clei of th e ocu lom otor an d troch lear each of th e in dividual n erves to th e eye m uscles. It
n erves lie in th e m idbrain tegm en tum , w h ile th e sh ou ld be born e in m in d from th e ou tset, h ow ever,

Fig. 4.14 Course of the

nerves to the extraocular
Superior oblique m . muscles: lateral view
Levator palpebrae m .
Superior rectus m . Cavernous
Medial rectus m . sinus
Internal carotid a. III



Sphenoid bone
Inferior oblique m .
Superior Clivus
Lateral rectus m . orbital fissure

Inferior rectus m . Tendinous ring


Fig. 4.15 Course of the

nerves to the extraocular
muscles: dorsal view
Frontal sinus
Lateral rectus m.

Superior oblique m .

Ethm oid air cells

Abducens n.

Trochlear n.
Sphenoid sinus

Ophthalmic n.

Contour of cavernous Optic chiasm


Trigem inal ganglion

Petrous ridge
(superior margin
of petrous bone) III
4 90 · 4 Brainstem

Fig. 4.16 Oculomotor nu-

Accessory (autonom ic) cleus complex (after War-
Dorsal Ventral nucleus Ventral
Nucleus of Perlia
(parasym pathetic)

Nucleus of Perlia

(for convergence)

Inferior rectus m .

Inferior oblique m .
Medial rectus m .
Superior rectus m .

Levator palpebrae
superioris m . Dorsal

th at eye m ovem en ts are usually con ju gate, i.e., Th e m otor radicular fibers t h at em erge from
th ey u su ally occur in th e sam e direction (m ost ly th ese n u clear areas travel ven trally togeth er w ith
h orizon tally or vertically) in both eyes at on ce. th e p arasym path etic fibers; som e of th em cross
Con jugate h orizon t al m ovem en ts, in particu lar, in - th e m idlin e, oth ers do n ot (all of th e fibers for th e
volve sim u ltan eou s m ovem en t of t h e tw o eyes in su perior rectu s m u scle cross th e m idlin e). Th e
op posite sen ses w ith respect to th e m idlin e: on e com bin ed m otor an d p arasym path etic fibers
eye m oves m edially, w h ile th e oth er m oves later- traverse th e red n u cleu s an d fin ally exit th e brain -
ally. Con ju gate m ovem en ts th u s depen d on th e stem in th e in terp edu n cu lar fossa as th e ocu lom o-
precisely coordin ated in n ervat ion of t h e tw o eyes, tor n erve.
an d of t h e n uclei of th e m u scles su bservin g eye Th e oculomotor nerve first ru n s posteriorly be-
m ovem en t on th e tw o sides. Th e com plex cen tral tw een th e sup erior cerebellar an d posterior cere-
n ervou s con n ection s en ablin g su ch m ovem en ts bral arteries (Fig. 4.17), in close apposition to th e
w ill be dealt w ith later in th is ch apter. Fin ally, th e ten torial edge, th en pen etrates th e dura m ater,
n erves in n ervatin g th e eye m uscles also take p art traverses th e cavern ou s sin u s, an d en ters th e orbit
in a n um ber of reflexes: accom m odation , conver- th rou gh th e su perior orbital fissu re (Figs. 4.15 an d
gen ce, th e pu pillary ligh t reflex, an d th e visu al 4.17). Th e parasym path etic portion of th e n erve
defen se reflex. Th ese reflexes w ill also be discu ssed bran ch es off at th is poin t an d t ravels to th e ciliary
in th is ch apter. ganglion , w h ere th e pregan glion ic fibers term in ate
an d th e gan glion cells give off sh ort postgan glion ic
fibers to in n ervate th e in t raocu lar m u scles.
Oculomotor Nerve (CN III)
Th e som atic m otor fibers of th e oculom otor
Th e nuclear area of t h e oculom otor n erve lies in n erve divide in to tw o bran ch es, a sup erior bran ch
th e periaqu eductal gray m atter of th e m idbrain , su pplyin g th e levator palp ebrae an d su perior rec-
ven tral to t h e aqu educt, at th e level of th e sup erior tu s m u scles, an d an in ferior bran ch su pplyin g th e
collicu li. It h as tw o m ajor com pon en t s: (1) a m edi- m edial an d in ferior recti an d th e in ferior oblique
ally situated p arasym path etic n ucleu s, th e so- m uscle.
called Edinger–W estphal nucleus (or accessory au-
ton om ic n u cleu s), w h ich in n ervates th e in traocu-
Trochlea r Nerve (CN IV)
lar m u scles (th e sph in cter pu pillae m uscle an d th e
ciliary m uscle); an d (2) a larger an d m ore laterally Th e nucleus of th e fou rth cran ial n erve lies ven tral
situ ated nuclear com plex for four of the six extraocu- to th e periaqu edu ctal gray m atter im m ediately
lar m uscles (th e su perior, in ferior, an d m edial rec- below t h e oculom otor n u clear com p lex at th e level
tus m u scles an d th e in ferior obliqu e m uscle). Th ere of th e in ferior collicu li. Its radicular fibers run
is also a sm all nuclear area for the levator palpebrae arou n d th e cen tral gray m atter an d cross to th e op-
m uscle (cf. Warw ick’s diagram of th e sim ian ocu lo- posite side w ith in th e su perior m edu llary velum .
m otor n u clear com p lex, Fig. 4.16). Th e trochlear nerve th en exits th e dorsal surface of
Cranial Nerves · 91
a Optic n. Anterior Ophthal-
cerebral a. m ic a.

Internal carotid a.

Oculomotor n.
Sella Abducens n.
Trigem inal ganglion
com muni- Trochlear n.
cating a.
Posterior cerebral a.

Posterior Trigem inal n.

petro- Superior cerebellar a. III
clinoidal Superior petrosal
fold VI
sinus V

Vestibular n.
Substantia IV
Nucleus of the
oculomotor n.

Fig. 4.17 a Topographic relationship of the nerves sup- trigem inal nerve in the cavernous sinus, as viewed from
plying the extraocular muscles to the internal carotid above. b Sagittal view.
artery and the trigeminal ganglion with branches of the

th e brain stem (it is th e on ly cran ial n erve th at does traverse th e pon s an d exit from th e brain stem at
th is), em ergin g from th e m idbrain tectu m in to th e th e p on tom edu llary jun ction . Th e abducens nerve
qu adrigem in al cistern . Its fu rth er course takes it th en ru n s alon g th e ven tral su rface of th e pon s
laterally arou n d th e cerebral pedun cle tow ard th e lateral to th e basilar artery, perforates th e dura,
ven tral surface of th e brain stem , so th at it reach es an d join s th e oth er n erves to th e eye m uscles in t h e
th e orbit th rou gh th e su perior orbital fissu re to- cavern ous sin u s. With in th e sin u s, th e th ird,
geth er w it h th e oculom otor n erve. It th en passes to fou rth , an d sixth cran ial n erves are in a close spa-
th e su perior oblique m u scle, w h ich it in n ervates. tial relation w ith th e first an d secon d bran ch es of
Th e eye m ovem en ts subserved by th is m uscle in - th e trigem in al n erve, as w ell as w ith th e in tern al
clu de depression of th e eye, in tern al rotation (cy- carotid artery (Fig. 4.17). Moreover, th e n erves in
cloinversion ), an d sligh t abdu ction . th e cavern ous sin u s lie very n ear th e su perior an d
lateral portion s of th e sph en oid an d eth m oid
sin u ses (Fig. 4.15).
Abducens Nerve (CN VI)
Figu re 4.18 depicts th e action s of th e in dividu al
Th e nucleus of t h e sixth cran ial n erve lies in t h e eye m u scles in t h e six diagn ostic direction s of gaze.
cau dal pon tin e tegm en tum , ju st ben eath th e floor Figure 4.19 sh ow s th e abn orm alities of eye posi-
of th e fou rth ven tricle. Th e radicular fibers of th e tion an d th e types of diplopia th at are cau sed by
seven t h cran ial n erve (t h e facial n erve) loop p alsy of each of th e th ree n erves su bservin g eye
arou n d th e n u cleus of th e abducen s n erve at th is m ovem en ts.
site. Th e radicular fibers of t h e abducen s n erve
4 92 · 4 Brainstem

Fig. 4.18 Diagram of eye

Superior rectus m . (III Inferior oblique m . (III) uperior rectus m . (III) position in the six diag-
nostic positions of gaze,
in which weakness of one
Right Left
Lateral Medial Lateral or m ore of the extraocular
rectus m. (VI) rectus m. (III) rectus m . (VI) m uscles can be m ost easily

Inferior rectus m . (III) Superior oblique m . (IV) Inferior rectus m . (III)

Gaze upw ard and to the right Gaze upw ard and to the left

Superior Inferior Inferior Superior

rectus m . (III) oblique m. (III) oblique m . (III) rect us m . (III)

Rightw ard gaze Leftw ard gaze

Lateral Medial Medial Lateral

rectus m . (VI) rectus m . (III) rectus m . (III) rectus m . (VI)

Gaze dow nw ard and to the right Gaze dow nw ard and to the left

Inferior Superior Superior Inferior

rectus m . (III) oblique m . (IV) oblique m . (IV) rectus m . (III)

design ated hypertropia an d hypotropia (up w ard

Pa reses of the Eye Muscles
an d dow nw ard deviation , respectively).
Weakn ess of on e or m ore of th e extraocu lar A lesion in th e n ucleu s of on e of th e cran ial
m uscles im pairs m ovem ent of the affected eye and n erves th at subserve eye m ovem en ts causes ap-
restricts its ability to gaze in a particular direction p roxim ately th e sam e deficit as a lesion of th e pe-
or directions. Th e corn eal ligh t reflex test, in riph eral n erve itself. Nu clear lesion s can usually
w h ich th e exam in er n otes th e position of th e be clin ically distin gu ish ed from n erve lesion s be-
ligh t reflex on both corn eas from a poin t source cau se of fu rth er deficits du e to dam age of brain -
h eld in fron t of th e eyes in th e m idlin e, often re- stem stru ctures adjacen t to th e affected n u cleu s.
veals a m ild asym m et ry, in dicatin g a m ild devia-
tion of the visual axis of the eye at rest. A diplop ia
test w ith red–green spectacles, or w ith a ligh t
w an d, reveals th at th e im age arisin g from th e af-
fected eye is th e on e th at lies in th e direction in
w h ich th at eye is n orm ally m oved by th e paretic
m uscle. Th e tw o im ages are farth est apart w h en
th e patien t gazes in th is direction ; th e m ore p e-
riph eral im age is t h e on e arisin g from t h e af-
Fig. 4.19 Eye position and diplopia in various kinds of
fected eye (Fig. 4.19).
extraocular muscle palsy. The clinical effects of right-sided
Horizon tal deviation s of eye p osition are desig- lesions are shown. After Mumenthaler M and Mattle H:
n ated esotropia (inw ard deviation ) an d exotropia Neurology, 4th ed. (transl. E. Taub), Thiem e, Stuttgart/New
(ou tw ard deviation ), w h ile vertical deviation s are York, 2004.
Cranial Nerves · 93
Nerve palsy Position of eyes Compensatory head posture Position of tw o images
(= smallest divergence) depending on direction
of gaze

Oculomotor Straight-ahead gaze None in the presence of ptosis,

nerve palsy (primary position of gaze) because there is no diplopia
Left Right

Largest divergence

Paresis predom inantly

affecting the medial
Fixed and dilated pupil in com - rectus m.
plete oculomotor nerve palsy

Trochlear Straight-ahead gaze Left Right

nerve palsy

Largest divergence Head tilt to unaffected side

Paresis of
superior oblique m .

Left eye

Right eye
Head tilt to side of paretic
muscle (Bielschowsky No diplopia
Abducens Straight-ahead gaze Left Right
nerve palsy

Largest divergence

Head turn to side of Paresis of

paretic muscle lateral rectus m .
4 94 · 4 Brainstem

m otor n erve palsy are an eurysm s (approx. 30 %),

Oculom otor Nerve Palsy
tu m ors (approx. 15 %), an d vascu lar lesion s (in clud-
A complete oculomotor nerve palsy produ ces th e in g diabetes, app rox. 15–20 %).
follow in g con stellat ion of fin din gs (Fig. 4.19):
¼ Ptosis, caused by p aralysis of th e levator palpe- Trochlear Nerve Palsy
brae m u scle an d u n opposed con traction of th e
Troch lear n erve palsy p aralyzes th e superior ob-
orbicu laris ocu li m u scle, w h ich is in n ervated by
liqu e m u scle. Th e affected eye deviates u pw ard
th e facial n erve (th e lid space m ay be sligh tly
an d sligh tly inw ard, i.e., m edially, tow ard th e side
open becau se of con t raction of th e fron talis
of th e n orm al eye (Fig. 4.19). Th e deviation is m ost
m uscle).
eviden t, an d th e dip lopia m ost ext rem e, w h en th e
¼ Fixed position of the eye, looking dow nw ard and
patien t looks dow nw ard an d inw ard. An oth er w ay
outw ard, cau sed by u n op posed con traction of
of brin gin g ou t th e u pw ard-an d-inw ard deviation
th e lateral rectus an d su perior obliqu e m u scles
of th e affected eye an d th e resu ltin g diplopia is by
(in n ervated by CN VI an d IV, respectively).
h avin g th e patien t tilt th e h ead to th e affected side
¼ Dilation of the pupil, cau sed by loss of con trac-
w h ile fixatin g on an object w ith th e n orm al eye
tion of th e sp h in cter pu pillae m u scle, in n er-
(Bielschow sky test).
vated by th e p arasym pat h etic portion of th e
Th e m ore com m on cau ses of troch lear n erve
ocu lom otor n erve (p. 90); th e pu pillary ligh t
palsy are trau m a (30–60 % of cases), vascular le-
an d accom m odation reflexes are absen t (t h e
sion s, an d t um ors.
latter becau se of sim u ltan eous loss of con trac-
tion of th e ciliary m u scle).
Abducens Palsy
An isolated paralysis of th e in traocular m uscles, Th e affected eye is deviated inw ard on prim ary
i.e., th e sph in cter pu pillae m uscle an d th e ciliary (straigh t-ah ead) gaze an d can n ot be abducted, be-
m uscle, is called internal ophthalmoplegia. Th e cau se th e lateral rectu s m u scle is paralyzed. Th e in -
globe rem ain s fully m obile, bu t th ere is an absolute w ard squ in t is also referred to as convergen t stra-
paralysis of th e p upil, i.e., both th e direct an d th e bism us. Wh en lookin g tow ard th e n ose, t h e p aretic
con sen su al ligh t reflexes are absen t, an d loss of ac- eye rotates u pw ard an d inw ard becau se of th e pre-
com m odation cau ses blurry vision . In tern al oph - dom in an t action of t h e in ferior obliqu e m uscle.
th alm oplegia is due to selective dam age of th e par- Abdu cen s palsy is u su ally an isolated fin din g
asym path et ic fibers of th e ocu lom otor n erve. an d is m ost com m on ly cau sed by tu m ors or vascu -
lar lesion s. Am on g all of th e cran ial n erves, th e ab-
External ophthalmoplegia is presen t w h en th e du cen s n erve h as th e lon gest cou rse w it h in t h e
m otility of th e globe is restricted bu t th e au ton - subarach n oid space; th u s, abducen s palsies can be
om ic (parasym pat h etic) in n ervation of th e eye is cau sed by m en in gitis an d by subarach n oid h em or-
preserved. rh age, as w ell as by elevated in tracran ial pressure
Ocu lom otor n erve palsies accoun t for abou t 30 % (in tracran ial hyperten sion ). Un ilateral abdu cen s
of all palsies affectin g t h e m u scles of eye m ove- palsy m ay accom p any gen eralized in tracran ial hy-
m en t (abdu cen s n erve palsies are m ore com m on , perten sion an d is n ot n ecessarily a lateralizin g
accou n tin g for 40–50 % of cases). Ptosis is m ore sign . Abdu cen s p alsy is also occasion ally produced
com m on w ith lesion s of th e (periph eral) n erve it- by th e tem porary distu rban ce of in tracran ial p res-
self, rarer w ith lesion s of its n uclear com plex sure after a lu m bar pu n ct ure.
w ith in th e brain stem . On ce th e n erve em erges
from th e brain stem , th e pu pillom otor fibers lie in
Conjuga te Eye Movements
th e outer portion of th e n erve, directly ben eath th e
epin eu riu m , an d are th u s m ore vu ln erable th an t h e Position in g an d stabilizin g th e im age of an object
oth er fibers of th e n erve to com pression by traum a, exactly on th e fovea of both eyes at th e sam e tim e
tum ors, or an eurysm s. For th e sam e reason , th e requ ires precisely coordin ated act ivity of th e eye
pupillom otor fibers are less com m on ly dam aged m u scles. Th e agon ist an d an tagon ist m uscles of th e
by vascu lar lesion s, su ch as t h ose cau sed by dia- tw o eyes are alw ays sim ultan eou sly in n ervated
betes. Th e m ore com m on cau ses of isolated ocu lo- (Hering’s law ), an d each con traction of an agon ist
Cranial Nerves · 95
Case Presentation 2: Nuclea r Lesion of the Trochlea r Nerve due to a Bra instem Infa rct
This 46-year-old m ale com pany em ployee becam e m ildly
nauseated one afternoon while at work. His co-workers
subsequently recalled that he m om entarily seem ed
strangely “distant,” though he had no recollection of this.
The nausea resolved after a short while, only to be im m edi-
ately followed by the onset of diplopia, particularly on
downward gaze, of which he becam e aware while de-
scending a staircase. Concerned about these sym ptom s, he
presented to the hospital for evaluation.
The clinical exam ination (eye position and m ovem ents) indi-
cated paresis of the left superior oblique m uscle as the
cause of diplopia. An MRI scan was obtained to rule out an
intracranial m ass. The T2-weighted im age revealed a m id-
brain lesion affecting the nucleus of the trochlear nerve on
the left (Fig. 4.20). There was no evidence of a diffusion ab-
norm ality or of contrast enhancem ent on the correspond-
ing im ages. The radiological findings and the clinical course
(acute onset of nausea followed by sudden diplopia) were
considered to be m ost consistent with an ischem ic event
(acute lacunar m idbrain stroke). There was no evidence of
inflam m atory disease affecting the CNS. Fig. 4.20 Nuclear lesion of the left trochlear nerve w ith
paresis of the superior oblique muscle due to an acute
midbrain infarct. This T2-weighted im age reveals a hyper-
intense lesion in the m idbrain (arrow).

occu rs in con ju n ct ion w it h relaxat ion of t h e corre- brain all th e w ay to th e cervical spin al cord, serves
spon din g an tagon ist (Sherrington’s law ). Con ju gate to in tercon n ect all of th e in dividu al n uclei in n er-
m ovem en ts of both eyes in th e sam e direction are vat in g t h e eye m u scles (Fig. 4.21). It also conveys
called versive m ovem en ts (from th e Latin for “turn - im pu lses to an d from th e cervical spin al cord
in g”), w h ile m ovem en ts of th e tw o eyes in opp osite (an terior an d posterior cervical m u sculature), th e
direction s are vergence m ovem en ts (eith er conver- vestibular n u clei, th e basal gan glia, an d th e cere-
gence or divergence). Movem en ts of a sin gle eye are bral cortex.
called eith er duction or torsion (rotatory m ove-
m en t). Disturbances of conjugate horizontal gaze. If th e
m edial lon gitu din al fasciculu s is dam aged on th e
left side (for exam p le), th en th e p atien t’s left m e-
Horizontal and Vertical Gaze
dial rectu s m u scle is n o lon ger activated on at-
Conjugate horizontal gaze. Th e cen tral relay n u- tem pted con ju gate gaze to th e righ t, an d th e left
cleus of th e ocu lom otor system is fou n d in th e eye stays beh in d, i.e., it com es n o furt h er m edially
paramedian pontine reticular formation (PPRF or th an th e m idlin e. At th e sam e tim e, m on ocular
“p on tin e gaze cen ter”), w h ich lies adjacen t to th e nystagm us is seen in th e righ t eye, w h ose m ove-
n u cleus of th e abducen s n erve. Th e PPRF is th e site m en t to th e righ t (abdu ction ) is su bserved by th e
of origin of all of th e n eu ral con n ect ion s part icipat- righ t abdu cen s n erve. Th is com bin ation of fin din gs
in g in con ju gate h orizon tal gaze, in particu lar th e is called internuclear ophthalmoplegia (INO,
fibers t h at con n ect th e ipsilateral abdu cen s n u- Fig. 4.22). It is im portan t to realize th at INO in -
cleus to th e portion of th e con tralateral ocu lom o- volves n eit h er a n u clear n or a periph eral palsy of
tor n ucleu s in n ervatin g th e m edial rectus m uscle. th e n erves to th e eye m u scles: in th e patien t ju st
Th ese fibers ru n in th e medial longitudinal described, th e left m edial rectu s m uscle w ill con -
fasciculus (MLF), a w h ite-m at ter tract th at ascen ds tract n orm ally on convergen ce of th e tw o eyes.
an d descen ds th e brain stem on both sides n ear t h e As m en t ion ed, t h e MLF lies n ear th e m idlin e; th e
m idlin e. Th e MLF, w h ich exten ds from th e m id- tw o m edial lon gitu din al fasciculi in fact lie very
4 96 · 4 Brainstem

Fig. 4.21 The anatomical

Voluntary m ovements basis of conjugate eye
Connections of areas movements: the cranial
18 and 19 to area 8 nerve nuclei controlling the
Area 8 Reflex eye extraocular m uscles, the
Area m ovements m edial longitudinal
19 Medial longitudinal fasciculus, and the vestibu-
18 fasciculus lar nucleus com plex, with
17 Vestibular connections the supranuclear and in-
franuclear pathways for vol-
Pathw ay for
reflex gaze untary and reflex conjugate
movements eye m ovem ents.

Pathw ay for
gaze movements

Oculomotor n. Abducens n.
Tectal field for
vertical gaze

nucleus From the retina
Interstitial nucleus of

Superior colliculus

Inferior colliculus IV Lateral


Medial longitudinal To the cerebellum

Vestibular nuclei:
Superior nucleus
Lateral nucleus
Medial nucleus
Pontine field for horizontal Inferior nucleus
gaze movements
(nucleus praepositus XII)
From cervical spinal cord
Lateral vestibulospinal

n ear each oth er, an d dam age to th em is usu ally bi- ceph alitis an d (in older patien ts) vascular distu r-
lateral. Th e above fin din gs of in tern u clear op h th al- ban ces.
m oplegia are th u s u su ally seen on attem pted gaze
in eith er direction : th e addu ctin g eye com es n o Conjugate vertical gaze. Th e vertical gaze cen ter
fu rth er m edially th an th e m idlin e, w h ile t h e ab- lies in th e rostrodorsal portion of the m idbrain retic-
du ctin g (leadin g) eye m an ifests nystagm u s. All ular form ation (Fig. 4.21) an d con sists of a n um ber
oth er eye m ovem en ts are in tact, an d th e p upillary of specialized n u clei: th e prestitial nucleus in th e
reflexes are in t act. rear w all of th e th ird ven tricle for u pw ard gaze; th e
Mu ltiple sclerosis is th e m ost com m on cau se of nucleus of the posterior com m issure for dow nw ard
in tern uclear oph th alm oplegia. Oth ers in clu de en - gaze; an d th e interstitial nucleus of Cajal an d Dark-
Cranial Nerves · 97
shevich’s nucleus for con ju gate rotatory m ove-
m en ts.

Other conjugate gaze centers. Vertical gaze m ove-

m en ts can also be gen erated from n eu ron s lyin g at
th e anterior border of the superior colliculi. Distu r-
ban ces affectin g th is area cau se paresis of u pw ard longitudinal
gaze (Parin au d syn drom e). fasciculus
Im pu lses origin atin g in th e occipital lobes also III
travel to th e con tralateral p on tin e gaze cen ters
(p ara-abducen s n u cleu s) to in itiate con ju gate
lateral gaze m ovem en ts. Exp erim en tal stim u lation Lesion VI
of occipital areas 18 an d 19 h as been foun d to p ro-
voke con jugate gaze m ovem en ts th at are m ost
often lateral, th ou gh som etim es u pw ard or
dow nw ard (lateral gaze m ovem en ts are certain ly nucleus (nucleus
praepositus XII)
th e m ost im portan t type in h um an bein gs, as th ey
are far m ore frequen t th an th e oth er t w o types) Fig. 4.22 Internuclear ophthalmoplegia due to a lesion
(Fig. 4.21, p. 96). of the m edial longitudinal fasciculus

Case Presentation 3: Internuclea r Ophtha lmoplegia in a Pa tient with a n Acute Bra instem
This previously healthy 48-year-old m an was adm itted to The clinical course and radiological findings pointed to an
hospital because of the sudden onset of nausea, vom iting, ischem ic event (lacunar brainstem stroke involving the m e-
and diplopia. Neurological exam ination revealed the typical dial longitudinal fasciculus). There was no evidence of a
findings of internuclear ophthalm oplegia (see p. 94) and no CNS inflam m atory process. No em bolic source was found.
other deficits. The internuclear ophthalm oplegia largely re-
solved over the subsequent course of the patient’s illness.

a b
Fig. 4.23 Internuclear ophthalmoplegia in a patient axial diffusion-weighted im age shows a fresh lesion at this
w ith an acute midbrain infarct. a The thin-section axial site. The two findings, taken together, indicate an ischem ic
T2-weighted im age of the m idbrain shows a hyperintense event.
right param edian lesion adjacent to the aqueduct. b The
4 98 · 4 Brainstem

Volu n tary eye m ovem en ts are in itiated by n eu -

Reflex Conjugate Gaze Movem ents
ron s of t h e frontal eye field in Brodm an n area 8 (an d
p erh aps also parts of areas 6 an d 9), an terior to th e “Fixation reflex.” Wh en w e direct ou r gaze on to an
p recen tral gyru s (Fig. 4.21). Th e m ost com m on re- object volu n tarily, w e do so w ith very fast, abru pt,
su lt of st im u lation or irritation in t h is area, e.g., an d precise eye m ovem en ts, called saccades. Most
du rin g an epileptic seizu re, is a con ju gate lateral eye m ovem en ts, h ow ever, occur in reflex fash ion :
gaze m ovem en t to th e opp osite side (Fig. 4.24). Th is w h en an object en ters ou r visu al field, ou r atten -
eye m ovem en t is occasion ally accom pan ied by tion , an d our gaze, are directed to it autom atically.
tu rn in g of th e h ead to th e opposite side. If th e object m oves, th e eyes pu rsue it involu n tarily
Th e pathw ay from the frontal eye field to the so th at its im age rem ain s on th e fovea, th e portion
brainstem nuclei subserving eye movements h as of th e retin a in w h ich vision is sh arpest. Th is oc-
n ot yet been fully traced. It is curren tly th ou gh t cu rs regardless of w h eth er th e observer or th e ob-
th at fibers of th is path w ay ru n in th e in tern al cap - ject is in m otion (or both ). All volun tary eye m ove-
su le an d th e cerebral pedu n cle togeth er w ith t h e m en ts th u s h ave involu n tary reflex com pon en ts. In
corticon u clear tract, but th en do n ot term in ate th e En glish -lan gu age literature, th e qu asi-reflex
directly in th e n u clei subservin g eye m ovem en t, processes th at m ain tain th e visu al im age of an ob-
reach in g t h em in stead th rou gh a n u m ber of “w ay ject on th e fovea are referred to as th e fixation re-
station s” in clu din g th e superior collicu li, in ter- flex.
n euron s of th e reticular form ation , an d th e m edial Th e afferent arm of th e fixation reflex exten ds
lon gitu din al fascicu lu s (Fig. 4.21). from th e ret in a alon g th e visu al path w ay to t h e
All volu n tary m ovem en ts are un der th e in - visual cortex (area 17), from w h ich furth er im -
flu en ce of reflex arcs, n ot on ly visu al, bu t also au di- pulses are sen t to areas 18 an d 19. Th e efferen t arm
tory, vestibu lar, an d prop rioceptive (from th e cer- retu rn s from th ese areas to th e con t ralateral
vical an d n u ch al m u scu latu re to th e spin otectal m esen ceph alic an d pon tin e gaze cen ters, probably
tract an d m edial lon gitu din al fascicu lu s). by w ay of th e optic radiation (t h ou gh th e exact lo-
cation of th ese fibers is still u n kn ow n ). Th ese gaze
Lesions of the gaze centers. Destruction of area 8 cen ters th en project to th e cran ial n erve n u clei
on on e side resu lts in a p repon deran ce of im pu lses subservin g eye m ovem en ts to com p lete th e reflex
com in g from th e correspon din g area of th e op - arc. Som e of th e efferen t fibers probably run
p osite h em isph ere, produ cin g con ju gate gaze directly to th e brain stem gaze cen ters, w h ile oth ers
tow ard th e side of th e lesion (i.e., déviation con- pass first to th e fron tal eye field (area 8).
juguée lookin g tow ard th e focu s). Th e gaze devia-
tion is occasion ally accom pan ied by turn in g of t h e Lesions affecting the fixation reflex. If th e occipital
h ead to th e side of th e lesion . Th e patien t can n ot areas involved in th e fixation reflex are dam aged,
voluntarily look to th e ot h er side, bu t can do so in th e reflex n o lon ger fun ction s properly. Th e patien t
reflex fash ion , as w h en visu ally pu rsuin g an object can look volu n tarily in any direction , bu t can n o
t h at is slow ly m oved in to t h e con tralateral visu al lon ger pu rsu e an object visu ally, keepin g its im age
field. (Th e opposite is foun d in lesion s of t h e occip- fixed on th e fovea. Th e object im m ediately slips
ital lobe, as discussed below.) Gaze deviation du e ou t of t h e zon e of sh arpest vision , an d t h e pat ien t
to a lesion of th e fron tal eye field gen erally resolves h as to fin d it again w ith volu n tary eye m ovem en ts.
after a brief period. In con t rast to a destru ctive le-
sion , stimulation or irritation of area 8 (as in an Optokinetic nystagmus. Wh en a p erson looks
ep ileptic seizu re) produces con ju gate gaze aw ay directly at an object, th e im age of th e object on
from th e side of th e focu s. each retin a falls on th e fovea, an d despite t h e ac-
Th e situation is differen t w ith pontine lesions tu al presen ce of tw o im ages—on e on each retin a—
becau se th e corticopon t in e pat h w ays are crossed th e object is perceived as on e (fu sion ). If th e object
(Fig. 4.24). Stim u lation or irritation of th e pon tin e sh ou ld th en m ove in any direct ion , eith er closer to
gaze cen ter produ ces ipsilateral gaze deviation , or farth er aw ay from th e observer, vertically, or
w h ile a destru ctive lesion cau ses con tralateral gaze h orizon tally, sm ooth pursuit m ovem ents of th e eyes
deviation . Gaze deviation of p on tin e origin rarely w ill h old its im age on th e fovea of each eye (cf. th e
resolves com p letely. above discu ssion of th e fixation reflex). As soon as
Cranial Nerves · 99
Fig. 4.24 Conjugate de-
viation due to cortical
and pontine foci (irritative
or destructive)

Irritation Deficit

Irritation 1 Lesion 1
Lesion 2
Irritation 2

Cortical lesion : gaze away from focus Cortical lesion: gaze toward focus

Pontine lesion: gaze toward focus Pontine lesion: gaze away from focus

Irritatio n Destructive lesion

th e im age of th e object m oves out of th e fovea, im -

Convergence a nd Accommoda tion
pu lses travel in a reflex arc from th e retin a alon g
th e visual path w ay to t h e visu al cortex, an d t h en Th ese reflexes are evoked by w atch in g an object as
th rough th e occipitotectal fibers back to th e cran ial it m oves closer to th e observer in th e visu al field.
n erve n uclei th at in n ervate th e eye m u scles, cau s- Th e so-called n ear respon se actually con sists of
in g th em to con tract in su ch a w ay as to retrieve th e th ree processes th at occur sim u ltan eou sly:
im age on to th e fovea (th is is called th e optokinetic ¼ Convergence: t h e m edial rectu s m uscles of th e
process). Th e jerky eye m ovem en ts produ ced in tw o eyes are activated so th at th e optical axis of
th is w ay, kn ow n as optokinetic nystagm us, can be each con tin u es to poin t directly to th e object
observed easily in person s w atch in g th e p assin g un der observation . Th is keeps th e im age of th e
scen ery from a train or car w in dow, for exam ple. It object on th e fovea of each eye.
can be reprodu ced in t h e clin ical settin g by h avin g ¼ Accommodation: con traction of th e ciliary
th e patien t w atch a rotatin g, strip ed dru m : th e m uscle slacken s th e su spen din g apparatu s of
patien t’s gaze pu rsu es on e of th e stripes u n til it th e len s. Because it is in trin sically elastic, th e
disappears aroun d th e side of t h e drum , t h en sn aps len s th en takes on a m ore sph erical sh ape, an d
back to cat ch an ot h er strip e, an d so on , rep eatedly. th us a h igh er refractive p ow er. Th is process
Th u s, optokin etic nystagm u s con sists of slow an d keeps th e retin al im age of an object in focu s as it
fast ph ases, i.e., relatively slow pu rsuit m ovem en ts is m oved closer to th e eye. Conversely, w h en th e
in altern ation w ith faster, corrective jum ps in th e object is m oved farth er aw ay or th e in dividu al’s
opposite direct ion . If th e reflex arc for optokin etic gaze is redirected on to a m ore distan t poin t, re-
nystagm u s is broken at any poin t, th e reflex is lost. laxation of th e ciliary m uscle allow s th e sus-
Absen ce of optokin etic nystagm us is alw ays path o- pen din g apparatus to pu ll th e len s back in to a
logical. flatter sh ape, low erin g it s refractive pow er an d
4 100 · 4 Brainstem

Fig. 4.25 a The anatomi-

Sphincter pupillae m . cal basis of convergence
and accommodation.
Ciliary m .
b The ciliary m uscle in
relaxation (vision at a dis-
tance). c The ciliary m uscle
Medial rectus m . in contraction (near vision).

Oculomotor n.
Optic n.
Ciliary ganglion

Oculomotor n.

Accessory nucleus
(autonom ic)
Oculomotor nucleus
(portion controlling
m edial rectus m .)

Lateral Nucleus of Perlia

Pretectal area

Optic Ciliary m.
radiation Relaxation

a Visual

Area c

Area 18

on ce again brin gin g th e visual im age in to sh arp All th ree of t h ese processes can be brou gh t abou t
focus (Fig. 4.25). volun tarily by fixat in g on a n ear object an d also
¼ Pupillary constriction: th e pu pil con stricts to occur as reflexes w h en a distan t object m oves
keep th e retin al im age of th e n ear object as closer to th e observer.
sh arp as possible. (A cam era sh u tter fu n ction s
sim ilarly: th e closer th e object to be ph oto- Anatomical substrate of convergence and accom-
grap h ed, th e n arrow er th e apertu re m u st be to modation (Fig. 4.25). Th e afferent im pu lses travel
keep it in focus.) from th e ret in a to th e visu al cortex, an d th e effer-
ent im pu lses from th e visual cortex to th e pretectal
Cranial Nerves · 101
area an d th en to t h e parasym p ath etic nucleus of
Perlia, w h ich lies m edial an d ven tral to th e
Edin ger–Westph al n u cleus (accessory auton om ic
Sphincter pupillae m.
n u cleus). From th e n u cleu s of Perlia on eit h er side,
im pu lses travel to th e nuclear area of the m edial Ciliary ganglion Optic n.
rectus m uscle (for ocular convergen ce) an d to th e
Autonomic portion
Edinger–W estphal nucleus, from w h ich th ey of oculomotor n.
proceed to th e ciliary gan glion an d m u scle (for ac-
com m odation ) an d to th e pup illary sph in cter (for
pu pillocon st riction ) (Fig. 4.26). Th e n eural path -
w ays to th e ciliary m u scle an d th e pup illary
Optic tract
sph in cter are presu m ably distin ct , becau se t h e ac- Accessory
com m odation an d ligh t reflexes can be differen - nucleus
tially affected in variou s con dition s. In n eu rosy- Lateral
ph ilis, for exam ple, th e p h en om en on of th e Argyll geniculate body
Robertson pu pil m ay be foun d: t h e ligh t reflex is Medial geniculate body

absen t , bu t convergen ce an d accom m odat ion are Pretectal nucleus

Fig. 4.26 The pupillary light reflex

Regula tion of the Pupilla ry Light Reflex

Th e w idth of th e pu pil varies in relation to th e in ci- th e pretectal area, h ow ever, abolish es th e reflex.
den t ligh t: brigh t ligh t in du ces pu pillary con stric- Th is in dicates th at th e form er stru ctures do n ot
tion , an d darkn ess in du ces pu pillary dilation . Th e participate in th e reflex arc, an d th at th e afferen t
pu pillary ligh t reflex serves to m odu late th e arm of th e reflex arc m u st traverse th e pretectal
am ou n t of ligh t fallin g on t h e retin a, both to pro- area, th ou gh th e precise an atom ical localization of
tect th e p h otoreceptors from poten tially dam ag- th is p ath w ay is n ot yet fu lly clear. Sim ilarly, optic
in g, excessive illum in ation , an d to keep th e visu al nerve lesions, w h ich in terrupt th e afferen t arm of
im ages of objects in th e best possible focu s on th e th e reflex arc at a differen t site, im pair th e pu pil-
ret in a, in an alogou s fash ion to a cam era sh u tter. lary respon se to illum in ation of th e eye on th e side
Th is reflex is en tirely involu n tary; th e cerebral cor- of th e lesion : n eith er t h e ipsilateral n or th e con -
tex is n ot involved in th e reflex loop. tralateral pup il w ill con strict n orm ally. Illu m in a-
tion of th e oth er eye is follow ed by n orm al con -
Afferent arm of the pupillary light reflex (Fig. 4.26). striction of both pu pils. Th ese fin din gs im ply th e
Th e afferen t fibers accom pany th e visual fibers in presen ce of an afferent pupillary defect.
th e optic n erve an d tract n early to th e lateral
gen icu late body, bu t, in stead of en terin g th e latter, Efferent arm of the pupillary light reflex (Fig. 4.26).
th ey turn off in th e direction of th e su perior col- Th e efferen t fibers origin ate in th e Edinger–W est-
licu li an d term in ate in th e nuclei of the pretectal phal nucleus an d travel in th e oculom otor nerve to
area. In tern eu ron s located h ere project fu rth er to t h e orbit. Th e p arasym path etic pregan glion ic
th e parasym p ath etic Edinger–W estphal nuclei (ac- fibers bran ch off from th e oculom otor n erve w ith in
cessory auton om ic n u clei) on both sides (Fig. 4.26). t h e orbit an d travel to th e ciliary ganglion, w h ose
Th is bilateral in n ervation of th e Edin ger–Westp h al gan glion cells con stitute a syn aptic relay station .
n u clei is th e an atom ical basis of th e con sen su al Th e sh ort postgan glion ic fibers em erge from th e
ligh t respon se: illu m in ation of on e eye in du ces ciliary gan glion an d th en en ter th e globe to in n er-
con striction n ot ju st of th at pu pil, bu t of th e con - vate th e sph in cter p upillae m u scle (Fig. 4.26).
tralateral pu pil as w ell.
Lesions of the efferent pathway. If th e oculom otor
Lesions of the afferent pathway. Lesion s of th e optic n erve or ciliary gan glion is dam aged, th e im p ulses
radiat ion , visu al cortex, or su perior collicu li h ave from t h e Edin ger–Westp h al n ucleus can n o lon ger
n o effect on th e pu pillary light reflex. A lesion of reach th e sph in cter pu pillae m u scle of th e ip si-
4 102 · 4 Brainstem

lateral eye. Th e resu lt is m ydriasis w ith absen ce of gan glion , from w h ich th e postgan glion ic fibers
th e ligh t reflex. em erge an d th en ascen d togeth er w ith t h e in tern al
carotid artery an d oph th alm ic artery in to th e orbit,
Other stimuli affecting the w idth of the pupils. Th e fin ally reach in g an d in n ervat in g t h e dilator
w idth of th e p upils varies n ot on ly in respon se to p upillae, superior an d in ferior tarsal, an d orbitalis
th e in ciden t ligh t but also in respon se to various m u scles (Figs. 4.27 an d 4.28). Oth er sym p ath etic
kin ds of stim uli arisin g ou tside th e eye. Very pain- fibers su pply t h e sw eat glan ds an d blood vessels of
ful stim uli, su ch as a deep p in ch of th e n u ch al th e ip silateral h alf of th e face.
m uscu latu re, as w ell as heightened em otional Afferent supply of the ciliospinal center: Afferen t
arousal can in du ce pu pillary dilatation . Th e m y- fibers from th e ret in a travel to t h e hypoth alam u s
driasis seen in th ese sit uat ion s w as lon g at- (su prach iasm atic n u cleu s), in w h ich th e cen tral
tribu ted to in creased activity of t h e sym p ath etic sym p ath et ic pat h w ay arises. Th e path w ay crosses
n ervou s system , leadin g to con traction of th e dila- th e m idlin e at th e level of th e m idbrain an d de-
tor pu pillae m u scle (w h ich is discu ssed fu rth er scen ds t h rou gh th e brain stem an d cervical sp in al
below ). Recen t st udies h ave sh ow n , h ow ever, th at cord to th e ciliospin al cen ter.
decreased activity of th e parasym p ath etic in n er-
vation of th e pup il is probably th e m ore im portan t Horner syndrome (Fig. 4.28). A lesion affectin g th e
factor. cen tral sym path etic path w ay, th e ciliosp in al
cen ter, th e su perior cervical gan glion , or th e post-
Anisocoria. Th e w ord “an isocoria” com es from th e gan glion ic sym path etic fibers on th eir w ay to th e
Greek an d m ean s, literally, in equ ality of th e pup ils eye produ ces a ch aracterist ic con stellation of ab-
(it is th us redu n dan t to state, “Th e pu pils are an iso- n orm alities, called Horn er syn drom e. Th e triad of
coric”). A m ild disparit y of pu pillary w idth is often ocular fin din gs con sists of: narrow ing of the palpe-
n oted in n orm al p erson s (physiological an iso- bral fissure (due to loss of fu n ction of t h e su perior
coria), bu t a larger disparity sh ould provoke suspi- t arsal m uscle), m iosis (du e to loss of fun ction of th e
cion of a (u n ilateral) in tracran ial m ass com press- dilator pu pillae m uscle, resultin g in a prepon der-
in g th e oculom otor n erve. In clin ical situ ation s, it is an ce of th e con strictin g effect of th e sph in cter
im portan t to rem em ber th at an isocoria is often pu pillae m uscle), an d enophthalm os (du e to loss of
produ ced by th e in stillation of dilatin g or con - fu n ction of th e orbitalis m uscle). Anhidrosis an d
strictin g dru gs in to on e eye (w h ich sh ould be vasodilatation in th e ip silateral h alf of th e face are
avoided, for exam ple, in com atose p atien ts). seen w h en th e sym path etic in n ervation of th e face
is also involved, eith er at th e ciliospin al cen ter or in
th e efferen t fibers th at em erge from it.
Sympa thetic a nd Pa rasympa thetic
Innerva tion of the Eye Blink Reflex
Parasympathetic innervation of the eye (Fig. 4.27). If an object sudden ly appears before th e eyes, re-
Th e parasym path etic in n ervation of th e sph in cter flex eye closu re occu rs (blink reflex). Th e afferen t
pup illae m u scle an d of th e ciliary m u scle w as dis- im pu lses of th is reflex travel from th e retin a
cu ssed above in con n ection w ith th e pu pillary ligh t directly to th e m idbrain tectu m an d th en ru n , by
reflex an d th e accom m odation reflex (p. 99 ff., w ay of th e tecton u clear tract , to th e facial n erve
p. 101). Activation of th e parasym path etic supp ly n uclei of both sides, w h ose efferen t fibers th en in -
to th e eye is m an ifested by pu pillary con striction n ervate th e orbicu laris oculi m u scles. Furth er im -
(m iosis) an d accom m odation in respon se to a n ear pulses m ay descen d in tectospin al fibers to th e
object. an terior h orn cells of th e sp in al cord, w h ich in n er-
vate th e cervical m u scu latu re to produce aversion
Sympathetic innervation of the eye (Fig. 4.27). Th e of th e h ead.
n uclear area from w h ich th e sym path etic in n erva-
tion of th e eye arises, th e ciliospinal center, is lo-
cated in th e lateral h orn of th e spin al cord from C8
to T2. Th e pregan glion ic fibers origin ate h ere an d
ascen d to a relay st ation in t h e su perior cervical
Cranial Nerves · 103
Fig. 4.27 The sympa-
From the thetic and parasympa-
diencephalon Pretectal thetic innervation of the
Edinger–Westphal intraocular muscles.
Optic n. nucleus

pupillae m .

pupillae m . Oculo-
m otor n.
ganglion Central
sym pathetic
Internal pathway
carotid a.
Parasym pathetic
Sym pathetic

Stroma iridis cervical

pupillae m .

pupillae m .

Pigm ent epithelium Sym pathetic

trunk T1

Trigeminal Nerve (CN V)

con tain s pseudou n ipolar gan glion cells, w h ose
Th e trigem in al n erve is a m ixed n erve. It possesses p eriph eral processes term in ate in receptors for
a larger com p on en t (portio m ajor) con sistin g of touch , pressu re, tactile discrim in ation , pain , an d
sensory fibers for th e face, an d a sm aller com - tem p eratu re, an d w h ose cen tral processes p roject
pon en t (portio m inor) con sistin g of motor fibers for to th e principal sensory nucleus of the trigeminal
th e m u scles of m astication . nerve (for tou ch an d discrim in ation ) an d to th e spi-
nal nucleus of the trigeminal nerve (for pain an d
Trigeminal ganglion and brainstem nuclei. Th e tem peratu re). Th e mesencephalic nucleus of the
trigeminal (gasserian) ganglion is th e cou n terpart trigeminal nerve is a special case, in th at its cells
of th e spin al dorsal root gan glia for t h e sen sory in - correspon d to sp in al dorsal root gan glion cells
n ervation of th e face. Like th e dorsal root gan glia, it even th ou gh it is located w ith in t h e brain stem ; it
4 104 · 4 Brainstem

Fig. 4.28 The sympa-

thetic innervation of the
From the eye and Horner syn-
Superior diencephalon drome. In the region of
tarsal m. (central the eye, sym pathetic effer-
sym pathetic ents innervate not only the
Internal pathway)
dilator pupillae m uscle (see
carotid a. Fig. 4.27), but also the tar-
sal m uscles and the orbi-
Dilator talis m uscle. The sym pa-
pupillae m. thetic innervation of the
(m iosis) sweat glands of the face
and of its vasculature (va-
soconstrictor fibers) is also
tarsal m.
Orbitalis m. C8

Sw eat gland



is, in a sen se, a p erip h eral n ucleu s th at h as been skin of th e face u p to th e vertex of th e h ead. Figu re
displaced in to th e cen tral n ervous system . Th e pe- 4.30 sh ow s th e cu tan eou s territories supp lied by
riph eral processes of n euron s in th is n u cleu s re- each of th e th ree trigem in al bran ch es. Th e cu -
ceive im pu lses from perip h eral receptors in th e tan eous distribu tion of th e trigem in al n erve
m uscle spin dles in th e m u scles of m astication , an d borders th e derm atom es of th e secon d an d th ird
from ot h er receptors t h at resp on d to pressu re. cervical n erve roots. (Th e first cervical n erve root,
Th e th ree n uclei ju st m en tion ed exten d from th e C1, is pu rely m otor an d in n ervates th e n uch al
cervical spin al cord all th e w ay to th e m idbrain , as m u scles th at are attach ed to th e sku ll an d th e
sh ow n in Figu re 4.30. Th e trigem in al gan glion is lo- u pp er cervical vertebrae.)
cated at th e base of th e skull over th e ap ex of th e Fu rth erm ore, th e m u cou s m em bran es of th e
petrou s bon e, ju st lateral to th e posterolateral por- m ou th , n ose, an d paran asal sin u ses derive th eir so-
tion of th e cavern ou s sin us. It gives off th e t h ree m atosen sory in n ervation from th e trigem in al
bran ch es of th e t rigem in al n erve to th e differen t n erve, as do th e m an dibu lar an d m axillary teeth
areas of th e face, i.e., t h e ophthalmic nerve (V1 ), an d m ost of th e du ra m ater (in th e an terior an d
w h ich exits from th e sku ll th rough th e su perior m iddle cran ial fossae). Arou n d th e extern al ear,
orbital fissu re; th e maxillary nerve (V2 ), w h ich h ow ever, on ly th e an terior portion of th e p in n a an d
exits th rou gh th e foram en rotun dum ; an d th e th e extern al au ditory can al an d a part of th e tym -
mandibular nerve (V3 ), w h ich exits th rough th e p an ic m em bran e are sup plied by th e trigem in al
foram en ovale. n erve. Th e rest of th e extern al au ditory can al
derives its som atosen sory in n ervation from th e
Somatosensory trigeminal fibers. Th e periph eral n ervu s in term ediu s an d th e glossop h aryn geal an d
trajectory of th e trigem in al n erve is sh ow n in vagu s n erves.
Figure 4.29. Its somatosensory portion su pplies t h e
Cranial Nerves · 105
Fig. 4.29 Peripheral
Nasociliary n. course of the somato-
Tem poralis m . Ciliary ganglion Frontal n. sensory and motor fibers
of the trigeminal nerve
tem poral

Ophthalmic n.
Maxillary n.

Mandibular n.

Trigeminal g anglion B

Auriculotem poral n. 2
Pterygopalatine ganglion
Buccal n.
Lingual n.
Inferior alveolar n.

A = orbital fissure

B = foram en rotundum

C = foramen ovale

1 = lateral pterygoid m.
2 = medial pterygoid m .
3 = mylohyoid m . and anterior Mylohyoid n. 3
belly of digastric m . Mental m .

Proprioceptive impulses from th e m u scles of th alm ic n erve to th e prin cipal sen sory n u cleu s of
m astication an d th e h ard palate are tran sm itted by th e trigem in al n erve (afferent arm ). After a syn -
th e m an dibu lar n erve. Th ese im pu lses are part of a apse at t h is site, im pulses travel onw ard to t h e fa-
feedback m ech an ism for th e con t rol of bite cial n erve n u clei an d th en th rou gh th e facial n erves
stren gth . to th e orbicularis oculi m uscles on eith er side
All trigem in al som atosen sory fibers term in ate (efferent arm ). In terruption of th is reflex arc in
in th e principal sensory nucleus of the trigeminal eith er its afferen t com pon en t (trigem in al n erve) or
nerve, w h ich is located in th e dorsolateral portion its efferen t com p on en t (facial n erve) abolish es th e
of th e p on s (in a posit ion an alogou s to t h at of th e corn eal reflex, in w h ich touch in g th e corn ea in -
posterior colum n n uclei in th e m edulla). Th e axon s du ces reflex closu re of both eyes.
of t h e secon d n eu ron s cross th e m idlin e an d as-
cend in th e con tralateral m edial lem n iscu s to th e Sneeze and suck reflexes. Oth er som atosen sory
ven tral posterom edial n u cleus of th e th alam us fibers travel from th e n asal m ucosa to th e trigem i-
(VPL, Fig. 4.30). n al n u clear area to form the afferent arm of th e
Th e som atosen sory fibers of th e trigem in al n erve sn eeze reflex. A n u m ber of differen t n erves m ake
are a com pon en t of several im portan t reflex arcs. up its efferent arm : cran ial n erves V, VII, IX, an d X,
as w ell as several n erves th at are involved in ex-
Corneal reflex. Som atosen sory im pu lses from th e piration . Th e su ck reflex of in fan ts, in w h ich touch -
m ucou s m em bran es of th e eye travel in th e op h - in g of th e lip s in du ces su ckin g, is an oth er reflex
4 106 · 4 Brainstem

Fig. 4.30 a Central con-

Meningeal branch
nections of the various
Nerve to tensor Lesser
t ym pani m . petrosal n. trigeminal fibers and
their corresponding nu-
clei (schem atic drawing).
b Motor root of the
trigem inal nerve.

Auriculotem poral n.
Medial and lateral
pterygoid nn.
Nerve to tensor veli palatini m .

Thalam us
Mese ncephalic
nucleus and tract
of the trigeminal n.
Motor nucleus
of the trigeminal n.

Spinal and
trigem inal
lem niscus
(masseter reflex)
(blink reflex, Principal senso ry
corneal reflex) nucleus of the
trige minal n.

Medial Spinal nucle us of the

lem niscus trige - Motor root of
Spinal tract
minal n. the trigem inal n.:
Nucleus Mandibular n. 1 to m uscles of
cuneatus and mastication
nucleus gracilis Maxillary n. 2 mylohyoid m . and
C1 3 anterior belly of
Ophthalm ic n. the digastric m .

C2 Substantia
Lateral Somatic afferent proprioception
spinothalam ic Somatic afferent touch
Somatic afferent pain, tem perature
tract (body)
Branchial efferent m otor

w ith a trigem in al afferen t arm an d an efferen t arm w h ich receive th e pain an d tem perature fibers of
th at involves several differen t n erves. th e upp er cervical segm en ts.
Th e caudal portion (pars caudalis) of th e spin al
Pain and temperature fibers of the trigeminal n ucleu s of th e trigem in al n erve con tain s an up side-
nerve. Fibers su bservin g pain an d tem perature dow n som atotopic represen tation of th e face an d
sen sation travel cau dally in th e spinal tract of the h ead: th e n ociceptive fibers of th e oph th alm ic
trigeminal nerve an d term in ate in t h e spinal nu- n erve term in ate m ost cau dally, follow ed from
cleus of the trigeminal nerve, w h ose low est p or- cau dal to rostral by th ose of th e m axillary an d m an -
tion exten ds in to th e cervical sp in al cord. Th is n u- dibu lar n erves Th e spin al tract of th e trigem in al
cleu s is th e u pper exten sion of th e Lissau er zon e n erve also con tain s n ociceptive fibers from cran ial
an d th e su bstan t ia gelatin osa of th e posterior h orn , n erves VII (n ervus in term edius), IX, an d X, w h ich
Cranial Nerves · 107
subserve p ain an d tem peratu re sen sation on th e ex- produces flaccid w eakness of the muscles of mas-
tern al ear, th e posterior th ird of th e ton gu e, an d th e tication. Th is type of w eakn ess, if un ilateral, can be
laryn x an d ph aryn x (see Figs. 4.48 an d 4.49). detected by palp ation of th e m asseter an d tem -
Th e m idportion (pars interpolaris) an d rostral poralis m u scles w h ile th e p atien t clam p s h is or h er
portion (pars rostralis) of t h e sp in al n ucleu s of th e jaw : th e n orm ally palpable m u scle con traction is
trigem in al n erve p robably receive afferen t fibers absen t on th e side of t h e lesion . Wh en th e pat ien t
subservin g tou ch an d p ressu re sen sation (th e th en open s h is or h er m ou th an d protru des th e
fu n ction al an atom y in t h is area is in com p letely u n - low er jaw, th e jaw deviates to th e side of th e lesion ,
derstood at presen t). Th e pars in terpolaris h as also becau se th e force of th e con t ralateral pterygoid
been reported to receive n ocicept ive fibers from th e m uscle predom in ates. In such cases, th e m asse-
pu lp of th e teeth . teric or jaw -jerk reflex is absen t (it is n orm ally eli-
Th e secon d n eu ron s th at em erge from th e spi- citable by tap pin g th e ch in w ith a reflex h am m er to
n al n u cleus of th e trigem in al n erve project th eir stretch th e fibers of th e m asseter m u scle).
axon s across th e m idlin e in a broad, fan like t ract.
Th ese fibers traverse th e pon s an d m idbrain , as- Disorders Affecting the Trigem inal Nerve
cen din g in close association w ith th e lateral
spin ot h alam ic t ract tow ard th e th alam u s, w h ere Trigeminal neuralgia. Th e classic variety of
th ey term in ate in th e ven tral posterom edial n u - trigem in al n eu ralgia is ch aracterized by p aroxysm s
cleus (Fig. 4.30). Th e axon s of th e th alam ic (th ird) of in ten se, ligh tn in glike (sh ootin g or “lan cin atin g”)
n eu ron s in th e trigem in al path w ay th en ascen d in pain in t h e dist ribu tion of on e or m ore bran ch es of
th e posterior lim b of th e in tern al capsu le to th e th e trigem in al n erve. Th e pain can be evoked by
caudal p ortion of th e postcen tral gyru s (Fig. 2.19, touch in g th e face in on e or m ore particularly sen si-
p. 29). tive areas (“trigger zon es”). Typical types of stim uli
th at trigger pain in clu de w ash in g, sh avin g, an d
Motor trigeminal fibers. Th e m otor n u cleu s from tooth -bru sh in g. Th is con dition is also kn ow n by
w h ich th e m otor fibers of th e trigem in al n erve th e tradition al Fren ch design ation , tic douloureux
arise is located in th e lateral portion of th e pon t in e (w h ich is som ew h at m isleadin g, because any
tegm en tu m , ju st m edial to th e prin cipal sen sory tw itch in g m ovem en ts of th e face th at m ay be pre-
n u cleu s of th e trigem in al n erve. Th e portio m in or sen t are a reflex respon se to th e pain , rat h er th an a
exits t h e sku ll t h rou gh th e foram en ovale toget h er tru e tic). Th e n eurological exam in ation is u n re-
w ith th e m an dibu lar n erve an d in n ervates th e m arkable; in particu lar, th ere is n o sen sory deficit
m asseter, tem p oralis, an d m edial an d lateral ptery- on th e face.
goid m u scles, as w ell as th e ten sor veli palatin i, th e Th e path ophysiology of th is con dition rem ain s
ten sor tym pan i, th e m ylohyoid m uscle, an d th e im perfectly u n derstood; both cen tral an d p erip h -
an terior belly of t h e digastric m uscle (Figs. 4.29 eral m ech an ism s h ave been prop osed. (Th e older
an d 4.30). term “idiopathic trigem in al n euralgia” for th e clas-
Th e m otor n uclei (an d, th rough th em , th e sic con dition is n o lon ger w idely u sed, because th is
m uscles of m astication ) are u n der t h e in fluen ce of issu e is still u n settled.) Gardn er (1959) an d, later,
cortical cen ters th at project to th em by w ay of th e Jan n etta (1982) attribu ted trigem in al n eu ralgia to
corticon u clear tract. Th is su pran uclear path w ay is com p ression of th e trigem in al root by a blood ves-
m ostly crossed, bu t th ere is also a subst an tial ipsi- sel, u su ally th e su perior cerebellar artery, loop in g
lateral projection . Th is accou n ts for th e fact th at a arou n d t h e proxim al, un m yelin ated portion of th e
un ilateral in terru ption of th e su pran u clear root im m ediately after it s exit from th e pon s
trigem in al pat h w ay does n ot produce any n ot ice- (Fig. 4.31). Th is hypoth esis is sup ported by th e ob-
able w eakn ess of th e m u scles of m ast ication . servation th at a pain -free state can be ach ieved in
Th e su pran u clear path w ay origin ates in n eu ron s up to 80 % of p atien ts w ith a n eurosurgical pro-
of t h e cau dal portion of th e precen tral gyrus cedu re kn ow n as m icrovascu lar decom p ression , in
(Fig. 3.2, p. 37; Fig. 4.30). w h ich th e vascular loop is exposed an d dissected
free of th e n erve, an d a sm all spon ge m ade of syn -
Lesions of the m otor trigem inal fibers. A n u clear or th etic m aterial is in serted betw een th ese tw o
periph eral lesion of th e m otor trigem in al path w ay stru ctures to keep th em apart.
4 108 · 4 Brainstem

Fig. 4.31 Unmyelinated

portions of the cranial
III Posterior cerebral a.
nerve roots (orange, left)
IV and nearby vascular loops
(dark red, right) that m ay
VI Superior cerebellar a.
irritate the nerve roots at
V sensory Trigem inal n. these sites. In particular,
(2.0–6.0 m m ) the diagram shows a loop
Site of origin of of the superior cerebellar
VII trigem inal neuralgia artery that may cause
(0.5–4.0 m m )
trigeminal neuralgia.
VIII Anterior inferior
cerebellar a.
(0.1–1.1 m m )

Posterior inferior
X cerebellar a.
XI Vertebral a.

Th e pain can be sign ifican tly dim in ish ed, or

Differential Diagnosis: Disorders with Facial
even elim in ated, in 80–90 % of cases by m edical
Pain in the Absence of a Trigem inal Lesion
treatm en t alon e, eith er w ith carbam azep in e,
gabapen tin , or pregabalin , w h ich h as recen tly Charlin neuralgia con sists of pain at th e in n er can -
com e in to use for th is p urp ose. Neu rosu rgical in - th u s of th e eye an d root of th e n ose accom pan ied
terven tion is in dicated on ly if th e p ain becom es re- by in creased lacrim ation . It is th ou gh t to be du e to
fractory to m edication . Th e option s for n eu rosu rgi- irritation of th e ciliary gan glion .
cal treatm en t in clu de m icrovascu lar decom pres-
sion (m en tion ed p. 107) an d selective percu- Cluster headache is also kn ow n as Bin g–Horton
tan eou s th erm ocoagu lation of th e n ociceptive syn drom e, eryth roprosop algia, an d h istam in e
fibers of th e trigem in al n erve. h eadach e. It is ch aracterized by brief attacks of
pain occurrin g m ain ly at n igh t, in cludin g du rin g
Th e m ost com m on cause of sym ptom atic trigem inal sleep (in distin ction to trigem in al n eu ralgia). Th ese
neuralgia is m ult iple sclerosis: 2.4 % of all MS attacks are accom pan ied by facial eryth em a, lacri-
patien ts develop trigem in al n eu ralgia; am on g m ation , w atery n asal secretion , an d often Horn er
th ese p atien ts, 14 % h ave it bilaterally. syn drom e as w ell. Typical provocative factors in -
Ot h er, rarer causes of sym ptom atic pain in th e clu de h igh altitu de, alcoh ol con su m ption , an d th e
distribu tion of th e trigem in al n erve in clude den tal takin g of n itroglycerin (glyceryl trin itrate). Th e at-
lesion s, sin u sit is, bony fract ures, an d tu m ors of th e tacks occu r repeatedly in periods (clu sters) ch arac-
cerebellopon tin e an gle, th e n ose, or th e m outh . teristically lastin g a w eek or m ore, separated by
Pain in th e eye or foreh ead sh ould also arou se su s- h eadach e-free in tervals of at least tw o w eeks’ du -
picion of glau com a or iritis. Th e pain of acu te glau - ration . Th ere is as yet n o con sen sus on th e
com a can m im ic th at of classic trigem in al n eu ral- path op hysiology of th is disorder. Its treatm en t is
gia. em pirical, w ith oxygen , triptan es, or ot h er m edica-
tion s.
Gradenigo syndrome con sist s of pain in th e dis-
tribut ion of th e oph th alm ic n erve accom pan ied by
ipsilateral abducen s palsy. It is cau sed by in fection
in th e air cells of th e petrou s apex.
Cranial Nerves · 109
arou n d th e abdu cen s n ucleu s (form in g th e so-
Facial Nerve (CN VII) and Nervus called internal genu of the facial nerve, Fig. 4.2),
Intermedius th ereby creatin g a sm all bu m p on th e floor of th e
fou rth ven tricle (facial colliculus) (Fig. 4.1). Th ey
Th e facial n erve h as tw o com pon en ts. Th e larger
th en form a com p act bu n dle, w h ich travels ven -
com p on en t is pu rely m otor an d in n ervates th e
trolaterally to th e cau dal en d of th e p on s an d th en
m uscles of facial expression (Fig. 4.32). Th is com -
exits th e brain stem , crosses th e subarach n oid space
pon en t is th e facial n erve p roper. It is accom pan ied
in th e cerebellopon tin e an gle, an d en ters th e in ter-
by a th in n er n erve, th e n ervu s in term ediu s, w h ich
n al acoustic m eatus togeth er w ith th e n ervu s in ter-
con tain s visceral an d som atic afferen t fibers, as
m edius an d th e eigh th cran ial n erve (th e vestibu lo-
w ell as visceral efferen t fibers (Table 4.1, p . 79).
coch lear n erve). With in th e m eatus, th e facial nerve
an d nervus intermedius separate from th e eigh th
Motor Component of Facial Nerve
n erve an d travel laterally in th e facial can al tow ard
Th e nucleus of th e m otor com pon en t of th e facial th e gen icu late gan glion . At th e level of th e gan glion ,
nerve is located in th e ven trolateral p ortion of th e th e facial can al takes a sh arp dow nw ard turn (exter-
pon tin e tegm en tu m (Figs. 4.2 an d 4.3, an d Fig. 4.33). nal genu of the facial nerve). At th e low er en d of th e
Th e n eu ron s of th is m otor n u cleu s are an alogous to can al, th e facial n erve exits th e sku ll th rou gh th e
th e an terior h orn cells of th e spin al cord, but are stylom astoid foram en . Its in dividu al m otor fibers
em bryologically derived from th e secon d bran ch ial are th en distribu ted to all region s of t h e face (som e
arch . Th e root fibers of th is n ucleu s take a com pli- of th em first travelin g th rough t h e parotid glan d).
cated cou rse. Wit h in t h e brain stem , th ey w in d Th ey in n ervate all of th e m u scles of facial expression

Fig. 4.32 Peripheral

Tem poral branches
course of the facial nerve

n iu s m.
r a
Ep ic

Posterior auricular n.
Geniculate ganglion
Chorda t ym pani
Pterygopalatine ganglion
Zygomatic branches
Buccal branches
Parotid plexus
Mandibular branches
Cervical branches
Branches to the st ylohyoid m .
and the posterior belly
of the digastric m .
4 110 · 4 Brainstem

th at are derived from th e secon d bran ch ial arch , i.e.,

th e orbicu laris oris an d oculi, bu ccin ator, occipitalis,
Precentral gyrus
an d fron t alis m uscles an d th e sm aller m uscles in
Cort ical area for th ese areas, as w ell as th e stapediu s, platysm a, sty-
facial expression
lohyoid m u scle, an d posterior belly of th e digastric
m u scle (Fig. 4.32).

Reflexes involving the facial nerve. Th e m otor n u -

cleu s of th e facial n erve participates in a n um ber of
reflex arcs. Th e corneal reflex is discu ssed above
(p. 105). In th e blink reflex, a stron g visual stim u lu s
Cort iconuclear tract in duces th e su perior collicu li to sen d visu al im -
Nucleus of the
facial n. (VII) pulses to th e facial n ucleu s in th e pon s by w ay of th e
Geniculate tectobu lbar tract, w ith th e result th at th e eyes are
ganglion im m ediately closed. Sim ilarly, in th e stapedius re-
flex, au ditory im p ulses are t ran sm itted from t h e
dorsal n u cleu s of th e trapezoid body to th e facial
nu cleu s an d cau se eith er con traction or relaxation
of th e stapedius m u scle, depen din g on th e stren gth
of th e au ditory stim u lus.

Motor lesions involving the distribution of the fa-

cial nerve. Th e m uscles of th e foreh ead derive th eir
su pran u clear in n ervation from both cerebral h em i-
sph eres, bu t th e rem ain in g m uscles of facial ex-
Fig. 4.33 Central innervation of the facial nuclear area
in the brainstem. The portion of the nuclear area control- pression are in n ervated on ly u n ilaterally, i.e., by
ling the m uscles of the forehead is innervated by both cere- th e con tralateral precen tral cortex (Fig. 4.33). If th e
bral hem ispheres. Thus, a lesion affecting the corticonu- descen din g supran u clear path w ays are in ter-
clear pathway on one side does not cause weakness of the ru pted on on e side on ly, e.g., by a cerebral in farct,
forehead m uscles. The rem ainder of the nuclear area, th e resu ltin g facial palsy spares th e foreh ead
however, is innervated only by the contralateral hem i-
m u scles (Fig. 4.34a): th e patien t can still raise h is
sphere. A unilateral lesion along the corticonuclear path-
way therefore causes contralateral facial weakness with
or h er eyebrow s an d close th e eyes forcefully. Th is
sparing of the forehead m uscles. type of facial palsy is called central facial palsy. In a
nuclear or peripheral lesion (see below ), h ow ever,
all of t h e m uscles of facial expression on th e side of
th e lesion are w eak (Fig 4.34b). On e can th u s dis-
tin guish cen tral from n u clear or periph eral facial
palsy by th eir differen t clin ical appearan ces.
Th e m otor n uclei of th e facial n erve are in n er-
vated n ot on ly by t h e facial cortex but also by th e
dien ceph alon , w h ich plays a m ajor role in em o-
tion -related facial exp ression s. Fu rth er inpu t is
derived from th e basal gan glia; in basal gan glia dis-
orders (e.g., Parkin son disease), hyp om im ia or
am im ia can be seen . Th ere are also various dys-
kin etic syn drom es affectin g th e m uscles of facial
expression w ith differen t types of abn orm al m ove-
Fig. 4.34 Facial palsy
m en t: h em ifacial spasm , facial dyskin esias, an d
a Central facial palsy: the forehead m uscles are not af-
fected. bleph arospasm , am on g oth ers. Th e site of th e
b Peripheral facial palsy: the forehead m uscles are involved cau sative lesion in th ese syn drom es rem ain s u n -
along with the rest of the face on the affected side. kn ow n .
Cranial Nerves · 111
Idiopathic facial nerve palsy (Bell palsy). Th is m ost
com m on disorder affectin g th e facial n erve arises
acoustic m eatus
in abou t 25 per 10 0 0 0 0 in dividu als per year. Its Cochlear n.
cause is still un kn ow n . It is ch aracterized by flaccid Vestibular n.
paresis of all m uscles of facial expression (in clu din g Nervus interm edius
th e foreh ead m u scles), as w ell as oth er m an ifesta- Facial n.
tion s depen din g on th e site of th e lesion . Th e Lacrimation and secretion
variou s syn drom es resu ltin g from n erve dam age of intranasal glands
w ith in th e facial can al are depicted in Figu re 4.35, Salivation
an d a t ypical MRI correlate of idiopath ic facial
Geniculate 2
n erve palsy is sh ow n in Figu re 4.36. Differen tial di- ganglion
agn osis is im portan t in cases of acu te facial palsy,
as n ot all cases are idiopat h ic: 10 % are du e to
h erpes zoster oticus, 4 % to otitis m edia, an d 2 % to
tu m ors of variou s types (parotid tu m ors, n euri- Greater
petrosal n.
n om a, an d oth ers). 3
A com plete recovery occu rs w ith out t reatm en t Nerve to the
stapedius m .
in 60–80 % of all p atien ts. Th e adm in istration of
steroids (predn isolon e, 1 m g/kg body w eigh t daily
for 5 days), if it is begu n w ith in 10 days of th e on set
of facial palsy, speeds recovery an d leads to Chorda t ympani
com p lete recovery in over 90 % of cases, accordin g
to a n u m ber of pu blish ed stu dies.
Partial or m isdirected rein n ervation of th e af-
fected m uscu latu re after an ep isode of idiopat h ic St ylomastoid
facial n erve palsy som etim es cau ses a facial con - foram en
tractu re or abn orm al accessory m ovem en ts (syn-
Posterior 5
kinesias) of th e m uscles of facial expression . Mis- auricular n.
directed rein n ervation also explain s th e ph en om e-
n on of “crocodile tears,” in w h ich involu n tary lacri-
m ation occurs w h en th e patien t eats. Th e reason is
presum ably th at regen eratin g secretory fibers
destin ed for th e salivary glan ds h ave taken an in - Motor fibers
correct path alon g th e Sch w an n cell sh eath s of Secretory fibers
degen erated fibers in n ervatin g th e lacrim al glan d, Gustatory fibers
so th at som e of th e im pulses for salivation in du ce Somatosensory fibers
lacrim ation in stead.
Fig. 4.35 The components of the facial nerve and typi-
cal deficits caused by lesions at various sites along its
Nervus Intermedius course
1 Peripheral weakness of the m uscles innervated by the
Th e n ervus in term edius con tain s a n u m ber of af- facial nerve (m uscles of facial expression), hearing loss
feren t an d efferen t com pon en t s (Table 4.1, p. 79). or deafness, and dim inished vestibular excitability.
2 Peripheral weakness and im pairm ent of taste, lacrim a-
Gustatory afferent fibers. Th e cell bodies of th e af- tion, and salivation.
3 Peripheral weakness of the m uscles of facial expression,
feren t fibers for taste are located in th e gen icu late
im pairm ent of taste and salivation, and hearing loss.
gan glion , w h ich con tain s p seu dou n ipolar cells re- 4 Peripheral weakness of the m uscles of facial expression
sem blin g th ose of th e spin al gan glia. Som e of th ese and im pairm ent of taste and salivation.
afferen t fibers arise in th e taste buds of th e an terior 5 Peripheral weakness of the m uscles of facial expression.
tw o-th irds of th e ton gu e (Fig. 4.37). Th ese fibers
first accom pany t h e lingual nerve (a bran ch of th e
m an dibu lar n erve, th e low est division of th e
4 112 · 4 Brainstem

a b
Fig. 4.36 MRI in a 73-year-old w oman w ith the acute m al right side. b Pathological contrast enhancem ent is also
onset of painless, total left facial nerve palsy (idiopathic seen along the further course of the nerve in the petrous
facial nerve palsy, Bell palsy). a The contrast-enhanced axial bone. Prednisolone was given acutely, and the weakness re-
T1-weighted im age shows m arked contrast uptake along solved com pletely within three weeks.
the course of the left facial nerve, as com pared to the nor-

trigem in al n erve), an d travel by w ay of th e chorda tan eous lesion in h erpes zoster oticu s is du e to in -
tym pani to th e geniculate ganglion, an d th en in th e volvem en t of th ese som atic afferen t fibers.
nervus interm edius to th e nucleus of the tractus soli-
tarius. Th is n u cleus also receives gustatory fibers Efferent secretory fibers (Fig. 4.38). Th e n ervu s in -
from th e glossop h aryn geal n erve, rep resen tin g term ediu s also con tain s efferen t p arasym path etic
taste on th e posterior th ird of th e ton gu e an d th e fibers origin atin g from th e superior salivatory nu-
vallate pap illae, an d from th e vagu s n erve, repre- cleus (Fig. 4.38), w h ich lies m edial an d caudal to
sen t in g taste on th e ep iglot tis. Th u s, taste is su p- t h e m otor n u cleus of th e facial n erve. Som e of th e
plied by th ree differen t n erves (CN VII, IX, an d X) root fibers of th is n u cleus leave th e m ain trun k of
on both sides. It follow s th at com plete ageusia on t h e facial n erve at th e level of th e gen icu late gan -
th e basis of a n erve lesion is extrem ely u n likely. glion an d p roceed to th e pterygopalatine ganglion
an d onw ard to th e lacrim al gland an d to th e glands
Central propagation of gustatory im pulses. Th e nu- of the nasal m ucosa. Oth er root fibers take a m ore
cleus of the tractus solitarius is th e com m on relay cau dal rou te, by w ay of th e ch orda tym pan i an d th e
n ucleu s of all gustatory fibers. It sen ds gustatory lin gual n erve, to th e subm andibular ganglion, in
im pu lses to th e con t ralateral thalam us (th eir exact w h ich a syn aptic relay is foun d. Th e postgan glion ic
cou rse is u n kn ow n ) an d onw ard to th e m ost m edial fibers in n ervate th e sublingual and subm andibular
com pon en t of th e ventral posterom edial nucleus of glands (Fig. 4.38), in ducin g salivation . As m en -
th e th alam u s (VPM, p. 173). From th e th alam u s, th e t ion ed above, th e su perior salivatory n u cleu s re-
gu statory path w ay con tin ues to th e caudal precen- ceives inp ut from th e olfactory system th rou gh th e
tral region overlyin g t h e in su la (Fig. 4.37). dorsal lon gitu din al fascicu lus. Th is con n ection p ro-
vides th e an atom ical basis for reflex salivation in
Afferent somatic fibers. A few som atic afferen t resp on se to an ap petizin g sm ell. Th e lacrim al
fibers represen tin g a sm all area of t h e extern al ear glan ds receive th eir cen tral inpu t from th e hy-
(pin n a), th e extern al au ditory can al, an d th e exter- poth alam u s (em otion ) by w ay of th e brain stem re-
n al su rface of th e tym p an u m (eardru m ) travel in th e t icu lar form ation , as w ell as from th e spin al n u -
facial nerve to th e geniculate ganglion an d th en ce to cleu s of th e trigem in al n erve (irritation of th e con -
th e sensory nuclei of the trigem inal nerve. Th e cu - jun ctiva).
Cranial Nerves · 113
Fig. 4.37 Afferent gus-
To the inferior portion of the tatory fibe rs and the
postcentral gyrus and to the insula
gustatory pathw ay. The
drawing shows the periph-
eral receptors (taste buds),
Taste bud the peripheral course of
the gustatory fibers (along
the nervus interm edius and
the glossopharyngeal and
vagus nerves), and their
central connections with
the corresponding brain-
stem nuclei.

pathway (with
m edial lemniscus) Superior
and inferior

ganglion ?
Greater petrosal n.
Lingual n.
Otic Geniculate
ganglion ganglion

p ani
t ym
o rd a
Ch X
Nucleus of the
tractus solitarius
Pathway to the m uscles
of facial expression,
swallowing, and mastication


Vestibulocochlear Nerve (CN VIII)— Auditory perception. Sou n d w aves are vibration s
Cochlear Component and the Organ in th e air produ ced by a w ide variety of m ech a-
n ism s (ton es, speech , son g, in stru m en tal m usic,
of Hearing
n atu ral sou n ds, environ m en tal n oise, etc.). Th ese
Th e organ s of balan ce an d h earin g are derived from vibration s are tran sm itted alon g th e extern al audi-
a sin gle em bryological precu rsor in t h e petrous tory can al to th e eardrum (tym pan u m or tym pan ic
port ion of th e tem poral bon e: t h e u tricle gives rise m em bran e), w h ich separates th e extern al from
to th e vestibular system w ith its th ree sem icircu lar m iddle ear (Fig. 4.39).
can als, w h ile th e saccu le gives rise to th e in n er ear
w ith its sn aillike coch lea (Fig. 4.39).
4 114 · 4 Brainstem

Fig. 4.38 Parasympa-

Superior and inferior thetic innervation of the
salivatory nuclei
glands of the head
Lacrimal VI
Zygomatic n.

Maxillary n.

Greater petrosal n.

Pterygo- ganglion
Nucleus of
palatine the tractus
ganglion Otic solitarius
Nasal ganglion
glands IX
Chorda Lesser
t ym pani petrosal n.
Lingual n.

Parotid gland
gland Submandibular

Th e m iddle ear (Fig. 4.39) con tain s air an d is con - ity also con tain s tw o sm all m u scles, th e tensor
n ected to th e nasoph aryn geal sp ace (an d th u s to tym pani m uscle (CN V) an d th e stapedius m uscle
th e outside w orld) th rough th e au ditory t ube, also (CN VII). By con tractin g an d relaxin g, th ese
called th e eu stach ian tu be. Th e m iddle ear con sists m u scles alter th e m otility of th e au ditory ossicles
of a bony cavity (th e vestibulum ) w h ose w alls are in respon se to th e in ten sity of in com in g sou n d, so
covered w it h a m u cou s m em bran e. It s m edial w all th at th e organ of Corti is protected again st dam age
con tain s tw o orifices closed up w ith collagen ou s from very lou d stim u li.
tissue, w h ich are called th e oval w in dow or fora-
m en ovale (altern at ively, fenestra vestibuli) an d t h e Inner ear. Th e au ditory port ion of th e in n er ear h as
rou n d w in dow or foram en rotu n du m (fenestra a bony com pon en t an d a m em bran ou s com p on en t
cochleae). Th ese tw o w in dow s separate th e tym - (Figs. 4.39, 4.40). Th e bony coch lea form s a spiral
pan ic cavity from th e in n er ear, w h ich is filled w ith w ith tw o-an d-a-h alf revolu tion s, resem blin g a
perilym ph . In com in g sou n d w aves set th e tym - com m on garden sn ail. (Fig. 4.39 sh ow s a tru n cated
pan ic m em bran e in vibration . Th e th ree ossicles coch lea for didactic p urposes on ly.) Th e coch lea
(m alleu s, in cus, an d stap es) th en tran sm it th e con tain s an an tech am ber (vestibule) an d a bony
oscillation s of th e tym pan ic m em bran e to th e oval tube, lin ed w ith epith elium th at w in ds aroun d th e
w in dow, settin g it in vibrat ion as w ell an d produc- m odiolu s, a taperin g bony stru cture con tain in g th e
in g oscillation of th e perilym p h . Th e tym p an ic cav- sp iral ganglion . A cross section of th e coch lear du ct
Cranial Nerves · 115
Fig. 4.39 The organ of
anterior hearing and equilibrium:
Sem icircular lateral overview

Stapes lym phatic
Malleus Ampullae
with cristae

with macula
with macula
Cochle a
Tym panic
m em brane
Auditory Perilym phatic Scala Scala Cochlear
tube duct t ym pani vestibuli duct

reveals three membranous compartments: th e w h ere a th in m em bran e seals off th e in n er ear

scala vestibuli, th e scala tympani, an d th e scala from t h e m iddle ear.
media (or coch lear du ct), w h ich con tain s th e organ Th e organ of Corti (spiral organ ) rests on th e
of Corti (Fig. 4.40). Th e scala vestibuli an d scala basilar m em bran e alon g its en tire len gth , from th e
tympani are filled w ith perilym ph , w h ile th e vestibulu m to th e apex (Fig. 4.41). It is com p osed of
cochlear duct is filled w it h endolym ph, a flu id pro- h air cells an d su pportin g cells (Fig. 4.40c an d d).
duced by th e stria vascularis. Th e coch lear du ct ter- Th e hair cells are th e receptors of the organ of hear-
m in ates blin dly at each en d (in th e cecum vestibu - ing, in w h ich th e m ech an ical en ergy of sou n d
lare at its base an d in th e cecum cu pulare at its w aves is tran sdu ced in to electroch em ical poten -
apex). Th e u pper w all of t h e coch lear du ct is tials. Th ere are abou t 350 0 inner hair cells, ar-
form ed by th e very th in Reissner’s m em brane, ran ged in a sin gle row, an d 12 0 0 0–19 0 0 0 outer
w h ich divides th e en dolym ph from th e p erilym ph hair cells, arran ged in t h ree or m ore row s. Each h air
of th e scala vestibu li, freely tran sm itt in g t h e pres- cell h as abou t 10 0 stereocilia, som e of w h ich ex-
su re w aves of th e scala vestibuli to th e coch lear ten d in to th e tectorial m em bran e. Wh en th e
duct so th at th e basilar m em brane is set in vibra- basilar m em bran e oscillates, th e stereocilia are
tion . Th e pressure w aves of th e perilym ph begin at ben t w h ere th ey com e in to con t act w it h th e n on -
th e oval w in dow an d travel th rou gh th e scala vesti- oscillatin g tectorial m em bran e; t h is is presu m ed to
buli alon g t h e en t ire len gth of t h e coch lea u p to its be th e m ech an ical stim u lu s th at excites th e au di-
apex, w h ere th ey en ter th e scala t ym pan i th rough tory receptor cells. In addition to th e sen sory cells
a sm all open in g called th e h elicotrem a; th e w aves (h air cells), th e organ of Corti also con tain s several
th en travel th e len gth of th e coch lea in th e scala kin ds of supporting cells, su ch as th e Deiters cells,
tym pan i, fin ally arrivin g at th e roun d w in dow, as w ell as em pty spaces (tu n n els), w h ose fu n ction
4 116 · 4 Brainstem

Fig. 4.40 The micro-

Ham ulus of the spiral lamina scopic architecture of the
organ of hearing.
a Labyrinth. b Cochlea.
Spiral canal of the m odiolus c and d Organ of Corti.
e Basilar m em brane
(lam ina).
Longitudinal canal of the m odiolus

a Labyrinth Scala vestibuli

Reissner’s m embrane
Cochlear duct
Spiral ligam ent

Scala t ympani

b Cochlea 33 m m

Base 100 µm Apex 500 µm

Spiral limbus
m embrane
Outer e Basilar lamina


Inner Space Basilar

Bony tunnel of Nuel m em brane
spiral lam ina Outer
c Organ of Corti hair
Inner cells

Efferent Basilar outer inner Supporting cells

fibers lam ina Pillar cells of Deiters
d Organ of Corti w ith hair cells

w ill n ot be fu rth er discu ssed h ere (bu t see m axim u m ). Th e basilar m em bran e th u s possesses
Fig. 4.40d). Movem en t of th e footplate of th e a tonotopic organ ization , in w h ich h igh er frequ en -
stapes in to th e foram en ovale creates a travelin g cies are registered in th e m ore basal portion s of
w ave alon g th e stran ds of t h e basilar m em bran e, th e m em bran e, an d low er frequ en cies in m ore
w h ich are orien ted tran sversely to th e direction of apical portion s. Th is m ay be com pared to a pian o
m ovem en t of th e w ave. An applied pu re ton e of a keyboard, on w h ich th e frequ en cy becom es h igh er
given frequ en cy is associated w ith a particular site from left to righ t. Th e basilar m em bran e is w ider
on th e basilar m em bran e at w h ich it produces th e at t h e basilar en d th an at th e apical en d
m axim al m em bran e deviation (i.e., an am p litu de (Fig. 4.40e).
Cranial Nerves · 117
Th e spiral ganglion (Fig. 4.42) con tain s about
25 0 0 0 bip olar an d 5 0 0 0 u n ipolar n eu ron s, w h ich
h ave cen tral an d periph eral p rocesses. Th e periph -
eral processes receive inpu t from t h e in n er h air
cells, an d th e cen tral processes com e togeth er to
form th e coch lear n erve.

Cochlear nerve and auditory pathw ay. Th e

cochlear nerve, form ed by th e cen tral p rocesses of
th e sp iral gan glion cells, passes alon g th e in tern al
auditory can al toget h er w ith th e vest ibu lar n erve,
traverses th e su barach n oid sp ace in th e cerebel-
lopon tin e an gle, an d th en en ters th e brain stem just
beh in d th e in ferior cerebellar pedu n cle. In t h e ven -
tral coch lear n u cleu s, t h e fibers of th e coch lear
n erve split in to tw o bran ch es (like a “T”); each
bran ch t h en proceeds to th e site of t h e n ext relay Fig. 4.41 The course of the basilar lamina
(secon d n euron of th e au ditory path w ay) in th e
ventral or dorsal coch lear n u cleu s. Th e secon d
n euron projects im pu lses cen trally alon g a n um ber
of differen t path w ays, som e of w h ich con tain Vestibulocochlear n.
fu rt h er syn aptic relays (Fig. 4.43). Vestibular Cochlear
root root
Neurites (axon s) derived from th e ventral
cochlear nucleus cross th e m idlin e w ith in th e ganglion
trapezoid body. Som e of th ese n eurites form a syn -
ap se w ith a furth er n euron in th e trapezoid body ganglion
itself, w h ile th e rest proceed to oth er relay sta-
tion s—th e su perior olivary n u cleus, th e n ucleu s of
th e lateral lem n iscu s, or th e reticu lar form ation .
Ascen din g auditory im pu lses th en travel by w ay of
th e lateral lem n iscu s to th e in ferior collicu li
(thou gh som e fibers p robably bypass t h e collicu li
an d go directly to t h e m edial gen iculate bodies). Fig. 4.42 The spiral ganglion and the vestibular gan-
Neurites arisin g in th e dorsal cochlear nucleus
cross th e m idlin e beh in d th e in ferior cerebellar
pedu n cle, som e of th em in th e striae m edu llares auditory path w ay from th e organ of Corti all th e
an d oth ers th rou gh th e ret icular form at ion , an d w ay to th e au ditory cortex (Fig. 4.43a an d c), in an
th en ascen d in th e lateral lem n iscu s to th e in ferior an alogous fash ion to th e som atotopic (retin otopic)
colliculi, togeth er w ith th e n eu rites from th e ven - organ ization of th e visu al path w ay.
tral coch lear n ucleu s.
Th e inferior colliculi con tain a fu rt h er syn apt ic Bilateral projection of auditory im pulses. Not all
relay on to t h e n ext n eu ron s in th e pat h w ay, w h ich , au ditory fibers cross th e m idlin e w ith in t he brain -
in turn , project to th e medial geniculate bodies of stem : part of th e path w ay rem ain s ipsilateral, w ith
th e th alam us. From h ere, au ditory im p ulses t ravel th e resu lt th at in jury to a sin gle lateral lem n iscus
in th e auditory radiation, w h ich is located in th e does n ot cause total u n ilateral deafn ess, but rath er
posterior lim b of th e in tern al cap su le (Fig. 3.2, on ly part ial deafn ess on th e opposite side, as w ell
p. 37), to th e prim ary au ditory cortex in th e tran s- as an im paired perception of th e direct ion of
verse tem poral gyri (area 41 of Brodm an n ), w h ich soun d.
are also called t h e tran sverse gyri of Hesch l
(Fig. 9.10, p. 231). A ton otopic represen t ation of Auditory association areas. Adjacen t to th e p ri-
auditory frequen cies is preserved th rou gh ou t th e m ary au ditory areas of th e cerebral cortex, th ere
4 118 · 4 Brainstem

Fig. 4.43 The auditory

pathw ay. Central connec-
tions of the cochlear nerve.
Transverse temporal
gyri (of Heschl)
20 000 Hz

Auditory radiation 200 Hz

(via posterior lim b
of internal capsule)

geniculate body

Me dial
geniculate body
Inferior colliculus 200 Hz

Com m issure of the

inferior colliculi

Lateral lemniscus and

lateral lem niscal nuclei 20 000 Hz

Striae m edullares e
Medial longitu- em
m Tectorial
dinal fasciculus e r’s
Inferior cere- is sn m em brane
bellar peduncle Hair cells
Dorsal coch-
lear nucleus
Ventral coch-
lear nucleus
Dorsal nucleus of the
trapezoid body and
superior olivary nucleus Cochlear n. Basilar lam ina
Nucleus of the
trapezoid body Olivary nucleus Spiral ganglion
Medial lemniscus Corticospinal tract Organ of Corti

are secon dary au ditory areas on t h e extern al su r- prim ary au ditory cortex is 4–6 n eu ron s lon g; at
face of t h e tem poral lobe (areas 42 an d 22; Fig. each of th e relay stat ion s in th is path w ay (superior
9.26, p. 247), in w h ich th e auditory stim u li are an a- olivary n u cleu s, reticular form ation , n u cleu s of th e
lyzed, iden tified, an d com pared w ith au ditory lateral lem n iscu s, an d in ferior collicu li), collateral
m em ories laid dow n earlier, an d also classified as fibers arise th at part icipate in a n u m ber of reflex
to w h eth er th ey represen t n oise, ton es, m elodies, arcs.
or w ords an d sen ten ces, i.e., speech . If th ese corti- ¼ Som e im p ulses travel to th e cerebellum , w h ile
cal areas are dam aged, th e p atien t m ay lose th e oth ers p ass in th e m edial lon gitudin al
ability to iden tify soun ds or to un derstan d speech fasciculu s to t h e nuclei innervating the extraocu-
(sensory aphasia, p. 248). lar m uscles an d brin g about con ju gate eye
m ovem en ts in th e direction of a sou n d.
Integration of auditory processing in various reflex ¼ Som e im p ulses pass th rou gh th e in ferior an d
arcs. Th e path w ay from t h e organ of Corti to th e superior collicu li to th e pretectal area an d th en ,
Cranial Nerves · 119
by w ay of th e tectobu lbar tract, to variou s brain - Diagnostic evaluation of hearing loss. In th e Rinne
stem n u clei, in clu din g th e nucleus of the facial test, t h e exam in er determ in es w h et h er auditory
nerve (stapedius m u scle), or by w ay of th e tec- stim u li are perceived better if con ducted th rough
tospin al tract to m otor anterior horn cells in the th e air or th rou gh bon e. Th e h an dle of a vibratin g
cervical spinal cord. Th e im pu lses th at descen d tu n in g fork is placed on th e m astoid process. As
to th e cervical spin al cord brin g about a reposi- soon as th e patien t can n o lon ger h ear th e ton e, th e
tion in g of th e h ead tow ard or aw ay from th e exam in er tests w h eth er h e or sh e can h ear it w ith
origin of a sou n d. th e en d of th e tu n in g fork h eld n ext to th e ear,
¼ Oth er im p ulses travel in th e ascen din g reticular w h ich a n orm al subject sh ou ld be able to do (posi-
activat in g system to t h e reticular form ation tive Rin n e test = n orm al fin din g). In m iddle ear
(arousal reaction , p. 176). h earin g loss, th e patien t can h ear th e ton e lon ger
¼ Yet oth ers descen d in th e lateral lem n iscu s an d, by bon e con du ction th an by air con du ction (n ega-
via in tern eu ron s, exert a regu latin g in flu en ce on tive Rin n e test = p ath ological fin din g).
th e tension of the basilar lam ina. Som e of t h ese In th e Weber test, th e h an dle of a vibratin g
descen din g im pulses are th ou gh t to h ave an in - tu n in g fork is placed on th e vertex of th e patien t’s
h ibitory effect; th eir fun ction is presu m ably to h ead, i.e., in th e m idlin e. A n orm al subject h ears th e
im prove th e perception of certain frequ en cies ton e in th e m idlin e; a patien t w ith un ilateral con -
by su ppressin g oth er, n eigh borin g frequ en cies. du ctive h earin g loss localizes th e ton e to th e dam -
aged side, w h ile on e w ith u n ilateral sen sorin eural
Hea ring Disorders h earin g loss localizes it to th e n orm al side.

Conductive and Sensorineural Hearing Loss

Further diagnostic testing. Middle ear lesion s lie in
Tw o typ es of h earin g loss can be clin ically distin - th e dom ain of th e otorhin olaryn gologist, but le-
guish ed: m iddle ear (con ductive) h earin g loss an d sion s of th e coch lear n erve an d th e cen tral auditory
in n er ear (sen sorin eural) h earin g loss. path w ay are th e n eurologist’s con cern .
Th e bedside tests described above for th e differ-
Conductive hearing loss is caused by processes af- en tiation of con ductive an d sen sorin eural h earin g
fecting the external auditory canal or, m ore com - loss are in su fficien t for precise diagn ostic assess-
m on ly, th e m iddle ear. Vibration s in th e air (sou n d m en t, w h ich requ ires audiometry, a qu an titative
w aves) are poorly tran sm it ted to th e in n er ear, or an d rep rodu cible m easu rem en t of h earin g ability.
n ot at all. Vibration s in bon e can still be con du cted Th e auditory th resh olds for air an d bon e con duc-
to th e organ of Corti an d be h eard (see Rin n e test, tion are m easu red at differen t frequ en cies. In con -
below ). du ctive h earin g loss, th e th resh old for air con du c-
Th e causes of con du ctive h earin g loss in clu de tion is w orse th an th at for bon e con du ction . In sen -
defects of th e tym pan ic m em bran e, a serotym - sorin eu ral h earin g loss, t he fin din g dep en ds on th e
pan um , m u cotym pan u m , or h em otym pan u m ; in - un derlyin g lesion : h igh -frequ en cy h earin g loss is
terru ption of th e ossicu lar ch ain by trau m a or in - fou n d in old age (presbycusis) an d in oth er form s of
flam m ation ; calcification of t h e ossicles (otos- acute or ch ron ic h earin g loss, bu t a low -frequ en cy
clerosis); destructive processes su ch as ch olestea- trou gh of auditory perception is fou n d in Mén ière’s
tom a; an d tu m ors (glom u s tu m or, less com m on ly disease.
carcin om a of th e au ditory can al).
Neurological disorders causing hearing loss.
Inner ear or sensorineural hearing loss is cau sed by Ménière’s disease, m en tion ed briefly above, is a
lesion s affectin g th e organ of Corti, th e coch lear disorder of th e in n er ear cau sin g h earin g loss an d
nerve, or t h e cen tral auditory path w ay. oth er n eurological m an ifestation s. It is ch aracter-
In n er ear fu n ction can be im paired by con gen i- ized by th e clin ical triad of rotatory vertigo w ith
tal m alform ation s, m edication s (an tibiotics), in - n au sea an d vom itin g, flu ctuatin g u n ilateral partial
du strial poison s (e.g., ben zen e, an ilin e, an d organ ic or total h earin g loss, an d tin n itu s. It is caused by a
solven ts), in fection (m u m ps, m easles, zoster), m e- distu rban ce of th e osm otic equilibrium of th e en -
tabolic distu rban ces, or traum a (fracture, acou stic dolym ph , resultin g in hydrops of th e en dolym -
traum a). ph atic sp ace an d ru pture of th e barrier betw een
4 120 · 4 Brainstem

th e en dolym ph an d th e perilym p h . Th e sym ptom s

are treated w it h an tivertigo m edication s an d in -
tratym pan ic perfusion w ith variou s agen ts. Bet a-
h istidin e is given p rophylact ically.
Sudden hearing loss, u su ally accom p an ied by
tin n itus, is presu m ed to be cau sed in m ost cases
eith er by a viral in fection or by isch em ia in th e terri-
tory of th e labyrin t h in e artery (an en d artery).
Th e cen tral auditory con n ection s in th e brain -
stem can be affected by vascu lar processes, in flam -
m ation , in fection , an d tu m ors. Th e resu lt is h earin g
loss. On ly bilateral in terru ption of th e auditory
path w ays in t h e brain stem can cause total bilateral

deafn ess.

“Acoustic neuroma” is a com m on , t h ou gh in ac-

cu rate, design ation for a t um or t h at act ually arises

from th e vestibular n erve an d is, h istologically, a

sch w an n om a. Su ch t um ors w ill be described in th e

n ext section , w h ich deals w ith th e vestibu lar n erve.

Vestibulocochlear Nerve (CN VIII)— Crista
Vestibular Component and Vestibular
System Fig. 4.44 The crista ampullaris

Th ree differen t system s participate in th e regu la-

tion of balan ce (equ ilibriu m ): th e vestibu lar sys- sem icircu lar can al is align ed w ith th e axis of t h e
tem , th e proprioceptive system (i.e., perception of petrou s bon e, w h ile th e an terior sem icircu lar can al
th e position of m u scles an d join ts), an d th e visu al is orien ted tran sversely to it. Sin ce th e axis of th e
system . petrou s bon e lies at a 45° an gle to th e m idlin e, it
Th e vestibular system is com posed of th e laby- follow s th at t h e an terior sem icircu lar can al of on e
rinth, t h e vestibular p ortion of t h e eigh t h cran ial ear is parallel to t h e posterior sem icircu lar can al of
n erve (i.e., th e vestibular nerve, a p ortion of th e ves- th e opposite ear, an d vice versa. Th e tw o lateral
tibu lococh lear n erve), an d th e vestibular nuclei of sem icircu lar can als lie in th e sam e plan e (th e h ori-
th e brain stem , w ith th eir cen tral con n ection s. zon tal plan e).
Each of th e th ree sem icircu lar can als com m un i-
Th e labyrinth lies w ith in th e petrou s portion of cates w ith th e u tricle. Each sem icircu lar can al is
th e tem poral bon e an d con sists of th e utricle, th e w iden ed at on e en d to form an ampulla, in w h ich
saccu le, an d th e three semicircular canals t h e receptor organ of th e vestibu lar system , th e
(Fig. 4.39). Th e m em bran ous labyrin th is sepa- crista am pullaris, is located (Fig. 4.44). Th e sen sory
rated from th e bony labyrin th by a sm all sp ace h airs of th e crista are em bedded in on e en d of an
filled w ith perilym ph ; th e m em bran ou s organ it- elon gated gelatin ous m ass called th e cupula, w h ich
self is filled w ith en dolym ph . con tain s n o otolith s (see below ). Movem en t of en -
Th e u tricle, th e saccu le, an d th e w iden ed por- dolym ph in th e sem icircular can als stim u lates th e
tion s (am pu llae) of t h e sem icircular can als con tain sen sory h airs of th e cristae, w h ich are th u s kin etic
receptor organ s w h ose fu n ction is to m ain tain receptors (m ovem en t receptors).
balan ce. Th e utricle an d saccule con t ain furth er receptor
organ s, t h e utricular an d saccular m acules
Th e three sem icircular canals lie in differen t plan es. (Fig. 4.45). Th e u tricu lar m acu le lies in th e floor of
Th e lateral sem icircu lar can al lies in t h e h orizon tal th e utricle p arallel to th e base of th e sku ll, an d th e
plan e, an d th e tw o oth er sem icircular can als are saccular m acu le lies vertically in th e m edial w all of
perpen dicu lar to it an d to each oth er. Th e posterior t h e saccu le. Th e h air cells of th e m acule are
Cranial Nerves · 121
em bedded in a gelatin ou s m em bran e con tain in g
calciu m carbon ate crystals, called statolith s. Th ey m em brane Otoliths
are flan ked by su pport in g cells.
Th ese receptors tran sm it static im pu lses, in di-
catin g th e position of th e h ead in sp ace, to th e
brain stem . Th ey also exert an in flu en ce on m u scle
ton e.
Im pu lses arisin g in t h e receptors of th e labyrin t h
Recep -
form th e afferen t lim b of reflex arcs th at serve to tor cell
coordin ate th e extraocu lar, n u ch al, an d body
m uscles so th at balan ce is m ain tain ed w ith every ting cell
position an d every type of m ovem en t of th e h ead.
Acoustic macula Myelinated nerve fibers
to the vestibular ganglion
Vestibulocochlear nerve. Th e n ext station for im -
pu lse tran sm ission in th e vestibular system is th e Fig. 4.45 The acoustic macula
vestibulococh lear n erve. Th e vestibular ganglion is
located in th e in tern al auditory can al; it con tain s to th e vestibular n uclei, w h ich lie in th e floor of th e
bip olar cells w h ose periph eral processes receive fou rth ven tricle.
inpu t from th e receptor cells in th e vestibu lar
organ , an d w h ose cen tral processes form th e vesti- Th e vestibular nuclear complex (Fig. 4.46a) is m ade
bular nerve. Th is n erve join s t h e coch lear n erve, up of:
w ith w h ich it traverses th e in tern al auditory can al, ¼ Th e su perior vestibu lar n u cleus (of Bekh terev)
crosses th e su barach n oid space at th e cerebel- ¼ Th e lateral vestibu lar n u cleu s (of Deiters)
lopon tin e an gle, an d en ters th e brain stem at th e ¼ Th e m edial vestibu lar n u cleu s (of Sch w albe)
pon tom edu llary ju n ction . Its fibers th en proceed ¼ Th e in ferior vest ibu lar n u cleu s (of Roller)

Fig. 4.46 The vestibular

Vestibular nuclei: nuclear complex and its
III Superior nucleus central connections.
(of Bechterew) a Com ponents of the vesti-
Medial longitudinal
IV fasciculus (ascending) Lateral nucleus bular nuclei. b Central con-
(of Deiters) nections of the individual
cerebellar fibers
com ponents of the vestibu-
Medial nucleus
(to nodulus (of Schwalbe) lar nuclei.
and flocculus)
Inferior nucleus
(of Roller)


Lateral vestibulo-
b spinal tract

Medial longitudinal
fasciculus (descending)
4 122 · 4 Brainstem

Fig. 4.47 Central connec-

tions of the vestibular

Nucleus of
Darkshevich and
interstitial nucleus of Cajal
Red nucleus

Verm is
Fastigial nucleus IV
Globose nucleus

Em boliform
VI fasciculus
(of Russell)


Reticular formation
bular n.
Vestibular ganglion
(of Scarpa)

Vagus n. (nausea, vom iting) X

Accessory n. XI Cristae
Vestibulospinal tract Utricle
Reticulospinal tract
Medial longitudinal From the
fasciculus cervical muscles

To the sacral spinal cord

To the cervical spinal cord

Th e fibers of t h e vestibu lar n erve split in to bran ch es ¼ Som e fibers derived from th e vestibu lar n erve
before en terin g th e in dividu al cell grou ps of th e convey im pu lses directly to th e flocculonodular
vestibular n u cleu s com plex, in w h ich th ey form a lobe of the cerebellum (archicerebellum) by
syn aptic relay w ith a secon d n eu ron (Fig. 4.46b). w ay of th e ju xtarestiform tract, w h ich is adja-
cen t to th e in ferior cerebellar pedun cle. Th e
Afferent and efferent connections of the vestibular floccu lon odular lobe projects, in tu rn , to th e
nuclei. Th e an atom y of th e afferen t an d efferen t fastigial n ucleu s an d, by w ay of t h e u n cin ate
con n ection s of th e vestibular n uclei is n ot p recisely fasciculu s (of Russell), back to th e vestibu lar n u -
kn ow n at presen t. Th e cu rren t state of kn ow ledge clei; som e fibers retu rn via th e vestibular n erve
is as follow s (Fig. 4.47): to th e h air cells of th e labyrin th , w h ere th ey
Cranial Nerves · 123
exert a m ain ly in h ibitory regu latin g effect . cleu s) an d Darksh evich an d fu rth er on in to th e
Moreover, th e arch icerebellu m con tain s sec- th alam u s (Fig. 4.47).
on d-order fibers from th e su perior, m edial, an d
in ferior vestibu lar n uclei (Figs. 4.47 an d 4.48) Th e com plex of stru ctu res con sistin g of th e vesti-
an d sen ds efferen t fibers direct ly back to th e bu lar n uclei an d t h e flocculon odular lobe of t h e
vestibular n u clear com p lex, as w ell as to spin al cerebellu m p lays an im portan t role in th e m ain -
m otor n eu ron s, via cerebelloreticular an d reti- ten an ce of equ ilibrium an d m uscle ton e. Equ i-
cu lospin al p ath w ays. libriu m is also served by spin ocerebellar an d cere-
¼ Th e im port an t lateral vestibu lospin al tract orig- bellocerebellar projection s, w h ich w ill be dis-
in ates in th e lateral vestibu lar n u cleu s (of cu ssed later in Ch apter 5.
Deiters) an d descen ds ipsilaterally in t h e an te-
rior fasciculu s to th e γ and α motor neurons of
Disturba nces of Equilibrium
the spinal cord, dow n to sacral levels. Th e im -
pu lses conveyed in th e lateral vestibu lospin al Dizziness and dysequilibrium are, after h eadach e,
tract serve to facilitate th e exten sor reflexes an d th e sym ptom s th at m ost com m on ly lead patien ts
to m ain tain a level of m u scle ton e th rou gh out to seek m edical atten tion . In colloqu ial speech ,
th e body th at is n ecessary for balan ce. “dizzin ess” refers to a w ide variety of abn orm al
¼ Fibers of th e m edial vestibular n u cleu s en ter feelin gs. “Dizzin ess” som etim es m ean s t ru e ver-
th e m edial lon gitu din al fascicu lu s bilaterally tigo, i.e., a sen sation of m ovem en t or rot ation in
an d descen d in it to th e anterior horn cells of som e direction : p atien ts m ay describe feelin g as if
the cervical spinal cord, or as th e m edial vesti- th ey w ere on a carou sel, a sh iftin g boat, or an ele-
bu lospin al t ract to th e upper thoracic spinal vator start in g to m ove or com in g to a h alt . Many
cord. Th ese fibers descen d in th e an terior p or- patien ts, h ow ever, use th e w ord loosely for oth er
tion of th e cervical spin al cord, adjacen t to th e con dition s, su ch as bein g dazed, feelin g on e is
an terior m edian fissu re, as th e su lcom argin al abou t to fain t, bein g u n steady on on e’s feet (a com -
fasciculu s, an d are dist ribu ted to t h e an terior m on com plain t of th e elderly), or m ild an xiety, as
h orn cells at cervical an d u pper th oracic levels. in claustrop h obia. Patien ts com plain in g of “dizzi-
Th ey affect n u ch al m u scle ton e in respon se to n ess” sh ould, th erefore, be carefu lly in terview ed to
th e position of th e h ead an d probably also par- determ in e th e precise n atu re of th e com plain t. Ver-
ticipate in reflexes th at m ain tain equ ilibriu m tigo is, by defin it ion , th e abn orm al an d distu rbin g
w ith balan cin g m ovem en ts of th e arm s. feelin g th at on e is m ovin g w ith respect to th e en -
¼ All of t h e vestibu lar n u clei project to t h e n uclei viron m en t (subjective vertigo), or th at th e en -
in n ervatin g th e extraocular muscles by w ay of viron m en t is m ovin g w h en it is actually station ary
th e m edial lon gitudin al fascicu lu s. An atom ist s (objective vertigo; n ote th at th e w ords “su bjective”
h ave been able to follow som e vestibu lar fibers an d “objective” do n ot h ave th eir com m on m ean -
to th e n u clear grou ps of Cajal (in terstitial n u - in gs in th ese tw o expression s). Patien ts w ith

Autoinduction of Vestibula r Vertigo (a n Experiment)

Instructions: Put a coin or other sm all object on the floor, the plane of rotation. Rapid turning sets the fluid (en-
stand directly over it, bend the head about 30° forward to dolym ph) in the canals in m otion. The inertia of the fluid
keep the coin in view, and then rotate rapidly 5 or 6 tim es to keeps it m oving in the sam e direction for a little while after
the right around the axis of your own body. Stop suddenly, the individual suddenly stops turning. The fluid m oves past
stand up, and extend both arm s forward. the now stationary cristae, producing the illusion of con-
What happens? The subject suddenly feels as if he or she is tinued m ovem ent.
rotating to the left and tends to fall to the right, while the When this experim ent is perform ed, excitatory im pulses
arm s deviate to the right. This experim ent m ight cause the from the sem icircular canals also travel to the nuclei con-
subject to fall, so at least one other person should be present trolling eye m ovem ent (producing nystagm us), to the spi-
to lend support, if necessary. It m ight also induce nausea or nal cord (causing unsteadiness of stance and gait, with a
even vom iting. Nystagm us is observed, in the opposite tendency to fall), and to the autonom ic centers in the retic-
direction to the rotation. ular form ation.
Explanation: Keeping the head bent 30° forward during the
rotation puts the horizontal sem icircular canals exactly into
4 124 · 4 Brainstem

vert igo m ay also h ave oscillopsia, a visu al illu sion flex (VOR), i.e., nystagm us, w ith a rapid com pon en t
in w h ich objects seem to m ove back an d forth . tow ard th e n orm al ear an d a slow com p on en t
On ly w h en “dizzin ess” is truly vertigo, accordin g to tow ard th e side of th e lesion (but see also vestibu -
th e strict defin ition of th e term , is it likely to be du e lar n europathy, p. 125). Vestibu lar nystagm us often
to a distu rban ce in th e vestibu lar or visual system s, h as a rotatory (torsion al) com pon en t, w h ich is eas-
or bot h , an d to requ ire evalu ation by a n eu rologist. iest to see w h en th e fixation of gaze is elim in ated
Non directed feelin gs of u n steadin ess or presyn - w ith Fren zel goggles, an d w h ich in creases fu rth er
cope, on th e oth er h an d, are m ore likely to be n on - w h en th e patien t gazes in th e direction of th e rap id
specific m an ifestation s of a cardiovascular dis- ph ase (Alexander’s law ).
order, in toxication , or dep ression . Vestibu lar vertigo cau ses nausea and vomiting,
at least in itially, as w ell as a tendency to fall to the
Th e cause of m ost cases of vertigo is presum ed to be side of the lesion. Th e accom panyin g nystagm us
an im balan ce of th e sen sory im p ulses relat in g to in du ces illu sory m otion of th e environ m en t (oscil-
m otion th at reach th e brain th rou gh th ree differen t lopsia). Th e p atien t, th erefore, prefers to keep h is
percept ual system s—visu al, vestibu lar, an d som a- or h er eyes closed, an d to avoid furth er irrit ation of
tosen sory (proprioceptive). Th is is kn ow n as th e hy- th e vestibu lar system by keepin g th e h ead in a
poth esis of sensory conflict or polysensory m is- fixed position , w it h th e abn orm al ear u pperm ost .
m atch. Lesion s affectin g th e vestibu lar n u clei in th e floor
Even in n orm al in dividuals, “u n u su al” m ove- of th e fourth ven tricle can p rodu ce sim ilar sym p-
m en t of variou s kin ds can in du ce vertigo. Th e m ost tom s.
both ersom e m an ifestation s of m otion sickn ess are On e can gain som e idea of w h at it feels like to
auton om ic (n au sea, pallor, hypoten sion , fat igue, h ave a vestibu lar lesion by perform in g th e exp eri-
yaw n in g, diaph oresis, an d vom itin g), w h ile th e m en t described on p. 123 on on eself.
vertigo it self usu ally cau ses less su fferin g for th e
patien t an d m ay be barely n oticed. Norm al person s Proprioceptive vertigo (or, m ore accu rately, pro-
can su ffer from severe m otion sickn ess w h en th ere prioceptive un steadin ess) is u su ally m otion -de-
is a blatan t sen sory con flict, e.g., w h en th e in - pen den t an d n on -direction al an d is du e to an ab-
dividu al is below deck on a large sh ip. In t h is situ a- n orm ality of th e prop rioceptive im pu lses arisin g in
tion , th e visu al system reports th at th e environ - th e cervical spin al cord. It can also be cau sed by pe-
m en t is stat ion ary, in con tradiction to t h e con - riph eral n eu ropat hy or by lesion s of th e posterior
tin u al m ovem en t sign aled by th e vestibular sys- colu m n s, eith er of w h ich can im p air cen tral tran s-
tem . On ce th e in citin g stim u lu s is rem oved, m otion m ission of proprioceptive im pu lses from th e low er
sickn ess subsides slow ly w ith in th e follow in g 24 lim bs. Proprioceptive u n steadin ess of th e latter
hou rs. type is ch aracterized by prom in en t un steadin ess of
gait , w ith out nystagm u s. Th e gait dist urban ce
Vestibular disorders cau se vertigo rath er th an n on - ch aracteristically w orsen s w h en th e eyes are
specific dizzin ess. Th e respon sible lesion m ay be closed, or in th e dark, because th e in dividu al can
anyw h ere in th e vestibular system (a collective n o lon ger use visu al inpu t to com pen sate for th e
term for th e vestibu lar organ , th e vestibulo- m issin g proprioceptive in form ation .
coch lear n erve, an d th e vestibu lar n u clei, as w ell as
th eir cen tral con n ection s). Vestibu lar vertigo is felt
Periphera l Vestibula r Lesions
as eith er rot atory or tran slation al (correspon din g
to th e roles of th e sem icircu lar can als an d th e Positional Vertigo
otolith s, resp ectively), an d is associated w ith nys- Ben ign paroxysm al position al vertigo (BPPV) is th e
tagmus. A lesion of th e vestibular organ or th e ves- m ost com m on cau se of direction al vertigo, ac-
tibulococh lear n erve on on e side p rodu ces a differ- cou n tin g for 20 % of all cases.
en ce in th e level of act ivity of th e vest ibu lar n u clei Patien ts w ith BPPV typ ically report brief attacks
on th e tw o sides, w h ich is in terpreted by t h e cen - of intense rotatory vertigo arisin g a sh ort tim e
tral vestibu lar apparatus as in dicatin g m ovem en t after rapid movements of the head, u su ally w h en
to th e side of th e h igh er activity (i.e., th e n orm al th e h ead is lean ed backw ard or tu rn ed to on e side,
side). Th is, in turn , in du ces th e vestibu lo-ocu lar re- w ith th e affected ear u pw ard (e.g., w h en th e
Cranial Nerves · 125
patien t tu rn s in bed). Th e vertigo subsides in 10–60 gests th at su ch episodes are of viral origin, in sim i-
secon ds. Th is typ e of vertigo is caused by detach - lar fash ion to idiopath ic facial palsy (Bell p alsy)
m en t of statolith s from th e statolith m em bran e. an d acu te h earin g loss.
Un der th e in flu en ce of gravity, t h e statolith s m i- Th e m ain sym ptom of vestibular n eu ropathy is
grate to th e low est part of th e labyrin th , w h ere severe rotatory vertigo of acute onset and several
th ey can easily be sw ept in to th e en tran ce to th e days’ duration, w h ich is exacerbated by m ove-
posterior sem icircular can al w h en th e patien t lies m en ts of th e h ead. Th is is accom pan ied by h ori-
sup in e. Th e det ach ed statolith s can also (rarely) zon tal torsion al nystagm u s th at beats aw ay from
en ter t h e lateral sem icircu lar can al. th e side of th e lesion , as w ell as a ten den cy to fall to
Movem en t in th e plan e of th e affected sem i- th e affected side, n au sea, vom itin g, an d in ten se
circular can al sets th e crystals w ith in it in m otion , m alaise. A m ild prodrom e in th e form of brief, tran -
producin g relative m otion of th e en dolym ph sien t sen sation s of vert igo occasion ally precedes
(canalolithiasis; piston effect), w h ich is tran s- th e acute attack by a few days. Hearin g is m ost
m itted to th e cu pu la. Th e im pu lses th at origin ate often un affected, bu t if h earin g loss is fou n d, th e
in t h e affected sem icircular can al p rodu ce a sen sa- differen tial diagn osis m u st in clu de in fectious ill-
tion of m ovem en t an d nystagm u s in th e plan e of n esses su ch as m u m ps, m easles, m on on u cleosis,
th e stim ulated sem icircular can al, w h ich begin s borreliosis, n eu rosyph ilis, an d h erp es zoster ot i-
after a sh ort laten cy in terval an d su bsides w ith in cu s; an acou stic n eurom a; isch em ia in th e territory
60 secon ds. Rep et ition of th e precipit atin g h ead of th e labyrin th in e artery; an d Mén ière’s disease.
m ovem en t leads to a tran sien t dim in u tion of th e Vestibu lar n eu ropathy ten ds to affect person s be-
sym ptom atic respon se (h abitu ation ). tw een th e ages of 30 an d 60 years an d does n ot be-
Th e treatm en t con sists of rap id reposition in g com e m ore com m on in old age, w h ich im plies th at
m an euvers in th e plan e of th e affected sem icircu- it is probably n ot du e to isch em ia. Th e diagn osis is
lar can al, by m ean s of w h ich th e statolith s can be establish ed by a fin din g of im paired excitabilit y of
draw n out of th e can al. th e affected labyrin th on caloric testin g in th e ab-
sen ce of oth er n eu rological m an ifestation s (su ch as
In th e differential diagnosis of BPPV, on e m u st con - oth er cran ial n erve, cerebellar, or brain stem defi-
sider central positional vertigo du e to lesion s in th e cits). Th e vertigo an d u n steadin ess im prove slow ly
region of th e floor of th e fou rt h ven t ricle involvin g over 1–2 w eeks, an d all sym ptom s gen erally re-
th e vestibular n u clei or th eir con n ection s. A lesion solve com pletely by t h ree w eeks after th eir on set .
of th e cerebellar n odulus, for exam p le, produces Treatm en t w ith bed rest an d an tivertigo agen ts is
dow n beat position al nystagm us w h en th e h ead is in dicated on ly in th e first tw o or th ree days.
bow ed. Cen t ral posit ion al vertigo is som etim es ac- Patien ts sh ou ld start a specific, directed gym n as-
com p an ied by severe vom itin g, bu t m ore com - tics p rogram as soon as p ossible, in clu din g balan ce
m on ly by relatively m ild n au sea. In cen tral posi- exercises th at are easy to learn an d to perform at
tion al vertigo, u n like BPPV, nystagm us an d vertigo h om e, to h elp speed th eir recovery.
are often dissociated: t h e nystagm us is largely in de-
pen den t of th e speed at w h ich th e patien t is reposi-
Acoustic Neurom a
tion ed, it ten ds to persist for a lon ger tim e, it m ay
ch an ge direction depen din g on th e position of th e As already stated, th e com m on (in deed alm ost un i-
h ead, an d it is u su ally accom pan ied by fu rth er ab- versal) design ation “acou stic n eu rom a” is act ually
n orm alities of gaze fixation an d pu rsu it. a m isn om er for a sch w an n om a arisin g from th e
vestibular fibers of th e vest ibu lococh lear n erve.
Th e tu m or destroys th ese fibers first, slow ly an d
Vestibular Neuropathy
progressively im p airin g th e excitabilit y of th e ves-
An acu te, u n ilateral vestibu lar deficit (vest ibu lar tibu lar organ on th e affected side; patien ts rarely
n eu ropathy or n eu ritis = acute loss of fu n ction of, suffer from vertigo, becau se th is deficit can be
usually, a sin gle vestibu lar organ or vestibu lar com pen sated for at h igh er levels of vestibu lar pro-
n erve) is th e secon d m ost com m on cause of ro- cessin g, bu t th e asym m etric excitability can be de-
tatory vertigo. Alth ou gh , in m ost cases, n o cau se m on strated by caloric testin g. Depen din g on
can be defin itively iden tified, m uch eviden ce su g- w h eth er th e tum or grow s rapidly or slow ly, irrita-
4 126 · 4 Brainstem

tion an d/or com pression of th e fibers of th e n erve travels betw een th e in tern al carotid artery
coch lear n erve leads soon er or later to clin ically an d th e jugu lar vein tow ard t h e styloph aryn geu s
eviden t high-frequency hearing loss. Th e diagn osis m u scle. It con tin u es betw een th e stylop h aryn geu s
of acou stic n eurom a is sup ported by th e fin din g of an d styloglossus m uscles an d onw ard to in n ervate
high -frequ en cy h earin g loss by au diom etry, an d of th e root of th e ton gu e, th e ph aryn geal m ucosa, th e
a prolon ged con du ction tim e by m easu rem en t of ton sils, an d th e posterior th ird of th e ton gue.
brain stem au ditory evoked p oten t ials (BAEP); it Alon g its course, it gives off th e follow in g
can be con firm ed by MRI. Th ere is, h ow ever, n o bran ch es:
direct an d reliable relation sh ip betw een th e size of ¼ Th e tym panic nerve ru n s from th e in ferior gan -
th e tum or an d t h e severity of th e h earin g loss th at glion to th e tym pan ic cavity an d tym pan ic
it cau ses. plexus (of Jacobson ), an d th en onw ard in th e
Furth er grow th of th e tu m or can com press n eigh - lesser petrosal n erve, by w ay of th e otic gan -
borin g structu res (brain stem , facial n erve, t rigem i- glion , to th e parotid glan d (Fig. 4.38). It su pplies
nal n erve), leadin g to fu rth er cran ial n erve deficits sen sation to t h e m u cosa of th e tym pan ic cavit y
(e.g., im paired lacrim ation an d taste du e to dysfu n c- an d eustach ian t ube.
tion of th e ch orda tym p an i) an d, fin ally, to sym pto- ¼ Stylopharyngeal branches to th e styloph aryn -
m atic com pression of th e brain stem an d cerebel- geu s m u scle.
lum . ¼ Pharyngeal branches, w h ich , togeth er w ith
Patien ts w ith bilateral acou stic n eu rom a m ost bran ch es of th e vagus n erve, form th e ph aryn -
likely su ffer from n eurofibrom atosis type II (also geal plexu s. Th is p lexus su pplies th e striated
called bilateral acou stic n eu rom atosis). m uscles of th e ph aryn x.
Th e t reatm en t of acou stic n eurom a is cu rren t ly ¼ Branches to the carotid sinus, w h ich ru n w ith th e
th e subject of in ten se discu ssion am on g n eu rosu r- carotid artery to th e carotid sin u s an d carotid
geon s. Many lesion s th at previously cou ld on ly h ave body.
been t reated by op en su rgery can n ow be treated ¼ Lingual branches conveyin g gu statory im pu lses
w ith as good or better resu lts by stereotactic radio- from th e posterior t h ird of th e ton gu e.
surgery (i.e., w it h th e gam m a kn ife or a stereotactic
lin ear accelerator). Lesions of the Glossopharyngeal Nerve
Isolated lesion s of th e glossoph aryn geal n erve are
Vagal System (CN IX, X, and the rare; th e vagu s an d accessory n erves are usu ally in -
Cranial Portion of XI) volved as w ell.
Glossopha ryngea l Nerve (CN XI) Th e causes of glossoph aryn geal n erve lesion s in -
clu de basilar skull fractu re, sigm oid sin us th rom -
Th e glossoph aryn geal n erve sh ares so m any of its
bosis, tum ors of th e cau dal portion of th e p osterior
fu n ction s w ith t h e n ervu s in term ediu s, t h e vagu s
fossa, an eu rysm s of th e vertebral or basilar arter-
n erve, an d th e cran ial p ortion of th e accessory
ies, iatrogen ic lesion s (caused, e.g., by su rgical pro-
n erve th at th ese n erves can be con sidered togeth er
cedures), m en in gitis, an d n eu ritis.
as a sin gle “vagal system ” to avoid m akin g th e pre-
sen t ation u n n ecessarily repetit ive. Th ese n erves
The clinical syndrome of a glossoph aryn geal n erve
are all m ixed (sen sory an d m otor) n erves, an d
lesion is ch aracterized by:
som e of t h eir com pon en ts arise from com m on
¼ Im p airm en t or loss of taste (ageu sia) on th e
brain stem n uclei (th e n u cleu s am bigu us an d n u -
posterior th ird of th e ton gu e
cleu s solitariu s) (cf. Table 4.1 an d Figs. 4.2 an d 4.3).
¼ Dim in u tion or absen ce of th e gag an d palatal re-
Anatomical course and distribution (Fig. 4.48). Th e
¼ An esth esia an d an algesia in th e u pper port ion
glossoph aryn geal, vagal, an d accessory n erves exit
of th e ph aryn x an d in t h e area of th e ton sils an d
th e skull togeth er th rou gh th e ju gular foram en ,
th e base of th e ton gue
w h ich is also th e site of both gan glia of th e glos-
¼ A m ild distu rban ce of sw allow in g (dysph agia)
soph aryn geal n erve, th e superior (intracranial)
¼ Im p aired salivation from th e p arotid glan d
gan glion an d th e inferior (extracranial) gan glion .
After leavin g th e foram en , th e glossoph aryn geal
Cranial Nerves · 127
Fig. 4.48 Distribution
and central connections
of the glossopharyngeal
and vagus nerves
Viscerom otor
Corticonuclear Exteroceptive
tract Enteroceptive
Extrapyram idal

Thalam us

To thalam us and cortex

(m edial lem niscus) Mesesncephalic nucleus
Nucleus of the reticular and tract of the trigem inal n.
formation (gag and
swallowing reflex) Principal sensory nucleus
of the trigeminal n.
sensation (pain, Nucleus of the tractus solitarius
temperature, touch) Nucleus ambiguus
Superior ganglion
From the Inferior salivatory
ear (t ym panic n.) nucleus to the otic
Nucleus of the IX X X IX ganglion and
spinal tract of parotid gland
the trigeminal n.
Somatic sensation St ylopharyngeus m .
Constrictor pharyngeus m .

Carotid body
(glomus caroticum)

Glossopharyngeal neuralgia is app roxim ately 1%as cau se, su ch as a tum or in th e ph aryn x, w h ich m u st
com m on as trigem in al n eu ralgia; like trigem in al be ru led out by radiological study. In an alogou s
n eu ralgia, it is ch aracterized by intense, parox- fash ion to trigem in al n eu ralgia, it is gen erally
ysmal pain. Th e p ain fu l att acks gen erally begin treated m edically w ith carbam azep in e, gabapen -
sudden ly in th e pharynx, neck, tonsils, or tongue, tin , or pregabalin at first. In refractory cases, a n eu -
an d last a few secon ds or m in u tes. Th ey can be pro- rosu rgical p rocedu re called m icrovascular decom -
voked by sw allow in g, ch ew in g, cou gh in g, or p ression can be con sidered (Jan n etta 1977); th is
speakin g. Th e patien t is afraid to eat becau se of th e involves open in g th e posterior fossa an d m ovin g a
pain an d rapidly loses w eigh t. Th is syn drom e u su - loop of th e vertebral or posterior in ferior cerebellar
ally resolves sp on tan eou sly w it h in six m on th s of artery aw ay from t h e n in th cran ial n erve.
on set. Persisten ce suggests a possible an atom ical
4 128 · 4 Brainstem

¼ Recurrent laryngeal nerve: Th is bran ch run s

Vagus Nerve (CN X)
arou n d th e su bclavian artery on th e righ t side
Like th e glossoph aryn geal n erve, t h e vagus n erve an d th e aortic arch on th e left (Fig. 4.49), th en
also possesses t w o gan glia, th e superior (jugular) proceeds upw ard betw een th e trach ea an d th e
ganglion an d th e inferior (nodose) ganglion, both of esoph agus tow ard t h e laryn x. It su pplies m otor
w h ich are fou n d in th e region of th e ju gular fora- in n ervation to th e in tern al laryn geal m u scu la-
m en . tu re, w ith th e exception of th e cricothyroid
m uscle, as w ell as sen sory in n ervation to th e
Anatomical course. Th e vagu s n erve is derived laryn geal m ucosa below th e vocal folds.
from th e fou rth an d low er bran ch ial arch es. Below ¼ Superior cervical cardiac branches and thoracic
th e in ferior (n odose) gan glion , it follow s th e in ter- cardiac branches: th ese accom pany sym path etic
n al carotid an d com m on carotid arteries fibers to th e h eart , by w ay of th e cardiac p lexus.
dow nw ard, an d th en passes th rou gh th e su perior ¼ Bronchial branches: th ese form th e pulm on ary
th oracic apertu re in to th e m ediastin um . Here, th e plexu s in th e w all of th e bron ch i.
righ t vagal tru n k crosses over th e subclavian ¼ Anterior and posterior gastric branches, and he-
artery, w h ile t h e left t ru n k run s beh in d th e h ilu m patic, celiac, and renal branches: th ese travel, by
an d past th e aortic arch . Bot h th en becom e applied w ay of th e celiac an d superior m esen teric plex-
to th e esoph agus, w it h t h e fibers of t h e righ t vagal uses, an d togeth er w ith sym path etic fibers, to
tru n k ru n n in g on its posterior side, an d th ose of th e abdom in al viscera (stom ach , liver, pan creas,
th e left vagal trun k on its an terior side. Th e term i- spleen , kidn eys, adren al glan ds, sm all in testin e,
n al vagal bran ch es th en accom pany th e esoph agu s an d proxim al portion of large in testin e). In t h e
th rough th e esoph ageal h iatu s of t h e diap h ragm abdom in al cavity, th e fibers of th e righ t an d left
in to th e abdom in al cavity. vagu s n erves becom e closely associated w ith
Branches of the vagus nerve. Alon g it s w ay to th e th ose of th e sym path etic n ervou s system an d
abdom in al cavit y, th e vagu s n erve gives off th e fol- can n o lon ger be clearly distin guish ed from
low in g bran ch es (Figs. 4.48, 4.49; an d Fig. 6.15, th em .
p. 189):
¼ Dural branch: ru n n in g from t h e su perior gan -
Syndrom e of a Unilateral Lesion of the Vagus
glion back th rou gh th e ju gular foram en to th e
du ra m ater of th e posterior fossa.
¼ Auricular branch: from th e su perior gan glion of ¼ Th e soft p alate h an gs dow n on th e side of th e le-
th e vagu s n erve to th e skin on th e posterior su r- sion , th e gag reflex is dim in ish ed, an d th e
face of t h e extern al ear an d th e in feroposterior patien t’s speech is n asal because th e n asal cav-
portion of th e extern al auditory can al. Th is is ity can n o lon ger be closed off from th e oral cav-
th e on ly cutan eous bran ch of th e vagus n erve. ity. Paresis of th e p h aryn geal con strictor m uscle
¼ Pharyngeal branches: th ese accom pany th e cau ses th e palatal veil to be pu lled over to th e
fibers of t h e glossoph aryn geal n erve an d th e n orm al side w h en th e patien t ph on ates.
sym path etic ch ain in to th e ph aryn geal plexus ¼ Hoarsen ess results from paresis of th e vocal
to sup ply th e m u scles of th e ph aryn x an d soft folds (lesion of th e recurren t laryn geal n erve
palate. w ith paresis of th e in tern al m u scles of th e
¼ Superior laryngeal nerve: from th e in ferior gan - laryn x, w ith th e exception of th e cricothyroid
glion to th e laryn x. Th is n erve splits in to tw o m uscle).
bran ch es of its ow n . Th e extern al bran ch gives ¼ Fu rth er com pon en ts of th e syn drom e are dys-
off bran ch es to th e ph aryn geal con strictor ph agia an d occasion ally tachycardia, an d car-
m uscle an d th en goes on to in n ervate th e cri- diac arrhyth m ia.
cothyroid m u scle. Th e in tern al bran ch is a
sen sory n erve su pplyin g th e laryn geal m u cosa Causes. Many diseases can cau se a cen tral vagal le-
as far dow nw ard as t h e vocal folds, as w ell as sion , in clu din g m alform ation s (Ch iari m alform a-
th e m ucosa of th e epiglottis. It also con tain s tion , Dan dy–Walker syn drom e, etc.), tu m ors,
gustatory fibers for th e epiglottis an d parasym - h em orrh age, th rom bosis, in fection /in flam m ation ,
path etic fibers in n ervatin g th e m u cosal glan ds. am yotrop h ic lateral sclerosis, an d an eurysm s. Peri-
Cranial Nerves · 129
Fig. 4.49 Distribution
a and central connections
of the vagus nerve.
Motor a Overview. b Topographic
Viscerom otor relations of the recurrent
Exteroceptive laryngeal nerve.

Thalam us

Medial lem niscus Diencephalobulbar

Pyram idal tract
Nucleus am biguus
Spinal tract of
Dorsal nucleus
the trigem inal n.
of the vagus n.
IX IX Superior ganglion
X Inferior ganglion
Superior ganglion
From the
Inferior ganglion
XI dura mater
Auricular branch

Superior cervical

laryngeal n.



ph eral vagal lesion s can be caused by n euritis, Common Nuclea r Areas a nd Distribution of
tu m ors, glan du lar disturban ces, traum a, an d aortic CN IX a nd X
an eu rysm s.
Nucleus Am biguus
Th e n u cleu s am bigu u s is th e com m on m otor n u -
cleu s of th e glossoph aryn geal an d vagu s n erves
an d of t h e cran ial portion of th e accessory n erve
(Figs. 4.48, 4.49, an d 4.50). It receives descen din g
im pu lses from th e cerebral cortex of both h em i-
4 130 · 4 Brainstem

sph eres by w ay of th e corticon uclear t ract. Becau se w h ich reach th e dorsal n u cleus of th e vagu s n erve
of th is bilateral in n ervat ion , u n ilateral in terru ption th rough th e glossoph aryn geal n erve, serve to regu -
of th ese cen tral descen din g fibers does n ot pro- late arterial blood pressu re. Ch em oreceptors in th e
du ce any m ajor deficit in th e m otor distribu tion of carotid body p articip ate in th e regu lation of th e
th e n ucleu s am bigu us. partial pressu re of oxygen in th e blood. Oth er re-
Th e axon s th at origin ate in th e n u cleu s am - ceptors in th e aortic arch an d para-aortic bodies
bigu u s travel in t h e glossop h aryn geal an d vagu s sen d afferen t im pulses to th e dorsal n u cleus of th e
n erves an d th e cran ial p ortion of th e accessory vagu s n erve by w ay of th e vagu s n erve, an d h ave
n erve to th e m u scles of th e soft palate, p h aryn x, sim ilar fu n ction s.
an d laryn x, an d to th e striated m uscle of th e u pper
portion of th e esoph agu s. Th e n u cleu s am biguu s Inferior salivatory nucleus. Th e p arasym path etic
also receives afferen t inpu t from th e spin al n u cleu s fibers arisin g in t h e in ferior salivatory n ucleus an d
of th e trigem in al n erve an d from th e n u cleu s of th e travelin g by w ay of th e glossoph aryn geal n erve to
tractus solitarius. Th ese im p ulses are th e afferen t th e parotid glan d h ave already been discu ssed
lim b of th e im portan t reflex arcs by w h ich m u cosal (pp . 112 ff. an d 126).
irritation in th e respiratory an d digestive tracts
produces cou gh in g, gaggin g, an d vom itin g. Visceral Afferent Fibers of CN IX and X
Special visceral afferent fibers. Th e perikarya (cell
Parasym pathetic Nuclei of CN IX and X bodies) of th e afferen t gu statory fibers of th e glos-
soph aryn geal n erve (pseu dou n ipolar n euron s) are
Th e dorsal n u cleu s of th e vagu s n erve an d th e in fe-
foun d in th e inferior (extracranial) ganglion, w h ile
rior salivatory n ucleu s are t h e tw o p arasym pa-
th ose of th e vagu s n erve are foun d in th e inferior
th etic n u clei th at sen d fibers in to th e glos-
(nodose) ganglion. Both groups of fibers convey
soph aryn geal an d vagu s n erves. Th e superior sali-
gu statory im p ulses from th e epiglottis an d th e
vatory n u cleus is th e parasym path etic n ucleus for
posterior th ird of th e ton gu e. Th e glossop h aryn -
th e n ervu s in term ediu s, as discu ssed above (Figs.
geal n erve is th e m ain n erve of taste. Its cen t ral
4.48 an d 4.49).
processes travel in t h e t ractu s solitariu s to th e n u-
cleu s of th e tractu s solitarius, w h ich also receives
Dorsal nucleus of the vagus nerve. Th e efferent
gu statory im pu lses from th e an terior tw o-th irds of
axon s of th e dorsal n u cleus of th e vagu s n erve
th e ton gu e, conveyed by th e n ervus in term ediu s
travel as pregan glion ic fibers w ith th e vagu s n erve
(Fig. 4.37). From th e n u cleu s of th e tractus solita-
to th e p arasym path etic gan glia of th e h ead, th orax,
rius, gu statory im pu lses ascen d to th e ven tral pos-
an d abdom en . After a syn apt ic relay, th e sh ort
terom edial n u cleus of th e th alam u s (VPM) an d
postgan glion ic fibers convey viscerom otor im -
th en onw ard to th e gu statory cortex at th e low er
pu lses to th e sm oot h m u scu latu re of th e respira-
en d of th e postcen t ral gyru s (Fig. 4.37).
tory tract an d of th e gastroin testin al tract as far
dow n as th e left colic flexu re, as w ell as to th e car-
Visceral afferent fibers of th e glossoph aryn geal
diac m u scle. St im u lation of th e vagal parasym pa-
n erve belon g to th e pseudou n ip olar cells of th e su -
th etic fibers cau ses slow in g of th e h eartbeat, con -
perior (in tracran ial) gan glion , w h ile th ose of th e
striction of th e bron ch ial sm ooth m uscle, an d
vagu s n erve are derived from it s in ferior gan glion .
secret ion from th e bron ch ial glan ds. Peristalsis in
Th ese fibers con du ct sen sory im pu lses from th e
th e gastroin testin al tract is prom oted, as is secre-
m u cosa of th e posterior th ird of th e ton gu e, th e
tion from th e glan ds of th e stom ach an d p an creas.
ph aryn x (CN IX), an d t h e th oracic an d abdom in al
Th e dorsal n ucleu s of th e vagus n erve receives
viscera (CN X) (Figs. 4.48 an d 4.49).
afferent inpu t from th e hypoth alam u s, th e ol-
factory system , auton om ic cen ters in t h e ret icular
Som atic Afferent Fibers of CN IX and X
form ation , an d th e n ucleu s of th e tractu s solitarius.
Th ese con n ection s are im portan t com pon en t s of Pain and temperature fibers. Nociceptive an d
th e reflex arcs for th e con trol of cardiovascu lar, res- probably also tem p eratu re-related im pulses from
piratory, an d alim en tary fu n ction . Im pu lses from th e posterior th ird of th e ton gu e, th e upp er portion
th e baroreceptors in th e w all of th e carotid sin u s, of th e ph aryn x, th e eustach ian tube, an d th e
Cranial Nerves · 131
Fig. 4.50 Distribution
Extrapyram idal fibers to the Pyram idal Dorsal nucleus and central connections
nucleus of the accessory n. tract of the vagus n.
of the accessory nerve

Nucleus ambiguus
Jugular foram en
Superior ganglion
Inferior ganglion

Accessory n.
Vagus n.

magnum Cranial roots:
with the recurrent
laryngeal n. to the
muscles of the larynx
(except the crico -
Nucleus of the thyroid m .)
accessory n. Spinal roots
to the sterno-
cleidomastoid and
C3 trapezius m m .




Cra nia l Roots of the Accessory Nerve (CN XI)

m iddle ear travel by w ay of th e glossoph aryn geal
n erve an d th e sup erior (in tracran ial) gan glion to Th e accessory n erve h as tw o sets of roots, cran ial
th e n u cleu s of th e spin al tract of th e trigem in al an d spin al (Fig. 4.50). Th e n eu ron s givin g rise to th e
n erve. Im pu lses of th is type from th e low er portion cran ial roots lie in th e n u cleu s am bigu u s n ext to
of th e ph aryn x, th e skin beh in d th e ear an d in part th e n euron s w h ose p rocesses ru n in th e vagu s
of th e extern al au ditory can al, th e t ym pan ic m em - n erve. Th is portion of th e eleven th cran ial n erve is
bran e, an d th e dura m ater of th e posterior fossa ar- best con sidered a fun ct ion al com p on en t of t h e
rive at th e sam e brain stem n u cleus by w ay of th e vagu s n erve, as its fu n ction s are essen t ially th e
vagu s n erve an d it s sup erior gan glion (th e jugu lar sam e as th ose of th e port ion of th e vagu s n erve
gan glion ). th at arises in th e n u cleu s am bigu u s. (Th e spin al
roots of th e accessory n erve, on t h e oth er h an d,
Fibers for touch perception (som atosen sory fibers) h ave an en tirely differen t fu n ction .) Th e cran ial
from th e areas ju st n am ed probably term in ate in roots sep arate off from t h e spin al roots w ith in t h e
th e prin cipal sen sory n u cleu s of th e trigem in al ju gular foram en to join th e vagus n erve. Th is por-
n erve. Som atosen sory im pu lses ascen d from th is tion of th e accessory n erve th u s belon gs to th e
n u cleus in th e m edial lem n iscu s to th e th alam us, “vagal system .” Th e sp in al roots an d th eir fu n ction
an d t h en ce to t h e postcen tral cortex. w ill be discu ssed below.
4 132 · 4 Brainstem

Spina l Roots of the Accessory Nerve (CN XI) (syrin gom yelia, am yotroph ic lateral sclerosis,
poliom yelitis, oth er cau ses).
Th e sp in al portion of th e accessory n erve is purely
m otor an d arises in a cell colu m n in th e ven -
Typical deficits. Un ilateral interruption of the exter-
trolateral p ortion of th e an terior h orn , exten din g
nal branch after its exit from the jugular foram en h as
from C2 dow n to C5 or C6 (Fig. 4.50). Th e root fibers
differen t effects on th e stern ocleidom astoid an d
clim b on e or tw o segm en ts in th e lateral fu n icu lu s
trapezius m uscles: th e stern ocleidom astoid
an d th en exit th e spin al cord bet w een t h e an terior
m uscle is paralyzed (flaccid) in its en tirety, w h ile
an d posterior roots, ju st dorsal to th e den ticu late
th e trapezius m u scle is affected on ly in its u pper
ligam en t. Th ey th en ascen d in th e su barach n oid
h alf, becau se it also receives in n ervation from th e
space an d join w it h root fibers from h igh er levels
spin al n erves of segm en ts C2 th rough C4. Injury to
to form a com m on trun k, w h ich en ters th e skull
the accessory nerve distal to the sternocleidom astoid
th rough th e foram en m agn u m an d un ites, over a
m uscle cau ses w eakn ess of th e trapeziu s m u scle
sh ort stretch , w ith th e cran ial roots of th e acces-
exclu sively; su ch in ju ries som etim es occu r du rin g
sory n erve. As th e accessory n erve passes th rou gh
lym ph n ode biopsies at th e p osterior edge of th e
th e ju gular foram en , th e spin al p ortion splits off
stern ocleidom astoid m uscle. No sen sory deficit
again as th e external branch (ram u s extern u s),
arises, becau se th e spin al port ion of th e accessory
w h ile th e cran ial portion join s th e vagu s n erve. Th e
n erve is pu rely m otor.
extern al bran ch th en descen ds in to th e n uch al re-
In un ilateral w eakn ess of th e stern ocleidom as-
gion to in n ervate th e sternocleidomastoid an d
toid m uscle, th e patien t h as difficulty tu rn in g th e
trapezius muscles. It is join ed alon g its cou rse by
h ead to th e opposite side. Bilateral w eakn ess m akes
sp in al som atic efferen t fibers from C2 th rough C4.
it difficu lt to h old th e h ead erect, or to raise th e h ead
Th e literatu re offers con flictin g view s regardin g
w h en lyin g sup in e. Weakn ess of th e trapeziu s
th e relative im p ortan ce of th e accessory n erve an d
m u scle cau ses a sh ou lder drop w ith dow nw ard an d
sp in al n erves C2 th rou gh C4 in th e in n ervation of
ou tw ard displacem en t of t h e scapu la. Lateral rais-
th e trapezius m uscle. Som e au th ors assert th at th e
in g of th e arm beyon d 90° is im paired, becau se th e
accessory n erve m ain ly su pplies th e low er portion
trapeziu s m u scle n orm ally assists th e serratus
of th e m u scle, oth ers t h at it m ain ly su pplies th e
an terior m uscle w ith th is m ovem en t. Sim ple visu al
upp er portion . Lesion s of th e accessory n erve are
in spection of a p atien t w ith an accessory n erve
follow ed by at rophy m ain ly affectin g th e upp er
p alsy reveals atrop hy of th e stern ocleidom astoid
portion of th e trapezius m u scle.
m u scle as w ell as a droopin g sh ou lder.
Th e extern al bran ch also con tain s a few afferen t
fibers th at con du ct proprioceptive im p ulses
Paresis of central origin. Th e spin al portion of th e
tow ard th e brain stem .
accessory n erve receives cen tral descen din g im -
p ulses by w ay of th e corticon u clear an d corticospi-
Lesions Affecting the Spinal Roots of the
n al tracts. Th ese im pu lses are derived m ain ly, bu t
Accessory Nerve
n ot exclu sively, from th e con tralateral cerebral
Causes. Th e m ost com m on cause of a periph eral h em isph ere. Th u s, a cen tral lesion of th e de-
extracran ial accessory n erve palsy is iatrogen ic in - scen din g pat h w ays som etim es cau ses con -
ju ry as a com p lication of surgical procedu res in th e tralateral w eakn ess of th e stern ocleidom astoid
lateral trian gle of th e n eck (e.g., lym p h n ode bi- an d trapezius m u scles, bu t th e w eakn ess is on ly
op sy), follow ed by pressu re- an d radiation -in - p artial because of th e p reserved ipsilateral in n er-
du ced lesion s. Oth er cau ses in clu de trau m a w ith or vation an d is, th erefore, easily overlooked.
w ith out basilar sku ll fracture, sku ll base tum ors
(particu larly in th e region of th e foram en m ag-
Hypoglossal Nerve (CN XII)
n u m ), an d an om alies of th e cran iocervical ju n c-
tion . Th e nucleus of th e hypoglossal n erve (Figs. 4.2 an d
Intram edullary lesions of th e spin al cord are 4.3, an d Fig. 4.51) is located in th e low er th ird of
rarely exten sive en ou gh to destroy t h e gray m atter th e m edu lla, abu ttin g th e m idlin e an d just below
of th e an terior h orn on on e side from C1 to C4, pro- th e floor of th e fou rth ven tricle (in th e so-called
du cin g a cen t ral extracran ial accessory n erve palsy hypoglossal t rian gle or trigon e). It con sists of a
Cranial Nerves · 133
Fig. 4.51 Distribution
and central connections
of the hypoglossal nerve

Deviation of the tongue due to

paresis of the left genioglossus m .

Corticonuclear tract

Input from the reticular formation,

nucleus of the tractus solitarius
and other nuclear areas (reflex
m ovem ents of swallowing, mastication, sucking)

Hypog lossal canal

and nerve
Vagus n.
Nucleus of the hypog lossal n.




Thyrohyoid m .
Ansa cervicalis
Genioglossus m .
Sternothyroid m .
Om ohyoid m .

Sterno -
thyroid m .

n u m ber of cell grou ps su pplyin g th e in dividu al Th e n u cleu s of th e hypoglossal n erve derives its
m uscles of th e ton gu e. Th e cells are an alogou s to afferen t inpu t m ain ly from t h e contralateral cere-
th e m otor an terior h orn cells of th e spin al cord. bral hem isphere, th ough th ere is som e ip silateral
inpu t as w ell. It derives fu rth er input from th e re-
Supranuclear innervation of the nucleus of the hy- ticu lar form ation , th e n u cleu s of th e tractus soli-
poglossal nerve. Volu n tary m ovem en ts of th e tariu s (taste), th e m idbrain (tectospin al tract), an d
ton gu e are su bserved by th e corticonuclear tract, th e trigem in al n u clei. Th ese con n ection s partici-
w h ich descen ds th rou gh th e in tern al capsu le in as- pate in reflexes con cern ed w ith sw allow in g, ch ew -
sociation w ith th e corticosp in al t ract an d term i- in g, suckin g, an d lickin g.
n ates in th e n ucleus of th e hypoglossal n erve.
4 134 · 4 Brainstem

Becau se th e m u scles of th e tw o sides of th e Topographical Anatomy

tongu e con stitu te a fun ction al u n it an d are in n er-
vated by both cerebral h em isp h eres (albeit m ain ly
of the Brainstem
con tralaterally), a u n ilateral su pran u clear lesion
produces n o sign ifican t deficit of ton gu e m otility. Up to th is poin t, w e h ave discussed th e ascen din g
an d descen din g path w ays of th e spin al cord an d
Course and distribution of the hypoglossal nerve. th e p osition s of th e cran ial n erve n u clei in th e
Th e hypoglossal n erve is a som atic efferent (m otor) brain stem , alon g w ith t h eir em ergin g root fibers
n erve. Its axon s descen d in th e m edu lla an d an d t h eir cen tral con n ection s. Th is sect ion deals
em erge from t h e brain stem as root fibers in th e an - w ith th e topography of th e pathw ays th at traverse
terolateral su lcu s betw een th e in ferior olive an d th e brain stem , as w ell as th e site and function of
th e pyram id (Fig. 4.1). Th e hypoglossal n erve exits other nuclei besides th ose th at h ave already been
th e sku ll t h rou gh th e hypoglossal can al (Figs. 4.6 described. Kn ow ledge of t h e topograph ical an at-
an d 4.51) an d run s in t h e low er cervical region be- om y of th e brain stem is essen tial for a p roper u n -
tw een t h e jugu lar vein an d carotid artery togeth er derst an din g of t h e clin ical syn drom es produ ced by
w ith th e fibers of th e first th ree cervical segm en ts lesion s affectin g th e m edu lla, pon s, an d m idbrain .
(an sa hypoglossi). Th ese fibers, w h ich m ake n o
con n ection w ith th e hypoglossal n erve, sep arate Internal Structure of the Brainstem
from it again a sh ort distan ce later to su pply th e
Th e brain stem con tain s im portan t n uclei, in clu d-
m uscles of th e hyoid bon e, i.e., th e thyrohyoid,
in g th e reticular form ation, th e olives, th e red nu-
stern ohyoid, an d om ohyoid m u scles.
cleus, t h e substantia nigra, an d oth ers, each of
Th e hyp oglossal n erve p roper in n ervates th e
w h ich w ill be described in th e su bsection dealin g
m uscles of the tongue, th e styloglossus m uscle, th e
w ith th e part of th e brain stem in w h ich it is lo-
hyoglossus m uscle, an d th e genioglossus m uscle.
cated. Th e connections th at th ese n u clei m ake w ith
each oth er an d w ith th e cerebrum , cerebellu m , an d
Hypoglossal nerve palsy. In un ilateral hypoglossal
spin al cord w ill also be discu ssed.
n erve palsy, th e ton gue usually deviates a little
Figu res 4.52 an d 4.53 con tain lon gitu din al an d
tow ard th e paretic side w h en it is protruded. Th e
cross-section al diagram s of th e brain stem , sh ow -
gen ioglossus m u scle is respon sible for prot ru sion
in g th e in dividual n u clei, th e ascen din g an d de-
(Fig. 4.51). If th e gen ioglossu s m uscle of on e side is
scen din g path w ays, an d th eir spatial relation sh ips.
w eak, th e force of th e op posite m u scle prevails an d
pu sh es th e ton gu e to th e side of th e lesion . In
h em iplegia, th e patien t’s speech is dysarth ric at
first, bu t sw allow in g is n ot im paired. Bilateral su - a Oral
pran u clear palsy p rodu ces severe dysarth ria an d III
dysph agia (pseudobu lbar palsy).
Nuclear lesions affectin g th e hypoglossal n erve IV
are usually m an ifested by bilateral flaccid paralysis
of th e ton gue w ith atrophy an d fasciculat ion s, be- Ventral Dorsal
cause th e n u clei of th e tw o sides lie so close to each Py
oth er th at th ey are u su ally affected togeth er. In ad- m.l.
van ced cases, th e ton gu e lies lim ply in th e floor of VI

th e m ou th an d fascicu lates in ten sely. Speech an d

sw allow in g are profou n dly im paired. Cau ses in -
clude progressive bu lbar palsy, am yot roph ic lateral VIII
sclerosis, syrin gobu lbia, poliom yelit is, an d vascu- IX XII
lar processes.
Peripheral lesions of th e hypoglossal n erve h ave
th e sam e con sequ en ces as n u clear lesion s, bu t th e
m .l. = m edial lemniscus
paralysis is usually on ly u n ilateral. Cau ses in clu de Caudal
tu m ors, in fection /in flam m ation , an d vascu lar dis-
ease. Fig. 4.52 Cross-sections of the medulla at four different
levels. a The four planes of section.
Fig. 4.52 b
Topographical Anatom y of the Brainstem · 135
Inferior cerebellar Nucleus of the hypoglossal n.
peduncle Dorsal nucleus of the vagus n.
Medial longitudinal Tractus solitarius
fasciculus Nucleus of the cochlear n.
Tectospinal tract Nucleus ambiguus
Nucleus of the spinal Central sym pathetic pathway
tract of the trigem inal n. Rubrospinal tract
Anterior spinocerebellar Lateral spinothalamic tract
Reticular formation Inferior olivary nucleus
Central tegmental Pyram idal tract
tract 4 XII Hypoglossal n.
Medial lem niscus Arcuate nucleus

Roof of the fourth ventricle

Dorsal nucleus of the vagus n.
Fourth ventricle
Tractus solitarius
Posterior spinocerebellar
Nucleus of the hypoglossal n.
Nucleus ambiguus
Nucleus of the spinal Central sym pathetic pathway
tract of the trigem inal n.
Rubrospinal tract
Anterior spinocerebellar
Lateral spinothalamic tract
Reticular formation
Inferior olivary nucleus
Medial longitudinal
Medial lem niscus Hypoglossal n.
3 XII Arcuate nuclei
Lemniscal decussation
Gracile nucleus
Nucleus of the spinal Accessory cuneate
tract of the trigem inal n. nucleus
Reticular formation Cuneate nucleus
Posterior spinocerebellar Tractus solitarius
Nucleus of the hypoglossal n.
Medial longitudinal Nucleus of the accessory n.
Central sym pathetic pathway
Medial lem niscus
Rubrospinal tract
Anterior spinocerebellar
tract XI Lateral spinothalamic tract
Tectospinal tract
Inferior olivary nucleus
Hypoglossal n.

Gracile nucleus
Substantia gelatinosa Tractus solitarius
Nucleus of the spinal tract Cuneate nucleus
of the trigem inal n. Nucleus of the accessory n.
Reticular formation Lateral pyram idal tract
Posterior spinocerebellar XI
tract Central sym pathetic pathway
Anterior horn Lateral spinothalamic
Anterior spinocerebellar and rubrospinal tracts
tract Tectospinal tract
Medial longitudinal Pyram idal decussation
fasciculus 1 Anterior pyram idal tract

Fig. 4.52 Cross-sections of the medulla at four different levels. b Sections in the four planes indicated in a, showing the
im portant nuclei and fiber pathways.
4 136 · 4 Brainstem

Figu res 4.54 an d 4.55 dep ict th e spatial relation -

sh ips of t h e in dividu al fiber pat h w ays in lateral an d Midbrain
dorsal view s of th e brain stem .

Medulla Pons
Th e spatial arran gem en t of th e gray an d w h ite m at -
ter in th e m edu lla already differs from th at in th e Py
V 5
spin al cord at th e low est m edu llary level, i.e., at th e
level of th e pyram idal decu ssation (Fig. 4.52). Th e
m .l.
an terior h orn s can still be seen : th ey con tain th e
m otor n uclei for th e first cervical n erve an d for th e
roots of t h e accessory n erve. Th e descen din g fibers
of th e corticospin al tract s are located in th e py-
ram ids; m ost of th ese fibers cross th e m idlin e at
th is level, th en descen d in th e con tralateral lateral
fu n icu lu s of t h e spin al cord. In t h e region of th e
posterior colu m n s, tw o n u clei are fou n d, i.e., th e m .l. = m edial lem niscus

cuneate nucleus an d th e gracile nucleus. Th ese are

th e relay n u clei for th e ascen din g posterior colu m n Fig. 4.53 Cross-sections of the pons and midbrain at
fibers of th e sp in al cord. Th ey, in t urn , project im - four different levels. a The four planes of section.
Fig. 4.53 b
pulses by w ay of th e m edial lem n iscus to th e con -
tralateral th alam u s. Th ese tw o n u clei possess a so-
m atotopic arran gem en t (poin t-to-poin t projec- com pan ies th e olivocerebellar tract as it travels, via
tion ), in w h ich th e cun eate n u cleu s con tain s fibers th e in ferior cerebellar pedu n cle, to th e cerebellum
for th e upp er lim bs, w h ile th e gracile n ucleu s con - (Figs. 4.54b an d 4.55b). Th e anterior spinocerebel-
tain s fibers for th e low er lim bs. Th is som atotopy is lar tract, p art of w h ich is crossed, traverses th e
preserved in t h e m edial lem n iscu s, in th e th alam u s, m edu lla an d pon s an d fin ally en ters th e cerebel-
an d all th e w ay u p to th e prim ary sen sory cortex. lu m by w ay of th e su perior cerebellar p edu n cle
Figure 4.55c sh ow s th e t w istin g cou rse of th e m e- an d th e su perior m edu llary velu m (Figs. 4.54b an d
dial lem n iscu s: th e fibers carryin g im pu lses for th e 4.55b).
low er lim b are m ore lateral, an d th ose carryin g im - Th e olivary nuclear complex is located in th e
pulses for th e up per lim b are m ore m edial. rost ral portion of th e m edu lla. Th e in ferior olive
Th e lateral spinothalamic tract (pain , tem pera- (Figs. 4.54 an d 4.55), w h ich resem bles a sh eet of
tu re), anterior spinothalamic tract (tou ch , pres- gray m atter th at h as been folded u p to form a bag,
su re), an d spinotectal tract (to th e qu adrigem in al receives m ost of its afferen t inpu t from th e red n u -
region ) h ave essen t ially th e sam e position in t h e cleu s of th e m idbrain , by w ay of th e cen tral
cau dal m edu lla as in th e cervical spin al cord. tegm en tal tract. It receives fu rth er afferen t inpu t
An exten sive n etw ork of cells, th e lateral reticu- from th e striat um , th e p eriaqu eductal gray m atter,
lar nucleus, receives in com in g fibers from th e re- th e reticular form ation , an d th e cerebral cortex, by
ticular form ation of th e spin al cord. Th is n ucleu s w ay of th e cort ico-olivary tract , w h ich run s to-
lies dorsal to th e in ferior olivary n ucleus. Th e geth er w ith th e corticosp in al tract. Efferen t fibers
sp in oret icular fibers carry sen sory im pu lses from from th e in ferior olive cross th e m idlin e an d form
th e skin an d in tern al organ s. Th ese fibers ru n m ore th e olivocerebellar tract, w h ich en ters th e cerebel-
diffu sely in th e spin al cord, som e of th em in asso- lu m th rough th e in ferior cerebellar pedun cle (Figs.
ciation w ith th e spin oth alam ic tract. 4.54b an d 4.55b) an d conveys im p ulses to th e en -
Th e posterior spinocerebellar tract, w h ich origi- tire n eocerebellar cortex. Th is olivocerebellar pro-
n ates in Clarke’s colu m n (th e th oracic n ucleu s) an d jection belon gs to th e system for coordin ation of
ascen ds ipsilaterally in th e sp in al cord, at first volu n tary m ovem en t; it w ill be discu ssed furth er
keeps its position in th e caudal m edu lla, th en takes in th e ch apters con cern in g th e cerebellu m (Ch ap-
a p rogressively m ore dorsal position an d fin ally ac- ter 5) an d basal gan glia (Ch apter 8).
Topographical Anatom y of the Brainstem · 137
Nucleus of the superior colliculus Mesencephalic tract of the
Cerebral aqueduct trigem inal n.
Spinotectal tract Lateral spinothalam ic tract
Brachium colliculi Central (periaqueductal)
Reticular formation gray matter
Medial longitudinal Central sym pathetic pathway
fasciculus Nucleus of the oculomotor n.
Medial lem niscus Substantia nigra
Tectospinal tract Red nucleus
Tegm ent al decussation Corticopontine tract
Corticospinal fibers



Corticonuclear fibers

Dorsal longitundal fasciculus IV Corticopontine tract

(of Schütz)

Lateral lem niscus Mesencephalic tract of the
Locus ceruleus trigem inal n.
Medial longitudinal Lateral trigem inal
fasciculus lem niscus
Superior cerebellar Lateral spinothalam ic
peduncle tract
Medial cerebellar Rubrospinal tract
peduncle Central sym pathetic pathway
Central tegmental

Corticonuclear fibers


Corticospinal fibers

Medial lem niscus

Tectospinal tract

Reticular formation

Decussation of the superior 7
cerebellar peduncles Central sym pathetic pathway
Principal sensory nucleus
Posterior spinocerebellar of the trigem inal n.
Nucleus of the spinal tract
Superior cerebellar of the trigem inal n.
Motor nucleus of the
Anterior m edullary velum trigem inal n.
Medial longitudinal Rubrospinal tract
Lateral spinothalam ic
Medial cerebellar
Tectospinal tract
Reticular formation
Trigem inal n.
Lateral lem niscus V
Pyram idal tract
Central tegm ental tract
Pontine nuclei
Medial lem niscus 6
Fastigial nucleus
Vestibular nuclei Em boliform nucleus
Superior nucleus (of Bekhterev) Dentate nucleus
Medial nucleus (of Schwalbe) Globose nucleus
Lateral nucleus (of Deiters)
Inferior cerebellar
Inferior nucleus (of Roller)
Medial longitudinal
Tractus solitarius
Nucleus of the abducens n.
Spinal tract of the trigem inal n.
Central sym pathetic pathway
Central tegm ental tract
Nucleus of the facial n.
Anterior spinocerebellar
tract Trapezoid body
Lateral lem niscus Rubrospinal tract
VII Lateral spinothalam ic
Medial lem niscus
Superior olivary nucleus
5 VI Corticospinal tract
Pontine nuclei

Fig. 4.53 Cross-sections of the pons and midbrain at four different levels. b Sections in the four planes indicated in a,
showing the im portant nuclei and fiber pathways.
4 138 · 4 Brainstem

a Cort icospinal tract

Cort iconuclear tract
Cort icom esence-
phalic tract Medial longitudinal
Rubrospinal tract

Thalam us

Anterior cort icospinal

Red nucleus tract
Lateral cort icospinal

b Cerebello-
Parietopontine tract
tract of the
Occipitopontine trigeminal n.
Frontopontine Superior cerebellar peduncle
tract Middle cerebellar peduncle
Tem poropontine
Inferior cerebellar peduncle
Olivocerebellar tract
Posterior spinocerebellar
Cort icopontine tract
tract Anterior spinocerebellar
c Nucleus of the spinal
To the cortex
tract of the
Olive trigeminal n.

Lateral lemniscus
Accessory olivary nucleus

Red Nucleus Nucleus cuneatus

Nucleus gracilis
Medial lem niscus
Spinothalam ic tract
Central tegmental tract
olivary tract

Fig. 4.54 Fiber connections in the brainstem, lateral view. a Efferent pathways. b Cerebellar pathways. c Afferent path-

Th e accessory olive is phylogen etically older Th e cou rses of th e corticospinal and corticonu-
th an th e in ferior olive. It is con n ected to th e ar- clear tracts are depicted in th e cross-section al dia-
ch icerebellum an d p lays a role in th e m ain ten an ce gram s of th e brain stem an d in Figures 4.54a an d
of balan ce. 4.55a.
Th e rubrospinal tract also passes th rough th e
Lesions of the inferior olive or of th e cen tral tegm en - m edu lla. Th is tract origin ates in th e red n u cleu s of
tal tract produ ce rhyth m ic tw itch in g of th e soft pa- th e m idbrain an d crosses th e m idlin e a sh ort dis-
late, th e ph aryn x, an d som etim es th e diaph ragm tan ce below it in th e ven tral tegm en tal decu ssa-
(m yorhyth m ia, m yoclon u s, sin gult us). Isch em ia is tion (of Forel). It accom pan ies th e lateral corti-
th e usu al cau se.
Topographical Anatom y of the Brainstem · 139
Red nucleus
Cort ico-
Inferior colliculus
Cort ico-
spinal Rubrospinal tract
Medial longitudinal

Nucleus of
Superior cere- the m esence-
Pyram idal bellar peduncle phalic tract
decussation Middle cere- of the
Lateral cortico- bellar peduncle trigem inal n.
spinal tract Inferior cere-
(crossed) bellar peduncle
Anterior cortico-
spinal tract

cerebellar tract
Nucleus of
Central the spinal tract
tegmental of the trigem inal n.
Inferior Anterior spino-
olive cerebellar tract

Posterior spino-
Lateral cerebellar tract
lem niscus
Lateral spinothalam ic
Accessory olivary
Medial nucleus
lem niscus Trapezoid body
Nucleus Inferior olive

Fig. 4.55 Fiber connections in the brainstem, dorsal view. a Efferent pathways. b Cerebellar pathways. c Afferent path-

cosp in al tract as it descen ds in th e lateral fun iculu s w ay in to t h e m edulla, t h e tectosp in al tract gives off
of th e spin al cord (Fig. 4.55). collaterals to th e n u clei in n ervatin g th e extraocu-
Th e tectospinal tract origin ates in th e m idbrain lar m u scles, as w ell as to th e n ucleu s of th e facial
tectu m an d im m ediately crosses th e m idlin e, n erve an d th e cerebellu m . It en ds in th e cervical
sw in gin g aroun d th e periaquedu ctal gray in th e spin al cord. Function: Th e su perior colliculi receive
dorsal tegm en tal decu ssation (of Meyn ert). Th e visu al inpu t from th e retin a an d au ditory inpu t
tectosp in al tract at first descen ds n ear th e m idlin e from th e in ferior collicu li. In ten se visu al an d au di-
an d th en gradu ally takes a m ore ven t ral an d lateral tory stim uli evoke reflex closu re of th e eyes, turn -
position , com in g to lie in th e ven trolateral portion in g of th e h ead aw ay from th e stim ulu s, an d som e-
of th e m edulla, n ear th e ru brospin al tract . Alon g its tim es also raisin g of th e arm s (defen se position );
4 140 · 4 Brainstem

th ese reflexes are m ediated by th e tecton u clear

an d tectospin al path w ays. Th e fu n ction al in terac-
tion of th e occipit al lobe an d th e su perior collicu lar Th e pons h as tw o com pon en ts: th e pontine teg-
plate w as m en t ion ed in an earlier section . Th ese m entum is dorsal, an d th e ventral portion of the
tw o stru ctures w ork togeth er w ith th e tectospin al pons (basis pontis) is ven tral.
path w ays to en able autom atic pursuit m ovem ents
of the eyes and head w hen the individual looks at a Ventral portion of the pons. Many fiber bun dles
m oving object. traverse th e pon s from on e side to th e oth er in th e
On th e various cross-section al im ages of th e basis pon tis, t h ereby fragm en t in g th e descen din g
m edu lla, pon s, an d m idbrain , on e can see, in th e corticospin al tracts in to m any little fascicles
sp aces betw een th e larger n u clei an d th e ascen d- (Fig. 4.53). Th ese h orizon tally ru n n in g tracts give
in g an d descen din g path w ays, a n um ber of dif- th e p on s its n am e (“bridge”), th ough th ey do n ot, in
fu sely distribu ted n u clei of varyin g size t h at oc- fact , con st itu te a bridge. Th ey are pon tocerebellar
casion ally clu ster in to n u clear grou ps, w ith an ex- fibers, arisin g in n u clei of th e basis pon tis th at con -
ten sive n etw ork of fibers con n ectin g th em . Th ese tain th e secon d n eu ron s of th e corticopontocere-
in tercon n ected grou ps of n eu ron s are kn ow n col- bellar path w ay. Th ese n u clei receive inpu t via de-
lectively as th e reticular formation, a stru ctu re scen din g cort icopon tin e fibers from th e ipsilateral
w h ose great im portan ce w as first recogn ized by fron tal, pariet al, an d tem p oral cerebral cortex
Moru zzi an d Magou n (1949). Th e reticu lar form a- (w h ich are foun d in th e lateral portion of th e cere-
tion exten ds from th e spin al cord (w h ere it lies be- bral pedu n cle on eith er side, accom p anyin g th e
tw een th e lateral an d posterior fu n icu li) u pw ard, corticospin al an d corticon u clear fibers), an d th ey
th rough t h e m edu lla an d p on s, to th e oral part of receive fu rth er inp ut from collateral fibers of th e
th e m idbrain (Figs. 4.52 an d 4.53). We w ill discu ss pyram idal t racts. Th e pon tocerebellar fibers pro-
its fun ction later (p. 143). ject across th e m idlin e an d th en en ter th e cerebel-
On e of th e im portan t n u clei in t h e m edu lla is th e lum th rough th e m iddle cerebellar p edu n cle.
dorsal nucleus of the vagus nerve, w h ich lies All cortically derived im pu lses related to volu n -
ben eath th e floor of th e fou rt h ven tricle (Fig. 4.1b). tary m ovem en t are relayed by th e pon tin e n u clei to
It con tain s au ton om ic m otor (i.e., parasym p a- th e cerebellar cortex, w h ich th en projects back to
th et ic) n euron s, w h ich are an alogou s to th e (sym - th e cerebral cortex by w ay of th e den tate n u cleu s,
path etic) n euron s of th e lateral h orn s of th e spin al sup erior cerebellar pedu n cle, an d th alam u s (feed-
cord from T1 to L2. Th e m ore laterally lyin g nucleus back m ech an ism , cf. Fig. 5.6, p. 163). Th is regula-
of the tractus solitarius is a som atosen sory an d tory circuit en ables sm ooth an d precise coordin a-
special sen sory n u cleus. Its rostral port ion receives tion of volun tary m ovem en t.
gu statory inpu t from cran ial n erves VII, IX, an d X.
Its cau dal portion , w h ich receives afferen t fibers Th e stru cture of th e pon tin e tegmentum is sim ilar
from th e th oracic an d abdom in al viscera, is in ter- to th at of th e m edullary tegm en tu m . Th e m ost
con n ected w ith th e dorsal n u cleus of th e vagus ven t ral portion of th e tegm en t um con t ain s th e me-
n erve, w ith visceral cen ters in th e reticu lar form a- dial lemniscus (Figs. 4.53b an d 4.55c), a tran s-
tion , an d w ith n eu ron s projectin g to th e au ton om ic versely orien ted ban d th at h as tw isted itself
n u clei in th e lateral h orn s of th e spin al cord. All of arou n d so th at th e fibers derived from th e cu n eate
th ese n u clei can th us part icipate in reflex arcs th at n ucleu s are n ow m ore m edial, an d th ose from th e
regulate an d con trol cardiovascu lar, respiratory, gracile n ucleu s m ore lateral. Th us, from lateral to
an d alim en tary fu n ction , an d oth er vegetat ive m edial, th e parts of th e body represen ted in th e
processes (see Fig. 4.56). m edial lem n iscu s are th e low er lim b, tru n k, up per
Th e nucleus of the hypoglossal nerve an d th e lim b, an d n eck. Th e spinothalamic tract abu ts th e
nucleus ambiguus h ave already been discussed in m edial lem n iscus laterally (Fig. 4.55c), as does th e
th e section dealin g w ith th e cran ial n erves, as h ave lateral lem n iscu s (au ditory p ath w ay). Th e last-
th e vestibular nuclei an d th e nucleus of the spinal n am ed structu re is th e con tin u ation of a fiber
tract of the trigeminal nerve. Th e m edial lon gitu di- bun dle t h at decu ssates in th e cau dal p on s, th e so-
n al fasciculu s is fou n d in a dorsal position n ear th e called trapezoid body (Figs. 4.53b an d 4.55). Th e
m idlin e; ven tral to it lie th e tectosp in al tract an d trapezoid body con tain s fibers derived from th e
th e m edial lem n iscu s (Fig. 4.52).

tahir99-VRG &

Topographical Anatom y of the Brainstem · 141
coch lear n u clei an d t ran sm its au ditory im pu lses to Tectum. Th e quadrigeminal plate con sists of th e
th e in ferior colliculi, both direct ly an d in directly. superior and inferior colliculi. Th ese, particularly
Th e vestibular nuclear complex lies at th e far th e su perior collicu li, are h igh ly sp ecialized organ s
lateral en d of th e floor of th e fou rth ven tricle w ith seven cellu lar layers an d n u m erou s afferen t
(Fig. 4.53b). Th e lateral vest ibu lar n ucleus gives off an d efferen t con n ection s th at can on ly be dis-
th e vest ibu lospin al tract to n eu ron s of th e spin al cu ssed h ere in broad ou tlin e.
cord. Th e vestibu lar n u clei are also con n ected,
th rough th e m edial lon gitu din al fascicu lus, to th e Th e n uclear area of th e inferior colliculi receives
som atom otor an d viscerom otor n u clei of th e n um erou s afferen t fibers of th e au ditory path w ay
brain stem (Fig. 4.46). (lateral lem n iscu s) an d projects onw ard, by w ay of
Th e spin al n u cleu s of th e trigem in al n erve en ds th e brach ia of th e in ferior collicu li, to th e m edial
at a m id-pon t in e level, above w h ich t h e principal gen icu late bodies on eith er side. Th ese, in tu rn ,
sensory nucleus of the trigeminal nerve is fou n d. project to th e prim ary auditory cortex in th e tem -
Th e motor trigeminal nucleus, w h ich in n ervates poral lobe (tran sverse gyri of Hesch l).
th e m uscles of m astication , is ven trolateral to th e
prin cipal sen sory n u cleu s. Th e secon d n eu ron s of Th e n uclear area of th e superior colliculi receives af-
th e spin al n ucleu s of th e trigem in al n erve (pain feren t fibers from t h e visu al path w ay as w ell as
an d tem peratu re) an d th e prin cipal sen sory n u- from th e cerebral cortex (occipital lobe), spin al
cleus of th e trigem in al n erve (epicritic sen sation ) cord (spin otectal tract), an d in ferior collicu li. It
project to th e con tralateral th alam u s th rou gh th e projects efferen t fibers to th e spin al cord (tectosp i-
ventral trigeminothalamic tract. Th e prin cipal n al tract) an d to th e cran ial n erve n uclei (tecton u-
sen sory n u cleus also sen ds u n crossed fibers to t h e clear tract), as w ell as to th e red n u cleu s an d reticu -
th alam u s th rough th e dorsal trigeminothalamic lar form ation .
tract. Th e nucleus of the mesencephalic tract of the
trigeminal nerve con tin u es rostrally in to th e m id- Reflexes m ediated by the superior and inferior col-
brain (Fig. 4.55b). Th is trigem in al n u cleu s differs liculi. Fibers project in g from th e in ferior collicu lu s
from th e rest—as already m en t ion ed—in th at it to th e sup erior collicu lus form p art of a reflex arc
con tain s first sen sory n eu ron s, an d can th u s be th at tu rn s th e h ead an d eyes tow ard th e sou rce of
th ou gh t of as a sen sory gan glion th at is exception - an in com in g soun d. Retin al im pu lses th at reach t h e
ally located w ith in th e brain stem . Th e rem ain der superior colliculi by w ay of th e lateral gen icu late
of th e first sen sory n eu ron s of th e trigem in al sys- body participate in a fu rt h er reflex arc th at m akes
tem are located in th e trigeminal (gasserian) gan- th e eyes close in resp on se to a sudden visu al
glion. Th e afferen t fibers of th e n ucleu s of th e st im ulus, an d m ay also cau se th e h ead to tu rn aw ay
m esen ceph alic tract of th e trigem in al n erve con - from th e stim ulus. Th e tecton u clear an d tectospi-
vey prop rioceptive inp ut m ain ly derived from t h e n al tracts form th e efferen t arm s of th ese reflex
sen sory receptors of th e m uscles of m astication arcs.
an d th e tem porom an dibu lar join t. The sm all pretectal nuclei are foun d im m edi-
ately an terolateral to th e su perior colliculi on both
Midbra in sides. Th ese n u clei receive afferen t fibers from th e
ret in a an d p roject efferen t fibers, after a syn aptic
Th e m idbrain lies rostral to th e pon s. It s in tern al
relay, arou n d th e periaqu eductal gray m atter to
stru ctu re is sh ow n in Figure 4.53b (section 8). Th e
th e parasym p ath etic Edin ger–Westph al n u clei
m idbrain h as fou r parts: (1) th e tectum (“roof”),
(= accessory [au ton om ic] n u clei). Th ey participate
delim ited by an im agin ary h orizon tal lin e t h rou gh
in th e reflex arc th at regu lates th e size of th e pu pil
th e aqu educt, w h ich con tain s th e superior an d in -
in respon se to th e in ten sity of th e in ciden t ligh t
ferior collicu li (qu adrigem in al plate); (2) th e teg-
(p. 101).
mentum, lyin g betw een th e tectu m an d th e su b-
stan tia n igra; (3) th e substantia nigra; an d (4) th e
In th e m iddle of th e tegmentum, betw een th e su b-
cerebral peduncles (cru ra cerebri).
stan tia n igra an d th e periaquedu ctal gray m atter,
on e fin ds a large, ellip soidally sh aped n u cleus th at
is red in fresh an atom ical section s, partly because

tahir99-VRG &

4 142 · 4 Brainstem

it is w ell vascularized, an d partly because it con - aquedu ct an d periaqu eductal gray m atter an d m e-
tain s iron . Th is is th e red n ucleu s (n ucleu s ruber). dial to th e m edial lon gitu din al fascicu lu s. Som e of
th e root fibers of th e th ird cran ial n erve traverse
Th e red nucleus h as tw o parts, a cau dal m agnocellu- th e red n u cleus before th ey em erge from th e brain -
lar part an d a rostral parvocellular part. It receives stem in to th e in terpedu n cular fossa. Im pulses from
afferent inpu t from th e em boliform an d dentate nu- th e vestibular n u clei are carried dow nw ard tow ard
clei of th e cerebellu m by w ay of th e su perior cere- th e spin al cord in th e m edial longitudinal
bellar p edu n cles. Th e fibers th at origin ate in t h e fasciculus—a bun dle th at in corp orates a n um ber of
phylogen etically older em boliform n u cleus p artici- differen t fiber system s an d is presen t alon g th e en -
pate in reflex arcs con trollin g body postu re an d tire exten t of th e brain stem , as w ell as in th e cervi-
variou s types of m ovem en t . Th e fibers th at origi- cal spin al cord. Its fibers lie n ear th e m idlin e below
n ate in th e den tate n ucleu s are especially n u m er- th e floor of th e fourth ven tricle (at m edu llary an d
ous in h um an s an d participate in oth er reflex arcs. pon tin e levels), an d ven tral to th e aquedu ct an d
On e regu latory circu it for th e sm oot h an d precise periaquedu ctal gray m atter (at m idbrain levels);
execu tion of volun tary m ovem en t con sist s of con - som e of th em term in ate on th e n uclei in n ervat in g
n ection s from th e cortex to th e cerebellum an d th e extraocu lar m u scles (th e n u clei of th e ocu lo-
th en back to th e cortex by w ay of th e den tate n u- m otor, troch lear, an d abdu cen s n erves) an d con -
cleus, red n u cleus, an d th alam u s (cf. p. 163). n ect th ese n u clei w ith on e an oth er. Oth er fibers of
An ot h er grou p of den tatorubral fibers term in ates th e m edial lon gitudin al fascicu lus term in ate in n u -
prim arily in th e parvocellu lar p art of th e red n u - clei of th e reticu lar form ation , in cludin g th e in ter-
cleus. All cerebelloru bral fibers cross th e m idlin e in st itial n u cleus (of Cajal) an d Darksh evich ’s n u cleus.
th e m idbrain , in th e decu ssation of th e su perior
cerebellar p edun cles. Th e red n u cleu s receives Th e central sym pathetic pathway is th ough t to orig-
fu rth er afferen t inp ut from th e cerebral cortex (cor- in ate in m u ltip le n u clei of th e hypoth alam us an d
ticorubral tract) an d from th e tectum . reticu lar form ation . It passes th rough t h e m idbrain
Th e m ain efferent projection s of th e red n u cleu s an d pon s ju st an terior to th e aqu edu ct an d below
(th e rubrospinal an d rubroreticular tracts) exert an th e floor of th e fou rth ven tricle. In th e m edu lla, it
in flu en ce on th e spin al m otor n eu ron s; both of occupies a m ore lateral position , from w h ich it
t h ese tracts cross t h e m idlin e, ju st after th ey th en p asses in to th e lateral h orn s of th e spin al gray
em erge from th e red n u cleu s, in th e ven t ral m atter. In terruption of th e cen tral sym path etic
tegm en tal decussation (of Forel). Fu rth er efferen t path w ay produ ces Horn er syn drom e (pp . 102,
fibers travel by w ay of th e cen tral tegm en tal tract 108).
to th e olive (ru bro-olivary fibers), from w h ich a re-
curren t projection return s to th e cerebellu m . Th e substantia nigra is a large m otor n ucleu s t h at
lies betw een th e tegm en tu m an d th e crus cerebri
Other tegm ental nuclei and fiber tracts. Th e lateral on eit h er side. Its dark coloration is du e to a
portion of th e tegm en tu m con tain s th e m esen- m elan in pigm en t con tain ed in th e n euron al cell
cephalic tract of the trigem inal nerve, the trigem inal bodies. Th e su bstan tia n igra is an im portan t com -
lem niscus, th e m edial lem niscus, an d th e pon en t of th e extrapyram idal m otor system an d
spinothalam ic tract, all of w h ich project to th e th us h as an in tim ate fu n ction al relation sh ip w ith
th alam u s. Th e trochlear nerve em erges from th e th e basal gan glia. It w ill be discussed fu rth er, to-
brain stem dorsally (it is t h e on ly cranial n erve to geth er w it h th e basal gan glia, in Ch apter 8.
do so); its root fibers cross t h e m idlin e just cau dal
to th e in ferior collicu li, th en circle aroun d th e cere- Th e cerebral peduncles (cru ra cerebri is th e plu ral
bral pedun cle to th e base of th e brain , an d con - form ; sin gular, cru s cerebri) are large fiber bu n dles,
tin u e, below th e ten torial edge, to th e cavern ous on e on eith er side, m ade u p of corticospin al, corti-
sin u s. Th e nuclear com plex of the oculom otor nerve, con uclear, an d corticopon tin e fibers (Fig. 3.7, p . 42,
as w ell as th e parasym path etic Edinger–W estphal an d Fig. 4.53b). Each cerebral pedun cle is form ed
nucleus (accessory [auton om ic] n u cleus) an d nu- by fibers from th ese th ree t racts, w h ich tw ist
cleus of Perlia, lie in th e m idbrain tegm en tu m at tow ard th e m idlin e as th ey descen d in th e in tern al
th e level of th e su perior collicu li, an terior to th e capsule. Th e corticospin al and corticon u clear

tahir99-VRG &

Topographical Anatom y of the Brainstem · 143
Fig. 4.56 The reticular
formation: dorsal (a) and
Nucleus raphe dorsalis lateral (b) view s. a Dia-
Pedunculopontine tegmental gram of the m ajor regula-
nucleus tory centers in the
Superior central nucleus m edulla, pons, and m id-
Locus ceruleus brain. b Additional depic-
Nucleus raphe pontis tion of the raphe nuclei.
Nucleus raphe magnus

Nucleus raphe obscurus


Hypothalam ic
nuclei b

Visuospatial orientation,
autonom ic coordination
of food intake (chewing,
licking, sucking)
Pneum otactic nuclear
area, autonomic coordination Dorsal nucleus
of breathing and circulation, of the vagus n.
auditory and vestibular
Area postrema
spatial orientation
Swallowing (“vomiting center”)
Autonomic coordinating areas
Vasom otor
for blood pressure, cardiac function,
inspiration/expiration, somatic Nuclear area
swallowing, gag, and for expiration
vom iting reflexes Nuclear area
for inspiration

fibers occupy th e m idport ion of t h e cerebral cran ial n erve n u clei, th e cerebellu m , an d th e cere-
pedun cle an d are flan ked, both m edially an d later- bral h em isph eres, an d projects efferen t fibers back
ally, by cort icopon t in e fibers (Fig. 4.53b). to th ese sam e stru ctures. Som e of th e n uclei of th e
reticu lar form ation h ave descen din g projection s to
th e spin al cord th at in flu en ce both m otor an d au -
Reticular Form ation
ton om ic fun ction .
Th e cell group s an d fibers of th e n etlike reticu lar
form ation are fou n d t h rou gh ou t th e en tire len gt h Ascending reticular activating system. Oth er n u -
of th e brain stem , w h ere th ey fill u p th e in terstices clei of th e reticular form ation , particu larly in th e
betw een th e cran ial n erve n u clei, olives, an d as- m idbrain , project to h igh er cen ters, m ain ly by w ay
cen din g an d descen din g n erve p ath w ays (Figs. of th e in tralam in ar n u clei of th e th alam u s, an d by
4.52b, 4.53b, an d 4.56a). Th e reticu lar form ation w ay of th e subth alam u s. Th ese n u clei receive col-
receives afferen t fibers from t h e spin al cord, th e lateral inpu t from m any differen t ascen din g fiber

tahir99-VRG &

4 144 · 4 Brainstem

tracts (am on g th em th e spin oth alam ic tract , th e are carried by bot h th e reticu losp in al an d th e vesti-
spin al t ract of th e trigem in al n erve, th e tract us soli- bu lospin al t racts in th e an terolateral fu n icu lu s of
tarius, an d fibers from th e vestibu lar an d coch lear th e sp in al cord, w h ile in h ibitory im pu lses, derived
n u clei, as w ell as from th e visu al an d olfactory sys- m ain ly from th e ven trom edial portion of th e
tem s); th ey relay th ese im pu lses u pw ard, over a m edu lla, reach th e spin al m otor n eu ron s over m u l-
polysyn aptic path w ay, to exten sive areas of th e tip le syn aptic relays, m ain ly by w ay of th e lateral
cerebral cortex, w h ere th ey exert an activatin g ret iculospin al tract (adjacen t to th e corticosp in al
fu n ction . Experim en tal st im u lation of t h ese n u clei tract). Both th e excitatory an d th e in h ibitory sys-
in an im als produces an “arou sal reaction ,” in w h ich tem s im pin ge, th rough in tern euron s, on th e γ m o-
th e sleepin g an im al is aw aken ed. Th e p ion eerin g tor n eu ron s of th e spin al cord. Th u s, by regulatin g
st udy of Moru zzi an d Magou n (1949), an d th e su b- th e fu n ction of th e spin al reflex arcs, th e reticu lar
sequen t w ork of n u m erou s oth ers, h ave provided form ation plays an im portan t role in th e m ain -
overw h elm in g eviden ce th at th is system plays an ten an ce of adequ ate m u scle ton e for stan din g an d
im portan t role in settin g th e level of consciousness w alkin g, as w ell as in th e m ain ten an ce of balan ce.
in h um an s, as w ell as in m ain tain in g th e sleep–
w ake cycle. It h as, th erefore, been n am ed t h e “as- Autonomic nuclei and pathw ays. Many n euron s in
cen din g reticu lar activatin g system ” (ARAS, cf. th e reticu lar form ation h ave au ton om ic fu n ction s.
p. 176). Lesion s affectin g th is system can im pair or Nu clei con tain in g such cells are scattered
abolish con sciou sn ess. Even today, n ot m u ch is th rou gh ou t th e pon s an d m edulla an d receive inpu t
kn ow n abou t th e n euron grou ps th at in flu en ce from th e som atic cran ial n erve n u clei (Fig. 4.56,
ARAS activity; th e m ain ten an ce of w akefu ln ess is p. 143). Th ese au ton om ic n u clei receive input from
presum ed to depen d, at least in p art, on n eu ron s of th e hypoth alam u s an d sen d projection s to th e
th e reticu lar form ation th at can syn th esize m on o- cran ial n erve n u clei an d th e spin al cord.
am in e n eurotran sm itters su ch as n orepin eph rin e
(n oradren alin e), dopam in e, an d seroton in . Neuron s Regulation of salivation. Salivation is con t rolled by
syn th esizin g n orepin eph rin e are fou n d in th e th e superior and inferior salivatory nuclei. It can be
lateral portion of th e reticu lar form ation , w h ich in - evoked in reflex fash ion by an appetizin g sm ell or
clu des th e locu s ceruleu s. Seroton in is produ ced by taste. Th e in dividu al’s m en tal state can also in h ibit
th e n euron s of t h e raph e n uclei (Fig. 4.56b). salivation un der som e circu m stan ces, causin g a
Neu ron s of th e basal n u cleus (of Meyn ert) an d of dry m ou th .
th e in n om in ate su bstan ce sen d ch olin ergic fibers
to exten sive areas of th e cerebral cortex (Fig. 6.7, Regulation of blood pressure. Oth er n u clei regu late
p. 178). blood pressu re. Afferen t im pulses arisin g in t h e
Th e p recise roles p layed by th e ARAS an d th e carotid sin us travel over th e glossoph aryn geal an d
ch olin ergic system just m en tion ed in con scious- vagal n erves to th e correspon din g reticu lar n u clear
ness an d th e sleep–w ake cycle are n ot yet w ell areas in t h e m edulla (au tonom ic cen ters for th e
en ou gh u n derstood to be p resen ted in detail in th is regulation of blood p ressu re, cardiac activity, an d
book. On e th in g th at is certain is th at u n con scious- vasocon striction /vasodilat ion ), w h ich are located
ness can be produ ced by lesion s of m ultiple brain n ear th e n u clei of cran ial n erves IX an d X. Efferen t
stru ctures. im pu lses m ediated by th e vagu s n erve in h ibit car-
diac activity, resu ltin g in slow in g of th e h eart rate
Th e descending reticular pathw ays (ven t ral an d an d a fall in blood pressu re.
lateral reticulospin al tracts) origin ate in th e reticu-
lar form ation an d exert both excitatory an d in h ibi- Regulation of other autonom ic bodily functions.
tory effects on th e m otor n euron s of th e spin al Som e descen din g im pu lses from t h e reticular for-
cord. Th e cells of origin of th ese path w ays receive m ation in h ibit th e sym p ath etic n u clei of th e spin al
afferen t inp ut from th e cerebral cortex, particularly cord, cau sin g vasodilation . Reticu lar n uclei dorsal
th e fron tal lobes, as w ell as from th e cerebellum to th e in ferior olive con trol respiration; th ere are
an d th e basal gan glia. Excitatory im pulses from th e distin ct expiratory an d aspiratory cen ters. Yet
brain stem (lateral portion of th e reticu lar form a- oth er reticular n u clei con trol an d coordin ate
tion , m ain ly in th e p on s bu t also in th e m idbrain ) gastrointestinal m otility. Reflex sw allow ing is a

tahir99-VRG &

Brainstem Disorders · 145
com p licated process involvin g m any differen t tactic n u cleu s) in th e vicin ity of th e locu s ceru leu s,
m uscles, w h ich m u st be activated in th e proper as w ell as a h igh er cen ter for food intake (ch ew in g,
sequen ce an d at t h e proper in ten sity to propel a lickin g, su ckin g) in th e m idbrain (Fig. 4.56a).
bolu s of food sm ooth ly from th e m ou th in to th e
stom ach ; coordin atin g th e m u ltiple n erves in -
volved in t h is process is t h e fu n ction of t h e so-
called m edu llary sw allow in g cen ter, w h ich lies in
Brainstem Disorders
th e vicin ity of th e m otor cran ial n erve n u clei th at it
Ischemic Brainstem Syndromes
activates. Nearby, th ere is also a n u cleu s re-
spon sible for gaggin g (th e gag reflex). Th e area Th e an atom y of th e arterial blood su pply of th e
postrem a con tain s an im portan t area for th e regu - brain stem is depicted in Figure 4.57, an d th e terri-
lation of vom iting. Th ere is presum ed to be a h igh er tories of in dividu al arteries su pplyin g th e m edulla,
cen ter for cardiorespiratory fu n ction (a p n eu m o- pon s, an d m idbrain are sh ow n in Figu re 4.58. A

Fig. 4.57 Blood supply of

Anterior cerebral a. the brainstem. a Basal
view. b Lateral view.
Middle cerebral a.

Posterior com m unicating a.

Anterior choroidal a.
Posterior cerebral a.

Superior cerebellar a.
Basilar a.
Anterior inferior cerebellar a.

Labyrinthine a.

Posterior inferior cerebellar a.

Vertebral a.

Anterior spinal a.

Posterior choroidal a.

Posterior cerebral a.

Superior cerebellar a.
Short circumferential branch
Long circumferential branch
Paramedian branches
Basilar a.
Anterior inferior cerebellar a.

Vertebral aa.
Posterior inferior cerebellar a.

b Anterior spinal a.

tahir99-VRG &

4 146 · 4 Brainstem

Fig. 4.58 Distribution of

a Midbrain
the individual arteries
supplying the brainstem.
cerebellar a.
a Midbrain. b Pons.
c Medulla.
cerebral a.

choroidal a.

Posterior Interpeduncular
choroidal a. branches

Posterior Superior Posterior

cerebral a. com m unicating a.
Interpeduncular cerebellar a.
Basilar a. branches (After Murphy)

Superior m edullary velum

Superior cerebellar b Pons
Middle Param edian branches
peduncle Short circumferential

Long circumferential

(After Foix and Hillemand)

Trigem inal n.

Basilar a.

c Medulla
Posterior inferior
cerebellar a.

Anterior inferior
cerebellar a.

Anterior spinal a.
vertebral param edian aa.

Vertebral a.
Posterior inferior
Anterior spinal a. cerebellar a.

th orou gh discussion of th e arterial blood supp ly stem are n u m erou s, com pactly arran ged, an d
an d ven ous drain age of t h e brain stem is fou n d in h igh ly diverse in fu n ction , a correspon din gly w ide
Ch apter 11, on pages 281 ff. Kn ow ledge of th e p at- variety of vascu lar syn drom es can be observed. To
tern of blood su pply is essen tial for an u n derstan d- un derstan d each vascu lar syn drom e, on e m ust first
in g of th e vascu lar syn drom es to be described in un derstan d th e com plex top ograp h ical an atom y of
th is sect ion . th e brain stem in th e region th at it affects. Th is is
Inadequate perfusion of discrete region s of th e w hy th e brain stem vascu lar syn drom es are pre-
brain stem can be eith er transient (e.g., t h e t ran - sen ted h ere in th e ch apter on th e brain stem , rat h er
sien t isch em ia of subclavian steal syn drom e, see th an in Ch apter 11 togeth er w ith th e vascular dis-
p. 147) or permanent (causin g tissu e n ecrosis, i.e., orders of t h e rest of th e brain .
brainstem infarction). In farction is u su ally du e to Su bclavian steal syn drom e w ill be discu ssed
arterial occlu sion . It produces differen t pat tern s of first, as an exam p le of a syn drom e w ith tran sien t
clin ical deficits, depen din g on t h e p articu lar vessel brain stem isch em ia. Th e m ajor arterial occlu sion
th at h as been occlu ded (vascular syndromes). Be- syn drom es of th e brain stem w ill be presen ted
cause th e n u clei an d fiber path w ays of th e brain - th ereafter.
Brainstem Disorders · 147
Subcla via n Stea l Syndrome Brain stem in farction in a n u m ber of differen t lo-
cation s often becom es m an ifest clin ically as alter-
Th is syn drom e occu rs as th e result of occlusion of
nating hemiplegia (crossed w eakn ess), w h ich is
the right or left subclavian artery proxim al to th e
defin ed as a com bin ation of cran ial n erve deficits
origin of t h e vertebral artery. Desp ite th e occlu -
on th e side of t h e lesion w ith w eakn ess of th e op -
sion , th e cardiovascular system m ain tain s ade-
posite h em ibody. In Figu re 4.59, t h ree differen t al-
qu ate perfusion of th e ipsilateral arm by “tapp in g”
tern atin g h em iplegia syn drom es are sh ow n , each
th e ipsilateral vertebral artery in retrograde fash -
th e result of isch em ia in a particu lar region of th e
ion : blood flow s up th e con tralateral vertebral
brain stem , w ith correspon din g clin ical deficits.
artery to its ju n ction w it h th e ipsilateral vertebral
We n ow list th e in dividu al vascu lar syn drom es
artery (w h ere th e t w o arteries join to form th e
th at can be con sidered, in sim plified term s, to be
basilar artery), an d t h en back dow n th e ipsilateral
“variation s” of th e altern atin g h em iplegia syn -
vertebral artery in to t h e axillary artery an d onw ard
drom e, albeit w ith extraordin arily diverse m an i-
in to t h e brach ial artery. In rare cases, a situ ation
festation s. To m ake th e presen t ation as clear as
m ay arise in w h ich exercise of th e arm diverts so
possible, th e discu ssion of each syn drom e is ac-
m uch blood from th e vertebrobasilar system th at
com pan ied by a draw in g of th e affected structu res
clin ically eviden t brain stem isch em ia en su es. Th e
in th e brain stem , an d by a sch em atic diagram of
diagn osis of su bclavian steal syn drom e requ ires
th e resu ltin g clin ical deficits.
both th e ch aracteristic clin ical m an ifestation s and
a clin ically correlated an giograph ic fin din g of ret-
Dorsolateral medullary syndrome (Wallen berg syn -
rograde flow in the vertebral artery. Su bclavian
drom e, Figs. 4.60 an d 4.61). Cause: occlu sion or em -
artery occlu sion n eeds to be treated on ly if it
bolism in th e territory of th e posterior in ferior cere-
causes isch em ia in th e h an d or fran k su bclavian
bellar artery or vertebral artery. Clinical features:
steal syn drom e, w ith m an ifestation s of isch em ia in
su dden on set w it h vertigo, nystagm u s (in ferior ves-
th e vertebrobasilar territory, su ch as loss of con -
tibular n u cleu s an d in ferior cerebellar pedu n cle),
sciou sn ess or vertigo.
n ausea an d vom itin g (area p ostrem a), dysarth ria
Th e t radition al term “vertebrobasilar in su ffi-
an d dysph on ia (n u cleus am biguu s), sin gult us (res-
cien cy” is n ow obsolete an d sh ou ld n o lon ger be
piratory cen ter of th e reticular form ation ). For
fu rth er details, see Figure 4.60.

Individua l Bra instem Vascula r Syndromes

Medial medullary syndrome (Dejerin e syn drom e)
In farction in th e vertebrobasilar distribution , as in (Fig. 4.62). Cause: occlusion of param edian
th e carotid distribution , is u su ally du e to embolism bran ch es of th e vertebral or basilar artery
(for a discu ssion , cf. p. 297). Th e respon sible em - (Fig. 4.58), often bilaterally. Clinical features: ipsi-
boli m ay arise from th e h eart, from at h erom atous lateral flaccid hyp oglossal n erve p alsy, con -
plaqu es in th e vertebral arteries, or from an arterial tralateral h em iplegia (n ot spastic) w ith Babin ski’s
dissection w ith secon dary th rom bosis. Th e on ce- sign , con tralateral posterior colu m n hypest h esia
cu rren t n otion th at kin kin g of th e vertebral arter- (i.e., hypesth esia to touch an d pressure, w ith im -
ies durin g sleep m igh t cau se isch em ia is n o lon ger paired position sen se), an d nystagm us (if th e m e-
ten able today. dial lon git udin al fasciculu s is involved by th e le-
A n u m ber of differen t brain stem vascu lar syn - sion ).
drom es can be iden tified on clin ical an d radiologi-
cal grou n ds. Very recen t ly, h igh -resolu tion m ag- Syndrome of the caudal basis pontis (Millard–
n etic reson an ce im agin g w ith T2-w eigh ted an d Gu bler or Foville syn drom e). Cause: occlusion of
diffusion -w eigh ted sequ en ces h as en abled th e th e circum feren tial bran ch es of th e basilar artery,
direct visu alizat ion of brain stem in farcts in t h eir tu m or, abscess, etc. Clinical features: ip silateral ab-
acu te ph ase. Alt h ou gh th ere is a degree of variation du cen s palsy (periph eral) an d facial palsy (n u -
am on g in dividu als, t h e vascu lar arch itectu re of th e clear); con tralateral h em iplegia; con tralateral
brain stem is su fficien tly u n iform th at th e syn - an algesia, th erm an esth esia, an d im pairm en t of
drom es described h ere are w ell-defin ed clin ical tou ch , position , an d vibration sen se (Fig. 4.64).
en t ities.
4 148 · 4 Brainstem

Fig. 4.59 Lesions causing

crossed w eakness (alter-
Leg nating hem iplegia syn-
Arm drom e)


To ngue

Corticonuclear tract
Corticospinal tract
(a) Spastic contralateral
hem iplegia
(b) Ipsilateral peripheral oculomotor
nerve palsy (interruption of infranuclear
oculom otor fibers)
(c) Contralateral supranuclear palsy
of facial and hypoglossal nn.

(a) Contralateral spastic hem iplegia

(b) Ipsilateral supranuclear facial nerve

(a) Spastic contralateral hem iplegia

(b) Ipsilateral nuclear (flaccid) hypoglossus

Syndrome of the caudal pontine tegmentum (m edial cerebellar pedun cle); con tralateral an alge-
(Fig. 4.65). Cause: occlu sion of bran ch es of th e sia an d th erm an est h esia (lateral spin oth alam ic
basilar artery (sh ort an d lon g circu m feren t ial tract); con tralateral hypesth esia an d im p airm en t
bran ch es). Clinical features: ipsilateral n u clear ab- of position an d vibration sen se (m edial lem n is-
du cen s an d facial palsy, nystagm u s (m edial lon gi- cu s); ipsilateral palatal an d ph aryn geal m yorhyth -
tu din al fasciculu s), gaze paresis tow ard th e side of m ia (cen tral tegm en tal tract).
th e lesion ; ipsilateral h em iataxia an d asyn ergia
Brainstem Disorders · 149
Fig. 4.60 Dorsolateral
Inferior vestibular nucleus: nystagmus and medullary syndrome
tendency to fall to ipsilateral side
(Wallenberg syndrom e)
Dorsal nucleus of the vagus n.: tachycardia and dyspnea
Inferior cerebellar peduncle: ipsilateral ataxia
and asynergia
Nucleus of the tractus solitarius: ageusia
Nucleus ambiguus: ipsilateral paresis of palate,
larynx, and pharynx; hoarseness
Nucleus of the cochlear n.: hearing loss
Nucleus of the spinal tract of the trigeminal n.:
ipsilateral analgesia and thermanesthesia
of the face; absent corneal reflex
Central sympathetic pathw ay: Horner syndrom e,
hypohidrosis, ipsilateral facial vasodilatation
Anterior spinocerebellar tract: ataxia,
ipsilateral hypotonia
Lateral spinothalamic tract: analgesia and
thermanesthesia of contralateral hem ibody
Central tegmental tract: palatal and
XII pharyngeal myorhythm ia
Reticular formatio n (respiratory center):
singultus (hiccups)

Horner syndrom e,
nystagm us, dysarthria,

Analgesia and

Py m .l. VI
Ataxia and
IX XII r.n. = red nucleus
sp.-th. = spinothalam ic tract
m .l. = m edial lem niscus
Py = pyram idal tract

Syndrome of the oral pontine tegmentum fibers) an d paralysis of th e m u scles of m ast ication
(Fig. 4.66). Cause: occlusion of th e lon g circu m fer- (m otor n ucleu s of th e trigem in al n erve), h em i-
en t ial bran ch es of th e basilar artery an d superior ataxia, in ten t ion trem or, adiadoch okin esia (su pe-
cerebellar artery. Clinical features: ip silateral loss of rior cerebellar pedun cle); con tralateral im p airm en t
facial sen sation (in terruption of all trigem in al of all sen sory m odalities.
4 150 · 4 Brainstem

Case Presentation 4: Wa llenberg Syndrome

The MRI findings in this case are typical of Wallenberg syn- sided ataxia and asynergia as well as a deficit of protopathic
drom e. Som e 20 hours before the scan was obtained, this sensation on the right side of the body. A CT scan of the
56-year-old m an suddenly becam e dizzy and unsteady, with head was norm al.
a tendency to fall to the left. Exam ination revealed left-

Fig. 4.61 Wallenberg

syndrome. a The diffusion-
weighted MR im age shows
a lesion in the left dor-
solateral portion of the
m edulla. b Hyperintensity
is seen at this site on the
T2-weighted im age. The
finding was found to be an
infarct in the territory of
the left PICA territory due
to occlusion of the left
vertebral artery.

a b
Fig. 4.62 Medial medul-
lary syndrome (Dejerine
syndrom e)
Medial longitudinal fasciculus: nystagmus
Medial lemniscus: contralateral impairm ent
of touch, vibration, and position sense
Olive: ipsilateral palat al and pharyngeal
myorhythm ia
Hypoglossal n.: ipsilateral hypoglossal palsy
with hem iatrophy of the tongue
Pyramidal tract: contralateral hemiplegia with-
Pyram id out spasticit y but with present Babinski reflex




Py m .l.
Im pairm ent of
touch, position,
and vibration

r.n. = red nucleus

sp.-th. = spinothalam ic
m .l. = m edial lem niscus
Py = pyram idal tract
Brainstem Disorders · 151
Case Presentation 5: Media l Medulla ry Syndrome (Dejerine Syndrome)
The MRI findings in this case are typical of a m edial m edul- left hypoglossal nerve palsy. No infarct was seen on cranial
lary infarct. This 58-year-old wom an suddenly developed CT. The MRI scan was obtained 19 hours later.
flaccid right hem iparesis, a deficit of epicritic sensation, and

Fig. 4.63 Medial medul-

lary syndrome. a The dif-
fusion-weighted im age
shows an abnorm ality of
diffusion in the oral para-
m edian portion of the
m edulla. b The T2-
weighted im age reveals
hyperintensity at this site.

Fig. 4.64 Syndrome of

the caudal basis pontis
(Millard−Gubler syndrom e)
Medial lemniscus: contralateral im pairm ent
of touch, position, and vibration sense
Lateral lemniscus: hearing loss
Nucleus of the facial n.: ipsilateral peripheral
facial nerve palsy
Lateral spinothalamic tract: analgesia and
thermanesthesia of contralateral hem ibody
Pyramidal tract: contralateral spastic
hem iplegia
Abducens n.: ipsilateral peripheral abducens
nerve palsy

Spastic paralysis

Flaccid paralysis

Im pairm ent of
touch, position,
and vibration
Py m .l. sense

Analgesia and

r.n. = red nucleus

sp.-th. = spinothalam ic
m .l. = m edial
lem niscus
Py = pyram idal tract
4 152 · 4 Brainstem

Fig. 4.65 Syndrome of

Medial longitudinal fasciculus: nystagmus, the caudal pontine teg-
gaze paresis to side of lesion
Nucleus of the abducens n.: ipsilateral nuclear
abducens palsy
Middle cerebellar peduncle: hemiataxia, inten-
tion trem or, adiadochokinesia, cerebellar dysarthria
Vestibular nuclei: nystagmus, rotatory vertigo
Central sympathetic pathw ay: Horner syndrome,
hypohidrosis, ipsilateral vasodilatation
Nucleus of the spinal tract of the trigeminal n.:
ipsilateral facial analgesia and thermanesthesia
Nucleus of the facial n.: ipsilateral nuclear facial
palsy (atrophy)
Central tegmental tract: ipsilateral palat al and
pharyngeal myorhythmia
Anterior spinocerebellar tract: ipsilateral
asynergia and hypotonia
Lateral lemniscus: hearing loss
Lateral spinothalamic tract: analgesia and
thermanesthesia of contralateral hemibody
Medial lemniscus: impairment of touch, vibration,
and position sense of the contralateral hem ibody; ataxia


Flaccid paralysis

Impairment of
touch, position,
and vibration
Py m.l. sense

Analgesia and
r.n. = red nucleus
sp.-th. = spinothalamic
m.l. = medial
Py = pyram idal tract

Syndrome of the midportion of the basis pontis Syndrome of the red nucleus (Ben edikt syn drom e)
(Fig. 4.67). Cause: occlusion of th e param edian an d (Fig. 4.69). Cause: occlusion of t h e in terpedun cu lar
sh ort circum feren t ial bran ch es of th e basilar bran ch es of th e basilar an d p osterior cerebral ar-
artery. Clinical features: ipsilateral flaccid paresis of teries. Clinical features: ipsilateral ocu lom otor
th e m uscles of m astication , as w ell as facial hy- n erve palsy w ith m ydriasis (in terruption of th e
pesth esia, an algesia, an d th erm an esth esia; ipsi- root fibers of CN III); con t ralateral im pairm en t of
lateral h em iataxia an d asyn ergia; con tralateral touch , position , an d vibration sen se, as w ell as of
spastic h em iparesis. tw o-poin t discrim in ation (involvem en t of th e m e-
Brainstem Disorders · 153
Fig. 4.66 Syndrome of
Superior cerebellar peduncle: hem iataxia, inten-
the oral pontine tegmen-
tion trem or, adioadochokinesia, cerebellar dysarthria
Principal senso ry nucleus of the trigeminal n.: im pair-
ed epicritical sensation on the ipsilateral side of the face
Nucleus of the spinal tract of the trigeminal n.:
ipsilateral facial analgesia and thermanesthesia
Motor nucleus of the trig eminal n.: flaccid (nuclear)
paralysis of the ipsilateral muscles of m astication
Central tegmental tract: myorhythm ia of the soft
palate and pharynx
Tectospinal tract: absence of blinking reflex
Lateral spinothalamic tract: analgesia and
thermanesthesia of contralateral hem ibody
Lateral lemniscus: hearing loss
Medial lemniscus: im pairm ent of touch, vibration, and
position sense of the contralateral hem ibody; ataxia
Corticonuclear tract (exiting fibers): facial, glosso-
pharyngeal, vagus, and hypoglossal nerve palsies

Flaccid paralysis

Im pairm ent of
touch, position,
and vibration
m .l. sense

Analgesia and

r.n. = red nucleus

sp.-th. = spinothalam ic
m .l. = m edial
lem niscus
Py = pyram idal tract

dial lem n iscu s); con tralateral hyperkin esia posterior ch oroidal arteries; rarely also tum or
(trem or, ch orea, ath etosis) due to involvem en t of (gliom a). Clinical features: ipsilateral oculom otor
th e red n u cleu s; con tralateral rigidity (su bstan tia n erve palsy; con tralateral spastic h em iparesis;
n igra). con tralateral p arkin son ian rigidity (su bstan tia
n igra); con tralateral dystaxia (corticopon tin e
Syndrome of the cerebral peduncle (Weber syn - tract); p ossible cran ial n erve deficits du e to in ter-
drom e) (Fig. 4.70). Cause: occlusion of th e in ter- ruption of th e supran uclear in n ervation of CN VII,
pedun cular bran ch es of th e posterior cerebral an d IX, X, an d XII.
4 154 · 4 Brainstem

Fig. 4.67 Syndrome of

the midportion of the
basis pontis

Root fibers of the trigeminal n.: ipsilateral hem i-

anesthesia for all sensory m odalities, ipsilateral
flaccid paralysis of the m uscles of mastication
Middle cerebellar peduncle: ipsilateral hem i-
ataxia and asynergia
Corticospinal tract: contralateral spastic hem i-
Pontine nuclei: ipsilateral dystaxia

Spastic paralysis

Flaccid paralysis

sp.-th. Im pairm ent of

touch, position,
and vibration sense,
com bined with
Py m .l. analgesia and

r.n. = red nucleus
sp.-th. = spinothalam ic
m .l. = m edial
lem niscus
Py = pyram idal tract

Case Presentation 6: Pa ra media n Pontine Infa rct

The MRI findings in this case are typical of a param edian com panied by a deficit of both protopathic and epicritic
pontine infarct. Twelve hours before the scan was obtained, sensation.
the patient had suddenly developed left hem iparesis ac-
Fig. 4.68 Paramedian
pontine infarct. a The
axial, diffusion-weighted
im age shows a wedge-
shaped region in the right
param edian area of the
pons sparing the trigem inal
nerve, which exits the
brainstem at this level.
b The sagittal T2-weighted
im age shows a pontine le-
sion of typical configura-
tion, corresponding to the
territory of one of the pon-
tine arteries.

a b
Brainstem Disorders · 155
Fig. 4.69 Syndrome of
the red nucleus (Benedikt
syndrom e)
Medial lemniscus: contralateral im pairm ent of
touch, position, and vibration sense
Red nucleus: contralateral hyperkinesia (chorea,
Substantia nigra: contralateral akinesia
Root fibers of the oculomotor n.: ipsilateral
oculom otor palsy with fixed and dilated pupil

r.n. +++++++
Im pairm ent of +++++
touch, position, +++++
sp.-th. +++++
and vibration +++++
sense +++++
+++++ +++++
Py m .l. +++++ +++++ +++++
Hyperkinesia +++++ +++++
+++++ +++++
r.n. = red nucleus +++++
sp.-th. = spinothalam ic +++++
tract +++++
m .l. = m edial ++++
lem niscus ++++
Py ++++
= pyram idal tract ++++

Sm all in farcts of th e oral region of the pons, cau sed th is syn drom e, dysarth ria an d dysph agia resu lt
by t h e occlusion of perforatin g arteries, can p ro- from in terru ption of th e su pran u clear in n ervat ion
du ce a w ide variety of circum scribed an d often of th e m otor cran ial n erve n u clei. Microan -
tran sien t deficits. Arteriosclerosis of th e basilar giopath ic brain stem disease is m ost often due to
artery can cause m u ltip le sm all in farct s on on e or gen eralized arterial hyp erten sion ; it is, t h erefore,
both sides of t h e brain stem , occu rrin g stepw ise usually accom pan ied by fu rth er lesion s above th e
over tim e an d even tu ally p rodu cin g th e clin ical ten torium .
pictu re of m icroan giop ath ic p seu dobulbar palsy. In
4 156 · 4 Brainstem

Fig. 4.70 Syndrome of

the cerebral peduncle
(Weber syndrom e)

Substantia nigra: akinesia (parkinsonism)

Corticospinal fibers: contralateral spastic
hem iplegia
Corticonuclear fibers: contralateral supranuclear
facial and hypoglossal nerve palsies
Corticopontine tract: contralateral dystaxia
Root fibers of the oculomotor n.: ipsilateral
oculomotor palsy with fixed and dilated pupil

Supranuclear Oculo-
facial and m otor
hypoglossal nerve
nerve palsies palsy
sp.-th. ++++
Spastic paralysis +++++
+++++ +++++ +
Py m .l. +++++ +++++ ++ +++++
Rigidit y, +++++ +++++
+++++ +++++
parkinsonism , +++++ +++++
+++++ +++++
rest trem or +++++
r.n. = red nucleus +++++
sp.-th. = spinothalam ic +++++
tract +++++
m .l. = m edial ++++
lem niscus ++++
Py ++++
= pyram idal tract ++++

5 Cerebellum
Surface Anatomy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158
Internal Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159
Connections of the Cerebellum w ith
Other Parts of the Nervous System . . 162
Cerebellar Function and Cerebellar
Syndromes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164
Cerebellar Disorders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167
5 158

5 Cerebellum

Th e cerebellu m is a cen tral organ for fine motor Functionally (an d phylogen etically), t h e cere-
control. It processes in form ation from m u ltiple bellum is divided in to th ree com pon en t s: th e ves-
sen sory ch an n els (particu larly vestibu lar an d pro- t ibu locerebellu m , spin ocerebellu m , an d cere-
priocept ive), togeth er w ith m otor im p ulses, an d brocerebellu m . Th e vestibulocerebellum is p hylo-
m odu lates th e activity of m otor n u clear areas in gen etically oldest . It receives afferen t inpu t
th e brain an d spin al cord. m ain ly from th e vestibular organ , an d its fun ction
Anatomically, th e cerebellum is m ade up of tw o is to regulate balan ce. Th e spinocerebellum
hemispheres an d t h e vermis t h at lies betw een m ain ly p rocesses prop rioceptive im pu lses from
th em . It is con n ected to th e brain stem by the three th e spin ocerebellar p ath w ays an d con trols stan ce
cerebellar peduncles. An an atom ical section re- an d gait. Th e youn gest com pon en t of th e cerebel-
veals t h e cerebellar cortex an d t h e u n derlyin g lu m , th e cerebrocerebellum, h as a close fu n ction al
w h ite m at ter, in w h ich th e deep cerebellar n u clei relation sh ip w it h th e m otor cortex of th e telen -
are em bedded. Th e cerebellar cortex is prim arily ceph alon an d is resp on sible for th e sm ooth an d
respon sible for th e in tegration an d processin g of precise execution of all fin ely con trolled m ove-
afferen t im pulses. It p rojects to th e deep cerebellar m en ts. Cerebellar lesions m an ifest th em selves
nuclei, w h ich th en em it m ost of th e efferen t fibers clin ically w ith disturban ces of m ovem en t an d
th at leave th e cerebellu m . balan ce.

row cen tral portion of th e cerebellu m con n ectin g

Surface Anatomy th e tw o h em isph eres on eith er side is called th e
verm is becau se of its fan cied resem blan ce to a
Th e cerebellum lies in th e posterior fossa. Its su per- w orm .
ior surface is covered by th e tentorium cerebelli, a A view of the cerebellum from below (Fig. 5.2)
ten tlike double fold of th e du ra m ater th at sepa- reveals th e u pper portion of th e fou rth ven tricle
rates th e cerebellum from th e cerebrum . lyin g betw een th e cerebellar pedun cles. Th e fou rth
Th e surface of th e cerebellu m (Fig. 5.1), u n like ven t ricle com m un icates w ith th e su barach n oid
th at of th e cerebru m , displays n u m erous sm all, sp ace th rough a sin gle m edian aperture (foram en
h orizon tally run n in g convolu tion s (folia), w h ich of Magen die) an d tw o lateral apertures (foram in a
are separated from each oth er by fissures. Th e n ar- of Lu sch ka). Caudal to th e in ferior an d m iddle cere-

Fig. 5.1 The cerebellum,

Interm ediate
portion view ed from above. Left
(paraver- Superior Anterior side: division into verm is,
Lateral portion m ian zone) vermis lobe Primary fissure pars interm edialis, and pars
lateralis. Right side: division
into verm is, anterior lobe,
Posterior and posterior lobe. The
Culmen lobe
anterior and posterior
lobes are separated by the
prim ary fissure.


Tuber Folium
Internal Structure · 159
Fig. 5.2 The cerebellum,
Culmen view ed from below
Cerebellar peduncles:
superior Central lobule
m iddle Lingula
Lateral aperture Superior m edullary velum
of fourth Anterior lobe
ventricle 4 th

Flocculo- verm is
nodular Posterolateral
lobe Nodulus Cerebellar tonsil Tuber Pyram id Uvula fissure

bral pedu n cles, th ere is a st ru ctu re on eith er side Th e neocerebellum (you n gest portion of th e cere-
called th e flocculus; th e tw o floccu li are con n ected bellu m ) is it s largest p art. Its p hylogen etic develop-
across t h e m idlin e th rough a portion of th e verm is m en t occu rred togeth er w ith th e exp an sion of th e
called th e nodulus. Toget h er, th ese stru ctures con - cerebru m an d th e tran sition to an u prigh t stan ce
stitu te th e flocculonodular lobe. an d gait. It is form ed by th e tw o cerebellar h em i-
Th e subdivision s of th e cerebellar verm is an d sp h eres an d h as an in tim ate fun ction al con n ection
h em isph eres w ere given in dividu al n am es by th e to th e cerebral cortex, w h ich projects to it by w ay
old an atom ists (cu lm en , declive, et c.), w h ich are of th e pon tin e n u clei. Th u s, th e n eocerebellu m is
in dicated in Figs. 5.1 an d 5.2, alth ough th ey h ave also term ed th e pon tocerebellu m or cerebrocere-
little fun ction al sign ifican ce an d are gen erally n ot bellum, as w e w ill call it in th e follow in g sect ion s.
clin ically relevan t. Today, it is m ore com m on to
dist in gu ish three major components of the cere-
bellum on phylogen etic an d fun ct ion al grou n ds:
Internal Structure
Th e archicerebellum (p hylogen etically oldest por-
tion of th e cerebellu m ) is in t im ately related to th e Alt h ou gh th e cerebellu m accoun ts for on ly abou t
vestibu lar apparatu s. It receives m ost of its afferen t 10 % of th e brain by w eigh t, it con tain s m ore t h an
inpu t from th e vestibu lar n uclei of th e brain stem 50 % of all th e brain ’s n eu ron s. Th e n eu ron s of t h e
an d is th u s also called th e vestibulocerebellum. cerebellu m are located in th e gray m atter of th e
An atom ically, it con sists m ain ly of th e floccu lus h igh ly convolu ted cerebellar cortex an d in th e fou r
an d n odulus (flocculonodular lobe). deep cerebellar n u clei on eith er side (see below ).

Th e paleocerebellum (n ext oldest portion of th e

Cerebellar Cortex
cerebellu m , after th e arch icerebellum ) receives
m ost of its afferen t input from th e sp in al cord an d Th e cerebellar cortex is com posed of th ree layers
is, th erefore, also called th e spinocerebellum (th e (Fig. 5.3). Proceedin g from th e outerm ost inw ard,
term w e w ill u se in t h e follow in g section s). It con - th ese layers are:
sists of t h e culm en an d cen tral lobule of th e ante-
rior lobe of th e verm is, as w ell as t h e u vu la an d py- Molecular layer (stratum moleculare). Th is layer
ram id of its inferior lobe, an d th e parafloccu lus. On e con sists m ain ly of cellular processes, of w h ich th e
can state, as a m ild sim p lification , th at th e m ajority are gran u le cell axon s—parallel fibers, see
spin ocerebellu m is com posed of m ost of th e ver- below —an d Purkinje cell dendrites.Afew n euron s are
m is an d paraverm ian zon e (pars in term edialis). fou n d am on g t h e fibers (stellate cells, basket cells,
5 160 · 5 Cerebellum

proxim ately 20 0 0 0 0 parallel fibers form syn ap ses

Parallel fibers
Granule cell w ith a sin gle Pu rkin je cell). Th e cerebellar gran u le
Purkinje cell Molecular cells are glutam atergic an d are th e on ly n euron s of
layer th e cerebellar cortex th at exert an excitatory in -
cell layer flu en ce on th eir target cells.
Basket layer
cell Afferent Input to the Cerebella r Cortex
Th e afferen t inpu t to th e cerebellar cortex is m ain ly
White derived from th e ipsilateral vestibular nuclei (a
sm all part, in fact, com es directly from th e vestibu-
lar organ, w ith out any in terven in g syn aptic relay),
th e ipsilateral spinal cord, th e contralateral pontine
nuclei (an d th us, in directly, from th e con tralateral
cerebral cortex), an d th e contralateral olivary nu-
clear com plex in th e m edulla (olive, for sh ort). Th e
Purkinje Neurons in the olivary fibers are th e so-called climbing fibers,
cell axons dentate nucleus w h ich term in ate on th e Purkin je cells of th e cere-
Climbing fiber Mossy fiber bellar cortex, clim bin g u p th eir den dritic trees like
ivy. All oth er afferen t fibers term in ate as mossy
fibers on th e gran ule cells of t h e cerebellar cortex,
Fig. 5.3 Structure of the cerebellar cortex with its affer-
w h ich th en relay fu rth er im pu lses alon g th eir
ent and efferent connections (schem atic drawing)
axon s (parallel fibers of th e m olecular layer) to th e
Pu rkin je cell den drites. Both m ossy fibers an d
clim bin g fibers give off im portan t collaterals to th e
Golgi cells), w h ich fu n ction as in h ibitory in ter-
deep cerebellar n u clei on th eir w ay to th e cortex.
n euron s.
In view of th e fact th at both th e m ossy fibers an d
th e gran u le cells (an d th u s th e overw h elm in g m a-
Purkinje cell layer (stratum ganglionare). Th is th in
jority of syn apses in th e cerebellu m ) are gluta-
layer con tain s n oth in g bu t th e large cell bodies of
m atergic, it is n ot surp risin g th at th e administra-
th e Pu rkin je cells, arran ged side by side in row s.
tion of glutamate antagonists cau ses a m arked
Th e elaborate, h igh ly bran ch ed den dritic trees of
w orsen in g of cerebellar fun ction in patien ts w ith
th ese cells are directed ou tw ard in to th e m olecu lar
cerebellar lesion s.
layer, w h ere th e den dritic tree of each in dividu al
Pu rkin je cell lies in a plan e perpen dicu lar to th e
Cerebellar Nuclei
lon g axis of th e foliu m . Th e Pu rkin je cell axon s are
th e on ly efferen t fibers leavin g th e cerebellar cor- A h orizon tal section of th e cerebellum reveals fou r
tex. Th ey p roject m ain ly to th e deep cerebellar n u - deep n u clei w ith in each cerebellar h em isph ere
clei an d release th e in h ibitory n eu rotran sm itter (see Fig. 5.5). Th e fastigial nucleus (“roof n u cleu s”)
GABA (γ-am in obutyric acid). Efferen t fibers from is fou n d m ost m edially, in th e roof of th e fou rth
th e cortex of th e vestibulocerebellu m bypass th e ven tricle. It receives m ost of its afferent fibers from
deep cerebellar n uclei an d project directly to sites th e Pu rkin je cells of th e floccu lon odu lar lobe (ves-
outside t h e cerebellu m . tibu locerebellu m ). Its efferent fibers t ravel directly
to th e vestibu lar n uclei (fastigiobulbar tract)
Granule cell layer (stratum granulosum). Th is layer (Fig. 5.5) or cross to th e opposite side of th e cere-
con sists alm ost en tirely of th e den sely packed cell bellu m an d th en con t in u e to t h e ret icu lar form a-
bodies of t h e sm all gran u le cells, w h ich accou n t for tion an d th e vestibu lar n u clei (uncinate fasciculus).
m ore th an 95 %ofall cerebellar n euron s.Th e axon s of Lateral to th e fastigial n u cleu s, on e fin ds tw o
th ese cells are m ain ly fou n d in th e m olecu lar layer, sm aller n uclei, th e globose nucleus (u su ally
w h ere th ey travel alon g in dividual folia as parallel divided in to tw o or t h ree su bn uclei) an d th e em-
fibers an d form syn apses w ith th e perp en dicu larly boliform nucleus. Both of th ese n u clei receive affer-
orien ted den drit ic trees of th e Pu rkin je cells (ap- ent inp ut from th e cortex of t h e paraverm ian zon e
Internal Structure · 161
Fig. 5.4 The basic
scheme of neuronal con-
Granule cells nections w ithin the cere-
Inhibitory cells

supply to
of the

Mossy fibers Clim bing fibers Cerebellar

Pontine nuclei Thalam us
Spinal cord Red nucleus
Vestibular nuclei Vestibular nuclei
Olive Reticular formation

Globose and Thalam o-

Fastigial nucleus cortical tract
em boliform
nuclei Dentate nucleus Thalam us

Corticopontine tract
a Red nucleus
Planes of section Central tegm ental tract
Dentatorubral and Em boliform and
Pontine nuclei
dentatothalam ic tracts globose nuclei
Reticular formation
Pontocerebellar Culmen Fastigial
Em boliform nucleus nucleus
tract Central lobule
Dentate nucleus Declive
Lingula Folium


Anterior and
spinocere- Vestibular
bellar tracts Nodulus Tuber
Spino-olivary Uvula
Pyram id
tract Vestibulospinal
Olivocerebellar tract tract
b Pontocerebellar tract Reticulospinal tract

Fig. 5.5 Afferent and efferent connections of the cerebellum (schem atic drawing). (a): The planes of section (left
through the dentate nucleus, right through the verm is).
5 162 · 5 Cerebellum

an d verm is (spin ocerebellum ) an d sen d efferent Th is section con cern s th e m any afferen t an d
fibers to th e con t ralateral red n u cleu s (Fig. 5.5). efferen t con n ection s of th e cerebellu m an d th eir
Th e largest of th e cerebellar n u clei, th e dentate distribu tion am on g th e th ree cerebellar pedu n cles.
nucleus, occu pies a lateral position in th e deep Th e m ore im portan t p ath w ays are sh ow n sch e-
w h ite m atter of each cerebellar h em isph ere. Its af- m atically in Fig. 5.5.
ferent inpu t com es m ain ly from th e cortex of th e
cerebellar h em isph eres (cerebrocerebellum ), an d, Inferior Cerebella r Peduncle
to a lesser exten t, from th e cortex of th e paraver-
Th e in ferior cerebellar pedu n cle (restiform body)
m ian zon e. Its efferent fibers travel by w ay of th e
con tain s th e follow in g afferent path w ays:
sup erior cerebellar pedu n cle to th e con tralateral ¼ Fibers from th e vestibulocochlear nerve an d t h e
red n u cleu s an d th alam u s (ven tral lateral n u cleus,
vestibular nuclei to th e floccu lon odular lobe an d
VL) (Fig. 5.5). Th e th alam us is th e site of a syn aptic
fastigial n ucleus (Fig. 5.5).
relay, w ith fu rt h er p rojection to th e m otor areas of ¼ Axon s from t h e con t ralateral olive in th e olivo-
th e cerebral cortex (Brodm an n areas 4 an d 6)
cerebellar tract, w h ich con tin u e as clim bin g
(Fig. 6.4, p. 174).
fibers to th e den drites of th e Pu rkin je cells of all
areas of th e cerebellar cortex (t h e in ferior
Afferent and Efferent Projections of olivary n ucleu s projects m ain ly to t h e cere-
the Cerebellar Cortex and Nuclei brocerebellu m , w h ile th e accessory olivary n u-
Syn apt ic tran sm ission w ithin th e cerebellu m fol- clei p roject m ain ly to th e vestibu lo- an d
low s a un iform sch em e (Fig. 5.4): th e cerebellar af- spin ocerebellu m ).
feren t path w ays project to th e cerebellar cortex ¼ Th e posterior spinocerebellar tract, w h ose fibers
an d, th rou gh collateral fibers, to th e deep cerebel- arise in th e n eu ron s of t h e n u cleu s dorsalis
lar n u clei. In th e cortex, afferen t in form ation is (th oracic n u cleu s or Clarke’s colu m n ) at th e base
processed in a com plex polysyn aptic path w ay th at of th e posterior h orn of th e spin al gray m at ter
even tu ally converges on to th e Pu rkin je cells. Th e (Figs. 2.16 an d 2.17, pp. 26, 27); th is tract m ain ly
Pu rkin je cells, in tu rn , tran sm it th e results of th is conveys im pu lses from th e m u scle spin dles of
processin g to th e deep cerebellar n uclei, in th e th e low er lim bs an d tru n k to th e paraverm ian
form of in h ibitory, GABAergic im p ulses. In th e deep zon e of th e an terior an d posterior lobes.
n u clei, in tegrative processin g of both prim ary ¼ A p ath w ay arisin g in n euron s of t h e cervical spi-
in form ation (from th e collateral fibers of th e cere- n al cord above th e level of th e th oracic n u cleu s,
bellar afferen t path w ays) an d m odu lated in form a- w h ich ascen ds in th e lateral portion of th e
tion (from th e Pu rkin je cells/from th e cortex) t akes cu n eate fasciculu s an d u n dergoes a syn aptic
place an d th e resu lt is th en tran sm it ted, by w ay of relay in th e accessory cuneate nucleus of t h e
cerebellar efferen t fibers, to th e targets of th e cere- m edu lla; th is path w ay accom p an ies th e poste-
bellar projection s. rior spin ocerebellar tract on its w ay in to th e
cerebellu m .
¼ Fibers from th e reticu lar form ation (n ot sh ow n
in Fig. 5.5).
Connections of the Cerebellum
w ith Other Parts of the Nervous Th e in ferior cerebellar pedun cle con tain s th e fol-
low in g efferent pat h w ays:
System ¼ Th e fastigiobulbar tract (largest efferen t path -
w ay of th e in ferior cerebellar pedu n cle) to t h e
All sen sory m odalities th at are im p ortan t for orien - vestibular n u clei; th is t ract closes a vesti-
tation in space (vestibu lar sen se, touch , p roprio- bu locerebellar regulatory feedback loop
ception , vision , an d h earin g) convey in form ation to th rough w h ich th e cerebellu m in flu en ces th e
th e cerebellum . Th e cerebellu m receives inp ut m otor fu n ction of th e spin al cord.
from w idely diverse sen sory areas of th e n ervous ¼ Fibers from th e fastigial n ucleu s to th e reticular
system by w ay of th e th ree cerebellar pedu n cles, form ation (cerebelloreticular tract) an d from th e
an d sen ds its ou tpu t by w ay of th e deep cerebellar den tate n ucleu s to th e olive (cerebello-olivary
n u clei to all m otor areas. tract).
Connections of the Cerebellum with Other Parts of the Nervous System · 163
Middle Cerebella r Peduncle
Cerebral cortex
Th e m iddle cerebellar pedu n cle exclusively con -
tain s afferent fibers, of th e follow in g types:
Thalam ocortical
¼ Th e pontocerebellar tract decu ssates in th e pon s tract
an d t h en travels in a th ick bu n dle, by w ay of t h e Cortico-
m iddle cerebellar pedu n cle, to th e cerebellar
h em isph eres. Th ese fibers origin ate in th e basal
pon tin e n uclei an d are th u s th e con tin uation , pontine
after a syn apt ic relay, of th e cort icocerebellar tract
projection s, w h ich are derived from all of th e
rubral and
lobes of th e cerebru m , bu t in greatest n u m ber dentato-
from t h e fron tal lobe. Th e fibers cross th e m id- thalam ic
lin e as soon as th ey em erge from th e relay n u- tracts

clei in th e basis p on tis. Dentate

¼ Fu rth er afferen t fibers from t h e m on oam in ergic
rap h e n u clei travel by w ay of th e m iddle cere-
bellar pedun cle to th e cerebellu m .

Superior Cerebella r Peduncle

Efferent pathw ays. Th e superior cerebellar pedu n - Neocerebellar
cle con tain s m ost of th e cerebellar efferent fibers. cortex
Th ese fibers origin ate in t h e deep cerebellar n u clei Fig. 5.6 Cerebellar regulatory circuits involving the
an d project m ain ly to th e follow in g st ructu res: pontine nuclei
¼ Th e con tralateral th alam u s (ven t ral lateral an d
cen trom edian n u clei, Figs. 6.4 an d 6.6, p p. 174,
175) Cerebral cortex
¼ Th e con tralateral red n u cleus
¼ Th e reticu lar form ation Thalam o-
cortical tract

Efferent fibers to the thalam us. Efferen t fibers in th e Corticospinal

superior cerebellar p edu n cle t ravelin g to th e and cortico-
rubral tracts
th alam u s arise m ain ly in th e den tate n ucleu s (cere-
brocerebellum ). After a synaptic relay in th e
th alam u s, fu rth er fibers ascen d to t h e m otor an d
prem otor cerebral cortex, w hich , in turn , projects rubral and
back to th e pon tin e n u clei by w ay of th e corticop on - dentato- Red nucleus
thalam ic
tin e tract. A lon g regu latory loop is t h u s created,
travelin g from th e cerebral cortex to th e pon tin e n u- Central
Dentate tegmental
clei, cerebellar cortex, den tate n ucleu s, th alam u s, nucleus tract
an d fin ally back to th e cortex (Figs 5.5 an d 5.6).

Efferent fibers to the red nucleus and reticular form a-
tion. A fu rt h er regu latory circu it com p rises th e so- Olivocere-
bellar tract
called trian gle of Gu illain an d Mollaret, travelin g
from t h e red n ucleu s by w ay of th e cen tral tegm en - Neocerebellar
tal tract to th e olive, th en to th e cerebellu m an d cortex
back to th e red n u cleus (Fig. 5.7). Th e cerebellu m Fig. 5.7 Cerebellar regulatory circuits involving the
in fluen ces spin al m otor fun ction by w ay of fibers olive. The triangle of Guillain and Mollaret passes from the
travelin g from th e red n ucleu s an d reticu lar form a- red nucleus by way of the central tegm ental tract, the olive,
tion dow n in to th e spin al cord (cf. Fig. 3.5, p . 40). and the cerebellum back to the red nucleus.
5 164 · 5 Cerebellum

Afferent pathw ays. On e of th e few afferen t path - th rough regulatory circu its an d com plex feedback
w ays in t h e sup erior cerebellar p edu n cle is th e m ech an ism s, an d assures the precise , temporally
anterior spinocerebellar tract, w h ich term in ates in w ell-coordinated execution of all directed motor
th e sam e area (spin ocerebellum ) as th e posterior processes. Cerebellar coordin ation of m ovem en t
spin ocerebellar tract. Bot h convey proprioceptive occu rs u n con sciou sly.
im pu lses from t h e p erip h ery, i.e., from m uscle Th e in dividual com p on en ts of th e cerebellum
spin dles, Golgi ten don organ s, an d join t receptors. (vestibu locerebellu m , spin ocerebellu m , an d cere-
Fibers from th e tectu m travel to th e cerebellar brocerebellu m ) h ave differen t fun ction s in th e
verm is in th e tectocerebellar tract, w h ich occu pies coordin ation of m ovem en t. Th ese particular fun c-
a m edial position in th e sup erior cerebellar tion s can be determ in ed from experim en tal stu -
pedun cle, at its tran sition to th e superior m edul- dies in an im als on t h e on e h an d, an d from clin ical
lary velum . Th ese fibers convey au ditory in form a- stu dies of p atien ts w ith cerebellar lesion s on th e
tion from th e in ferior collicu li, an d p robably also oth er. Th e con stellation s of sign s an d sym ptom s
visual in form ation from th e su perior collicu li. accom panyin g cerebellar disease th at w ill be de-
scribed h ere are seldom observed in pu re form ,
Topogra phy of Cerebella r Afferent Pa thwa ys both becau se it is rare for on ly on e of th e fu n ction al
com pon en ts of th e cerebellu m to be affected in
Each h alf of th e cerebellu m is respon sible for
isolation , an d because slow ly expan din g processes
m otor fun ction on th e ipsilateral h alf of th e body.
(su ch as ben ign tu m ors) m ay in du ce fu n ction al
Som e of th e efferen t fiber system s are doubly
com pen sation . Oth er portion s of th e brain can ap -
crossed: th us, th e cerebelloru bral tract crosses th e
paren tly assum e som e of th e fun ction s of th e cere-
m idlin e as soon as it en ters th e brain stem from be-
bellum , if n ecessary. Yet, if th e distu rban ce affects
h in d, an d t h e ru brospin al tract crosses th e m idlin e
n ot ju st th e cerebellar cortex bu t also th e deep
again ju st after its origin from th e red n ucleu s (in
cerebellar n u clei, on ly m in im al recovery is likely to
th e decussation of Forel). Sim ilarly, th e cerebel-
occu r.
loth alam ic fibers travel from on e side of th e cere-
Th is bein g said, it is still best, from th e didactic
bellu m to t h e opp osite side of th e th alam u s an d
poin t of view, to con sider th e fu n ction s an d typical
th en proceed to th e ipsilateral cerebral cortex,
clin ical syn drom es of each of th e th ree p arts of th e
w h ose efferen t fibers en ter th e pyram idal tract an d
cerebellu m separately.
decu ssate on ce m ore before th ey reach th e spin al
cord on th e origin al side.
Function. Th e vestibu locerebellum receives im -
Cerebellar Function and pulses from th e vestibu lar apparatu s carryin g in for-
Cerebellar Syndromes m ation about th e position an d m ovem en ts of th e
h ead. Its efferen t ou tpu t in flu en ces th e m otor fun c-
Th ree im portan t poin ts m u st be grasped for a tion of th e eyes an d body in such a w ay th at equ i-
proper u n derstan din g of cerebellar fun ction : libriu m can be m ain tain ed in all p osition s an d w ith
¼ Th e cerebellu m receives a very large am ou n t of any m ovem en t .
gen eral an d special sen sory input , bu t does n ot
participate to any sign ifican t exten t in con - Synaptic connections. Th e follow in g reflex arcs
scious p erception or discrim in ation . participate in th e m ain ten an ce of equ ilibriu m
¼ Alt h ou gh t h e cerebellu m in fluen ces m otor (balan ce). From th e vestibular organ , im p ulses
fu n ction , cerebellar lesion s do n ot p rodu ce par- travel both directly an d in directly (by w ay of th e
alysis. vestibu lar n u clei) to th e vestibu locerebellar cortex,
¼ Th e cerebellu m is u n im portan t for m ost cogn i- an d onw ard to th e fastigial n u cleus. Th e vest i-
tive processes bu t n on eth eless plays a m ajor bu locerebellar cortex tran sm its im p ulses back to
role in m otor learn in g an d m em ory. th e vestibular n uclei, as w ell as to th e reticu lar for-
m ation ; from th ese sites, th e vestibulospinal an d
Essen t ially, th e cerebellu m is a coordin ation cen ter reticulospinal tracts an d th e m edial longitudinal
th at maintains balance an d controls muscle tone fasciculus en ter th e brain stem an d spin al cord to
Cerebellar Function and Cerebellar Syndrom es · 165
con trol spin al m otor an d ocu lom otor fu n ction Cerebellar lesion s can also p rodu ce variou s
(Fig. 5.5). Th ese reflex arcs assu re stability of types of complex nystagmus, such as opsoclon u s
stan ce, gait, an d eye position an d en able th e fixa- (rapid con ju gate m ovem en ts of th e eyes in m ulti-
tion of gaze. p le plan es) or ocular flutter (op soclon u s in t h e
h orizon tal plan e on ly), w h ose p recise localization
Lesions of the Vestibulocerebellum h as n ot yet been determ in ed.
Fu n ction al im pairm en t of th e flocculon odular lobe
or fastigial n u cleu s ren ders t h e patien t less capable Spinocerebellum
of orien tin g h im self or h erself in t h e earth ’s gravi- Function. Th e spin ocerebellum con t rols m uscle
tation al field, or of keepin g h is or h er gaze fixed on ton e an d coordin ates th e action s of an tagon istic
a station ary object w h en th e h ead is m ovin g. m uscle grou ps th at participate in stan ce an d gait.
Its efferen t output affects th e activity of th e an ti-
Dysequilibrium. Th e patien t h as difficu lty stan din g
gravity m uscles an d con trols th e stren gth of forces
up righ t (astasia) an d w alkin g (abasia), an d th e gait
in du ced by m ovem en t (e.g., in ertia an d cen trifugal
is broad-based an d un steady, resem blin g th e gait
of a dru n ken in dividu al (truncal ataxia). Heel-to-
toe w alkin g can n o lon ger be perform ed. Th e u n -
Connections. Th e cortex of th e spin ocerebellu m re-
steadin ess is n ot du e to a deficien cy of propriocep-
ceives its afferen t inpu t from th e spin al cord by w ay
tive im pulses reach in g con sciou sn ess, bu t rath er to
of th e posterior spinocerebellar tract, th e anterior
fau lty coordin ation of t h e m u sculat ure in resp on se
spinocerebellar tract, an d t h e cuneocerebellar tract
to gravity.
(from th e accessory cu n eate n ucleu s). Th e cortex of
th e paraverm ian zon e m ain ly projects to th e em -
Oculomotor disturbances, nystagmus. Cerebellar
boliform and globose nuclei, w h ile th e verm ian cor-
disturban ces of ocu lom otor fu n ction are m an ifest
tex m ain ly p rojects to th e fastigial nucleus. Th e
as an im paired abilit y to h old on e’s gaze on a sta-
efferen t ou tpu t of th ese n uclei th en proceeds
tion ary or m ovin g target (lesion s of th e floccu lus
th rou gh th e superior cerebellar peduncle to th e red
an d parafloccu lus). Th e resu lt is saccadic pursuit
nucleus an d th e reticular form ation, from w h ich
movements an d gaze -evoked nystagmus: if th e
m odulatin g im pu lses are conveyed over th e ru-
patien t tries to follow a m ovin g object w ith h is or
brospinal, rubroreticular, and reticulospinal tracts to
h er eyes, square-w ave jerks can be observed, i.e.,
th e spin al m otor n eu ron s (Fig. 5.5). Each h alf of th e
th e am p litu de of th e m icrosaccades th at n orm ally
body is served by th e ipsilateral cerebellar cortex,
occur in ocu lar pursu it is abn orm ally in creased, so
bu t t h ere is n o precise som atotopic arran gem en t .
th at th ey becom e visible to t h e exam in er. Gaze-
Recen t stu dies su ggest th at th e n eural organ ization
evoked nystagm u s is m ore p rom in en t w h en th e
of t h e cerebellar cortex resem bles a patch w ork
eyes m ove tow ard th e side of th e cerebellar lesion
rath er th an an exact som atotopic m ap.
an d dim in ish es som ew h at if th e gaze is h eld to t h at
Som e of th e efferen t ou tpu t of th e em boliform
side; if t h e eyes are t h en brou gh t back to th e m id-
n u cleus travels by w ay of th e th alam us to th e
lin e, nystagm us in th e opposite direction m ay be
m otor cortex—m ain ly th e portion of it th at con -
seen (rebound nystagm us).
trols th e p roxim al m u scu latu re of th e lim bs (pelvic
Lesion s of th e vestibulocerebellum m ay im pair
an d sh oulder girdles) an d th e tru n k. By th is m ean s,
th e patien t’s ability to supp ress th e vestibulo-ocu-
th e spin ocerebellum also exerts an in flu en ce on
lar reflex (VOR, p. 124), in w h ich tu rn in g th e h ead
voluntary, directed m ovem ents of t h ese m u scle
produces saccadic jerks of th e eyes. A h ealthy in -
dividu al can su ppress th is reflex by fixin g th e gaze
upon an object, but a patien t w ith a vestibu locere-
Lesions of the Spinocerebellum
bellar lesion can n ot (impaired suppression of the
VOR by fixation). Furth erm ore, lesion s of th e Th e m ajor m an ifestation s of lesion s of th e cerebel-
n odulu s an d uvu la im pair th e ability of th e VOR lar verm is an d paraverm ian zon e are as follow s.
(rotatory nystagm u s) to h abitu ate an d m ay lead to
th e ap pearan ce of periodic alternating nystagm us Lesion s of th e anterior lobe and of the superior
th at ch an ges direction s every 2–4 m in u tes. portion of the vermis in and near the midline pro-
5 166 · 5 Cerebellum

du ce ataxia of stan ce an d gait. Th e gait ataxia form ation about m otor activity in th e periph ery. It
(abasia) produced by su ch lesion s is w orse th an th e can th u s take action to correct any errors in th e
ataxia of stan ce (astasia). Affected patien ts su ffer cou rse of volu n tary m ovem en t to en sure th at th ey
from a broad-based, unsteady gait th at deviates to are executed sm oot h ly an d accu rately. Th e execu -
th e side of th e lesion , an d th ere is a tendency to fall tive p attern s of a large n u m ber of differen t types
to that side. Th e ataxia of stan ce is revealed by th e of m ovem en t are probably stored in th e cerebel-
Rom berg test: w h en t h e patien t stan ds w ith eyes lu m , as in a com puter, over th e life of th e in -
closed, a gen tle pu sh on th e stern um causes th e dividual, so th at th ey can be recalled from it at
patien t to sw ay backw ards an d forw ards at a any tim e. Th u s, on ce w e h ave reach ed a cert ain
frequ en cy of 2–3 Hz. If th e lesion is strictly con - stage of developm en t, w e can perform difficult
fin ed to th e su perior p ortion of t h e verm is, t h e fin - learn ed m ovem en ts rapidly, relatively effortlessly,
ger–n ose test an d t h e h eel–kn ee–sh in test m ay still an d at w ill by callin g u pon th e precise regu latory
be perform ed accurately. fu n ction of th e cerebellu m .
Th e fu n ction s of th e cerebellu m exten d beyon d
Lesions of the inferior portion of the vermis pro- th e coordin ation of m ovem en t to th e processin g of
du ce an ataxia of stance (ast asia) th at is m ore sen sory stim uli an d of in form at ion t h at is relevan t
severe t h an th e ataxia of gait. Th e patien t h as diffi- to m em ory. A furth er discu ssion of th ese aspects is
cu lty sittin g or stan din g steadily, an d, in t h e Rom - beyon d t h e scope of th is book.
berg test, sw ays slow ly back an d forth , w it h ou t
direction al preferen ce.
Lesions of the Cerebrocerebellum
It follow s from th e discussion of cerebellar fu n c-
tion in th e precedin g section s th at lesion s of th e
Connections. Th e cerebrocerebellu m receives m ost cerebrocerebellu m do n ot produ ce paralysis but
of its n eu ral inpu t in directly from exten sive por- n on eth eless severely im pair th e execution of vol-
tion s of th e cerebral cortex, m ain ly from Brodm ann un tary m ovem en ts. Th e clin ical m an ifestation s are
areas 4 and 6 (th e m otor an d prem otor cortex) via alw ays ipsilateral to th e cau sative lesion .
th e corticopontine tract (Fig. 5.6), bu t also, to a
lesser exten t, from th e olive via t h e olivocerebellar Decomposition of voluntary movements. Th e
tract (Fig. 5.7). Th e cerebellu m receives advan ce m ovem en ts of th e lim bs are atactic an d u n coordi-
n otice of any plan n ed volun tary m ovem en t in - n ated, w ith dysm etria, dyssyn ergia, dysdiado-
itiated in th e cerebral cortex, so th at it can im m edi- ch okin esia, an d in ten tion trem or. Th ese abn or-
ately sen d m odu lat in g an d corrective im pu lses m alities are m ore pron oun ced in th e u pper th an in
back to th e m otor cortex th rou gh th e denta- th e low er lim bs, an d com plex m ovem en ts are
tothalamocortical pathw ay (Fig. 5.5, p. 161, an d m ore severely affected th an sim ple on es. Dys-
Fig. 5.6). Th e den tate n ucleu s also projects to t h e metria, i.e., th e in ability to stop a directed m ove-
parvocellu lar port ion of th e red n u cleus. Un like th e m en t on tim e, is m an ifested (for exam ple) by a
rest of th e red n u cleu s, th is part does n ot sen d m ovin g fin ger goin g p ast th e location of its target
fibers to th e spin al cord by w ay of th e rubrospin al (past-poin tin g, oversh oot; hyperm etria). Dyssyner-
tract. Rath er, it projects th rough th e cen tral gia is th e loss of th e precise cooperation of m u lti-
tegm en tal tract to th e in ferior olive, w h ich th en p le m u scle grou ps in th e execu tion of a p articu lar
projects back to t h e cerebrocerebellu m . Th is den- m ovem en t; each m u scle grou p con tracts, but th e
tato -rubro -olivo -cerebellar neural feedback loop in dividual grou ps fail to w ork togeth er correctly.
plays an im portan t role in n eocerebellar im pulse Dysdiadochokinesia is an im pairm en t of rapid al-
processin g. tern atin g m ovem en ts cau sed by a breakdow n of
th e precisely tim ed coordin ation of an tagon istic
Function. Th e com plex con n ection s of th e cere- m u scle groups: m ovem en ts su ch as rap id pron a-
brocerebellum en able it to regu late all directed tion an d su pin ation of th e h an d are slow, h altin g,
m ovem en ts sm ooth ly an d precisely. By w ay of th e an d arrhyth m ic. Intention tremor, or—m ore p rop-
very rapidly con ductin g afferen t spin ocerebellar erly—action tremor, is seen m ain ly in directed
path w ays, it con tin u ously receives real-tim e in - m ovem en ts an d becom es m ore in ten se th e n earer
Cerebellar Disorders · 167
th e fin ger com es to its target. Th ere m ay also be a m ass, m ay be lackin g for a lon g tim e, particularly in
postu ral trem or at a frequ en cy of 2–3 Hz, part icu- adults; it is presen t in about 75 % of affected ch ild-
larly w h en th e patien t tries to h old th e pron ated ren . In m ost cases (90 %), cerebellar t um ors
h an ds directly in fron t, w ith arm s exten ded. m an ifest th em selves in itially w ith occipitocervical
h eadach e an d n au sea an d vom itin g on an em pty
Rebound phenomenon. Wh en th e p atien t presses stom ach (dry h eaves). A forced h ead tilt is a clin ical
again st th e exam in er’s h an d w ith m axim u m sign of im pen din g h ern iation of th e cerebellar ton -
stren gth an d th e exam in er sudden ly p ulls h is or sils t h rou gh t h e foram en m agn u m .
h er ow n h an d aw ay, th e p atien t’s m ovem en t fails
to be braked as n orm al, an d th e arm lurch es Medulloblastoma is a m align an t tu m or th at prefer-
tow ard th e exam in er. en tially affects ch ildren an d adolescen ts an d ac-
cou n ts for on e-th ird of all brain tu m ors in th is age
Hypotonia and hyporeflexia. In an acute lesion of grou p (8 % of all brain tu m ors regardless of age). It
th e cerebellar h em isph ere, th e m u scu lar resist an ce often arises from th e roof of th e fou rth ven tricle an d
to passive m ovem en t is dim in ish ed, an d abn orm al th en grow s in to th e verm ian portion of th e floc-
postu res (e.g., of th e h an d) m ay resu lt. Th e in trin sic cu lon odu lar lobe, possibly m etastasizin g to oth er
m uscle reflexes are also dim in ish ed in th e hy- region s of th e brain an d sp in al cord th rou gh th e
poton ic m u scles. cerebrospin al flu id (drop m etastases). Because th is
type of tum or often begin s in th e vestibu lo-
Scanning dysarthria and dysarthrophonia. Th ese cerebellum , its typical in itial sign is dysequi-
m an ifestation s arise m ain ly as a resu lt of paraver- libriu m : th e affected ch ild h as a broad-based, sw ay-
m ian lesion s an d reflect im paired syn ergy of th e in g, an d staggerin g gait. Fu rth er cerebellar m an i-
m u scu latu re of speech . Th e patien t sp eaks slow ly festation s in cludin g ataxia, dysm etria, asyn ergia,
an d h altin gly, w ith poor articu lation , an d w ith an adiadoch okin esia, an d in ten tion trem or gradu ally
abn orm al, u nvaryin g st ress on each syllable. arise as th e t um or grow s furth er an d begin s to af-
fect th e lateral portion s of t h e cerebellum (th e
h em isph eres). In advan ced stages of tu m or grow th ,
blockage of th e fourth ven tricle or of th e cerebral
Cerebellar Disorders aquedu ct cau ses occlu sive hydroceph alus, w ith
clin ical sign s of in tracran ial hyperten sion (Fig. 5.8).
Cerebellar Ischemia and Hemorrhage
Astrocytoma and hemangioblastoma. Sim ilar
Arterial blood reach es th e cerebellu m t h rou gh th e
m an ifestation s are produ ced by pilocytic astrocy-
th ree cerebellar arteries: th e su perior cerebellar,
toma, a furth er ch aracterist ic t ype of posterior
an terior in ferior cerebellar, an d posterior in ferior
fossa t um or arisin g n ear th e m idlin e. On th e oth er
cerebellar arteries. Th e origin an d an atom ical
h an d, hemangioblastoma in th e settin g of von Hip-
cou rse of th ese arteries an d th e typ ical clin ical
pel–Lin dau disease an d cystic astrocytoma ten d to
m an ifestation s of occlu sion s of each of th em are
arise in th e cerebellar h em isp h eres an d, t h erefore,
presen ted in Ch apter 11 on p . 275 ff. Th e typical
to produ ce appen dicular ataxia an d gaze-evoked
m an ifestation s of cerebellar h em orrh age are pre-
nystagm us as th eir typical m an ifest ation s.
sen ted on p . 306.

Acoustic neuroma (i.e., vestibular sch w an n om a).

Cerebellar Tumors
Th is tum or arises from th e Schw ann cells of the
Cerebellar tu m ors are on ly rarely con fin ed to a eighth cranial nerve (u su ally its vest ibular portion )
sin gle su bdivision of th e cerebellu m . an d is th us fou n d in t h e cerebellopon tin e an gle. It
exp an ds slow ly an d m ay reach a con siderable size,
Benign cerebellar tumors (such as pilocytic producin g th e clin ical m an ifestation s described
astrocytom a) m ay be problem atic in th at th ey above on p . 125.
often grow quite large before produ cin g sym p-
tom s, becau se of th e p lasticity of th e cerebellu m .
Pap illedem a, an in direct sign of an in tracran ial
5 168 · 5 Cerebellum

a b
Fig. 5.8 Medulloblastoma, seen in T1-weighted MR im - hydrocephalus, as m anifested by the enlarged tem poral
ages after intravenous adm inistration of contrast m aterial. horns of the lateral ventricles. b The coronal im age shows
a A large, m arkedly and hom ogeneously contrast-enhanc- the origin of the tum or from the superior verm is and re-
ing tum or is seen in the superior portion of the verm is. The veals m arked dilatation of the lateral ventricles.
tum or com presses the fourth ventricle and causes occlusive

Fig. 5.9 Acoustic neuroma, seen in an axial, T1-weighted

MR im age at the level of the internal acoustic m eatus, ob-
tained after intravenous adm inistration of contrast m ate-
rial. Note the typical intram eatal and extram eatal extension
of the left-sided tum or, with expanded extram eatal portion
(“ice-cream cone” appearance).

6 Diencephalon and
Autonomic Nervous
Location and Components of the
Diencephalon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170
Thalamus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172
Epithalamus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177
Subthalamus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 178
Hypothalamus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 178
Peripheral Autonomic Nervous
System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188
6 170

6 Diencephalon and Autonomic Nervous System

Th e dien ceph alon lies betw een th e brain stem an d fu n ction s su ch as resp iration , circu lation , w ater
th e telen ceph alon . It h as fou r com pon en ts: th e balan ce, tem peratu re, an d n u trition al in t ake an d
th alam u s, epith alam u s, su bth alam us, an d hypo- is th us th e h ierarch ically up perm ost regu latory
th alam u s. organ of t h e au ton om ic n ervous system . It also in -
Th e thalamus is fou n d on both sides of th e th ird flu en ces th e activit y of t h e en docrin e glan ds by
ven tricle an d con sists of n um erou s n u clei w it h w ay of th e hypoth alam ic–pitu itary axis.
differen t fun ct ion s. It is t h e relay stat ion for m ost Th e autonomic nervous system is respon sible
of th e afferen t path w ays t h at ascen d to th e cere- for th e n erve supply of th e in tern al organ s, blood
bral cortex. Som e types of im p ulses (e.g., n ocicep- vessels, sw eat glan ds, an d salivary an d lacrim al
tive im pulses) m ay already be perceived, in te- glan ds. It is called “auton om ic” becau se it fu n c-
grated, an d given an affective colorin g, in an im - tion s largely in depen den tly of con sciou sn ess; it is
precise w ay, in th e t h alam u s, bu t actu al con sciou s altern at ively (less com m on ly) called th e vegeta-
exp erien ces do n ot seem to be gen erated u n til tive n ervous system . Its efferen t arm in th e periph -
sen sory im pu lses reach th e cerebral cortex. ery is com p osed of t w o an atom ically an d
Moreover, th e th alam u s h as exten sive con n ection s fu n ction ally distin ct parts, t h e sym path etic an d
w ith th e basal gan glia, brain stem , cerebellu m , an d parasym path etic n ervous system s. Th e afferen t
m otor cortical areas of th e cerebru m an d is th us a arm is n ot divided in th is w ay.
m ajor com pon en t of th e m otor regu latory system . Becau se of th e m u ltiplicity of fu n ction s th at th e
Th e m ost im portan t n ucleu s of th e subthalamus dien ceph alon perform s, diencephalic lesions can
is th e subth alam ic n ucleu s, w h ich is closely h ave very diverse effects, depen din g on th eir site
fu n ction ally related to th e basal gan glia. an d exten t. Th alam ic lesion s p rodu ce h em iparesis
Th e epithalamus is m ain ly com posed of th e an d h em isen sory deficits, m ovem en t disorders,
epip hysis (pin eal glan d/pin eal body) an d th e distu rban ces of con sciousn ess, an d pain syn -
haben ular n u clei; it plays a role in th e regu lation of drom es, w h ile hyp oth alam ic lesion s im pair
circadian rhyt h m s. various vital fu n ction s sin gly or in com bin ation ,
Th e m ost basal portion of th e dien ceph alon is an d cau se en docrin e dysfu n ction .
th e hypothalamus, w h ich coordin ates vital bodily

Location and Components of the cerebral h em isp h eres (Fig. 6.2). Th e roof of th e
th ird ven tricle is form ed by th e th in tela ch oroidea
Diencephalon an d th e att ach ed ch oroid plexu s. Th e rostral exten t
of t h e dien ceph alon is delim ited by t h e lam in a ter-
Location. Th e position of th e dien ceph alon is ju st m in alis an d an terior com m issu re, its caudal exten t
oral to th at of th e m idbrain ; th e dien ceph alon does by th e posterior com m issu re, h aben u lar com m is-
n ot con tin u e alon g th e brain stem axis, bu t rath er sure, an d pin eal body (ep iphysis). Th e in terven tric-
takes a rostral ben d, so th at it com es to lie n early in ular foram en of Mon ro, w h ich con n ects th e lateral
th e lon gitudin al axis of th e cerebru m (Fig. 6.1). It is ven tricle w ith th e t h ird ven tricle, is fou n d on
located in th e m iddle of th e brain , ven trally an d eith er side an terior to th e rostral portion of t h e
cau dally to th e fron tal lobe, an d en closes th e low er th alam u s, just below th e gen u of th e forn ix. Th e
portion of th e th ird ven tricle from both sides basal portion of t h e dien ceph alon is its on ly exter-
(Fig. 6.2). n ally visible part: it can be seen on th e u n dersu r-
Th e thalam us form s th e upper portion of th e face of th e brain betw een th e opt ic ch iasm , th e
th ird ven tricu lar w all, th e hypothalam us its low er opt ic t ract, an d th e cerebral p edu n cles. Th e visible
portion . Dorsally, t h e dien ceph alon is en closed by dien ceph alic stru ctu res in th is area are th e m am il-
th e corpu s callosum , th e lateral ven t ricles, an d th e lary bodies an d th e tu ber cin ereu m , togeth er w ith
Location and Com ponents of the Diencephalon · 171
Fig. 6.1 Sagittal section
Interventricular Septum Crus of
through the diencephalon
foram en (of Monro) pellucidum the fornix
Choroid plexus of third ventricle
and the brainstem show-
ing the m idbrain–dien-
Stria m edullaris thalam i
cephalic junction and the

Habenular nucleus structures surrounding the

Posterior third ventricle

com m issure


Anterior com m issure
II Thalamus
Massa interm edia lamina
Hypothalam ic sulcus
Lam ina term inalis
Optic recess
Optic chiasm
Infundibular recess
Tuber cinereum Fourth
Mam illary body

Tela choroidea
of third ventricle
Corpus callosum
Choroid plexus of third ventricle

Choroid plexus of lateral ventricle

Body of caudate nucleus
Stratum zonale
Reticular nucleus of the thalam us
Internal and external m edullary lam inae
of the thalam us
Thalamus, lateral nuclear group
Thalamus, centrom edian nucleus
Thalam us, m edial nuclear group
Third ventricle, massa interm edia

Globus pallidus
Internal capsule
Optic tract
Zona incerta
Mamillothalam ic tract
Nucleus of the
mam illary body Crus cerebri

Fig. 6.2 Coronal section through the diencephalon

6 172 · 6 Diencephalon and Autonom ic Nervous System

its in fu n dibulu m (pitu itary stalk), w h ich leads plex, th e th alam us, is n ot a u n iform cluster of cells
dow nw ard to th e pituitary glan d (cf. Fig. 4.8, p. 83. bu t rath er a con glom erate of n u m erou s, dist in ct
Th e tw o h alves of th e th alam u s facin g each n uclei, each w ith its ow n fu n ction an d its ow n af-
oth er across th e th ird ven tricle are con n ected in feren t an d efferen t con n ection s. Each h alf of th e
70–80 % of cases by th e in terth alam ic adh esion th alam us (left an d righ t) is divided in to th ree
(m assa interm edia) (Fig. 6.1), w h ich is n ot a fiber m ajor region s by sh eetlike layers of w h ite m atter
path w ay bu t rath er a secon dary adh esion of th e takin g th e form of a Y (th e in tern al m edu llary
gray m atter com in g from eith er side. Laterally, th e lam in ae, Fig. 6.3). Th e anterior nuclei sit in th e
dien cep h alon is delim ited by th e in tern al capsu le. an gle of th e Y, th e ventrolateral nuclei laterally, an d
Th e globu s pallidu s is em bryologically a p art of th e medial nuclei m edially. Th e ven trolateral n u clei
th e dien ceph alon , th ou gh it is separated from it by are fu rt h er su bdivided in to ventral an dlateral nu-
th e in tern al capsule (Fig. 8.4, p. 216) an d is th us lo- clear groups. Th e ven t ral n u clei in clu de th e ventral
cated in th e basal gan glia. It w ill be discussed alon g anterior nucleus (VA), th e ventral lateral nucleus
w ith th e rest of th e basal gan glia in Ch apter 8 (VL), th e ventral posterolateral nucleus (VPL), an d
(p . 214). Likew ise, a discu ssion of th e hyp ophysis t h e ventral posterom edial nucleus (VPM). Th e
(p itu itary glan d), w h ich is lin ked to th e hy- lateral n uclei con sist of a lateral dorsal nucleus an d
poth alam u s by th e in fu n dibu lu m , w ill be deferred a lateral posterior nucleus. Fu rth er caudally, on e
to th e section on th e periph eral au ton om ic fin ds th e pulvinar, w it h th e medial an d lateral
n ervou s system (p. 188). geniculate bodies attach ed to its un derside. Th ere
are a few sm all group s of n euron s w ith in th e in ter-
Subdivisions. Th e dien ceph alon h as th e follow in g n al m edullary lam in ae (th e interlaminar nuclei), as
com pon en ts (Fig. 6.1): w ell as on e larger, cen trally located cell com p lex,
¼ Th e epithalamus, w h ich con sists of t h e th e centromedian nucleus (or centre m édian).
h aben ula an d h aben u lar n uclei, th e h aben u lar Laterally, th e extern al m edullary lam in a separates
com m issu re, th e epiphysis, an d th e epith alam ic th e th alam u s from th e in tern al capsule; th e reticu-
(p osterior) com m issu re. lar nucleus of the thalamus is a th in layer of cells
¼ Th e thalamus, a large com plex of n eu ron s t h at closely applied to th e extern al m edullary lam in a
accou n ts for fou r-fifth s of t h e volu m e of th e (Fig. 6.2).
dien ceph alon . Th e th ree m ajor n u clear grou ps (an terior, ven -
¼ Th e hypothalamus, w h ich is dem arcated from trolateral, an d m edial) h ave been cytologically an d
th e th alam u s by th e hyp oth alam ic su lcus, an d fun ct ion ally su bdivided in to abou t 120 sm aller n u -
con tain s various fu n ction ally distin ct grou ps of clei, th e m ost im portan t of w h ich are sh ow n in
n eu ron s. It is th e h ierarch ically u pperm ost Fig. 6.3. Th ere is still n o un iform stan dard for th e
cen ter (“h ead gan glion ”) of th e auton om ic su bdivision an d n om en clat ure of th e th alam ic n u-
n ervou s system ; on each side, th e colu m n of th e clei; th e n om en clature follow ed in Fig. 6.3 is th at
forn ix descen ds th rough th e lateral w all of th e fou n d in Nom ina Anatom ica.
hyp ot h alam u s to term in ate in th e m am illary
body (see Fig. 6.8). Position of the Thalamic Nuclei in
¼ Th e subthalamus, w h ich m ain ly con sists of t h e
Ascending and Descending Pathw ays
su bth alam ic n ucleus (corpu s lu ysii, Fig. 6.2) an d
is located ben eath th e th alam us an d dor- In th e precedin g ch apters, th e path w ays th at as-
solateral to th e m am illary body. cen d from th e spin al cord, brain stem , an d cerebel-
lu m to th e cerebral cortex h ave been traced u p-
w ard as far as th e th alam u s. Th e t h alam us is t h e
last m ajor relay station for all ascen din g im pu lses
Thalamus (except olfactory im pu lses) before th ey con tin ue,
via th alam ocortical fibers, to th e cortex. Figure 6.4
sh ow s th e term in ation of variou s afferen t path -
Flan kin g th e th ird ven tricle, on eith er side of th e w ays in distin ct th alam ic n uclei, w h ich th en pro-
brain , t h ere is a large, ovoid com plex of n eu ron s ject to correspon din g cortical areas (for furth er
m easu rin g abou t 3 × 1.5 cm in diam eter. Th is com - details, see p. 173).
Thalam us · 173
Fig. 6.3 Thalamic nuclei.
Lateral dorsal nucleus The four m ajor nuclear
groups are shown: the
Lateral posterior nucleus anterior group (green),
Intralam inar nuclei the ventrolateral group
Anterior thalam ic nuclei Medial dorsal nucleus (various shades of blue),
the medial group (red),
Ventral anterior nucleus (VA) Centromedian and the dorsal group,
nucleus consisting of the pulvinar
(violet) and the geniculate
Ventral lateral nucleus (VL)
bodies (shades of blue).

Ventral interm ediate
nucleus (VI)

Ventral posterolateral
nucleus (VPL)
Medial geniculate
Ventral posterom edial
Lateral geniculate
nucleus (VPM)

Like th e spin al cord an d brain stem (e.g., t h e m e- Specific Tha la mic Nuclei a nd Their Connections
dial lem n iscus), th e th alam ic n u clei an d th e
Nuclei with Connections to Prim ary Cortical
th alam ocortical projection s m ain tain a strict
point-to -point somatotopic organization.
Ventral posterolateral nucleus (VPL) and ventral
Specific and nonspecific projections. Th alam ic n u - posteromedial nucleus (VPM). All som atosen sory
clei th at receive inpu t from circum scribed areas of fibers ascen din g in th e m edial lem n iscus,
th e body periph ery an d tran sm it im pu lses to th e spin oth alam ic t ract, t rigem in oth alam ic tract, etc.,
correspon din g circu m scribed cortical areas (pri- term in ate in a relay station in th e ven troposterior
m ary projective fields) are called specific thalamic n u clear com p lex of th e th alam u s. Th e ven tral p os-
nuclei (or prim ary th alam ic n uclei). Th alam ic n u- terolateral n u cleu s is th e relay station for the m e-
clei projectin g to th e u n im odal an d m u ltim odal dial lem niscus, w h ile t h e ven tral p osterom edial n u-
cortical association areas (secon dary an d tertiary cleu s is th e relay station for trigem inal afferents.
th alam ic n u clei) are also coun ted am on g th e Th ese n uclei, in turn , project fibers to circu m -
specific n u clei. Th e distin gu ish in g feat ure of th e scribed areas of th e som atosen sory cortex (areas
specific n u clei is th u s a direct projection to the cere- 3a, 3b, 1, an d 2, Fig. 6.4).
bral cortex. Furth erm ore, gustatory fibers from t h e n ucleu s
In con trast, nonspecific thalamic nuclei receive of th e tractu s solitariu s term in ate in th e m edial tip
th eir afferen t inpu t from m u ltip le, distin ct sen se of th e ven tral p osterom edial n ucleu s, w h ich , in
organ s, usually after an in terven in g syn apse in th e tu rn , projects to th e postcen tral region overlyin g
reticu lar form ation an d/or on e of th e prim ary th e in su la (Fig. 6.4).
th alam ic n u clei. Th ey project on ly in directly to th e
cerebral cortex (e.g., by w ay of th e basal gan glia), Medial and lateral geniculate bodies. Th e m edial
in clu din g th e association fields. an d lateral gen iculate bodies, too, are am on g th e
specific n u clei of th e th alam u s. Th e optic tract ter-
m in ates in th e lateral gen icu late body, w h ich relays
visual im pulses retin otopically, by w ay of th e optic
radiat ion , to th e visu al cortex (area 17). Auditory
im pulses are carried in th e lateral lem n iscus to th e
6 174 · 6 Diencephalon and Autonom ic Nervous System

jectin g to th e un im odal an d m ultim odal cortical

associat ion fields (pp. 247). Th ese n u clei m ostly re-
ceive th eir inpu t n ot directly from th e p eriph ery
bu t rath er after a syn aptic relay, w h ich is usually
located in on e of th e p rim ary th alam ic n uclei de-
scribed above.

Th e anterior nucleus (Fig. 6.6) is reciprocally con -

n ected to th e m am illary body an d forn ix th rou gh
th e m am illoth alam ic tract (of Vicq d’Azyr); it
possesses bidirection al, p oin t-to-poin t con n ec-
tion s w ith th e cin gu late gyru s (area 24) an d is th u s
Globus an in tegral part of th e lim bic system , w h ose struc-
externus tu re an d fu n ction are described in Ch apter 7.
Pulvinar Th e medial nucleus of th e th alam u s h as bidir-
ection al, poin t-to-poin t con n ect ion s w ith th e asso-
ciation areas of the frontal lobe an d th e prem otor re-
gion. It receives afferen t inp ut from oth er th alam ic
Putam en
n uclei (ven tral an d in tralam in ar n u clei), an d from
Dentatothalamic Dentate
tract nucleus th e hypoth alam u s, m idbrain n u clei, an d globu s
Trigem inal pallidu s (Fig. 6.5).
Medial lem niscus afferents
Spinothalam ic tract Destruction of th e m edial n u cleu s by a t um or or
oth er process cau ses a frontal brain syndrome w ith
Fig. 6.4 Afferent and efferent connections of the ven- a ch an ge of person ality (loss of self-represen tation ,
tral nuclear group as described by Hassler), ju st as h as been described
after fron t al leu kotom y—a psych osurgical pro-
m edial gen icu late body an d relayed ton otopically, cedu re, n ow rarely, if ever, perform ed, in w h ich a
by w ay of th e auditory radiat ion , to th e au ditory lesion is m ade in th e deep w h ite m atter of th e
cortex (tran sverse tem poral gyri of Hesch l, area 41) fron t al lobe. Th e visceral im p ulses th at reach th is
in th e tem p oral lobe (Fig. 6.5). n ucleus by w ay of th e hypoth alam us exert an in -
flu en ce on t h e affective state of th e in dividual,
Ventral oral nuclei and ventral anterior nucleus. leadin g to a sen se of w ell-bein g or u n easin ess,
Th e ven tral oral posterior n ucleu s (V.o.p., a port ion good or bad m ood, etc.
of th e ven t ral lateral n ucleu s) receives inp ut from
th e dentate nucleus and red nucleus by w ay of th e Th e pulvinar p ossesses reciprocal, poin t-to-poin t
den tatoth alam ic tract (Fig. 6.4) an d projects to th e con n ection s w ith th e association areas of th e
m otor cortex (area 4), w h ile th e ven tral oral an te- p arietal an d occipital lobes (Fig. 6.5). Th ese asso-
rior n u cleu s (V.o.a.) an d th e ven tral an terior n u- ciation areas are su rrou n ded by th e prim ary som a-
cleus (VA), both of w h ich also belon g to th e ven tral tosen sory, visu al, an d auditory cortices an d th u s
n u clear grou p, receive inp ut from th e globus pal- probably play a m ajor role in th e bin din g of th ese
lidus an d project to th e prem otor cortex (areas 6aα differen t typ es of in com in g sen sory in form ation .
an d 6a ) (Fig. 6.4). Th e pu lvin ar receives n eu ral inpu t from oth er
th alam ic n uclei, especially th e in tralam in ar n u clei.

Nuclei Projecting to Association Areas of the

Lateral nuclei. Th e lateral dorsal n ucleu s an d th e
Cerebral Cortex
lateral p osterior n u cleu s do n ot receive any n eu ral
Th e an terior n u cleus, th e m edial n u cleus, an d t h e inpu t from ou tside th e th alam u s an d are con -
pu lvin ar are secon dary an d tertiary th alam ic n u- n ected on ly to oth er th alam ic n u clei. Th ey are th u s
clei (Figs. 6.5, 6.6), i.e., specific th alam ic n u clei pro- kn ow n as in tegrative n u clei.
Thalam us · 175
Fig. 6.5 Afferent and
efferent connections of
the medial (red), dorsal
(violet/blue), and lateral
(blue) nuclear groups

Medial dorsal nucleus

Oral dorsal nucleus Superficial dorsal
Globus pallidus
externus internus

Putam en

Medial geniculate
body (hearing)
Interm ediate Lateral geniculate
dorsal nucleus body (vision)

Hypothalam us

Fig. 6.6 Afferent and

Cingulate gyrus efferent connections of
Corpus the anterior nucleus
callosum (green) and the centrome-
dian nucleus (orange)

Anterior nucleus

Head of caudate
nucleus Centro-
m edian
Globus pallidus nucleus

Putam en
Em boliform
Mam illary Mam illo-
body thalam ic

6 176 · 6 Diencephalon and Autonom ic Nervous System

Nonspecific Tha la mic Nuclei a nd Their ¼ Th e t h alam us, h ow ever, is n ot m erely a relay
Connections station , bu t an im portan t center for integration
and coordination, in w h ich afferen t im pu lses of
Intralaminar nuclei. Th e in tralam in ar n uclei are t h e
differen t m odalities, from differen t region s of
m ost im portan t com pon en t of th e n on specific
th e body, are in tegrated an d given an affective
th alam ic projection system . Th ese n u clei are lo-
coloration . A n eural su bstrate of certain
cated w ith in th e in tern al m edu llary lam in a, an d
elem en tary ph en om en a su ch as pain , dis-
th e largest am on g th em is th e centromedian nu-
pleasure, an d w ell-bein g is already presen t in
cleus. Th ese cell com p lexes receive th eir afferen t
th e th alam u s before bein g tran sm itted u pw ard
inpu t th rough ascen din g fibers from th e brain stem
to th e cortex.
reticular form ation an d th e em boliform nucleus of
¼ Th rou gh its reciprocal con n ection s (feedback
th e cerebellu m , as w ell as from th e internal pallidal
loops) w ith th e m otor cortex, som e of w h ich
segm ent an d oth er th alam ic n uclei. Th ey p roject
pass th rough th e basal gan glia an d cerebellum ,
n ot to th e cerebral cortex bu t rath er to t h e caudate
th e th alam us modulates motor function.
nucleus, putam en, an d globus pallidus (Fig. 6.6).
¼ Som e th alam ic n u clei are also components of
Th ey probably also sen d efferen t im pu lses dif-
the ascending reticular activating system
fu sely to all n u clei of th e th alam us, w h ich th en , in
(ARAS), a specific arou sal system origin atin g in
tu rn , p roject to w idespread secon dary areas of th e
n u clei th at are diffu sely located th rou gh out th e
cerebral cortex. Th e cen trom edian n u cleu s is an
brain stem reticu lar form ation . Activat in g im -
im portan t com p on en t of th e in tralam in ar cell
pu lses from th e ARAS are relayed by certain
com plex, w h ich con stitu tes th e th alam ic portion of
th alam ic n u clei (ven tral an terior n ucleu s, in -
th e ascen din g reticu lar activatin g system (ARAS or
tralam in ar n u clei [p articu larly th e cen trom e-
arousal system ). An oth er p ortion of th is arou sal
dian n u cleu s], reticu lar n uclei) to th e en tire
system probably involves th e su bth alam u s an d hy-
n eocortex. An in tact ARAS is essen tial for n or-
poth alam us.
m al con sciou sn ess.

Functions of the Thalamus

Syndromes of Thalamic Lesions
Th e fun ction s of th e th alam u s are h igh ly com plex
becau se of t h e large n um ber of n u clei it con tain s Th e clin ical m an ifestation s of th alam ic lesion s de-
an d th eir very diverse afferen t an d efferen t con - pen d on th eir precise location an d exten t becau se
n ection s. th e fu n ction s of th e in dividu al th alam ic n u clei are
¼ First of all, th e th alam u s is th e largest subcorti- so h igh ly varied.
cal collecting point for all exteroceptive an d
proprioceptive sen sory im pu lses. Lesions of the ventral anterior and intralaminar nu-
¼ Fu rth erm ore, it is a relay station for all im pu lses clei. Th e ven tral an terior (VA), in tralam in ar, an d re-
arisin g in cu tan eou s an d visceral sen sory recep- ticu lar n u clei are n on specific “activatin g” n u clei.
tors, for visu al an d au ditory im pu lses, an d for Th ey project diffusely to th e fron tal lobes (ven tral
im pu lses from th e hypoth alam us, cerebellu m , an terior n u cleu s, cf. Fig. 6.4, p. 174) an d th e en tire
an d brain stem reticular form ation , all of w h ich n eocortex (in tralam in ar n uclei), an d th ey serve to
are processed in th e th alam us before bein g m odu late cortical resp on ses. Th ese path w ays are
tran sm itted onw ard to oth er stru ctures. Th e com pon en ts of th e ascen din g reticu lar activatin g
th alam u s sen ds a sm all efferen t com pon en t to system (ARAS). Lesion s in th is area, particu larly bi-
th e striatu m , bu t m ost of its outp ut goes to th e lateral lesion s, cau se disturbances of consciousness
cerebral cortex. All sen sory im p ulses (oth er and attention, an d, if th ey exten d to th e m idbrain
th an olfactory im pulses) m ust pass th rou gh th e tegm en tum , vertical gaze palsy. Less com m on ly,
th alam us before th ey can be con sciou sly per- param edian lesion s can cau se agitation , dysp h oria,
ceived. Th u s, th e th alam u s w as tradition ally or acu te con fu sion . Isolated lesion s of th e ven tral
called “th e gatew ay to con sciousn ess,” th ough an terior n u clei w ith im paired fron t al cort ical acti-
th e con sciou s percept ion of sm ell im plies th at vat ion h ave been reported to cause distu rban ces of
th is con ception is flaw ed an d p erh aps m islead- volun tary beh avior; righ t-sided lesion s in t h is area
in g. h ave also been rep orted to cau se m ore com plex
Epithalam us · 177
Case Presentation 1: Tha la mic Pa in Syndrome a fter Hemorrhage in the Basa l Ga nglia
This 51-year-old m ale schoolteacher was attending a Over the next six m onths, the patient’s hem iparesis and
friend’s funeral when he suddenly fell and com plained of hem isensory deficit largely resolved, and he was able to re-
nausea and a pulsatile headache. He had been standing in sum e playing tennis. In the sam e period of tim e, however,
the hot sun during the eulogy, and the other funeral at- he began to experience repeated bouts of paroxysm al pain
tendees at first thought he had sim ply fainted. When he and dysesthesia in the previously hypesthetic areas on the
was still unable to get up unaided and continued to com - left side of the body. These abnorm al sensations were
plain of headache ten m inutes later, they called an am bu- partly electric in character. An MRI scan of the head at this
lance. The em ergency physician on the scene found an arte- tim e revealed only a sm all rem nant of the initial hem or-
rial blood pressure of 220/120 m m Hg and weakness of the rhage, with form ation of a cyst in the right thalam us. The
left hand and the entire left lower lim b, and the patient was pain im proved considerably on treatm ent with car-
transported to the hospital. Exam ination on adm ission re- bam azepine and am itriptyline but returned prom ptly as
vealed central-type left hem iparesis with increased deep soon as the patient tried to stop taking these m edications.
tendon reflexes, as well as hypesthesia and hypalgesia near They could finally be discontinued with a slow taper after a
the m idline, pallanesthesia, and a m ild deficit of position further three years.
sense on the left side of the body. A CT scan revealed an
acute hem orrhage in the right basal ganglia.

disturban ces of m ood, e.g., m an ic state an d logor- (“th alam ic astasia”). Th e patien t falls to th e side
rh ea, or, altern at ively, deliriu m w ith con fabula- op posite th e lesion an d m ay be un able to sit un -
tion s an d in approp riate beh avior. Bilateral m edial aided. Such m an ifestation s app ear eith er in
lesion s can cause tran sien t am n esia w ith or isolation or in con jun ction w ith tran sien t
w ith out an osogn osia. th alam ic n eglect, in w h ich both sen sory an d
m otor fu n ction is n eglected on th e side op-
Lesions of the ventral nuclei. As described above, posite th e lesion . Th alam ic n eglect, du e to in -
th e ventral posterior nuclei are relay station s for volvem en t of t h alam ocortical fibers project in g
specific sen sory im pu lses, w h ich are th en sen t on - to th e parietal lobe, is u su ally sh ort-lastin g an d
w ard to t h e correspon din g prim ary cort ical areas. alm ost alw ays resolves com pletely.
Lesion s of th ese n uclei produ ce specific deficits of ¼ Lesion s affectin g th e den tato-ru bro-th alam ic
on e or m ore sen sory m odalities, as follow s. projection s of th e ventral lateral nucleus (VL.)
¼ Lesion s of th e ventral posterolateral nucleus produce contralateral hem iataxia w ith action
produ ce contralateral im pairm ent of touch and trem or, dysm etria, dysdiadoch okin esia, an d
proprioception, as w ell as paresth esias of th e path ological rebou n d. Such fin din gs m ay give
lim bs, w h ich m ay feel as if th ey w ere sw ollen or th e erron eous im pression of a cerebellar lesion .
abn orm ally h eavy.
¼ Lesion s affectin g th e basal portion of the ven- Thalamic Vascular Syndromes
tral posterolateral an d/or posteromedial nu-
Th e th alam u s is supp lied by fou r arteries (p. 277).
cleus can produce severe p ain syn drom es in ad-
In terru ption of th e arterial blood supp ly in each of
dition to th e sen sory deficit s ju st described
th ese distribu tion s causes a ch aracteristic syn -
(“th alam ic pain ,” som etim es in an est h etic
drom e, as described in Ch apter 11 on p. 299.
areas—“anesthesia dolorosa”; cf. Case Presen ta-
tion 1).
¼ Lesion s of th e ventral lateral nucleus h ave
m ain ly m otor m an ifestation s, as th is n ucleu s is
m ain ly con n ected to th e prim ary an d secon dary
m otor areas of th e cerebral cortex, an d to th e
cerebellu m an d basal gan glia. Th e epith alam u s con sists of th e habenula w ith its
¼ Acute lesions of th e ven tral lateral n u cleus an d habenular nuclei, th e habenular commissure, th e
th e n eigh borin g subth alam ic region can pro- stria medullaris, an d th e epiphysis. Th e h aben u la
du ce severe cen tral “w eakn ess,” in w h ich direct an d th e h aben u lar n u clei con stit ute an im portan t
periph eral testin g reveals n o im pairm en t of raw relay stat ion of th e olfactory system . Afferen t ol-
m uscle stren gth (e.g., again st resistan ce) factory fibers t ravel by w ay of t h e stria m edullaris
6 178 · 6 Diencephalon and Autonom ic Nervous System

th alam i to th e h aben u lar n u clei, w h ich em it effer-

Thalam ic Centromedian nucleus
en t projection s to th e auton om ic (salivatory) n u - fasciculus of the thalam us
clei of th e brain stem , th u s playin g an im portan t
role in n u trit ion al in take.

Th e epiphysis (pineal gland) con tain s specialized Putam en

cells, called pin ealocytes. Calcium an d m agn esiu m

salts are deposited in t h e ep iphysis from approxi-
m ately age 15 years onw ard, m akin g th is stru cture Lenticular
visible in plain radiograp h s of th e sku ll (an im p or- fasciculus

tan t m idlin e m arker before th e era of CT an d MRI). Subthalam ic

Epip hyseal tu m ors in ch ildh ood som etim es cause
Globus pallidus
precocious puberty; it is th u s p resu m ed t h at th is
Basal nucleus
organ in h ibit s sexual m aturat ion in som e w ay, an d of Meynert
th at th e destru ction of epiphyseal tissu e can re- Zona incerta
Ansa lenticularis
m ove th is in h ibition . In low er vertebrates, th e Subthalamic Innom inate
nucleus substance
epiphysis is a light-sensitive organ th at regulates
circadian rhyth m s. In prim ates, ligh t can n ot pen e- Fig. 6.7 Fiber connections in the subthalamus. MD =
trate th e sku ll, bu t th e ep iphysis still in directly re- m edial dorsal nucleus of the thalam us; VL = ventral lateral
ceives visu al inpu t relatin g to th e ligh t–dark cycle. nucleus; IC = internal capsule.
Afferen t im pu lses travel from th e retin a to th e su-
prachiasmatic nucleus of t h e hypot h alam u s, from
w h ich , in tu rn , furth er im pu lses are con du cted to join ed m ore rostrally by th e an sa len ticularis. Th e
th e intermediolateral nucleus an d, via postgan - su bth alam u s also con tain s th e zon a in certa, a ros-
glion ic fibers of th e cervical sym path etic ch ain , to tral con tin u ation of th e m idbrain reticular form a-
th e epiphysis. tion . Th e m ajor con n ection s of th e pu tam en , pal-
lidu m , su bth alam u s, an d th alam u s are depicted in
Fig. 6.7.

Subthalamus Function. Th e su bth alam ic n u cleu s (corpu s Lu ysii)

is, fu n ction ally sp eakin g, a com pon en t of th e basal
Location and components. Th e subt h alam us is gan glia an d h as reciprocal con n ection s w ith th e
fou n d im m ediately caudal to th e th alam us at an globus pallidus (p. 217). Lesion s of th e subth alam ic
early stage of em bryological developm en t an d n ucleus produce con tralateral hem iballism
th en m oves laterally as t h e brain develops. It com - (p. 223 f.).
prises th e subthalamic nucleus, part of th e globus
pallidus (cf. p. 217), an d variou s fiber contingents
th at pass th rou gh it on th eir w ay to th e th alam u s,
in clu din g th e m edial lem n iscus, th e sp in oth alam ic
tract, an d th e trigem in oth alam ic tract. All of th ese
tracts term in ate in th e ven troposterior region of
Location and Components
th e th alam u s (Fig. 6.4, p . 174). Th e su bstan tia n igra Th e hypoth alam us (Fig. 6.8) is com posed of gray
an d red n u cleu s border th e subt h alam u s an teriorly matter in the w alls of the third ventricle from th e
an d p osteriorly. Fibers of t h e den tatoth alam ic tract hypoth alam ic su lcus dow nw ard an d in th e floor of
travel in th e preru bral field H1 of Forel to term in ate the third ventricle , as w ell as th e infundibulum and
in th e ven tro-oral posterior n u cleus of th e the mamillary bodies. Th e p osterior pituitary lobe,
th alam u s (a part of th e ven tral lateral n u cleu s, VL); or neurohypophysis, is also con sidered part of t h e
fibers from th e globu s pallidu s travel in t h e len tic- hypoth alam u s; th is stru cture is, in a sen se, th e en -
u lar fascicu lu s (Forel’s fascicu lus H2) to th e ven tro- larged cau dal en d of th e in fun dibu lum . Th e an te-
oral an terior n u cleus (an oth er p art of VL) an d th e rior pitu itary lobe, on th e oth er h an d, is n ot
ven tral an terior n u cleu s (VA). Th ese tracts are derived from th e n eu roectoderm at all, but rath er
Hypothalam us · 179
Fig. 6.8 Hypothalamic
nuclei. a Lateral view.
b and c Coronal sections in
two different planes.

Paraventricular nucleus
Preoptic nucleus
Dorsom edial nucleus
Posterior nucleus
Supraoptic nucleus

Ventrom edial nucleus

Mam illary
Infundibular nucleus body
Tuberal nuclei


Optic tract
Ventrom edial nucleus
Dorsom edial nucleus
Lateral area
III Dorsal area
Tuberal nuclei
Lateral area
Medial area Optic chiasm nucleus

from Rath ke’s pouch , an out cropp in g of th e rostral Th e m edial segm en t, in con trast, con tain s a n u m -
en d of th e prim itive alim en tary tract. Th e tw o ber of m ore or less clearly distin gu ish able n u clei
pitu itary lobes, th ough adjacen t to each oth er, are (Fig. 6.8a–c), w h ich are divided in to an anterior
n ot fun ction ally con n ected. Rem n an ts of Rath ke’s (rostral), a middle (tuberal), an d a posterior
pou ch in th e sellar region can grow in to tu m ors, (mamillary) nuclear group.
e.g., cran iop h aryn giom a.
Th e colu m n s of th e forn ix, as th ey descen d
Hypothalamic Nuclei
th rough th e hyp oth alam u s to th e m am illary bodies
on eit h er side, divide th e hypoth alam u s of each Anterior nuclear group. Th e im p ortan t m em bers of
side in to a medial an d a lateral segment (Fig. 6.8). th is grou p are th e preoptic, supraoptic, an d para-
Th e lateral segm en t con t ain s variou s grou ps of ventricular nuclei (Fig. 6.8). Th e latter tw o n u clei
fibers, in cludin g t h e m edial forebrain bundle, w h ich project , by w ay of th e sup raopt ico-hypop hyseal
run s from basal olfactory areas to th e m idbrain . It tract, to th e n eu rohypophysis (see Figs. 6.10 an d
also con tain s th e lateral tuberal n u clei (see p. 180). 6.11).
6 180 · 6 Diencephalon and Autonom ic Nervous System

Fig. 6.9 Major afferent

connections of the hy-
Corpus callosum pothalamus (schem atic
Stria terminalis


Medial forebrain bundle
(from the paraolfactory region)
Dorsom edial nucleus

Ventromedial nucleus Peduncle

of mamil-
lary body
To the
Amygdala reticular


Middle nuclear group. Th e im portan t m em bers of hypoth alam u s can also be in flu en ced by h igh er
th is group are th e infundibular nucleus, th e tuberal cen ters. Th e m ajor con n ection s of th e hy-
nuclei, th e dorsom edial nucleus, t h e ventrom edial poth alam u s are to th e cin gu late gyru s an d fron tal
nucleus, an d th e lateral nucleus (or tuberom am il- lobe, th e h ippocam pal form ation , th e th alam us,
lary nucleus) (Fig. 6.8). th e basal gan glia, th e brain stem , an d th e sp in al
Posterior nuclear group. Th is grou p in clu des th e Som e of th e m ore im portan t afferen t con n ec-
m am illary nuclei (th e su pram am illary n ucleu s, th e tion s (Fig. 6.9) w ill be described in th e follow in g
m am illary n u cleu s, th e in tercalate n u cleus, an d sect ion .
oth ers) an d th e posterior nucleus (Fig. 6.8). Th is
area h as been term ed a dyn am ogen ic zon e (Hess),
Afferent Pa thways
from w h ich th e auton om ic n ervou s system can be
im m ediately called in to action , if n ecessary. Th e medial forebrain bundle origin ates in th e basal
olfactory areas an d th e septal n u clei an d ru n s as a
Afferent and Efferent Projections of ch ain of n euron s th rou gh th e hypot h alam u s
(lateral area) u n til it arrives in th e m idbrain reticu -
the Hypothalamus
lar form ation Alon g th e w ay, it gives off collateral
Th e n eu ral con n ection s of th e hypoth alam u s (Figs. fibers to th e p reoptic n u cleu s, th e dorsom edial n u -
6.9 an d 6.10) are m u ltifarious an d com plex. In cleus, an d th e ven trom edial n u cleus. Th e m edial
order to carry ou t its fu n ction as th e coordin atin g forebrain bun dle con stitutes a recip rocal con n ec-
cen ter of all au ton om ic processes in th e body tion betw een olfactory an d preoptic n uclear areas
(p. 190), th e hypoth alam u s m u st com m u n icate via an d th e m idbrain . It h as olfacto-visceral an d ol-
afferen t an d efferen t pat h w ays w ith very m any facto-som atic fu n ction s.
differen t areas of t h e n ervous system . In form ation
from th e ou tside w orld reach es it th rou gh visu al, Th e striae terminales origin ate in th e am ygdala in
olfactory, an d probably also auditory path w ays. th e tem p oral lobe, th en form an arch over th e
Th e presen ce of cortical afferen ts im p lies th at th e th alam u s, term in atin g in th e preoptic area an d to
Hypothalam us · 181
Fig. 6.10 Major efferent
connections of the hy-
pothalamus (schem atic
Mamillo - drawing)
thalamic tract
Anterior nucleus
of the thalam us Striae m edullares

Supraoptic nucleus

Supraopticohypo -
physeal tract
Tuberohypo -
physeal tract
of Meynert)
Mamillo -
Neuro- tegmental
hypophysis tract

th e an terior hypoth alam ic n u clei. Th ese fiber poth alam us alon g various path w ays: th rou gh relay
bu n dles are th ough t to tran sm it olfactory in form a- n uclei in th e brain stem reticu lar form ation , from
tion , as w ell as im pu lses relatin g to m ood an d drive. tegm en tal an d in terpedun cu lar n u clei, th rou gh re-
ciprocal con n ection s in th e m edial forebrain
Th e fornix tran sm its corticom am illary fibers origi- bu n dle, th rou gh t h e dorsal lon gitu din al fascicu lus,
n atin g in th e h ippocam p us an d su bicu lum an d an d th rough t h e pedu n cle of th e m am illary body
travelin g to th e m am illary body, w ith collaterals to (Figs. 6.9 an d 6.10). Som atosen sory in form ation
th e preoptic n u cleu s, th e an terior n u cleu s of th e from th e erogen ous zon es (gen italia an d n ipples)
th alam u s, an d th e h aben u lar n u cleu s. Th e forn ix is also reach es th e hypoth alam u s by t h ese p ath w ays
an im portan t pat h w ay in th e lim bic system an d in duces au ton om ic react ion s.
(p . 203). As it passes over th e dorsal surface of th e
pu lvin ar, som e of its fibers cross th e m idlin e to Fin ally, further afferent input com es to th e hy-
join th e con tralateral forn ix (com m issu re of th e poth alam us from th e m edial n ucleus of th e
forn ices, psalteriu m ). th alam us, th e orbitofron tal n eocortex, an d th e
At t h e level of th e p salteriu m , th e tw o forn ices globus p allidus.
lie un der th e sp len ium of th e corpu s callosu m ,
w h ere th ey are u sually n ot directly visible in an Efferent Pa thwa ys
un cut brain specim en . Lesion s in th e area of th e
psalteriu m often affect both forn ices, because Efferent fibers to the brainstem. Th e m ost im por-
th ese tw o t h in stru ctu res are close togeth er at th is tan t efferen t p rojection s from th e hypoth alam us to
poin t. Th e seriou s fun ction al deficits produ ced by th e brain stem are th e dorsal longitudinal fasciculus
bilateral lim bic lesion s are discu ssed below on (of Sch ü tz), w h ich con tain s fibers travelin g in both
p. 208 ff. direction s, an d th e medial forebrain bundle (Figs.
6.9 an d 6.10). Hypoth alam ic im pu lses travelin g in
Ascending visceral impulses from th e periph eral th ese path w ays pass th rou gh m u ltiple syn aptic re-
au ton om ic n ervous system , an d from th e n u cleus lays, m ain ly in th e reticular form ation , u n til th ey
of th e tractus solitarius (taste), reach th e hy- term in ate in parasym path etic n uclei of th e brain -
6 182 · 6 Diencephalon and Autonom ic Nervous System

stem , in clu din g th e ocu lom otor n u cleus (m iosis), n ucleus of th e th alam u s, w h ich , in tu rn , is recipro-
th e sup erior an d in ferior salivatory n u clei (lacri- cally con n ected w ith th e cin gu late gyru s (Fig. 6.6).
m ation , salivation ), an d th e dorsal n u cleus of th e Th e an terior th alam ic n u cleu s an d th e cin gu late
vagu s n erve. Oth er im pu lses t ravel to auton om ic gyrus are im portan t com pon en ts of th e lim bic sys-
cen ters in th e brain stem th at coordin ate circu la- tem . Th e m ain fu n ction of th e lim bic system is said
tory, respiratory, an d alim en tary fu n ction (etc.), as to be th e regulation of affective beh avior so as to
w ell as to m otor cran ial n erve n uclei th at play a prom ote th e su rvival of th e in dividual an d of th e
role in eat in g an d drin kin g: th e m otor n ucleu s of species (MacLean 1958; cf. p. 202).
th e trigem in al n erve (m astication ), th e n ucleu s of
th e facial n erve (facial expression ), th e n u cleu s Th e supraoptico -hypophyseal tract h as already
am biguu s (sw allow in g), an d th e n u cleu s of th e hy- been m en tion ed as an efferen t path w ay to th e n eu -
poglossal n erve (lickin g). Yet oth er im p ulses rohypophysis. Neuron s in th e supraoptic an d para-
derived from th e hypoth alam us, relayed to th e spi- ven t ricu lar n u clei p rodu ce t h e h orm on es oxytocin
n al cord th rou gh reticu losp in al fibers, affect th e an d vasopressin (an tidiu retic h orm on e), w h ich are
activit y of spin al n euron s t h at part icipate in tran sported alon g th e axon s of th e su praoptico-
tem peratu re regu lation (sh iverin g). hypop hyseal tract to th e n eu rohypophysis, an d are
th en released th ere, from th e axon term in als, in to
Th e mamillotegmental fasciculus (Fig. 6.10) ru n s th e bloodstream (Figs. 6.10 an d 6.11). Th e n euron s
from th e m am illary body to th e m idbrain tegm en - in th ese n uclei are th us com parable to th e h or-
tu m , an d th en onw ard to th e reticu lar form ation . m on e-producin g cells of oth er organ s, an d are re-
ferred to as n eu rosecretory cells. Oxytocin an d
The mamillothalamic tract (of Vicq d’Azyr) recipro- vasop ressin m ain ly exert t h eir effects on cells ou t-
cally con n ects t h e hypoth alam us w ith t h e an terior side th e n ervou s system : oxytocin in duces con -

Fig. 6.11 Posterior lobe

Cell of the of the pituitary gland
paraventricular (neurohypophysis). Neu-
nucleus rosecretory fibers reach the
posterior lobe directly by
way of the supraoptico-
hypophyseal tract.
Capillary net work
Cell of the supraoptic nucleus

Supraoptic a.

Optic chiasm
Axons of the
neurons with
Pars horm ones
interm edia (ADH, oxytocin)

hypophyseal a.


Hypothalam us · 183
traction of th e sm ooth m u scle of th e uteru s an d th e hypoth alam u s exert s a m ajor in fluen ce on th e ade-
m am m ary glan d, w h ile vasop ressin in du ces w ater n ohypophyseal en docrin e cells. Fiber bu n dles from
reupt ake th rou gh th e ren al t ubu lar ep ith elial cells th e tuberal n u clei carry releasing factors an d re-
(see also p. 184). lease-inhibiting factors to t h e m edian em in en ce by
in tra-axon al tran sport; th e m edian em in en ce, in
Functiona l Connection of the Hypotha la mus tu rn , is con n ected to th e aden ohypophysis th rough
to the Adenohypophysis a portal vascu lar n etw ork. Th e hypoth alam us regu -
lates aden ohypophyseal h orm on e secretion by th is
Th ere is n o direct n eu ral con n ection betw een th e
m ech an ism (Fig. 6.12; cf. p. 185).
hyp ot h alam ic n uclei an d th e aden ohypophysis.
Non eth eless, it h as lon g been recogn ized th at th e

Fig. 6.12 Anterior lobe of

Anterior com m issure
the pituitary gland (ade-
Afferent nerve fiber nohypophysis). Releasing
horm ones and release-in-
hibiting horm ones are pro-
Capillary net work
around neurosecretory duced by the hypothala-
cells of the hypothalam us m us and travel over neu-
rosecretory fibers to the
Hypophyseal A fiber transporting first capillary network in
portal system releasing factors from the area of the m edian
hypothalam ic cells em inence (neurohem al re-
Optic chiasm gion), where they enter the
bloodstream . They are
transported in the blood-
Superior hypo- Hypothalam ic a.
stream to the adeno-
physeal a.
hypophysis, reaching it by
a second capillary network
im m ediately adjacent to
the horm one-producing
glandular cells (hypophy-
Sinusoids seal portal system ). Thus,
Chrom ophobe (γ-)cells
Basophil (β- and δ -)cells horm one secretion by the
anterior lobe of the pitui-
Eosinophil (α -)cells
tary gland is regulated by
Pars interm edia way of the bloodstream .

Thyrotropin, adrenocorticotropin,
gonadotropin, somatotropin, etc.

Internal secretory glands:

thyroid, adrenal, testes,
ovaries, etc.

Corticosteroids, testosterone,
estrogen, progesterone,
thyroid horm one

Blood circulation
6 184 · 6 Diencephalon and Autonom ic Nervous System

lary beds, vasodilation in th e skeletal m u scu latu re,

Functions of the Hypothalamus an d expression s of fear or rage.
Th e hyp oth alam u s is th e h ierarch ically u pperm ost Th e parasym pathetic n ervou s system (p. 192), on
regulatory organ (“h ead gan glion ”) of th e au ton - th e oth er h an d, is regulated by th e paraven tricular
om ic n ervou s system . It plays th e leadin g role in a an d an terior or lateral portion s of th e hypo-
w ide variety of regu latory circu its for vital bodily th alam u s. Stim u lation of th ese areas in du ces a fall
functions such as tem peratu re, h eart rate, blood in h eart rate an d blood p ressu re an d con striction of
pressu re, respirat ion , an d food an d w ater in take. th e pu pils. Stim u lation of posterior parasym pa-
Th ese regulatory fu n ction s are carried ou t largely th etic areas in creases blood flow to th e bladder
in depen den tly of any con scious th ou gh t on th e an d dim in ish es blood flow to skeletal m u scle.
part of th e in dividu al, i.e., au ton om ically. Th e hy-
poth alam us also regu lates im portan t h orm on e
Regula tion of Wa ter Ba la nce
system s th rou gh th e hypot h alam ic–pitu itary axis
an d coordin ates th e in teraction of th e en docrin e Th e hypothalam ic osm oreceptors are located in th e
an d au ton om ic n ervou s system s. Th e elem en tary supraoptic an d paraventricular nuclei. Th ey are
fu n ction s con trolled by th e hypot h alam u s w ill be stim u lated eith er by in tracellu lar dehydration ,
described, briefly an d in dividually, in th is section . w ith an elevated in tracellu lar sodiu m con cen tra-
tion , or by extracellular dehydration , w ith an ele-
Tempera ture Regula tion vated con cen tration of an gioten sin II in th e hy-
pot h alam ic cap illary blood; stim ulat ion leads to
Th e anterior preoptic hypothalam us con tain s
th e secretion of ADH (an tidiuretic h orm on e, vaso-
specific receptors for t h e m ain ten an ce of a con -
pressin ). Conversely, an in crease of in t ravascular
stan t in tern al tem perature (tem perature hom eosta-
volum e stim u lates periph eral volum e receptors,
sis). Physiological respon ses to tem perature
ult im ately leadin g to th e in h ibit ion of ADH secre-
changes (vasocon st riction an d sh iverin g at low
tion .
tem peratu re, vasodilation an d sw eatin g at h igh
tem peratu re) are regu lated by circu its in th e poste-
Disturbances of w ater balance. If 90 % or m ore of
rior hypothalam us.
th e n eu ron s of th e su praoptic an d p araven tricu lar
n uclei are destroyed or ren dered dysfu n ction al
Disturbances of temperature regulation. Dysfu n c-
(e.g., by a gran u lom atou s process, vascular lesion ,
tion of th e an terior preoptic region of th e hy-
trau m a, or in fection ), th en ADH is n o lon ger
pot h alam u s (cau sed, for exam ple, by trau m atic
secreted an d diabetes insipidus resu lts, m an ifested
brain in ju ry or h em orrh age) can lead to central
clin ically by excessive th irst, polyu ria, an d polydip-
hyperthermia. Dysfu n ction of t h e posterior region
sia. Th e diagn osis is establish ed by th e dem on stra-
can lead to hypothermia or poikilothermia (rapid
tion of hypo-osm olar polyuria, i.e., th e excret ion of
flu ct uat ion s of body tem p eratu re by m ore th an
at least 3 liters of u rin e per day, w ith an osm olality
2°C); th e possible cau sat ive lesion s h ere in clu de
bet w een 50 an d 150 m osm /l. ADH su bstit ut ion is
hyp oth alam ic tu m ors (cran ioph aryn giom a, glio-
th e treatm en t of ch oice. If th e u rin e osm olality fails
m a), Wern icke’s en cep h alopat hy, an d hydro-
to rise by m ore th an 50 % after th e adm in istration
cep h alu s.
of 5 IU of ADH, th en th e patien t is sufferin g from
ren al diabetes in sipidu s (in adequ ate respon se of
Regula tion of Hea rt Ra te a nd Blood Pressure
th e kidn ey to circu latin g ADH), in w h ich substitu -
Th e hypoth alam u s in flu en ces th e au ton om ic tion th erapy is of n o h elp.
n ervou s system directly th rou gh descen din g path - Many typ es of hyp oth alam ic lesion im p air th e
w ays th at w ill be discussed below in th e section on th irst respon se, an d can th u s cause severe hy-
th e periph eral au ton om ic n ervou s system (p. 170). pon atrem ia.
Th e sym pathetic n ervous system is regulated by
th e ven trom edial an d posterior port ion s of th e hy- Th e syndrome of inappropriate ADH secretion
poth alam us (p. 190). St im u lation of t h ese areas in - (SIADH or Schw artz–Bartter syndrome), usually
du ces a rise in h eart rate an d blood p ressu re, di- cau sed by abn orm al ectop ic secretion of ADH (e.g.,
latation of th e pu pils, vasocon striction in th e capil- by bron ch ial carcin om a or oth er m align an t
Hypothalam us · 185
tu m ors), is m an ifested by hypervolem ia, hy- p. 183). Th ese parvocellu lar n eu ron s secrete th e
pon atrem ia ( 130 m m ol/l), low serum osm olarity “hypophysiotropic” h orm on es gon adotrop in -re-
( 275 m osm /kg), an d h igh ly con cen trated urin e. leasin g h orm on e (Gn RH), thyrotrop in -releasin g
Th e clin ical m an ifestation s in clu de w eigh t gain , h orm on e (TRH), corticotropin -releasin g h orm on e
w eakn ess, n au sea, an d disturban ces of con sciou s- (CRH), grow th -h orm on e-releasin g h orm on e
n ess, as w ell as epilept ic seizures. SIADH is treated (GHRH), an d factors regu latin g th e secretion of
by elim in atin g th e un derlyin g cau se, t h ou gh it is m elan ocyte-stim u latin g h orm on e (MSH), n am ely
often u sefu l to treat th e hypervolem ia an d hy- MIF an d MRF. All of th ese h orm on es, in turn , con -
pon atrem ia sym ptom at ically as w ell, by flu id re- trol th e release of th e corresp on din g pitu itary h or-
striction an d correction of th e sodiu m balan ce. m on es from th e aden ohypophysis, on ce th ey arrive
th ere by w ay of th e portal vascu lar n etw ork (cf.
Regula tion of Nutritiona l Inta ke Figs. 6.12 an d 6.13). In th e aden ohypophysis, acid-
ophil cells (α cells) secrete grow th h orm on e (GH,
Lesion s of th e ven trom edial hypoth alam ic n uclei
also called som atot ropic h orm on e or STH) an d pro-
m ay cau se severe obesity th rough hyperph agia
lactin (PRL, also called lu teotropic h orm on e or
an d poverty of m ovem en t. More lateral lesion s can
LTH). Basophil cells ( cells) secrete thyrotropin
cau se an orexia an d abn orm al w eigh t loss.
(thyroid-stim u latin g h orm on e, TSH), corticotrop in
(also called adren ocorticotropic h orm on e or
Neurosecretion a nd Regula tion of the
ACTH), m elan ocyte-stim u lat in g h orm on e (MSH),
Endocrine System
lutein izin g h orm on e (LH), an d follicle-stim u latin g
As m en tion ed above, th e hypophysis (p itu itary h orm on e (FSH). Chromophobe cells (γ cells) are n ot
glan d) h as tw o com pon en ts, th e an terior lobe (ad- kn ow n to secrete any h orm on es, but som e auth ors
en ohyp ophysis) an d th e posterior lobe (n eu rohy- state th at th ey play a role in ACTH syn th esis.
pophysis). Th e hypoth alam us con trols each part Th e h orm on es produ ced by th e pitu itary
differen tly. secretory cells en ter th e bloodst ream an d in du ce
th e respective perip h eral en docrin e organ s to
Hormone secretion by the posterior lobe. secrete h orm on es. Th ese periph eral h orm on es cir-
Secretory n eu ron s in th e supraopt ic an d para- cu late in th e blood, an d th eir con cen tration s, in
ven tricu lar n u clei produ ce oxytocin an d ADH, tu rn , in flu en ce th e secretion of th e correspon din g
w h ich are tran sported in tra-axon ally to th e n eu ro- hypot h alam ic an d pit uit ary h orm on es, in a n ega-
hyp ophysis an d released th ere in to th e blood- tive feedback loop.
stream (n eu rosecretion ). Th e fu n ction s of ADH
h ave been described above. Oxytocin is secreted
Horm onal Disturbances: Disturbances of the
du rin g th e last few w eeks of pregn an cy; it in duces
Hypothalam ic–Pituitary Axis
th e con traction of u terin e sm ooth m u scle as w ell
as th e secretion of m ilk from th e m am m ary Th e en docrin e fu n ction of th e hypophysis can be
glan ds. Som atosen sory stim u lation (tou ch in g th e im paired by h orm on e-secretin g tum ors (e.g., p itu i-
n ipp le) produ ces afferen t im pu lses th at activate tary aden om a) or by destru ction of p itu itary tissue
th e n eu rosecretory n eu ron s of th e hypoth alam u s by n on -h orm on e-secretin g tum ors.
(by w ay of th e th alam us an d th e cerebral cortex).
Th e in tim ate con n ection betw een th is regu latory Panhypopituitarism. Th e m ost severe clin ical syn -
circu it an d em otion is illu strated by th e fact th at drom e con sists of loss of all functions of the hy-
m ilk p rodu ction decreases sign ifican tly w h en th e pophysis an d is clin ically m an ifested by lack of
m oth er suffers from fear or stress. drive, declin e of physical perform an ce, loss of
w eigh t, loss of libido, bradycardia, lessen ed skin
Hormone secretion by the anterior lobe. Th e pigm en tation , loss of axillary an d pu bic h air, an d,
parvocellular secretory n euron s fou n d in peri- som etim es, diabetes in sipidu s (if t h e n eu rohy-
ven tricu lar areas of th e hyp ot h alam u s com m un i- pophysis is involved). Th is syn drom e m ay be
cate w ith th e aden ohypophysis n ot by axon al con - cau sed by large, h orm on ally in active tu m ors of th e
n ection s (as in th e case of th e n eu rohypophysis) hyp ophysis, in fu n dibu lu m , or hypot h alam u s (e.g.,
bu t rat h er th rou gh a p ortal vascu lar system (see aden om a, m etastasis, gliom a, or cran ioph aryn -
6 186 · 6 Diencephalon and Autonom ic Nervous System

Somatostatin Oxytocin
(SRIF) Vasopressin Hypothalamus


Adenohypophysis Neurohypophysis

Growth, Lactation Thyroid Gonadal Adrenal Lipolysis Pig- Kidney,

metabolism function function function m enta- uterus, Periphery
tion breast


ACTH Adrenocorticotropic hormone (corticotropin) MRF Melanocyte-stim ulating hormone-releasing factor

CRF Corticotropin-releasing factor MSH Melanocyte-stimulating horm one
FSH Follicle-stimulating horm one PIF Prolactin-inhibiting factor (= dopam ine)
GH (STH) Growth hormone (somatotropic hormone) PRL Prolactin
GHRH Growth-hormone-releasing hormone PRF Prolactin-releasing factor
LH Luteinizing hormone SRIF Somatotropin-inhibiting factor
GnRH Gonadotropin-releasing horm one TRH Thyrotropin-releasing hormone
LPH Lipotropin TSH Thyroid-stimulating hormone
MIF Melanocyte-stimulating hormone-inhibiting factor

Fig. 6.13 Endocrine Regulation along the Hypothalamic–Pituitary Axis

giom a). Th e treatm en t of ch oice is su rgical resec- an d galactorrh ea. Su rgical resection (e.g., by th e
tion an d h orm on e substitu tion . Hypop itu itarism tran ssph en oidal rou te) is th e treatm en t of ch oice
m ay also arise in th e afterm ath of trau m a, or as a for prolactin om as w ith m ass effect; for sm aller
com plication of n eu rosu rgical procedures. Sudden tu m ors w ith less severe m an ifestation s, p h ar-
loss of pituitary fu n ction w ith su bsequ en t adren al m acological treatm en t w ith a dopam in e agon ist
failu re (addison ian crisis) is a life-th reaten in g such as brom ocriptin e can be t ried. Dopam in e ago-
even t. n ists in h ibit prolactin secretion .

Hormone -secreting pituitary tumors. A n eoplasm Growth-horm one-secreting adenom a. Clin ically, an
arisin g from on e of th e cell types of th e an terior excess of circulatin g grow th h orm one ( 5 n g/m l)
pitu itary lobe cau ses sym ptom s th rou gh an excess cau ses acromegaly: in creased grow th of acral p or-
of the corresponding hormone(s). If th e tum or is tion s of th e skeleton (h an ds, feet, h ead circu m fer-
large en ou gh , th e suprasellar mass effect w ill pro- en ce), osteoporosis, hyp erh idrosis, glucose in toler-
du ce a ch aracteristic visual field defect (usu ally an ce, hyperten sion , hypertroph ic cardiom yopathy,
bitem poral h em ian opsia, because of com pression goiter, com p ressive n eu ropath ies such as carpal
of th e optic ch iasm ; cf. p. 187). tu n n el syn drom e, oth er types of n europathy, pro-
xim al m yopathy, sleep disturban ces (hypersom n ia,
Prolactinom a. Most pit uitary aden om as (60–70 %) sleep apn ea syn drom e), an d n europ sych iatric dis-
secrete prolactin . In fem ale patien ts, th e resu ltin g tu rban ces (depression , p sych osis). Th e stan dard
excess of circu latin g prolactin (hyperprolactin e- diagn ostic test is an oral glu cose toleran ce test,
m ia) causes secondary amenorrhea th rou gh t h e in - w ith a ch aracteristic oversh oot in th e reflex rise of
h ibition of gonadotropin -releasin g h orm on e secre- grow th h orm on e con cen tration . Su rgical resection
tion (w h en th e serum prolactin con cen tration rises is th e treatm en t of ch oice.
above 40–10 0 n g/m l), as w ell as galactorrhea an d,
less com m on ly, h irsut ism . In m ale patien ts, hyper- ACTH-secreting adenom a cau ses Cushing syndrome
prolactin em ia cau ses impotence, gynecomastia, w ith tru n cal obesity, m oon facies, glu cose in toler-
Hypothalam us · 187
Case Presentation 2: Pituita ry Tumor/Prolactinoma
This 40-year-old m ale office worker com plained to his These findings suggested a prolactin-secreting adenom a of
fam ily physician of “peculiar” bodily changes that had been the pituitary gland with partial hypopituitarism affecting the
troubling him for som e tim e. He had gained 50 kg in weight anterior lobe horm ones, particularly the gonadotropic axis.
over the previous 2−3 years, and he now needed shoes two A plain radiograph of the head revealed m assive expansion
sizes larger than before. His hands also seem ed to have be- of the sella turcica with partial destruction of the dorsum
com e “rough.” He had recently had an autom obile accident sellae and the sellar floor. An MRI scan revealed a tum or
caused by his failure to see another car approaching from m easuring 5 × 5 × 4 cm (Fig. 6.14), too large to be rem oved
the side, and a couple of days previously he had alm ost run through a transsphenoidal approach. A frontotem poral
over a pedestrian for the sam e reason. He could no longer craniotomy was perform ed. Intraoperatively a firm , grayish-
trust him self to drive a car, both because of these occur- yellow tum or with som e reddish areas was found; it was ad-
rences and because he was always tired and could not con- herent to the floor of the m iddle cranial fossa, m ade contact
centrate. He had increasing difficulty on the job. He denied with the term inal portion of the internal carotid artery, and
suffering from headache, loss of libido, or im potence. com pressed the optic chiasm . The histopathological finding
The physician found his weight to be 132 kg (previously was of a diffusely growing epithelial tum or, without lobular
82 kg), with an unchanged height of 193 cm . His hands and structure, in which the tum or cells occasionally showed a
feet were disproportionately large (acrom egaly), finger per- papillary organization. Im m m unohistochem ical study re-
im etry revealed severe bitem poral hem ianopsia, and there vealed an increased expression of prolactin in ca. 30−40 %of
was m ild gynecom astia, though no galactorrhea could be in- the tum or cells, while a few of them stained positive for
duced. Laboratory testing revealed norm al values of all thy- ACTH, LH, or GH. Excessive GH secretion had presum ably
roid param eters (T3 , T4 , basal TSH, and TRH test) as well as of caused the patient’s clinically evident acrom egaly. Post-
ACTH and cortisol. The testosterone level, however, was operatively, he had transient diabetes insipidus requiring
very low (50 ng/m l) and the prolactin level extrem ely high treatm ent with desm opressin acetate. Anterior pituitary
(590 µg/dl). TRH adm inistration caused the prolactin level to lobe insufficiency persisted in his subsequent course and he
clim b still further to 2020 µg/dl. was treated with hydrocortisone and thyroxine substitution.

a b
Fig. 6.14 A large pituitary tumor (prolacti-
noma) in a 40-year-old m an, seen in coronal
(a, b) and sagittal (c) T1-weighted MR im -
ages. Im ages b and c were obtained after in-
travenous adm inistration of contrast m aterial.
The large intrasellar and suprasellar tum or
places the optic chiasm under tension from
below, stretching it (a). There is m arked con-
trast enhancem ent (b, c). The sella turcica is
m arkedly expanded (c).

6 188 · 6 Diencephalon and Autonom ic Nervous System

an ce, hyperten sion , edem a, am en orrh ea, im - first (preganglionic) neuron lies w ith in th e cen -
poten ce, a ten den cy to th rom boem bolism , poly- tral n ervou s system , w h ile th at of th e second
uria, steroid m yop athy, an d n eu ropsych iatric dis- (postganglionic) neuron is fou n d in a periph eral
tu rban ces. Th e diagn osis is m ade en docrin ologi- gan glion .
cally by th e dem on stration of an elevated am ou n t Th e first n euron s of th e sym path etic n ervou s
of cortisol in a 24-h our u rin e collection . Su rgical system lie in th e th oracic an d lum bar segm en ts of
resection is th e t reatm en t of ch oice. th e spin al cord (in term ediolateral cell colu m n ,
T1–L2); for th is reason , th e sym path etic n ervou s
system is som etim es called th e thoracolumbar sys-
Peripheral Autonomic Nervous tem. Som e of th e first n euron s of th e parasym p a-
t h etic n ervou s system are fou n d in th e n u clei of
System cran ial n erves III, VII, IX, an d X (see below ), w h ile
th e rem ain der are foun d in th e lateral h orn s of th e
Fundamentals sacral segm en ts of th e spin al cord (pelvic parasym -
Th e au ton om ic n ervou s system , w orkin g in con cert path etic system , S2–S4). Th u s, th e parasym p ath etic
w ith th e en docrin e system (see p . 185 ff.) an d n ervous system is som etim es called th e
variou s n uclei in th e brain stem , regu lates vital craniosacral system.
fu n ction s t h at are n ecessary for th e m ain ten an ce Th e secon d n eu ron s of th e sym path etic n ervous
of th e in tern al environ m en t (h om eostasis), in clu d- system are arran ged in p revertebral an d p araverte-
in g respiration , circu lation , m etabolism , body bral ch ain s of gan glia (th e sym path etic ch ain s),
tem peratu re, w ater balan ce, digestion , secretion , w h ile th ose of th e parasym path etic n ervou s sys-
an d rep rodu ctive fu n ction . Th e design ation “au - tem gen erally lie in th e w alls of th e in n ervated or-
ton om ic” is derived from th e fact th at th ese fu n c- gan s (in tram u ral gan glia). Th e first n eu ron s of both
tion s are con trolled by un con sciou s (involun tary) system s u se acetylch olin e as th eir n eurotran sm it-
m ech an ism s, as discu ssed above. ter. Th e secon d n eu ron s of th e parasym path etic
As already m en tion ed, th e hypot h alam us is th e n ervous system also u se acetylch olin e as th eir n eu-
m ain regulatory cen ter for th e en tire periph eral rot ran sm itter (a furth er altern ative n am e for t h e
au ton om ic system . It exercises its con trol over parasym p ath etic n ervou s system is, th erefore, th e
m any bodily fun ction s partly th rou gh n erve im - cholinergic system). Th e n eu rotran sm itter of th e
pu lses an d partly t h rou gh h orm on al path w ays, by postgan glion ic sym path etic n eu ron s, h ow ever, is
m ean s of th e hypoth alam ic–pitu itary system (see n orepin eph rin e (adrenergic system). Th e sw eat
above an d stan dard w orks on en docrin ology, phys- glan ds are an exception to th is ru le: th e secon d
iology, an d an atom y). sym pat h etic n eu ron in n ervatin g th em is ch olin er-
Th e efferen t arm of th e au ton om ic n ervou s sys- gic, like a secon d n euron in th e parasym path etic
tem is com posed of tw o com plem en tary system s, n ervous system .
th e sympathetic n ervous system an d th e parasym-
pathetic n ervou s system , w h ose effects are gen er- Hypothalamic control of the sympathetic and para-
ally an tagon ist ic to each oth er. Th e efferen t fibers sympathetic nervous systems. St im u lation of th e
of both system s m ain ly in n ervate th e sm ooth rostral hypoth alam us in duces increased parasym-
m uscle of th e viscera, blood vessels, an d glan ds pathetic (trophotropic) activity, in cludin g redu c-
an d are t h u s com m on ly called visceral efferent t ion of th e cardiac m in ute volu m e, hypoton ia,
(viscerom otor) fibers, to distin gu ish th em from th e slow in g of th e h eartbeat, redu ct ion of t h e resp ira-
sen sory visceral afferent fibers. Th e latter, u n like tory volum e, low erin g of th e basal m etabolic rate,
th e visceral efferen t fibers, are n ot divided in to tw o vasodilatation , sw eatin g, salivation , con traction of
system s. t h e bladder, reduced secretion of epin eph rin e, in -
creased peristalsis, an d pu pillary con striction .
General scheme of the sympathetic and parasym- Stim ulat ion of t h e caudal hypoth alam us, on th e
pathetic nervous systems. Th e fin al efferen t oth er h an d, in du ces increased sympathetic (er-
path w ay of both th e sym path etic an d th e para- gotropic) activity, in clu din g a rise in blood pres-
sym path etic n ervous system s con sists of tw o su re, acceleration of t h e h eartbeat , in creased blood
n eu ron s in series (Fig. 6.15). Th e cell body of th e su pply to th e skelet al m uscle an d lu n gs, vasocon -
Peripheral Autonom ic Nervous System · 189
Fig. 6.15 The sympa-
Ciliary ganglion thetic and parasympa-
thetic nervous system
Oculomotor n. ganglion (schem atic diagram ). Yel-
N. interm edius low: sym pathetic. Green:
Otic Lacrimal gland
Glossopharyngeal n. ganglion
parasym pathetic.
Parotid gland
Vagus n.
Submandibular Salivary glands

Pulm onary nn.

Cardiac nn.


T1 Heart
Sweat Hair

with somatic

nerve to skin

Celiac Spleen
ganglion Pancreas
splanchnic n. Adrenal
T10 Lesser
splanchnic n.
m esenteric

Inferior m esen-
teric ganglion Small
(2 / 3 )

Hypogastric plexus

(1 / 3 )
Pelvic splanchnic nn. Bladder rectum


striction in blood depots such as th e capillary bed tion of epin eph rin e, w iden in g of th e palpebral fis-
of t h e digestive tract, decreased blood supp ly to sure, an d pup illary dilatation . A m ass react ion th u s
th e abdom in al viscera, in creased respiratory occurs in th e en tire body, directed tow ard physical
volu m e, a rise in th e blood glucose level, in h ibition exertion an d th erefore en ablin g th e w h ole or-
of peristalsis, u rin ary reten t ion , in creased secre- gan ism to deal optim ally w ith situ ation s of attack
6 190 · 6 Diencephalon and Autonom ic Nervous System

an d st ress. W h ile th e sym path etic, ergotropic reac- Sympathetic chain. As sh ow n in Fig. 6.16, t h e pre-
tion is directed tow ard physical exert ion , th e para- gan glion ic fibers em erge from n eu ron s in th e
sym path etic, troph otropic react ion is directed lateral h orn of th e spin al cord (in term ediolateral
tow ard rest an d recovery. Desp ite th ese gen eral cell colu m n ) an d th en join th e axon s of th e som atic
prin ciples, h ow ever, th e distin ction betw een para- m otor n eu ron s to exit from th e sp in al cord in th e
sym path etic an d sym path et ic activit y is n ot alw ays an terior root. At th e level of th e spin al gan glion ,
clear-cu t. th e au ton om ic fibers separate from th e som atic
fibers on ce again an d en ter th e sym path etic ch ain
Neural connections of the hypothalamus to the by w ay of th e w hite ram us com m unicans, w h ich is
peripheral autonomic nervous system. Th e hy- w h ite becau se its fibers are m yelin ated. Som e pre-
pot h alam u s exerts its regu latin g an d con trollin g gan glion ic fibers already term in ate on th e secon d
fu n ction s over th e sym path etic an d parasym pa- n eu ron in th e path w ay at th e sam e segm en tal
th et ic n ervou s system s by m ean s of descen din g level, but oth ers travel on e or m ore levels u p or
path w ays in clu din g th e m edial forebrain bundle dow n th e sym path etic ch ain before m akin g a syn -
(Fig. 6.9), th e m am illotegm ental tract, an d t h e dor- apse on to th eir secon d n eu ron . Yet oth er fibers
sal longitudinal fasciculus (of Sch ü tz) (Fig. 6.10). traverse th e sym path etic ch ain w ith ou t m akin g a
Th ese th ree fiber p ath w ays con n ect th e hy- syn apse an d th en term in ate on a secon d n eu ron in
poth alam us to th e descending m idbrain reticular a p revertebral gan glion . In all cases, th e un m yeli-
system , w h ich , in t urn , carries th e cen tral im pu lses n ated p ostgan glion ic fibers leave th e sym path etic
to th e various com p on en ts of th e parasym path etic ch ain in th e gray ram us com m unicans, w h ich re-
an d sym path etic n ervou s system s. join s th e sp in al n erve at th e sam e segm en tal level,
so t h at its fibers t ravel to th e correspon din g cu -
tan eou s derm atom e. In th e skin , th e au ton om ic
Sympathetic Nervous System
fibers in n ervate th e cu tan eou s vessels, th e
Th e sym p ath etic n ervous system in n ervates th e piloerector m u scles, an d th e sw eat glan ds.
sm ooth m u sculatu re of t h e blood vessels, abdom i-
n al viscera, bladder, rectu m , h air follicles, an d Sympathetic innervation of the head and neck. As
pu pils, as w ell as th e cardiac m u scle, th e sw eat m en tion ed above, som e postgan glion ic fibers
glan ds, an d th e lacrim al, salivatory, an d digestive reach th eir t argets in th e periph ery by w ay of th e
glan ds. Th e sm ooth m u scu latu re of th e abdom in al segm en tal spin al n erves, but oth ers do so by travel-
viscera, bladder, rectu m , an d digestive glan ds is in - in g alon g th e blood vessels an d th eir bran ch es, p ar-
h ibited, w h ile th at of all oth er target organ s is ticu larly in th e h ead an d n eck. Th e cervical spin al
stim u lated to con tract. cord con tain s n o sym path etic n u clei; th u s, th e
Th e caliber of th e body’s arteries is m ain ly regu- sym path etic in n ervation of t h e h ead an d n eck is
lated by th e sym path etic n ervous system . In - derived from th e in term ediolateral cell colum n of
creased sym path etic activity leads to vasocon stric- th e upp er four or five th oracic segm en ts. Postgan -
tion , an d decreased sym path etic activity to vasodi- glion ic fibers from th ese segm en ts ascen d in th e
latation . sym path etic ch ain , an d term in ate in t h ree gan glia
at its rostral en d: th e superior cervical ganglion, th e
Anatomy. Th e origin of th e pregan glion ic fibers m iddle cervical ganglion, an d th e cervicothoracic
from th oracic segm en ts T1 th rou gh T12 an d from (stellate) ganglion. Th ese gan glia are th e sites of th e
th e first tw o lu m bar segm en ts is sh ow n in Fig. 6.15. syn aptic relay on to th e secon d n eu ron s, w h ich
Som e of th e pregan glion ic fibers term in ate on sec- em it th e post gan glion ic fibers. Som e of t h ese fibers
on d n euron s in t h e righ t an d left sym path etic travel w ith th e spin al n erves to th e cervical cu -
ch ain s (on ly th e left sym path etic ch ain is depicted tan eou s derm atom es. Oth er, u n m yelin ated fibers
in th e figu re). Th e rem ain der pass th rou gh th e from th e sup erior cervical gan glion form th e exter-
sym path etic ch ain w ith ou t a syn apse an d term i- nal carotid plexus, w h ich accom pan ies th e extern al
n ate on a secon d n eu ron in a prevertebral gan glion . carotid artery an d its bran ch es to th e h ead an d th e
In eith er case, th e postgan glion ic fiber of th e sec- face, in n ervat in g t h e sw eat glan ds, t h e sm ooth
on d n eu ron tran sm it s th e sym path et ic im pu lses m uscle of th e h air follicles, an d th e blood vessels.
onw ard to th e target organ . Yet oth er fibers accom pany th e in tern al carotid

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Peripheral Autonom ic Nervous System · 191
Fig. 6.16 The sympa-
Interm edio- Posterior Sympathetic trunk thetic trunk and the pre-
lateral nucleus root with paravertebral
ganglionic and postgan-
glionic sympathetic fibers
(schem atic diagram )

Anterior nerve
Cut aneous
Preganglionic fiber Gray ramus

White ramus
Post- pili m .
Afferent Prevertebral gland
Intestinal wall fiber ganglion

artery as th e internal carotid plexus, w h ich in n er- tem . It is an alogou s to a sym p ath etic gan glion , in
vates th e eye (dilator pu pillae m u scle, orbitalis th at it is directly in n ervated by pregan glion ic
m uscle, an d tarsal m uscle) as w ell as th e lacrim al fibers. Th ese fibers form syn apses on to m odified
an d salivary glan ds (Figs. 4.27 an d 4.28 [pp. 103, secon d n euron s w ith in th e adren al m edu lla,
104] an d 6.15). w h ich , rath er th an possessin g an axon , secrete
epin eph rin e an d n orepin eph rin e in to t h e blood-
Sympathetic innervation of heart and lungs. Post- stream (Fig. 6.15). Sym path etic activation in duces
gan glion ic fibers from th e cervical an d upp er four th e adren al m edulla to secrete epin ep h rin e an d
or five th oracic gan glia ru n in t h e cardiac nerves to n orepin eph rin e, w h ich th en exert sym path etic ef-
th e cardiac plexus, w h ich in n ervates th e h eart. Pul- fects in th e periph ery. Th is is particu larly im por-
m onary nerves in n ervate t h e bron ch i an d lun gs tan t un der con dition s of stress.
(Fig. 6.15).
Clinica l Symptoms of Sympa thetic Lesions
Sympathetic innervation of the abdominal and pel-
Horner syndrome. As m en tion ed in Ch apter 4
vic organs. Pregan glion ic fibers arise in th oracic
(p. 102 ff.), lesion s affectin g th e ciliosp in al cen ter,
segm en ts T5 t h rou gh T12 an d travel, by w ay of th e
th e cervical sym path etic ch ain (cervicoth oracic
greater an d lesser splanchnic nerves, to t h e u n -
gan glion ), or th e auton om ic plexu ses alon g th e
paired prevertebral gan glia (th e celiac, superior
blood vessels of th e h ead an d n eck cau se ip silateral
m esenteric, an d inferior m esenteric ganglia), w h ich
Horn er syn drom e. Th is con sists of th e clin ical triad
are located alon g th e aort a at th e levels of origin of
of a con stricted pu pil/miosis (du e to loss of con -
th e corresp on din gly n am ed aort ic bran ch es.
traction of th e dilator pu pillae m u scle), a h an gin g
With in th ese gan glia, th e splan ch n ic fibers m ake
eyelid/ptosis (du e to loss of con traction of th e tar-
syn apses on to th e secon d sym p ath etic n eu ron s,
sal m uscle), an d an inw ardly su n ken globe/enoph-
w h ich , in tu rn , em it th e p ostgan glion ic fibers for
thalmos (du e to loss of con traction of th e orbitalis
th e abdom in al an d pelvic viscera. In con trast to th e
m uscle). Th ere is also loss of sw eatin g (anhidrosis)
parasym path et ic fibers, th e sym path et ic postgan -
an d vasodilatation (due to loss of th e vasocon stric-
glion ic fibers are very lon g an d form variou s plex-
tive effect of th e sym path etic n erves) on t h e ipsi-
u ses before reach in g th eir target organ s (Fig. 6.15).
lateral h alf of th e face, w h ich th erefore appears dry
an d redden ed.
Adrenal medulla. Th e adren al m edu lla occupies a
special posit ion in th e sym path etic n ervous sys-

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6 192 · 6 Diencephalon and Autonom ic Nervous System

Causes of Horner syndrome. In terru ption of t h e

Parasympathetic Nervous System
sym path etic p ath w ay to th e h ead an d n eck at any
poin t can cau se Horn er syn drom e. On e com m on In con trast to th e sym p ath etic n ervou s system , th e
cau se is a bron ch ial carcin om a at th e apex of th e parasym path etic n ervous system does n ot evoke
lu n g (Pancoast tumor) im p in gin g on th e cervical any system ic resp on ses, but in stead produces its
sym path etic ch ain . Su ch t um ors m ay p resen t w ith effects in in dividual, circu m scribed areas, as re-
Horn er syn drom e before becom in g oth erw ise flected in th e fact th at it s secon d (postgan glion ic)
sym ptom atic. n eu ron s lie n ear th eir target organ s. Furth erm ore,
Dissection of the internal carotid artery is acet ylch olin e, w h ich is released as a n eu ro-
an ot h er im port an t cau se of Horn er syn drom e. tran sm itter at th e parasym path etic n erve term i-
Wh en t h e in tim a of th e artery is torn , blood en ters n als, is rapidly broken dow n by ch olin esterases,
th e vessel w all an d th e lu m en is n arrow ed or oc- an d its effect is th u s relatively sh ort -lived.
clu ded; ru pt ure of t h e artery w ith pseudo- Th e pregan glion ic fibers of th e parasym p ath etic
an eu rysm form ation is rare. Carotid dissection h as n ervou s system are lon g (u n like th e sh ort pregan -
m any possible etiologies; dissection m ay be trau- glion ic fibers of th e sym path etic n ervou s system ).
m atic or du e to an intrinsic abnorm ality of th e Th ey em erge from n uclei in th e brain stem an d
tissu e of th e vessel w all, e.g., fibrom u scular dys- sacral spin al cord (S2, S3, S4) (Fig. 6.15).
plasia, w h ich predisposes to t h e develop m en t of an
in tim al tear. In m ost cases, h ow ever, th e etiology of
Cra nia l Portion of the Pa rasympa thetic
carotid dissect ion can n ot be determ in ed.
Nervous System
Th e pat h ogen esis of sym path et ic dysfu n ction in
carotid dissection is n ot yet fu lly un derstood. Ac- Parasympathetic innervation of the head. Th e cell
cordin g to on e cu rren t hypoth esis, com pression of bodies of th e pregan glion ic n eu ron s lie in variou s
th e sym p ath etic n erve bran ch es by an in tram ural brainstem nuclei, an d th eir axon s are foun d in
hem atom a leads to n erve in ju ry an d dysfu n ction . cranial nerves III, VII, IX, and X. (Th e an atom y an d
Accordin g to an ot h er hypoth esis, ischem ia of th e cou rse of th ese n erves w as described in Ch apter 4.)
sym path etic n erve bran ch es is th e m ajor cause of Th e pregan glion ic fibers travel to a n u m ber of gan -
th eir dysfun ction , as th ese n erve bran ch es are sup- glia th at lie very close to th eir respective en d or-
plied by sm all perforatin g bran ch es of t h e in tern al gan s (th e ciliary, pterygopalatine, subm andibular,
carotid artery, w h ich can be displaced or occlu ded an d otic ganglia). Th ese gan glia are relay station s in
by t h e dissect ion . Neith er hypoth esis is fully satis- w h ich th e pregan glion ic fibers form syn apses on to
factory. th e secon d (post gan glion ic) n euron s. Th e p ara-
Horn er syn drom e also arises as a resu lt of brain - sym path etic postgan glion ic fibers in th e h ead are
stem lesion s affectin g th e cen tral sym path etic sh ort , as th ey h ave on ly a sh ort distan ce to travel
path w ay, as in Wallen berg syn drom e (p . 147 ff.) before th ey reach th eir en d organ s. Like th e sym pa-
th etic p ostgan glion ic fibers, th ey in n ervate sm ooth
Vasomotor phenomena in sympathetic dysfunc- m uscle, sw eat glan ds, an d lacrim al an d salivary
tion. Th e vasodilatation th at follow s a sym p ath etic glan ds (Fig. 6.15). Th e sm ooth m u scle of th e blood
lesion can be exp loited th erapeu tically: sym pa- vessel w alls receives n o parasym pat h etic in n erva-
thectom y is som et im es perform ed to in crease re- tion .
gion al blood flow, e.g., in Rayn au d disease.
Th e vasodilatation du e to a sym path etic lesion is Parasympathetic innervation of the thoracic and
also eviden t after in terruption of th e splan ch n ic abdominal organs. Th e parasym path etic p ortion of
nerves, w h ich leads to a large in crease of in - th e vagus nerve (Fig. 4.49, p. 129) origin ates in t h e
travascu lar volum e in th e blood vessels of th e dorsal nucleus of the vagus nerve an d carries pre-
bow el, i.e., to poolin g of blood in th e splan ch n ic gan glion ic fibers for th e in n ervation of th e h eart,
area, w ith th e risk of in tern al h em orrh age. lu n gs, an d abdom in al viscera dow n to th e distal
th ird of th e tran sverse colon (Fig. 6.15). Th e secon d
(postgan glion ic) n eu ron s are fou n d in auton om ic
p lexuses located im m ediately adjacen t to th eir en d
organ s, or else w it h in t h e bow el w all (m yen teric

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Peripheral Autonom ic Nervous System · 193
Fig. 6.17 Innervation of
Somatomotor the bladder
Sym pathetic preganglionic
Sym pathetic postganglionic
Parasym pathetic preganglionic
Parasym pathetic postganglionic
Afferent pathways Inferior L1
m esenteric L2

Detrusor m . splanchnic

Internal sphincter m .
Hypogastric plexus
External sphincter m .

Pudendal n.

plexu s of Au erbach , subm ucosal plexu s of

Innervation of the Bla dder
Meissn er).
Parasympathetic innervation. Th e m otor in n erva-
Sacra l Portion of the Pa rasympa thetic tion of th e u rin ary bladder is m ostly parasym pa-
Nervous System th etic. Th e pelvic splan ch n ic n erves, derived from
Parasympathetic innervation of the pelvic organs segm en ts S2, S3, an d S4, travel to p arasym path etic
and genitalia. Th e sacral port ion of th e p arasym pa- gan glia in th e bladder w all an d to th e sm ooth
th etic n ervou s system carries im p ulses in t h e pel- m uscle of th e in tern al u reth ral sph in cter (Figs. 6.15
vic splanchnic nerves an d th e superior and inferior an d 6.17). Parasym path etic stim u lation in du ces
hypogastric (pelvic) plexuses to gan glia in th e con traction of th e sm ooth detrusor m u scle of th e
m uscu lar w all of th e colon (from th e distal th ird of bladder w all an d sim u ltan eou s relaxation of th e in -
th e tran sverse colon onw ard), rectu m , bladder, an d tern al u reth ral sph in cter. Mictu rition results.
gen italia (Fig. 6.15). In th e pelvic area, th e para-
sym path etic n ervous system is respon sible for th e Sympathetic innervation. Th e sym path etic fibers
em ptyin g of th e rectu m an d bladder. It also brin gs in n ervatin g th e bladder are derived from n euron s
abou t p en ile erection , w h ile sym p ath et ic fibers are in th e in term ediolateral cell colu m n of th e low er
respon sible for ejacu lation , w h ich occurs th rou gh th oracic an d u pper lu m bar sp in al cord (segm en ts
con traction s of th e ductu s deferen s an d th e sem i- T12, L1, an d L2). Th ese fibers travel th rou gh th e
n al vesicles. cau dal p ortion of th e sym path etic ch ain an d th e in -
ferior splan ch n ic n erves to t h e in ferior m esen teric
Autonomic Innervation and gan glion . Postgan glion ic sym path etic fibers th en
travel, by w ay of th e in ferior hypogastric plexu s, to
Functional Disturbances
th e bladder w all (tu n ica m uscu laris) an d to th e
of Individual Organs sm ooth m u scle of t h e in tern al u ret h ral sph in cter
Th e sym path et ic an d p arasym path etic in n ervation (Fig. 6.15 an d 6.17).
of in dividual organ s is sum m arized in Table 6.1.
Th e in n ervation of th e pelvic organ s w ill be dis- Sensory innervation. Afferen t fibers origin ate in
cu ssed in greater detail in th e follow in g section s, n ociceptors an d p roprioceptors of th e bladder w all,
becau se th e fu n ction of t h ese organ s is com m on ly w h ich respon d to stretch . As th e bladder fills, th ere
im paired in disturban ces of th e auton om ic n ervou s is a reflexive in crease in m uscle ton e in th e bladder
system . Bladder dysfu n ction is t h e m ost im portan t w all an d in tern al sph in cter, w h ich is m ediated by
problem of th is type. th e sacral segm en ts (S2–S4) an d th e pelvic

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6 194 · 6 Diencephalon and Autonom ic Nervous System

Table 6.1 The Sympathetic and Parasympathetic Nervous System

Sympathetic Pa rasympa thetic

Organ Pregan- Postganglionic Activit y Pregan- Postganglionic Activit y

glionic neuron glionic neuron
neuron neuron

Eye T1–T2 Superior cervical Mydriasis Edinger– Ciliary ganglion Miosis, contrac-
ganglion Westphal tion of the cili-
nucleus ary m uscle (ac-
(accessory com m odation)
oculom otor

Lacrimal, sub- T1–T2 Superior cervical Vasoconstric- Superior Pterygopalatine Lacrim ation,
lingual, and ganglion tion salivatory ganglion salivation
submandibular Secretion nucleus (watery),
glands (viscous) vasodilation

Parotid gland T1–T2 Superior cervical Vaso- Inferior Otic ganglion Salivation
ganglion constriction salivatory
Secretion nucleus

Heart T1–T4 Superior, m iddle, and Acceleration Dorsal nu- Cardiac plexus Bradycardia,
(T5) inferior cervical gan- Dilation of cleus of constriction of
glia and upper coronary the vagus coronary arter-
thoracic ganglia arteries nerve ies

Small intestine T6–T10 Celiac ganglion, su- Inhibition of Dorsal Myenteric Peristalsis,
and ascending perior m esenteric peristalsis and nucleus of plexus (of Auer- secretion,
colon ganglion secretion the vagus bach), subm u- vasodilation
nerve cosal plexus (of

Pancreas T6–T10 Celiac ganglion — Dorsal nu- Periarterial Secretion

cleus of plexus
the vagus

Descending L1–L2 Inferior m esenteric Inhibition of S2–S4 Myenteric Secretion, peri-

colon and ganglion, hypogastric peristalsis and plexus (of Auer- stalsis, evacua-
rectum ganglion secretion bach), subm u- tion
cosal plexus (of

Kidney L1–L2 Celiac ganglion, Activation of S2–S4 Hypogastric Relaxation of

Bladder renal and hypogastric internal plexus (vesical the internal
plexuses sphincter plexus) sphincter
m uscle, vaso- m uscle, con-
constriction traction of the
detrusor m uscle,

Adrenal gland T11–L1 Adrenal cells Secretion — — —

phrine, epine-

Male genitalia L1–L2 Superior and inferior Ejaculation S2–S4 Hypogastric Erection,
(pelvic hypogastric plexuses Vasoconstric- plexus vasodilation,
splanch- (pelvic plexus) tion (pelvic plexus) secretion

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Peripheral Autonom ic Nervous System · 195
Table 6.1 The Sympathetic and Parasympathetic Nervous System (continued)

Sympa thetic Parasympathetic

Skin of head T2–T4 Superior and m iddle Vasoconstric- — — —

and neck cervical ganglia tion

Arms T3–T6 Inferior cervical gan- — — —

glion and upper
thoracic ganglia

Legs T10–L2 Lower lum bar and — — —

upper sacral ganglia

splan ch n ic n erves. In creasin g ten sion on t h e blad- Micturition. Th e m ost im portan t stim u lus for m ic-
der w all is con sciously perceived, as som e of th e af- tu rition is stretching of the bladder w all, w h ich ex-
feren t im p ulses t ravel cen t rally, by w ay of th e post- cites visceral sen sory afferen t n eu ron s, in du ces th e
erior colu m n s, to th e so-called pon tin e m icturition urge to void, an d, w ith th e cooperation of h igh er
cen ter, w h ich lies in th e reticular form ation n ear n ervou s cen ters, leads to contraction of the detrusor
th e locus ceru leu s. From th e m ictu rit ion cen ter, m uscle. Th is h ollow m u scle receives its parasym -
im pu lses travel onw ard to th e p aracen tral lobu le path etic in n ervation from th e sacral sp in al cord by
on th e m edial su rface of t h e cerebral h em isp h eres, w ay of t h e pelvic n erve. Bladder em ptyin g is
an d to oth er brain areas. fu rth er p rom oted by som atic, volun tarily con -
trolled abdom inal pressing an d by sim ultaneous re-
laxation of the internal and external urethral sphinc-
Regula tion of Bla dder Function: Continence
and Micturition
At a supraspin al level, m icturition is con trolled
Th e bladder perform s its tw o m ajor fu n ction s, th e by th e pontine m icturition center, w h ich projects
continent storage of urine an d periodic, complete descen din g efferen t fibers in th e m edial an d lateral
emptying, as follow s. reticu lospin al t racts to coordin ate th e sim ul-
tan eous relaxation of th e in tern al an d extern al
Urinary continence is ach ieved by activation of the sph in cters an d con traction of th e det ru sor m u scle.
internal and external urethral sphincters, an d, in Th e n eu rotran sm itter glu tam ate m ay play a role in
w om en , m ain ly by act ivation of t h e m uscles of the th is p ath w ay. Th e pon tin e m ictu rition cen ter is an -
pelvic floor. Sym path etic efferen t fibers from T11– atom ically poorly ch aracterized. It can be in h ibited
L2 activate alph a-receptors of th e in tern al sph in c- th rough afferen t fibers from h igh er cen ters, in -
ter an d are also th ou gh t to in h ibit th e detru sor clu din g th e fron tal cortex, cin gulate gyrus, para-
m uscle by a m ech an ism th at h as n ot yet been de- cen tral lobule, an d basal gan glia.
term in ed. Th e extern al u reth ral sph in cter is a
striated m u scle th at, like th e m uscles of th e p elvic
Bla dder Dysfunction
floor, receives its som atic in n ervat ion t h rou gh
efferen t fibers of t h e p uden dal n erve (S2–S4, see As discu ssed in th e last section , th e regulation of
p. 193). con tin en ce an d m ictu rition requ ires th e perfect
As th e bladder is filled an d t h e ten sion on th e fu n ction al cooperat ion of n u m erou s an atom ical
bladder w all in creases, involu n tary reflex con trac- structu res, som e of w h ich are very distan t from
tion of th e detru sor m uscle is effectively coun tered oth ers. Lesion s at m any differen t sites in th e cen -
by activation of t h e extern al sph in cter by th e sacral tral or periph eral n ervou s system can h ave far-
som atic m otor n eu ron s. At th e sam e tim e, lu m bar ran gin g deleteriou s effects on bladder fu n ction .
sym path etic activation in duces closu re of th e in - Bladder dysfu n ction m ay be du e to stru ctu ral/
tern al sph in cter as w ell as relaxation of th e detru - an atom ical lesion s of th e bladder or u reth ra (blad-
sor m u scle. der dysfunction of urological origin: vesical

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6 196 · 6 Diencephalon and Autonom ic Nervous System

tu m ors, in fravesical obstru ction by ureth ral stric- an d t rau m a or tu m or affectin g th e fron tal lobes of
tu re or prostatic hypertrop hy), or it m ay be du e to a th e brain .
lesion of th e n eu ral stru ctures in n ervatin g th e blad-
der (neurogenic bladder dysfunction). Th e re- Detrusor–sphincter dyssynergia is defin ed as invol-
spon sible n eu ral lesion m ay lie in t h e periph eral un tary detru sor con traction w ith ou t relaxation of
n erve path w ays, th e au ton om ic plexu ses, th e sp i- th e extern al u reth ral sph in cter. Th e lesion lies be-
n al cord, or h igh er cen ters. tw een the sacral spinal cord and the pontine m ic-
Im pairm en t of su praspin al con trol m ech an ism s turition center. Th e m ajor sym ptom is imperative
frequ en t ly cau ses bladder dysfu n ction in patien ts urinary urgency w ith incomplete emptying of the
w ith m ultiple sclerosis, for exam p le. Disturban ces bladder. Detru sor–sph in cter dyssyn ergia causes
of th e in teraction betw een th e p on tin e m ictu rit ion com plication s (in particu lar, ascen din g u rin ary
cen ter an d oth er, h igh er cen ters th at m odu late it tract in fection s) m ore frequ en tly in m en th an in
play an im portan t role in th e types of n eu rogen ic w om en , becau se w om en h ave a low er bladder ou t-
bladder dysfu n ction seen in n eu rodegen erative let resistan ce th an m en . Th e m ore com m on cau ses
diseases, in cludin g Parkin son disease. are m u ltiple sclerosis, cervical m yelopathy, spin al
tu m ors, vascu lar m alform ation s, an d traum a. Th is
en tity sh ould be dist in gu ish ed from th e rare
Neurogenic Bladder Dysfunction
functional obstruction of the bladder neck, a dis-
Typical m an ifestation s of n eurogen ic bladder dys- order of u n kn ow n etiology th at is associated w ith
fu n ction in clu de urinary frequency and urgency, in- in creased residu al volum e an d can im pair ren al
continence, difficult and incom plete bladder em pty- fu n ction .
ing, an d recurrent urinary tract infections.
Th e first step tow ard th e su ccessful treatm en t of Detrusor areflexia result s from deficien t afferen t or
n eu rogen ic bladder dysfu n ction is a correct clin ical efferen t in n ervation of th e detrusor m u scle. Affer-
diagn osis. Variou s aspects of u rin ary fu n ction m ust en t an d efferen t distu rban ces h ardly ever occu r in
be taken in to accoun t, in clu din g th e an sw ers to th e isolation , presu m ably because both afferen t an d
follow in g question s: Wh en an d h ow frequ en t ly is efferen t im p ulses travel t h rou gh t h e p elvic para-
th e bladder em ptied? Is it em ptied com pletely? Is sym path et ic n erves an d th e sacral spin al seg-
th e u rge to void n orm al, dim in ish ed, or abn orm ally m en ts, so th at any lesion im p airin g on e type of im -
severe (u rin ary u rgen cy)? Has a urin ary t ract in fec- pulse n ecessarily im pairs th e oth er. Th e clin ical
tion been ru led ou t? Is th e patien t con tin en t? m an ifestation s of detru sor areflexia are reduced
urge to void, inability to initiate micturition, and
Detrusor instability and detrusor hyperreflexia are overflow incontinence w it h an in creased bladder
ch aracterized by p rem atu re detrusor con traction s volum e (u p to 20 0 0 m l). The lesion lies w ithin the
du rin g th e vesical fillin g ph ase. Th e term “in stabil- sacral spinal cord or the peripheral nerves that enter
ity” refers to a lack of th e n orm al in h ibition of and em erge from it. Cau ses in clude tu m ors involv-
detrusor con t raction ; t h e term “hyp erreflexia” im - in g th e con us m edullaris an d/or cau da equin a,
plies th at a n eurological disease is cau sin g th e lu m bar spin al sten osis an d disk h ern iation , poly-
bladder em ptyin g disorder. Th us, clin ical en tities radiculitis (in clu din g Guillain–Barré syn drom e),
such as un in h ibited n eu rogen ic bladder, autom atic diabetic or alcoh olic p olyn eu ropathy, tabes
bladder, an d m otor in stability of th e bladder all dorsalis, pelvic su rgery an d radiation th erapy, m y-
belon g w ith in t h e et iological category of detrusor elodysp lasia, an d tet h ered cord syn drom e.
hyp erreflexia. In such cases, the lesion lies above the Det ru sor areflexia du e to sacral spin al cord dys-
sacral spinal cord an d im p airs th e fun ction of su - fun ction is fou n d in 20–30 %of pat ien ts w ith m ult i-
prasacral in h ibitory projection s to th e detru sor ple sclerosis. Most of th ese patien ts h ave m arkedly
m uscle. Th e m ajor sym ptom of isolated detrusor elevated residual volu m es becau se t h e attem pt to
hyp erreflexia is imperative urinary urgency w ith urin ate is fu rth er th w arted by lack of relaxation of
urge incontinence and low residual volume. Th e th e extern al u reth ral sph in cter.
m ore com m on cau ses are m u ltiple sclerosis, cere-
brovascu lar diseases, n orm al pressu re hydro- Genuine stress incontinence is said to be presen t
cep h alu s, Parkin son disease, spin al cord traum a, w h en detru sor fu n ction is n orm al an d stress in con -

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Peripheral Autonom ic Nervous System · 197
Case Presentation 3: Tethered Cord Syndrome
This previously healthy 27-year-old nurse com plained to her conus m edullaris or cauda equina (Fig. 6.18). This study re-
fam ily physician of difficulty urinating. She had trouble initi- vealed a developm ental anom aly in the lum bosacral spinal
ating the flow of urine, needed to strain to urinate, and felt canal, in which the conus m edullaris lay at an abnorm ally
that her bladder was still full afterward. At other tim es, she low level (tethered cord syndrom e).
passed sm all am ounts of urine involuntarily. Finally, she had In this disorder, the conus, because it lies im m ediately
also had a single episode of stool incontinence. She was under the dorsal dura m ater and adheres to it, cannot as-
very worried and em barrassed, was afraid to leave the cend norm ally to the L1−2 level over the course of develop-
house, and had stopped going to work. She denied having m ent. The resulting neurological deficits m ay not arise until
pain or any history of traum a. later in life, and their pathogenesis rem ains incom pletely
Neurological exam ination revealed hypesthesia in the sacral understood. Because of her progressive neurological defi-
derm atom es (saddle hypesthesia), norm al strength in the cits, the patient presented here was treated neurosurgi-
lower lim bs, and m arkedly dim inished sphincter tone. An cally, with an operative detachm ent of the conus from the
MRI scan was ordered to rule out a m ass com pressing the dura m ater. Her deficits resolved com pletely thereafter.

a b c
Fig. 6.18 Tethered cord syndrome. a The sagittal T2- m al sinus, lipom a, or m eningomyelocele. b, c The T2-
weighted im age shows an enlarged lum bar spinal canal weighted axial sections through the spinal canal at T12 (b)
with the conus m edullaris lying at an abnorm ally low posi- and L2 (c) reveal spinal cord at both levels. Even at the L2
tion (L4) im m ediately underlying the dorsal dura m ater. In level, the cord has a greater diam eter than the cauda
this case, there were no associated anom alies such as a der- equina. It adheres to the dorsal dura m ater.

tin en ce is due solely to deficien t activation of th e

Nonneurogenic Bla dder Dysfunction
extern al ureth ral sph in cter. Gen u in e stress in con ti-
n en ce, th e m ost com m on type of bladder em ptyin g Infravesical obstruction usu ally occu rs in m en ,
disorder in w om en , occu rs m ain ly after hyster- often as th e resu lt of ben ign prostatic hyperplasia,
ectom y an d in m u ltiparou s w om en w ith u terin e an d is m an ifested clin ically w ith urin ary u rgen cy,
prolapse. Its in ciden ce rises w ith age. It also occurs pollakiuria, n octu ria, u rin ary reten tion , an d over-
as a m an ifestation of variou s n eu rogen ic bladder flow in con t in en ce.
em ptyin g disorders, in clu din g det ru sor hyp er-
reflexia an d detru sor–sph in cter dyssyn ergia.

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6 198 · 6 Diencephalon and Autonom ic Nervous System

tin e reticu lar form ation an d th e cerebral cortex.

Hypogastric nn.
Rectal peristalsis is in du ced by parasym path etic
activation from segm en ts S2 th rough S4, w h ich
Inferior also in du ces relaxation of th e in tern al sph in cter.
ganglion Pelvic nn. Th e sym path etic n ervou s system in h ibits peristal-
sis. Th e extern al sph in cter con sists of striated
m u scle an d is un der volun tary con trol.
S2 t o S4
Rectal em ptyin g is m ain ly accom plish ed volu n -
Pudendal n.
tarily by abdom in al pressin g.
Sym pathetic
External sphincter m. Recta l Empt ying Disorders
Parasym pathetic
Internal sphincter m preganglionic
Som atomotor Parasym pathetic Fecal retention. Tran section of th e spin al cord
Sym pathetic postganglionic above th e lu m bosacral cen ters for defecation leads
preganglionic Afferent pathways
to fecal reten tion . In terru ption of th e afferen t arm
of th e reflex path w ay for defecation deprives
Fig. 6.19 Innervation of the rectum
h igh er cen ters of in form ation abou t th e fillin g
state of th e rectu m , w h ile in terru ption of de-
scen din g m otor fibers im pairs volun tary abdom i-
Dysfunction of the external urethral sphincter, pre- n al pressin g. Sph in cter closure is often in adequ ate
ven tin g adequate relaxat ion of th e sph in cter becau se of spastic w eakn ess.
m uscle, h as been fou n d to be a com m on cau se of
obst ru ct ive bladder em ptyin g dist urban ces in Fecal incontinence. Lesion s of th e sacral spin al cord
you n g w om en . It is ch aracterized by m yoton iform (S2–S4) abolish th e an al reflex an d produ ce fecal
disch arges in th e EMG. Electrom yograp h ic stu dy is in con tin en ce. If th e stool is w atery, involu n tary
n ecessary to distin guish th is disorder from tw o im - loss of stool occurs.
portan t altern ative diagn oses in you n g w om en
w ith bladder em ptyin g dist urban ces, n am ely, m u l- Innerva tion of the Ma le Genita lia
tip le sclerosis an d p sych ogen ic bladder dysfun c- Efferen t sym pat h etic fibers from t h e up per lu m bar
tion . spin al cord travel by w ay of a periarterial n ervou s
plexu s (th e hyp ogastric plexu s) to th e sem in al ves-
Enuresis is defin ed as bedw ettin g, by day or n igh t , icles, prostate, an d du ctu s deferen tes. Stim u lation
in in dividuals over th e age of 4 years, in th e ab- of th e plexu s causes ejacu lation (Fig. 6.20).
sen ce of any dem on strable cau sative lesion . En u re- Parasym path etic fibers from segm en ts S2
sis is t h u s, by defin ition , n ot a n eu rogen ic distu r- th rough S4 travel th rou gh th e pelvic splan ch n ic
ban ce. Th e im portan t differen tial diagn oses in - n erves (th e n ervi erigen tes) to th e corp ora caver-
clu de organic n eu rological an d urological cau ses of n osa. Parasym path etically in duced vasodilatation
bedw ett in g, in clu din g epilepsy, spin a bifida oc- in th e corpora cavern osa brin gs abou t pen ile erec-
culta, an d m alform ation s of th e urogen ital tract. A tion (Fig. 6.20). Th e ureth ral sph in cter an d th e
24-h our EEG recordin g is in dicated in som e cases. isch iocavern osu s an d bulbospon giosu s m u scles
are in n ervated by th e p uden dal n erve.
Innerva tion of the Rectum Gen it al fu n ction is u ltim ately u n der t h e con trol
of hypoth alam ic cen ters, w h ich exert t h eir effects
Em ptyin g of t h e rectu m is an alogous to em pt yin g partly th rou gh n eu ral con n ection s (reticu lospin al
of th e bladder in m any respects (Fig. 6.19). fibers) an d p artly by h u m oral m ean s (h orm on es).
Fillin g of th e rectu m act ivates stretch receptors
in th e rectal w all, w h ich tran sm it im pu lses by w ay
Genita l Dysfunction
of th e in ferior hypogastric plexu s to segm en ts S2
th rough S4 of th e sacral sp in al cord. Afferen t im - Spin al cord tran section at a th oracic level causes
pu lses th en ascen d th e spin al cord to h igh er con - im poten ce. Reflex priap ism m ay occur, an d oc-
trol cen ters, w h ich are probably located in th e pon - casion al ejacu lation is also possible. Paraplegia h as

tahir99-VRG &

Peripheral Autonom ic Nervous System · 199
been reported to be associated w ith test icular atro-
Lesion s of th e sacral spin al cord from S2 to S4 L1
also cause im poten ce. In th ese cases, n eith er erec- Hypogastric plexus
tion n or ejacu lation is possible.

Visceral and Referred Pain

Afferen t au ton om ic fibers p articip ate in a large
n u m ber of au ton om ic regu latory circu its. Most of Corpora
Pudendal n. S2 t o
th e im pu lses travelin g in t h ese fibers do not rise to S4
con sciou sn ess.

Sympathetic Parasympathetic
Visceral pain. Th e in dividual can, h ow ever, con - preganglionic preganglionic
sciously perceive th e fillin g state of th e h ollow Sympathetic Parasym pathetic
postganglionic postganglionic
viscera, w h ich is reported to th e cen tral n ervou s Afferent pathways
system t h rou gh afferen t au ton om ic fibers arisin g
from pressu re or stretch receptors in t h e visceral Fig. 6.20 Innervation of the male genitalia (erection and
w all. Overfillin g of a h ollow viscu s is perceived as ejaculation)
pain . Moreover, irritation of t h e w all of a viscu s
can cause reflex sp asm of sm ooth m u scle, w h ich
also gives rise to pain (biliary colic du e to gall-
ston es, ren al colic due to kidn ey ston es). Visceral
in flam m ation or isch em ia is also pain fu l, e.g., Diaphragm (C4 )
an gin a pectoris. T2
Pain origin atin g in th e in tern al organ s is diffu se T3 Heart (T3 – T4 )
an d poorly localizable. Fu rt h erm ore, th e patien t T4
Esophagus (T4 – T5 )
m ay report feelin g pain n ot in th e organ itself bu t T5
in a related zon e of t h e body su rface (th ese are th e T7
Stom ach (T6 – T9 )
T8 Liver, gallbladder
zon es of Head, cf. Fig. 6.21).
T9 (T8 – T11)
T10 Small intestine (T10– L1 )
Referred pain. Th e cell bodies of th e afferen t au - T11 Large intestine (T11– L1 )
T12 Kidney, testes/ovaries
ton om ic fibers, like th ose of th e som atic afferen t (T10– L1 )
fibers, are located in th e spin al gan glia. Th e auton - Bladder (T11– L1 )
om ic fibers en ter th e spin al cord th rough th e post-
erior root togeth er w ith t h e som at ic afferen t fibers
from t h e m yotom e an d derm atom e of each Fig. 6.21 The zones of Head
segm en tal level. Th u s, each in dividu al segm en t of
th e posterior h orn receives convergin g afferen t
inpu t, both from th e in tern al organ s an d from th e ferred. Th e abdom in al w all m ay also becom e rigid.
related m yotom e an d derm atom e. Activation from Th e exact m ech an ism by w h ich referred pain
eith er set of afferen t fibers (visceral or som atic) is arises h as n ot yet been con clu sively explain ed,
tran sm itted cen trally by th e sam e fibers of th e th ough th ere are a n u m ber of hypoth eses.
lateral spin oth alam ic tract (Fig. 6.22). It is th ere- Pain of cardiac origin , for exam ple, is often re-
fore un derstan dable th at pain arisin g in a part icu - ferred elsew h ere. Th e up per th oracic segm en ts on
lar viscu s is som etim es felt elsew h ere, n am ely, in th e left side receive som atic afferen t fibers from
th e derm atom e or m yotom e represen ted by th e th e left side of th e ch est an d th e left arm , as w ell
sam e spin al segm en t. Th is ph en om en on is called as visceral afferen t fibers from th e h eart. Cardiac
referred p ain . It m ay be accom pan ied by a certain disease, particu larly isch em ia, often produ ces pain
degree of hypersen sitivity to som atosen sory in on e of th ese derm atom es (an gin a pectoris). Th e
stim u lation in th e derm atom e to w h ich pain is re- particular zon es to w h ich pain is referred from th e

tahir99-VRG &

6 200 · 6 Diencephalon and Autonom ic Nervous System

Fig. 6.22 The viscerocu-

Common Afferent Afferent
taneous reflex arc with
pool som atic fiber autonomic fiber myotom e, derm atom e, and
enterotom e.
Viscerosensory and som a-
tosensory im pulses con-
verge at the level of the
posterior horn onto a com -
m on neuron, which trans-
m its further im pulses cen-
trally along a single com -
m on pathway. Thus, affer-
Efferent m otor ent signals from the inter-
fiber Myotom e
nal organs can be “m isin-
Autonom ic fiber for vaso- terpreted” as having arisen
constriction, piloerection, in the corresponding cu-
and sweating
taneous or m uscular areas
Viscerosensory (derm atom e or myotom e).
fiber This is the m echanism of
referred pain.

in dividual in tern al organ s are very im p ortan t in visceral reflex arcs w ith in th e sp in al cord. Th is
physical diagn osis an d are called th e zon es of m ay explain h ow th erapeu tic m easu res at th e
Head (Fig. 6.21). It is also th e case, h ow ever, th at body su rface (such as th e ap plication of w arm th or
im pu lses arisin g from th e skin can be projected h eat, com presses, ru bbin g, etc.) often relieve pain
(referred) to t h e in tern al organ s. Clearly, t h e so- arisin g from th e au ton om ically in n ervated viscera.
m atic afferen t fibers are in tercon n ected w ith

tahir99-VRG &


7 Limbic System
Anatomical Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202
Major Components of the Limbic
System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203
Functions of the Limbic System . . . . . 206
7 202

7 Limbic System

Th e lim bic system is com posed of both neocortical Th rou gh its con n ection w ith th e hypoth alam us,
an d phylogenetically older cortical areas (portion s an d t h u s w ith th e au ton om ic n ervous system , th e
of th e arch icortex an d paleocortex) an d a n u m ber lim bic system participates in th e regulation of
of nuclei. Th e cellu lar arch itectu re of th e arch icor- drive and affective behavior. Its m ain fun ction , tel-
tex an d paleocortex differs from th at of th e n eo- eologically speakin g, is said to be th e gen eration of
cortex. Th e m ajor st ru ct ures of th e lim bic system beh avior t h at prom otes th e survival of th e in -
are th e h ip pocam pal form ation , th e parah ippo- dividual an d of th e species. Im p ortan t fu n ction s
cam p al gyru s an d en torh in al area, th e den tate are ascribed to t h e am ygdala in beh avior as-
gyru s, t h e cin gu late gyru s, th e m am illary body, sociated w ith fear an d an xiet y. Moreover, th e h ip -
an d t h e am ygdala. Th ese stru ctures are in tercon - pocam pus plays a very im portan t role in learning
nected in th e Papez circuit an d also m ake exten sive and memory. Lesion s of th e h ip pocam pal form a-
con n ect ion s w it h ot h er region s of th e brain (n eo- tion , or of oth er stru ctures th at are fu n ction ally as-
cortex, th alam u s, brain stem ). Th e lim bic system sociated w ith it, produce an amnestic syndrome.
th ereby en ables com m un ication betw een m esen - Differen t dist urban ces of m em ory can arise, de-
ceph alic, dien ceph alic, an d n eocortical st ru ct ures. pen din g on th e site of th e lesion .

an d septal areas, th e in du siu m griseum , th e am yg-

Anatomical Overview
dala, an d t h e m am illary bodies (Fig. 7.1). Th e ex-
ten sive fiber con n ection s lin kin g all of th ese struc-
Broca, in 1878, described th e rin g of brain convolu- tu res led Papez, in 1937, to prop ose th at a loop , or
tion s su rroun din g th e corp us callosum , dien - circuit, of n eu ral activation (th e Papez circuit, see
cep h alon , an d basal gan glia, n am in g it th e “gran d Fig. 7.2) m igh t be th e an atom ical su bstrate of
lobe lim biqu e” (great lim bic lobe, from th e Latin em ot ion al feelin g an d exp ression an d of affect ive
lim bus, rin g). In som e respects, th is com plex of states correspon din g to in stin ctu al drive. Th is
stru ctu res can be con sidered a zon e of tran sition th eory received su pport from th e stu dies of Klü ver
betw een th e brain stem an d th e n eocortex. Th e cor- an d Bucy (Klü ver–Bucy syn drom e). Grow in g evi-
tical areas w ith in it are com posed of archicortex den ce of th e an atom ical an d fu n ction al lin kage of
(h ippocam pu s an d den tate gyru s), paleocortex th e variou s lim bic structu res led MacLean to coin
(piriform cortex), an d mesocortex (cin gu late th e term “lim bic system .”
gyrus). Fu rth er lim bic stru ctures are th e en torh in al More recen tly, h ow ever, th e con cept of th e lim -
bic system as a discrete fu n ction al u n it h as com e
in to qu estion , as furth er stu dies h ave sh ow n th at
Commissure Cingulate gyrus th e lim bic stru ctures p ossess im portan t n eural
of the fornices Indusium griseum
(medial and lateral con n ection s n ot ju st w ith each oth er bu t w ith ou t-
longitudinal striae)
Anterior side st ru ctu res as w ell. Th u s, th e lim bic system
comm issure
can n ot be regarded as a closed system in eith er an
an atom ical or a fu n ction al sen se. Th e fun ction s as-
sociated w ith th e lim bic system , su ch as in stin ct ual
an d affect ive beh avior, m otivation , an d drive, as
Septal w ell as learn in g an d m em ory (see p. 206 ff.),
sh ou ld n ot be th ou gh t of as th e p reserve of th e lim -
Amygdala bic system alon e. Th ese fu n ction s depen d on an in -
tact coop eration of th e lim bic system w ith m any
Mamillary body
oth er areas of th e brain .
Hippocam pus Entorhinal area
On ce th is h as been u n derstood, th ere is n o
Fig. 7.1 The limbic cortex fu rth er objection to th e u se of th e term “lim bic
Major Com ponents of the Lim bic System · 203
system ,” particu larly becau se th e an atom ical con - Thalam ocingulate
n ection s betw een th e variou s lim bic stru ctures, tract (radiation) Cingulum
w h ich origin ally m otivated th is term , are in deed
presen t, robu st, an d fun ction ally im p ortan t. No u n i-
form altern ative term in ology h as yet com e in to
gen eral use. Path ological ch an ges of th e lim bic
stru ctures are still described, in th e clin ical settin g,
as lesion s of th e lim bic system .

Anterior nucleus
Internal and External Connections of the thalam us
Mam illo-
Pa pez Circuit thalam ic tract

A grou p of lim bic st ru ctu res, in clu din g th e h ippo-

cam p us, are con n ected to on e an oth er in th e so-
called Pap ez circu it, w h ich con tain s a n u m ber of
n eu ral relay station s arran ged in a circu it or loop .
Beyon d th e basic w irin g diagram of th e Papez cir-
Fornix, from the hippocampus
cu it, as origin ally described, m uch fu rth er in form a- to the mamillary body
tion h as com e to ligh t regardin g addition al con n ec- Cingulum , back to
tion s an d th e particu lar n eurotran sm itters u sed at the hippocampus

variou s p oin t s in th e circuit . Fig. 7.2 The Pape z circuit (hippocam pus—fornix—m am il-
Th e Papez circuit run s as follow s. From th e hip- lary body—anterior nucleus of the thalam us—cingulate
pocam pus (Am m on ’s h orn ), im pu lses travel gyrus—cingulum —hippocam pus)
th rough th e great arch of th e fornix to t h e m am il-
lary body. Th is n ucleu s, in turn , is th e site of origin
of th e m am illothalam ic tract (of Vicq d’Azyr),
w h ich conveys im pu lses to th e anterior nucleus of
Major Components of the Limbic
the thalam us. Th e an terior n ucleu s projects to th e System
cingulate gyrus by w ay of t h e thalam ocingulate
radiation. From t h e cin gulate gyru s, im pu lses Hippocampus
travel by w ay of th e cingulum back to th e h ip po- Th e h ippocam p al form ation is th e cen tral stru cture
cam pu s, com pletin g th e circu it (Fig. 7.2). of th e lim bic system . Its stru cture an d n eu ral con -
n ection s an d th e clin ical ch an ges observed in
Connections to Other Areas of the Bra in patien ts w ith h ippocam pal lesion s form th e sub-
Th e m am illary body occu pies a key position in th e ject of th is section .
Papez circuit becau se it con n ects th e lim bic system
w ith th e m idbrain (n u clei of Gu dden an d Bekh - Microanatomy of the Hippocampal
terev) an d th e reticular form ation. Th e m am il- Formation
lotegm en tal tract an d th e pedun cle of th e m am il-
Th e h ippocam pal cortex con sists of archicortex, a
lary body (see Figs. 6.9 an d 6.10, pp. 180 an d 181)
phylogen etically old type of cerebral cortex, w h ich
form a regu latory circuit of t h eir ow n . Im pulses
possesses on ly three layers in stead of th e u su al six.
arisin g in th e lim bic system can t ravel by w ay of
Becau se of th is differen t stru ctu re, th e h ippocam -
th e an terior n ucleu s of th e th alam us to th e cin gu -
pu s an d a few oth er cortical areas are called allocor-
late gyru s, bu t also, via association fibers, to th e
tex (as opposed to th e six-layered isocortex). Th e
neocortex. Furth erm ore, im pu lses from th e au to-
h ippocam p us proper (Am m on ’s h orn or cornu Am -
n om ic n ervou s system can travel th rough th e hy-
m onis) is distin ct from th e den tate gyru s (fascia
pot h alam us an d th e m edial dorsal n ucleu s of t h e
dentata, Fig. 7.3a an d b). Th e prin cipal cell type in
th alam u s to reach th e orbitofrontal cortex.
th e h ippocam pu s is th e pyramidal cell. Th ere are
differen t typ es of pyram idal cells in t h e in dividu al
region s of Am m on ’s h orn , design ated CA1, CA2, an d
7 204 · 7 Lim bic System

Fig. 7.3 The hippocampal

a Fornix Alveus formation. a Major affer-
ent and efferent projec-
tions of the hippocam pal
Fim bria hippocam pi
Am m on’s form ation: the perforant
Dentate gyrus
horn path and the fornix, respec-
(fascia dentata)
tively. The perforant path
Hippocam pal fissure penetrates the subiculum
to link the entorhinal area
Presubiculum with the dentate gyrus.
Subiculum b Cytoarchitecture of the
Inferior horn of
lateral ventricle hippocam pal form ation.
c Diagram of the various
cam pal
gyrus cell types of the hippocam -
pal form ation and their
connections. 1–3,
Am m on’s horn regions CA1
Entorhinal Perforant
through CA3. 4, Perforant
area path
(area 28) path.
5, Pyram idal cells.
6, Granule cells of the den-
tate gyrus. 7, Mossy fibers.
8, Alveus. 9, Fim bria hippo-
End plate of Tail of caudate
cam pi. 10, Recurrent Schaf-
b Choroid
Am m on’s horn plexus nucleus fer collaterals of the CA3
pyram idal cells, which form
Lateral geniculate
synapses with the den-
Dense band drites of the CA1 pyram idal
of neurons cells. Fig. 7.3c from : Kahle
Fim bria hippocam pi
W and Frotscher M:
Am bient cistern Taschenatlas der Anatom ie,
vol. 3, 8th ed., Thiem e,
Stuttgart, 2002.
Dentate gyrus
cam pal gyrus
em inence

Loose band
Entorhinal of neurons


Medial Lateral


Major Com ponents of the Lim bic System · 205
CA3 (“CA” stan ds for corn u Am m on is) (Fig. 7.3c); Afferent fibers from the brainstem. Variou s brain -
som e au th ors also describe a fu rt h er CA4 region ad- stem n u clei sen d catech olam in ergic fibers to th e
jacen t to th e h ilus of th e den tate gyru s. Th e prin ci- h ipp ocam pus, m ostly in diffuse fash ion .
pal cells of t h e den t ate gyru s are th e gran u le cells,
w h ich con n ect th e den tate gyru s w ith th e h ippo- Sprea d of Activa tion in the Hippoca mpus
cam p us p roper (CA4/CA3) th rough th eir axon s,
As m en tion ed above, t h e projection from th e en -
called m ossy fibers. In addition to th e p rin cipal cell
torh in al cortex is th e m ajor afferen t path w ay to
types (pyram idal cells an d gran u le cells) con stitu t-
th e h ippocam pu s. Th e en torh in al fibers are glu -
in g th e prin cipal cell layers, th e h ipp ocam p us an d
tam atergic an d term in ate on th e distal den dritic
den tate gyrus also con t ain GABAergic interneurons
segm en ts of th e gran ule an d pyram idal cells. Th e
th at are n ot restricted to any particu lar cellu lar
follow in g trisynaptic main pathw ay of excitation
layer. Th ese cells con tain n ot on ly th e in h ibitory
h as been p roposed (Fig. 7.3c): en torh in al cortex
n eu rotran sm itter GABA bu t also various n europep-
gran u le cells of th e den tate gyrus (first syn-
tides an d calcium -bin din g protein s.
apse) m ossy fiber system CA3 pyram idal
cells (second synapse) recu rren t Sch affer col-
Neura l Connections of the Hippoca mpal laterals of th e CA3 pyram idal cell axon s CA1
Forma tion pyram idal cells (third synapse). At all th ree relay
station s, th e forw ard tran sfer of excitation is
Entorhinal afferent fibers. Like th e h ip pocam pu s,
regulated by GABAergic in h ibitory in tern eu ron s.
th e entorhinal area, too, is com posed of allocortex.
GABAergic syn apses on to th e n eu ron s of th e
Recen t stu dies h ave revealed th e im p ortan ce of
m ain excitatory path w ay are foun d eith er on th e
th is brain area, w h ich is located lateral to th e h ip-
cell body (basket cells), at th e in itial segm en t of
pocam pu s in th e parah ippocam pal gyru s (Brod-
th e pyram idal an d gran u le cell axon s (axo-axon al
m an n area 28, Figs. 7.1 an d 7.3) an d borders th e
cells or ch an delier cells), or at th e den drites.
am ygdala rost rally. Th e collateral sulcu s m arks th e
Th e CA1 n euron s p roject onw ard to th e sub-
border bet w een th e en torh in al area an d t h e tem -
iculum , w h ose efferen t fibers, in tu rn , form th e
poral isocortex (see Fig. 9.9, p. 230). Th e en torh in al
fim bria an d fornix, th e m ajor efferen t bu n dle of
area receives afferent fibers from very w idespread
th e h ip pocam pal form ation (Fig. 7.3c). Th e forn ix
neocortical areas. It is th ough t to serve as a gatew ay
arch es over t h e dien ceph alon to term in ate in t h e
to the hippocam pus, w h ich in tu rn an alyzes in com -
m am illary body. Th e forn ix is th e m ain con n ec-
in g n eocortical in form ation w ith respect to its
tion of th e h ippocam p us w ith th e hypoth alam u s,
n ovelt y. Th e fiber con n ection from th e en torh in al
an d th u s w it h th e au ton om ic n ervou s system
cortex to th e h ippocam p us is m assive. Most of
(Fig. 7.2).
th ese fibers belon g to th e perforant path, w h ich
pierces th e su biculu m (Fig. 7.3a).
Septal afferent fibers. Ch olin ergic an d GABAergic Th e am ygdala is m ade u p of several distin ct com -
n eu ron s from th e m edial septu m an d th e diagon al pon en ts, som e of w h ich are fu n ction ally m ore
ban d of Broca (septal area, cf. Fig. 7.1) project to th e closely related to th e olfactory system , w h ile
h ip pocam pu s. Th e ch olin ergic projection is rath er oth ers (th e m edial an d cen tral zon es) are con -
diffuse, w h ile t h e GABAergic fibers specifically sidered to belon g to t h e lim bic system . Th e am yg-
form syn apses w it h h ippocam pal GABAergic n eu - dala is t h e n u cleu s of origin of th e stria term inalis
ron s. (Fig. 6.9, p . 180), w h ich form s a large arch u pw ard
an d forw ard in th e groove betw een t h e th alam u s
Commissural afferent fibers. Axon s of th e CA3 py- an d th e caudate n u cleu s u n til it reach es th e level of
ram idal cells an d certain n eu ron s in th e h ilar re- th e in terven tricu lar foram en , w h ere it divides in to
gion of th e den tate gyrus (m ossy cells) con n ect th e several sep arate fiber bu n dles. Som e of its fibers
tw o h ippocam pi w ith each oth er, term in atin g on con tin ue to th e septal area, oth ers to th e rostral
th e proxim al den dritic segm en ts of th e pyram idal portion of the hypothalam us, an d a few oth ers by
an d gran u le cells of th e con t ralateral h ippocam - w ay of th e st ria m edu llaris to th e habenular nu-
pu s. cleus. Furth erm ore, th e am ygdala is th ou gh t to
7 206 · 7 Lim bic System

m ake con n ection s to th e m idbrain an d, p articu - tem w ith resp ect to m em ory. William Jam es, a
larly, to th e m edial dorsal nucleus of the thalam us, fou n din g fath er of m odern n europsych ology,
w h ich , in tu rn , projects to th e orbitofrontal cortex. divided m em ory in to tw o typ es, w h ich h e called
Th e tw o am ygdalae are also con n ected to each “primary memory” an d “secondary memory.” Th e
oth er. con ten ts of prim ary m em ory are h eld in con sciou s-
Experim en tal stim u lation of th e am ygdala h as n ess for a sh ort tim e after th e sen sory im pression s
been fou n d to produ ce affective activation. th at produ ced th em are n o lon ger presen t (short-
Em ot ion al react ion s, su ch as rage, aggression , or term memory). Secon dary m em ory, on th e oth er
fear, arise an d are accom pan ied by auton om ic re- h an d, en ables th e in dividu al to call u p earlier
action s such as a rise in blood pressure, h eart rate, even ts or st ates th at h ave “disappeared from con -
an d resp iratory rate. Alterat ion s of at ten tion , of sciou sn ess” in th e m ean tim e (long -term memory).
n utrition al in take, an d of sexu al beh avior occur, Th e distin ction betw een sh ort-term m em ory
depen din g on w h ich n u clear su bdivision of th e (STM) an d lon g-term m em ory (LTM) is n ow an
am ygdala is st im u lated. em pirically w ell-fou n ded m odel in n eu ropsy-
ch ology. Certain illn esses or lesion s of th e brain
can im p air th ese tw o m em ory system s to differen t
exten ts. Both system s m u st fu n ction n orm ally to
Functions of the Limbic System en able n orm al cogn itive perform an ce. Dysfu n ction
of eith er system can be revealed by stan dardized
As explain ed above, th e en torh in al cortex receives
testin g.
afferen t inpu t from w idespread region s of th e n eo-
cortex an d tran sm its th is in form ation th rough th e
Neural substrates of short-term and long -term
perforan t path to th e h ippocam pu s. Neural pro-
memory. Hebb, in th e 1940s, p ostulated th at t h e
cessin g at th ese levels involves th e testin g of in -
tw o form s of m em ory just described h ave differen t
com in g in form ation for its n ovelty. Th is, in tu rn ,
n eu ral su bstrates. Hebb th ou gh t of STM as a circu -
im plies th at th e h ippocam pu s m u st play an im por-
latin g activation in a pool of n eu ron s, an d of LTM as
tan t role in th e processes of learning and memory.
th e product of lon g-lastin g stru ctural ch an ges at
Su ch a role h as been abu n dan tly con firm ed by
th e level of syn aptic con n ection s. Accordin g to th e
clin ical observation .
h ebbian m odel, a process of con solidation , takin g
Properly fu n ction in g m em ory depen ds n ot on ly
m in u tes or h ou rs, is required for th is stru ctural
on an in tact h ippocam pus bu t also on in tact fiber
adaptat ion to take place. Later n europsych ological
con n ection s lin kin g th e h ip pocam pu s an d am yg-
stu dies in patien ts w ith m em ory disorders re-
dala to oth er region s of th e brain . Th e follow in g
vealed th at t h e h ippocam p us in deed plays a cru cial
fiber path w ays are particu larly im port an t for
role in th e con solidation of con scious m em ories.
m em ory (m ore specifically, for so-called declara-
tive m em ory, see p. 207):
Diagnostic tests of STM and LTM. A com m on ly u sed
¼ Projections from the hippocampus by w ay of
test of STM is perform ed as follow s. Th e subject (or
th e forn ix
patien t) is asked to listen to, an d repeat, spoken
– to th e septal n u clei an d
sequ en ces of n u m bers of in creasin g len gth . A n or-
– to th e m am illary bodies an d onw ard to th e
m al in dividu al can repeat seven , plu s or m in us
an terior n u cleus of th e t h alam u s an d cin gu -
tw o, n u m bers presen ted in th is w ay. Th ese
late gyru s (Papez circuit)
m em ory traces are very rapidly lost an d fail to
¼ Projections from the amygdala to t h e dorsom e-
en ter LTM. LTM, on th e oth er h an d, can be tested by
dial n u clear region of t h e th alam u s an d onw ard
presen tin g certain stim u li (e.g., a list of term s or a
to th e orbitofron tal cortex.
set of objects) an d askin g th e su bject to take n ote
of t h em over a defin ed in terval of tim e, an d th en to
Types of Memory
recogn ize or reprodu ce th em som e tim e later. Th is
Short-term and long -term memory. A few basic is a test of volu n tary recall of con scious m em ories.
con cepts of n europsych ology w ill be in trodu ced
h ere as im portan t backgroun d kn ow ledge for an Subtypes of LTM. Th ere are tw o distin ct su btypes
un derstan din g of th e fu n ction in g of th e lim bic sys- (su bsystem s) of LTM, called episodic an d semantic
Functions of the Lim bic System · 207
Case Presentation 1: Amnesia a fter Bila tera l Resection of Media l Tempora l Structures
The fam ous and historic case of H.M. illustrates the vitally served, that is, he could still retain new inform ation for peri-
im portant role that m edial tem poral structures play in ods of up to about one m inute: he could, for exam ple, cor-
mem ory. In the decades since this case was described, the rectly reproduce sequences of num bers or pictures that
various subtypes of m em ory described have been charac- were presented to him , but only im m ediately after their
terized in detail, and a large num ber of specific neuropsy- presentation. Thus, his deficit involved the consolidation of
chological tests have been developed to study them . newly laid down m em ories from short-term into long-term
Medically intractable epilepsy is som etim es treated by neu- m em ory.
rosurgical resection of the area or areas of the brain from H.M.’s nondeclarative m em ory was not im paired: for ex-
which the seizures arise. Often, the tissue to be resected is am ple, his perform ance on tasks involving the com pletion of
in the tem poral lobe. In 1953, H.M., a patient with in- word or im age sequences im proved over tim e just as m uch
tractable epilepsy, underwent resection of the m edial por- as that of norm al subjects. This im plies that H.M. was able to
tions of the tem poral lobe on both sides. (This procedure is learn and retain certain problem -solving strategies, even
no longer perform ed bilaterally, in large part because of ad- though, a short tim e later, he could no longer rem em ber
verse sequelae like those described in H.M.’s case.) ever having perform ed the task. He was still able to acquire
Postoperatively, H.M. m anifested severe disturbances of new m otor skills postoperatively, and his m etacognitive
mem ory, which have persisted until his death with hardly functions were also intact, at least in part: he was aware, for
any im provem ent. Ever since the operation, he has been exam ple, that his m em ory was deficient.
unable to lay down new m em ories, even though his general This rem arkable case history shows that the m edial tem poral
level of intelligence, as m easured by standardized tests, is lobe is necessary for the storage of new inform ation, as well
norm al. as for the recall of inform ation that has already been stored.
Shortly after the operation, for exam ple, when H.M. con- The m edial tem poral lobe—specifically, the hippocam pus—
versed with the doctor, his cognitive ability appeared to be can apparently be thought of as a kind of interm ediate or
unim paired, and he had no trouble answering questions working storage system , in which explicit m em ory traces are
about how he felt. Yet, if the doctor left the room and re- held for a short tim e before they are transferred to long-term
turned a few m inutes later, H.M. com pletely forgot ever storage or sent on to other neural centers for further cogni-
having seen him and com plained about having to talk to a tive processing.
new doctor each tim e. His short-term m em ory was pre-

memory. Ep isodic m em ory deals w ith data th at effect is stored an d recalled “u n con sciously,” so to
belon g to a part icular spatial an d tem poral settin g, sp eak, an d can on ly be recalled du rin g th e per-
i.e., m em ories of person al exp erien ces (a trip, con - form an ce of t h e relevan t tasks.
cert, sportin g even t, et c.). Sem an tic m em ory, on Com plex p attern s can also be stored in im p licit
th e oth er h an d, deals w ith facts belon gin g to m em ory. Th u s, ch ess players can rem em ber a par-
gen eral fields of kn ow ledge (m edicin e, p hysics, ticular p attern of ch essm en on a ch essboard better
etc.). th an can n onplayers, bu t on ly if th e pattern h as
Part of LTM can in flu en ce beh avior w ith ou t th e been draw n from a real ch ess gam e; th ey perform
subject’s con scious kn ow ledge. A basic distin ct ion n o better th an con trol su bjects w h o do n ot play
is draw n betw een explicit (declarative) an d impli- ch ess if t h e pattern to be rem em bered h as been
cit (nondeclarative) m em ory. Th e form er deals gen erated at ran dom .
w ith conscious and verbally com m unicable m em o- In su m m ary, m em ory is n ot a sin gle fun ction al
ries, as already described, w h ile th e latter deals en tity, bu t rath er possesses m ultiple distin ct com -
w ith nonverbal m em ory traces, su ch as th ose th at p on en ts.
m ust be learn ed an d recalled du rin g th e perform -
an ce of a m otor task. Im plicit m em ory is also re- Squire’s taxonomy of memory. Squire (1987) pro-
spon sible for classical con dit ion in g (as dem on - p osed a classification sch em e for th e su btypes of
strated in Pavlov’s w ell-kn ow n experim en t w ith m em ory. In addition to explicit an d implicit
th e dog), as w ell as for perceptual an d cogn itive memory structures, th is sch em e recogn izes oth er
skills, an d for th e prim ing effect: in form ation pre- su btypes of m em ory t h at are requ ired to perform
sen ted in on e con text can be processed later m ore metacognitive tasks, su ch as evalu atin g on e’s ow n
efficien tly in an oth er con text, even if th e su bject m em ory perform an ce or gen eratin g strategies to
does n ot con sciou sly rem em ber th e earlier presen - organ ize in form ation storage an d recall. Strategies
tation . Th e type of m em ory involved in th e prim in g of th e latter type are called frontal-lobe -type
7 208 · 7 Lim bic System

memory functions, becau se th ey apparen tly de- The differential diagnosis of the amnestic syndrome
pen d on in tact fu n ction in g of th e fron tal lobes. from dementia is of m ajor clin ical im p ortan ce, e.g.,
Du rin g th e process of m em ory storage, th ere w ith respect to Alzh eim er disease, a com m on cause
seem s to be a tran sition from th e con crete to th e of dem en tia. Dem en tia involves n ot on ly am n esia
abstract: for exam ple, on e m igh t be able to re- bu t also addit ion al focal n eu ropsych ological defi-
m em ber th e app roxim ate appearan ce of th e sch ool cits, such as aph asia an d agn osia, as w ell as an overall
on e at ten ded as a ch ild, w ith ou t bein g able to declin e in cogn itive perform an ce, w h ich is typically
sketch it in det ail. Yet, w h ile m em ory storage reflected by w orsen in g IQ scores.
supp resses som e aspects of experien ce, it accen tu -
ates oth ers. Th e “m em ories” laid dow n by t h e Causes of the amnestic syndrome. Mem ory distu r-
storage p rocess t h u s bear less resem blan ce to a ban ces can arise eith er acu tely or slow ly an d pro-
docum en tary film th an to a subjectively colored gressively, depen din g on th e n atu re of th e u n derly-
recon stru ction of even t s. In su m m ary, LTM sh ou ld in g brain illn ess.
be th ou gh t of as a dyn am ic process, w h ich ch an ges Mem ory can be im paired by traum atic brain in-
over th e years an d often becom es in creasin gly ab- jury, hem orrhage, ischem ia, degenerative processes
st ract, but n on eth eless rem ain s capable of storin g such as Alzh eim er disease, an d variou s typ es of
vivid an d detailed traces of certain experien ces, m etabolic encephalopathy, in clu din g th e Wern icke–
particu larly th ose th at are of person al im portan ce. Korsakoff syn drom e. Mem ory im pairm en t m ay
also be iatrogen ic, arisin g, for exam ple, after a n eu -
Memory Dysfunction—the Amnestic rosurgical procedure in th e tem poral lobe as treat-
m en t for m edically in tractable epilepsy, or after
Syndrome and Its Causes electroconvu lsive t h erapy for severe depression .
As already m en tion ed on p. 206, n orm ally It h as been convin cin gly sh ow n th at un ilateral
fu n ction in g m em ory, particu larly of th e declara- dam age of th e stru ctures an d regu latory circu its
tive type, depen ds above all on th e in tegrity of th e subservin g m em ory can p rodu ce “lateralized”
h ippocam pu s an d its fiber con n ection s. Fiber p ro- m em ory deficits: left-sided lesion s im p air verbal
jection s from th e am ygdala to th e orbitofron tal m em ory, righ t-sided lesion s im pair visu al
cortex also play an im p ortan t role. m em ory, an d bilateral lesion s im pair both . Wh en
Lesion s or illn esses of th e brain involvin g th ese th e tw o m ajor fiber path w ays involved in m em ory
im portan t stru ctures an d regu latory circu its can (cf. p. 206) are sim u ltan eou sly in terrupted in ex-
produce an am n estic syn drom e. perim en tal an im als, severe an d persisten t am n esia
resu lts. If on ly on e of t h em is in terru pted, th e en su -
General definition of the amnestic syndrome. A in g am n esia h as been reported to be relatively m ild
patien t is said to be su fferin g from an am n est ic an d tran sien t.
syn drom e w h en t h ere is a specific (i.e., isolated or
predom in an t) im p airm en t of th e ability to lay Posttraum atic am nesia. Am n esia after a traum atic
dow n n ew m em ories an d to recall in form ation brain in ju ry usually con sists of both an terograde
stored before th e on set of th e problem (antero- am n esia (th e in ability to rem em ber even ts th at
grade an d retrograde amnesia, respectively). In an took place after th e in jury) an d retrograde am n esia
isolated (p ure) am n estic syn drom e, oth er m en tal (th e in ability to rem em ber even ts th at took place
abilities, su ch as lan gu age, logical th in kin g, an d before it ). An terograde an d retrograde am n esia af-
problem -solvin g beh avior, are n ot im p aired. Am - fect variable p eriods of tim e after an d before th e
nestic syn drom es m ain ly affect LTM an d largely in ju ry, an d th ey can also be in com plete, leavin g so-
spare STM, as can be dem on strated by testin g th e called islands of m em ory in betw een am n estic
patien t ’s digit or block span ; procedu ral m em ory, m em ory gaps. Person s sufferin g from retrograde
i.e., th e learn in g of beh avioral sequ en ces, also re- am n esia u su ally h ave bet ter recall for even ts th at
m ain s essen tially in tact. Am n estic syn drom es are took place in th e distan t past. Organ ic disturban ces
com m on ly accom p an ied by person alit y ch an ges or of m em ory, u n like psych ogen ic disturban ces, u su -
abn orm alities of drive, e.g., in th e con text of Kor- ally h ave both an terograde an d retrograde com -
sakoff syn drom e, or after bilateral th alam ic in farc- pon en ts, w h ich can im prove to a variable exten t,
tion (cf. Case Presen tation 3, p. 211). an d som etim es even recover fu lly. An terograde
Functions of the Lim bic System · 209
an d retrograde am n esia m ay be accom pan ied by ¼ Thalam ic infarction, w h ich , because of th e n a-
oth er n europsych ological abn orm alities, dep en d- tu re of th e th alam ic blood su pply, is often bi-
in g on th eir u n derlyin g cau se. lateral
¼ Hem orrhage or infarction of the septal nuclei
Other diseases causing amnesia. In prin cip le, any after ruptu re an d/or n eu rosu rgical treat m en t of
brain illn ess or in ju ry th at affects th e structu res a saccu lar an eu rysm of th e an terior cerebral
subservin g m em ory bilaterally w ill produ ce an artery
am n estic syn drom e. Th e follow in g con dition s are ¼ Lesions of the splenium of the corpus callosum
of particu lar clin ical im portan ce: (eith er trau m atic or isch em ic), w h ich com -
¼ Herpes sim plex encephalitis, w h ich preferen - m on ly also involve th e im m ediately u n derlyin g
tially involves lim bic structu res an d u sually com m issu re of th e forn ices (psalteriu m )
produ ces bilateral lesion s of th e m esiobasal
tem poral lobes an d cin gulate gyri Three of th ese con dition s are illustrated in Case
Presen tat ion s 2, 3, an d 4, below.

Case Presentation 2: Bila tera l Media l Tempora l Dysfunction due to Vira l Infection
This 11-year-old girl suffered from increasingly severe head- neurological deficits were noted. The initial m agnetic reso-
aches, nausea, and vom iting for two weeks, and then be- nance im ages revealed edem a of the tem poral lobes and
cam e confused. At tim es, she could no longer find her way cingulate gyri bilaterally (Fig. 7.4). Later im ages additionally
around the apartm ent in which she lived; she spoke little, revealed hem orrhages in these areas. Serological testing
and, when she spoke, she m ade no sense. Her pediatrician showed the cause of the am nestic syndrom e to be a herpes
referred her to the hospital, and she was adm itted. sim plex infection of the brain. The patient’s m em ory im -
On adm ission, the patient could not rem em ber any new in- pairm ent im proved slowly after antiviral treatm ent, but she
form ation for m ore than a few m inutes. She was thus nonetheless had to repeat the sixth grade.
suffering from severe anterograde am nesia. No other focal

a b
Fig. 7.4 An 11-year-old girl w ith herpes simple x en- tions are swollen bilaterally. The pathological process also
cephalitis. a and b The coronal T2-weighted im ages reveal extends into the left thalam us, lateral tem poral cortex, and
bilateral hyperintense signal abnorm alities in the m edial insula.
portions of the tem poral lobes. The hippocam pal form a- Fig. 7.4 c–e
7 210 · 7 Lim bic System

c d

Fig. 7.4 c–e c and d The axial proton-den-

sity-weighted and T2-weighted im ages re-
veal bilateral m edial tem poral signal abnor-
m alities, as well as very unusual-appearing
abnorm alities in the left thalam us (c) and
splenium of the corpus callosum (d). e The
contrast-enhanced axial T1-weighted
im age reveals an intact blood – brain bar-
rier, as is typically found in the early stage
of herpes sim plex encephalitis.

Functions of the Lim bic System · 211
Case Presentation 3: Bila tera l Tha la mic Infa rction
When this 54-year-old businessm an and his wife returned On adm ission, the m ost rem arkable im m ediate findings
hom e from a celebration they had attended with friends, were the patient’s apathy and lack of drive. It was very diffi-
she was surprised to find him sleepy and abnorm ally in- cult to get him to undress for the exam ination or perform
different. He also seem ed to have suddenly “forgotten” tasks of any other kind. He also fell asleep several tim es
that it was late at night, repeatedly m um bling questions while being exam ined. He could give no m ore than cursory
such as, “Do I have to get up now?” He asked her where he inform ation about his person, and was not oriented at all to
was, even though he was sitting in his own living room . He tim e or place.
could no longer rem em ber any individual details of the The m agnetic resonance im ages revealed bilateral hyperin-
evening, or even that a celebration had taken place. He did tense lesions in the dorsom edial thalam us, indicating
not rem em ber having m ade a speech. At first, his wife at- ischem ia in the territory of the thalam otuberal arteries (ar-
tributed his strange behavior to the influence of a m oderate teries of Percheron) bilaterally; these arteries often arise
am ount of alcohol, com bined with an oncom ing cold. In from a com m on, unpaired trunk (Fig. 7.5). The patient’s
the m orning, however, finding that the problem had only neurological deficits resolved relatively rapidly, and he was
worsened overnight, she took him to the hospital. able to return to work a few m onths later.

a b
Fig. 7.5 Bilateral thalamic infarction. a The diffusion- fusion-weighted im age. The patient was confused and
weighted MR im age reveals two acute ischem ic lesions in m oved during the study. A diffusion-weighted im age can
the m edial rostral portion of the thalam us on both sides. be obtained in 4 seconds, but a T2-weighted im age takes
b The T2-weighted im age with FLAIR sequence still reveals 3 – 5 m inutes.
the ischem ic lesions, though m uch less clearly than the dif-
7 212 · 7 Lim bic System

Case Presentation 4: Bila tera l Lesions Involving the Septa l Nuclei a nd the Frontobasa l Cortex
This 61-year-old housewife had prepared lunch for herself
and her husband as usual. After the m eal, she suddenly
began acting strangely: she could no longer carry on a co-
herent conversation with him , continually changed the sub-
ject, and asked him three tim es whether he had already had
his m idday nap. She seem ed to take no regard of his an-
swers, or to forget them at once. When he tested her by
asking her the date, she could not give the correct day of
the week or the correct m onth, or even rem em ber what
year it was. She also seem ed to have undergone a change of
personality, at tim es reacting aggressively when he ap-
proached her in a friendly way, and at tim es seem ing totally
apathetic. Furtherm ore (he reported), she began m aking
coffee again and again, at brief intervals, even after he ob-
jected, each tim e, that she had just had her coffee a few
minutes before. When he confronted her about her unusual
behavior and her apparent deficits, she said, in stereotypic
fashion, “What do you want from m e? I’m perfectly all
right.” He succeeded with difficulty in bringing her to the
hospital, over her objections.
The adm itting physician diagnosed an am nestic syndrom e,
an affective disturbance with alternating aggressiveness
and apathy, and a lack of insight into the illness (anosog-
nosia). A further finding, on neurological exam ination, was
marked perseveration (i.e., the involuntary and apparently
Fig. 7.6 Bilateral lesions involving the septal nucle i. This
purposeless repetition of actions and behaviors): while
proton-weighted MR im age reveals signal abnorm alities in
being exam ined, for exam ple, the patient could not stop
the anterior portion of the corpus callosum and in both for-
com bing her hair in front of a m irror.
nices. There is also a large signal abnorm ality in the left
Magnetic resonance im aging (Fig. 7.6) and subsequent
basal ganglia.
cerebral angiography revealed acute infarction of part of
the corpus callosum as well as of the fornices, left basal
ganglia, and frontal cortex, caused by occlusion of perforat-
ing branches of the anterior com m unicating artery.

8 Basal Ganglia
Preliminary Remarks on
Terminology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 214
The Role of the Basal Ganglia in the
Motor System: Phylogenetic Aspects . 214
Components of the Basal Ganglia and
Their Connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 215
Function and Dysfunction of the
Basal Ganglia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219
8 214

8 Basal Ganglia

Th e basal gan glia are a part of th e m otor system . muscle tone. Lesion s of th e basal gan glia, an d of
Th e prin cipal n u clei of th e basal gan glia are t h e oth er, fun ction ally related n uclei, su ch as th e su b-
caudate nucleus, th e putamen, an d th e globus pal- stan tia n igra an d th e su bth alam ic n u cleu s, can
lidus, all of w h ich lie in th e su bcortical w h ite m at- produ ce eith er an excess or a deficien cy of m ove-
ter of th e telen cep h alon . Th ese n u clei are con - m en t-related im pulses, an d/or path ological al-
n ected to each oth er, an d to th e m otor cortex, in teration s of m uscle ton e. Th e m ost com m on dis-
com p lex regulatory circu its. Th ey exert both exci- ease of th e basal gan glia is Parkin son disease,
tatory an d in h ibitory effects on th e m otor cortex. w h ich is ch aracterized by th e clin ical triad of rigid-
Th ey p lay an im portan t role in th e initiation an d ity, akin esia, an d trem or.
modulation of movement an d in th e control of

The Role of the Basal Gang lia in

Preliminary Remarks on the Motor System: Phylogenetic
Terminology Aspects

Th e h ierarch ically upp erm ost cen ter for th e con - Th e corpu s striatu m is an im portan t con trol cen ter
trol of m ovem en t is th e cerebral cortex, w h ose sig- for t h e m otor system . We w ill briefly con sider it s
n als are tran sm itted by th e pyram idal path w ay to phylogen etic developm en t in th is sect ion in order
th e m otor cran ial n erve n u clei an d to th e an terior to m ake its fun ction an d an atom ical con n ection s
h orn cells of th e sp in al cord (pyramidal system). A easier to u n derst an d.
n u m ber of oth er structu res in th e cen tral n ervou s Th e phylogen etically oldest m otor cen ters in
system participate in th e in itiation an d m odu lation th e cen tral n ervous system are th e spin al cord an d
of m ovem en t. Th e m ost im p ortan t of t h ese “acces- th e prim itive apparatus of th e reticular form ation
sory m otor cen ters” are th e basal gan glia, a set of in th e m idbrain tectum . Over th e course of phylo-
subcort ical n uclei located w it h in th e deep w h ite geny, th e paleostriatu m (globus pallidus) devel-
m atter of th e telen ceph alon . Th e pyram idal system op ed n ext, an d th en th e n eostriatu m (caudate nu-
w as lon g regarded as th e “m ajor” system for th e cleus an d putam en), w h ich en larged in parallel
con trol of m ovem en t, as it provides th e m ost direct w ith th e cerebral cortex. Th e n eostriatum is par-
an d m ost rapid con n ection betw een th e cortex an d ticu larly w ell developed in h igh er m am m als, in -
th e m otor n eu ron s of th e brain stem an d spin al clu din g h u m an s. As th e phylogen etically m ore re-
cord. All oth er stru ctu res playin g a role in m ove- cen t stru ctu res grew larger, th e older stru ctures
m en t w ere relegated to th e so-called “extrapy- cam e u n der th eir in fluen ce to an in creasin g ex-
ramidal system.” Th is term is m isleadin g, h ow ever, ten t. In phylogen etically older species, th e older
becau se th e pyram idal an d extrapyram idal sys- n eu ral cen ters are p rim arily respon sible for th e
tem s do n ot, in fact, operate separately. Rath er, m ain ten an ce of n orm al m u scle ton e an d for th e
th ey are subu n its of a single, in tegrated m otor sys- m ore or less au tom atic con trol of locom otion .
tem an d, as su ch , are closely lin ked to each oth er, As th e cerebral cortex developed, th e phylo-
both st ru ctu rally an d fun ction ally. Th u s, th ere are gen etically older m otor cen ters (paleostriatu m an d
exten sive con n ection s, for exam ple, bet w een th e n eostriatu m ) cam e in creasin gly un der th e con trol
m otor cortex an d th e striatu m , an im portan t n u - of th e n ew m otor system , i.e., th e pyram idal sys-
cleu s w ith in th e basal gan glia. Th e term “extrapy- tem . Wh ile m ost m am m als, in cludin g th e cat, can
ram idal system ” is n ow obsolete an d w ill be u sed still w alk w ith out m u ch difficu lty after th e cerebral
on ly rarely in th is book. In stead, w e w ill speak of cortex is rem oved, h u m an s are en tirely depen den t
n orm al an d abn orm al fu n ction of th e basal gan glia. on an in tact pyram idal system . Hu m an phylo-
gen etic developm en t h as reach ed th e poin t t h at
Com ponents of the Basal Ganglia and Their Connections · 215
th e older n eu ral cen ters can n o lon ger com pen sate
for th e fun ct ion al loss of t h e n ew on es. Yet, even in Thalamus
h u m an s, a spastically p aralyzed lim b can still be
seen to m ake certain involu n tary m ovem en ts, Globus
called associated m ovem en ts, w h ich are gen erated pallidus
by th e older m otor cen ters. Putamen
Am ygdala
Components of the Basal
Ganglia and Their Connections
Nuclei Fig. 8.1 Topographical relationships of the basal gan-
glia (in red)
Th e basal gan glia in clu de all of th e fun ct ion ally in -
terrelated n u clei w ithin th e deep w h ite m atter of
th e telen ceph alon th at are em bryologically
derived from t h e gan glion ic em in en ce (an terior
port ion of th e telen ceph alic vesicle). Th e m ajor n u -
clei of th e basal gan glia are th e caudate nucleus, th e
putam en, an d p art of th e globus pallidus (Figs. 8.1
an d 8.2); oth er n u clei th at are con sidered part of
th e basal gan glia on em bryological grou n ds are th e
claustrum (Figs. 8.5 an d 8.6) an d th e am ygdala
Head of the
(Figs. 8.1 an d 8.2). Th e am ygdala h as already been caudate nucleus
discu ssed in con n ection w it h th e lim bic system Putam en
(p. 205). Like th e claustrum , w h ose fun ction is n ot ventricle
precisely kn ow n , th e am ygdala h as n o direct nucleus Thalam us

fu n ction al con n ection to th e rem ain der of th e Amygdala

Tail of the
basal gan glia. Th ese tw o structu res w ill n ot be dis- caudate nucleus
cu ssed any fu rth er in th is ch apter.
Fig. 8.2 Late ral view of the basal ganglia and ventricu-
lar system
Th e caudate nucleus form s part of th e w all of th e
lateral ven tricle an d, like it, h as an arch ed sh ap e,
du e to th e rotation of th e telen ceph alon du rin g
em bryon ic developm en t (cf. p. 8). Th e h ead of th e
cau date n u cleus form s th e lateral w all of th e lateral nucleus
ven tricle; it s tail form s th e roof of th e in ferior h orn
of th e lateral ven tricle in th e tem p oral lobe, ex- X
ten din g as far forw ard as th e am ygdala, w h ich lies
at th e an terior en d of th e in ferior h orn (Fig. 8.2).
Th e caudate n u cleu s can th erefore be seen in tw o Amygdala Thalamus
separate location s on som e coron al section s (cf.
Figs. 8.3 – 8.8, especially Fig. 8.7), in t h e lateral w all
of th e body of th e lateral ven tricle as w ell as in th e Fig. 8.3 Lateral view of the basal ganglia. X, XX: horizon-
roof of t h e in ferior h orn . Th e rost ral portion (h ead) tal planes of section for Fig. 8.4. 1–4: coronal planes of sec-
of th e cau date n ucleu s is con tin uou s w it h th e pu - tion for Figs. 8.5–8.8.
tam en .
som ew h at beyon d it both rostrally an d cau dally.
Th e putamen lies lateral to th e globu s pallidus (or Th e pu tam en an d globu s pallidus are separated by a
pallidu m , so called because of its relatively pale th in layer of w h ite m atter called th e m edial m edu l-
coloration ), coverin g it like a sh ell an d exten din g lary lam in a.
8 216 · 8 Basal Ganglia

Fig. 8.4 Tw o horizontal

Thalam us sections through the
basal ganglia (for planes
Globus pallidor Tail of the caudate nucleus of section, see Fig. 8.3)
Putam en Choroid plexus of
the lateral ventricle
Head of the
caudate nucleus Splenium of the
corpus callosum
Genu of the
callosum X

and inferior
Pineal body
Inferior horn of
the lateral ventricle

Corpus Lateral
callosum ventricle
Corpus Lateral Head of the Hypothalamus
callosum ventricle caudate nucleus
Body of the
caudate nucleus

Internal capsule
Putam en


Putam en

Septum Anterior
pellucidum com missure
pellucidum Optic recess of
the third ventricle Olfactory area
Optic chiasm

Fig. 8.5 Coronal section 1 through the basal ganglia (for Fig. 8.6 Coronal section 2 through the basal ganglia (for
planes of section, see Figs. 8.3 and 8.4) planes of section, see Figs. 8.3 and 8.4)

Th e caudate n ucleus an d p utam en are con n ected altern ative n am e corpus striatum (striped body), or
by n u m erou s sm all bridges of gray m atter, w h ich striatum for sh ort (Fig. 8.2). Th e striation arises
are seen as stripes in an atom ical section s. Th ese du rin g developm en t, w h en th e fibers of th e in ter-
tw o n u clei togeth er h ave, th erefore, been given t h e n al capsu le grow th rou gh th e origin ally un iform
Com ponents of the Basal Ganglia and Their Connections · 217
Splenium of the
Corpus Fornix Choroid plexus of the corpus callosum
callosum lateral ventricle Great cerebral v. (of Galen)

Thalam ostriate v. Tapetum

Body of the
caudate nucleus Posterior horn of
the lateral ventricle


Putam en
Globus Nucleus of
pallidus the inferior
Tail of
the Superior
caudate cerebellar
nucleus peduncle

Mam illary Cerebellum

Hippocam pus; Cerebral aqueduct
inferior horn of
Mam illo- Middle cerebellar
the lateral ventricle
thalam ic tract peduncle
Optic tract
Subthalam ic Periaqueductal Medial
nucleus gray matter lem niscus

Fig. 8.7 Coronal section 3 through the basal ganglia (for Fig. 8.8 Coronal section 4 through the basal ganglia (for
planes of section, see Figs. 8.3 and 8.4) planes of section, see Figs. 8.3 and 8.4)

basal gan glion . Ven t ral segm en ts of t h e striatu m are red n u cleus con t ain large am ou n ts of iron . Th e
also called th e n u cleu s accum ben s. dark pigm en tation of th e su bstan tia n igra (“black
substan ce”) is du e to it s h igh m elan in con ten t.
Globus pallidus. Th e th ird m ajor n u cleus of th e
basal gan glia is m ade u p of an in tern al an d an ex- Connections of the Basal Gang lia
tern al segm en t (pars in tern a an d pars extern a). Be-
Th e n eu ral con n ection s of th e basal gan glia w ith
cau se th e globu s pallidus is phylogen etically older
on e an oth er an d w ith oth er region s of th e brain are
th an th e oth er n uclei, it is also called th e paleost ri-
n ot yet com p letely u n derstood. Th e m ajor afferen t
atu m . Part of it is, em bryologically speakin g, a
an d efferen t path w ays w ill be described in th is
com pon en t of th e dien ceph alon . Th e pu tam en an d
section .
globu s p allidu s are collectively term ed th e len-
tiform or lenticular nucleus (len s-sh aped n u cleu s).
Afferent Pa thways
Associated nuclei. Fu rth er n u clei t h at are closely Afferent pathw ays to the corpus striatum. Th e cor-
fu n ction ally related to th e basal gan glia in clu de pu s striat um receives afferen t inpu t from exten sive
tw o m idbrain n u clei—th e substantia nigra (recip- areas of th e cerebral cortex, particu larly th e motor
rocally con n ected to t h e striatum ) an d th e red nu- areas of the frontal lobe, i.e., Brodm an n areas 4,
cleus—an d on e dien ceph alic n u cleu s, th e sub- 6aα, an d 6a . Th ese cortical afferen ts are derived
thalamic nucleus (recip rocally con n ected to th e from project ion n euron s of th e cerebral cortex (py-
globus pallidu s). Th e globu s pallidus cau dally ram idal cells of th e fifth layer of th e cortex), are
borders th e rostral p ortion (red zon e) of th e su b- glutam atergic, run ipsilaterally, an d are topically or-
stan tia n igra. Th e pallidu m , substan tia n igra, an d ganized. Th ere are probably n o reciprocal fibers
8 218 · 8 Basal Ganglia

run n in g from th e corp us striatu m back to th e cor- Efferent pathw ays of the globus pallidus. Th e
tex. A fu rth er poin t-to-poin t afferen t inpu t to th e m ajor con tin gen t of efferen t fibers ru n s to th e
corp us striatum is derived from th e centromedian thalamus, w h ich , in tu rn , projects to th e cerebral
nucleus of the thalamus, an d is probably excitatory. cortex, com pletin g a feedback loop.
Th is afferen t path w ay tran sm its im pu lses from th e Th e functional interpretation of th e afferen t an d
cerebellu m an d th e m idbrain reticular form ation efferen t projection s of t h e basal gan glia requ ires
to th e striatu m . Th e substantia nigra sen ds con sideration of th e particu lar n eurotran sm itter
dopam inergic afferen t fibers to th e st riat um , w h ose su bstan ces an d receptors involved, an d of th e
loss is th e cau se of Parkin son disease (see p. 219 ff). types of n eurological deficit th at are produ ced
Fin ally, th e st riatu m also receives a serotonergic w h en certain path w ays cease to fu n ction n orm ally.
inpu t from th e raphe nuclei. Th us, Parkin son disease is ch aracterized by
degen eration of th e dopam in ergic n euron s of th e
Other afferent pathw ays. Th e globu s pallidu s su bstan tia n igra th at p roject to th e corpu s stri-
derives its m ajor afferen t input from th e corpu s atu m . Th e clin ical deficits observed in Parkin son
striatu m an d receives n o direct afferen t fibers from disease provide a clu e to th e probable fu n ction s of
th e cerebral cortex. Cortically derived afferen t th e n igrostriatal system in n orm al in dividuals.
fibers do, h ow ever, travel to th e su bstan t ia n igra,
red n ucleu s, an d su bth alam ic n ucleu s. Pa rticipa tion of the Basa l Ga nglia in
Regula tory Circuits
Efferent Pa thwa ys
Th e basal gan glia an d th eir afferen t an d efferen t
Efferent pathw ays of the corpus striatum. Th e con n ection s are in tegral parts of com plex regula-
m ajor efferen t p rojection s of th e corpu s striatu m tory circuits th at excite an d in h ibit th e n eu ron s of
go to th e external an d internal segments of the th e m otor cortex. Neu ral tran sm ission w ith in th ese
globus pallidus. Fu rth er efferen t fibers travel to th e circuits can be ch aracterized in term s of th e an a-
pars com p acta an d pars reticu lata of th e substantia tom ical course alon g w h ich th e im pulses travel, as
nigra. Th e cells of origin of th e striatal efferen t w ell as t h e particu lar n eu rot ran sm itters an d recep-
fibers are GABAergic spiny n euron s, th e m ost com - tors th at are involved at each syn apse. On e of th e
m on cell type in th e striatu m . m ore im portan t circuits conveys im pu lses alon g

Fig. 8.9 The dire ct and

indirect basal ganglia
pathw ays. a The norm al
Cortex Cortex Cortex
situation (green = excita-
tion, red = inhibition).
GPe = globus pallidus,
external segm ent.
Striatum Striatum Striatum
STN = subthalam ic nucleus.
GPi = globus pallidus, inter-
nal segm ent. Th = thalam us.
SNg = substantia nigra.
b The situation in Parkinson
disease (untreated). c The
situation in Parkinson dis-
ease during treatm ent with
subthalam ic stim ulation
(i.e., blockage of neural
activity in the STN).
Reproduced with perm ission
from Elsevier. from Bergm an
H, et al. Physiological
aspects of inform ation pro-
cessing in the basal ganglia
of norm al and parkinsonian
prim ates. Trends Neurosci.
Function and Dysfunction of the Basal Ganglia · 219
tw o separate pat h s from th e cortex, via th e corpu s cogn itive p rocesses. Th e basal gan glia carry out
striatum , to th e globu s pallidu s, an d th en to th e th eir m otor fu n ction s in directly th rough th e in -
th alam u s an d back to th e cortex (Fig. 8.9). In addi- flu en ce th ey exert on th e prem otor, m otor, an d sup-
tion to th is m ajor regulatory circuit, th ere are oth er plem en tary areas of th e cerebral cortex. Th e m ajor
feedback loops th at w ill n ot be explicitly described fu n ction al roles of th e basal gan glia con cern t h e ini-
in th is book. tiation an d facilitation of volun tary m ovem en t, an d
th e sim u ltan eou s su ppression of u nw an ted or in -
Cortico -striato -pallido -thalamo -cortical pathw ay. volun tary in flu en ces th at m igh t disturb t h e sm ooth
Th e m otor an d sen sory cortex sen ds a topograph i- an d effective execu tion of m ovem en t.
cally organ ized projection to th e striatum th at u ses Moreover, th e basal gan glia apparen tly u se pro-
th e excitatory n eu rotran sm itter, glu tam ate. Bey- p rioceptive feedback from th e periph ery to com -
on d th e striatu m , th e basal gan glion ic circu it splits p are th e m ovem en t pattern s or program s gen erated
in to tw o parts, w h ich are kn ow n as th e direct an d by th e m otor cortex w it h t h e m ovem en ts th at are
in direct path w ays. act ually in itiated, so th at m ovem en t is subject to
on goin g refin em en t by a con tin uous servo-con trol
Direct pathway. Th e direct path w ay is GABAergic m ech an ism .
an d ru n s from th e striatu m to th e internal pallidal
segm ent. Substan ce P is used as a co-tran sm itter. Typical deficits. Lesion s of th e basal gan glia can
From th e p allidum , th e path w ay proceeds to th e p rodu ce com plex m ovem en t disorders an d cogn i-
glutam atergic projection n eu ron s of th e thalam us, tive disturban ces of variou s types depen din g on
w h ich com plete th e loop back to the cerebral cortex th eir site an d exten t.
(Fig. 8.9). ¼ Clin ical disorders involvin g th e basal gan glia
m ay presen t w ith a deficien cy of m ovem en t
Indirect pathway. Th e in direct path w ay, w h ich uses (hypokinesia) or
th e n eu rotran sm itters GABA an d en keph alin , run s – an excess of m ovem en t (hyperkinesia,
from t h e st riat um to th e external pallidal segm ent. chorea, athetosis, ballism).
From th is poin t, a fu rth er GABAergic p rojection ¼ Abnormalities of muscle tone com m on ly ac-
proceeds to th e subthalam ic nucleus, w h ich , in com p any abn orm alities of th e above tw o types,
tu rn , sen ds a glutam atergic projection to th e inter- – bu t can also be th e predom in an t or sole
nal pallidal segm ent. Th e furth er cou rse of th e in - m an ifestation of basal gan glia dysfun ction
direct path w ay is iden tical to th at of th e direct (dystonia).
path w ay, i.e., from the thalam us back to the cerebral
cortex (Fig. 8.9). W ilson disease is a good exam p le of a basal gan glia
It follow s from th e com bin ation of in h ibitory an d disorder, w h ere a com bin ation of all of th e above
excitatory n eu rot ran sm it ters u sed by th ese tw o m an ifestation s can be seen (cf. Case Presen tation 4,
path w ays th at the overall effect of stim u lation of p. 224) becau se of variable an d diffu se affection of
th e direct path w ay on th e cerebral cortex is exci- th e differen t n u clei an d subsystem s. In th e re-
tatory, w h ile th at of stim u lation of th e in direct m ain der of th is ch apter, w e w ill discu ss th e m ajor
path w ay is in h ibitory (Fig. 8.9). Th e dopam in ergic disorders th at m ain ly affect on e particular su bsys-
projection from th e substan tia n igra (pars com - tem of th e basal gan glia.
pact a) plays a m odu latin g role in th is system .
Clinical Syndromes of Basal Ganglia
Function and Dysfunction of the Pa rkinsonism
Basal Ganglia Etiology and pathogenesis. In idiopathic Parkinson
disease, th e dopam in ergic n igrostriatal p rojection
Normal functions of the basal ganglia. Th e basal degen erates (see p. 218). Con sequ en tly, th e GABA-
gan glia participate in m any m otor processes, in - ergic activity of th e striatal n eu ron s is en h an ced,
clu din g th e exp ression of em otion , as w ell as in th e an d t h ere is th u s an excess of activity in th e in -
in tegration of sen sory an d m otor im pu lses an d in direct basal gan glia loop. At th e sam e tim e, th e
8 220 · 8 Basal Ganglia

Table 8.1 Confirmed monogenic forms of Parkinson disease*

Locus Inherita nce Gene Muta tions/Comments

PARK1 AD α-Synuclein Rare, 3 m utations: A53T, A30P, E54K

PARK2 AR Parkin 100 m utations, point m utations, indels, and exon rearrangem ents

PARK4 AD α-Synuclein Duplications and triplications of the SNCA gene

PARK6 AR PINK1 20 m utations, point m utations, indels, and exon rearrangem ents

PARK7 AR DJ-1 Rare, 3-point m utations

PARK8 AD LRRK2 Six confirm ed point m utations: R1441G, R1441C, N1437H, Y1699C, G2019S,

PARK9 AR ATP13A2 Com plex phenotype with parkinsonism , spasticity, and dem entia

PARK15 AR FBX07 Rare, com plex phenotype

GBA Multiple rare variants of interm ediate-effect strength

Table 8.2 Risk variants for PD confirmed in GWAS w ith genome -w ide significance*

Locus Gene Varia nts/Comments

PARK1 α-Synuclein REP1 polym orphism , SNPs in 3’-UTR

PARK8 LRK2 Sm all effect in whites, stronger in Asians

MAPT H2 haplotype is protective

PARK16 Stronger effect in Asians

HLA HLA-DRA Noncoding variants m ay act via regulation of expression of HLA-DR and HLA-DQ

GAK Differential expression in SN of PD patients has been observed

* Reproduced with permission from Wiley Online Library, from Gasser T, Hardy J, Mizuno Y. Milestones in PD Genetics. Movement
Disorders 2011;26(6):1042–1048.

subt h alam ic n ucleus also sh ow s in creased activit y gest in g a direct pat h ological role in t h e degen era-
an d th u s excessively in h ibit s th e glutam atergic tion of dopam in ergic n euron s. Fam ilial form s u su -
n eu ron s of th e th alam u s. Th e overall effect is net ally sh ow earlier on set of disease an d specific clin i-
inhibition at the output of the basal ganglia loop cal sym ptom s (Table 8.1, 8.2).
(Fig. 8.9b) an d, th erefore, reduced activation of cor- In addition to idiopath ic Parkin son disease, a
tical m otor areas. n eu rodegen erative con dition , th ere are also symp-
A ch aracteristic n europ ath ological h allm ark of tomatic forms of parkinsonism th at are cau sed by
th e disease is in tracytop lasm ic in clusion bodies structu ral/in flam m atory lesion s of th e cen tral
called Lew y bodies. A m ajor com p on en t of Lew y bo- n ervou s system , or by toxic in fluen ces. Parkin -
dies is α-syn u clein . It is n ot yet kn ow n w h at role son ism can th u s be produ ced, for exam ple, by
th is protein p lays, if any, in th e path ogen esis of m edication s (n euroleptics, an tiem etics, calciu m
sporadic (idiopat h ic) Parkin son disease. How ever, an tagon ists, reserp in e-con tain in g an t ihyperten -
in familial forms of Parkin son disease, w h ich repre- sive agen ts) as w ell as by en ceph alitis, isch em ic le-
sen t a sm all m in orit y of cases, m u tation s in several sion s, in toxication s, an d m et abolic distu rban ces.
differen t gen es h ave been foun d to cau se disease. If typical parkin son ian m an ifestation s are seen
More th an 18 m u tation s an d addit ion al subscepti- togeth er w ith oth er n eu rological deficits su ggest-
bility loci h ave been discovered so far. In terest- in g dysfu n ction of oth er cen tral n ervou s stru ctu res
in gly, m u tation s are also foun d in α-syn uclein , sug- beyon d th e basal gan glia, a Parkinson-plus
Function and Dysfunction of the Basal Ganglia · 221
Case Presentation 1: Idiopa thic Pa rkinson Disease
A 59-year-old bank teller first realized while counting bank- Pharm acotherapy with L-dopa and a dopam ine agonist
notes that he could not use his right hand norm ally. On re- brought a m arked im provem ent in the patient’s rigidity,
peated occasions, he counted off several notes at once in- though his trem or rem ained essentially unchanged. He was
stead of a single note, so that the tally was incorrect. Mean- able to return to work at the bank, taking up the sam e job
while, his handwriting gradually becam e sm aller and less as before.
legible, so that he could no longer perform his job effec- Som e four years after the onset of sym ptom s, the m ove-
tively. He com plained of right shoulder pain and cram ps in m ent disorder took a turn for the worse, despite an increase
the right arm and was treated unsuccessfully by an or- in the dose of m edication. The patient now had difficulty
thopedist for presum ed arthritis of the shoulder. As tim e turning in bed and began to suffer from seborrhea.
went on, his facial expression becam e sparse (hypom im ia) Two years later, he began to experience fluctuations in the
and a resting trem or of the right hand developed, at a effectiveness of L-dopa. The duration of the effect after
frequency of about 8 Hz. None of the patient’s relatives had each dose becam e shorter, and he occasionally had involun-
ever suffered from sim ilar problem s. tary excessive m ovem ents (dyskinesia). A change of m edi-
His fam ily physician referred him to a neurologist, whose cations to controlled-release preparations of L-dopa and
exam ination revealed cog-wheel rigidity of the lim bs, worst dopam ine agonists with longer half-life brought no m ore
in the right arm , a m ildly stooped posture, and a sm all- than a transient benefit. The patient finally underwent neu-
stepped gait with reduced arm swing on the right. The rosurgical treatm ent, with stereotactic im plantation of
patient took an excessive num ber of steps while turning deep brain electrodes for chronic stim ulation of the sub-
around. There were no autonom ic deficits, and his m ental thalam ic nucleus. This resulted in a m arked im provem ent of
status was norm al. rigor and hypokinesia and a definite, but less than
ACTscan with intravenous contrast and an EEG were norm al. com plete, im provem ent of trem or. These im provem ents
The patient was given the diagnosis of idiopathic Parkinson persisted even after the dose of L-dopa was significantly re-
disease of m ixed type. duced.

syndrome is said to be presen t. Th ere are a n u m ber sh ou lder st iffn ess (“frozen sh ou lder”), w h ich
of distin ct Parkin son -plu s syn drom es. For ex- m ay prom pt erron eous referral to an or-
am p le, parkin son ism , vertical gaze palsy, an d th op edist before th e progressive cou rse of th e
m arked n uch al rigidity m ake u p th e ch aracteristic disease h as revealed th e true diagn osis.
clin ical triad of Steele–Richardson–Olszew ski syn- ¼ Patien ts w ith tremor-dominant Parkin son dis-
drom e, also kn ow n as progressive supranuclear ease su ffer m ain ly from th e low -frequ en cy rest
palsy. On t h e oth er h an d, severe au ton om ic dys- trem or, w h ich —like th e oth er m otor m an ifesta-
fu n ction , postu ral in stability, an d deficit s involvin g tion s—is often u n ilateral at th e on set of disease.
oth er com pon en ts of th e cen tral n ervou s system Parkin son ian trem or is often of th e pill-rollin g
(e.g., pyram idal tract sign s) are seen in m ultiple type (see Case Presen tation 1).
system atrophy. ¼ Patien ts w ith mixed-type Parkin son disease
sh ow a m ore or less equ al m an ifestation of
Clinical manifestations. Loss of dopam in ergic affer- akin esia, rigidity, an d trem or.
en t s in th e striatu m leads to redu ced volu n tary
m ovem en ts (hypokinesia), con tin u ally elevated,
Chorea —Huntington Disease
w axy m u scle ton e (rigidity), an d oscillatin g m ove-
m en ts at a frequen cy of 4 – 6 Hz w h en th e lim bs are Etiology and pathogenesis. Th is disorder of auto-
held at rest (restin g tremor) (see Case Presen tat ion som al dom in an t in h eritan ce is cau sed by an ex-
1, p. 221). pan sion of CAG trin ucleotides w ith in th e h u n tin g-
Parkin son disease h as three clinical subtypes tin gen e on ch rom osom e 4. Its h istopath ological
th at are defin ed by th e m otor m an ifestation s th at h allm ark is degen eration of th e m ediu m -sized
predom in ate in each type: spiny en keph alin ergic/GABAergic n eu ron s of th e
¼ Patien ts w ith th e akinetic-rigid type of Parkin - striatum . Loss of th ese n eu ron s leads to in h ibition
son disease can be recogn ized at an early stage of t h e in direct basal gan glia path w ay at its in it ial
by t h eir in creasin g poverty of m ovem en t, in - stage. Th e en su in g in creased in h ibition of th e su b-
clu din g a lack of accessory m ovem ents of the th alam ic n u cleus leads to redu ced in h ibition of th e
arm s, slow sh u fflin g gait , a lack of facial expres- th alam ic glutam atergic n eu ron s, so th at th e fin al
sion (hypom im ia), an d a ch aracteristic stooped resu lt is n et in creased activation of cortical m otor
posture. Som e patien ts in itially com p lain of n eu ron s.
8 222 · 8 Basal Ganglia

Case Presentation 2: Huntington Disease

At the age of 34 years, this skilled worker first noticed un- larly around the shoulder girdle and in the face. The
controllable m otor restlessness affecting all four lim bs. His patient’s speech was soft, som ewhat slurred, and m ono-
co-workers m ade fun of him for dropping objects re- tonous. His sensation and reflexes were norm al.
peatedly, and eventually suspected him of being an alco- Ancillary studies were perform ed to rule out a m etabolic
holic. Within a year, he developed dysarthria: his speech be- disorder or other system ic cause of sym ptom atic involun-
cam e abnorm ally soft, slurred, and hard to understand. He tary m ovem ents. Magnetic resonance im aging of the head
paid less attention to his surroundings and lost interest in (Fig. 8.10) revealed a loss of volum e of the head of the cau-
his regular daily activities, which becam e increasingly slow date nucleus on both sides, reflecting neuronal atrophy in
and cum bersom e. Ultim ately, he no longer took notice of this area. Moreover, global brain atrophy was apparent, to a
even the sim plest things, and forgot tasks that had been as- degree that would not be expected at the patient’s age.
signed to him just m inutes before. He was fired from his job The diagnosis of Huntington disease was established by a
and rem ained unem ployed thereafter. Three m onths later, m olecular-genetic study, which showed an expansion of
at his wife’s urging, he consulted a m edical specialist. CAG trinucleotide repeats in one allele of the huntingtin
Taking the fam ily history, the specialist learned that the gene; 51 repeats were found (norm al up to 38).
patient’s father had suffered from a sim ilar m ovem ent dis- Pharm acotherapy with neuroleptic agents brought a tran-
order from age 40 onward. The disease progressed until he sient im provem ent of the m otor m anifestations, attribu-
becam e totally dependent on nursing care and finally died table to inhibition of dopam inergic neurotransm ission. The
at age 54. No diagnosis was ever m ade. disease continued to progress, however, so that the patient
The m ost prom inent finding on neurological exam ination rem ained unable to work and depended increasingly on
was involuntary m ovem ent of all parts of the body, particu- nursing care.

a b c
Fig. 8.10 Huntington disease. The axial T1-weighted (a), tam en, globus pallidus, and caudate nucleus). The ven-
axial T2-weighted (b), and coronal T2-weighted (c) m ag- tricles in c therefore have a boxlike shape, characteristic of
netic resonance im ages reveal not only global brain atrophy Huntington disease. Although atrophic, the basal ganglia
(dilatation of the internal and external CSF spaces), but also are of norm al signal intensity (in contrast to Wilson disease,
a reduction of the volum e of the basal ganglia (i.e., the pu- cf. Fig. 8.12).

Clinical manifestations. Hun tin gton disease is th e ton gu e protru ded for m ore th an a few sec-
clin ically ch aracterized by sh ort-lastin g involu n - on ds (so-called ch am eleon or trom bon e ton gu e).
tary m ovem en ts th at affect m u ltiple m u scle Th ese problem s are accom pan ied by progres-
grou ps, seem in gly at ran dom (chorea or sively severe dysart h ria an d dysph agia (Case Pre-
choreiform hyperkinesia). Th e patien t at first tries sen tat ion 2). Th e distu rbin g involu n tary m ove-
to in corporate th ese rapid m ovem en ts in to volu n - m en ts becom e m ore pron oun ced w ith em otion al
tary m otor beh avior, such th at observers m ay n ot stress an d stop on ly durin g sleep.
realize t h at t h ese are t ru ly involun tary an d m ay, At later stages of th e disease, th e hyperkin esia
in stead, perceive th e patien t as m erely clum sy or decreases an d gives w ay to a rigid an d, in som e
fidgety. As th e disease progresses, h ow ever, hy- cases, dyston ic elevation of muscle tone. Th e
perkin esia becom es in creasin gly severe an d diffi- patien t’s cogn itive ability also declin es; i.e., th ere is
cu lt to sup press. Facial tw itch in g appears in th e progressive dementia (Case Presen tation 2).
form of a grim ace, an d t h e patien t fin ds it ever
m ore difficult to keep th e lim bs at rest, or to keep
Function and Dysfunction of the Basal Ganglia · 223
m ovem en t of th e affected lim bs ten ds to be
Ba llism a nd Dystonia
Ballism. Th is rare m ovem en t disorder is cau sed by Th ere are differen t varieties of dyston ia. Dys-
lesion s of th e su bth alam ic n u cleu s. It leads to large- ton ia restricted to a sin gle m u scle grou p is called
am p litu de flin gin g/t h row in g m ovem en ts of th e focal dystonia: exam ples in clu de bleph arospasm ,
lim bs, proceedin g from th e proxim al join ts. In th e an involun tary forced closure of th e eyes due to
vast m ajority of cases it arises on on e side on ly con traction s of th e orbicu laris ocu li m u scle, an d
(h em iballism ) con tralateral to th e lesion . (See Case sp asm odic torticollis, i.e., dyston ic w ry n eck.
Presen tat ion 3.) Generalized dystonias, of w h ich th ere are m u ltiple
types, affect all m u scle grou ps of th e body to vary-
Dystonia is ch aracterized by involun tary, lon g-last- in g degrees. Patien ts sufferin g from gen eralized
in g m u scle con traction s th at p roduce bizarre dyston ia are often m ost severely distu rbed by th e
m ovem en ts an d con torted postures of th e lim bs. dysarth ria an d dysp h agia th at usually form part of
Like m any oth er typ es of m ovem en t disorders th e syn drom e: th e patien t’s speech is h u rried, an d
cau sed by basal gan glia disease, dyston ia w orsen s often barely in telligible.
w ith m en tal con cen tration or em otion al stress an d Th e precise n atu re of th e fu n ction al abn orm ality
im proves du rin g sleep. Du rin g th e in tervals w h en in th e basal gan glia th at gives rise to dyston ia is
dyston ia is absen t, th e m uscle ton e on passive p oorly u n derstood at presen t.

Case Presentation 3: Hemiba llism

One evening, while watching television, this 63-year-old re- was given a variety of objects to hold and dropped all of
tired m ason suddenly could no longer hold his beer bottle them on the floor. The neurologist diagnosed hem iballism .
and spilled its contents on the carpet. When he tried to The patient’s past m edical history was notable for m edically
stand up, he developed uncontrollable flinging m ovem ents controlled arterial hypertension, type II diabetes, and obes-
of the left arm and leg. He and his wife were very concerned ity. An im aging study revealed the cause of the acute
about this disturbance, which hit him like a bolt from the hem iballism , a fresh ischem ic lesion in the right sub-
blue, and called a physician on call for em ergencies, who ar- thalam ic nucleus. In view of the m ultiple cardiovascular risk
ranged adm ission to hospital. factors, the lesion was considered m ost likely to be a
The adm itting neurologist observed flinging, choreiform lacunar (m icroangiopathic) infarct (Fig. 8.11).
movem ents of the left arm and leg. The patient was very Sym ptom atic treatm ent with a neuroleptic agent was fol-
distressed by these uncontrollable, excessive m ovem ents, lowed by com plete regression of the m ovem ent disorder
which rendered him unable to stand or walk unaided. He within a few days.

a b
Fig. 8.11 Small infarct in the right subthalamic nucleus however, is not clear enough to m ake the diagnosis. The
causing acute hemiballism. The diffusion-weighted im age other areas of hyperintensity in the basal ganglia are dilated
(a) reveals the lesion well. The T2-weighted im age (b) perivascular spaces (Virchow–Robin spaces), not infarcts.
shows a hyperintensity at the sam e location, which, The brain is m arkedly atrophic.
8 224 · 8 Basal Ganglia

Case Presentation 4: Wilson Disease

This 17-year-old electrician’s apprentice com plained of pro- m ental status was norm al. Split-lam p corneal exam ination
gressive clum siness of the hands, which had been troubling distinctly revealed a Kayser–Fleischer ring.
him for three years and was getting in the way of his work. T2-weighted m agnetic resonance im ages of the brain
He could no longer write cursively and had to resort to a (Fig. 8.12) revealed m arked sym m etric signal changes in the
“printed” handwriting. His hands had also been trem bling basal ganglia and thalam i (Fig. 8.12a,b,d), the m idbrain
for a year, the right hand worse than the left. The trem or be- (Fig. 8.12c,d), and the cerebellum (Fig. 8.12d). The MR sig-
cam e worse whenever he tried to grasp an object. His nal was bright in the putam en, particularly laterally, but dark
speech had becom e slow and ridden with errors. in the globus pallidus on both sides (Fig. 8.12b). Moderate
On neurological exam ination, the ocular pursuit m ovem ents signal abnorm alities were also seen in the caudate nucleus,
were m ildly saccadic, but there were no other cranial nerve the lateral thalam us, the m idbrain (especially the red nu-
abnorm alities. Although the m uscles of m astication and fa- cleus) (Fig. 8.12c), and the m iddle cerebellar peduncle on
cial expression were of norm al strength and bulk, m arked hy- both sides (Fig. 8.12d).
pom im ia was evident. The patient’s speech was slow and la- This com bination of findings on history, physical exam ina-
bored. He had a fine, high-frequency trem or in both hands. tion, and MRI suggested the diagnosis of Wilson disease,
His gait was som ewhat clum sy, and he had trouble hopping which was confirm ed by further tests: the patient’s urinary
on one leg (either right or left). He tended to fall in all direc- copper excretion was m arkedly elevated and his serum
tions when his tandem gait was tested, or when he walked ceruloplasm in concentration was low.
with his eyes closed. Nonetheless, he perform ed finger- The MR signal increases in the basal ganglia, lateral thalam i,
pointing tests accurately. He had bradykinesia and dysdiado- m idbrain, and cerebellar peduncles represent toxic changes
chokinesia, left worse than right, as well as bilateral m arked of the brain parenchym a caused by the elevated serum cop-
im pairm ent of fine m otor control of the hands and feet. His per concentration. The signal decreases in the globus pal-
deep tendon reflexes were norm al and sym m etric, and there lidus, on the other hand, are probably due to local copper
were no pyram idal tract signs or sensory abnorm alities. His deposition.

Fig. 8.12 Wilson disease. T2-

weighted m agnetic resonance im -
ages in axial (a–c) and coronal (d)
planes. The axial im ages are at the
level of the frontal horns (a), the
anterior com m issure (b), and the
red nucleus and substantia nigra
(c). The basal ganglia, lateral
thalam i, and m idbrain gray m atter
appear m uch brighter than usual
(hyperintense com pared to norm al
brain tissue), probably because of
parenchym al injury caused by the
elevated serum copper concentra-
tion. The internal part of the
globus pallidus, however, is hy-
pointense, probably because of
a b
local copper deposition. The white
m atter of the anterior com m issure
has norm al signal characteristics
but is seen m ore distinctly than
usual because of the abnorm al
structures surrounding it. The
coronal im age (d) reveals the sig-
nal abnorm alities in the m idbrain
and the m iddle cerebellar

c d

9 Cerebrum
Development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 226
Gross Anatomy and Subdivision
of the Cerebrum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 228
Histological Organization of the
Cerebral Cortex . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 231
Cerebral White Matter . . . . . . . . . . . . . 235
Functional Localization in the
Cerebral Cortex . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 238
9 226

9 Cerebrum

Macroscopically, th e cerebru m is m ade up of th e an oth er, givin g rise to n u m erou s, cytoarchitectur-

cerebral cortex, t h e subcortical w hite matter, an d ally distinct cortical areas. Th e early n eu roan a-
th e basal ganglia, w h ich w ere discu ssed in Ch apter tom ists proposed th at th e sp ecific cellu lar stru c-
8. Th e gross structu re of t h e cerebru m can be u n - tu re of each area corresp on ded to th e sp ecific task
derstood best w ith referen ce to its em bryological th at it carried out. It h as, in deed, been possible to
developm en t. Its m ost im pressive feature is th e assign a sin gle, con crete fun ction to a n um ber of
im m en se expan sion of th e cortex, w h ich causes areas, th e so-called primary cortical fields. Yet th e
foldin g (gyration ) of th e brain su rface. Th e in - greater p art of th e cerebral cortex con sists of asso-
dividu al cortical areas are con n ected to each oth er, ciation areas, w h ose fu n ction apparen tly con sists
an d to deep er brain stru ct ures, by th e n u m erou s of h igh er-level processin g of in form at ion derived
fiber path w ays th at m ake up th e su bcortical w h ite from , or travelin g to, th e prim ary fields. High er
m atter. cortical fun ction s such as lan gu age, in particular,
Histologically, m ost of th e cerebral cortex can n ot be localized to a sin gle cortical area bu t de-
possesses a six-layered cellular architecture. Th is pen d in stead on a com plex in teraction of m u ltiple
basic h istological pattern un dergoes ch aracteristic areas.
variation s from on e location in t h e cortex to

ch aracteristic an atom ical su bdivision s, from ou t-

pou ch in gs of th e fluid-filled lu m en of th e n eu ral
Development tu be. Th e semicircular extension th at ch aracterizes
th e grow th of th e telen ceph alon (Fig. 9.1) an d th e
Th e cerebrum or en dbrain (telen ceph alon ) lateral ven tricles can also be seen in th e develop in g
develop s from th e p aired telen ceph alic vesicles at fiber p rojection s, in th e forn ices, an d in th e corpu s
th e fron t en d of th e n eu ral tube, th e so-called pros- callosum , th e great fibrou s con n ection betw een
encephalon. Th e en orm ous grow th of th e telen - th e tw o h em isph eres. A few m ore details of telen -
ceph alic vesicles m akes th e en dbrain envelop th e cep h alic developm en t w ill be presen ted h ere as a
brain stem like a cloak (p alliu m ) an d leads to th e useful aid to th e u n derstan din g of cerebral an at-
developm en t of th e lateral ven tricles, w ith th eir om y.

Evolution of the endbrain. In th e telen ceph alon , as

elsew h ere in th e cen tral n ervou s system , th e
Parietal n eu ral tu be con sists of tw o parts, ven tral an d dor-
Frontal Central sal. Th e ventral part gives rise to th e sept al region
Ventricle portion
m edially an d th e basal gan glion laterally. Th e basal
Cortex gan glion , in turn , gives rise to th e cau date (“tailed”)

Anterior n u cleus, pu tam en , claustrum , an d am ygdala. Th e

horn cortex derived from th e dorsal part becom es
differen tiated over t h e cou rse of phylogen etic
Head of caudate
nucleus Temporal Posterior developm en t in to th e m ore laterally lyin g paleo-
Tail of caudate cortex, t h e oldest portion of cerebral cortex, an d
Inferior horn th e m ore m edially lyin g an d phylogen etically
you n ger archicortex.
Fig. 9.1 Ontogenetic development of the cerebral cor-
Th e spatial arran gem en t of paleocortex an d ar-
tex. Lateral view of an earlier and a later developm ental
ch icortex is preserved un ch an ged in am ph ibian s.
stage of the telencephalon. The telencephalic vesicle ex-
pands m assively (arrows) in the form of an arch, resulting in In reptiles, h ow ever, th e neocortex arises in a
sim ultaneous, archlike expansion of the cerebral cortex lateral position betw een th e paleocortex an d th e
(yellow), ventricle (blue), and basal ganglion (orange). arch icortex. Th e n eocortex takes on an en orm ous
Developm ent · 227
Indusium Lateral Internal
griseum ventricle capsule

Fibers of
Ven- Archi- Paleo- Ventricle Neocortex
tricle cortex cortex Head of

Interthalam ic
Basal Septum Hippocam pus

Amphibians Reptiles Humans

Fig. 9.2 Phylogenetic development of the cerebral cor- ing the corpus callosum (indusium griseum ). The hippo-
tex (coronal sections). The neocortex (yellow) arises be- cam pal form ation (archicortex) in the floor of the inferior
tween the archicortex (red) and paleocortex (blue). It ex- horn of the lateral ventricle reaches its basal position
pands m arkedly in higher organism s; in hum ans it displaces through the archlike expansion of the telencephalon (cf.
the paleocortex to the base of the brain (olfactory cortex, Fig. 9.1).
not shown) and the archicortex to a m edial position overly-

size in h igh er organ ism s, pu sh in g th e paleocortex cupy th e deep er layers (layers 5 an d 6), an d th ose
an d arch icortex far ap art. In h u m an s, th e paleocor- form ed later m igrate u pw ard in to th e m ore super-
tex is ult im ately displaced to t h e base of th e brain , ficial layers (“in side-ou t” arran gem en t ). Th u s, th e
w h ere it m akes u p variou s com pon en ts of th e phy- later n eu ron s m u st travel p ast th eir precu rsor cells
logen etically an cien t olfactory system (olfactory to get to th e su bpial cortical layers (Fig. 9.3), pass-
bu lb, tract, an d t rigon e, an terior perforated sub- in g from th e ven tricular zon e to th e cortical plate
stan ce, an d lateral olfactory stria; cf. pp . 81, 82). alon g radial glial fibers. Th e six cortical layers are
Meanw h ile, th e arch icortex is displaced m edially; n um bered top ograph ically from ou tside in (th e
th e sem icircular grow th of th e telen ceph alic ves- tradition al system , as u sed in th is book), or, alter-
icle p ush es it in to th e in ferior h orn of th e lateral n atively, in th e order of th eir form ation , as h as
ven tricle, w h ere it m akes u p th e m assive hippo- lately been p roposed (Marin -Padilla, 1998). Ac-
cam pal form ation. On ly a th in layer of arch icortex cordin g to th e fin din gs of recen t studies, n orm al
is foun d m ediodorsally on th e ou ter su rface of th e n eu ron al m igration , leadin g to th e ch aracteristic
corpus callosu m : th is is th e indusium griseum , w ith in side-ou t cortical layerin g, depen ds cru cially on
its m edial an d lateral lon gitu din al striae. By far th e th e p articip ation of th e Cajal–Retzius cells of th e
greatest p art of th e h u m an cerebral cortex is of m argin al zon e. Th ese cells secrete a protein called
n eocortical origin (Fig. 9.2). reelin, w h ich apparen tly directs n euron al m igra-
tion alon g th e radial glial fibers (Fig. 9.3). Abn or-
Inside -out stratification of the cerebral cortex. Th e m alities of n euron form ation , m igration , or separa-
n eu ron s of th e cerebral cortex, as of all parts of th e tion from th e radial glial fibers are collectively
cen tral n ervou s system , are in itially form ed in th e called neuronal m igration disorders.
ventricular zone, i.e., n ear th e flu id-filled lu m en
(ven tricle) of th e n eural tu be. Th e cells form ed ear-
liest m ake up t h e so-called preplate, w h ich is later
subdivided in to t h e marginal zone an d th e sub-
plate. Th e cortical plate proper, con sistin g of six
cellu lar layers, develops betw een th ese tw o struc-
tu res. Th e cortical n eu ron s th at are form ed first oc-
9 228 · 9 Cerebrum

Fig. 9.3 Inside -out lamination of the cerebral cortex.

The earliest neurons form the so-called preplate, which
soon divides into the m arginal zone (M), with its Cajal–Ret-
zius cells (CR), and the “subplate” with its subplate neurons
(S). The neurons of the cortical plate are deposited in the in-
a tervening space (N1–N3). Early cortical neurons (N1) m i-
grate upward, from the vicinity of the ventricle (V), along
radial glial fibers (RF) to the m arginal zone of the cerebral
cortex, where it is thought that they are stopped by reelin
(brown), a protein of the extracellular m atrix produced by
the Cajal–Retzius cells. As the cortex thickens, later cortical
neurons (N2, N3) m ust travel longer distances to reach the
reelin-containing m arginal zone. As a result, the neurons
that are laid down earliest form the deeper layers of the
cerebral cortex, while those that are laid down later form its
b c d m ore superficial layers. P = brain surface with pia m ater.

n eopallium (= n eocortex) ach ieves its greatest ex-

ten t in h um an s, envelop in g th e phylogen etically
lobe Parietal older cortical region s in n eocortex. Th u s, m ost of
lobe th e stru ctures derived from th e paleocortex an d
arch icortex can n ot be seen on th e extern al su rface
of th e brain (th e olfactory bu lb an d tract, olfactory
area, paraterm in al gyrus, fasciolar gyrus, in du siu m
griseu m , den tate gyru s, an d h ip pocam pal form a-
tion ).

Gyri and Sulci
Th e m assive en largem en t of th e n eocortex cau ses
foldin g of th e brain su rface in to convolu tion s (gyri)
Tem poral Temporal Occipital
pole lobe lobe
separated by grooves (sulci, fissu res). On ly abou t
on e-th ird of th e cerebral cortex is visible on th e ex-
tern al su rface, w h ile tw o-th irds are h idden in th e
Fig. 9.4 The lobes of the cerebrum (left hemisphere,
lateral view ) sulci (Figs. 9.7–9.9).
On ly a few su lci h ave a relatively un ch an gin g
an atom ical p osition . Th e lateral sulcus (sylvian fis-
su re) separates th e tem p oral lobe from th e fron tal
Gross Anatomy and Subdivision an d parietal lobes. Un like oth er n am ed su lci, th e
lateral su lcu s does n ot m erely form th e border be-
of the Cerebrum tw een tw o adjacen t gyri. It exten ds deep u n der th e
su rface of th e brain , w iden in g ou t in to a broad, flat
Th e cerebral longitudinal fissure (in terh em isph eric space con tain in g cerebrospin al fluid, th e sylvian
fissu re) sep arates th e tw o h em isph eres dow n to cistern , w h ich is n ot visible from th e ou tside. Th e
th e corpu s callosum . Each h em isph ere possesses sylvian cistern is u su ally very n arrow, alm ost a vir-
lateral, m edial, an d basal su rfaces; th e tran sition al tual space, except in m arkedly atroph ic brain s. Its
area betw een t h e (dorso-)lateral an d m edial su r- m edial w all is th e in su la (islan d of Reil; cf. Figs.
faces is called th e parasagittal region. Each h em i- 9.10 an d 9.11), som etim es called th e buried or cen -
sph ere is also divided in to four lobes, n am ely, th e tral lobe of th e brain . Th e lateral w all of th e sylvian
frontal, parietal, occipital, an d tem poral lobes (Figs. cistern is called th e opercu lum (“lid”), becau se it
9.4–9.6). Th e insula is som etim es coun ted as a fifth covers th e cistern like a lid; it con sists of bu ried
lobe. Th e m assive en largem en t of th e m am m alian portion s of th e th ree lobes of th e brain lyin g
Gross Anatom y and Subdivision of the Cerebrum · 229
Tem poral

Frontal Occipital
lobe lobe


notch lobe
Temporal Occipital
lobe pole

Fig. 9.5 The lobes of the cerebrum (right hemisphere, Fig. 9.6 The lobes of the cerebrum (basal view of the
medial view ) brain after removal of the left cerebellar hemisphere)

Fig. 9.7 Cortical gyri and

Precentral sulci (lateral view )
Inferior frontal
sulcus sulcus Central
Middle frontal sulcus
gyrus Postcentral




pa pe


ri rio


In e t a r occipital





p a fe ri l lo b




rie o r









l lo




m arginal






a l g yru s
r tem
e rio g yru
Su p ra l
te m po
d le
Pars frontalis
o ra l g yru s
r temp Lunate
Pars In fe rio
Pars Superior Inferior Lateral sulcus Preoccipital
opercularis temporal tem poral (sylvian fissure) notch
sulcus sulcus
9 230 · 9 Cerebrum

Fig. 9.8 Cortical gyri and

Precentral sulci (me dial view )
Cingulate sulcus
Central sulcus

Callosal us
al g yr
sulcus l fr o nt
d ia Pa ra c Parieto-occipital
e e
M lo b u n t ra l
Cin gulate e cu
gyrus ne
Co r
p us c
a llo
su m Isthm us of
Genu Septum
pellu- - um
the cingu-
Ro s
tr um Sp le o f ca llo s late gyrus
cidum m
n iu co rp u s
th e

Gyrus rectus
Uncus ng u
al g yru s
r us / li Calcarine
Pa ra l gy
Subcallosal area h ip p o c a m p a or al g yru s sulcus
it o tem p
Me d ia l o cc yr us
Paraterm inal La t e p o ra l g
gyrus ra l o ccip it o t e

Rhinal sulcus Occipito - Collateral Hippocam pal sulcus

tem poral sulcus and dentate gyrus

prim ary m otor cortex; th e postcentral gyrus, w h ich
cerebral fissure lies beh in d it an d is th erefore in th e parietal lobe,
gyri con tain s th e prim ary som atosen sory cortex. On
Olfactory sulcus
Orbital th e m edial surface of th e h em isph ere, th e parieto -
sulci Gyrus rectus
occipital sulcus form s th e border betw een th e
Collateral fissure
p arietal an d occip ital lobes. Its in ferior en d join s
Parahippocampal th e an terior en d of th e calcarine sulcus, w h ich lies
Inferior temporal
en tirely in t h e occipit al lobe an d run s backw ard
gyrus tow ard th e occipital p ole. Most of th e prim ary
Lingual gyrus visu al cortex is located in th e depth s of th is su lcus,
occipitotemporal an d th e rem ain der in t h e gyri on eith er side of it.
Medial occipito- Fin ally, th e cingulate sulcus separates th e n eocor-
temporal gyrus tex from th e m esocortex of th e cin gu late gyru s.
Fusiform gyrus Th e borders of th e occipital lobe are in -
Calcarine sulcus
com pletely defin ed by th e parieto -occipital sulcus
Fig. 9.9 Cortical gyri and sulci (basal view ) an d th e preoccipital n otch (Figs. 9.7 an d 9.8).
Th e portion of th e lateral su rface of th e fron tal
lobe th at lies an terior to th e precen tral gyrus is
arou n d it, w h ich are called th e tem poral, fron tal, divided in to th e superior, m iddle, an d in ferior fron -
an d p arietal opercu la. A bu ried portion of th e su- tal gyri. For th e n am es an d location s of all gyri
perior tem poral gyru s con tain s t h e t ran sverse gyri m en tion ed in th is section , an d a few oth ers, as w ell
of Hesch l (prim ary au ditory cortex, Fig. 9.10). as t h e n am es of th e su lci th at lie betw een th em , see
Am on g th e oth er relatively invarian t su lci, th e Figs. 9.7–9.9. Th e an atom y of m any of th e gyri an d
central sulcus (rolan dic fissure) defin es th e border su lci varies greatly from on e in dividu al to an oth er,
bet w een t h e fron tal an d parietal lobes. Th e precen- an d even betw een th e tw o h em isph eres of th e
tral gyrus, w h ich lies in fron t of th e cen tral sulcu s sam e in dividual.
an d is th erefore in t h e fron tal lobe, con tain s th e
Histological Organization of the Cerebral Cortex · 231
Short gyri of insula


Long gyrus Central
of insula sulcus of
Long gyrus
Superior tem poral Transverse temporal
Superior tem poral of insula
gyrus gyri of Heschl

Fig. 9.10 The transverse gyri of Heschl on the superior Fig. 9.11 The insula (revealed by dissection)
aspect of the superior temporal gyrus

perpen dicu lar to th e brain su rface, th e follow in g

Histological Organization of the layers can be distin gu ish ed, from ou tside to in side
Cerebral Cortex (i.e., from th e pial su rface to th e subcortical w h ite
m atter).

Th e folded su rface of th e brain is m ade u p of th e

1. Molecular layer (zonal layer). Th is layer is rela-
gray m atter of th e cerebral cortex, w h ich is gray
tively poor in cells. In addition to th e distal den -
becau se of th e very h igh den sit y of n euron s w it h in
dritic trees (apical tuft) of low er-lyin g pyram idal
it. Th e cortex varies in th ickn ess from 1.5 m m
cells an d th e axon s th at m ake syn aptic con tact
(visu al cortex) to 4.5–5 m m (precen tral gyru s); it is
w ith th em , th is layer con tain s m ostly sm all n eu -
gen erally th icker on t h e crow n of a gyrus th an in
ron s (Cajal–Retzius cells), w h ose den drites ru n tan -
th e depth s of th e n eigh borin g su lci.
gen t ially w ith in th e layer. Th e Cajal–Retziu s cells
play an essen tial role in th e develop m en t of th e
Laminar Architecture
cortical lam in ar pattern . Som e of th em degen erate
Th e lam in ar stru ctu re of th e cerebral cortex is vis- on ce t h is developm en t is com p lete.
ible to th e n aked eye in on ly a few cortical areas,
m ost clearly in th e visual cortex, w h ere an an atom i- 2. External granular layer. Th is layer con tain s m any
cal section perpen dicular to th e brain su rface re- granule cells (“n onpyram idal cells”) an d a few py-
veals t h e w h ite strip e of Gen n ari (or of Vicq d’Azyr) ram idal cells w h ose den drites bran ch ou t both
w ith in th e cortical gray m atter. Microscopic exam i- w ith in th e extern al gran ular layer an d u pw ard in to
n ation of m ost cortical areas reveals th e basic six- th e m olecu lar layer. Th e n onpyram idal cells are
layered structure th at typ ifies th e cerebral cortex m ostly GABAergic in h ibitory n eu ron s, w h ile th e
(n eocortex), as described by Brodm an n . Cortical pyram idal cells are excitatory an d u se glu tam ate as
areas possessin g th is stru ctu re are called isocortex th eir n eurotran sm itter.
(after O. Vogt), as opp osed to th e phylogen etically
older allocortex, w h ich , in tu rn , is divided in to th e 3. External pyramidal layer. As its n am e im plies,
paleocortex an d t h e archicortex. Th e paleocortex in - th is layer con tain s m any pyram idal cells, w h ich ,
cludes th e olfactory area, w h ile t h e arch icortex in - h ow ever, are sm aller th an th ose of th e deep er cor-
clu des th e fasciolar gyru s, h ipp ocam p us, den t ate tical layers. Th ese cells are orien ted w ith th eir
gyru s, an d parah ippocam pal gyru s. bases tow ard th e su bcortical w h ite m atter. Th e
Th e in tern al stru cture of t h e six-layered isocor- axon of each pyram idal cell arises from t h e cell
tex is depicted in Fig. 9.12. In an an atom ical sect ion base an d t ravels dow n in to th e w h ite m atter. Th e
9 232 · 9 Cerebrum

Fig. 9.12 Cytoarchitec-

Golgi stain Cellular stain Myelin stain ture of the human cere-
bral cortex as revealed by
I. Molecular Tangential three different staining
layer lam ina techniques. (Diagram after
II. External Brodm ann, from Rauber-
granular layer Kopsch: Lehrbuch und Atlas
der Anatom ie des Men-
schen, 19th ed., vol. II,
III. External Thiem e, Stuttgart, 1955.)
pyram idal layer

IV. Internal External

granular layer band of

V. Internal Internal
pyram idal layer band of

VI. Multiform

axon already receives a m yelin sh eath w ith in th e corticon u clear an d corticosp in al tracts. Th is layer
extern al pyram idal layer. It m ay fu n ction as a pro- also con tain s m any tan gen tially orien ted fibers (in-
jection fiber or, m ore com m on ly, as an association ternal band of Baillarger).
or com m issu ral fiber (p. 236 ff.) A den drite em erg-
in g from th e ap ex of th e pyram idal cell travels u p- 6. Multiform layer. Th is layer of p olym orph cells is
w ard in to th e extern al gran u lar an d m olecu lar lay- subdivided in to an in n er, less den se layer con t ain -
ers, w h ere it divides in to it s term in al bran ch es in g sm aller cells, an d an ou ter layer con tain in g
(ap ical tuft). larger cells.

4. Internal granular layer. Like t h e extern al gran u -

Types of Neurons in the Cerebra l Cortex
lar layer, th is layer con tain s m any n onpyram idal
cells. Th ese granule cells m ain ly receive afferen t Th e cerebral cortex th us con tain s tw o m ajor typ es
inpu t from th alam ic n eu ron s by w ay of th e of n eu ron s: th e excitatory p rojection n eu ron s (py-
th alam ocortical projection . Th e fibers lyin g in th e ramidal cells) an d t h e oth er nonpyramidal cells
extern al pyram idal layer are m ostly radially (gran ule cells or in tern eu ron s), w h ich are m ore
orien ted, but th ose of th e in tern al gran u lar layer com m on ly in h ibitory an d ten d to m ake local rath er
are overw h elm in gly tan gen tial, form in g th e exter- th an lon g-distan ce con n ection s. Bu t th is dich ot-
nal band of Baillarger. om y is oversim p lified. Th e in tern euron s, for ex-
am ple, com e in a n u m ber of su btyp es, su ch as
5. Internal pyramidal layer. Th is layer con tain s m e- basket cells, chandelier cells (axo-axon al cells), an d
diu m -sized an d large pyram idal cells. Th e largest double bouquet cells. Furth erm ore, th e pyram idal
cells of th is layer (Betz cells) are fou n d on ly in th e cells also participate in local regu latory circuits
region of th e precen t ral gyru s. Th e especially (recu rren t in h ibition : backw ard-ru n n in g local col-
th ickly m yelin ated n eurites of th ese cells form th e laterals of th e pyram idal cells activate GABAergic
Histological Organization of the Cerebral Cortex · 233
Fig. 9.13 Simplified dia-
gram of intracortical
neural connections (after
Lorente de Nó and Larsell).
Efferent neurons/neurites
are red, afferent ones are
blue, and interneurons are
black. For details, cf. text,
p. 232.

in h ibitory in tern euron s, w h ich , in tu rn , in h ibit th e Cytoarchitectural cortical fields. As w e h ave seen ,
pyram idal cells). cortical areas vary n ot on ly in th ickn ess bu t also in
Th e pyram idal cells of th e fifth cortical layer give h istological stru cture. Th e h eterogen eous distribu-
rise to th e projection pathw ays (Fig. 9.13), w h ich tion of variou s types of n eu ron s across cortical
travel th rou gh th e su bcortical w h ite m atter an d th e areas, an d th e resu ltin g variat ion s in t h e cortical
in tern al capsu le to th e th alam u s, striatu m , brain - lam in ar pattern , led th e n eu roan atom ists Brod-
stem n uclei, an d spin al cord. Th e association and m an n , O. Vogt, an d von Econ om o to su bdivide th e
com m issural fibers travelin g to oth er ipsilateral an d cerebral cortex in to a large n um ber of cytoarch i-
con tralateral cortical areas, respectively, are tectu ral fields. Brodmann’s cytoarchitectural map
derived from th e pyram idal cells of th e th ird corti- of the cerebral cortex, w h ich is som ew h at sim pler
cal layer (n u m bered 4 in Fig. 9.13). Th e gran u le cells th an von Econ om o’s, is n ow in gen eral use as a sys-
of th e secon d an d fou rth cortical layers, as w ell as tem for n am in g cortical areas. Agran ular cortex is
th e pyram idal cells, receive p rojection fibers from fou n d in Brodm an n areas 4 an d 6 (prim ary an d sec-
th e t h alam us (1), as w ell as association an d com - on dary m otor cortical fields, p. 239); t h e in n er
m issu ral fibers from oth er cortical areas (2). gran ular layer of th ese areas is rich in pyram idal
cell com pon en ts. Gran u lar cortex (kon iocortex), on
th e oth er h an d, is foun d in Brodm an n areas 3, 1, 2,
Va ria tions of the La mina r Pa ttern
41, an d esp ecially 17, th e striate cortex (prim ary re-
Th e six-layered lam in ar pattern ju st described is ceptive cortical areas, p . 24 4). As sh ow n in
called th e homotypical pattern . In som e cortical Fig. 9.14, th e cytoarch itectu ral fields do n ot coin -
areas, h ow ever, th e fu ll pattern of six layers is barely cide w ith th e gyral pattern of th e brain su rface.
discern ible; t h ese areas are called heterotypical. Th ey partly overlap w ith on e an oth er an d vary
In th e receptive cortical fields, su ch as th e visu al, across in dividu als in th eir sh ape an d exten t.
auditory, an d som atosen sory cortices, th e den sity It is possible to su bdivide th e cerebral cortex
of gran u le cells is in creased, w h ile th at of py- h istologically, n ot on ly accordin g to cytoarch itec-
ram idal cells is decreased (“granulization”; “granu- tu ral criteria but also on th e basis of local varia-
lar cortex”). In th e m otor cortical fields, on th e tion s in m yelin ated fibers, glial cells, or blood ves-
oth er h an d, th ere are relatively m ore pyram idal sels (i.e., accordin g to it s m yeloarchitecture, glioar-
cells (“pyram idalization”; “agranular cortex”). chitecture, or angioarchitecture). More recen t brain
9 234 · 9 Cerebrum

Fig. 9.14 Cytoarchitec-

tural fie lds of the human
cerebral cortex. a Lateral
view of left hem isphere.
b Medial view of right
hem isphere. The cortical
fields are num bered.
(From : Brodm ann, from
Bargm ann W: Histologie
und Mikroskopische Anato-
m ie des Menschen, 6th ed.,
Thiem e, Stuttgart, 1967.)

i i i ii i i
i i i
i i i ii
iii i i i i i i ii i i
i i i ii ii i i

m aps h ave also exploited variation s in n eu - grou ps of n euron s, can decisively affect th e stru c-
rotran sm it ters, n eu rot ran sm itter-related en zym es, tu ral differen tiation of cortical areas over th e
n eu ropeptides, an d calciu m -bin din g protein s, as cou rse of on togen etic developm en t. A furth er
revealed by im m u n oh istoch em ical stu dies u sin g question is w h eth er, an d by w h at m ech an ism s,
specific an tibodies again st t h ese su bstan ces. lon g-lastin g ch an ges in n eu ron al activity in th e
m ature brain (e.g., th rou gh perturbation s of th e ex-
Plasticity of cortical architecture. Th e m icroscopic tern al environ m en t or loss of a sen sory organ ) can
stru cture of th e cerebral cortex is n ot strictly actually brin g about ch an ges in th e m icroarch itec-
gen etically determ in ed, n or is it im m u table. Mu ch tu re of th e cortex, in clu din g a ch an ged an atom y of
cu rren t research con cern s th e qu estion of h ow en - syn aptic con n ection s.
viron m en tal in fluen ces, by activatin g specific
Cerebral White Matter · 235
Many studies of th is kin d h ave been perform ed Th e su bcortical w h ite m atter is bou n ded by th e
on t h e visual system, becau se th e environ m en tal cerebral cortex, th e lateral ven tricles, an d th e stri-
condition s affectin g it (visu al stim uli) are relatively atu m . It s n erve fibers are of th ree types:
easy to m an ipu late. It h as been fou n d th at certain 1. Projection fibers
“elem en tary com p on en ts” of visu al stim u li, in - 2. Association fibers
cludin g th eir color, orien tation , an d localization on
3. Com m issu ral fibers
th e retin a, are p rocessed separately by dist in ct
grou ps of n eu ron s, w h ich are distribu ted over th e
Projection Fibers
visu al cortex in sm all, in terspersed areas. Th ese
sp ecialized cortical areas t ake on differen t ch arac- Projection fibers con n ect differen t part s of th e cen -
teristic sh apes, depen din g on th e elem en tary tral n ervou s system w ith each oth er over lon g dis-
aspect of visu al processin g w it h w h ich t h ey are tan ces.
concern ed: color is processed in so-called “blobs,”
w hile th e spatial localization an d orien tation of th e Efferent fibers from t h e cerebral cortex traverse th e
stim u lus are dealt w ith by ocu lar dom in an ce an d subcort ical w h ite m atter an d t h en com e togeth er
orien tation colu m n s (cf. p. 243 f.). Experim en tal to form th e in tern al capsu le. As discussed in Ch ap-
m an ipu lation of a given typ e of elem en tary ter 3, th ese are th e corticon u clear, corticosp in al,
stim ulus, for a su fficien tly lon g period of tim e, can an d corticopon tin e fibers, as w ell as th e fibers th at
be sh ow n to produ ce m orph ological ch an ges in th e lin k th e cerebral cortex w ith th e th alam u s, stri-
correspon din g processin g un its. atu m , reticu lar form ation , subst an tia n igra, sub-
Inpu t-specific differen tiation of cortical m icro- th alam ic n u cleu s, m idbrain tectu m , an d red n u -
structu res can be dem on strated in oth er areas as cleu s. Th e lon g efferen t corticospin al fibers arise
w ell. Th e cortical barrels of th e roden t som a- m ain ly in areas 4, 3, 1, an d 2, an d also in area 6,
tosen sory cortex, com posed of an n u lar collection s w h ile fibers to oth er destin ation s, such as th e cor-
of cells, are a w ell-kn ow n exam ple: each barrel ticopon tin e an d corticoth alam ic fibers, arise from
represen ts a sin gle w h isker of th e an im al. larger association areas of th e cortex.
Th u s, a large n u m ber of recen t stu dies perm it
th e follow in g gen eral con clu sion s: (1) Certain cor- Afferent fibers t ravel from th e th alam u s to exten -
tical areas con tain a top ical represen tation of t h e sive areas of t h e cerebral cortex. Th ese in clu de
sensory stim uli th at th ey process. (2) Th is rep re- fibers of all som atosen sory m odalities, w h ich
sentat ion can un dergo plastic ch an ge. travel to areas 3, 1, 2, an d 4, as w ell as oth er fibers
carryin g im pu lses from th e cerebellum , globu s pal-
Th e diversity of h istological stru ctu re am on g corti-
lidu s, an d m am illary body by w ay of th e th alam u s
cal fields im m ediately im plies t h at th ey m u st h ave
to th e cerebral cortex. Th e th alam u s is th e last
correspon din gly diverse fun ction s. For w ell over a
m ajor relay station th at sen sory im p ulses m ust
h un dred years, m uch research h as focu sed on th e
traverse before reach in g th eir sp ecific prim ary cor-
assign m en t of fu n ction to differen t cort ical fields.
tical areas an d is th erefore som etim es called th e
Th e kn ow ledge th at h as been gain ed is of vital
“gatew ay to con sciou sn ess.” Olfactory fibers are
clin ical im portan ce. We w ill discu ss fu n ction al lo-
th e on ly exception to th is rule: th ey reach th e cor-
calization in detail in th e section after n ext, bu t
tex directly, w ith out any th alam ic relay.
first, as a n ecessary prerequisite, th e fiber con n ec-
tion s of th e cerebral cortex w ill be presen ted.
Thalamocortical reciprocity. Most th alam ocortical
projection s are reciprocal (i.e., th ere are fibers run -
n in g in both direction s). Th e cerebral cortex is th u s
Cerebral White Matter presu m ed to m odu late its ow n input by m ean s of a
feedback loop bet w een th e cortex an d th e
Each h em isp h ere con t ain s a large am oun t of su b- th alam u s. Th ese m assive th alam ocortical an d cor-
cortical w h ite m atter, w h ich is com p osed of myeli- ticoth alam ic projection s m ake u p th e large w h ite
nated nerve fibers of varyin g th ickn ess an d neuro- m atter tracts kn ow n as th e an terior, superior, pos-
glia (m ain ly oligoden drocytes, th e cells th at form terior, an d in ferior th alam ic pedun cles, w h ich are
m yelin sh eat h s). usually collectively term ed th e corona radiata. Th e
9 236 · 9 Cerebrum

Fig. 9.15 Association

Superior longitudinal fibers of the cerebral
fissure w hite matter (lateral
view ). a After dissection to
the depth of the external
capsule. b After rem oval of
the striatum to expose the
internal capsule.

Uncinate fasciculus

Frontotem poral and

arcuate fasciculi
External capsule
Inferior occipito-
frontal fasciculus

(direction of

Cerebral arcuate

Corona radiat a

Internal capsule

Inferior occipito-
frontal fasciculus Optic radiation

Uncinate fasciculus
Inferior longitudinal
Anterior com m issure

topical organ ization of th e th alam ic projection s is from on e cortical area to an oth er. Th ese exten sive
th eir m ost im portan t featu re. fiber con n ect ion s betw een cort ical areas m ay also
be an im portan t an atom ical subst rate for th e par-
tial recovery of fu n ction often seen in th e after-
Association Fibers
m ath of cortical in jury (e.g., after traum a or
Th e association fibers (Figs. 9.15 an d 9.16) m ake stroke). Over tim e, as th e in dividu al practices th e
up m ost of t h e su bcortical w h ite m atter. Th ese im paired activities, perform an ce m ay im prove be-
fibers con n ect n eigh borin g distan t cortical areas cau se th e correspon din g n eu ral im p ulses h ave
of th e sam e h em isph ere w ith each oth er. Th e cere- been redirected alon g th e rem ain in g, in tact pat h -
bral cortex is able to carry ou t its diverse associa- w ays.
tive an d in tegrative fun ction s on ly becau se all of Th e superior longitudinal fasciculus run s dorsal
its fun ction ally im portan t areas are tigh tly in ter- to th e in su la an d con n ects th e fron tal lobe w ith
con n ected an d n eural im pu lses can travel easily large parts of th e parietal, occipital, an d tem p oral
Cerebral White Matter · 237
Fig. 9.16 The major
Cingulum tracts of association
fibers and commissural
fibers (diagram )

Inferior longitu-
dinal fasciculus

Cerebral arcuate
term inalis
Superior longitu-
dinal fasciculus
Vertical occipital


Frontotemporal and
arcuate fasciculi

Superior longitu- Cingulum Corpus

dinal fasciculus callosum
m inor

Forceps Anterior
major com m issure
Inferior longitu-
dinal fasciculus

lobes. An exten sion of it, th e arcuate fasciculus, orbital fron tal gyri w ith th e an terior p ortion of th e
w in ds arou n d th e posterior en d of th e lateral su l- tem p oral lobe.
cu s (sylvian fissure) in th e depth s of th e su bcortical Other important bundles of association fibers
w h ite m atter. Th is fiber bu n dle con n ects th e fron - are th e superior and inferior occipitofrontal
tal an d tem poral lan gu age areas (of Broca an d fasciculi an d th e vertical occipital fasciculus. Th e
Wern icke, p. 248) w ith each oth er. Lesion s of th e cerebral arcuate fibers, also called U fibers, con n ect
arcuate fascicu lu s produce con du ct ion ap h asia n eigh borin g as w ell as distan t gyri. Nerve fibers
(p . 249). Th e inferior longitudinal fasciculus con - th at travel exclu sively w ith in th e cerebral cortex
n ects th e tem poral lobe w ith th e occipital lobe. Th e are called intracortical fibers, in con trast to th e
uncinate fasciculus travels arou n d th e an terior en d subcortical fibers th at m ake u p th e cerebral w h ite
of th e lateral sulcu s like a h ook, con n ectin g th e m atter.
9 238 · 9 Cerebrum

Th e cingulum is an association bun dle of th e Functional Localization in the

lim bic system . It ru n s from th e su bcallosal area to
th e parah ipp ocam p al gyrus (en torh in al area).
Cerebral Cortex

Commissural Fibers Th e earliest clin ical n eurologists an d n eu roscien -

tists w ere already deeply in terested in th e question
Fibers lin kin g cortical region s w it h th eir cou n ter-
of w h eth er in dividu al fu n ction s of th e brain could
parts in th e opposite cerebral h em isph ere are
be localized to part icu lar brain areas. From th e m id-
called com m issu ral fibers (Fig. 9.16c, d) an d are
n in eteen th cen tury onw ard, research ers an sw ered
fou n d in th e corpus callosum an d th e anterior com-
th is qu estion th rough th e pain stakin g stu dy of brain
missure. Th e fibers of t h e corpu s callosum are
lesion s foun d at au topsy in p atien ts w h o, durin g
derived from very exten sive areas of th e cerebral
th eir lives, h ad suffered from particular types of
cortex; a m idlin e section of th e brain sh ow s th em
n eu rological deficit. Th is patho-anatom ically
tigh tly bu n dled in th e corpu s callosu m . On ce th ey
oriented functional analysis of cortical stru ctu res
h ave crossed over to th e opposite h em isph ere, th e
w as supp lem en ted, from 1870 onw ard, by experi-
callosal fibers fan out again , in th e so-called cal-
m en ts w ith direct electrical or ch em ical stim ulation
losal radiation, to reach t h e cortical location s th at
of th e cerebral cortex, both in an im als an d in
correspon d, in m irror-im age fash ion , to th eir sites
h um an s. Later tech n iqu es, in cludin g stereotaxy,
of origin . Th is sym m etrical lin kage of h om otopic
electroencephalography, an d m icroelectrode record-
cortical areas by com m issural fibers is absen t on ly
ing of poten tials from in dividu al n eu ron s an d n erve
in th e p rim ary visu al cortex (area 17) an d in th e
fibers, yielded ever m ore detailed fun ction al
h an d an d foot areas of th e som atosen sory cortex.
“m ap s” of th e brain (cf. Fig. 9.17). Th e origin al idea
Th e com m issu ral fibers are in terspersed in th e
of th e “localizability” of brain fu n ction rem ain s
subcortical w h ite m atter w ith th e fibers of t h e
valid after a cen tu ry an d a h alf of stu dy, especially
coron a radiata an d th e association bun dles. As th e
w ith respect to th e prim ary cortical areas, w h ich w e
corp us callosu m is sh orter th an th e h em isph eres,
w ill describe furth er below.
th e fibers at its an terior en d (rostru m , gen u ) or
In th e last 20 years, h ow ever, basic n eu robiologi-
posterior en d (splen iu m ) take a U-sh aped cou rse
cal research on th e localization of cortical fun ction
to lin k m irror-sym m etric cortical areas at th e fron -
h as been largely tran sform ed by th e em ergen ce of
tal or occipit al poles. Th ese cu rvin g fibers form th e
n ew er, m ore pow erfu l tech n iqu es of investigation ,
forceps m inor (for th e fron tal pole) an d th e forceps
particu larly fu n ction al n euroim agin g. Curren t
m ajor (for th e occipit al pole).
th in kin g h as tu rn ed aw ay from th e parcelin g out of
fun ction s to in dividu al an atom ical structu res (as
derived from t h e im p ortan t stu dies of Brodm an n ,

Fig. 9.17 Functional

Voluntary m ovem ent areas of the cerebral cor-
Supplem entary Somatic sensation tex as determ ined by elec-
m otor synergies
trical stim ulation of the
cortex during neurosurgical
Eye m ovem ents
Manual procedures. (From : Penfield
dexterit y W and Rasm ussen T: The
Cerebral Cortex of Man,
Macm illan, New York,
Language 1950.)
g Bilateral
a rin
He vision

Mem ory patterns

Functional Localization in the Cerebral Cortex · 239
Pen field, an d m any oth ers) an d tow ard th e con cept exp en se of th e procedu re. Som e of th e radioactive
of functional neural netw orks. It is n ow clear th at isotopes u sed in PET h ave very sh ort h alf-lives an d
cortical fun ction s, particu larly h igh er on es like lan - m ust be gen erated directly adjacen t to th e scan n er,
guage, cogn ition , an d th e con trol of specific pat- in an on -site cyclotron . Fu rth erm ore, th e spatial res-
tern s of beh avior, can n ot alw ays be assign ed to a olu tion an d tem poral resolu tion of PET are rela-
sin gle cortical location . Rath er, in dividu al com - tively low.
pon en ts of th ese com plex fu n ction s are subserved
by separate parts of t h e n eocortex, w h ich m u st th en Functional magnetic resonance imaging. Most of
in teract w ith each oth er in m an ifold w ays to pro- th e p roblem s associated w ith MEG an d PET, as ju st
du ce th e correspon din g fu n ction al com peten ce. described, do n ot affect fMRI. Th is tech n ique is
In th e p ast, th e stu dy of fu n ction al localization based on t h e differen t m agn et ic properties of oxy-
in th e cerebral cortex relied on exam in ation of th e h em oglobin an d deoxyh em oglobin . Region al cere-
sick or in ju red brain (th e “lesion al approach ”), an d bral act ivation is im m ediately follow ed n ot ju st by
on n onphysiological exp erim en ts involvin g brain a ch an ge in blood flow but also by a ch an ge in th e
stim u lation . In con trast, research ers n ow try to u n - relative con cen trat ion s of th e tw o form s of
derstan d th e physiological basis an d com plexity of h em oglobin , w h ich can be detected as a very sm all
cortical fu n ction s by m ean s of im ages of t h e en tire ch an ge in t h e MRI sign al. fMRI is n ot kn ow n to
norm al brain , obtain ed w h ile th ese fun ct ion s are h ave any h arm ful effect on th e body, so th at su b-
bein g carried ou t. jects can be exam in ed at len gth or repeatedly. fMRI
Th e m ajor tech n iques of fu n ction al n eu roim ag- h as n ow largely replaced PET for stu dies of cerebral
in g th at are used in th is typ e of research are activation , bu t it can n ot yet be u sed reliably to
m agn etoen ceph alography (MEG), positron em is- visu alize m etabolic processes.
sion tom ography (PET), an d fu n ction al m agn etic
We w ill n ow describe som e asp ects of th e n ew
reson an ce im agin g (fMRI).
con ception of fu n ction al localization in th e cere-
bral cortex th at h as been obtain ed th rou gh th e ap-
Magnetoencephalography involves m easu rem en t
plication of th ese n ew tech n iqu es.
of t h e m agn etic fields gen erated in th e cerebral
cortex, rath er th an ch an ges in electrical poten tial,
Primary Cortical Fields
w h ich are m easured in electroen ceph alograp hy.
Brain tissu e an d th e bony skull severely atten u ate From th e fun ction al poin t of view, th e cortex can be
electric, bu t n ot m agn etic fields, an d MEG is, th ere- divided in to prim ary cortical fields an d u n im odal
fore, m uch better th an EEG for fu n ction al im agin g. (p. 247) an d m u ltim odal association areas (p . 247).
Th e m agn etic fields th at it detects are stron g Most of th e prim ary cortical fields h ave a recep -
en ou gh th at a th ree-dim en sion al im age of field tive fu n ction : th ey are th e fin al targets of th e so-
sources can be com p uted from th em , in clu din g m atosen sory an d special sen sory p ath w ays (visual,
sources deep in t h e brain . Fu n ction al im agin g of au ditory, etc.) in th e CNS, an d th ey receive th eir af-
th e brain w ith MEG can be perform ed w ith h igh feren t inp ut by w ay of a th alam ic relay. Th e pri-
tem poral resolution bu t relatively low spatial reso- m ary cortical fields serve to brin g th e respective
lution (as com pared to fMRI). sen sory qu alities to con sciou sn ess in raw form , i.e.,
w ithout interpretation. Th e in dividu al prim ary cor-
Positron emission tomography, a scan n in g pro- tical fields h ave n o distin ctive gross an atom ical
cedure involvin g radion uclides, is used to investi- feat ures an d do n ot correspon d precisely to t h e
gate m etabolic processes in th e brain . Oxygen an d pattern of convolu tion s on th e brain surface.
glucose con su m ption in th e brain can be directly Rath er, th e exten t of a prim ary cortical field is de-
m easu red after th e in jection of th e correspon din g fin ed as th e area of cortex in w h ich th e corre-
radioactively labeled su bstan ces in to th e body. sp on din g th alam ic projection term in ates.
Radioactively labeled dru gs can also be u sed to In addition to th e variou s prim ary receptive
visualize in tracerebral syn apt ic activity an d recep- fields, th ere is also a prim ary m otor area, w h ich
tor distribu tion . Th e disadvan tages of PET in clu de sen ds m otor im p ulses th rou gh th e pyram idal path -
th e radiation dose to th e p atien t, w h ich is n ot al- w ay to th e spin al cord an d, ultim ately, to th e
w ays in sign ifican t , an d th e tech n ical difficu lty an d m u scles.
9 240 · 9 Cerebrum








a d















a ls



n it




Ey u m


e b




Fa c
ia l
e xp r
e ssio
Up p n
e r lip
Mo u t h

a Lower lip
Teeth, gum s, and jaw

To ng ue l
in a
x om
h a r y-na b d
P t ra


















In d d


d le

Th e x


u m fin n g

Ne g e
ck b er r
ye b
Fig. 9.18 Primary cortical fields and premotor and pre- Eye ro ws
frontal cortical areas (diagram ). a Lateral view. b Medial Fa c
ia l e e ye
b al
xp re
view. ssio l
Mo u t h


Ja w



n gu in

To w





Fig. 9.19 Relative sizes of the cortical representations
of different parts of the body in the hum an prim ary som a-
tosensory (a) and m otor (b) cortical fields. (From : Penfield
W and Rasm ussen T: The Cerebral Cortex of Man, Macm il- b
lan, New York, 1950.)

Prima ry Soma tosensory a nd Motor Cortica l

Areas inpu t is derived from th e ven tral posterolateral an d
posterom edial n u clei of th e th alam u s (Fig. 6.4,
Localization and function. Th e primary soma- p. 174). Even th ou gh som e sen sory stim uli, p articu -
tosensory cortex (areas 3, 2, and 1, Fig. 9.18) larly pain ful stim u li, m ay already be vagu ely per-
rough ly correspon ds to th e postcen tral gyru s of t h e ceived at th e th alam ic level, m ore precise differen -
parietal lobe an d a portion of th e precen tral gyru s. tiation in term s of localization , in ten sity, an d type
It exten ds upw ard on to th e m edial su rface of th e of stim u lu s can n ot occu r un til im pulses reach th e
h em isph ere, w h ere it occu pies th e p osterior por- som atosen sory cortex. Th e con sciou s perception of
tion of th e paracen tral lobu le. Th e prim ary som a- vibration an d position is n ot possible w ith ou t th e
tosen sory cortex is resp on sible for the conscious participation of th e cortex.
perception of pain and tem perature as w ell as so- Th e primary motor cortex (area 4) rough ly corre-
m atic sensation and proprioception, m ainly from the spon ds to t h e precen t ral gyru s of t h e fron tal lobe,
contralateral half of the body and face. Its afferen t in clu din g th e an terior w all of th e cen tral su lcu s, an d
Functional Localization in the Cerebral Cortex · 241
3a = pain including
b = tem perature object
1 = touch recognition
2 = kinesthetic sense by touch
Motor en
e ns
at ion skills ov


st Tu rn in g

of trun k


Fa ll e Action

re s p (sensory) of leg
in g and trunk
Drive, m otivation, Tu rn a d
of h th
feeling of strength ng



m emory

In d i

a c t iovid u a l



uc ns

Active ft AA

Eye c tc


thinking Act i ssoorryy Calculation


Motor move- o n se ))


Writ q u e n ce

sequences ments ing s Num ber
Face Ta c t
ile b recognition
Stereo- Rig h o d y im

d ist t / le ft a g e Sense

Spea- Nam ing Words gnosis

in c t
io n Reading of place
king in (spon- and
Tones Action Se n

taneous and (sen- co m e n c

sen- h e p re e

m elodies phone- sory) Visual
tences speech) n si -


mes io n on

Taste c

pe ep - Vision:

ise c
No e p e r

Visual bright-

s o n
n ce T n o n Phonem ic recognition ness,

ue es t io Ph

e q
S n o is color,

of nes
f t o t io n ) (word shape,

Personality, appropriate o
ce s ce p

uen y per com prehension) Name m ove-

actions, perseverance q

S e lo d
com pre-

Color m ent



Listening m ovem ents,
auditory attention

Understanding of
sounds and m usic

Fig. 9.20 Functional localization in the cerebral cortex in relation to cytoarchitecture, after K. Kleist. a Lateral view of
left hem isphere.
Fig. 9.20 b

exten ds u pw ard in to th e an terior p ortion of th e tion s of th e periph ery of th e body, takin g th e form
paracen tral lobu le on th e m edial su rface of th e of a homunculus (a “little m an ,” as it w ere, draw n
h em isph ere. Th e fifth cortical layer in area 4 con - on th e surface of th e brain ; t h e Latin term is th e
tain s th e ch aracteristic Betz pyram idal cells, w h ich dim in u tive of hom o, m an , in th e sen se of h u m an
give off th e rapidly con ductin g, th ickly m yelin ated bein g; cf. Fig. 9.19). Th e con figuration of th ese
fibers of th e pyram idal tract. Area 4 is th u s con - m aps of th e body on th e cortical su rface w as origi-
sidered th e site of origin of voluntary m ovem ent, n ally determ in ed by path oan atom ical study
sen din g m otor im pu lses to th e m u scles by w ay of (Fig. 9.20). Th e fin din gs w ere con firm ed an d re-
th e pyram idal tract an d an terior h orn cells of th e fin ed by th e in traoperative electrical stim u lation
spin al cord. It receives afferen t inpu t from oth er stu dies of Pen field (Fig. 9.21), by th e som a-
areas of th e brain t h at part icipate in th e plan n in g tosen sory evoked p oten tial m appin g stu dies of
an d in it iation of volun tary m ovem en t, particularly Marsh all, an d, m ore recen tly, by PET, fMRI, an d
th e ven tral oral posterior n ucleu s of th e t h alam us MEG stu dies (Fig. 9.22). fMRI en ables visu alization
(cf. p . 174 f.), th e prem otor areas 6 an d 8, an d th e so- of th e region s of th e brain th at are act ivated w h en
m atosen sory areas. norm al, healthy subjects p erform m otor tasks.
Th ese cortical m aps are not metrically propor-
Somatotopy and plasticity. Th e prim ary som a- tional representations of th e body. In th e cortical
tosen sory an d m otor fields of th e n eocortex con - rep resen tation of sup erficial sen sation , for exam ple,
tain som atotop ic, i.e., poin t-to-poin t, represen ta- p arts of th e body th at are den sely in n ervated by
9 242 · 9 Cerebrum


Motor skills Indi-

Turning of trunk m ove-
Foot, m ents A
c t
bladder, i
(s e o
Fall response rectum n so n
r y)

B o d y e g o

Drive (experience of self)

gr op
ap o -
Vegetative y

t -
cel c r o -
n es
perception Visu


ra m
a l fi

ces Vegetative Visu e ld ,
Objective a l fi lo w
(m otor) odor
e ld , er q
reactions uad
upp ra n t
odor er q
Fd uad
perception Up ra n t
CA m wa r

Individual and

ov d

collective ego em ga

e n ze
Color and
Odor object recognition



o com prehension
ct or
Ob je c t ive o lfa

Understanding of
sounds and m usic

Fig. 9.20 (continued) Functional localization in the cere- fahrungen im Weltkrieg 1914/18, vol. IV, Barth, Leipzig,
bral cortex in relation to cytoarchitecture, after K. Kleist. 1922–1934.)
b Medial view of right hem isphere. (Figs. 9.20a and b from : CA, cornu Am m onis; Am m on’s horn; Fd, fascia dentata.
Kleist K: Gehirnpathologie. In: Handbuch der ärztlichen Er-

sen sory fibers (such as t h e ton gu e, m ou th , an d face) am pu tated, for exam ple, th e cortical area pre-
are m apped to disproportion ately large areas of cor- viou sly respon sible for sen sory im pu lses from th e
tex, an d less den sely in n ervated parts (arm , th igh , (n ow m issin g) h an d can ch an ge its fun ction an d in -
back) are m apped to sm aller areas (Fig. 9.19). stead process sen sory im pulses from th e face. Th is
Furth erm ore, an d despite earlier assum ption s, ch an ge is brou gh t about by n euron al reorgan iza-
th ese m aps are not static: rath er, th e cort ical rep- tion in th e brain .
resen tation of a given body part can en large or
sh rin k, depen din g on t h e degree to w h ich th at Much cu rren t research con cern s th e poten tial con -
body p art is put to use. Th u s, if a tact ile discrim in a- n ection betw een sh iftin g cortical represen tation s
tion task involvin g th e th u m b an d in dex fin ger an d th e gen eration of pain ful con dit ion s su ch as
(su ch as th e palpation of a die to explore its sur- phantom pain. If a con n ection exist s, th en som e
face) is carried ou t rep et itively for a lon g en ough type of th erap eu tic alteration or su ppression of
tim e, th e rep resen tation of th ese tw o fin gers in th e th is form of cortical “plasticity” m igh t be u sed to
prim ary som atosen sory cortex w ill en large. Sim i- treat, or even preven t, th ese con dition s.
lar, or even m ore exten sive, ch an ges of cortical rep -
resen tation are foun d after t h e in ju ry or am puta- Cortical columns. In addition to th e som atotopic
tion of a lim b. In such cases, th e som atotopic m ap cortical represen tation of su perficial sen sation
of th e body in th e cerebral cortex can be sh ifted by (tou ch an d p ressu re), w h ich involves im pulses th at
as m u ch as several cen tim eters. Wh en an arm is are gen erated in cu tan eous m ech an oreceptors an d
Functional Localization in the Cerebral Cortex · 243



To t
sim ultaneous flexion


, e ye it e sid e




a d Fo s
synergy of the contralateral

He p p o s r


T ou


Le h ig

o on o

k to arm and leg, with participa-

g h
si Ab

t ru n e xt e n gy do

ld m
Se tion of the ipsilateral leg.
n e r ra l

Th m

A ar
y en o f co n

P es


io n

ri t
te ax
Secondary: turning of

Sh co d a
fle x o n t ra la lim b s

m o

nt ry

ld e

a op
Ar head, eyes, and

of c ra : fl

m r
la t e x


: t po
Eye s
t Fo e ra io trunk to opposite

u si
oppo o
re a
l li n sy


rn t e

m side.

- Ha
b ne


in s

sit e nd

2n rg

g id

sid e d hf

o e
fin 4t



Th g 3 h
er fin

um rd r

fin g e
b 2 n g r

Up ck Th
um nge

Lo w r fa c Ne r
er f e b
a c e Up c k
To n p
gue Lo w e r fa Eye s
r f ce
o p p o si t o
Ja To e n;
Pa la n ac
Ja w g u e e c e p t io t e sid e
te er nk
Ph a r yp u
yn x Pa la
te d it o r e s, t r d e
La r yn x Ph u
A d, e y
it e
s i Co m p
a r yn hea ppos n sio n le x
La r yn x x
to o o r e xt e o n t ra - visu a l
Fle xio n h c
y o f t a l lim b s p e r ce p
Ch e syn e rg la t e r t io n
p h o win g ,
g ro n a t io lickin
h icc a n in g , n , g ru g , s wa
upi n l
ng scre t in g , lo win g Vi-
am ,
in g su a l
p e r- Cen-
ce p -
t io n

Fig. 9.21 Motor effects induced by electrical stimulation of individual cortical fields: overview. (From : Foerster O:
Grosshirn. In: Handbuch der Neurologie, vol. VI. Ed. by O. Bum ke and O. Foerster, Springer, Berlin, 1936.)

Foot Elbow flexion Thumb tapping

Inde x finger Left fist Lip-pursing

Fig. 9.22 The cortical representation of regions of the this technique, is in perfect accordance with the earlier find-
body as revealed by functional MRI (fMRI) in normal per- ings of Penfield and Foerster (Fig. 9.21). fMRI is thus a non-
sons. fMRI data are shown projected onto a m odel of the invasive m eans of m apping the “hom unculus” very reliably,
brain surface. The data were obtained from 30 subjects either in norm al persons or in patients. The im ages are re-
who perform ed repetitive m ovem ents of the indicated produced with the kind perm ission of Professor Grodd.
body parts. Bright colors correspond to high levels of acti- (From : Lotze M, Erb M, Flor H, et al.: Neuroim age 11 (2000)
vation: i.e., brightly colored brain areas are activated during 473–481.)
the respective m ovem ents. Localization, as determ ined by
9 244 · 9 Cerebrum

Fig. 9.23 Functional localization in the primary visual areas. Im ages obtained by Professor Grodd. (From : Kam -
cortex as revealed by fMRI. Norm al subjects viewed visual m er T, Erb M, Beck S, and Grodd W: Zur Topographie von
stim uli in the form of expanding rings, and the associated Phosphenen: Eine Studie m it fMRI und TMS. 3. Tübinger
cortical activity is depicted, projected onto a m odel of the Wahrnehm ungskonferenz [3rd Tübingen Conference on
brain surface. There is activation of the prim ary visual cor- Perception, 2000].)
tex at the calcarine sulcus, as well as of the secondary visual

th en t ran sm itted to th e cortex alon g th e path w ays reflect s th e in terru pt ion of n onpyram idal as w ell as
th at h ave been described, th ere are also oth er corti- pyram idal path w ays. Focal epileptic seizures re-
cal m aps for th e rem ain in g som atosen sory m odali- stricted to th e som atosen sory cortex are ch aracter-
ties (proprioception , tem perature, p ain ), w h ich lie ized by repetitive m otor ph en om en a, su ch as
deeper w it h in t h e cortex bu t h ave a gen erally sim i- tw itch in g, or by paresth esia/dysesth esia on th e op-
lar con figu ration . Th u s, som atic sen sation as a posite side of th e body or face (m otor or sen sory
w h ole is represen ted by cortical colum ns: each jacksonian seizures).
colu m n deals w ith a p articu lar, sm all region of th e
body surface, an d cells at differen t depth s w ith in
Prima ry Visua l Cortex
th e colu m n respon d to differen t som atosen sory
m odalities. Th is stru ctu ral property en ables th e Localization and retinotopy. Th e prim ary visu al
brain to process im p ulses from all som atosen sory cortex correspon ds to area 17 of t h e occipital lobe
m odalities sim u ltan eou sly an d in parallel, even (Figs. 9.17, 9.18). It is located in th e depth s of th e
th ough th ey h ave reach ed th e cortex th rou gh dis- calcarin e su lcus, an d in th e gyri im m ediately above
tin ct n eu roan atom ical path w ays. an d below th is sulcu s on t h e m edial surface of th e
h em isph ere, an d it exten ds on ly sligh tly beyon d
A lesion of the primary somatosensory cortex im - th e occipital pole (Fig. 9.23). It is also called th e
pairs or abolish es th e sen sat ion s of touch , pres- striate (“striped”) cortex becau se of th e w h ite
sure, pain , an d tem perat ure, as w ell as tw o-poin t st ripe of Gen n ari, w h ich is grossly visible w it h in it
discrim in ation an d position sen se, in a corre- in a p erpen dicular an atom ical section . Th e visu al
spon din g area on t h e opp osite side of th e body cortex receives inpu t by w ay of th e optic radiation
(contralateral hemihypesthesia or hemianesthe- from th e lateral gen iculate body, in orderly, retin o-
sia). topic fash ion : th e visual cortex of on e side receives
A lesion in area 4 produ ces contralateral flaccid visual in form ation from th e tem poral h alf of th e
hemiparesis. Addition al dam age of th e adjacen t ipsilateral retin a an d th e n asal h alf of th e con -
prem otor area an d th e un derlyin g fiber tract s is tralateral retin a. Th u s, th e righ t visu al cortex su b-
n ecessary to produ ce spastic hemiparesis, w h ich serves th e left h alf of t h e visu al field, an d vice versa
Functional Localization in the Cerebral Cortex · 245
(p p. 86, 87). Visu al in form ation from th e m acu la
lutea is conveyed to th e posterior part of area 17,
i.e., th e area arou n d th e occipital pole.

Columnar structure. Th e n eu ron s of th e prim ary

visu al cortex respon d to stim u li h avin g a particular
Visual cort ex
position an d orien tation in t h e con t ralateral visual
field. Neu ron s respon din g to sim ilarly orien ted Optic
radiation (enlarged)
stim u li are organ ized in vertical colu m n s. Each
colu m n is 30–10 0 m icron s w ide. Neigh borin g
colu m n s are organ ized in “pinw h eels” (Fig. 9.24),
Ocular dominance
in w h ich every direction of th e com pass is repre- colum ns
sen ted on ce. Th e orien tation colu m n s are in ter-
rupted at regu lar distan ces by th e “blobs”
(Fig. 9.24), w h ich con tain n eu ron s p rim arily re-
spon din g to color. Fin ally, t h e ocular dominance Blob

columns are th e th ird m ajor structu ral com pon en t

of th e prim ary visu al cortex. Each ocu lar dom i-
n an ce colu m n respon ds to visual stim u lation of a
sin gle eye; th e adjacen t colum n respon ds to visu al
stim u lation of th e oth er eye. (pinwheel, enlarged)

Th ese th ree m ajor com pon en ts of th e prim ary

visual cortex togeth er form a hypercolu m n oc-
cu pyin g an area of abou t 1 m m 2 . Th e hyper-
columns, in tu rn , m ake u p a regu larly repeatin g
pattern on th e surface of th e prim ary visu al cortex.
Th ey are in tercon n ected th rou gh h orizon tal cells. Fig. 9.24 Structure of the visual cortex: pinw heels and
Th e st ru ctu ral an d fu n ction al organ ization of th e blobs (diagram )
visu al cortex en ables it to carry ou t an elem en tary
an alysis of visu al stim uli for th eir sh ape an d color.
Direct electrical st im u lation of t h e prim ary visu al im pu lses from both organ s of Corti by w ay of th e
cortex (e.g., in aw ake patien ts u n dergoin g brain lateral lem n isci. Th us, th e prim ary au ditory cortex
surgery) in duces th e perception of flash es of ligh t, of each side processes im pu lses arisin g in both ears
brigh t lin es, an d colors. (bilateral projection ).

Tonotopy. Th e stru cture of th e prim ary au ditory

A unilateral lesion of area 17 produ ces con -
cortex resem bles th at of th e p rim ary visu al cortex
tralateral hemianopsia; a part ial lesion p rodu ces
in m any respects. Its n euron s are fin ely tu n ed for
quadrantanopsia in th e part of th e visu al field th at
th e detection an d processin g of ton es of a particu -
correspon ds to th e site of th e lesion . Cen t ral vision
lar frequen cy. Th e en tire spectru m of au dible
is u n im paired as lon g as th e lesion spares th e post-
sou n d is ton otopically represen ted: th e cells for
erior en d of t h e calcarin e fissu re at th e occipital
low er frequen cies are fou n d rostrolaterally, an d
th ose for h igh er frequ en cies caudom edially, alon g
th e sylvian fissure. Th e p rim ary auditory cortex
Prima ry Auditory Cortex
th u s con tain s isofrequency bands ru n n in g in a m e-
Localization. Th e prim ary auditory cortex is lo- dial-to-lateral direction . Area 41 n eu ron s p referen -
cated in th e tran sverse gyri of Hesch l (area 41), tially respon d n ot on ly to a particu lar frequ en cy
w h ich form part of t h e u pper su rface of th e sup er- bu t also to a p articu lar in ten sity of sou n d.
ior tem poral gyrus (see Figs. 9.10, 9.17, 9.18, an d
9.25). It receives its afferen t inpu t from th e m edial Columnar structure. Th e prim ary auditory cortex
gen icu late body, w h ich , in t urn , receives au ditory also appears to possess a colu m n ar organ ization
9 246 · 9 Cerebrum



Fig. 9.25 Functional localization of the auditory cortex with activity in the left hem isphere only; specifically, in the
and language centers by fMRI. Eighteen subjects were angular gyrus of the parietal lobe (Wernicke’s area) and in
asked to listen to and repeat spoken words (nam es of the inferior frontal gyrus (Broca’s area). Im ages obtained by
m onths). Listening is associated with activation of the pri- Professor Grodd. (From : Wildgruber D, Kischka U, Acker-
m ary auditory cortex bilaterally in the area of the transverse m ann H, et al.: Cognitive Brain Research 7 [1999] 285–294.)
gyri of Heschl. Repetition, on the other hand, is associated

for th e processin g of stim uli from th e tw o ears. Prima ry Gusta tory Cortex
Tw o types of n eu ron s respon d in differen t w ays to
Taste-related im p ulses are p rocessed first in th e
bin au ral stim u li. On e resp on ds m ore stron gly to
rostral n ucleu s of th e t ractu s solitariu s in th e
stim u li delivered to both ears th an to stim u li in a
brain stem an d th en con du cted, by w ay of th e cen -
sin gle ear (EE neurons), w h ile th e oth er is in h ibited
tral tegm en tal tract, to a relay station in th e ven tral
by sim u ltan eou s bin au ral stim ulat ion (EI neurons).
posterom edial n u cleu s of t h e th alam u s (parvo-
Colu m n s of cells of th ese tw o types are fou n d in al-
cellu lar p art). Th ey th en travel onw ard th rou gh th e
tern ation on th e su rface of th e prim ary au ditory
posterior lim b of th e in tern al cap sule to t h e pri-
cortex, like th e ocular dom in an ce colu m n s of th e
m ary gustatory cortex, w h ich is located in th e pars
prim ary visual cortex (Fig. 9.24). Th ese colum n s lie
opercularis of th e in ferior fron tal gyrus, ven tral to
tan gen tial to th e isofrequ en cy ban ds. A fu rth er
th e som atosen sory cortex an d above th e lateral
sp ecial property of n eu ron s of th e prim ary au di-
sulcu s (area 43, Fig. 9.18).
tory cortex is th at differen t n eu ron s are excited by
au ditory st im u li of th e sam e frequ en cy bu t differ-
Prima ry Vestibula r Cortex
en t du rat ion .
Direct elect rical stim u lation of th e auditory cor- Neuron s of th e vestibu lar n uclei in th e brain stem
tex in duces th e perception of sim ple sou n ds of project bilaterally to th e ven tral posterolateral an d
h igh er or low er frequen cy an d greater or lesser posteroin ferior n u clei of th e th alam u s, as w ell as to
volum e, bu t n ever of w ords. its posterior n uclear group n ear th e lateral gen icu -
late body. Vestibu lar im p ulses are con du cted from
Unilateral lesions of the primary auditory cortex th ese sites to area 2v in th e parietal lobe, w h ich lies
cau se on ly subtle h earin g loss because of th e bi- at th e base of th e in traparietal sulcu s, directly
lateral projection s in t h e au ditory pat h w ay. Th e posterior to th e h an d an d m ou th areas of th e post-
im pairm en t m ain ly con cern s directed hearing, an d cen tral gyru s. Electrical stim u lation of area 2v in
th e ability to distin gu ish sim ple from com p lex h u m an s in duces a sen sation of m ovem en t an d ver-
soun ds of th e sam e frequ en cy an d in ten sit y. tigo. Area 2v n euron s are excited by h ead m ove-
m en t. Th ey receive visu al an d prop rioceptive as
Functional Localization in the Cerebral Cortex · 247
Fig. 9.26 Association
Hand area areas of the parietal,
(Exner) occipital, and temporal
lobes. These three lobes
Parie tal
associatio n com e together in the re-
area gion of the angular gyrus.
Broca’s and Wernicke’s
areas are indicated, along
associatio n
area with the association path-
ways from the secondary
association areas to the
tertiary association area,
and from the latter to the
prem otor cortical fields for
language and for the face
and hand.

area (Broca)
Arcuate language area (Wernicke)
Temporal fasciculus
association area

w ell as vestibu lar inpu t. An oth er cortical area re- visual w orld. Th e som atosen sory association cor-
ceivin g vestibu lar input is area 3a, at th e base of tex lies ju st beh in d th e prim ary som atosen sory
th e cen tral su lcu s adjacen t to th e m otor cortex. Th e cortex in area 5, an d th e au ditory association cor-
fu n ction of area 3a n euron s is probably to in tegrate tex is part of th e su perior tem poral gyru s (area 22)
som atosen sory, special sen sory, an d m otor in for- (Fig. 9.18). Th e un im odal association areas receive
m ation for th e con trol of h ead an d body position . th eir n eu ral input th rough association fibers from
th e correspon din g prim ary cortical fields. Th ey re-
Large lesions of area 2v in h u m an s can im p air spa- ceive n o direct inpu t from th e th alam u s.
tial orien tation .

Multimoda l Associa tion Areas

Association Areas
Un like th e u n im odal association areas, th e m u lti-
Unimoda l Associa tion Areas m odal association areas are n ot tigh tly lin ked to
Th e u n im odal association areas of th e cortex are any sin gle prim ary cortical field. Th ey m ake affer-
located n ext to th e prim ary cortical areas. Th eir en t an d efferen t con n ection s w ith m any differen t
fu n ction , in very gen eral term s, is to provide an in i- areas of th e brain an d process in form ation from
tial interpretation of th e sen sory im pu lses th at are m ultiple som atosen sory an d special sen sory m od-
processed in relatively raw form in t h e prim ary alit ies (Fig. 9.26). Th ey are th e areas in w h ich
cortical areas. Sen sory in form ation tran sm itted to m otor an d lin guistic con cepts are first drafted, an d
th e association areas is com pared w ith previously in w h ich n eural represen tation s are form ed th at do
stored in form ation , so th at a m ean in g can be as- n ot directly dep en d on sen sory inpu t. Th e largest
sign ed to it. Th e visu al association areas are areas m ultim odal association area is th e multimodal
18 and 19 (Fig. 9.18), w h ich are adjacen t to th e pri- portion of the frontal lobe (to be described fu rth er
m ary visu al cortex (area 17). Th ese areas receive on p. 248), accou n tin g for 20 %of th e en tire n eocor-
relatively basic visual in form ation from area 17 an d tex. An oth er im portan t m u ltim odal association
use it to perform a h igh er-level an alysis of th e area is fou n d in th e posterior portion of the
9 248 · 9 Cerebrum

parietal lobe. Wh ile th e an terior portion of t h e derstan din g of th ese very com plex fun ction s re-
parietal lobe processes som atosen sory in form a- quires kn ow ledge of certain basic con cepts of n eu -
tion (areas 1, 2, 3, an d 5), its posterior p ortion in te- rop sych ology an d n europsych ological testin g,
grates som atosen sory w ith visual in form ation to w h ich w ill be briefly explain ed w h ere n ecessary.
en able th e perform an ce of com plex m ovem en ts. We w ill discu ss language, aspects of perception, the
planning of com plex patterns of m ovem ent and
Frontal Lobe m otor activities, an d the control of social behavior.
Th ese fu n ction s are m ostly su bserved by th e m ulti-
Th e fron tal lobe can be divided in to th ree m ajor
m odal association cortices, w h ich m ake u p m ore
com pon en ts: th e prim ary m otor cortex (area 4,
th an h alf of th e brain surface an d w h ich receive af-
p. 239), w h ich h as already been described, th e pre-
feren t inpu t from th e p rim ary som atosen sory,
m otor cortex (area 6, see below ), an d th e prefrontal
sp ecial sen sory an d m otor cort ices, th e m ediodor-
region, a large expan se of cortex con sistin g of m u l-
sal an d lateroposterior pu lvin ar p ortion s of th e
tim odal association areas (Fig. 9.18).
th alam us, an d oth er association areas in both
Th e prim ary m otor cortex an d th e p rem otor cor-
h em isph eres (Fig. 9.26).
tex form a fu n ction al system for th e plan n in g an d
con trol of m ovem en t. Th e prefron tal cortex is pri-
m arily con cern ed w ith cogn itive tasks an d th e con - La nguage and La tera lization—Aphasia
trol of beh avior (p. 255).
Lan guage is on e of th e m ore im portan t an d com -
plex activities of th e h um an brain . In m ost in -
Premotor cortex. Th e prem otor cortex (area 6) is a
dividu als (ca. 95 %), lan gu age-related areas are lo-
higher-order center for the planning and selection of
cated in th e fron tal an d tem poroparietal associa-
m otor program s, w h ich are th en execu ted by th e
tion cortices of th e left h em isp h ere, w h ich is u su -
prim ary m otor cortex. Ju st as t h e u n im odal asso-
ally con tralateral to t h e dom in an t (righ t ) h an d.
ciation areas adjacen t to th e p rim ary som a-
Som e im portan t aspects of lan gu age, h ow ever, in -
tosen sory, visual, an d au ditory cort ices are t h ou gh t
clu din g its em otion al (affective) com pon en t, are
to store sen sory im pression s, so too th e prem otor
subserved by th e righ t h em isph ere. Th e m ajor
cortex is th ou gh t to store learn ed m otor processes,
speech cen ters are in t h e basal region of t h e left
actin g in cooperat ion w ith t h e cerebellu m an d
fron tal lobe (Broca’s area, area 44) an d in th e p ost-
basal gan glia. Th e stored “m otor en gram s” can be
erior p ortion of th e tem poral lobe at its jun ction
called u p again for use as n eeded. Even tasks p er-
w ith th e parietal lobe (Wernicke’s area, area 22)
form ed w ith a sin gle h an d activate th e prem otor
(Fig. 9.26).
cortex of both h em isph eres. An oth er im portan t
Th ese areas are spatially distin ct from th e p ri-
fu n ction of t h e p rem otor cortex is th e plan n in g an d
m ary sen sory an d m otor cortical areas respon sible
in itiation of eye m ovem en ts by th e fron tal eye
for p urely au ditory perception (au ditory cortex,
fields (area 8; Figs. 9.17, 9.18, an d 9.21). Un ilateral
tran sverse gyri of Hesch l), p urely visual p erception
stim ulation of area 8 in duces con jugate m ovem en t
(visual cortex), an d th e m otor perform an ce of th e
of both eyes to th e opposite side.
act of speakin g (p rim ary m otor cortex). Experim en -
tal stu dies involvin g th e m easurem en t of region al
Lesions of area 8 th at dim in ish its act ivity produce
cerebral blood flow (rCBF) w ith PET an d fMRI h ave
con jugate gaze deviation to th e side of th e lesion
revealed t h at letter sequ en ces th at do n ot m ake u p
th rough th e prepon deran t activity of th e con -
in telligible w ords m ain ly activate th e visu al cortex,
tralateral area 8 (e.g., in stroke—“th e patien t looks
an d pu re ton es m ain ly activate th e prim ary audi-
tow ard th e lesion ”).
tory cortex (cf. Fig. 9.25), w h ile in telligible w ords or
sen ten ces p resen ted to th e eyes or ears activate
Higher Cortical Functions and Their Wern icke’s area. Th e brain can th u s distin gu ish
w ords from n onw ords after eith er visual or audi-
Impairment by Cortical Lesions
tory p resen tation , an d processes th ese tw o catego-
Th is section con cern s th e m ore im port an t h igh er ries of stim u li in differen t cortical areas.
cortical fu n ction s an d th e typical clin ical fin din gs Broca’s area is activated w h en an in dividu al
associated w ith t h eir im pairm en t. An adequ ate u n - speaks, an d even du rin g “silen t speech ,” i.e., w h en
Functional Localization in the Cerebral Cortex · 249
Table 9.1 Types of Aphasia

Aphasia Spontaneous Repetition Articula - Compre- Sentence Struc- Naming Commonly

Speech tion hension ture, Choice of Associa ted Neu-
Words rologica l Deficits

Broca Markedly Severely Dysarthric Norm al Agram m atism , Mildly Right hem ipare-
aphasia dim inished im paired phonem ic para- im paired sis and left
phasic errors apraxia

Wernicke Norm al Severely Norm al Severely Para- Severely Right hom ony-
aphasia im paired im paired gram m atism , im paired m ous hem i-
sem antic para- anopsia
phasic errors,
neologism s

Conduction Norm al Mildly Norm al Norm al Phonem ic Mildly Right hem i-

aphasia im paired paraphasic im paired hypesthesia and
errors apraxia

Global Severely Severely Dysarthric Severely Single words, Severely Right hem ipare-
aphasia im paired im paired im paired em pty phrases, im paired sis and hem i-
sem antic para- hypesthesia,
phasic errors right hom ony-
m ous hem i-

Amnestic Norm al Norm al Norm al Norm al Word substitu- Severely None

aphasia tions, phone- im paired
m ic paraphasic

Transcortical Im paired Norm al Mildly Norm al Sem antic para- Im paired Right hem i-
motor aphasia im paired phasic errors paresis

w ords an d sen ten ces are form ulated w ith out actu- called dysarthria or anarthria (cau sed, for exam ple,
ally bein g sp oken . Pu re w ord repetition , on t h e by lesion s of th e pyram idal tract, cerebellar fiber
oth er h an d, is associated w ith activation in th e in - p ath w ays, th e brain stem m otor n eu ron s in n ervat-
sula. Th is suggests th at tw o path w ays are available in g th e m u scles of speech , e.g., in bu lbar paralysis,
for t h e gen eration of lan gu age. In “automatic lan- or th e m u scles th em selves).
guage,” an in com in g stim u lu s is follow ed by acti- Dysarth ria an d an arth ria affect art iculation an d
vation of th e prim ary visu al or au ditory cortex, p h on ation , i.e., speech, rath er th an lan gu age p ro-
th en th e in sular cortex, an d fin ally th e prim ary duction per se (gram m ar, m orph ology, syn tax, etc.).
m otor cortex. In “nonautomatic language,” activa- Aph asia is called fluent or nonfluent, dep en din g on
tion of th e p rim ary cortices is im m ediately fol- w h eth er th e p atien t speaks easily an d rapidly, or
low ed by activation of Broca’s area. Wern icke’s on ly h esitan t ly an d w it h abn orm al effort. Th e m ore
area is p rim arily con cern ed w ith th e an alysis of im portan t types of aph asia, th eir distin guish in g
h eard sou n ds th at are classified as w ords. featu res, an d th eir cortical localization are sum -
m arized in Table 9.1.
Aphasia. A disturban ce of lan gu age fu n ction is
called aphasia (differen t su btypes of aph asia are Broca aphasia. Th e m ost im port an t clin ical fin din g
som etim es collectively term ed “th e aph asias”). in Broca aph asia (Case Presen tation 1, p. 250) is
Som e typ es of aph asia exclu sively affect speech , m arkedly reduced or absent language production.
w ritin g (dysgraphia or agraphia), or readin g (dys- Th e p atien t can still u n derstan d w ords an d n am e
lexia or alexia). Aph asia is distin ct from im pair- (sim ple) objects, but p rodu ces fau lty sen ten ces
m en t of th e p hysical act of speakin g, w h ich is (paragram m atism or agram m atism ) an d m akes
9 250 · 9 Cerebrum

Case Presentation 1: Broca Aphasia

This previously healthy 48-year-old bank em ployee was Exam ining him , the neurologist on duty found a m ild, pre-
dancing and chatting happily at his son’s high school gradua- dom inantly m otor right hem isyndrom e. The patient’s right
tion when his dance partner suddenly noticed that he could lim bs felt heavy to him , his right arm sank when he ex-
no longer lead properly and had becom e unusually taciturn. tended both arm s in front of his chest, and the deep tendon
From that m om ent onward, his speech seem ed increasingly reflexes were slightly brisker on the right. He also had
labored, even though he had been telling one joke after m otor aphasia: he barely spoke at all except in response to
another only m inutes before. He could barely produce even questions, to which he gave telegraphic, m onosyllabic an-
fragm entary sentences. He left the dance floor to take a swers. He had difficulty finding words and nam ing objects,
break and, shortly afterward, dropped a glass from of his and his sentence construction was faulty.
hand and began to com plain of a “dim feeling.” His wife took For the further diagnostic work-up, the neurologist ordered
him to the hospital. Doppler ultrasonography of the great vessels of the neck

a b

c d
Fig. 9.27 Cerebral infarct in Broca’s area due to dissec- reveals hyperintense signal, corresponding to infarction, in
tion of the left internal carotid artery (MRI). Broca’s area. The infarct focally involves this portion of the
(a, b) a The axial diffusion-weighted im age reveals the in- inferior frontal gyrus on the upper bank of the sylvian fis-
farcted brain tissue, which appears brighter than the sur- sure. (c, d) c Axial T2-weighted FLAIR sequence. The in-
rounding norm al tissue. It lies in the central portion of the farct is hyperintense in com parison to the surrounding
territory of the m iddle cerebral artery, m ainly in the inferior tissue. d Contrast-enhanced MR angiography. Flow is
frontal gyrus (Broca’s area, area 44). This area is supplied by m arkedly reduced in the left internal carotid artery (arrow).
the prerolandic artery. b The coronal T2-weighted im age Fig. 9.27 e–h
Functional Localization in the Cerebral Cortex · 251
and an MRI scan of the head. The form er revealed near- tion, therapeutic anticoagulation serves to prevent further
occlusion of the left internal carotid artery, in which a dis- m icroem bolism from the dissection site. The blood clot
section had apparently taken place, in the absence of any within the vessel wall is usually resorbed over tim e, and the
vascular risk factors. The cause was thought m ost likely to defect is covered with new endothelium , so that the internal
be the patient’s suddenly turning his head while dancing carotid artery often regains its norm al patency within 4–6
(Fig. 9.27d, e, f). As a result of the carotid dissection, m onths.
ischem ia had developed in Broca’s area in the left, lan- During his stay in the hospital, the patient underwent a
guage-dom inant hem isphere, as seen in the MRI scan course of regular speech therapy and physical therapy. By
(Fig. 9.27a, b, c). The scan also showed a sm all area of the tim e he was discharged, the hem iparesis had fully re-
ischem ia in the precentral gyrus, which accounted for the solved and his speech had becom e entirely clear and error-
patient’s hem iparesis (Fig. 9.27g, h). free. Six weeks later, he was asym ptom atic. Warfarin was dis-
He was fully heparinized at once, and an overlapping treat- continued when norm al patency of the internal carotid
ment with warfarin was initiated. In cases of carotid dissec- artery was dem onstrated radiologically after five m onths of
treatm ent.

e f

g h
Fig. 9.27 (e, f) Axial im ages at the C2 level, T1-weighted left precentral gyrus, accounting for the patient’s right arm
(e) and T2-weighted (f). Both im ages reveal a hyperintense paresis. This area is supplied by the prerolandic artery.
mural hem atom a in the left internal carotid artery, indicat- h The axial T2-weighted FLAIR sequence reveals this second
ing arterial dissection (arrow). (g, h) g The axial diffusion- infarcted area as a sm all zone of hyperintensity.
weighted im age reveals a second area of infarction in the
9 252 · 9 Cerebrum

Case Presentation 2: Wernicke Aphasia

This 54-year-old housewife had been seeing her fam ily doc- exam ination revealed a m ild right hem iparesis in addition
tor regularly because of a persistent cardiac arrhythm ia in to the evident language disturbance. He arranged the
the afterm ath of a bout of myocarditis. On one of these patient’s urgent adm ission to hospital.
routine visits, the doctor’s assistant, while perform ing an The adm itting physician repeated the neurological exam i-
ECG, noticed that the patient was not following her instruc- nation and perform ed a battery of neuropsychological
tions. Instead, she was talking nonstop in an unintelligible tests. The patient could easily im itate the exam iner’s m ove-
jargon, and she seem ed increasingly anxious and helpless. m ents and shake hands with him when asked to do so by
The assistant sum m oned the doctor, whose neurological pantom im e, but linguistic com m unication was practically

a b

c d
Fig. 9.28 Infarct in Wernicke’s area (MRI). (c, d) Axial T2-weighted FLAIRsequences. The infarct, which
(a, b) a The axial diffusion-weighted im age reveals the in- is hyperintense in these im ages as well, is m ainly in the cor-
farct as a zone of hyperintensity in the posterior (i.e., tex rather than the underlying white m atter. It lies m ainly in
parieto-occipital) portion of the territory of the m iddle the parietal lobe, involving the parietal operculum and the
cerebral artery, m ainly involving the angular and supra- angular and supram arginal gyri. The apical portion of the in-
m arginal gyri. This area is supplied by the angular and post- farct likewise lies m ainly in the parietal, postcentral region,
erior parietal arteries. b The coronal T2-weighted im age re- but one can see that it also involves a sm all portion of the
veals the infarct as a zone of hyperintensity above the syl- precentral gyrus, accounting for the patient’s hem iparesis.
vian fissure. The focal involvem ent of Wernicke’s area is evi- c shows the infarct extending to the wall of the lateral ven-
dent. tricle; it thus presum ably involves the optic radiation. This
would be expected to cause a right visual field defect.
Functional Localization in the Cerebral Cortex · 253
im possible, because of her severe jargon aphasia. When jargon given here in quotation m arks is an approxim ate Eng-
asked how she was, she replied, “More were m arning”; lish rendition of the patient’s original Germ an jargon.]
when asked her nam e, she replied, “Be give with them dan- An MRI scan showed the cause of the aphasia and m ild
nifer.” She could not nam e objects such as a ball-point pen hem iparesis to be a left parietal infarct involving Wernicke’s
(“dadathig”), book (“oughta thissum higher”), or lam p area (Fig. 9.28a–d). This, in turn, was thought m ost likely to
(“here that sheller”). She answered open-ended questions be due to em bolism from the heart, in view of the patient’s
(“How are you?”) with long-drawn-out replies (“That from a known, long-standing cardiac arrhythm ia. Transesophageal
fleddra, where is that here, are here, what’s that doing echocardiography indeed revealed throm botic vegetations
down though, he says, is too where long”). Requests m ade in the left atrium . The patient was anticoagulated with he-
with gestures, rather than with spoken language, such as to parin and an overlapping treatm ent with warfarin was in-
write her nam e on the hospital’s adm ission sheet, copy itiated to prevent further em bolization. Her spontaneous
written sentences and drawings, or perform written calcu- speech gradually becam e m ore intelligible with intensive
lations, were com plied with im m ediately and correctly. In- speech therapy, though som e aspects of her language defi-
terestingly, she could copy sentences of any length cor- cit persisted until the day of her discharge from the hospital
rectly, even longer ones, but she could not read them after- (sem antic paraphasia and im paired com prehension).
ward, either silently or out loud. [Readers please note: the

phonem ic paraphasic errors (su bstitu tion or ex- Disconnection in the olfactory system. Th e ol-
ch an ge of soun ds w ith in w ords, such as “ackle” for factory path w ay is un ique am on g sen sory pat h -
“ap ple,” “parket” for “carp et”). w ays in bein g u n crossed: th e righ t an d left ol-
factory n erves sen d th eir im pu lses to th e olfactory
Wernicke aphasia. In classic Wern icke ap h asia (Case cortex of th e righ t an d left h em isph eres, respec-
Presen tat ion 2, p. 252), the understanding of lan- tively (cf. p . 83). Th e tw o prim ary olfactory cen ters
guage is severely im paired. Th e patien t’s sp eech is are con n ected by t h e an terior com m issu re. A lesion
flu en t an d of n orm al prosody (m elody an d rhyt h m ) in terru ptin g th is fiber tract m akes th e patien t u n -
bu t m arred by frequ en t sem antic paraphasic errors able to iden tify sm ells presen ted via th e righ t n os-
(substitu tion s or exch an ges of w ords w ith in clauses tril, becau se n o path w ay exists for tran sm ission of
or sen ten ces) an d by t h e u se of n eologism s (n on - th e olfactory in form ation to th e speech cen ter in
w ords) in stead of w ords. Th e patien t’s speech m ay th e left h em isph ere. Th e p atien t can n ot n am e th e
be so severely distu rbed as to be en t irely un in tel- source of th e sm ell (e.g., “cin n am on ”) sp on -
ligible (jargon aphasia or w ord salad). tan eou sly or pick th e appropriate n am e ou t of a
list. Sm ells presen ted via th e left n ostril, h ow ever,
are iden tified im m ediately.
Disconnection Syndromes
Discon n ect ion syn drom es are produ ced by t h e in- Disconnection in the visual system. Th e decu ssa-
terruption of fiber pathw ays connecting different tion of th e fibers from th e n asal h alf of each ret-
cortical areas, w h ile th e cortical areas th em selves in a in th e optic ch iasm (cf. pp . 84, 86) en sures
rem ain in t act . Th e respon sible lesion m ay affect th at th e righ t an d left h alves of th e visu al field
association , project ion , an d/or com m issu ral fibers are separately rep resen ted in t h e left an d righ t
(p . 236 ff.). visual cortices, respectively. Th erefore, if th e con -
Major in sigh t in to th e fu n ction of th e com m is- n ection betw een th e tw o h em isp h eres is in ter-
sural fibers, in particu lar, h as been gain ed from rupted, visu al stim u li presen ted in th e left h alf of
stu dies of so-called “split-brain” patien ts after su r- th e visu al field w ill be cut off from processin g in
gical tran section of th e corpu s callosu m (callo- th e left h em isph ere: objects sh ow n in th e left
sotom y) for th e treatm en t of m edically in t ractable h alf of th e visu al field can n ot be n am ed, n or can
epilepsy, as w ell as of person s w h ose corpu s callo- w ords be read (selective aphasia and alexia). Ob-
sum failed to develop n orm ally (agenesis of the cor- ject n am in g an d w ord readin g are u n im paired,
pus callosum ). h ow ever, in th e righ t h alf of th e visual field. Con -
For ease of presen tation , w e w ill discu ss th e dis- versely, com p lex spatial con struction s presen ted
con n ection system s h ere in relation to th e variou s in th e righ t h alf of th e visual field are cu t off from
fu n ction al system s of th e brain th at t h ey affect. processin g in th e righ t h em isph ere, an d so can -
9 254 · 9 Cerebrum

n ot be correctly an alyzed. Com p lex geom etric

am in er’s m ovem en ts (e.g., a m ilitary salute). Th ese
figu res, for exam ple, can n ot be copied (acopia).
patien ts can often still copy facial expression s,
w h ile p atien ts w ith left fron tal lobe lesion s can
Complex Movements—Apra xia copy com plex arm m ovem en ts, bu t n ot facial ex-
pression s.
Th e term “ap raxia” w as coin ed in th e 1870s by
Hu gh lin gs Jackson to den ote th e com plete in ability
Ideational apraxia. In th is rarer type of apraxia, a
of som e of h is aph asic pat ien ts to perform certain
tem poroparietal lesion in th e lan gu age-dom in an t
volun tary m ovem en ts (e.g., ton gu e p rotrusion ),
(left) h em isph ere im p airs th e plan n in g an d in itia-
despite t h e absen ce of any sign ifican t w eakn ess
tion of com p lex m otor activities. Th e patien t re-
an d reten tion of th e ability to m ove t h e sam e part
m ain s able, in p rin ciple, to carry out a com plex
of th e body au tom atically or involu n t arily (e.g.,
sequ en ce of m ovem en ts, but seem s n ot to com p re-
w h en lickin g th e lips). Later, in th e early years of
h en d its m ean in g or p urpose. Th e patien t eith er
th e tw en tieth cen tu ry, Liepm an n classified th e
fails to in itiate th e m ovem en t or term in ates it pre-
differen t t ypes of apraxia (th e “apraxias”) system -
m aturely.
atically. In h is classificat ion , w h ich rem ain s in use,
ideational an d ideom otor apraxias m ain ly affectin g
Construction apraxia. Patien ts w ith con struction
th e m otor system are dist in gu ish ed from construc-
apraxia h ave difficu lty draw in g spatial con struc-
tion apraxias m ain ly affectin g th e visu ospatial sys-
tion s su ch as geom etrical figu res or objects. Th is
tem . Apraxia, in gen eral, is a com p lex distu rban ce
distu rban ce u sually resu lts from a lesion in th e
of volu n tary m ovem en t th at does n ot resu lt from
parietal lobe of th e n on -lan gu age-dom in an t (righ t)
w eakn ess or oth er dysfu n ction of th e prim ary
h em isph ere.
m otor areas, or from th e patien t’s lack of m otiva-
Most ap raxic p atien ts are also aph asic. Patien ts
tion or failure to com preh en d th e task. It m an ifests
can suffer from ideom otor, ideation al, an d con -
itself as an in ability to com bin e in dividu al,
structive apraxia sim u ltan eou sly, depen din g on
elem en tary m ovem en ts in to com p lex m ovem en t
th e site an d extent of th e lesion .
sequen ces, or to assem ble th ese sequ en ces th em -
selves in to still h igh er-order m otor beh aviors. Th e
Perceptual Integra tion—Agnosia a nd Neglect
in dividual m ovem en ts th em selves, h ow ever, can
still be carried ou t. Th e an terior portion of th e p arietal lobe, as w e h ave
seen , processes som atosen sory sign als, w h ile its
Motor apraxia. A patien t w it h severe m otor posterior port ion an d th e visu al association cor-
apraxia can n ot execu te basic sequ en ces of m ove- tices are con cern ed w ith th e in tegration of som a-
m en ts, su ch as reach in g ou t an d grasp in g an object, tosen sory, visual, an d m otor in form ation . Com p lex
even th ough isolated testin g of th e in dividu al activities, such as pou rin g a drin k w h ile carryin g on
m uscle group s involved reveals n o w eakn ess in th e a conversat ion , require th e sim u ltan eou s in tegra-
arm or h an d. tion of m any differen t perceptual an d m otor
processes: th e objects h an dled (glass, bottle) m u st
Ideom otor apraxia resu lts from lesion s of th e lan - be recogn ized, w h ich requires con ju gate eye m ove-
gu age-dom in an t (left) h em isph ere, eith er in th e m en ts an d visual processin g; reach in g, graspin g,
m otor association areas or in th e association an d an d pou rin g m ovem en ts m u st be sm ooth ly ex-
com m issu ral fibers by w h ich th ey are in n ervated ecu ted; an d, at t h e sam e tim e, lan guage m u st be
an d in tercon n ected. A t ypical clin ical fin din g is th e h eard, u n derstood, form u lated, an d spoken .
om ission , or prem at ure term in at ion , of in dividu al In order to perform th ese tasks, th e brain n eeds
com pon en ts of a sequ en ce of m ovem en ts. In - in tern al represen tation s of th e body, in form ation
dividu al com pon en ts can also be un n ecessarily re- abou t t h e position s of th e lim bs, an d a con ception of
peated (m otor perseveration ), so th at th ey start at th e ou tside w orld. Th ese represen tation s m ust, in
in app ropriate tim es an d th ereby im pede or in ter- tu rn , be lin ked to in com in g visual an d auditory sig-
rupt th e cou rse of th e n ext m ovem en t. n als, an d to th e brain ’s plan s for in ten ded m ove-
Patien ts w ith m otor apraxia w h ose lesion s lie in m en t. Th e association cortices an d th e posterior
th e parietal lobe can n ot correctly im itate th e ex- portion of th e parietal lobe play an essen t ial role in
Functional Localization in the Cerebral Cortex · 255
th ese com plex in tegrative processes. As an illustra- lect. Th ere is often an accom panyin g u n aw aren ess
tion of th is role, th e posterior portion of th e p arietal of th e deficit (anosognosia). Neglect u su ally in -
lobe is activated n ot on ly by in ten ded graspin g volves vision , h earin g, som atic sen sation , spatial
m ovem en ts in duced by visual stim uli, but also by p erception , an d m ovem en t sim u ltan eou sly. Th e
palpat ion of an u n seen object. cau sative lesion is u su ally in th e parietal lobe of th e
Lesion s of th e visu al association cortices an d th e n on -lan gu age-dom in an t (righ t) h em isph ere. A
pariet al lobe can produ ce m any differen t types of p atien t w ith m otor n eglect m oves on e side of th e
agnosia, i.e., com plex disturban ces of perception . A body very litt le, or n ot at all, even t h ou gh it is n ot
patien t w it h agn osia can n ot recogn ize object s or p aralyzed. Sen sory n eglect is revealed by th e so-
spatiotem p oral con text s despite in tact prim ary called extinction phenomenon: w h en th e ex-
perception (n orm al vision , h earin g, an d som atic am in er sim u ltan eou sly taps th e sam e spot on both
sen sation ) an d m otor fun ct ion (absen ce of w eak- arm s w ith equ al stren gth , t h e patien t reports
n ess). Agn osia can be visu al, au ditory, som a- h avin g been tou ch ed on ly on on e side, even th ough
tosen sory, or spatial. all m odalities of tou ch are in tact bilaterally. Th e
p atien t can still perceive a sin gle tap on th e arm on
Visual object agnosia. If th e visual association th e abn orm al side, but m ay report it to h ave been
areas are dam aged, th e patien t can still com pre- felt on th e ot h er side (allesthesia). Sim ilarly, sim u l-
h en d th e spatial structu re of fam iliar objects, but tan eous bilateral visual or au ditory stim uli w ill
can n o lon ger iden tify t h em . A bottle, for exam ple, on ly be perceived on on e side.
can be correctly draw n , bu t can n ot be iden tified as
a bot tle. Oth er, m ore com plex typ es of visual ag-
Norma l a nd Impa ired Control of Beha vior,
n osia in clude prosopagnosia (th e in ability to rec-
Including Socia l Beha vior
ogn ize faces) an d alexia (th e in ability to read).
Prefrontal cortex. Cogn ition an d th e con trol of be-
Somatosensory agnosias. Astereognosia is th e in - h avior are th e m ain fu n ction s of th e m ultim odal
ability to recogn ize an object by touch alon e, even associat ion areas in th e fron tal lobe th at con stitu te
th ough sen sation is in tact an d objects can ot h er- th e p refron tal cortex (Fig. 9.18). Experim en tal elec-
w ise be n am ed w ith out difficu lty. Asomatognosia trical stim u lation of th e prefron tal cortex does n ot
is a gen erally dim in ish ed, or even absen t , ability to in du ce any m otor respon se. Th is portion of th e
perceive on e’s ow n body. Gerstmann syndrome fron tal lobe is extraordin arily en larged in prim ates,
con sists of th e in ability to n am e on e’s ow n fin gers an d particularly in h um an s; th us, it h as lon g been
(fin ger agn osia) alon g w ith an im pairm en t of w rit- presu m ed to be th e seat of h igh er m en tal fu n ction -
in g (dysgraph ia or agraph ia), calcu lation (dyscal- in g. Th e fron tal cortical fields m ake recip rocal con -
cu lia or acalcu lia), an d th e ability to distin gu ish n ection s w ith th e m edial n u cleu s of th e th alam u s
righ t from left. Gerstm an n first described th ese (cf. p. 174), th rou gh w h ich th ey receive inpu t from
fin din gs in 1924 in a patien t w ith an isch em ic th e hypoth alam u s. Th ey also m ake very exten sive
stroke in th e territory of th e m iddle cerebral artery con n ection s w ith all oth er areas of th e cerebral
affectin g th e left pariet al lobe. cortex.
Th e task of th e prefron tal cortex is th e rapid
Balint syndrome. Th is com p lex typ e of agn osia is storage an d an alysis of objective an d tem poral in -
cau sed by bilateral p arieto-occipital lesion s. Th e form ation . Th e dorsolateral prefron tal cortex plays
patien t origin ally described by Balin t cou ld n ot an essen tial role in th e p lan n in g an d con trol of be-
volun tarily fix h is gaze on a given p oin t in space. h avior, an d th e orbital prefron tal cortex does th e
Wh en h is atten tion w as directed to a particular ob- sam e in t h e plan n in g an d con trol of sexual be-
ject, h e cou ld n ot perceive any oth er visu al stim uli. h avior.
He also could n ot follow a m ovin g object w ith h is
eyes (visual ataxia). Lesions of the prefrontal convexity. Patien ts w ith
bilateral prefron tal lesion s can barely con cen t rate
Neglect. Patien ts som etim es pay less atten tion to on a task an d are extrem ely easy to distract w ith
th e side of th e body or visu al field opp osite a corti- any n ew st im u lu s. Th ey can carry ou t com plex
cal lesion , or ign ore it altogeth er; th is is called neg- tasks on ly in part, or n ot at all. Th ey h ave n o sen se
9 256 · 9 Cerebrum

Case Presentation 3: Neglect

This 69-year-old retiree, living alone, had had poorly con- sinking of the left arm and leg and im paired fine m otor con-
trolled arterial hypertension for a num ber of years and two trol of the left hand. The patient failed to notice a light tap
brief episodes of left arm weakness in recent m onths. On on the left side of his body when sim ultaneously tapped at
another occasion, he had been unable to see anything with a m irror-im age location on the right side (tactile extinc-
his right eye for a few m inutes. He had paid no further at- tion). He did not react when spoken to from his left side.
tention to these transient disturbances, because he other- When the doctor asked him to draw a house and a tree, he
wise felt well. Getting up from bed one night, he suddenly drew only the right sides of these objects. He generally
fell to the ground and could not stand up again. He shouted tended to look to the right and appeared to be conscious
for help, waking a neighbor who had a spare key to his only of the right side of space. The cause of these acute
apartm ent. She notified the em ergency physician on call, neurological deficits was an approxim ately 80 % stenosis of
who took him to the hospital. the right internal carotid artery, which had led to a right
The adm itting house officer perform ed a thorough neuro- hem ispheric infarct in the distribution of the m iddle cere-
logical exam ination and found a m ild left hem iparesis, with bral artery (Fig. 9.29).

a b

Fig. 9.29 Infarct in the territory of the

right middle cerebral artery, causing neg-
lect (MRI). a Axial EPI sequence. b Axial T2-
weighted FLAIR sequence. The axial im ages
reveal an infarct affecting the posterior por-
tion of the m iddle cerebral artery territory
on the right, reaching far back into the
occipital lobe and to the wall of the lateral
ventricle. Involved areas include the tem -
poral lobe, the angular and supram arginal
gyri of the parietal lobe, and the occipital
lobe. The patient’s hem ianopsia is due to
involvem ent of the optic radiation and
occipital lobe. c Sagittal T2-weighted
im age. The hyperintense zone of infarction
c is seen behind and under the sylvian fissure.
Functional Localization in the Cerebral Cortex · 257
of advan ce plan n in g an d take n o accoun t of fu tu re as w ell: n orm al su bjects can draw about 35 pic-
even ts or of possible problem s in th e execu tion of a tu res in five m in utes, patien ts w ith left fron tal le-
task. Th ey often stick rigidly to an idea an d fail to sion s 24, patien ts w ith righ t fron tal lesion s 15. Be-
adapt to ch an gin g circu m stan ces. In extrem e cases, cau se th ey lack spon tan eity in all form s of com -
th ey m an ifest perseveration, i.e., th ey perform th e m un ication , th ese patien ts seem lazy, leth argic,
sam e task again an d again , alw ays w it h th e sam e an d un m otivated. Th ey n eglect m any activities of
m istakes. Th is deficit is strikin gly brough t ou t by daily life, spen d th e m orn in g in bed, fail to w ash or
th e Wiscon sin Card Sortin g Test, in w h ich th e groom th em selves or to get dressed w ith out h elp ,
patien t sorts cards bearin g variou s sym bols an d an d do n o regular w ork. Non eth eless, th eir form al
colors accordin g to som e criterion (e.g., sh ape), IQ an d lon g-term m em ory are largely in tact!
after seein g th e exam in er do so. Perform an ce in
th e first rou n d is u su ally relat ively n orm al. Th e ex- Fronto -orbital lesions. Social an d sexual beh avior
am in er con firm s th e patien t’s su ccess, th en are con trolled an d regulated by h igh ly com p lex
ch an ges th e sortin g criterion (e.g., to color) processes. Beh avior of t h ese types, too, is abn orm al
w ith out explicitly sayin g so. A patien t w ith a pre- in patien ts w ith fron tal lobe lesion s. Fron to-orbital
fron tal lesion realizes abou t as rap idly as a n orm al lesion s, in particular, p rodu ce tw o ch aracteristic
in dividual th at th e task h as ch an ged, yet keeps types of person ality distu rban ce. Pseudo -depres-
sortin g accordin g to th e old criterion , despite bein g sive patien t s are apath etic an d in differen t an d dis-
im m ediately in form ed of each m istake. play m arkedly reduced drive, dim in ish ed sexu al
Markedly reduced drive an d lack of spontaneity desire, an d little or n o variation in th eir em otion al
are also ch aracteristic clin ical sign s of prefron t al state. Pseudo -psychopathic patien ts, on th e oth er
dysfun ct ion . Th ese deficit s are revealed by very han d, are hyp om an ic an d restless in th eir m ove-
poor perform an ce on th e Word Flu en cy Test, in m en ts, fail to keep an ap propriate distan ce from
w h ich th e patien t is given a sh ort period of tim e to oth ers, an d lack n orm al kin ds of in h ibition . Th ey
say as m any w ords as possible th at begin w ith a display m arkedly in creased drive an d sexual
part icular letter of t h e alph abet. Patien t s w ith pre- desire. Th ey are u nw illin g or u n able to h old to th e
fron tal lesion s do badly despite relatively n orm al sam e n orm al conven tion s of beh avior th at th ey
verbal m em ory. Th ey do badly on n onverbal tests follow ed u n qu estion in gly before becom in g ill.
9 258

10 Coverings of the Brain

and Spinal Cord;
Cerebrospinal Fluid
and Ventricular System
Coverings of the Brain and Spinal
Cord . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 260
Cerebrospinal Fluid and Ventricular
System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 263
10 260

10 Coverings of the Brain and Spinal Cord;

Cerebrospinal Fluid and Ventricular System

Th e brain an d spin al cord are covered by th ree lay- It flow s th rough th e ven tricular system (in tern al
ers (m en in ges) of m esoderm al origin : th e tough CSF space) an d th en en ters th e su barach n oid
dura mater is outerm ost , follow ed by th e space su rroun din g t h e brain an d spin al cord (ex-
arachnoid an d, lastly, th e pia mater. Th e pia m atter tern al CSF space). It is resorbed in th e arach n oid
lies directly on th e su rface of th e brain an d sp in al gran u lation s of th e su perior sagittal sin us an d in
cord. Betw een th e du ra m ater an d th e arach n oid is th e perin eural sh eath s of th e sp in al cord. An in-
th e (n orm ally on ly virtual) subdural space; be- creased volume of cerebrospinal fluid (because of
tw een th e arach n oid an d th e pia m ater is th e sub- eith er dim in ish ed resorpt ion or—less com m on ly—
arachnoid space. Th e subarach n oid space con tain s in creased production ) m an ifests itself in in -
th e cerebrosp in al flu id (CSF). creased CSF p ressu re an d en largem en t of th e ven -
Th e cerebrospinal fluid is form ed in th e ch oroid tricles (hydrocephalus).
plexu ses of th e four cerebral ven tricles (righ t an d
left lateral ven tricles, th ird ven tricle, an d fourth
ven tricle).

Coverings of the Brain and m ater are th e falx cerebelli separat in g th e tw o cere-
bellar h em isph eres, th e diaphragm a sellae an d th e
Spinal Cord w all of Meckel’s cave, w h ich con tain s th e gasserian
(trigem in al) gan glion .
Th e th ree m en in ges (dura m ater, arachnoid, pia
m ater) are depicted in Figs. 10.1 an d 10.2. Th e du ra Blood supply of the dura mater. Th e dural arteries
m ater is also called th e pachym eninx (“tough m em - are relat ively large in caliber becau se th ey sup ply
bran e”), w h ile th e arach n oid an d pia m ater are col- th e bony sku ll as w ell as th e du ra m ater. Th e largest
lectively called th e leptom eninges (“delicate m em - is th e middle meningeal artery, w h ose bran ch es
bran es”). are distribu ted over th e en tire lateral convexity of
th e skull. Th is artery is a bran ch of th e m axillary
artery, w h ich is, in tu rn , derived from t h e extern al
Dura Mater
carotid artery; it en ters th e sku ll th rou gh th e fora-
Th e dura m ater con sists of tw o layers of tou gh , m en spin osu m . Th e anterior meningeal artery is
fibrous con n ect ive tissue. relatively sm all an d sup plies th e m idportion of th e
fron t al dura m ater an d th e an terior portion of th e
Outer and inner layers. Th e ou ter layer of th e falx cerebri. It en ters th e sku ll t h rou gh th e an terior
cran ial du ra m ater is th e p eriosteu m of th e in side portion of th e cribriform p late. It is a bran ch of th e
of th e sku ll. Th e in n er layer is th e actu al m en in geal an terior eth m oidal artery, w h ich is, in tu rn , a
layer; it form s th e ou ter lim it of th e very n arrow bran ch of t h e op h th alm ic artery; it th erefore car-
subdu ral sp ace. Th e tw o dural layers separate from ries blood from th e in tern al carotid artery. Th e
each oth er at th e sites of th e du ral sin uses. Be- posterior meningeal artery en ters th e sku ll
tw een th e su perior an d in ferior sagittal sin uses, a th rou gh th e ju gu lar foram en to supp ly th e du ra
dou ble fold of th e in n er du ral layer form s th e falx m ater of th e posterior cran ial fossa.
cerebri, w h ich lies in t h e m idsagittal plan e be- Th e m iddle m en in geal artery m akes an an asto-
tw een th e tw o cerebral h em isph eres; th e falx cere- m otic con n ection in th e orbit to th e lacrim al artery,
bri is con tin uou s w ith th e tentorium , w h ich sepa- a bran ch of th e oph th alm ic artery. Th e oph th alm ic
rates th e cerebellum from th e cerebru m . Ot h er artery bran ch es off th e in tern al carotid artery n ear
structu res form ed by a double fold of in n er dura th e in tern al apertu re of th e optic can al. Th u s, in
Coverings of the Brain and Spinal Cord · 261
Fig. 10.1 Meninges of
Superior sagittal Arachnoid the brain (schem atic draw-
sinus granulations ing, coronal view)

Cranial dura mater

Epidural space

Subdural space


Pia mater of the brain

Cerebral cortex


Fig. 10.2 Meninges of

Epidural space with the spinal cord (schem atic
veins and fat drawing, transverse view)
Spinal dura mater

Spinal arachnoid



Pia mater of
the spinal cord

ligam ent

som e cases, th e cen tral retin al artery can obtain th ough it is, strictly speakin g, in side th e du ra
blood by w ay of t h e m iddle m en in geal artery, even m ater. It con tain s loose con n ective tissu e, fat, an d
if th e op h th alm ic artery is proxim ally occlu ded. th e in tern al ven ou s plexu s (Fig. 10.2, Fig. 11.20,
p. 284). Th e tw o layers of th e spin al du ra m ater join
Spinal dura mater. Th e tw o layers of th e du ra m ater w h ere th e spin al n erve roots exit from th e spin al
adh ere tigh tly to each oth er w it h in t h e cran ial cav- can al th rough th e in tervertebral foram in a. Th e
ity but separate from each oth er at th e ou ter rim of low er en d of th e du ral sac en closes th e cau da
th e foram en m agn u m . Th e ou ter du ral layer con - equ in a an d term in ates at th e S2 level (Fig. 3.22,
tin u es as th e periosteu m of th e sp in al can al, w h ile p. 54). Its con tin uation below th is level is th e filu m
th e in n er layer form s th e du ral sac en closin g th e of th e du ra m ater, w h ich is an ch ored to th e sacral
spin al cord. Th e space bet w een th e tw o layers is periosteu m by th e fibrous coccygeal ligam en t.
called th e epidu ral or extradu ral space, even
10 262 · 10 Coverings of the Brain and Spinal Cord; Cerebrospinal Fluid and Ventricular System

Orbital dura mater. A sim ilar division of th e t w o

layers of th e dura m ater is fou n d in th e orbit, w h ich foram en
Corpus callosum Fornix
th e du ra m ater reach es from th e cran ial cavity by Suprapineal
exten sion alon g th e optic can al. Th e ou ter du ral
Pineal body
layer is th e periosteal lin in g of th e bony orbit. Th e Collateral
in n er du ral layer su rrou n ds th e optic n erve, to-
geth er w ith its p ia m ater an d arach n oid, as w ell as
th e perioptic su barach n oid space in betw een . Th is Anterior horn of
lateral ventricle Posterior horn of
space com m un icates w ith t h e subarach n oid sp ace Third ventricle lateral ventricle
Optic recess
of th e cran ial cavity. Th e in n er du ral layer is con -
Infundibular recess
tin uous w ith th e sclera as t h e optic n erve en ters
Inferior horn of
th e globe. lateral ventricle
Cerebral aqueduct
and fourth ventricle
Papilledem a. Th e du ral sh eath of th e optic n erve Lateral recess and
lateral aperture of Median aperture
can be stretch ed if elevated in tracran ial pressure is Lateral fourth ventricle
ventricles of fourth ventricle
tran sm itted to th e perioptic su barach n oid space.
Retrobulbar stretch in g of th e dural sh eath is a
m ajor factor in th e developm en t of papilledem a. b
An ot h er cau se of papilledem a is acu te in tracran ial
subarach n oid h em orrh age (du e to a ru ptu red Third ventricle
an eu rysm or vascular m alform ation ) w ith blood
exten din g in to th e perioptic su barach n oid sp ace. Fourth ventricle

Innervation. Th e du ra m ater above th e ten toriu m is a

in n ervated by bran ch es of t h e trigem in al n erve, its
in fraten torial portion by bran ch es of th e u pper cer- Fig. 10.3 Ventricular system. a Position of the ventricular
vical segm ental n erves an d th e vagu s n erve. Som e system in the brain. b Anatom ical structure.
of t h e du ral n erves are m yelin ated, w h ile ot h ers
are u n m yelinated. Th eir en din gs eviden tly respon d brain , an d m ost of th e cran ial n erves, ru n in th e
to stretch , becau se m ech an ical stim u lation of th e su barach n oid space.
du ra can be con sciou sly felt, an d is often pain ful.
Th e afferen t fibers accom p anyin g th e m en in geal Cisterns. Th e subarach n oid cistern s of th e h ead
arteries are particu larly sen sitive to pain . h ave in dividual n am es, e.g., th e cerebellom edu l-
lary cistern , also called th e cisterna m agna. Th e
m ore im portan t n am ed cistern s are depicted in
Fig. 10.4, p . 263.
Th e arach n oid of both th e brain an d th e spin al cord
is a th in , delicate, avascu lar m em bran e closely ap- Pia Mater
plied to th e in n er surface of th e du ra m atter. Th e
Th e pia m ater con sists of th in layers of m esoderm al
space betw een th e arach n oid an d th e pia m ater
cells resem blin g en doth eliu m . Un like th e
(th e su barach n oid space) con tain s th e cerebrospi-
arach n oid, it covers n ot ju st th e en t ire extern ally
n al fluid. Th e arach n oid an d th e pia m ater are con -
visible su rface of th e brain an d spin al cord but also
n ected to each oth er across th is sp ace by delicate
all of th e h idden su rfaces in th e depth s of th e sulci
stran ds of con n ective tissu e. Th e pia m ater adh eres
(Figs. 10.1 an d 10.2). It is fixed to th e cen tral n ervou s
to th e su rface of th e brain alon g all of its foldin gs;
tissue ben eath it by an ectoderm al m em bran e con -
th us, th e su barach n oid sp ace is n arrow er in som e
sistin g of m argin al astrocytes (pial-glial m em -
places, an d w ider in oth ers. En largem en ts of th e
bran e). Blood vessels th at en ter or leave th e brain
subarach n oid sp ace are called cisterns. Th e cran ial
an d spin al cord by w ay of th e subarach n oid space
an d spin al subarach n oid spaces com m u n icate
are su rrou n ded by a fu n n el-like sh eath of pia m ater.
directly w ith each oth er across th e foram en m ag-
Th e space betw een a blood vessel an d th e pia m ater
n u m . Most of th e arterial tru n ks sup plyin g th e
arou n d it is called th e Virchow–Robin space.
Cerebrospinal Fluid and Ventricular System · 263
Fig. 10.4 Circulation of
Choroid plexus of the cerebrospinal fluid
the lateral ventricle
Interhem ispheric Arachnoid
cistern granulations

Choroid plexus of
the third ventricle


tricular foramen
Verm ian cistern
Basal Chiasmatic cistern
cistern Interpeduncular cistern
Choroid plexus of the
Cerebral aqueduct fourth ventricle
medullary cistern Cerebellomedullary
cistern with median
aperture of the
fourth ventricle

Th e sen sory n erves of th e pia m ater, u n like t h ose space t h rou gh th ree open in gs: th e sin gle m edian
of th e du ra m ater, do n ot respon d to m ech an ical or apertu re (foram en of Magen die) an d th e paired
th erm al stim u li, bu t th ey are th ough t to resp on d to lateral apertu res (foram in a of Lu sch ka).
vascu lar stretch an d ch an ges in vascu lar w all ton e.
Cerebrospinal Fluid Circulation and
Cerebrospinal Fluid and
Properties of the cerebrospinal fluid. Th e n orm al
Ventricular System cerebrospin al fluid is clear and colorless, con tain in g
only a few cells (up to 4/µl) an d relatively little protein
Structure of the Ventricular System
(ratio of CSF albu m in to serum album in = 6.5 ± 1.9 ×
Th e ven tricular system (Fig. 10.3) con sists of th e 10 -3 ). Its com position differs from th at of blood in
tw o lateral ventricles (each of w h ich h as a fron tal oth er resp ects as w ell. Th e cerebrospin al fluid is n ot
h orn , cen tral portion = cella m edia, posterior h orn , an u ltrafilt rate of blood; rat h er, it is act ively
an d in ferior h orn ); th e n arrow third ventricle, secreted by th e ch oroid plexu s, m ain ly w ith in th e
w h ich lies betw een th e tw o h alves of th e dien - lateral ven tricles. Th e blood w ith in th e cap illaries of
cep h alon ; an d th e fourth ventricle, w h ich exten ds th e ch oroid plexu s is separated from th e su b-
from pon tin e to m edu llary levels. Th e lateral ven - arach n oid sp ace by th e so-called blood–CSF barrier,
tricles com m un icate w ith th e th ird ven tricle w h ich con sists of vascu lar en doth eliu m , basal
th rough th e in terven tricu lar foram in a (of Mon ro); m em bran e, an d plexus ep ith eliu m . Th is barrier is
th e th ird ven tricle, in tu rn , com m un icates w ith th e perm eable to w ater, oxygen , an d carbon dioxide,
fou rth ven tricle th rough th e cerebral aqu educt. bu t relatively im perm eable to elect rolytes an d
Th e fou rth ven tricle em pties in to th e subarach n oid com pletely im perm eable to cells.
10 264 · 10 Coverings of the Brain and Spinal Cord; Cerebrospinal Fluid and Ventricular System

Table 10.1 CSF Findings in Diseases of the Central Nervous System

Diagnosis Appeara nce Pandy Cell Count, Biochemistry Other Findings

Reaction Cytology

Normal lumbar Clear, colorless — Up to 4 cells/µl, Lactate 2.1 m m ol/l. Glucose 50−60 % of
CSF m ainly lym phocytes Album in ratio: blood level
(85 %) Adults over 40 years, 8;
under 40 years, 7;
children under 15 years, 5
Purulent (bacte- Turbid +++ Several thousand/µl, Lactate 3.5 m m ol/l; Dem onstration of
rial) meningitis m ainly neutrophils album in ratio 20 × 10 −3 bacteria
Brain abscess Clear, occasion- +/- A few hundred/µl, Album in ratio norm al or Low glucose,
ally turbid m ononuclear cells m ildly elevated bacteria som etim es
and/or neutrophils dem onstrable, local
IgA synthesis
Encephalitis Clear, colorless +/- Norm al or m ononu- Album in ratio IgG, IgM, IgA ele-
(herpes simplex) clear pleocytosis 10 × 10 -3 vated; dem onstra-
(lym phocytes) tion of specific Ab,
PCR positive for HSV
Viral meningitis Clear + Up to several Album in ratio up to
hundred m ononu- 20 × 10 −3 ;
clear cells, including lactate 3.5 m m ol/l
activated B lym pho-
Tuberculous Yellow-tinged +++ Up to 1500/µl, m ixed Album in ratio IgG and IgA ele-
meningitis cellular picture, 20 × 10 −3 ; vated; mycobacteria
m ostly m ononuclear glucose 50 % of serum dem onstrated by
cells glucose culture and PCR
Neurosyphilis Clear or turbid +/- Mononuclear pleocy- Im m unoglobulins
tosis elevated, TPHA posi-
Multiple Clear, colorless +/- Up to 40 m ono- Album in ratio Oligoclonal bands
sclerosis nuclear cells/µl 20 × 10 −3 revealed by isoelec-
tric focusing
Acute neuro- Clear Up to a few hundred Album in ratio Im m unoglobulins
borreliosis m ononuclear cells/µl 50 × 10 −3 elevated, dem on-
(Lyme disease) stration of antibody
Fungal Clear Up to a few hundred Im m unoglobulins
meningitis m ononuclear cells/µl elevated, dem on-
stration of fungi by
culture and special
Polyradiculitis Clear No m ore than m ild Album in ratio up to 50 ×
(Guillain–Barré pleocytosis 10 −3 (“album ino-cytologi-
syndrome) cal dissociation”)

Th e circulating CSF volume is gen erally betw een In fectiou s or n eoplastic p rocesses affectin g th e
130 an d 150 m l. Every 24 h ou rs 40 0–50 0 m l of CSF CNS alter th e com position of th e cerebrospin al
are produced; t h u s, th e en tire CSF volu m e is ex- flu id in ch aracteristic w ays, as sum m arized in
ch an ged th ree or fou r tim es daily. Th e CSF pressure Table 10.1.
(n ote th at th e CSF p ressu re is n ot t h e sam e as th e
in tracran ial pressu re) in th e sup in e position is n or- Circulation. Th e CSF is produ ced by th e ch oroid
m ally 70–120 m m H2 O. plexus of th e lateral ven tricles, th ird ven tricle, an d
Cerebrospinal Fluid and Ventricular System · 265
Case Presentation 1: Norma l Pressure Hydrocepha lus
This retired 80-year-old m an suffered for several m onths cal diagnosis was norm al pressure hydrocephalus (NPH).
from urge incontinence, which was initially attributed to his Transient im provem ent of gait after rem oval of a large
benign prostatic hypertrophy. Over tim e, however, other quantity of cerebrospinal fluid is considered to confirm the
sym ptom s developed: he felt unsteady while walking, diagnosis of NPH. Even in this 80-year-old patient, a lum bar
walked with his feet wide apart, and fell m ultiple tim es. He puncture and rem oval of 40 m l of cerebrospinal fluid re-
som etim es com plained that he could barely lift his feet off sulted in m arked im provem ent of gait, as well as com plete
the ground. His fam ily physician ordered an MRI scan of the resolution of urinary incontinence. His cognitive difficulties
head (Fig. 10.5) and, after viewing the im ages, referred him were unchanged, however.
for adm ission to hospital. The patient’s wife, in response to He was transferred to the neurosurgical service for the in-
the specific questions of the adm itting neurologist, re- sertion of a shunt. In the ensuing m onths, his gait becam e
ported that he had becom e increasingly forgetful and inat- norm al and his urinary incontinence resolved com pletely.
tentive in recent m onths. Neurological exam ination re- His cognitive difficulties rem ained, but did not progress.
vealed an unsteady, apraxic gait. The clinical and radiologi-

a b

Fig. 10.5 Normal pressure hydrocephalus

(NPH) (com m unicating hydrocephalus), as
seen on MRI. Axial T2-weighted FLAIR im age
(a), coronal im age (b), and sagittal T2-
weighted spin-echo im age (c). The ventricles
are disproportionately enlarged in relation to
the subarachnoid space. The sagittal im age
(c) reveals low signal intensity in the aque-
duct and neighboring portions of the third
and fourth ventricles (arrow) because of
rapid CSF flow (“flow void”). Recent studies
have shown that CSF pulsatility is greater
than norm al, as a rule, in patients with NPH.
The im ages are m ildly blurred because of
patient m ovem ent; persons with NPH and
c other dem enting illnesses are often unable
to cooperate fully with MRI studies.
10 266 · 10 Coverings of the Brain and Spinal Cord; Cerebrospinal Fluid and Ventricular System

fou rth ven tricle (Fig. 10.4). It flow s th rou gh t h e elin ated n erve path w ays, an d, u ltim ately, irreversi-
foram in a of Lusch ka an d Magen die (Figs. 10.3b an d ble gliosis. Th e h istological an d clin ical abn orm ali-
10.4) in to th e su barach n oid space, circulates ties caused by hydroceph alus can regress on ly if
arou n d t h e brain , an d flow s dow n in to th e spin al th e in traven tricu lar p ressu re is brou gh t back to
subarach n oid space su rrou n din g th e spin al cord. n orm al in tim ely fash ion .
Som e of th e CSF is resorbed at spin al levels (see
below ). Th e com position of th e CSF is th e sam e at Types of Hydrocepha lus
all poin ts; it is n ot m ore dilu te or m ore con cen - Differen t clin ical varieties of hydroceph alus can be
trated at eit h er en d of th e path w ay. conven ien tly classified by etiology, by th e site
w h ere CSF flow is blocked, an d by th e dyn am ic sta-
Resorption. CSF is resorbed (i.e., rem oved from th e tu s of th e path ological process (e.g., active hydro-
subarach n oid space) in tracran ially an d alon g th e ceph alu s due to con gen ital aqu eductal sten osis).
spin al cord. Som e of th e CSF leaves t h e su b-
arach n oid sp ace an d en ters th e bloodstream Classification by etiology and pathogenesis. Hy-
th rough th e m any villous arachnoid granulations droceph alu s du e to obstruction of th e CSF path -
located in th e su perior sagittal sin u s an d in th e di- w ays is called occlusive hydrocephalus, w h ile th at
ploic vein s of th e sku ll. Th e rem ain der is resorbed du e to in adequ ate CSF resorption is called malre-
in th e p erin eu ral sh eath s of th e cran ial an d spin al sorptive hydrocephalus (see Fig. 10.6). Occlusive
n erves, w h ere th ese n erves exit th e brain stem an d hydroceph alu s is typ ically du e to an in tracran ial
spin al cord, respect ively, an d across th e epen dym a space-occupyin g lesion (e.g., tum or, in farct, or
an d capillaries of th e leptom en in ges. h em orrh age, p articu larly in th e p osterior fossa) or
Th u s, CSF is con stan tly bein g produ ced in th e m alform ation (e.g., aquedu ctal sten osis, colloid
ch oroid plexu ses of th e ven tricles an d resorbed cyst of th e th ird ven tricle). Malresorptive hydro-
again from t h e su barach n oid space at variou s loca- ceph alu s often arises in th e afterm ath of su b-
tion s. arach n oid h em orrh age an d m en in git is, bot h of
w h ich can produ ce occlu sive adh esion s of th e
Bottlenecks of the CSF circulation. As it flow s arach n oid gran u lation s. Hydroceph alu s can also
th rough th e ven tricu lar system , th e CSF m ust resu lt from trau m atic brain in ju ry an d in -
traverse a n u m ber of n arrow passagew ays: t h e in- traven tricu lar h em orrh age. Hypersecretory hydro-
terventricular foram ina, th e slen der third ventricle, cephalus, du e to overp rodu ction of CSF, is m u ch
th e cerebral aqueduct (n arrow est p oin t), an d th e rarer; it is u su ally caused by a tum or (papillom a) of
exit foram ina of the fourth ventricle an d t h e ten - th e ch oroid p lexus.
torial apertu re.
Older, altern at ive, an d essen tially syn onym ous
term s for m alresorptive an d occlusive hydro-
Disturbances of Cerebrospinal Fluid
ceph alu s are “com m un icatin g” an d “n on com m un i-
Circulation—Hydrocephalus catin g” hydroceph alu s, respectively. In communi-
General aspects of pathogenesis. Many differen t cating hydrocephalus, th e CSF circulates freely
diseases cau se an im balan ce of CSF production an d from th e ven t ricu lar system to th e su barach n oid
resorption . If too m u ch CSF is produced or too little cistern s. In noncommunicating hydrocephalus,
is resorbed, th e ven tricu lar system becom es en - th ere is an obstru ction to CSF flow w ith in th e
larged (hydroceph alus). Elevated CSF pressu re in ven tricu lar system , so th at th e con n ect ion from t h e
th e ven tricles leads to displacem en t, an d even tu- ven tricles to t h e CSF-resorbin g st ru ct ures is n o
ally at rophy, of th e periven t ricular w h ite m atter, lon ger paten t, or can on ly be kept open un der ab-
w h ile th e gray m atter is n ot affected, at least at n orm ally h igh pressu re.
first. As an im al experim en ts h ave sh ow n , hydro-
cep h alu s cau ses seep age (diaedesis) of CSF Classification by dynamics. Hydroceph alu s is called
th rough th e ven tricular epen dym a in to th e per- active if t h e in t raven tricu lar pressu re is con t in u -
iven tricu lar w h ite m at ter. Th e elevated hydrostatic ou sly elevated. Th ere are t w o types of active hydro-
pressure in th e w h ite m atter im p airs tissue perfu - ceph alu s. In com pensated active hydrocephalus, th e
sion , causin g local tissu e hypoxia, dam age to m y- ven t ricu lar size an d th e patien t ’s sym ptom s an d
Cerebrospinal Fluid and Ventricular System · 267
Case Presentation 2: Ma lresorptive Hydrocepha lus after Suba rachnoid Hemorrhage (SAH)
This 52-year-old m an was adm itted to the hospital because blood in the subarachnoid space blocked the outflow and
of an acute, severe headache—the worst headache of his resorption of CSF, leading to widening of the ventricles (hy-
life—and m ild som nolence. A CT scan of the head revealed drocephalus, Fig. 10.6). A tem porary external ventricular
the cause: acute subarachnoid hem orrhage (SAH). Cerebral drain was inserted to treat the hydrocephalus, and the
angiography showed the source of bleeding to be a rup- aneurysm was then clipped in an open neurosurgical pro-
tured aneurysm of the left m iddle cerebral artery. The cedure.

a b
Fig. 10.6 Malresorptive hydrocephalus after aneurys- ventricles are black in the CT scan because they contain
mal subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH); CT of head. The very little blood. A sm all am ount of blood has entered the
subarachnoid space is filled with hyperdense (bright) blood ventricular system by reflux and can be seen in the posterior
(a), which im pairs CSF circulation and resorption. The ven- horns of the lateral ventricles (blood–CSF levels, arrows, b).
tricles are dilated, particularly the tem poral horns (b). The

sign s rem ain con stan t over t im e; in uncontrolled Differential diagnosis: “hydrocephalus ex vacuo.”
hydrocephalus, th e patien t ’s con dit ion w orsen s Degen erative diseases of t h e brain , such as
w h ile th e ven tricles con tin u e to en large. Active hy- Alzh eim er disease an d Pick disease, cau se brain
droceph alu s is n ot th e sam e as n orm al pressu re atrop hy, w ith secon dary en largem en t of th e in ter-
hydrocep h alu s (see below ), in w h ich t h e CSF p res- n al an d extern al CSF spaces. Th is m ay create th e
sure is on ly in term itten tly elevated. im pression of hydroceph alu s. Strictly speakin g,
h ow ever, hydroceph alus is presen t on ly w h en th e
Normal pressure hydrocephalus (NPH). NPH is a in tern al CSF spaces (i.e., th e ven tricu lar system ) are
special case am on g t ypes of hydrocep h alu s, gen er- en larged out of prop ortion to th e extern al spaces,
ally involvin g com m u n icatin g hydroceph alus w it h an d n ot w h en both are en larged by atrophy. Th e
abn orm al CSF flow dyn am ics an d on ly in term it- older term “hydrocep h alu s ex vacuo” for t h e latter
ten tly elevated in traven tricu lar pressure. Th e con dition is, th erefore, n ot recom m en ded. Un like
ch aracterist ic clin ical t riad of NPH con sists of NPH, in w h ich th e ven tricles are en larged but th e
apraxic gait disturbance, dem entia, an d urinary in- sulci are of relatively n orm al w idth , n eu ro-
continence (Case Presen tation 1, p. 265). Its cause is degen erative diseases cau se en largem en t of th e in -
un clear; it m ay be th e com m on clin ical expression tern al an d extern al CSF sp aces to a rou gh ly com -
of a n u m ber of differen t disease processes (aqu e- parable exten t.
du ctal sten osis, m alresorptive hydroceph alus, etc.).
10 268 · 10 Coverings of the Brain and Spinal Cord; Cerebrospinal Fluid and Ventricular System

h ead circu m feren ce: if th e h ead grow s faster th an

Genera l Aspects of the Clinica l Presenta tion, n orm al (accordin g to th e referen ce cu rves on th e
Diagnostic Eva luation, and Trea tment of ch art), th en hydrocep h alu s sh ould be suspected,
Hydrocepha lus an d fu rth er diagn ostic stu dies sh ou ld be don e to
Epidemiology. Many types of hydroceph alu s begin gu ide poten tial treatm en t. After birth , ch ildren
in ch ildh ood, usually accom panyin g oth er abn or- w ith hydrocep h alu s are evalu ated n ot just w ith ul-
m alities of developm en t, su ch as th e Ch iari m alfor- trasou n d bu t also w ith CT an d MRI. Th is en ables
m ation , spin a bifida, or m en in go(m yelo)cele. Th e th e iden tification of poten tially treatable cau ses of
prevalen ce of hydroceph alus in th e first th ree hydroceph alu s, as w ell as oth er p oten tial cau ses of
m on th s of postn atal life is 0.1–0.4 %. disp roportion ate grow th of th e h ead, su ch as su b-
du ral h em atom as an d hygrom as, an d fam ilial m ac-
Manifestations in children. Th e cran ial su tu res do rocep h aly.
n ot close un til on e year after birth ; th rou gh ou t th e
first year of life, th e sku ll bon es can respon d to ele- Manifestations in adults. In ch ildren w ith closed
vated in t racran ial pressu re by spreadin g w ider su tu res, an d in adults, hydrocep h alu s p resen ts
apart. Th u s, th e m ost obvious clin ical sign of ch ild- w ith m an ifestation s of intracranial hypertension,
h ood hydroceph alus is abnorm al grow th of the in cludin g h eadach e, n au sea, an d vom itin g (p artic-
head, w ith disprop ortion ate en largem en t of th e ularly m orn in g dry h eaves an d p rojectile vom it-
sku ll in relat ion to th e face. Furth er sign s in clu de in g), an d sign s of m eningeal irritation, in clu din g
gapin g cran ial su tu res, stasis of th e scalp vein s, n uch al rigidity, h ead tilt, opisth oton u s, an d ph oto-
fron t al bossin g, an d tigh tly bulgin g fon tan elles. ph obia. As th e con dition progresses, fu rth er
Percu ssion of th e h ead produ ces a rattlin g sou n d m an ifestation s m ay in clude fatigue, cogn itive de-
(MacEw en sign ). Th e affected ch ildren appear w ell clin e, un steady gait, cran ial n erve deficits (particu -
at first, becau se t h e in tracran ial pressure is on ly larly abdu cen s palsy), Parin aud syn drom e, pap il-
m ildly raised as lon g as th e sutu res are op en an d ledem a, an d im pairm en t of con sciou sn ess.
th e h ead is still able to expan d. Decom pen sation
occurs later, givin g rise to signs of intracranial hy- Diagnostic evaluation in adults. CT an d MRI readily
pertension, in clu din g vom itin g (in cludin g projec- dem on strate ven tricular en largem en t an d often
tile vom itin g an d dry h eaves). Th ese ch ildren m ay reveal th e cau se of hydroceph alus.
also presen t w ith “set tin g su n ” eyes (up w ard gaze
paresis) an d gen eral failure to thrive. Treatment. If n o u n derlyin g, treat able cau se of hy-
droceph alus can be iden tified, th e elevated in -
Diagnostic evaluation in children. At presen t, hy- traven tricular pressu re can be relieved by th e in -
droceph alus can be diagn osed before birth by sertion of a cerebrospinal fluid shunt. Many differ-
rou tin e pren atal u ltrason ograp hy. Hydroceph alus en t t ypes of sh u n ts are available; for fu rth er in for-
arisin g after birth is detected by rout in e serial m ation , th e reader is directed to textbooks of n eu -
m easu rem en t an d docu m en tation of th e ch ild’s rosu rgery.

11 Blood Supply and

Vascular Disorders
of the Central
Nervous System
Arteries of the Brain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 270
Veins of the Brain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 279
Blood Supply of the Spinal Cord . . . . . 281
Cerebral Ischemia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 283
Intracranial Hemorrhage . . . . . . . . . . . 305
Vascular Syndromes
of the Spinal Cord . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 312
11 270

11 Blood Supply and Vascular Disorders of the Central

Nervous System
Th e cerebral blood su pply is derived from th e in- tion). Cerebral isch em ia gen erally p resen ts w ith
ternal carotid an d vertebral arteries Th e in tern al th e su dden on set of a n eu rological deficit (h en ce
carotid artery on eit h er side delivers blood to th e th e term “stroke”), du e to loss of fu n ction of th e af-
brain th rou gh it s m ajor bran ch es, th e m iddle an d fected part of th e brain . Som etim es, h ow ever, th e
an terior cerebral arteries an d th e an terior deficit appears gradu ally rath er th an sudden ly.
ch oroidal artery (anterior circulation). Th e tw o Th e m ost com m on causes of isch em ia on th e arte-
vertebral arteries u n ite in t h e m idlin e at t h e cau dal rial side of th e cerebral circu lation are emboli
border of th e pon s to form th e basilar artery, w h ich (usually arisin g from th e h eart or from an ath ero-
delivers blood to th e brain stem an d cerebellum , as m atou s plaqu e, e.g., in th e aorta or carotid bifu rca-
w ell as to part of th e cerebral h em isph eres tion ) an d direct occlu sion of sm all or m iddle-sized
th rou gh its term in al bran ch es, th e posterior cere- vessels by arteriolosclerosis (cerebral microan-
bral arteries (posterior circulation). Th e an terior giopathy, u su ally du e to hyperten sion ). Cerebral
an d posterior circu lation s com m un icate w ith each isch em ia can also be du e to im pairm en t of ven ou s
oth er th rough th e arterial circle of Willis. Th ere are drain age (cerebral ven ou s or ven ous sin us t h rom -
also m any oth er an astom otic con n ection s am on g bosis).
th e arteries su pplyin g th e brain , an d betw een th e An oth er cau se of th e stroke syn drom e is in-
in tracran ial an d extracran ial circu lation s; th u s, tracranial hemorrhage, w h ich m ay be eith er in to
occlu sion of a m ajor vessel does n ot n ecessarily th e brain paren chym a itself (in tracerebral h em or-
lead to stroke, becau se th e brain tissu e distal to th e rh age) or in to th e n eigh borin g m en in geal com -
occlu sion m ay be adequ ately perfu sed by col- partm en ts (su barach n oid, su bdu ral, an d epidu ral
lateral vessels. h em orrh age an d h em atom a).
Th e venous blood of th e brain flow s from th e Th e blood supply of the spinal cord is m ain ly
deep an d sup erficial cerebral vein s in to th e ven ou s provided by th e unp aired an terior sp in al artery
sin uses of t h e dura m ater, an d th en ce in to th e in - an d t h e paired posterolateral spin al arteries. Th e
tern al ju gu lar vein s on both sides. an terior sp in al artery receives con t ribu tion s from
Protracted in terruption of blood flow to a part m any segm en tal arteries. Like th e brain , th e spin al
of t h e brain cau ses loss of fun ct ion an d, fin ally, cord can be dam aged by h em orrh age or by
isch em ic n ecrosis of brain tissue (cerebral infarc- isch em ia of arterial or ven ou s origin .

vascu latu re, but w h ich are n orm ally too sm all to be
Arteries of the Brain
dem on strated.
Extradural Course of the Arteries of Th e stru ctu res of th e an terior an d m iddle cran ial
fossae are m ain ly su pplied by th e in tern al carotid ar-
the Brain
teries (th e so-called anterior circulation), w h ile th e
Fou r great vessels su pply th e brain w ith blood: th e structu res of th e posterior fossa an d th e posterior
righ t an d left internal carotid arteries an d th e righ t portion of th e cerebral h em isp h eres are m ain ly su p-
an d left vertebral arteries. Th e in tern al carotid ar- plied by th e vertebral arteries (th e so-called poste-
teries are of th e sam e caliber on both sides, but th e rior circulation).
tw o vertebral arteries are often of very differen t
sizes in a sin gle in dividu al. All of th e arteries sup - Common carotid artery. Th e in tern al carotid artery
plyin g th e brain are an astom otically in tercon - is on e of th e tw o term in al bran ch es of th e com m on
n ected at th e base of th e brain th rou gh th e arterial carotid artery, w h ich , on th e righ t side, arises from
circle of Willis. Th ey are also in tercon n ected ex- th e aortic arch in a com m on (brach ioceph alic) trun k
tracran ially th rou gh sm all bran ch es in th e m u scles th at it sh ares w ith th e righ t subclavian artery
an d con n ective tissu e, w h ich m ay becom e im por- (Fig. 11.1). Th e left com m on carotid artery u su ally
tan t in certain p ath ological p rocesses affectin g th e arises directly from t h e aortic arch , bu t t h ere are
Arteries of the Brain · 271
Fig. 11.1 Extracranial
course of the major arter-
Basilar a.
ies supplying the brain
Posterior cerebral a. Posterior
com m unicating a.
(com m on carotid artery,
Superior cerebellar a. vertebral artery)
Middle cerebral a.

Anterior inferior Anterior cerebral a.

cerebellar a.
Ophthalm ic a.
Cavernous sinus
Internal carotid a.
temporal a.
Maxillary a.
Facial a.
Lingual a.
Posterior inferior
cerebellar a.

Vertebral a.

thyroid a.

Com m on carotid a.

Subclavian a.



frequ en t an atom ical varian ts. In 20 %of in dividu als, (Fig. 11.1). For its fu rth er in tracran ial course, see
th e left com m on carotid artery arises from a left bra- p. 273.
ch ioceph alic tru n k.
Anastom otic connections of the arteries of the brain
Th e internal carotid artery origin ates at th e bifu rca- with the external carotid artery. Th e secon d bran ch
tion of th e com m on carotid artery at th e level of of th e com m on carotid artery, th e extern al carotid
th e thyroid cartilage an d ascen ds to th e sku ll base artery, su pplies th e soft tissues of the neck and face.
w ith out givin g off any m ajor bran ch es. It passes It m akes n um erous an astom otic con n ection s w ith
th rough th e carotid canal of th e petrou s bon e, th e opposite extern al carotid artery, as w ell as w ith
w h ere it is separated from th e m iddle ear on ly by a th e vertebral arteries (see Fig. 11.11, p. 278) an d th e
th in , bony w all, an d th en en ters th e cavernous sinus in tracran ial territory of th e in tern al carotid artery
11 272 · 11 Blood Supply and Vascular Disorders of the Central Nervous System

Fig. 11.2 Arteries of the

base of the skull

Ant erior cerebral a.

Int ernal carot id a.
Mid d le cereb ral a.
Post erio r
com m unicat ing a.
Ant erior cho ro idal a.

Po st erior
cereb ral a.

Sup erio r cerebellar a.

Basilar a.
Ant erior inferior
cerebellar a.
Labyrint hine a.

Po st erior inferio r
cerebellar a.

Vert ebral a.

Ant erior sp inal a.

(e.g., th rough th e oph th alm ic artery [Fig. 11.11] or run s ven trally betw een th e occip ut an d th e atlas
th e in ferolateral trun k, see p. 278). Th ese con n ec- an d passes th rough t h e atlan to-occipit al m em -
tion s can dilate in t h e sett in g of slow ly progressive bran e. It u su ally p en et rates th e du ra m ater at th e
sten osis or occlu sion of th e in tern al carot id artery, level of th e foram en m agn um .
th ereby assu rin g con tin u ed delivery of blood to th e In th e subarach n oid space, th e vertebral artery
brain . cu rves ven trally an d cran ially arou n d th e brain stem ,
th en join s th e con tralateral vertebral artery in fron t
Vertebral artery. Th e vertebral arteries arise from of t h e caudal portion of th e pon s to form t h e basilar
th e su bclavian arteries on eith er side an d are often artery. Th e vertebral artery gives off m any bran ch es
of differen t caliber on th e tw o sides. Th e left verte- to th e m u scles an d soft tissu es of th e n eck; its m ajor
bral artery rarely arises directly from th e aortic in tracran ial bran ch es are th e posterior inferior cere-
arch . Th e vertebral artery travels up th e n eck in t h e bellar artery (PICA) an d th e anterior spinal artery
bony can al form ed by th e t ran sverse foram in a of (Fig. 11.2). Th e origin of th e PICA (cf. also p. 275) is
th e cervical vertebrae, w h ich it en ters at th e C6 ju st distal to th e poin t w h ere th e vertebral artery
level (i.e., it does n ot p ass th rou gh th e tran sverse en ters th e su barach n oid space; a ru pt ured
foram en of C7). At t h e level of th e atlas (C1), it an eurysm at th e origin of th e PICAm ay, th erefore, be
leaves th is bony can al an d curves arou n d th e ext racran ial an d n on eth eless produ ce a su b-
lateral m ass of th e atlas dorsally an d m edially, sit- arach n oid h em orrh age. Th e branches of the verte-
tin g in th e sulcus of the vertebral artery on th e bral artery to the spinal cord h ave a variable an at-
up per su rface of th e posterior arch of C1. It th en om y. Th ey su pply blood to th e u pper cervical spin al
Arteries of the Brain · 273
cord an d form an astom oses w ith segm en tal spin al carotid artery alon g its in tradural course is th e
arteries arisin g from th e proxim al port ion of th e posterior com m un icatin g artery (Figs. 11.1 an d
vertebral artery, an d w ith t h e n u ch al arteries. 11.2). In th e early stages of em bryon ic develop-
m en t, th is artery is th e p roxim al segm en t of th e
Arteries of the Anterior and Middle posterior cerebral artery, w h ich is at first a bran ch
Cranial Fossae of th e in tern al carotid artery an d on ly later com es
to be su pplied by th e basilar artery. In som e 20 %of
Interna l Ca rotid Artery (ICA) cases, th e p osterior com m u n icatin g artery rem ain s
After it exits th e carotid can al, th e in tern al carot id th e m ain sou rce of blood for th e posterior cerebral
artery cou rses rostrally, n ext to th e clivu s an d artery; th is is equivalen t to a direct origin of th e
ben eath th e du ra m ater, to t h e cavern ou s sin us. It posterior cerebral artery from th e ICA, or fetal
cu rves u pw ard an d backw ard w ith in th e cavern ou s origin of the posterior cerebral artery, as it is tradi-
sin u s, form in g a loop th at is op en p osteriorly (th e tion ally called. Th e fetal pattern , if presen t, is usu-
carotid siph on , Fig. 11.1). Fin e extradural bran ch es ally seen on ly on on e side, w h ile th e con t ralateral
of t h e in tern al carotid artery su pply th e floor of th e posterior cerebral artery arises from an asym -
tym p an ic cavity, t h e dura m ater of th e clivu s, th e m etric basilar tip. Som etim es, h ow ever, both post-
sem ilun ar gan glion , an d th e pitu it ary glan d. erior cerebral arteries arise directly from th e ICA
th rough un usually large posterior com m u n icatin g
In ju ry or ruptu re of th e in tern al carotid artery arteries. In su ch cases, th e basilar tip is sm aller
w ith in th e cavern ou s sin u s produces a “sh ort-cir- th an u su al, an d th e basilar artery app ears to term i-
cu it” con n ection betw een its arterial blood an d th e n ate w h ere it gives off th e tw o su perior cerebellar
ven ou s blood of t h e sin u s (carotid-cavernous arteries.
fistula). If an intracavernous aneurysm of the inter- Th e posterior com m u n icatin g artery en ds
nal carotid artery ru ptu res, exoph th alm os develops w h ere it join s th e p roxim al segm en t of th e poste-
bu t t h ere is n o su barach n oid h em orrh age, becau se rior cerebral artery som e 10 m m lateral to th e
th e an eu rysm is extradural. Th e patien t’s vision in basilar tip. It is a com pon en t of th e circle of Willis
th e ip silateral eye deteriorates th ereafter because an d the m ost im portant anastom otic connection be-
of ou tflow obstruction an d con gestion of th e reti- tw een the anterior and posterior circulations.
n al vein s. Th e p osterior com m un icatin g artery gives off
fin e p erforatin g bran ch es to th e tuber cinereum ,
Ophthalmic artery. Th e in tern al carot id artery en - m am illary body, rostral thalam ic nuclei, sub-
ters th e su barach n oid space m edial to th e an terior thalam us, an d part of the internal capsule.
clin oid process. Th e op h th alm ic artery arises at Th e origin of th e posterior com m u n icatin g
th is poin t from th e in tern al carotid artery; it is th u s artery from t h e ICA is a preferred site for t h e for-
already in tradural at its site of origin (Fig. 11.1). It m ation of an eu rysm s (so-called PCom m an eu -
en ters th e orbit togeth er w ith th e opt ic n erve an d rysm s; see above). Such an eu rysm s u su ally arise
sup plies n ot on ly th e contents of the orbit, bu t also from th e side w all of th e in tern al carotid artery,
th e sphenoid sinus, th e ethm oid air cells, t h e nasal an d on ly rarely from th e posterior com m un icatin g
m ucosa, th e dura m ater of the anterior cranial fossa, artery itself.
an d th e skin of the forehead, root of the nose, and
eyelids. Th e cu tan eou s bran ch es of th e oph th alm ic Anterior choroidal artery. Th is artery arises from
artery form an astom oses w ith bran ch es of th e ex- th e in tern al carotid artery im m ediately distal to
tern al carotid artery, w h ich can be an im portan t th e posterior com m u n icatin g artery (Fig. 11.2),
path for collateral circu lation arou n d a sten osis or run s tow ard th e occipu t parallel to th e optic tract,
occlu sion of th e in tern al carotid artery (oph t h al- an d th en en ters th e ch oroidal fissure to su pply th e
m ic collaterals). Ruptu red an eu rysm s or in ju ries of choroid plexus of the tem poral horn of the lateral
th e ICA distal to th e origin of th e oph th alm ic artery ventricle. Alon g its cou rse, it gives off bran ch es to
cause subarach n oid h em orrh age. th e optic tract, uncus, hippocam pus, am ygdala, part
of the basal ganglia, an d part of the internal capsule.
Posterior communicating artery. Th e n ext an gio- It is clin ically sign ifican t th at th e an terior ch oroidal
grap h ically visible artery arisin g from th e in tern al artery also sup plies part of t h e pyram idal tract. It
11 274 · 11 Blood Supply and Vascular Disorders of the Central Nervous System

Middle Cerebral Artery

Th e m iddle cerebral artery (MCA) is th e largest
Lateral posterior bran ch of th e in tern al carot id artery (Fig. 11.2).
choroidal a.
After its origin from t h e ICA above th e an terior
choroidal a. clin oid process, it travels laterally in th e sylvian fis-
St riate branches
of the m iddle sure (lateral su lcus). Th e m ain tru n k of th e m iddle
ce re bral a. cerebral artery gives off n u m erou s perforating
cerebral a. branches to the basal ganglia an d to t h e anterior
Posterior thala- lim b and genu of the internal capsule, as w ell as to
mo-perforating a.
Posterior th e external capsule and claustrum (Fig. 11.3).
cerebral a.
Th e m iddle cerebral artery divides in to its m ajor
cortical bran ch es w ith in th e in su lar cistern . Th ese
bran ch es su pply large areas of the frontal parietal,
Anterior and tem poral lobes.
cerebral a.
cerebral a.
Th e major branches of the middle cerebral artery
cerebral a. (Fig. 11.4) are th e orbitofron tal (I), prerolan dic (II),
choroidal a. rolan dic (III), an terior p arietal (IV), an d posterior
pariet al (V) arteries, t h e artery of th e an gu lar gyru s
(VI), an d th e tem p oro-occipital, posterior tem poral
(VII), an d an terior tem poral (VIII) arteries. Th e cor-
tical areas su pplied by th e m iddle cerebral artery
in clude, am on g oth ers, th e prim ary sen sory an d
m otor cortices (except for th eir p arasagittal an d
m edial portion s), th e lan gu age areas of Broca an d
Fig. 11.3 Arterial supply of the interior of the brain. a Wern icke, th e prim ary au ditory cortex, an d th e
Coronal section. b Horizontal section. prim ary gu statory cortex.
Th e m iddle cerebral artery h as cortical an asto-
m otic con n ection s w ith th e an terior an d p osterior
An terior cerebral arteries.
cerebral a.
cerebral a. Anterior Cerebral Artery
Th e an terior cerebral artery (ACA) origin ates from
th e bifu rcation of th e in tern al carotid artery an d
th en courses m edially an d rostrally. Th e an terior
cerebral arteries of th e tw o sides com e to lie adja-
cen t to each oth er across th e m idlin e in fron t of th e
Posterior lam in a term in alis; from th is location , th e tw o ar-
cerebral a.
teries cou rse in parallel u pw ard an d posteriorly.
Fig. 11.4 Territory and branches of the middle cerebral Th is is also th e site of th e an astom otic con n ection
artery on the convexity of the brain. betw een t h e tw o an terior cerebral arteries th rough
th e anterior com m unicating artery, a fu rth er im -
port an t com pon en t of t h e circle of Willis (see
h as an astom otic con n ection s w ith th e lateral pos- Fig. 11.12, p. 279). Th e an terior com m u n icatin g
terior ch oroidal artery (see Fig. 11.10, p. 277). artery an d t h e n eigh borin g segm en ts of th e an te-
rior cerebral arteries are preferred sites for th e for-
Terminal branches. Th e in tern al carotid artery bi- m ation of an eu rysm s (so-called ACom m an eu -
fu rcates above th e clin oid p rocess, givin g rise to rysm s, p. 307).
th e anterior cerebral artery m edially an d th e
middle cerebral artery laterally.
Arteries of the Brain · 275
Branches of the anterior cerebral artery. Th e p roxi-
An terior
m al (basal) segm en t of th e an terior cerebral artery cerebral a.
gives off n u m erou s sm all perforatin g bran ch es th at
sup ply t h e paraseptal region, rostral portion of the III V

basal ganglia an d diencephalon, an d th e anterior V
lim b of the internal capsule (Fig. 11.3). Th e recurrent IV

artery of Heubner is a large bran ch of th e proxim al I

segm en t of th e an terior cerebral artery th at su p- II

plies th e basal gan glia; it is som etim es visible on Middle

cerebral a. Posterior cerebral a.
an an giogram (see Fig. 11.12, p . 279).
In th eir fu rth er course, th e an terior cerebral ar-
teries w in d arou n d th e gen u of th e corp us callo- Fig. 11.5 Territories and branches of the anterior cere-
sum an d th en course p osteriorly u n til t h ey reach bral, posterior cerebral, and middle cerebral arteries on
th e cen tral region , w h ere th ey m ake an astom otic the medial surface of the brain. I’, anterior tem poral
artery; II’, posterior tem poral artery; III’, posterior occipital
con n ection s w ith th e p osterior cerebral arteries
artery; IV’, calcarine artery; V’, parieto-occipital artery. For
Alon g t h e w ay, th ey give off bran ch es to th e corpus labels I–V, see text, pp. 274–275.
callosum , th e m edial surfaces of the cerebral hem i-
spheres, an d t h e parasagittal region. Areas of th e
brain receivin g th eir blood sup ply from t h e an te-
Th e size of th e PICA territory is inversely related
rior cerebral artery in clu de th e leg areas of the pri-
to th at of th e an terior in ferior cerebellar artery
m ary sensory and m otor cortices an d th e cingulate
(AICA) territory; fu rth erm ore, th e PICA an d its
gyrus. Th e an terior cerebral artery m akes an asto-
territory m ay be of very differen t sizes on th e tw o
m otic con n ection s w ith th e m iddle cerebral artery
sides. If on e PICA is particularly sm all, th e basal
as w ell as th e posterior cerebral artery.
portion of th e cerebellu m w ill be su pplied by th e
AICA ipsilaterally an d th e larger PICA con tralater-
Th e major cortical branches of t h e an terior cere-
ally. A con gen itally sm all (“hypoplastic”) vertebral
bral artery (Fig. 11.5) are th e orbital (I), fron topolar
artery m ay term in ate as t h e PICA an d give off n o
(II), fron tal, pericallosal (III), callosom argin al (IV),
con tribu tion to th e basilar artery, w h ich , in su ch
an d in tern al parietal (V) arteries.
cases, is sim ply a con tin u ation of th e con tralateral
vertebral artery. Th is is a fairly com m on n orm al
Arteries of the Posterior Fossa
varian t.
Vertebra l Artery
Basila r Artery
Ju st after it en ters t h e du ra m ater, th e vertebral
artery gives off bran ch es to th e cervical sp in al cord. Th e basilar artery arises from th e un ion of th e righ t
Th e vascular an atom y in th is area is variable, but an d left vertebral arteries in fron t of th e brain stem
th e anterior spinal artery alm ost alw ays arises at a low er pon tin e level (Fig. 11.2). Its m ajor
from th e in tradural p ortion of th e vertebral artery. bran ch es are th e tw o pairs of cerebellar arteries
an d th e p osterior cerebral arteries. Th e basilar
Posterior inferior cerebellar artery (PICA). Th e PICA artery also gives off n um erous sm all p erforatin g
is th e largest bran ch of th e vertebral artery (Figs. bran ch es to th e brain stem —th e param edian
11.1, 11.2, an d 11.6–11.8) an d likew ise arises from its branches as w ell as t h e short an d long circum feren-
in tradu ral portion , ju st before th e vertebral artery tial branches (Fig. 4.58, p . 146). Occlu sion s of th ese
join s its coun terp art from th e opposite side to form bran ch es produce th e brain stem syn drom es de-
th e basilar artery. Th e PICA sup plies t h e basal por- scribed in Ch apter 4 (p. 145 ff.).
tion of the cerebellar hem ispheres, th e low er portion
of the verm is, p art of th e cerebellar nuclei, an d th e Anterior inferior cerebellar artery (AICA). Th e first
choroid plexus of the fourth ventricle, as w ell as th e m ajor bran ch of th e basilar artery is th e AICA (Figs.
dorsolateral portion of the m edulla. It m akes 11.1, 11.2, an d 11.6–11.8), w h ich su pp lies th e floc-
n u m erou s an astom otic con n ection s w ith th e re- culus an d th e anterior portion of the cerebellar
m ain in g cerebellar arteries. hem isphere. Its territory is inversely related in size
11 276 · 11 Blood Supply and Vascular Disorders of the Central Nervous System

Fig. 11.6 Blood supply of

the cerebellum, lateral
Posterior cerebral aa.

Oculomotor n.
Superior cerebellar a.

Basilar a.
Branches to the pons
(circumferential branches)
Anterior inferior
cerebellar a.
Posterior inferior
cerebellar a.
Vertebral aa.

Posterior cerebral a.
Superior cerebellar a.
Basilar a.
Anterior inferior
Basilar a. cerebellar a.

ce rebe llar a.
Anterior inferior
cerebellar a.
Posterior inferior
ce rebellar a.
Posterior inferior
Anterior spinal a. and para- cerebellar a.
median branches of the
vert ebral a. Vertebral a.

Fig. 11.7 Territories of the cerebellar and brainstem Fig. 11.8 Blood supply of the cerebellum and territories
arteries in midline sagittal section of the cerebellar arteries, inferior view

to th e ipsilateral PICA territory: in som e in dividu -

Posterior Cerebra l Artery
als, part of th e cerebellar h em isph ere th at is u su -
ally sup plied by th e PICA is actually su pplied by th e Th e posterior cerebral artery (PCA) h as con n ec-
AICA (as discu ssed on p. 275). Th e AICA also gives tion s to both th e an terior an d p osterior circu lation .
off th e labyrinthine artery to t h e in n er ear. Most of th e blood flow in g w ith in it is usually
derived from th e basilar t ip, bu t th ere is also a
Superior cerebellar artery (SCA). Th e su perior sm aller con tribu tion from th e in tern al carot id
cerebellar artery (Figs. 11.1, 11.2, an d 11.6–11.8) artery by w ay of th e posterior com m u n icat in g
arises from t h e basilar artery below its tip an d sup- artery (Fig. 11.1). At an earlier stage in on togen etic
plies th e rostral portion of the cerebellar hem isphere develop m en t, th e posterior cerebral artery is a
an d th e upper portion of the verm is. As it curves bran ch of t h e in tern al carotid artery (as discu ssed
arou n d t h e m idbrain , it gives off branches to the above, p. 273). Th e p osterior com m u n icatin g artery
tegm entum . join s th e posterior cerebral artery som e 10 m m dis-
tal to th e basilar tip. Th e segm en t of th e posterior
Th e basilar tip (en d of t h e basilar artery) is th e site cerebral artery proxim al to th is poin t is called th e
w h ere th e artery divides in to th e tw o p osterior precom m u n icat in g segm en t, or, in Fisch er’s ter-
cerebral arteries (Fig. 11.2). m in ology, th e P1 segm en t, w h ile th e segm en t dis-
Arteries of the Brain · 277
tal to th is poin t is th e postcom m u n icatin g or P2 Choroid Fim bria of the Lateral posterior Artery of
segm en t. Both t h e posterior cerebral artery an d th e plexus of hippocam pus choroidal a. Am m on’s horn
the inferior
posterior com m u n icatin g artery give off perforat- horn
ing branches to the m idbrain and thalam us gyrus
(Fig. 11.3). Posterior
Th e posterior cerebral artery origin ates at th e cerebral a.

basilar bifu rcation an d th en cu rves arou n d th e m id- Long

branch (of
brain an d en ters th e am bien t cistern , w h ere it h as a Uchim ura)

close spatial relation to th e ten torial edge (Fig. 11.9). Collateral

With in th e am bien t cistern , th e posterior cerebral sulcus
artery divides in to its m ajor cort ical bran ch es, in -
clu din g th e calcarine an d occipitotem poral arteries Tem poral branch of
an d th e tem poral branches (Fig. 11.5). posterior cerebral a.

Fig. 11.9 Anatomical relation of the posterior cerebral

Th e anterior and posterior thalamoperforating ar- artery to the tentorial edge; blood supply of Am m on’s
teries (Fig. 11.10). Th e an terior th alam operforat in g horn
artery is a bran ch of th e posterior com m un icatin g
artery th at m ain ly su pplies th e rostral portion of
the thalam us. Th e p osterior th alam operforatin g
artery arises from t h e posterior cerebral artery
proxim al to t h e in sertion of th e posterior com -
m un icatin g artery an d su pplies th e basal and m e-
dial portions of the thalam us, as w ell as th e pulvi-
Anterior thalam o-
nar. Th e posterior th alam operforatin g arteries of perforating a.

th e tw o sides m ay sh are a com m on tru n k, called Middle cerebral a.

th e artery of Percheron; th is is often seen in asso- Anterior choroidal a. Posterior

cerebral a.
ciation w ith u n ilateral hypoplasia of th e P1 seg-
m en t an d fetal origin of th e posterior cerebral
artery (cf. p . 273). An altern ative n om en clature is Internal carotid a. Thalamogeniculate a.
Posterior com m uni- Lateral posterior
som etim es u sed for th e an terior an d posterior cating a. choroidal a.
th alam operforatin g arteries, in w h ich th e form er is Posterior thalamo- Basilar a.
perforating a.
called th e t h alam ot uberal artery, an d th e latter is
called th e t h alam operforat in g artery. Fig. 11.10 Arterial blood supply of the thalamus

Th e thalamogeniculate artery arises from th e pos-

terior cerebral artery distal to th e origin of th e pos- Cortical branches of the posterior cerebral artery.
terior com m un icatin g artery (Fig. 11.10). It su pplies Th e territories of th e p osterior cerebral artery an d
th e lateral portion of the thalam us. m iddle cerebral artery vary w idely in exten t. In
som e cases, th e posterior cerebral artery territory
Th e medial and lateral posterior choroidal arteries is delim ited by th e sylvian fissu re; in oth ers, th e
also arise distal to th e origin of th e p osterior com - m iddle cerebral artery supp lies th e en tire convex-
m un icatin g artery (Figs. 11.9, 11.10). Th ey supp ly ity of th e brain all th e w ay back to th e occipital
th e geniculate bodies, m edial an d posterom edial pole. Th e visual cortex of the calcarine sulcus is al-
thalam ic nuclei, an d pulvinar. Th e m edial posterior w ays sup plied by th e posterior cerebral artery. Th e
ch oroidal artery gives off branches to the m idbrain optic radiat ion , h ow ever, is often su pplied by th e
an d supp lies th e ch oroid plexu s of t h e th ird ven - m iddle cerebral artery, so th at h om onym ous h em i-
tricle. Th e lateral posterior ch oroidal artery sup- an opsia does n ot alw ays im ply an in farct in th e
plies th e ch oroid plexus of th e lateral ven tricle an d territory of th e posterior cerebral artery. Th e poste-
h as an an astom otic con n ection w ith th e an terior rior cerebral artery supp lies n ot on ly th e occipital
ch oroidal artery. lobe bu t also th e m edial tem poral lobe th rou gh its
tem poral bran ch es.
11 278 · 11 Blood Supply and Vascular Disorders of the Central Nervous System

Externa l-Ca rotid-to-Vertebra l

Collateral Circulation in the Brain
Colla tera liza tion
Externa l-to-Interna l Colla tera liza tion
Th e bran ch es of th e extern al carotid artery an d
Wh en th e in tern al carotid artery is sten otic, blood vertebral artery t h at sup ply th e cervical an d n uch al
is diverted from bran ch es of th e extern al carotid m u scles are an astom otically con n ected at m ultiple
artery in to th e in tern al carot id artery distal to th e poin t s. Th e m ost im portan t bran ch of th e extern al
sten osis, en ablin g con tin u ed perfu sion of th e carotid artery in th is respect is th e occipital artery.
brain . Th e facial or su perficial tem poral artery, for Collaterals can form in eith er direction (Fig. 11.11):
exam ple, can form an an astom otic con n ection proxim al occlu sion of th e vertebral artery can be
w ith th e ophthalmic artery by w ay of t h e an gular com pen sated by blood from n uch al bran ch es of th e
artery; retrograde flow in th e oph t h alm ic artery occip ital artery, w h ile occlu sion of th e com m on
th en takes th e blood back in to th e carotid siph on carotid artery or proxim al occlusion of th e in tern al
(Fig. 11.11). Collaterals to th e oph th alm ic artery carotid artery can be com pen sated by blood en ter-
can also be fed by t h e bu ccal artery. Fu rth er exter- in g th e an terior circu lation from th e m uscu lar
n al-to-in tern al an astom otic con n ection s exist be- bran ch es of th e vertebral artery by w ay of t h e
tw een th e ascen din g ph aryn geal artery an d occip ital artery. As an oth er exam ple, if a proxim al
m en in geal bran ch es of th e ICA. Th ese arteries, u su - occlu sion of th e com m on carotid artery h as cu t off
ally too sm all to be seen by an giography, are both th e in tern al an d th e extern al cerebral arteries
kn ow n collectively as th e inferolateral trunk. from th e circu lation , th en blood from th e vertebral
artery can flow in t h e extern al carotid artery in ret-
rograde fash ion dow n to th e carot id bifurcation ,
branches and an d th en u p again in th e in tern al carotid artery, re-
storin g perfu sion in th e ICA territory.
Ophthalmic a.

Angular a. Arteria l Circle of Willis

Th e cerebral arteries are con n ected to each oth er
Circle of
th rough a w reath like arran gem en t of blood vessels
Willis at th e base of th e brain kn ow n as th e circle of Willis
Superficial (after Th om as Willis, an En glish an atom ist of th e
temporal a.
seven teen th cen tu ry). Th is in tercon n ection en ables
con tin u ed perfusion of brain tissu e even if on e of
Occipital a. Facial a.
th e great vessels is sten otic or occlu ded. Th e circle
Internal carotid a. itself con sists of segments of the great vessels an d
External carotid a.
Vert ebral a. th e so-called communicating arteries lin kin g th em
to on e an oth er. Travelin g aroun d on e side of th e
Comm on carotid a. circle from an terior to posterior, w e fin d th e anterior
com m unicating artery, th e proxim al (A1) segm ent of
the anterior cerebral artery, th e distal segm ent of the
internal carotid artery, th e posterior com m unicating
artery, th e proxim al (P1) segm ent of the posterior
Fig. 11.11 Anastomoses of the arteries of the brain. The
following collateral pathways are shown: Collaterals from cerebral artery, an d th e basilar tip (Fig. 11.12).
the external to the internal carotid circulation: 1, exter- Decreased blood flow in a great vessel du e to slow ly
nal carotid artery—facial artery—angular artery—internal progressive sten osis below th e circle of Willis can
carotid artery; 2, external carotid artery—superficial tem - usu ally be com p en sated by in creased collateral
poral artery—angular artery—internal carotid artery. 3, Col- flow aroun d th e circle, so th at h em odyn am ic in farc-
laterals from the external to the vertebral circulation:
tion w ill n ot occu r (see p . 285 ff.). Th ere are,
external carotid artery—occipital artery—vertebral artery.
h ow ever, frequen t an atom ical varian ts of th e circle
4, Circle of Willis. 5, Leptomeningeal collaterals between
the anterior, m iddle, and posterior cerebral arteries. After of Willis in w h ich on e or m ore of its con stitu en t
Poeck K and Hacke W: Neurologie, 11th ed., Springer, arterial segm en ts m ay be hypoplastic or absen t. Th e
Berlin/Heidelberg, 2001. un lu cky com bin at ion of a sten otic great vessel w ith
Veins of the Brain · 279
Fig. 11.12 Circle of Willis
Anterior com m uni-
cating a.
Anterior cerebral a.
Olfactory tract Superior chiasmatic a.
Ophthalm ic a. Perforated substance
Internal carotid a. Medial and lateral
striate branches
Anterior cerebral a.
Recurrent a.
Middle cerebral a. (of Heubner)

Infundibulum hypophyseal a.
Tuber cinereum Supraoptic and
paraventricular a.
Posterior com m uni-
cating a. Anterior choroidal a.
Arteries to the
Mam illary body tuber cinereum
Oculomotor n. Mam illary aa.
Posterior thalam o-
perforating a.
Posterior cerebral a.
Posterior perforating
Superior cerebellar a.
Basilar a.

an an atom ical varian t of th e circle of Willis pre- Veins of the Brain

ven tin g adequ ate collateral flow can resu lt in Superficial and Deep Veins of the
h em odyn am ic in farction (p. 287 an d Fig. 11.21).
Ca llosa l Anastomoses Th e vein s of th e brain , u n like th ose of th e rest of
th e body, do n ot run togeth er w ith its arteries. Th e
Th e an terior an d posterior cerebral circulat ion s are
territories of th e cerebral arteries do n ot coin cide
an astom ot ically con n ected t h rou gh t h e callosal ar-
w ith th e drain age areas of th e cerebral vein s.
teries (Fig. 11.1). Th u s, w h en th e an terior cerebral
Ven ou s blood from th e brain paren chym a crosses
artery is occlu ded, blood from t h e posterior cere-
th e su barach n oid an d su bdu ral sp aces in sh ort cor-
bral artery m ay con tin u e to su pply th e cen tral re-
tical veins w h ose an atom y is relatively invariable:
gion .
th ese in clu de th e superior anastom otic vein (of
Leptomeningea l Anastomoses Trolard), th e dorsal superior cerebral vein, th e su-
perficial m iddle cerebral vein, an d th e inferior anas-
Fu rth erm ore, th e bran ch es of th e an terior, poste- tom otic vein (of Labbé) on th e lateral surface of t h e
rior, an d m iddle cerebral arteries are an astom oti- tem poral lobe (Fig. 11.13).
cally lin ked to each oth er th rough th e arteries of Ven ou s blood from deep region s of th e brain , in -
th e pia m ater an d arach n oid (Fig. 11.11). Th ere are clu din g th e basal gan glia an d th alam u s, drain s in to
also leptom en in geal an astom oses lin kin g th e th e paired internal cerebral veins an d th e paired
bran ch es of t h e th ree m ain cerebellar arteries. basal veins of Rosenthal. Th e in tern al cerebral
vein s are created by th e con flu en ce of th e vein of
th e septu m pellucidu m (septal vein ) w ith th e
th alam ostriate vein . Th ese fou r vein s, com in g from
th e tw o sides, join beh in d th e splen ium to form th e
11 280 · 11 Blood Supply and Vascular Disorders of the Central Nervous System

Medial superior
cerebral vv.
Thalamostriate v.

Superior anastomotic v.
(of Trolard)
superior Superior
cerebral vv. sagittal sinus
sagittal sinus Inferior
sagittal sinus
Superficial occipital v.
m iddle Great cerebral
cerebral v. v. (of Galen)

Straight sinus
sinus (truncated)
Inferior Inferior Occipital sinus Anterior cerebral v.
anastomotic v. cerebral v. (variant)
(of Labbé) Vein of
the septum pellucidum
Internal cerebral v.
Basal v. (of Rosenthal)

Fig. 11.13 Veins of the brain, lateral view Fig. 11.14 Veins of the brain, medial view

great vein of Galen. From h ere, ven ou s blood drain s

in to th e straigh t sin u s (sin us rectus) an d th en in to
th e con fluen ce of th e sin u ses (con flu en s sin uu m ,
Thalam ostriate v. torcu lar Heroph ili), w h ich is th e jun ction of th e
Internal cerebral v.
straigh t sin u s, th e superior sagittal sin u s, an d th e
tran sverse sin uses of th e tw o sides (Figs. 11.14–16).
Basal v.
(of Rosenthal) Dural Sinuses
Th e superficial an d deep vein s of th e brain drain
in to th e cranial venous sinuses form ed by double
Fig. 11.15 Veins of the interior of the brain and their foldin g of t h e in n er du ral m em bran e (Fig. 11.17).
territories in coronal section Most of th e ven ou s drain age from th e cerebral con -
vexities travels from fron t to back in th e superior
sagittal sinus, w h ich ru n s in th e m idlin e alon g th e
Anterior attach m en t of t h e falx cerebri. At t h e p oin t in th e
cerebral v. back of th e h ead w h ere th e falx cerebri m erges
Deep w ith th e ten toriu m , th e su perior sagittal sin u s is
m iddle
cerebral v.
join ed by th e straight sinus, w h ich run s in th e m id-
lin e alon g th e attach m en t of th e ten torium an d
Striate vv.
carries blood from deep region s of th e brain .
Ven ou s blood from th e su perior sagittal sin us an d
straigh t sin us is th en distribu ted to th e tw o trans-
Basal v.
verse sinuses in th e torcu lar Heroph ili (“w in epress
(of Rosenthal)
of Heroph ilu s,” after Heroph ilus of Alexan dria);
from each tran sverse sin u s, blood drain s in to th e
sigmoid sinus, w h ich th en con tin u es below th e
Internal ju gular foram en as th e in tern al ju gular vein . Th e
cerebral vv.
sin u ses are often asym m etric, an d t h ere are a n u m -
Great cerebral v. ber of an atom ical varian ts of th e ven ou s drain age
(of Galen) pattern in th e region of t h e torcu lar.

Fig. 11.16 Veins of the base of the skull

Blood Supply of the Spinal Cord · 281
Fig. 11.17 Dural venous
Sphenoparietal sinuses
sinus Falx cerebri
Inferior sagittal
sinus Cavernous sinus
Superior sagittal


Inferior petrosal sinus

Superior petrosal sinus

Straight sinus
jugular vv. Sigm oid sinus

Blood from th e brain drain s n ot on ly in to th e in -

tern al ju gular system , but also, by w ay of th e ptery-
Blood Supply of the Spinal Cord
goid p lexus, in to t h e ven ou s system of th e
Arterial Anastomotic Netw ork
viscerocran iu m . Th e cavernous sinus, form ed by a
double fold of du ra m ater at th e base of th e sku ll, Th e spin al cord receives blood from an an astom otic
also drain s som e of th e ven ou s blood from basal re- n etw ork of arteries on its su rface. Th ere are th ree
gion s of th e brain . It m ain ly receives blood from n am ed lon gitu din al arteries, but th ese are m u ltiply
th e tem poral lobe an d from th e orbit (by w ay of t h e in tercon n ected as th ey travel dow n th e spin al cord,
superior an d inferior ophthalmic veins). It drain s so t h at th e vascu lar pattern resem bles a ch ain of
in to a variety of ven ou s ch an n els. On e of th ese is an astom oses rath er t h an t h ree distin ct, in dep en d-
th e sigm oid sin u s, to w h ich it is con n ected by th e en t vessels.
superior an d inferior petrosal sinuses. Som e of its
blood also en ters th e pterygoid plexu s. Anterior spinal artery. Th e unp aired (sin gle) an te-
Path ologically elevated ven ou s p ressu re in th e rior spin al artery ru n s dow n th e ven t ral su rface of
cavern ous sin u s, caused, for exam ple, by th e in tra- th e spin al cord at th e an terior edge of th e an terior
cavern ou s ru ptu re of an an eu rysm of th e in tern al m edian fissu re. It receives segm en tal con tribu tion s
carotid artery, causes reversal of flow in th ese from a n um ber of arteries (see p. 282) an d su pplies
vein s, result in g in ch em osis an d exoph t h alm os. th e ven tral part of th e spin al gray m atter th rough
perforatin g vessels kn ow n as th e sulco-com m issural
arteries. Th ese arteries bran ch off segm en tally from
th e an terior spin al artery an d ru n tran sversely
th rough th e m edian fissure, from w h ich th ey en ter
th e paren chym a. Each sulco-com m issural artery
supp lies on e h alf of t h e spin al cord. Im port an t
11 282 · 11 Blood Supply and Vascular Disorders of the Central Nervous System

Fig. 11.18 Arterial net-

Posterolateral w ork of the spinal cord
spinal a.
spinal a.
spinal a.
Lateral Vascular
spinothalam ic corona

spinothalam ic
Sulco- tract
com m issural a.

Anterior spinal a. lateral spinal a.

st ru ctures supp lied by th e an terior spin al artery in -

Arteries Contributing to the Arteria l Net work
clu de th e anterior horns, th e lateral spinothalam ic
of the Spina l Cord
tract, an d part of the pyram idal tract (Fig. 11.18).
Th e em bryon ic spin al cord receives its blood
Posterolateral spinal arteries. Th e posterolateral supp ly from segm en tal arteries, in accordan ce
spin al arteries are th e m ajor lon gitu din al vessels w ith th e m etam eric segm en tation of th e spin e.
on th e dorsal side of t h e spin al cord; t h ey ru n Over th e cou rse of developm en t, m any of th ese ar-
dow n th e cord bet w een th e posterior roots an d th e teries regress, leavin g on ly a few m ajor on es to
lateral colu m n s on eith er side. Like th e an terior supp ly th e cord. Th ere is n o w ay to kn ow w h ich of
spin al artery, th ey arise from a con flu en ce of th e origin al segm en tal arteries h as persisted in th e
segm en tal arteries; t h is con flu en ce can be in - m ature in dividual, except by an giograp hy. Yet th e
com plete in p laces. Th e posterolateral spin al arter- blood su pply of th e spin al cord does receive rela-
ies sup ply th e posterior colum ns, th e posterior tively con stan t con tribu tion s from a n u m ber of
roots, an d th e dorsal horns (Fig. 11.18). Th e lon gi- segm en tal levels (Fig. 11.19).
tu din al axes are con n ected by radicu lar an asto- In th e up per cervical region , th e an terior spin al
m oses. Th ese su pply th e an terior an d lateral artery receives m ost of it s blood from th e vertebral
colu m n s th rough perforatin g bran ch es. artery. In prin ciple, both vertebral arteries m ay
Th e arteries of th e spin al cord are in tercon - su pply blood to th e an terior sp in al artery, but th e
n ected by m any an astom oses. Th u s, proxim al ste- vertebral artery of on e side is u su ally dom in an t.
n osis or occlusion of on e of th ese arteries is u su ally Furth er dow n th e cord, th e an terior an d posterior
asym ptom atic. In th e periph ery, h ow ever, th e ar- lon gitu din al vessels receive m ost of th eir blood
teries of th e spin al cord are fun ction al en d arteries; eith er from th e vertebral artery or from cervical
in tram edullary em bolic occlu sion of a sulco-com - bran ch es of t h e subclavian artery (or both ). Spin al
m issural artery th erefore cau ses infarction of the cord arteries preferen tially arise from th e costocer-
spinal cord. vical or thyrocervical trunk. From T3 dow nw ard, th e
an terior spin al artery is fed by aortic bran ch es: th e
thoracic and lum bar segm ental arteries, in addit ion
Cerebral Ischem ia · 283
to th e bran ch es th at th ey give off to th e m u scu la-
tu re, con n ective tissu e, an d bon es, also con tribute
a few bran ch es to th e an terior spin al artery or th e
posterolateral spin al artery. Th ese spin al bran ch es
are t h e segm en tal spin al cord arteries t h at did n ot
regress durin g em bryon ic developm en t. Each on e Vertebral a.
divides in to an an terior an d a posterior bran ch ,
w h ich en ter th e spin al can al w ith th e an terior an d Anterior radicular
a. of C4 – C5
posterior root , respect ively. Becau se t h e spin al
Anterior radicular
cord elon gates to a lesser exten t th an th e vertebral a. of C6 – C8
colu m n du rin g developm en t, each radicular artery Costocervical
en ters th e spin al cord som e dist an ce above it s level trunk
of origin . Th ere is usually on e part icularly large Thyrocervical
segm en tal artery su pplyin g th e low er spin al cord, trunk

w h ich is called th e great radicular artery or, m ore Com m on carotid a.

com m on ly, th e artery of Adam kiew icz. Th e Brachiocephalic
developm en tal “ascen t ” of th e spin al cord m akes
th is artery join th e an terior spin al artery at an Aorta
acute an gle (h airp in con figu ration ).
spinal a.
Venous Drainage Posterior intercostal
a. of T4 – T6
Th e ven ou s blood of th e sp in al cord drain s in to
epim edu llary vein s th at form a ven ou s n etw ork in Great radicular a.
(of Adam kiewicz)
th e su barach n oid space, called th e in tern al spin al
ven ou s p lexus or t h e epimedullary venous net-
Posterior intercostal
w ork. Th ese vessels com m un icate via radicular a. of T9 – L1
vein s w it h th e epidural ven ou s plexu s (extern al
ven ou s p lexus, an terior an d p osterior extern al
vertebral ven ous plexus). Th e ven ou s blood th en
drain s from th e epidural venous plexus in to th e
large vein s of th e body. Th e ven ou s drain age of th e Fig. 11.19 Contributions of the segmental arteries to
sp in al cord is sh ow n in detail in Figu re 11.20. the arterial netw ork of the spinal cord. After Thron A in
Th e fin ite ability of th e radicu lar vein s to drain Poeck K and Hacke W: Neurologie, 11th ed., Springer,
blood from th e ep im edullary vein s m ay be Berlin/Heidelberg, 2001.
exceeded in th e presen ce of arterioven ou s m alfor-
m ation s, even w h en th e sh u n t volu m e is relatively
low. Th e resu lt is a rapid in crease of ven ous pres-
brain , w ith secon dary im p airm en t of t h e delivery
sure. Even sm all pressure in creases can dam age
of oxygen an d n u trien ts.
spin al cord t issu e (see th e section on im paired
ven ous drain age, p. 312).
Arterial Hypoperfusion
Genera l Pa thophysiology of Cerebra l Ischemia
Th e cen tral n ervou s system h as a very high
Cerebral Ischemia demand for energy th at can on ly be m et by t h e
con tin uou s, un in terru pted delivery of m etabolic
Isch em ic lesion s of th e brain paren chym a are substrates. Un der n orm al con dit ion s, t h is en ergy is
cau sed by persisten t disru ption of th e brain ’s blood derived exclusively from t h e aerobic m etabolism of
sup ply, u su ally eith er by blockage of the supplying glucose. Th e brain h as n o w ay of storin g en ergy to
(arterial) vessels or, m ore rarely, by an impediment tide itself over poten tial in terruption s of su bstrate
to venous outflow leadin g to stasis of blood in th e delivery. If its n euron s are n ot given en ou gh glu-
11 284 · 11 Blood Supply and Vascular Disorders of the Central Nervous System

Fig. 11.20 Venous

Arach- Dura Posterior external drainage of the spinal
noid mater vertebral venous plexuses
Posterior spinal v.

Posterior central v.

Posterolateral spinal vv.

Sulcocom m issural v.

Sulcal v.
Anterior and posterior
radicular vv.

Anterior internal spinal

venous plexuses

Intervertebral v.

Vertebral vv.

Anterior Basiver- Anterior external spinal

spinal v. tebral v. venous plexuses

cose an d oxygen , th ey can cease fu n ction in g w ith in affected. TIAs in th e territory of th e m iddle cerebral
secon ds. artery are com m on ; patien ts report t ran sien t con -
Very differen t am ou n ts of en ergy are n eeded to tralateral paresth esiae an d sen sory deficits, as w ell
keep brain tissu e alive (structu rally in tact) an d to as tran sien t con tralateral w eakn ess. Such attacks
keep it fu n ction in g. Th e m in im al blood flow re- are som et im es h ard to distin gu ish from focal
quirem en t for maintenance of structure is abou t epileptic seizu res. Isch em ia in th e vertebrobasilar
5–8 m l per 10 0 g per m in u te (in th e first h our of territory, on th e oth er h an d, causes tran sien t brain -
isch em ia). In con trast, th e m in im al blood flow re- stem sym ptom s an d sign s, in clu din g vertigo.
quirem en t for continued function is 20 m l per Neu rological deficits due to isch em ia can som e-
10 0 g p er m in u te. It follow s th at t h ere m ay be a tim es regress even th ough th ey h ave lasted for
fu n ction al deficit in th e absen ce of deat h of tissue m ore th an 24 h ou rs; in su ch cases, on e speaks, n ot
(in farction ). If th e en dan gered blood su pply is of a TIA, bu t of a PRIND (prolonged reversible
rap idly restored, as by spon t an eou s or th erapeutic ischemic neurological deficit).
th rom bolysis, th e brain tissue rem ain s u n dam aged If hypoperfu sion p ersists lon ger th an th e brain
an d recovers its fu n ction as before, i.e., th e n eu ro- tissu e can tolerate, cell death en sues. Ischemic
logical deficit regresses com pletely. Th is is th e stroke is n ot reversible. Cell death w ith collapse of
sequen ce of even ts in a transient ischemic attack th e blood–brain barrier results in an in flu x of w ater
(TIA), w h ich is clin ically defin ed as a tran sien t n eu - in to th e in farcted brain tissu e (accom panyin g cere-
rological deficit of n o m ore t h an 24 h ou rs’ dura- bral edema). Th e in farct th u s begin s to sw ell
tion . Eigh ty percen t of all TIAs last less th an 30 w ith in h ours of th e isch em ic even t, is m axim ally
m in u tes. Th eir clin ical m an ifestation s depen d on sw ollen a few days later, an d th en gradu ally con -
th e particu lar vascu lar territory of t h e brain th at is tracts again .
Cerebral Ischem ia · 285
In patien ts w ith large in farcts w ith exten sive ac- tion is better at th e p erip h ery of an in farct th an at
com p anyin g edem a, clinical signs of life -threaten- its cen ter. Th e isch em ic brain tissu e at th e periph -
ing intracranial hypertension such as headache, ery th at is at risk of dyin g (in farction ) bu t, because
vomiting, and disturbances of consciousness must of collateral circulat ion , h as n ot yet been irreversi-
be noted and treated appropriately (see below ). Th e bly dam aged is called th e penumbra (h alf-sh adow )
critical in farct volu m e n eeded for th is situation to of th e in farct. Rescu in g th is area is th e goal of
arise varies depen din g on th e patien t’s age an d brain th rom bolytic th erapy w ith recom bin an t tissu e
volum e. Youn ger patien t s w ith n orm al-sized brain s plasm in ogen activator (rtPA), w h ich can be given
are at risk after exten sive in farction in th e territory eith er system ically or in t ra-arterially (cf. Case Pre-
of th e m iddle cerebral artery alon e. In con trast, older sen t ation s 4 an d 5, pp. 291, 293 ff.).
patien ts w ith brain atrophy m ay n ot be in dan ger
un less th e in farct involves th e territories of tw o or
Ca uses of Cerebra l Ischemia: Types of
m ore cerebral vessels. Often , in su ch situation s, th e
Infa rction
patien t’s life can be saved on ly by tim ely m edical
treatm en t to low er t h e in tracran ial pressu re, or by Em bolic Infarction
surgical rem oval of a large piece of t h e sku ll
Eigh ty p ercen t of isch em ic st rokes are caused by
(h em icran iectom y) in order to decom press th e
em boli. Blood clots, or pieces of debris th at h ave
sw ollen brain .
broken aw ay from an at h erom atou s p laqu e in th e
In th e afterm ath of in farction , th e dead brain
w all of on e of t h e extracran ial great vessels, are
tissue liqu efies an d is resorbed. Wh at rem ain s is a
carried by th e bloodstream in to th e brain , w h ere
cystic cavity filled w ith cerebrospinal fluid, p erh aps
th ey becom e lodged in th e lu m en of a fu n ction al
con tain in g a few blood vessels an d stran ds of con -
en d artery. Proxim al em bolic occlusion of th e m ain
n ective tissu e, alon g w ith reactive glial ch an ges
tru n k of a cerebral artery cau ses exten sive in farc-
(astrogliosis) in th e surroun din g paren chym a. No
tion in its en tire territory (territorial infarction).
scar is form ed in t h e p roper sen se of th e term (pro-
Most em boli arise eith er from atheromatous le-
liferation of collagen ou s tissue).
sions of the carotid bifurcation or from th e heart.
Rarely, em boli arisin g in th e p eriph eral ven ous
The importance of collateral circulation. Th e tem -
circu lation are carried by th e bloodstream in to th e
poral cou rse an d exten t of cerebral paren chym al
brain (so-called paradoxical em boli). A precon dition
edem a depen d n ot on ly on th e paten cy of th e
for th is occu rren ce is a paten t foram en ovale,
blood vessel(s) th at n orm ally sup ply th e brain re-
w h ich fu rn ish es th e n ecessary con n ection be-
gion at risk, bu t also on th e availability of collateral
tw een th e ven ou s an d arterial circulation s at th e
circu lation th rou gh oth er p ath w ays. In gen eral, th e
level of th e atria. In th e n orm al case, th e foram en
arteries of th e brain are fu n ction al en d arteries:
ovale is closed an d ven ou s th rom bi are filtered out
collateral path w ays n orm ally can n ot provide
of th e circu lation in t h e lu n gs, so th at th ey can n ot
en ou gh blood to su stain brain tissue distal to a su d-
pass th rou gh to th e arterial side.
denly occlu ded artery. If an artery becom es n arrow
Em bolic th rom bi are som etim es sp on tan eou sly
very slow ly an d p rogressively, h ow ever, th e capac-
dissolved by th e fibrin olytic activity of th e blood. If
ity of th e collateral circu lation can in crease. Col-
th is h appen s rapidly, th e p atien t’s n eu rological
laterals can often be “train ed” by ch ron ic, m ild
deficit m ay regress, w ith fu ll recovery an d n o last-
tissue hyp oxia to th e exten t t h at th ey can m eet th e
in g dam age. If th e th rom bu s is n ot dissolved for
en erget ic n eeds of t issu e even if t h e m ain arterial
h ou rs or days, h ow ever, cell death en su es an d th e
supp ly is blocked for relatively lon g p eriods of
n eu rological deficit is u su ally irreversible.
tim e. Th e in farct is th en m u ch sm aller, an d far
few er n eu ron s are lost , th an on e w ou ld oth erw ise
Hem odynam ic Infarction
see if th e sam e artery w ere su dden ly occluded
from a state of n orm al paten cy. Hem odyn am ic in farction is caused by a critical
Collateral blood su pply m ay arrive from th e drop in perfusion pressure in a distal arterial seg-
basal an astom otic rin g of vessels (circle of Willis) m en t as th e resu lt of a m ore p roxim al sten osis.
or from su perficial leptom en in geal an astom oses of Su ch even ts u su ally occu r in th e territories of lon g,
th e cerebral arteries. As a ru le, collateral circu la- perforatin g arteries deep w ith in th e cerebral w h ite
11 286 · 11 Blood Supply and Vascular Disorders of the Central Nervous System

m atter. Th e resu ltin g in farcts are seen to lie like Lacunar Infarction
ch ain s in th e w h ite m at ter of th e cen tru m sem i-
Lacun ar in farcts are cau sed by microangiopathic
changes of smaller arteries w ith progressive n ar-
Hem odyn am ic in farction is m uch rarer th an em -
row in g of th e lu m en an d su bsequ en t occlu sion .
bolic in farction . Th is fact m ay, at first, seem in com -
Th e m ost im portan t risk factor is arterial hyperten-
patible w ith th e observat ion t h at t h e risk of stroke
sion, w h ich leads to hyalin osis of th e vascu lar w all
in creases in proportion to th e degree of carotid ste-
of sm aller arteries. Th e perforatin g, lon g, an d th in
n osis; in fact, h ow ever, on ly very few patien ts w ith
len ticulostriate arteries are m ost com m on ly in -
slow ly progressive carot id sten osis ever develop
volved; th u s, lacu n ar in farct ion com m on ly occu rs
h em odyn am ic in farcts. Th is is becau se th e area of
in th e internal capsule, t h e basal ganglia, th e
brain at risk often receives an adequ ate collateral
hem ispheric w hite m atter, an d th e pons. Th e lesions
blood su pply from th e con tralateral in tern al carotid
are typically spherical or tubular, appearin g rou n d
artery an d th e vertebral arteries, an d, in addition ,
on CT or MRI; th ey are u su ally less th an 10 m m in
an astom ot ic ch an n els open u p to convey blood
diam eter. Lacu n ar in farction also occurs in th e
from th e extern al carotid artery to in t racran ial
territory of th e p erforatin g brain stem arteries. Be-
bran ch es of th e in tern al carotid artery (cf. p. 271).
cau se lacu n ar in farction u su ally occu rs in th e set-
Th e real reason th at p atien ts w ith tigh ter sten oses
tin g of arterial hyperten sion , it is often accom -
are at greater risk of st roke is th at, in su ch patien ts,
pan ied by m icroan giopath ic abn orm alities of th e
an em bolus is m ore likely to form or break aw ay
deep cerebral w h ite m atter (“m icroangiopathic
from t h e ath erom atous plaque in th e carotid w all.
leukoencephalopathy” or leukoaraiosis). Acute
Hem odyn am ic in farcts are u su ally foun d in th e
lacu n ar in farcts can be distin gu ish ed from older
hemispheric w hite matter (see Fig. 11.21). Th ey are
on es on ly by diffusion -w eigh ted MRI, or by com -
align ed in ch ain s ru n n in g from an terior to p oste-
parison w ith previou sly obtain ed radiological stu-
rior. Cortical isch em ia, in con t rast , is alm ost alw ays
of em bolic origin . In com pleten ess of th e circle of
Willis due to hypoplasia or absen ce of som e of its
The Diagnostic Eva lua tion of Cerebra l
com pon en t arterial segm en ts h as been sh ow n to
be a p recon dition for t h e occu rren ce of h em ody-
n am ic stroke. If th e circle of Willis is in tact, a sin gle Th e goals of diagn ostic evaluation are to determ in e
great vessel of th e n eck can su ffice to su pply blood the site and extent of the ischemic lesion an d, m ost
to th e en tire brain ! im portan tly, its cause. On ly a precise etiological di-
Hem odyn am ic in farction differs from em bolic agn osis w ill lead to th e app ropriate treat m en t th at ,
in farction in a n um ber of ch aracteristic w ays th at in favorable cases, can h alt th e progression of an
facilitate its diagn osis. It often cau ses a fluctuating in farct an d preven t fu tu re recu rren ces.
neurological deficit, correspon din g to fluctu ation s Th e diagn ostic tools used in th is evalu ation are a
of blood flow in th e poststen otic arterial segm en t. precise case h istory an d a clin ical n eu rological an d
Becau se th e overall perfusion drops slow ly in su ch gen eral p hysical exam in ation , alon g w it h specifi-
situ ation s, th ere m ay be a protracted period of cally ch osen , com plem en tary laboratory tests an d
tim e in w h ich th e brain tissue at risk lacks th e im agin g stu dies. CT an d MRI are used to dem on -
blood it n eeds to fu n ction properly bu t is st ill re- strate th e presen ce of isch em ia an d differen tiate it
ceivin g en ough to sustain its stru ctu ral m etabo- from h em orrh age (see p p. 288, 289). Fu rth erm ore,
lism . In em bolic in farction , on th e oth er h an d, th e th e site an d visu al form of an in farct m ay p rovide
region al blood flow im m ediately sin ks below th e in itial clues regardin g its type (em bolic/territorial,
level n eeded to m ain tain tissu e stru cture—at least h em odyn am ic, lacu n ar, cf. pp. 285, 286) an d, th ere-
at th e cen ter of t h e in farct . Th is explain s w hy n eu- fore, its cause: for exam ple, a territorial in farct in
rological deficits due to h em odyn am ic isch em ia th e m iddle cerebral artery territory is probably of
are often reversible for a lon ger period of t im e th an em bolic origin , an d th e em bolus, in turn , probably
th ose du e to em bolic stroke. cam e from th e carotid bifu rcation or th e h eart. Th e
search for an etiology also in clu des cardiovascu lar
studies: ECG an d echocardiography provide in for-
m ation about p ossible u n derlyin g h eart disease
Cerebral Ischem ia · 287
Case Presentation 1: Hemodyna mic Infa rction
This retired 72-year-old m an had suffered from arterial hy- A diffusion-weighted MRI scan of the head revealed m ulti-
pertension and diabetes m ellitus for m any years, but felt ple, neighboring zones of acute ischem ia in the deep white
generally well. His last routine m edical check-up had re- m atter of the right cerebral hem isphere, appearing to form
vealed a high serum cholesterol concentration. One after- a chain (Fig. 11.21a, b). These lesions were interpreted as
noon, while taking a walk with his fam ily, he noticed that his arterial end-zone infarcts due to hem odynam ic insuffi-
left arm felt heavy and that he could no longer walk ciency. MR angiography (Fig. 11.21c, d) and Doppler ultra-
steadily. His daughter took him to the hospital, where the sonography (Fig. 11.21e) revealed a hem odynam ically sig-
adm itting physician found a left hem iparesis, m ore severe nificant 90–95 % stenosis of the right internal carotid artery.
in the arm than in the leg, with sinking of both left lim bs in As soon as the diagnostic evaluation was com plete, the
postural testing. He walked unsteadily because of the left patient underwent throm bendarterectomy, without com -
leg weakness, but had no sensory abnorm ality. plication. He went on to recover fully from his hem iparesis
and was discharged hom e one week after adm ission.

a b c

d e
Fig. 11.21 Hemodynamic infarction due to high-grade internal carotid artery, with ulceration. Blood is flowing
stenosis of the right internal carotid artery from left to right, from the com m on carotid artery into the
c MR angiography of the arteries of the base of the brain. In internal carotid artery. The color indicates the speed of
the flow-sensitive im age, the right internal carotid artery is flow. A plaque is evident as a dark structure behind the
less well visualized than its counterpart on the left side. This lum en, which contains flowing blood. The red-colored area
finding suggests that there m ay be a hem odynam ically sig- in the craterlike pit (plaque) shows that there is flowing
nificant stenosis proxim al to the area of im paired flow. blood here, too: this finding im plies ulceration (arrow).
d Contrast-enhanced MR angiography. e Color duplex (Im age kindly supplied by Dr. H. Krapf, Tübingen.)
sonography reveals high-grade stenosis at the origin of the
11 288 · 11 Blood Supply and Vascular Disorders of the Central Nervous System

Case Presentation 2: Lacuna r Infa rction

This 58-year-old lawyer had had arterial hypertension for The adm itting neurologist found a m ainly brachiofacial
many years. This had initially been well controlled; in recent right hem iparesis, without any accom panying sensory defi-
months, however, there had been m ultiple, prolonged, and cit. MRI revealed the cause, a sm all infarct in the left inter-
dangerous elevations of blood pressure, despite m edica- nal capsule. The diffusion-weighted im age revealed an
tion. One night, he awoke with a feeling of weakness in the acute ischem ic process (Fig. 11.22a), and the better spatial
right leg, which lasted only a few m inutes before returning resolution of the T2-weighted im age enabled its precise an-
to norm al. He felt fully well the next day and went to work atom ical localization (Fig. 11.22b).
as usual. A short tim e later, while talking and drinking Diagnostic studies of the heart revealed no abnorm ality.
coffee with a client, he suddenly noticed that the coffee The patient rem ained in the hospital for two weeks, during
was dribbling out of the right corner of his m outh, and he which tim e his antihypertensive m edication was readjusted
had difficulty articulating words properly. At the sam e tim e, for better blood pressure control. He was given an inhibitor
his right arm felt very weak. He no longer had the strength of platelet aggregation to prevent recurrent infarction. His
to get up and walk. His secretary called an am bulance, and hem iparesis resolved to a m arked, but incom plete, extent,
he was taken to hospital. and he was transferred from the hospital to an inpatient re-
habilitation unit.

a b
Fig. 11.22 Lacunar infarct in the left internal capsule. a sym ptom s. b The T2-weighted FLAIR im age reveals the
Diffusion-weighted im age. The infarct in the posterior lim b sam e hyperintense infarct in the internal capsule and
of the internal capsule and the posterior portion of the thalam us. T2 hyperintensity persists long after the acute
thalam us is m arkedly hyperintense, im plying acute infarc- event; thus, a T2-weighted im age alone is insufficient for
tion. This im age was obtained 24 hours after the onset of estim ation of the age of the lesion.

predisposin g to cerebral isch em ia (e.g., in su fficien t

Ancillary Diagnostic Studies in Cerebral
cardiac p um p in g activity du e to arrhyth m ia or any
Ischem ia
of th e m yriad cau ses of con gest ive h eart failure; in -
tracardiac th rom bi as a sou rce of em bolism ). Ab- Computerized tomography (CT) reveals isch em ic
n orm alities of th e cerebral blood vessels th em - areas n o soon er t h an tw o h ou rs after t h e on set of
selves can be detected w it h extracranial and trans- hypoperfu sion . It does, h ow ever, sh ow in tracran ial
cranial ultrasonography an d w ith angiography—for h em orrh age im m ediately an d reliably. Any patien t
exam p le, sten osis or ath erosclerotic plaqu e as a w ith th e sudden or su bacute on set of a n eu rologi-
source of arterioarterial em bolism . MR an giogra- cal deficit sh ou ld th erefore receive a CT scan as
phy, in com bin at ion w it h u ltrason ography, often soon as possible, so th at a h em orrh age can be di-
suffices to establish th e diagn osis of vascular agn osed or ruled ou t. A fu rth er advan tage of CT,
path ology, but conven tion al an giography w ith digi- com pared to MRI, is its rapid availability. Its in abil-
tal subt raction (DSA) is still occasion ally n ecessary. ity to dem on strate th e in itial ph ase of acute
We w ill n ow briefly discu ss each of th e m ajor di- isch em ia is a m ajor disadvan tage: CT scan s are
agn ostic m eth ods in dividu ally. gen erally n orm al precisely at th e m om en t w h en
Cerebral Ischem ia · 289
cau sal treatm en t of cerebral isch em ia is still can n ot be said of conven tion al an giography w ith
possible. Furth erm ore, for tech n ical reason s (arti- in tra-arterial con trast m edium ; its qu ality,
fact ), in farcts in t h e posterior fossa an d p urely cor- h ow ever, still falls sh ort of th e stan dard set by DSA.
tical isch em ia are often n ot revealed by CT u n t il Tw o disadvan tages of MRI are its lim ited availabil-
late in th eir cou rse, or m ay n ever be seen at all. If ity as an em ergen cy stu dy an d th e relatively lon g
th e in itial CT scan reveals n o lesion , it is rea- tim e n eeded to perform it, w h ich m akes it suscep-
son able to repeat th e stu dy ca. 24 h ou rs later, as an tible to m ovem en t artifacts.
in itially invisible in farct m ay be dem on strable th e
secon d tim e. Altern at ively, an MRI scan can be ob- Of all n euroim agin g m eth ods, digital subtraction
tain ed im m ediately after th e in itial, n egative CT angiography (DSA) (i.e., visu alization of th e blood
scan . vessels of th e brain w ith in tra-arterially in jected
Recen tly, CT tech n iques h ave been develop ed radiograph ic con trast m edium ) st ill provides th e
th at en able th e detection of vascu lar occlu sion in best m orph ological view of path ological ch an ges
th e acu te ph ase (CT an giography), or an in terru p- in th e extracran ial an d in tracran ial vessels. Each
tion of blood supp ly to an area of th e brain th at stu dy, h ow ever, carries its ow n sm all risk of stroke
oth erw ise ap pears n orm al (perfu sion CT). Th e or oth er com p lication s, an d its in dicat ion s are
clin ical usefuln ess of th ese m eth ods is cu rren tly th erefore bein g progressively lim ited to a sm all
bein g assessed. n um ber of specific clin ical situ ation s. Con tem -
Th ere is n o eviden ce to su ggest th at th e ad- porary u ltrasou n d an d MRI tech n iqu es are avail-
m in istration of con trast m ediu m in creases th e able as risk-free altern atives. Because an giograp hy
size of in farct s, desp ite earlier specu lation to th at does n ot visu alize brain tissu e, it can on ly reveal
effect. Non eth eless, in traven ou s con trast m ediu m in farcts in directly.
is on ly rarely n eeded in th e su bacute ph ase. In -
farcts begin to take u p con trast m ediu m st ron gly Ultrasonography is routin ely u sed in th e diagn ostic
on th e fou rth to sixt h day after th e acu te isch em ic evaluation of cerebral isch em ia. Modern color-
even t because of disru ption of t h e blood–brain coded m eth ods en able rapid, risk-free, an d reliable
barrier. Th is p h en om en on , w h en com bin ed w ith assessm en t of th e great vessels of th e n eck, w ith
an im precise h istory, m ay lead to th e m isdiagn o- qu an tificat ion of any sten oses th at m igh t be p re-
sis of an in farct as a n eoplasm (e.g., lym p h om a). sen t (Fig. 11.21). Som e of th e in tracran ial vessels
can even be stu died by Doppler ultrason ography
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) reveals th rough th e bony skull (i.e., tran scran ially), bu t th is
isch em ia w ith in a few m in u tes of on set. Brain cells tech n iqu e is of lim ited reliability.
dep rived of en ergy sw ell w ith w ater becau se th eir
en ergy-depen den t m em bran e pum ps cease to Radionuclide studies. In addition to th e tech n iqu es
fu n ction (cytotoxic edem a). Edem a, in tu rn , slow s discu ssed above for th e m orph ological stu dy of th e
th e w ater m olecu les in th e blood vessels of th e in - brain an d t h e cerebral vasculature, m odern n u clear
farct zon e, an d th is slow in g can be dem on strated m edicin e p rovides oth er tech n iques for th e stu dy
im m ediately after th e on set of isch em ia, an d very of fun ction al param eters su ch as region al cerebral
rap idly, w ith diffu sion -w eigh ted MR sequ en ces. blood flow (rCBF). Th e t w o m ost im port an t t ypes of
Com bin ed w ith conven tion al sequ en ces for an a- fu n ction al stu dy are positron emission tomogra-
tom ical im agin g, diffusion -w eigh ted MRI detects phy (PET) an d single -photon emission computer-
isch em ia h igh ly reliably anyw h ere in th e brain . ized tomography (SPECT). Very recen tly, soph isti-
MRI also reveals cerebral in farcts th at are n ot seen cated MRI an d CT tech n iqu es for th e m easu rem en t
by CT in patien ts w it h tran sien t or on ly m ild n eu- of rCBF h ave also been in trodu ced. As a com m en t
rological deficits (e.g., pu rely cortical in farcts in th e on all of th ese types of studies, it sh ou ld be n oted
so-called n on eloqu en t areas of th e brain , su ch as th at, becau se m ost strokes are due to em boli rath er
th e fron tal association cortex or righ t in sula). th an preexistin g deficien cies of region al p erfu sion ,
Brain stem in farcts, too, are readily seen . Furth er- m easu rin g blood flow is gen erally u seless as a
m ore, th e blood vessels su pplyin g th e brain are m ean s of predictin g stroke. Th us, th e assessm en t
w ell visu alized both extracran ially an d in - of rCBF by any of th ese tech n iques is on ly in dicated
tracran ially. MR an giography is risk-free, w h ich in certain specific situ ation s.
11 290 · 11 Blood Supply and Vascular Disorders of the Central Nervous System

Case Presentation 3: The Use of Ima ging Studies for Definitive Diagnosis in Neurology
This case illustrates how clinical problem s in neurology can stenotic lesion. The infarct sufficed to explain the patient’s
be solved by precise correlation of the findings of clinical transient right hem iparesis, but not the transient sensory
history-taking, physical exam ination, and ancillary studies. abnorm ality in his left leg, which could only be attributed to
The history and physical exam ination often enable fairly hypoperfusion in the territory of the right anterior cerebral
precise localization of the lesion, but further laboratory artery. Because this vessel is ordinarily not a branch of the
tests and neuroim aging are usually needed to pinpoint its left internal cerebral artery, a possible second cause of cere-
etiology. bral ischem ia had to be sought.
This previously healthy 59-year-old schoolteacher suddenly The left carotid lesion described above had no counterpart in
becam e weak on the entire right side of his body, m ost the right internal carotid artery, which was norm al. The MR
severely in the leg, and was well again a short tim e later. angiogram , however, showed both anterior cerebral arteries
During the episode, he also had transient sensory abnor- receiving blood from the left internal carotid artery; a nor-
malities in both legs. An MRI scan of the brain with diffu- m al anatom ical variant was present, in which the initial, or
sion-weighted (Fig. 11.23a) and T2-weighted sequences “precom m unicating,” segm ent of the left anterior cerebral
(not shown) revealed a sm all, acute infarct in the left artery (the left A1 segm ent) was hypoplastic. The left carotid
parietal lobe. MR angiography (Fig. 11.23b, c) and intra- stenosis thus sufficed to explain all of the patient’s sym p-
arterial digital subtraction angiography (Fig. 11.23d, e) re- tom s, including weakness in the left leg, due to hypoperfu-
vealed a high-grade, calcific stenosis of the left internal sion in the territory of the left anterior cerebral artery. In this
carotid artery. The infarct had apparently been caused by case, definitive diagnosis would have been im possible
transient hem odynam ic insufficiency on the basis of this without im aging studies of the cerebral vasculature.

a b
Fig. 11.23 Infarct in the territory of the left anterior
cerebral artery and transient ischemia in the right ante-
rior circulation due to high-grade stenosis of the left in-
ternal carotid artery. a Diffusion-weighted MRI. Abnor-
m ally bright signal is seen in the parasagittal portion of
the left postcentral gyrus, indicating acute ischem ia in the
territory of the left anterior cerebral artery. b MR angio-
graphy of the arteries of the base of the brain. Both ante-
rior cerebral arteries are supplied by the left internal
carotid artery. c Contrast-enhanced MR angiography of
the arteries of the neck. High-grade stenosis at the origin
of the left internal carotid artery is the probable cause of
the em bolic infarction in the left anterior circulation, clini-
cally m anifest as right hem iparesis m ainly affecting the
leg. The patient had also reported a transient sensory dis-
turbance in the left leg, which was m ost likely due to a
transient im pairm ent of flow in the right anterior cerebral
artery. Because both anterior cerebral arteries are supplied
c by the left internal carotid artery in this patient, the bi-
hem ispheric sym ptom s can be traced back to a single
com m on cause (left ICA stenosis). Fig. 11.23 d, e
Cerebral Ischem ia · 291

d e
Fig. 11.23 d, e Infarct in the territory of the left anterior there is intracranial reversal of flow in the posterior com -
cerebral artery and transient ischemia in the right ante- m unicating artery, which is supplied with blood in retro-
rior circulation due to high-grade stenosis of the left in- grade fashion from the basilar artery. The pericallosal artery
ternal carotid artery. d This intra-arterial digital subtrac- (arrow) obtains blood from the posterior com m unicating
tion angiogram dem onstrates the high-grade stenosis of artery and can thus be seen after vertebral injection. Nor-
the left ICA very well (arrow). e This angiographic im age, m al flow in the posterior com m unicating artery is from the
obtained after injection of contrast m edium into one of the anterior to the posterior circulation (internal carotid to
vertebral arteries, reveals a further sign of carotid stenosis: posterior cerebral artery).

Case Presentation 4: Thrombolysis in the Middle Cerebra l Artery

This 69-year-old m an was adm itted to the ophthalm ology cause less than three hours had elapsed from the onset of
service of a teaching hospital for an elective retinal pro- the neurological deficit, and because it did not appear that
cedure. While undergoing preoperative evaluation, he sud- m ajor, irreversible parenchym al injury had already oc-
denly developed left hem iplegia. A CT scan of the head, curred. He was taken to the angiography suite. First, the
ordered as an em ergency, was norm al and was followed vascular occlusion was dem onstrated angiographically
within 15 m inutes by an MRI scan, including visualization of (Fig. 11.24c, d). Then, a m icrocatheter was introduced into
the blood vessels and diffusion-weighted sequences. The the m iddle cerebral artery just proxim al to the throm bus,
cause of the acute left hem iplegia was found to be a distal and 1 m illion units of urokinase were infused through it
occlusion of the m ain trunk of the right m iddle cerebral (Fig. 11.24e). This resulted in the com plete dissolution of
artery (Fig. 11.24a). The diffusion-weighted im age showed the throm bus (Fig. 11.24f, g). The patient’s hem iplegia re-
no evidence of irreversible infarction (Fig. 11.24b). solved com pletely, though a cortical infarct in the insular re-
The patient was transferred to the neurology service. Intra- gion rem ained visible by MRI (Fig. 11.24h). He was dis-
arterial throm bolysis was considered to be indicated, be- charged eight days after the acute event and received
further care as an outpatient.
11 292 · 11 Blood Supply and Vascular Disorders of the Central Nervous System

a b

c d

e f

Fig. 11.24 Thrombolysis in the right middle cerebral m iddle cerebral artery is occluded distal to the origin of a
artery after acute thrombotic occlusion of its main large tem poral branch. The anterior and posterior cerebral
stem. a MR angiography of the arteries of the base of the arteries (ACA, PCA) can be seen m ore easily than usual on
brain. “Cut-off” of the right m iddle cerebral artery (MCA) the lateral projection because the norm ally overshadowing
indicates occlusion. b Diffusion-weighted MRI. Only a m ild branches of the MCA are absent. e A m icrocatheter has
abnorm ality of diffusion is visible as an area of hyperinten- been introduced by way of the internal carotid artery into
sity in the right insular cortex. There is thus no definitive the m iddle cerebral artery; its tip lies just proxim al to the
evidence of irreversible ischem ic injury (i.e., infarction). throm bus (arrow). Urokinase was infused through this
Intra-arterial digital subtraction angiography in A-P (c) and catheter. f A follow-up angiogram obtained ca. 90 m inutes
lateral (d) projections after injection of contrast m edium after intra-arterial throm bolysis dem onstrates restoration
into the right com m on carotid artery The m ain stem of the of flow in the m iddle cerebral artery.
Fig. 11.24 g, h
Cerebral Ischem ia · 293

g h
Fig. 11.24 g Follow-up MR angiography also dem onstrates part of the insular cortex. The underlying white m atter does
recanalization of the m iddle cerebral artery (com pare to b). not appear to be involved to any significant extent. The
h T2-weighted FLAIR im age. Despite rapid recanalization of prom pt treatm ent of this patient with throm bolysis prob-
the right m iddle cerebral artery, infarction has occurred in ably prevented m uch m ore extensive infarction.

Case Presentation 5: Thrombolysis in a Case of Basila r Artery Thrombosis

This 27-year-old student was riding a bicycle when she no- On adm ission, she was unconscious and withdrew her lim bs
ticed a “fuzzy feeling.” Because she could no longer ride from noxious stim uli on the right side only; therefore, a left
straight, she got off her bicycle and sat down by the side of hem iparesis was suspected. Her pupils were equal in size.
the road. A short tim e later, she becam e nauseated and The physician on duty in the em ergency room ordered a CT
vom ited several tim es. The driver of a passing car stopped scan to rule out an intracranial hem orrhage. The CT scan
and got out to help. She could not respond adequately to was norm al, and was therefore im m ediately followed by an
his questions, but m erely m um bled unintelligibly and lost MRI scan including visualization of the cerebral vessels
consciousness shortly afterward. The driver notified the (Fig. 11.25a) and a diffusion-weighted im age (Fig. 11.25b).
em ergency m edical service and the patient was taken to The cause of the neurological deficits was found to be
the hospital.

a b

Fig. 11.25 Thrombolysis in basilar artery thrombosis. a circle of Willis. b The diffusion-weighted im age of the brain
The initial MR angiogram reveals lack of flow in the distal is norm al. Despite occlusion of the basilar artery, no infarc-
portion of the basilar artery (the course of the occluded tion has occurred. The relatively intense signal in the pons is
arterial segm ent is sketched in dotted lines). The basilar tip norm al and is due to the m iddle cerebellar peduncles. The
receives blood from the anterior circulation through the bright areas in the tem poral lobes are due to artefact.
Fig. 11.25 c–j
11 294 · 11 Blood Supply and Vascular Disorders of the Central Nervous System

throm bosis of the basilar artery (Fig. 11.25a). No irreversi- 100 m g of rtPA were infused, resulting in disappearance of
ble parenchym al injury was found to have occurred up to m ost of the throm bus (Fig. 11.25h).
this point (Fig. 11.25b). Conventional transfem oral catheter The patient’s deficits resolved fully within two days, though
angiography confirm ed distal occlusion of the basilar artery a follow-up MRI scan revealed sm all infarcts in the pons and
(Fig. 11.25c, d); the tip of the basilar artery and the two cerebellum (Fig. 11.25i, j). An exhaustive diagnostic evalua-
posterior cerebral arteries were still patent and were sup- tion failed to reveal the cause of the basilar artery throm bo-
plied by the carotid artery by way of the posterior com - sis. The patient was asym ptom atic on her discharge from
municating artery (Fig. 11.25e, f). A m icrocatheter was in- the hospital 15 days after adm ission.
troduced to the level of the throm bus (Fig. 11.25g) and

c d

e f
Fig. 11.25 c–j c and d Digital subtraction angiography artery (a) supplies the left posterior cerebral artery (b) with
after injection of contrast m edium into the left vertebral blood from the anterior circulation. The basilar tip (c), too,
artery; A-P (c) and lateral (d) projections. The basilar artery fills with contrast m edium derived in retrograde fashion
is occluded distally (arrow a). Resistance to forward flow in from the initial segm ent of the posterior cerebral artery
the basilar artery causes reflux of the injected contrast m e- (the P1 segm ent). Vessels filling with contrast from the
dium into the opposite (right) vertebral artery (arrow b). basilar artery include the left superior cerebellar artery (d),
Because the anterior and posterior inferior cerebellar arter- the right posterior cerebral artery (e), and the doubled right
ies rem ain open, a vascular flush is seen in the inferior por- superior cerebellar artery (f). The apparently weak filling of
tion of the cerebellum . The superior cerebellar arteries, the right posterior cerebral artery is caused by “washout” of
however, lie distal to the obstruction, and there is therefore contrast m edium by contrast-free blood that enters this
no flush in the superior portion of the cerebellum . In d an vessel from the anterior circulation via the right posterior
artefact caused by an ECG cable lying in the path of the com m unicating artery, as was independently confirm ed by
x-ray beam is seen (arrow c). e and f Digital subtraction an- injection of the right internal carotid artery (study not
giography after injection of contrast m edium into the left shown).
internal carotid artery. A large posterior com m unicating Fig. 11.25 g–j
Cerebral Ischem ia · 295

g h

i j
Fig. 11.25 g–j g Superselective m icrocatheterization of i and j Follow-up MRI two days later. The patient was
the basilar artery. The tip of the m icrocatheter lies just prox- asym ptom atic at this tim e. i The T2-weighted im age re-
im al to the throm bus (arrow). 100 m g of rtPA (recom binant veals a sm all left pontine lesion (arrow) but no m ore exten-
tissue plasm inogen activator) were injected through it. sive infarct. j The diffusion-weighted im age additionally re-
h Follow-up study 90 m inutes after rtPA injection: the veals a sm all lesion in the left cerebellar hem isphere
basilar artery is fully recanalized (cf. d). (arrow).

Particular Cerebrovascular Vascula r Syndromes of the Cerebra l

Ischem ic Syndrom es in the Anterior Circulation
Th e dyn am ics of clin ical isch em ia, i.e., th e m an n er
in w h ich th e clin ical picture u n folds over tim e, de- Cerebral isch em ia m ost com m on ly arises in th e
pen ds m ain ly on th e type of in farct (em bolic, territory of th e in tern al carotid artery. It is usually
h em odyn am ic, or lacu n ar; see above), bu t th e par- cau sed eith er by cardiogen ic em boli or by arterio-
ticu lar n eurological deficits th at are presen t are a arterial em boli arisin g in ath erosclerotic plaqu es at
fu n ction of th e site of th e lesion . In t h e follow in g th e bifurcation of th e com m on carotid artery.
section s, w e w ill discuss th e m ost im portan t cere- Oth er, rarer causes in clu de prim ary diseases of th e
brovascular syn drom es caused by th e occlu sion of vascu lar w all of t h e ICA (such as fibrom u scular
in dividu al arteries su pplyin g th e brain . dysplasia) an d trau m atic or spon tan eou s dissec-
tion of th e ICA, leadin g to occlu sion . Dissection ,
usually spon tan eou s, is a com m on cau se of carotid
occlusion in you n ger pat ien ts.
11 296 · 11 Blood Supply and Vascular Disorders of the Central Nervous System

Isch em ic lesion s can develop in th e territory of in to th e m iddle cerebral artery. Th e u su al resu lt is

any of th e bran ch es of th e ICA, or in all of th ese extensive infarction in the territory of the m iddle
territories com bin ed. Th e n eu rological deficits re- cerebral artery, w ith th e correspon din g n eu rologi-
sult in g from isch em ia in each vascular territory cal deficits (see below ). Th e an terior cerebral
w ill be briefly described. artery, on th e oth er h an d, can often be filled w it h
blood from th e con tralateral an terior cerebral
Ophthalmic artery. Sm all em boli can pass th rough artery by w ay of th e an terior com m u n icatin g
th e oph th alm ic artery an d lodge in th e cen tral ret i- artery. If it can n ot be filled in th is w ay becau se th e
n al artery, cau sin g retin al isch em ia an d th us m on - an terior com m u n icat in g artery is hypoplast ic, or
ocular blin dn ess. Th is is usually tran sien t (am auro- because em bolic m aterial h as occlu ded it distal to
sis fugax), becau se th e em bolus u su ally u n dergoes th e in sertion of th e an terior com m un icatin g artery,
spon tan eou s lysis. Perm an en t blin dn ess is excep- th ere is addition al infarction in the territory of the
tion al. Proxim al obstruction of th e oph th alm ic anterior cerebral artery (see p. 297). Fu rth erm ore,
artery does n ot cause tran sien t m on ocu lar blin d- t h e in farct in th e territory of th e m iddle cerebral
n ess, because th e cen tral retin al artery also obtain s artery is larger, becau se t h is territory can n ot be
blood th rough collaterals from th e extern al carotid su pplied by collateral circulat ion in to t h rou gh t h e
artery. su perficial leptom en in geal an astom oses.
In addition to th e exten sive an d severe n eu ro-
Posterior communicating artery. Th e n ext t w o logical deficits (see below ), th e in farcted territories
bran ch es of th e in tern al carot id artery are th e pos- sw ell rapidly (cytotoxic edem a), cau sin g a rap id
terior com m u n icatin g artery an d th e an terior rise in intracranial pressure. Th erefore, perm an en t
ch oroidal artery. Em boli en terin g th e posterior occlu sion of th e in tern al carotid artery at it s bifu r-
com m u n icatin g artery cau se isch em ia eith er in th e cation is u su ally fatal. It sh ou ld be rem em bered,
territory of th e posterior cerebral artery (see h ow ever, th at em bolic stroke is a dyn am ic even t.
p. 298) or in th e th alam u s. Th e clin ical m an ifesta- Th e em bolu s u n dergoes spon tan eous lysis by
tion s are th u s contralateral hom onym ous hem i- en dogen ou s p lasm in , even as it con tin ues to form
anopsia an d/or a thalam ic deficit (cf. p. 245). because of th e absen ce of blood flow. Th e n et resu lt
of th ese tw o com petin g processes m ay be in eith er
Anterior choroidal artery. Th e territory of th e an te- direction : if th rom bolysis p revails, th e artery is
rior ch oroidal artery in clu des th e m edial portion of spon tan eou sly recan alized, perh aps w it h distal
th e tem p oral lobe w ith th e h ipp ocam pal form a- p ropagation of sm aller fragm en ts of clot; if clot for-
tion , th e gen u of th e in tern al capsule, an d p arts of m ation prevails, th e artery is p erm an en tly oc-
th e optic tract an d radiation . Th e m an ifestation s of cluded.
ischem ia in th is territory are contralateral hem i-
paresis and hem ihypesthesia as w ell as contralateral Middle cerebral artery. Em boli in th e territory of
hom onym ous hem ianopsia. It is often difficu lt to t h e m iddle cerebral artery are th e m ost com m on
distin gu ish an in farct in th e territory of th e an te- cau se of cerebral isch em ia. Th e clin ical m an ifesta-
rior ch oroidal artery from a len ticulostriate in farct t ion s depen d on th e site of arterial occlusion .
on clin ical grou n ds alon e. Isch em ia of th e m edial
portion of th e tem poral lobe is a su re sign th at th e Main stem occlusion. Th e m ain stem (tru n k) of t h e
an terior ch oroidal artery is involved; th ou gh th is is m iddle cerebral artery gives off th e sm all len -
n ot readily seen in a CT scan , MRI can dem on strate ticu lostriate arteries at a righ t an gle; th ese arteries
it w it h h igh sen sitivity. supp ly th e basal gan glia an d in tern al capsu le.
With in th e sylvian fissu re, th e m iddle cerebral
Bifurcation (“T”) of the internal carotid artery. Em - artery divides in to its m ain bran ch es, w h ich su pply
bolic occlu sion of t h e in tern al carotid artery at its large p ortion s of th e fron tal, p arietal, an d tem poral
bifurcat ion , cu ttin g off blood flow from t h e in ter- lobes (cf. Fig. 11.4).
n al carotid artery in to th e m iddle cerebral artery Occlusion of t h e m ain stem of th e m iddle cere-
an d th e an terior cerebral artery, is a life-th reaten - bral artery leads to loss of n eu ron s in th e basal gan -
in g situation . Wh en th is h appen s, th e circle of Wil- glia, an d, a sh ort tim e later, to n ecrosis in th e in ter-
lis provides n o collateral path w ay for blood to flow n al capsu le as w ell. Th e basal gan glia, w h ich lack a
Cerebral Ischem ia · 297
collateral circu lation , tolerate isch em ia poorly. Re- om y. Bilateral in farcts often occur w h en both an te-
gion al differen ces in isch em ic toleran ce depen d rior cerebral arteries are sup plied by a sin gle in ter-
n ot on ly on circulatory factors, h ow ever, but also n al carotid artery. Em boli from an ath erosclerotic
on t h e in trin sic properties of n euron s in differen t plaque in th e carotid bifu rcation can th en en ter
parts of th e brain . both an terior cerebral arteries w ith in a sh ort period
Because th e m iddle cerebral artery su pp lies an of tim e (cf. Case Presen t ation 3, p. 290). Less com -
exten sive area of th e cerebral h em isph ere, occlu- m on ly, th ere m ay be on ly on e (azygou s) an terior
sion of its m ain stem causes a large assort m en t of cerebral artery, as a n orm al an atom ical varian t.
n eu rological deficits: contralateral, m ainly bra- Fu rth er cau ses of in farction in th e territory of th e
chiofacial hem iparesis and hem ihypesthesia, oc- an terior cerebral artery in clu de an eurysm s of th e
casion ally contralateral hom onym ous hem ianopsia, an terior com m u n icatin g artery an d sten osis of in -
an d neuropsychological deficits in clu din g m otor/ flam m atory/in fect iou s origin , w h ich often occu rs in
sen sory aph asia, acalcu lia, agraph ia, an d m otor th e p ericallosal segm en t of th e an terior cerebral
ap raxia if th e lesion is in th e dom in an t h em i- artery.
sph ere, or con stru ctive apraxia an d, possibly, an o- Un ilateral in farcts in th e territory of th e an terior
sogn osia if it is in th e n on dom in an t h em isph ere. In cerebral artery are often clin ically silen t. In farction
th e acu te ph ase of in farction , t h ere m ay also be rarely occu rs in th e far rostral p ortion of th is arte-
turning of the head to the opposite side, as w ell as rial territory, becau se of th e m any an astom otic
fixed gaze deviation to the opposite side (déviation con n ection s betw een th e vessels of th e tw o h em i-
conjuguée). sph eres. Fu rth er tow ard t h e back of t h e h ead,
Large in farcts in th e territory of th e m iddle cere- h ow ever, th e territories of th e tw o an terior cere-
bral artery an d th e exten sive accom panyin g cere- bral arteries are separated by th e falx cerebri, so
bral edem a gen erally cau se intracranial hyperten- th at n eith er side can obtain collateral circu lation
sion, w h ich , if un treated, can lead to deat h . from th e oth er. Possible m an ifestat ion s of an in -
farct in th is (cen tral) area are hem iparesis m ainly
Occlusion of peripheral branches of th e m iddle cere- affecting the leg, isolated leg paresis, an d parapare-
bral artery cau ses in farction in th e respective terri- sis (in bilateral in farction ). Th ese deficits are usu-
tories. Th e n eurological m an ifestation s vary ac- ally on ly tran sien t, h ow ever, becau se of restitu tion
cordin gly; t h ey are m ost pron oun ced w h en th e in - of blood flow th rou gh collateral circu lation from
farct involves th e cen tral region (contralateral focal th e p osterior cerebral artery. Un ilateral dam age of
m otor and/or sensory deficits). Isch em ia in th e peri- th e m edial aspect of th e fron tal lobe u su ally does
in su lar region on th e left (dom in an t) side, particu- n ot p rodu ce any severe deficit, bu t bilateral dam -
larly in th e in ferior fron tal gyrus or th e an gu lar age produces a very severe disturbance of drive: th e
gyrus, cau ses m otor or sensory aphasia (p. 248 ff.). patien t n o lon ger participates in any of th e n orm al
Th e n eu ropsych ological deficits cau sed by lesion s activities of life, becom es totally apath etic, an d
in correspon din g areas on th e righ t side (construc- spen ds m ost of th e day in bed. Th is problem is
tive apraxia, anosognosia) are less obviou s an d m ay often accom pan ied by fu rt h er m ental abnorm ali-
on ly becom e eviden t on close exam in ation . Be- ties, neuropsychological deficits (apraxia), bladder
cause th e exact border betw een th e territories of dysfunction (in con tin en ce), and pathological,
th e m iddle cerebral artery an d t h e posterior cere- “prim itive” reflexes (grasp, suck, an d palm om en tal
bral artery is variable, th e form er som etim es sup- reflexes).
plies part of th e optic radiation; if th is is th e case,
occlu sion of a bran ch of t h e m iddle cerebral artery Ischem ic Syndrom es in the Posterior Circulation
can cause contralateral hom onym ous hem ianopsia.
Prefron t al an d rostral tem poral in farcts are clin i- Isch em ia in th e posterior circu lation , as in th e
cally silen t. an terior circulat ion , is usually of embolic origin .
Most of th e respon sible em boli arise from ath ero-
Anterior cerebral artery. In farcts in th e territory of m atou s p laqu es in th e w all of th e vertebral artery.
th e an terior cerebral artery are relatively rare (10– In con trast to th e com m on carotid artery, in w h ich
20 %of all brain in farcts). Th ey m ay be un ilateral or ath erom a ten ds to form at t h e carotid bifu rcation ,
bilateral, depen din g on variation s in vascular an at- th e vertebral artery con tain s n o preferred sites of
11 298 · 11 Blood Supply and Vascular Disorders of the Central Nervous System

ath erom a form ation . Ath erom atou s plaques can be Posterior cerebral artery. Th e arteries in t h e n eigh -
fou n d anyw h ere alon g it s len gth . borh ood of t h e basilar tip are of particular clin ical
Th is fact m akes it difficult to localize the source sign ifican ce, becau se their p erforatin g bran ch es
of emboli precisely. Furth erm ore, ath erom atou s supp ly th e im portan t stru ctures of th e m idbrain
plaqu es in th e righ t or left vertebral artery m ay give an d th alam u s. Midbrain in farction du e to basilar
rise to em boli th at t ravel distally in to th e basilar tip occlusion is alw ays fatal.
artery or in to th e posterior cerebral artery on either Em bolic occlu sion of th e basilar artery or of th e
side. An in dication of t h e side of origin of em boli is proxim al (P1) segm en t of th e posterior cerebral
presen t, h ow ever, w h en th e posterior in ferior cere- artery does n ot alw ays produ ce an isch em ic lesion
bellar artery is involved, becau se th is vessel is a in th e p eriph eral territory of th e p osterior cerebral
direct bran ch of th e term in al segm en t of th e verte- artery, because collateral circu lation from th e in -
bral artery. Th e radiograph ic dem on stration of tern al carotid artery by w ay of th e posterior com -
acu te occlu sion of on e vertebral artery is also h elp- m u n icatin g artery can often provide an adequ ate
fu l in th is respect. Sten osis of th e vertebral artery, flow of blood distal to the occlu sion . Th u s, basilar
like sten osis of th e in tern al carotid artery, u su ally artery occlu sion (em bolic or th rom botic) is by n o
causes stroke n ot by dim in ish ed perfusion but m ean s excluded by n orm al fin din gs in h ead CT an d
rath er by act in g as a source of em boli. It is u n clear to Doppler u ltrason ography.
w h at exten t cardiogen ic em boli m igh t be re- Am on g th e n u m erou s perforatin g arteries in th is
spon sible for isch em ia in t h e posterior circu lation . area, a few of th e larger on es w ill be sin gled ou t for
Th e vertebral an d basilar arteries su pply t h e discu ssion :
brain stem , am on g oth er parts of th e brain . Becau se ¼ Medial and lateral posterior choroidal arteries.
th e brain stem con trols m any essen tial fu n ction s, Isch em ia in th ese territories is u su ally accom -
in clu din g respiration an d cardiovascular fu n ction , pan ied by isch em ia in th e territory of th e poste-
brainstem infarction often h as m uch m ore serious rior cerebral artery; th us, relatively little is
con sequ en ces th an in farction in th e territory of th e kn ow n abou t th e n eu rological deficits caused
in tern al carot id artery. Occlusion of th e basilar by isolated occlusion s of th ese tw o sm all arter-
artery in cludin g th e basilar tip is un iform ly fat al. ies. Deficits th at h ave been described in isolated
Fu rth erm ore, because th ere is on ly lim ited room in occlusion of th e lateral posterior ch oroidal
th e p osterior fossa for sw ollen brain tissu e to ex- artery in clu de h om onym ous qu adran tan opsia
pan d, even a relatively sm all cerebellar in farct can du e to in farction of th e lateral gen icu late body,
cause life-th reaten in g in tracran ial hyp erten sion . h em isen sory deficits, an d n eu ropsych ological
Com p ression of th e aquedu ct or fou rth ven tricle by abn orm alities (t ran scort ical aph asia, am n esia).
in farcted tissue can cau se occlu sive hydrocep h alu s, Isolated occlusion of th e m edial posterior
raisin g th e in tracran ial pressu re even h igh er. ch oroidal artery, w h ich is even rarer, h as been
Em ergen cy extern al ven tricu lar drain age w ith or reported to p rodu ce m idbrain dam age, w ith re-
w ith ou t subsequ en t n eurosu rgical decom pression sult in g ocu lom otor dysfu n ction .
of th e posterior fossa is a life-savin g procedure in ¼ Cortical branches of the posterior cerebral artery.
such cases. Occlu sion of on e or m ore cortical bran ch es of
th e posterior cerebral artery can p rodu ce a w ide
Basilar artery. Th e tw o vertebral arteries un ite in variety of n eu rological deficits, n ot just because
fron t of t h e brain stem to form t h e basilar artery. th ese vessels take a h igh ly variable course but
Th is vessel gives off m any sm all bran ch es to th e also because th e territory of th e posterior cere-
brain stem , th e an terior in ferior cerebellar artery bral artery varies in exten t . Its border w ith t h e
(AICA), an d th e su perior cerebellar artery (SCA, territory of th e m iddle cerebral artery ru n s
p. 276) before dividin g, at th e level of th e m idbrain , differen tly in differen t in dividuals, an d th e sizes
in to th e tw o p osterior cerebral arteries (basilar of t h ese t w o territories are recip rocally related.
tip). Th e vascu lar syn drom es cau sed by occlu sion In a case of focal cortical in farction , it is im por-
of th e perforat in g or circum feren t ial bran ch es of tan t to determ in e in w h ich vascu lar territory
th e basilar artery w ere described in Ch apter 4 th e lesion lies, because th is w ill, in tu rn , im ply
(p . 147 ff.); th ose cau sed by occlu sion of th e cere- th e probable sou rce of em boli. If th e lesion is in
bellar arteries are described on p . 299. th e territory of th e m iddle cerebral artery, th e
Cerebral Ischem ia · 299
em bolu s probably arose from t h e ipsilateral astereognosis, an d contralateral choreoathetotic
com m on carotid bifurcation ; if it is in th e terri- m otor restlessness.
tory of th e posterior cerebral artery, th e em - Th e con tralateral h em iparesis u su ally resolves
bolu s probably arose from t h e ipsilateral or con - rapidly. It is attribu ted to com pression of th e in ter-
tralateral vertebral artery. n al capsu le by th e n eigh borin g, edem atous
¼ Calcarine artery. Th is is clin ically th e m ost im - th alam ic tissu e. Th e in tern al cap sule itself is n ot
portan t bran ch of th e p osterior cerebral artery isch em ic, as it is n ot su pplied by th e th alam ogen -
becau se it sup plies th e visu al cortex. A un i- icu late artery.
lateral in farct produ ces contralateral hom ony-
m ous hem ianopsia; bilateral lesion s can pro-
Cerebella r Vascula r Syndromes
du ce cortical blindness. Often , h ow ever, an in -
farct in th e territory of th e calcarin e artery pro- Th e cerebellar arteries h ave n u m erou s collaterals;
du ces n o m ore th an a part ial visu al field defect th us, th e occlu sion of a sin gle vessel often cau ses
(a quadrantanopsia or a blin d patch called a sco- n o m ore th an a sm all in farct, w h ich m ay be clin i-
tom a), becau se the visu al cortex is also sup plied cally silen t. More exten sive isch em ia, w h ich is less
by leptom en in geal collaterals from th e m iddle com m on ly seen , produ ces cerebellar n eu rological
cerebral artery. deficit s, particu larly in th e acu te p h ase. Th e ac-
com panyin g brain edem a m ay cau se rapidly pro-
gressive com p ression of th e fou rth ven tricle, re-
Tha la mic Vascula r Syndromes
sult in g in occlusive hydrocep h alu s an d im pen din g
Anterior thalamoperforating artery (th alam o- brain stem h ern iation .
tu beral artery). Th is artery origin ates from th e
posterior com m u n icat in g artery an d m ain ly su p- Posterior inferior cerebellar artery (PICA). Proxi-
plies t h e rostral port ion of th e th alam us. In farction m al occlusion of th e PICA causes isch em ia of th e
in its territory causes a rest or intention trem or an d dorsolateral portion of th e m edulla, usually pro-
choreoathetotic m otor restlessness w ith thalam ic du cin g a partial or com plete W allenberg syndrom e
hand (an abn orm ally con tracted postu re of th e (p. 147 ff.). Th e PICA also su pplies part of th e cere-
h an d). Sen sory dist urban ces an d pain are typically bellu m , bu t to a h igh ly variable exten t (p . 275);
absen t . th us, th ere m ay be accom panyin g cerebellar defi-
cits of variable severity, su ch as hem iataxia, dys-
Posterior thalamoperforating artery (th alam o- m etria, lateropulsion, or dysdiadochokinesia. Th e
perforat in g artery). Th e th alam op erforatin g arter- cerebellar deficits are alw ays fou n d on th e side of
ies of th e tw o sides som etim es arise from a com - th e in farct. Th ey are also often accom pan ied by
m on tru n k (th e artery of Percheron, cf. p. 277). Oc- n au sea an d vom itin g; if th e latter are m isin ter-
clu sion of th is artery causes bilateral in farction of preted as bein g of gastroin test in al rath er th an
th e in tralam in ar n uclei of th e th alam us, resultin g n eu rological origin , th e diagn osis m ay be delayed
in a severe im pairm ent of consciousness. or m issed, w ith poten tially catastroph ic resu lts
(see Case Presen tation 7, p. 301). Occasion ally, if th e
Thalamogeniculate artery. Th e lateral portion of PICA is occlu ded very n ear its origin , cerebellar
th e th alam u s is m ain ly su pplied by th e th alam o- sign s m ay be en tirely absen t; conversely, brain stem
gen icu late artery, w h ich arises from t h e P2 seg- sign s m ay be absen t in distal occlu sion s.
m en t of th e p osterior cerebral artery, i.e., distal to Th e in itial CT scan m ay n ot reveal a cerebellar
th e posterior com m u n icat in g artery. In farcts in th e stroke becau se it h as been obtain ed very early in
territory of th e p osterior cerebral artery often in - th e cou rse of in farction , or becau se th ere is too
volve isch em ia in th e distribut ion of th e th alam o- m u ch artefact in th e posterior fossa for th e cerebel-
gen icu late artery. Th e correspon din g deficits w ere lu m to be seen clearly. As a result, even large cere-
first described by Dejerin e an d Rou ssy: tran sien t bellar in farct s m ay escap e diagn osis un til th e in -
contralateral hem iparesis, persisten t contralateral creasin g cytotoxic edem a of th e dam aged tissue
hem ianesthesia for touch and proprioception (w ith cau ses sym ptom atic brainstem com pression. Th is is
lesser im p airm en t of pain an d tem p eratu re sen sa- m an ifest as im pairm ent of consciousness, vom iting,
tion ), spontaneous pain, m ild hem iataxia an d an d cardiorespiratory disturbances, u p to an d in -
11 300 · 11 Blood Supply and Vascular Disorders of the Central Nervous System

Case Presentation 6: Tha la mic Infa rction

Out of the blue, this 45-year-old office worker suddenly be- a conduction-type aphasia (cf. Table 9.1, p. 249). Suspect-
cam e nauseated, vom ited, felt very dizzy, and saw double. ing a process involving the basilar artery, the physician
Thinking he had caught an acute stom ach virus, he went ordered an MRI scan, which revealed a left thalam ic infarct.
hom e to bed. When he got up a few hours later to call a A m ore rostrally lying lesion that additionally affects the
friend, he found he was still very dizzy and had double vi- subthalam ic nucleus and the pallidothalam ic fibers inner-
sion. While talking on the phone, he could only produce vating the ventrolateral nuclei can cause (usually transient)
words with the greatest difficulty; his friend expressed sur- hem iballism or, m ore com m only, chorea (cf. Case Presenta-
prise at his atypically m onosyllabic responses. He was now tion 3 in Chapter 8, p. 223). In such cases, the further clini-
worried enough to take him self directly to the em ergency cal course is often m arked by the developm ent of a so-
room of a nearby hospital. called “thalam ic hand,” with involuntary flexion of the wrist
The adm itting house officer found skew deviation of the and hyperextension of the finger joints. The thum b is either
eyes and an unsteady gait, but no weakness. There was also abducted or pressed against the palm .

a b
Fig. 11.26 Thalamic infarct. Diffusion-weighted (a) and edem a and a m arked diffusion abnorm ality are present. Bi-
T2-weighted (b) im ages. An acute infarct is seen in the terri- lateral infarcts in this area can severely im pair conscious-
tory of the left posterior thalam operforating artery. Acute ness (cf. Case Presentation 3 in Chapter 7, p. 211).

clu din g respiratory arrest. Th u s, w h en ever a cere- Superior cerebellar artery (SCA). Occlu sion of th e
bellar or brain stem stroke is su spected an d t h e in i- sup erior cerebellar artery cau ses severe ataxia be-
tial CT scan is n orm al, follow -u p im ages sh ou ld be cau se of in farction of th e su perior cerebellar
obt ain ed a few h ou rs later, eith er by CT or, prefera- pedu n cle, as w ell as astasia an d abasia. Tissu e
bly, by diffu sion -w eigh ted MRI. dam age in th e pon tin e tegm en tu m cau ses a
sensory deficit in th e ipsilateral h alf of th e face an d
Anterior inferior cerebellar artery (AICA). Occlu - th e con tralateral h alf of th e body, involvin g all qu a-
sion s of th is artery, like PICA occlu sion s, produ ce a lities of sen sation (syn drom e of th e oral p on tin e
w ide variety of clin ical m an ifestation s, because its tegm en tum , Fig. 4.66, p. 153).
cou rse an d th e exten t of its territory vary w idely Au topsy stu dies h ave sh ow n th at , in m any per-
across in dividu als. Ipsilateral hem iataxia an d nys- son s, an elon gated loop of th e sup erior cerebellar
tagm us m ay occu r, an d th ere m ay also be deficits of artery com es in to con tact w it h th e trigem in al
cranial nerves VII and VIII. Occlu sion of t h e labyrin - n erve ju st distal to th e exit of th e n erve from th e
th in e artery, a bran ch of th e AICA, can cause sudden pon s. It is of n o clin ical sign ifican ce as an in ciden tal
deafness. fin din g, but its occurren ce in m any patien ts w ith
Cerebral Ischem ia · 301
Case Presentation 7: Cerebella r Infa rction
This 63-year-old m aster carpenter threw a big party for all the m edical service, where various tests, including an ECG,
of his em ployees to celebrate the 30th anniversary of his were perform ed but yielded no clear diagnosis. A neurolo-
business. As usual at such events, the alcohol flowed plenti- gist was consulted. The patient could barely cooperate with
fully. the exam ination and seem ed not to know what he was
Late that night, he awoke with severe dizziness, a headache, being asked to do, but the neurologist was able to get him
and nausea. When he tried to stand up, he fell to the to follow a m oving flashlight with his eyes, and was thus
ground at once and had a great deal of trouble pulling him - able to detect a gaze-evoked nystagm us. He ordered an
self back into bed. About half an hour later, he began to em ergency MRI scan of the head, which revealed a large in-
vom it repeatedly, at brief intervals. His wife called the phy- farct of the right cerebellar hem isphere, accom panied by
sician on night duty, despite the patient’s repeated as- edem a that was already exerting a considerable m ass ef-
surances that he had sim ply had too m uch to drink. The fect. Intensive treatm ent was given to com bat brain edem a,
physician arrived a few m inutes later, took the history, and but the patient’s state of consciousness failed to im prove.
perform ed a rapid general m edical and neurological exam i- He was therefore transferred to the neurosurgical service
nation. The basic neurological tests were all norm al: the for operative decom pression of the posterior fossa and in-
patient’s m uscular strength, sensation, and reflexes were sertion of a ventricular shunt. After surgery, his condition
intact and sym m etrical throughout. He was, however, rapidly stabilized.
com pletely unable to sit up from a lying position, rem ain Cerebellar infarcts are often easy to m isdiagnose initially
upright in a seated position, or stand up and walk. The because they often produce only m ild lim b ataxia along
physician attributed these findings to hypovolem ia because with the m uch m ore severe truncal ataxia. In such cases,
of vom iting induced by an acute gastrointestinal infection. the usual cerebellar tests involving lim b posture and inten-
He gave the patient m etoclopram ide and advised him to tional m ovem ent m ay yield no pathological findings.
drink plenty of fluids and to call his prim ary care physician Vom iting m ay be ascribed to a gastrointestinal problem
the first thing in the m orning. and the necessary im aging studies m ay not be perform ed
The patient continued to vom it through the night and be- until the increasing intracranial pressure finally causes the
cam e increasingly confused as m orning approached. At 4 patient’s state of consciousness to deteriorate. A CT scan
a.m ., his wife could no longer wake him up, even with a obtained early in the course of the acute illness m ay be nor-
loud shout, and she called the em ergency m edical service. m al, but a diffusion-weighted MRI scan will reveal the cause
On arrival in the hospital, the patient was first adm itted to of the problem (Fig. 11.27).

a b
Fig. 11.27 Cerebellar infarct, as seen by MRI. a The axial latation of the inner CSF spaces. Increased pressure in the
T2-weighted im age reveals a hyperintense (bright) infarct posterior fossa is im peding outflow of CSF, leading to hy-
in the basal portion of the right cerebellar hem isphere, in- drocephalus. At present, cerebellar infarcts can be dem on-
volving the inferior portion of the verm is. b Another axial strated in an early phase with diffusion-weighted MRI (not
im age at the level of the lateral ventricles reveals m arked di- shown here).
11 302 · 11 Blood Supply and Vascular Disorders of the Central Nervous System

trigem inal neuralgia su ggests th at it m ay be in - Acute Venous Outflow Obstruction

volved in t h e path ophysiology of th is con dition ,
Acute Throm boses of the Cerebral Veins and
w h ich is ch aracterized by paroxysm al, extrem ely
Venous Sinuses
in ten se, ligh tn in glike (“lan cin atin g”) p ain on on e
side of th e face. Trigem in al n euralgia u sually re- Causes. Th e m ost com m on cau se of acu te obst ru c-
spon ds w ell to m edical th erapy (e.g., w ith car- tion of ven ou s ou tflow from th e brain is th rom bo-
bam azepin e). In in t ractable cases, h ow ever, a n eu- sis of th e du ral ven ou s sin uses an d th e paren chy-
rosurgical operation can be perform ed in w h ich m al vein s th at drain in to th em (ven ous sin u s
th e n erve an d th e vascu lar loop are separated by a th rom bosis). Factors predisposin g to th is occu r-
pledget of syn th etic m aterial (“m icrovascular ren ce in clu de coagu lopath ies su ch as p rotein S an d
decom pression ,” “th e Jan n etta procedu re”). For C deficien cy, factor V deficien cy, an d cardiolip in
m ore on t h e diagn osis an d treatm en t of trigem in al an t ibodies, as w ell as oral con traceptive u se, ciga-
n eu ralgia, see Ch apter 4, pp. 107, 108. rette sm okin g, steroid m edicat ion , dehydrat ion ,
au toim m un e diseases su ch as Beh çet disease an d
Bra instem Vascula r Syndromes Croh n disease, an d th e puerperiu m .
Th e m any differen t vascular syn drom es affect in g
Manifestations. Th e clin ical m an ifestation s of
th e brain stem can on ly be un derstood on th e basis
ven ous sin u s th rom bosis are h igh ly varied an d de-
of a th orou gh kn ow ledge of its topograph ical an at-
pen d on th e site an d exten t of ven ou s occlusion as
om y. For th is reason , t h ey are discu ssed in th e
w ell as on th e degree to w h ich collateral drain age
ch apter on th e brain stem (Ch apter 4, p. 147 ff.),
is available. In on e patien t a relatively circu m -
rat h er th an h ere.
scribed occlu sion m ay cau se a m ajor in tra-
paren chym al h em orrh age, w h ile in an oth er an ex-
Impaired Venous Drainage from the
ten sive occlu sion m ay rem ain n early asym pto-
Brain m atic. Prospective assessm en t is u sually n ot
Cerebral isch em ia, as w e h ave seen , is u su ally cau sed possible in in dividu al cases.
by an im pairm en t of th e arterial blood sup ply of th e Th e gen eral clin ical m an ifestation s of ven ous
brain . It can also be cau sed by an im pairm en t of th e sin u s th rom bosis are headache an d epileptic
ou tflow of ven ou s blood, th ou gh t h is sit uat ion is seizures. If th e p atien t also develops focal neuro-
m uch less com m on . If a cerebral vein is blocked, th e logical deficits th at progress over th e course of a
blood volu m e an d ven ou s pressu re rise in t h e region few h ours, rath er th an su dden ly, th en ven ous sin u s
of th e brain th at it n orm ally drain s. Th e arterio- th rom bosis is th e likely diagn osis. Th e diagn osis is
ven ous pressure differen ce across th e cerebral fu rt h er su pported by eviden ce of intracranial hy-
capillaries falls (th e in flow of blood is “ch oked off”), pertension, e.g., p apilledem a.
leadin g to diminished perfusion an d t h u s to In cases of ven ou s sin u s th rom bosis, m arked
dim in ish ed supp ly of oxygen an d n u trien ts. Sim ul- clin ical deterioration can occur in a very sh ort
tan eou sly, th e tran scap illary p ressu re gradien t in - tim e, perh aps over th e cou rse of an h ou r. Su ch oc-
creases, leadin g to in creased m ovem en t of w ater cu rren ces are u su ally du e to involvem en t of th e in -
from t h e capillaries in to th e su rrou n din g tissue tern al cerebral vein s or to exten sive in trap aren chy-
(vasogenic edema). Th e n eu ron s in th e affected m al ven ou s h em orrh ages.
brain tissu e lose th e ability to fun ct ion n orm ally,
an d, if th e p roblem persists, th ey die. Venous infarc- Diagnostic evaluation. Th e diagn osis or exclu sion
tion is usually accom pan ied by th e ru ptu re of sm all of ven ous sin u s th rom bosis is often difficu lt even
vessels (probably vein s) in th e in farcted zon e, pro- w h en m odern im agin g m eth ods are u sed—CT, MRI,
du cin g intraparenchym al hem orrhage (so-called an d digital su btraction an giography (DSA).
ven ou s h em orrh age, w h ich h as a ch aracteristic
“salt-an d-pepper” app earan ce in a CT scan ). CT. Classic, acu te cases can be diagn osed by CT, p ar-
ticularly w h en CT ven ography w ith con trast m e-
diu m is perform ed. Problem s are caused by con -
gen ital varian ts of th e vascular an atom y, by less ex-
ten sive occlusion s, an d by th rom boses of th e
Cerebral Ischem ia · 303
Case Presentation 8: Superior Sagitta l Sinus Thrombosis
This 37-year-old secretary had a generalized epileptic rostral portion of the superior sagittal sinus. The sinus
seizure at work. After a postictal twilight phase lasting throm bosis was treated with full heparinization followed by
about 20 m inutes, she regained full alertness and com - oral warfarin adm inistration, and anticonvulsants were
plained of a severe holocephalic headache. On adm ission to given to prevent further seizures. The headache im proved
the hospital, she was awake, but abnorm ally slow. She con- rapidly with analgesics, and the patient was asym ptom atic
tinued to com plain of severe headache. An MRI scan was a few days later. Further diagnostic testing revealed no un-
obtained at once: the T2-weighted im age revealed a left derlying hypercoagulable state. The only identifiable risk
frontal parenchym al lesion (Fig. 11.28a), while MR venogra- factor for venous sinus throm bosis was the use of oral con-
phy (Fig. 11.28b, c) revealed throm botic occlusion of the traceptives.

a b

Fig. 11.28 Venous sinus thrombosis. a The T2-

weighted FLAIR im age reveals a hyperintense le-
sion in the left frontal lobe: this is an infarct due
to venous obstruction. b MR venography reveals
brisk flow in the posterior portion of the superior
sagittal sinus (bright) and in the large tributary
veins that join it. The rostral portion of the sinus,
however, is devoid of signal, indicating lack of
flow. There is also poor flow in the tributary veins
that enter this portion of the sinus. c The sam e
findings are evident in lateral projection: there is
flow in the posterior portion of the superior sagit-
tal sinus, as well as in the straight sinus (arrow)
and the internal cerebral veins, but not in the ros-
tral portion of the superior sagittal sinus.

straigh t sin us an d in tern al cerebral vein s. Older an d it is perform ed w ith flow -sen sit ive sequen ces
ven ou s sin us th rom boses, too, are difficu lt to to dem on strate in traven ou s flow. Its resolution is
assess w ith CT. h igh en ough th at th e in tern al cerebral vein s are
w ell seen .
MRI. MRI is cu rren tly th e m ost im port an t diagn os- MRI also en ables visu alization of th e brain
tic tech n iqu e for evaluation of th e ven ous ou tflow p aren chym a. Th e site an d ap pearan ce of a
of t he brain . It reveals th e vein s in m ult iple plan es, p aren chym al lesion m ay provide clu es to th e loca-
11 304 · 11 Blood Supply and Vascular Disorders of the Central Nervous System

tion of ven ou s obstruction : occlusion of th e in ter- w ould oth erw ise absolutely con train dicate an ti-
n al cerebral vein s, for exam ple, produ ces ch arac- coagu lation . Fibrin olytic tech n iqu es h ave n ot been
teristic th alam ic lesion s, w h ile tran sverse sin u s sh ow n to be of valu e in t h e treat m en t of ven ous
th rom bosis produ ces ch aracteristic lesion s in th e sin u s th rom bosis. Su rgical resection of ven ous
tem poral lobe. Th e diagn ostic pow er of MRI is re- h em orrh ages is also n ot in dicated.
du ced, h ow ever, by an atom ical varian ts of th e Th erapeutic an ticoagu lation is th ou gh t to h alt
cerebral blood vessels (as in CT), an d also by cer- th e p rogression of ven ou s sin us th rom bosis, to
tain flow -related effects t h at are in com pletely u n - prom ote th e open in g of collateral ven ou s path -
derstood at presen t. MRI th u s can n ot detect every w ays, an d to p rom ote m icrocircu lation . In tra-
case of ven ou s sin u s th rom bosis, an d it occasion - ven ous h eparin is given in th e acute ph ase, th en
ally yields false-positive fin din gs as w ell. Fu rt h er- converted to oral an ticoagu lation for a furth er six
m ore, MRI scan n in g of un cooperative or un con - m on th s. Follow -u p exam in ation s are perform ed to
scious pat ien ts is som etim es very difficu lt, an d th e detect recurren ces early, particularly w h en kn ow n
resu ltin g scan s m ay be of m argin al diagn ost ic risk factors are p resen t. Patien ts fou n d to h ave
valu e. In extrem e cases, patien t s m u st be scan n ed suffered ven ous sin u s t h rom bosis becau se of an
un der gen eral an esth esia. un derlyin g hyp ercoagulable disorder m u st be
th erapeu tically an ticoagulated for life.
Intra-arterial DSA. In t ra-arterial an giography or
DSA w as on ce th e on ly m eth od of diagn osin g
Chronic Venous Outflow Obstruction
ven ous sin us th rom bosis w it h certain ty. Un for-
tu n ately, th e u sefu ln ess of th is m eth od is lim ited in Th e m an ifestation s of ch ron ic ven ou s ou tflow ob-
precisely th e sam e situation s w h ere th e oth er struction differ m arkedly from th ose of acu te
m et h ods fail to provide con clu sive fin din gs. DSA is th rom bosis.
n o lon ger u sed to diagn ose ven ous sin u s th rom bo-
sis, except in rare cases, becau se it carries a m u ch Th e causes of ch ron ic ven ous ou tflow obstru ction
h igh er risk of com plication s th an MRI. are m any, in clu din g m edication side effects an d bi-
lateral sten osis of th e ven ou s ou tflow ch an n els. In
Clinical course, treatment, and prognosis. Th e on e pu blish ed case, a patien t w ith a con gen itally
spon t an eous cou rse of ven ous sin u s th rom bosis is hypoplastic t ran sverse sin us on on e side developed
n ot clear. It w as on ce th ou gh t th at m ost cases w ere obstru ction of th e tran sverse sin u s on th e opposite
fatal, probably becau se m ost less exten sive th rom - side because of a slow ly grow in g m en in giom a of
boses w en t u n detected an d on ly th e cases th at th e sin u s w all.
tu rn ed ou t u n favorably w ere, in th e en d, correctly
diagn osed. Occlusion of th e straigh t sin u s an d/or Manifestations. Th e ch aracteristic m an ifestation s
in tern al cerebral vein s is particu larly om in ou s; th is of ch ron ic ven ou s ou tflow obstruction are head-
type of ven ous obstru ct ion is st ill h igh ly leth al, be- ache an d papilledem a, possibly accom p an ied by
cause it often leads to n ecrosis in th e dien cep h alon im paired visual acuity. Focal n eurological deficits
to an exten t th at is in com patible w ith life. It can or epileptic seizu res are usu ally n ot a com pon en t
also cau se cerebellar h em orrh age w it h m ass effect . of th e clin ical pictu re.
Th e straigh t sin us an d th e in tern al cerebral vein s
som etim es u n dergo th rom bosis in isolation , but Diagnostic evaluation. No paren chym al lesion s are
m ore often do so as a later stage in th e progression seen in th e brain (in con trast to acu te ven ou s ou t-
of exten sive t h rom bosis of th e rem ain in g ven ous flow obstru ction ). MRI som etim es reveals dilata-
sin u ses. tion of th e optic n erve sh eath s as a resu lt of in -
Th e progn osis of ven ou s sin us th rom bosis h as tracran ial hyp erten sion an d pressu re-related
im proved m arkedly sin ce th e in troduction of ther- ch an ges of th e sella tu rcica, but it gen erally does
apeutic anticoagulation w ith heparin. Heparin is n ot sh ow th e cau se of th e im pairm en t of ven ou s
given even in th e face of a paren chym al h em or- outflow. In su ch cases, intra-arterial digital sub-
rh age du e to ven ous sin us th rom bosis. In su ch traction angiography is in dispen sable for th e de-
cases, th e correct in terpretation of th e h em orrh age m on stration of circu m scribed sten oses an d for th e
as a sequela of t h rom bosis is essen t ial, becau se it assessm en t of ven ou s flow dyn am ics. Th e diagn o-
Intracranial Hem orrhage · 305
sis can be con firm ed by lu m bar pu n ctu re w ith
measurement of the cerebrospinal fluid pressure.

Treatment. If etiological treatm en t is n ot possible,

ch ron ic elevation of th e cerebrospin al fluid pres-
sure can be treated by a permanent CSF deviation
procedure (lum boperiton eal or ven tricu loperi-
ton eal sh un t).

Differential diagnosis. Ch ron ic in tracran ial hyper-

ten sion is seen w ith in creased frequ en cy in youn g,
overw eigh t w om en in th e absen ce of an obstru c-
tion to ven ous ou tflow. Th e cau se of th is con dition
is un kn ow n . Its poorly descriptive tradition al n am e
is pseudotum or cerebri.

Intracranial Hemorrhage
Fig. 11.29 Large left basal ganglionic hemorrhage with
Spon tan eou s, i.e., n on trau m atic, bleedin g in th e
m idline shift and intraventricular hem orrhage
brain paren chym a (intracerebral hemorrhage) or
th e m en in geal com partm en ts arou n d it (sub-
arachnoid, subdural, and epidural hemorrhage) ac-
cou n ts for 15–20 % of clin ical strokes, in th e w ider Manifestations. Th e m an ifestat ion s of in tracere-
sen se of th e term . Alt h ou gh h eadach e an d im pair- bral h em orrh age depen d on it s location . Basal gan -
m en t of con sciou sn ess occu r in in tracran ial glion ic h em orrh age w ith destruction of th e in ter-
h em orrh age m ore com m on ly th an in cerebral in - n al capsu le u su ally produ ces severe contralateral
farction , clin ical criteria alon e can n ot reliably dis- hem iparesis, w h ile pon tin e h em orrh age produ ces
tin gu ish h em orrh agic from isch em ic stroke. Th e brainstem signs.
diagn ostic procedu re of ch oice is CT. Th e m ain dan ger in in tracerebral h em orrh age is
An u n derstan din g of su barach n oid, su bdu ral, intracranial hypertension due to th e m ass effect of
an d ep idu ral h em orrh age requires kn ow ledge of th e h em atom a. Un like an in farct, w h ich raises th e
th e an atom y of th e m en in ges, as described on in tracran ial p ressu re slow ly as th e associated cyto-
p. 260 ff. toxic edem a w orsen s, an in tracerebral h em orrh age
raises it very rapidly. Intraventricular rupture of an
in tracerebral h em orrh age can cau se hydro-
Intracerebral Hemorrhage ceph alu s, eith er by obstructin g th e ven tricu lar ou t-
(Nontraumatic) flow w ith blood clot or by im pairin g CSF resorption
from th e arach n oid gran u lation s; if presen t, hydro-
Hypertensive Hemorrhage
ceph alu s raises th e in tracran ial pressu re still
Etiology. Th e m ost com m on cau se of in tracerebral fu rth er. Th ere is h ardly any free sp ace in th e poste-
h em orrh age is arterial hypertension. Path ologically rior fossa, so in traparen chym al h em orrh ages
elevated blood pressu re dam ages th e w alls of below t h e ten toriu m rap idly elevate th e local in -
sm aller arteries, creat in g microaneurysms (Ch arcot tracran ial pressure, possibly resu ltin g in h ern iation
an eu rysm s) th at can ruptu re spon tan eously. Sites of of t h e posterior fossa con ten ts, eit h er u pw ard
predilection for hyperten sive in tracerebral h em or- th rou gh th e ten torial n otch , or dow nw ard in to th e
rh age are th e basal ganglia (Fig. 11.29), th e foram en m agn um . Th u s, an in traparen chym al
thalam us, th e cerebellar nuclei, an d th e pons. Th e h em orrh age in th e brain stem or cerebellu m carries
deep cerebral w h ite m atter, on th e oth er h an d, is a m u ch w orse progn osis t h an an equal-sized
on ly rarely involved. h em orrh age in a cerebral h em isph ere.
11 306 · 11 Blood Supply and Vascular Disorders of the Central Nervous System

sm aller h em atom as m ay actu ally be detrim en tal,

as it m ay destroy m ore viable brain tissu e th an it
saves; an d th e operat ive rem oval of h em atom as
deep w ith in th e brain alw ays involves th e destruc-
tion of som e n orm al brain tissu e alon g th e n eu ro-
su rgeon ’s path to th e h em atom a. For t h ese reason s,
th e n eu rosu rgical treatm en t of sm aller in tra-
paren chym al h em atom as is lim ited to th e treat-
m en t of hydroceph alu s (if presen t) w ith extern al
ven t ricu lar drain age, w h ich can be p erform ed w it h
m in im al in ju ry to n orm al brain tissue. Patien ts
w ith very large h em atom as ( 60 cm 3 ) w ill n ot
ben efit from rem oval of th e h em atom a becau se too
m uch brain tissu e h as already been destroyed.

Nonhypertensive Intracerebra l Hemorrhage

In tracerebral h em orrh age m ay be du e to m any
cau ses besides arterial hyperten sion . Th e m ore im -
portan t on es are arteriovenous m alform ations,
tum ors, aneurysm s, vascular diseases in clu din g
Fig. 11.30 Cerebellar hemorrhage. CT scan of a hyper-
tensive patient who suddenly com plained of an intense vascu litis an d am yloid an giop athy, cavernom as,
headache and then becam e less responsive. A large, hyper- an d venous outflow obstruction (as discu ssed
dense (bright) hem orrhage is seen in the region of the deep above). An in tracerebral h em orrh age is likely to
cerebellar nuclei. The brainstem is ventrally displaced and h ave been caused by som eth in g oth er th an arterial
pushed against the clivus, and the prepontine cistern is hyp erten sion w h en it is n ot located at on e of t h e
m arkedly narrowed.
sites of predilection for hyp erten sive h em orrh age,
or w h en t h e patien t does n ot suffer from m arked
arterial hyp erten sion . In su ch cases (at least), a fol-
low -up MRI scan sh ould be perform ed on ce th e h e-
Prognosis and treatment. Th e brain tissu e in an
m atom a is resorbed to detect th e u n derlyin g cau se
area of h em orrh age (as opposed to an in farct) is
of h em orrh age. Digital su btraction an giography is
gen erally n ot totally destroyed; livin g brain tissu e
som etim es in dicated as w ell.
can often be fou n d am id th e extravasated blood.
Th is explain s w hy th e patien t’s n eu rological defi-
Cerebella r Hemorrha ge
cits usu ally resolve m ore rapidly, as th e h em atom a
is resorbed, th an th ey w ou ld if p rodu ced by an Th e cerebellar n u clei lie w ith in th e distribu tion of
isch em ic stroke. th e sup erior cerebellar artery. On e particu lar
Th e goal of treatm en t is, th erefore, to preserve bran ch of th is artery, w h ich supp lies th e den tate
w h atever brain tissu e rem ain s viable in th e area of n ucleus, is particularly su sceptible to ru ptu re. In
h em orrh age. Persistent intracranial hypertension hyp erten sive in dividu als, h em orrh age from th is
must be treated to preven t secon dary dam age, n ot vessel is m ore com m on t h an isch em ia in its terri-
on ly of th e brain t issu e in side an d aroun d th e h e- tory (Fig. 11.30).
m atom a bu t also of distan t tissu e. Th e in tracran ial Hem orrh age in th is region often cau ses an acu te
pressu re can be low ered by pharmacotherapy an d/ m ass effect in th e posterior fossa, w ith all of its at-
or by neurosurgical removal of the hematoma. ten dan t con sequen ces (h ern iation of th e brain stem
Su rgery sh ould be perform ed on ly w h en in dicated an d cerebellum u pw ard th rough th e ten torial
accordin g to strict criteria, takin g th e patien t’s age n otch an d dow nw ard in to th e foram en m agn u m ).
in to accou n t , as w ell as th e locat ion an d size of th e Th e clin ical m an ifestation s are severe occipital
h em atom a. Large-scale st udies h ave sh ow n a th er- headache, nausea and vom iting, an d vertigo, gen er-
apeut ic ben efit on ly from th e rem oval of large h e- ally accom pan ied by unsteady gait, dysarthria, an d
m atom as ( 20 cm 3 ). Th e operative rem oval of head turning an d gaze deviation to the side opposite
Intracranial Hem orrhage · 307
the lesion. Large h em orrh ages rap idly produ ce som -
n olen ce, stu por, or com a. In th e late ph ase, p atien ts 40–45 %

m an ifest exten sor spasm s, h em odyn am ic in stabil- 15–20 %

ity, an d, fin ally, respiratory arrest, u n less t h e poste-

rior fossa can be operatively decom pressed.
Sm aller h em orrh ages, p articu larly in th e cere-
bellar h em isph eres, produ ce focal m an ifestat ion s 15–30 % 10 %
in clu din g lim b ataxia, a tendency to fall to the side of
the lesion, an d deviation of gait to the side of the le-
sion. Th ese m an ifestation s resolve in com pletely
w h en th e deep cerebellar n uclei are dam aged. 3–5 %

Fu rth er causes of cerebellar h em orrh age in clu de 1–2 %

th e ru ptu re of an arterioven ous m alform at ion or
an eurysm , an d bleedin g in to a tu m or (usually a
m etastasis).

Subarachnoid Hemorrhage
Th e m ost com m on cau se of spon tan eou s sub-
arach n oid h em orrh age is t h e ru ptu re of an Fig. 11.31 Common sites of intracranial aneurysms
an eu rysm of on e of th e arteries of t h e base of th e
brain . Th ere are differen t types of an eurysm s.

Saccular (“berry”) aneurysms are foun d at points artery, an d th e basilar artery. Th ey are u su ally
of bifurcation of th e in tracran ial arteries. Th ey caused by ath erosclerosis an d/or hyperten sion ,
form on th e basis of a prior lesion of t h e vessel an d t h ey are on ly rarely a source of h em orrh age.
w all, w h ich is eith er a (usu ally con gen it al) stru c Large fu siform an eu rysm s of th e basilar artery can
tu ral defect, or an in jury du e to hyperten sion . Th e com p ress th e brain stem . Slow flow in side a
common sites of saccu lar an eu rysm s are t h e ante- fu siform an eu rysm can p rom ote in tra-an eu rysm al
rior com m unicating artery (40 %), t h e bifurcation of clot form ation , p articu larly at th e sides, w ith su b-
the m iddle cerebral artery in th e sylvian fissu re sequen t em bolic stroke or cut-off of perforatin g
(20 %), th e lateral w all of the internal carotid artery vessels by t h e direct exten sion of t h rom bu s. Th ese
(at th e origin of th e op h th alm ic or posterior com - an eu rysm s u su ally can n ot be treated n eu rosu rgi-
m un icatin g artery, 30 %), an d th e basilar tip (10 %) cally, becau se th ey are elon gated en largem en ts of
(Fig. 11.31). An eu rysm s at oth er sites, such as th e n orm al vessels, rath er th an path ological structu res
origin of th e PICA, th e P2 segm en t of t h e posterior (like saccu lar an eu rysm s) m akin g n o con tribu tion
cerebral artery, or t h e pericallosal segm en t of th e to th e cerebral blood sup ply.
an terior cerebral artery, are rare. An eurysm s can
produ ce n eu rological deficits by pressin g on Mycotic aneurysms. An eu rysm al dilatation s of in -
neigh borin g structu res even before th ey ru ptu re. tracran ial blood vessels are som etim es th e resu lt of
For exam ple, an an eu rysm of th e posterior com - sepsis w ith bacterially in duced dam age to th e
m u n icatin g artery can com p ress th e ocu lom otor vascu lar w all. Un like saccu lar an d fu siform
nerve, cau sin g a th ird n erve palsy (th e patien t an eu rysm s, th ese m ycotic an eu rysm s are preferen -
com plain s of diplopia). tially fou n d on sm all arteries of t h e brain . Th e treat-
m en t con sists of treatm en t of th e u n derlyin g in fec-
Fusiform aneurysms. An elon gated (“spin dle- tion . Mycotic an eu rysm s som etim es regress spon -
sh ap ed”) en largem en t of a vessel is called a tan eou sly; th ey very rarely cau se subarach n oid
fu siform an eu rysm . Such an eurysm s preferen tially h em orrh age.
involve th e intracranial segm ent of the internal
carotid artery, the m ain trunk of the m iddle cerebral
11 308 · 11 Blood Supply and Vascular Disorders of the Central Nervous System

Case Presentation 9: Multiple Unruptured Aneurysms

This previously healthy 43-year-old m echanic was briefly further aneurysm s of the left internal carotid artery and the
unconscious after an autom obile accident (front-end colli- tip of the basilar artery (Fig. 11.32a). The MCA and ICA
sion) and was taken to hospital for observation. ACT scan of aneurysm s were clipped in an open neurosurgical opera-
the head was perform ed to rule out intracranial injury. The tion. The basilar tip aneurysm , however, was not am enable
noncontrast im ages revealed no hem orrhage or other ab- to surgical treatm ent with an acceptably low risk. Instead, it
norm ality, but the contrast-enhanced im ages revealed a was treated with an interventional neuroradiological pro-
possible aneurysm of the right m iddle cerebral artery as an cedure: a m icrocatheter was inserted into it under angio-
incidental finding. This was followed up by cerebral angio- graphic control, and its lum en was filled with m etal coils
graphy, which confirm ed the presence of an aneurysm at (Fig. 11.32b).
the bifurcation of the right m iddle cerebral artery, as well as

a b
Fig. 11.32 Basilar tip aneurysm. Intra-arterial digital sub- the angiogram ; it is narrower at its base (neck). Coiling ex-
traction angiography before (a) and after (b) the aneurysm cludes the aneurysm from the circulation. (Im ages courtesy
was filled with coils. The basilar tip aneurysm is well seen on of PD Dr. Skalej and Dr. Siekm ann, Tübingen.)

Acute Nontra uma tic Suba rachnoid

on th e site an d exten t of th e h em orrh age. Th e grad-
Hemorrha ge
in g sch em e prop osed by Hu n t an d Hess in 196 8 is
Non traum atic su barach n oid h em orrh age (SAH) is still u sefu l in clin ical practice, as it gives a rough in -
usually cau sed by th e spontaneous rupture of a dication of th e patien t’s progn osis (Table 11.1).
saccular aneurysm, w ith escape of blood in to th e
subarach n oid space. Diagnostic evaluation. CT sen sitively detects acute
su barach n oid h em orrh age (Fig. 11.33); yet, th e
Manifestations. Th e leadin g sym ptom of a su b- lon ger th e in terval betw een th e acute even t an d th e
arach n oid h em orrh age is a sudden, very intense CT scan , th e m ore likely it is th at th e scan w ill be
headache (“th e w orst h eadach e of m y life”). n egative. If SAH is suspected despite a n egative CT
Men in geal irritation by su barach n oid blood cau ses scan , a lum bar pu n cture m ust be perform ed. Th is
nuchal rigidity (differen t ial diagn osis: m en in gitis). w ill en able th e direct dem on stration of blood or
Consciousness may be impaired im m ediately or sideroph ages in th e cerebrosp in al flu id.
w ith in th e first few h ou rs. Cranial nerve palsies an d On ce SAH h as been diagn osed, th e sou rce of
focal neurological signs m ay be presen t, depen din g bleedin g m u st be iden tified. Th is can on ly be don e
Intracranial Hem orrhage · 309
reliably by intra-arterial digital subtraction angio-
graphy, w h ich sh ou ld, h ow ever, be perform ed on ly
if th e patien t is a can didate for a su rgical procedure
to clip th e an eu rysm or to close it w ith th e m eth ods
of in terven tion al n euroradiology (see below ). DSA
reliably dem on strates th e presen ce of an an eurysm
an d illu strates its sp atial relat ion sh ip to th e n eigh -
borin g vessels. All fou r great vessels sup plyin g th e
brain are st udied w ith con trast m edium , because
abou t 20 % of patien t s w ith an eu rysm s h ave m ore
th an on e an eu rysm .

Treatment. An eu rysm s can be t reated w it h a n eu-

rosurgical operation in w h ich th e n eck of th e
an eu rysm is closed w it h a m etal clip. Th e
an eu rysm is t h ereby p erm an en tly exclu ded from
th e circu lation , so th at it can n ot bleed again . Th is Fig. 11.33 Acute subarachnoid hemorrhage. The basal
form of treatm en t is defin itive, bu t th e disadvan - cisterns are filled with hyperdense (bright) blood. The tem -
tage is t h at it requ ires operative open in g of t h e poral horns of the lateral ventricles are dilated because of
sku ll (cran iotom y) an d n eu rosu rgical m an ipu la- an obstruction of CSF outflow (hydrocephalus). Because
tion s arou n d th e base of th e brain th at m ay cause there is no blood in the ventricles, the internal CSF spaces
are dark, while the external CSF spaces are bright.
fu rth er com p lication s. Su rgery sh ou ld be per-
form ed in th e first 72 h ou rs after subarach n oid
h em orrh age, i.e., before th e period of greatest risk
Table 11.1 Grading of Subarachnoid He morrhage
for th e developm en t of vasospasm (see below ).
According to Hunt and Hess
Early surgery h as been sh ow n to im p rove th e prog-
n osis of patien ts w h o presen t w ith SAH in Hun t Grade Clinical features
an d Hess grades 1, 2, or 3. It is th e m ost im portan t
1 Asym ptom atic or m ild headache and m eningeal
form of treatm en t for th e preven tion of rebleedin g. irritation
An altern ative, less invasive form of treatm en t is
th e filling of the aneurysm w ith m etal coils (“coilin g,” 2 Moderate or severe headache (worst headache
a procedu re belon gin g to th e field of in terven tion al of life), m eningism , cranial nerve deficits (abdu-
cens palsy is com m on)
n eu roradiology). Th e coils are delivered from th e tip
of a specialized an giograp h ic cat h eter, w h ich is in - 3 Drowsiness, confusion, m ild focal neurological
serted tran sfem orally an d advan ced to th e level of signs
th e an eu rysm . Coilin g obviates th e n eed for cran i-
4 Stupor, severe neurological deficits (e.g., hem i-
otom y, but it m ay n ot be an equ ally reliable m eth od paresis), autonom ic m anifestations
of perm an en tly obliteratin g th e an eu rysm .
5 Com a, decerebration
Clinical course, prognosis, and complications.
Su barach n oid h em orrh age u su ally stop s spon -
tan eou sly, probably becau se it is tam pon aded by th e
risin g in tracran ial pressure. On ly patien ts in w h om Hydrocephalus (im paired CSF circulation an d/or re-
th e an eu rysm h as stopped bleedin g su rvive to be sorption ), if it develops, ap pears very rapidly after
tran sported to h ospital; th e preh ospitalization th e in itial SAH. Th e resu ltin g in tracran ial hyp er-
m ortality of an eu rysm al SAH is approxim ately 35 %. ten sion often im pairs th e patien t’s con sciou sn ess
After th e acute even t, th e patien t faces th e risk of an d m ay also cau se focal n eu rological deficits. Hy-
th ree poten tially fatal com p lication s: droceph alu s can be effectively treated by extern al
¼ Hydroceph alu s ven tricu lar drain age. Lu m bar drain age is less com -
¼ Vasospasm m on ly u sed.
¼ Rebleedin g
11 310 · 11 Blood Supply and Vascular Disorders of the Central Nervous System

Case Presenta tion 10: Acute Suba rachnoid Hemorrhage due to Aneurysma l Rupture
This previously healthy 46-year-old m an suddenly ex- rior com m unicating artery (Fig. 11.34a). This aneurysm
perienced the worst headache of his life, com bined with proved to be am enable to treatm ent by interventional neu-
profound anxiety and a sense of im pending doom . He also roradiological m ethods: im m ediately after the lesion was
com plained of double vision, particularly on looking to the identified by angiography, a m icrocatheter was introduced
right. The physician who adm itted him to hospital ex- into it under angiographic guidance, and its lum en was
am ined him neurologically and found a stiff neck and a filled with platinum coils (Fig. 11.34b, c).
right partial third cranial nerve palsy, but no other neuro- Because coiling does not im m ediately reduce the volum e of
logical deficits. The presum ptive diagnosis of acute sub- the aneurysm , im m ediate im provem ent of the cranial
arachnoid hem orrhage was confirm ed by CT scan and lum - nerve palsy was not expected. In the further course,
bar puncture. The patient was stable enough to be con- however, the aneurysm m ay shrink, leading to sym pto-
sidered a candidate for surgery, and cerebral angiography m atic im provem ent. This took six weeks in the present
was therefore perform ed at once, revealing an aneurysm of case.
the internal carotid artery arising at the origin of the poste-

a b c
Fig. 11.34 Acute nontraumatic subarachnoid hemor- been excluded from the circulation by coiling. The m etal
rhage due to rupture of an aneurysm of the internal coils strongly absorb x-rays and therefore appear dark in the
carotid artery at the origin of the posterior communi- nonsubtracted im ages. c The coils are barely seen in the
cating artery. a Conventional angiography, lateral view. subtracted im age, but the dom e of the aneurysm is clearly
The internal carotid artery aneurysm is seen at the origin of no longer filled with blood. (Im ages courtesy of MD Dr.
the posterior com m unicating artery. b The aneurysm has Skalej and Dr. Siekm ann, Tübingen).

Vasospasm occu rs a few days later, presum ably Rebleeding, if it occu rs, is m ore often leth al (50 %)
th rough th e effect of vasoactive su bstan ces con - th an th e in itial su barach n oid h em orrh age. Th e risk
tain ed in th e extravasated subarach n oid blood. Th e of rebleedin g is 20 % in th e first 14 days after th e
risk of vasospasm can be redu ced by th e rem oval of in itial SAH, an d 50 % in th e first six m on th s, if th e
as m uch subarach n oid blood as possible durin g an eurysm h as n ot been obliterated. Un like th e in i-
surgery, and by t h erap eu tically in duced hyperten - tial SAH, rebleeds often produce large in tra-
sion . Th ese m easures u su ally su ffice to p reven t th e paren chym al h em atom as, because th e su b-
develop m en t of vasospastic in farcts, a m uch - arach n oid space aroun d th e an eurysm is partly
feared com p lication . Vasospasm is a serious im - sealed by adh esion s result in g from th e in it ial
pedim en t to th e effective diagn osis an d treatm en t bleed. In such cases, t h e clin ical m an ifest ation s
of an eu rysm al su barach n oid h em orrh age. an d cou rse of th e an eurysm al rebleed are as de-
scribed above for spon t an eou s in tracerebral
h em orrh age.
Intracranial Hem orrhage · 311
Subdural and Epidural Hematoma
Subdura l Hema toma
In subdu ral h em atom a, th e collection of blood lies
in th e n orm ally on ly virtu al space betw een th e
du ra m ater an d th e arach n oid. Th e cause is u su ally
trau m a.

Acute Subdural Hem atom a

Acu te subdu ral h em atom a (Fig. 11.35) is foun d in
severe h ead t rau m a. It carries a poor progn osis, n ot
becau se of th e su bdural blood it self bu t becau se it
is very often associated w ith an u n derlyin g
paren chym al in ju ry. It s m ortalit y m ay be as h igh as
50 %. Its clin ical m an ifestation s are determ in ed by
th e site an d exten t of th e associated paren chym al
in ju ry. Fig. 11.35 Acute subdural hematoma. The space-oc-
cupying lesion is concave in shape and poorly dem arcated
Treatment is directed both at th e h em atom a itself from the underlying brain tissue. There is a pronounced
m ass effect with m idline shift.
an d at th e associated p aren chym al in ju ry. If open
n eu rosu rgical rem oval of th e h em atom a is n eces-
sary, con tu sed brain tissu e m ust often be resected region m ay be clin ically in distin gu ish able from an
as w ell. At su rgery, a durap lasty m ay be per- in farct.
form ed, an d th e bon e plate m ay be left ou t, rath er
th an put back in its origin al position , in order to Th e treatment con sists of operative removal or
provide room for t h e sw ollen brain an d preven t percutaneous drainage. Th ere is a relatively h igh
poten tially leth al in tracran ial hyperten sion —a recu rren ce rate. Th e presen ce of a subdu ral h em a-
sim ilar procedu re to decom pressive cran iectom y tom a con train dicates th erapeu tic an ticoagu lation ,
for m assive isch em ic stroke. Th e curren t tren d in w h ich m ay cau se addition al bleedin g in to th e h e-
n eu rosu rgery is to perform su ch decom pression s m atom a cavity, producin g a m ass effect.
m ore frequ en tly, both for stroke an d for h ead
trau m a. Epidural Hem atom a
In epidural h em atom a, th e blood collection lies be-
Chronic Subdural Hem atom a
tw een th e du ra m ater an d th e periosteu m
Th e etiology of ch ron ic su bdural h em atom a re- (Fig. 11.36). It is classically p rodu ced by trau m atic
m ain s in com pletely u n derstood. Th ere is often an laceration of a m en in geal artery. Becau se th e du ra
an teceden t h istory of on e or m ore m in or traum atic m ater is tigh tly attach ed to th e in n er su rface of th e
episodes. Th e flu id collection lies betw een t h e sku ll, a great deal of p ressu re is requ ired to create a
in n er du ral m em bran e an d th e arach n oid an d is flu id collect ion at th is site. Th e cause is alm ost al-
probably derived from an in itial h em orrh age of th e w ays a sku ll fractu re w ith a tear in th e m iddle
bridgin g vein s. In th e ch ron ic ph ase, gran u lation m en in geal artery, th e largest of th e m en in geal ves-
tissue is foun d in th e w all of th e h em atom a. Th is sels. Su ch fractu res often occu r w it h ou t produ cin g
tissu e is th ou gh t to be th e source of repeated, sec- any seriou s in jury to t h e brain ; t h u s, m any pat ien ts
on dary bleedin g in to th e flu id collection , so th at it w ith epidu ral h em atom a rem ain aw ake im m edi-
slow ly expan ds, rat h er t h an bein g resorbed. ately after t h e trau m atic even t an d do n ot lose con -
sciousn ess u n t il som e tim e later (after th e so-called
Th e manifestations of ch ron ic su bdural h em atom a “lu cid in terval”). Th ey m ay th en die from th e
are produced by pressure on th e u n derlyin g brain rapidly risin g in t racran ial p ressu re u n less t h e h e-
tissu e an d depen d on th e site of th e h em atom a. A m atom a is rap idly diagn osed an d operatively re-
ch ron ic su bdu ral h em atom a overlyin g t h e cen tral m oved. Prom pt treatm en t affords a good p rogn osis.
11 312 · 11 Blood Supply and Vascular Disorders of the Central Nervous System

spin al artery, th ere m ay be n o deficit of epicritic

an d proprioceptive sen sation . Th e deficit s typically
appear sudden ly an d are accom pan ied by pain .

Infarction in the territory of the posterolateral spi-

nal artery produces deficits resu ltin g from dam age
to th e posterior colu m n s, posterior roots, an d p os-
terior h orn s. Th e corticospin al tracts m ay also be
dam aged. Th ere is th u s an im pairm ent of epicritic
sensation and proprioception below the level of the
lesion. At th e level of th e lesion , dam age to th e
posterior roots cau ses an addition al segm ental
sensory deficit. If th e corticospin al tracts are in -
volved as w ell, sp astic paraparesis result s.

Diagnostic evaluation. Th e diagn osis of spin al cord

in farction is usually difficu lt. Even w ith MRI, in -
farcts often can n ot be reliably distin guish ed from
Fig. 11.36 Acute epidural hematoma, left. The hem a- oth er types of m yelopathy. An im portan t clu e to
tom a is convex. The central hypodensity is due to blood th e presen ce of a spin al cord in farct, in addition to
that has not yet clotted. There is a pronounced m ass effect th e typical h istory an d physical fin din gs, is th e
with m idline shift.
radiological dem onstration of ischem ic changes in a
vertebral body, because th e spin al cord an d th e
Vascular Syndromes of the vertebral body are su pp lied by th e sam e radicular
artery. Th e blood–CNS barrier is n ot dem on strably
Spinal Cord disrupted w ith in th e lesion u n til a few days after
th e acu te even t (th at is, th e lesion is n ot con trast-
Arterial Hypoperfusion
en h an cin g u n til th is tim e). Th e fin al step of th e di-
Spin al cord in farcts are m uch rarer th an cerebral agn ost ic evalu ation is a lu m bar pun cture to rule
in farcts because of th e exten sive an astom otic n et- ou t an in fectious process.
w ork lin kin g th e arteries of th e spin al cord. Large For tech n ical reason s, diffu sion -w eigh ted MRI,
em boli can n ot lodge in th e sm all arteries of th e w h ich reliably dem on strates acute isch em ia in th e
cord, an d th e very sm all particles th at can do so brain , is difficu lt to perform in th e spin al cord.
cau se n o clin ically sign ifican t dam age. Even aortic
an eu rysm s or occlu sion s rarely cau se dam age to Impaired Venous Drainage
th e spin al cord.
Th e m ost com m on cause of elevated ven ou s pres-
Th e sym ptom s of spin al cord in farction depen d
sure in th e sp in al vein s is a du ral arterioven ou s
on t h e vascu lar territory involved.
fistu la.

Infarction in the territory of the anterior spinal

Congestive Myelopathy
artery. Th e clin ical m an ifestation s dep en d on th e
segm en tal level of th e lesion . An in farct in th e Etiology. Th e cau se of con gestive m yelopathy
u pper cervical sp in al cord produces th e follow in g (Foix–Alajouanine disease), a disorder th at m ain ly
deficit s: dam age to th e an terior h orn s an d an terior affects elderly m en , w as first recogn ized in t h e
roots cau ses flaccid paresis of the arm s; dam age to 1980s: an arteriovenous fistula, usu ally located on
th e decu ssatin g fibers of th e lateral spin oth alam ic a sp in al n erve root. Arterial blood passes th rough
tract cau ses analgesia and therm anesthesia in th e th e fistu la directly in to th e in tradu ral vein s. Th e
u pper lim bs; an d dam age to th e corticospin al fist ula rem ain s clin ically silen t as lon g as th e
tracts cau ses spastic paraparesis. Bladder and bow el excess flow of blood in to th e vein s (th e shunt
dysfunction are com m on . Because th e posterior volum e) does n ot exceed th eir drain age capacity. As
colu m n s lie ou tside th e territory of th e an terior soon as it does, h ow ever, th e ven ous pressure rises,
Vascular Syndrom es of the Spinal Cord · 313
Case Presenta tion 11: Spina l Dura l Arteriovenous Fistula
This 53-year-old wom an noticed increasing weakness of The patient was transferred to the neurosurgical service.
both legs for several m onths. She had no pain, but com - The patient’s clinical history and MRI findings were con-
plained of a “woolly” feeling in the legs, and also had in- sidered to be m ore consistent with a spinal dural arteri-
creasing difficulty with urination and defecation. Peripheral ovenous fistula than with an intram edullary tum or. This sus-
neuropathy was diagnosed at first, but, when her leg weak- picion was confirm ed by angiography, and the fistula was
ness continued to progress, an MRI scan of the spinal cord surgically excised. The patient’s signs and sym ptom s re-
was ordered (Fig. 11.37). This was perform ed in an outlying solved com pletely, except for residual bladder dysfunction.
hospital and was initially interpreted as showing a tum or of
the spinal cord.

a b c
Fig. 11.37 Spinal arteriovenous (AV) fistula. a Sagittal spinal cord, obtained just above the level of the conus
T2-weighted im age. Intram edullary edem a is seen in the medullaris, reveals intram edullary edem a sparing the ven-
lower portion of the spinal cord, including the conus m edul- tral portion of the cord. This is an im portant criterion for
laris. Dilated epim edullary veins appear as dark, rounded the differential diagnosis of AV fistula versus arterial
structures. b In this T1-weighted im age obtained after the ischem ia, in addition to the patient’s clinical m anifestations
adm inistration of intravenous contrast, som e vessels ap- and the dilated epim edullary veins that were seen in the
pear bright, others dark. There is no contrast enhancem ent other MR im ages (above).
within the spinal cord. c This axial T2-weighted im age of the

an d th e spin al cord, w h ich is very sen sitive to su ch m odalities; later, epicritic sen sation an d proprio-
in creases, is dam aged. ception are also affected. Fu rth er progression w ith
n ecrosis of th e an terior h orn s converts th e spastic
Manifestations. Th e in itial m an ifest ation s are un- p araparesis in to a flaccid paraparesis.
steady gait an d spastic paraparesis, som etim es ac-
com pan ied by radicular pain. If th e disease pro- Diagnostic evaluation. MRI reveals dilated
gresses, autonom ic deficits ap pear, in cludin g blad- ep im edullary vein s an d edem a of th e spin al cord.
der, bow el, an d sexu al dysfu n ction . Th e sensory Th e fistula itself can n ot be seen . It m ay also be very
deficit at first m ain ly con cern s th e p rotopath ic difficu lt to dem on strate by angiography, becau se
11 314 · 11 Blood Supply and Vascular Disorders of the Central Nervous System

th e sh u n t volu m e m ay be very low, an d th e clin ical Spinal Cord Hemorrhage and

m an ifestation s of con gestive m yelopathy m ay be Hematoma
m ain ly due to im paired ven ous drain age.
Even today, arterioven ou s fist ulas cau sin g con - Hematomyelia—a h em atom a w ith in th e sp in al
gest ive m yelopathy are often n ot recogn ized cord—is usually of traum atic origin , an d is on ly
before t h e appearan ce of irreversible n eu rological rarely due to an an eu rysm or vascu lar m alform a-
deficits. Th is is regret table, because su ch fist ulas tion . Becau se th e blood u su ally tracks lon gitudi-
are a poten tially treatable cau se of progressive par- n ally (i.e., up an d dow n ) in th e spin al gray m atter, a
aparesis. clin ical syn drom e resem blin g th at of syrin gom yelia
results (cf. p. 47).
Treatment. Th e treatm en t con sists of operative ob-
literation of th e fistu la after it h as been localized by Spinal epidural hematoma u sually occu rs at
an giography. th oracic levels, p rodu cin g acu te radicu lar pain at
th e level of th e h em atom a, as w ell as a su bacute spi-
n al cord tran section syn drom e th at begin s w ith
p aresth esiae, sen sory deficits, an d w eakn ess in th e
feet an d toes, an d th en rapidly ascen ds to th e level
of th e h em atom a. Sym ptom atic spin al epidu ral h e-
m atom a is an acu te n eu rosu rgical em ergen cy: it
m u st be evacu ated im m ediately to p reven t irre-
versible paraplegia.

Further Reading
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Further Reading · 317

Ross, A. T., W. E. De Myer: Isolated syn drom e of th e m edial Th om p son , P. D., B. L. Day: Th e An atom y an d Physiology of
lon gitu din al fascicu lu s in m an . Arch . Neu rol. (Ch ic.) 15, Cerebellar Disease. Advan ces in Neu rology, Raven Press
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Berlin , Heidelberg, New York 1981 sch u n g. J. Psych . 25, Erg. H. 1, 1925
Sh errin gton , C. S.: Th e In tegrative Action of th e Nervous Sys- Wall, M., S. H. Wray: Th e “On e an d a Half” syn drom e. A u n i-
tem . Scribn er, New York 1906; Cam bridge Un iversity lateral disorder of th e p on tin e tegm en tum . Neurology
Press, Lon don 1947 (Ch ic.) 33 (1983) 971 – 980
Sm ith , A., C. Bu rklun d: Dom in an t h em isph erectom y. Warw ick, R.: Represen tation of th e extraocu lar m u scles
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Sp erry, R. W.: Cerebral organ ization an d beh avior. Scien ce 98 (1953) 44 9 – 503
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1699 – 1708
318 · Further Reading

Page n um bers in italics refer to illu stration s or tables

A in tern al carotid artery 273 lesion s 101

m icroan eu rysm s 305 septal 82, 205
abasia 165, 166, 30 0 m ycotic 307 striate
abscess 264 p osterior com m un icatin g artery in ferior 85
acetylch olin e 7 (PCom m ) 273 sup erior 85
m u scarin ic receptor 7 saccu lar (berry) 307 su bcallosal 83, 230
n icotin ic receptor 7 treatm en t 309 vestibu lar 75, 76
acidoph il cells 185 an h idrosis 191 Wern icke’s 248
acopia 254 an isocoria 102 areflexia 4 4
acou stic m eatu s, in tern al 82, 111 an n u lu s fibrosu s 58 Argyll Robertson p up il 101
acou stic n eu rom a 120, 125–126, 167, an osm ia 84 arterioven ous fistu la 312–314
168 an osogn osia 255, 297 case presen tation 313, 313
acrom egaly 186 an sa arterioven ous m alform ation s 306
ACTH-secretin g aden om a 186–188 cervicalis 63 artery(ies)
action poten tial 5 len ticularis 178 Adam kiew icz’s 53, 283, 283
Adam kiew icz’s artery 53, 283, 283 an terograde tran sport 3, 4 basilar 75, 145, 146, 271, 272, 272,
aden ohypophysis 183 an ticoagulation 304 275, 276, 279
aden om a an tidiu retic h orm on e (ADH) 184, 185 arteriosclerosis 155
ACTH-secretin g 186–188 syn drom e of in ap propriate ADH occlu sion 147, 148, 149, 152, 298
grow th -h orm on e-secretin g 186 secretion (SADH) 184–185 th rom bolysis case presen tation
adren al glan d aorta 271, 283 293–294, 293, 294, 295
in n ervation 194 ap ertu re tip 276
m edulla 191 lateral 75, 158, 159 an eu rysm 308
adren ergic system 188 m edian 75, 158 calcarin e 277, 299
agn osia 255 ap h asia 249–253, 297 carotid
som atosen sory 255 Broca 249–253 com m on 270–271, 271, 283
visu al object 255 case presen tation 250–251, 250– extern al 271–272
agram m atism 249 251 in tern al (ICA) 89, 91, 270, 271–
agraph esth esia 29 selective 253 272, 271, 272, 273, 279
agraph ia 249 sen sory 118 an eurysm 273
Alexan der’s law 124 types of 249 bifu rcation , occlusion 296
alexia 249, 253, 255 Wern icke 253 dissection 192
allesth esia 255 case presen tation 252–253, 252 sten osis 287, 290
allocortex 203, 231 ap optosis 9 cerebellar
α m otor n euron s 43 apraxia 254 in ferior
Alzh eim er disease 208 con stru ction 254, 297 an terior (AICA) 108, 145, 271,
am au rosis fu gax 86, 296 m otor 254 272, 275–276, 276, 30 0
am en orrh ea, secon dary 186 ideation al 254 occlu sion 147, 299–30 0
am n esia 207 ideom otor 254 posterior (PICA) 108, 145, 146,
an terograde 208–209 aquedu ct 171 271, 272, 272, 275, 276, 299–
p osttrau m atic 208–209 cerebral 137, 217 30 0
retrograde 208–209 arach n oid 261, 262, 284 su perior (SCA) 91, 108, 145, 146,
am n estic syn drom e 208–209 gran ulation s 266 271, 272, 276, 276, 279
AMPA receptor 7 arch icerebellu m 122–123, 159 occlusion 149, 30 0–301
am p ullae 115, 120 arch icortex 202, 203, 226–227, 231 cerebral
am ygdala 82, 180, 202, 205–206, 215, area(s) an terior (ACA) 91, 145, 271, 272,
215 association 247–248, 247 274–275, 274, 275, 279
am yotrop h ic lateral sclerosis 4 8, 48 m u ltim odal 247–248 in farct 290, 290, 291, 296, 297
an arth ria 24 9 u n im odal 247 m iddle (MCA) 145, 271, 272, 274,
an astom oses 278–279, 278 au ditory 117–118 274, 275, 279
callosal 279 Broca’s 24 8 in farct 256, 296
leptom en in geal 279 in farct 250–251 occlu sion 296–297
an eu rysm 306, 307, 307 calcarin e 86 th rom bolysis case presen tation
an terior com m u n icatin g artery en torh in al 202, 204, 205 291, 292, 293
(ACom m ) 274 olfactory 216 posterior 91, 108, 145, 146, 271,
basilar tip 308 p ostrem a 76, 143 272, 274, 275, 276–277, 276, 277,
case presen tation s 308, 308, 310, 310 p repiriform 83 279
fu siform 307 p retectal 100 fetal origin 273
320 · Index

artery(ies) an terior 277, 299 body

cerebral in farction 299 am ygdaloid 83
p osterior p osterior 274, 277, 279, 299 gen iculate
in farct 298–299 thyroid, su perior 271 lateral 76, 76, 84–85, 85, 86, 87,
occlu sion 152, 153 vertebral 108, 145, 146, 270, 271, 96, 100, 118, 172, 173–174, 173,
ch iasm atic, sup erior 279 272–273, 272, 275, 276, 282, 283 175, 204
ch oroidal occlu sion 147, 150 m edial 76, 76, 117, 118, 172, 173–
an terior 145, 272, 273–274, 274, art h rosis, un covertebral 58 174, 173, 175
279 asom atogn osia 255 Lew y 219–220
isch em ia 296 astasia 165, 166, 30 0 m am illary 76, 171, 175, 178, 179,
posterior 145, 146 th alam ic 177 202, 216, 279
lateral 274, 277, 298 astereogn osis 29, 32, 255 pedu n cle 180
m edial 277, 298 astrocytes 8 restiform 162
occlu sion 153, 298 astrocytom a 167 trapezoid 117, 118, 137, 139, 140–141
circle of Willis 278–279, 279 cystic 167 bon e
com m u n icatin g 278 p ilocytic 167 petrou s 89
an terior 274, 278, 279 ataxia 30 0 sph en oid 89
posterior 91, 145, 271, 272, 273, Friedreich 49 borreliosis 264
278, 279 gait 166 Bow m an ’s glan d 81
em boli 296 lim b 307 brach ia con jun ctiva 75
facial 271 stan ce 166 brach ialgia paresth etic n octu rn a 67
Heu bn er’s 275, 279 tru n cal 165 brach iofacial w eakn ess 41–42
hypophyseal ath etosis 219 brach iu m pon tis 75
in ferior 182 atrop hy, m u ltip le system 220 brain stem
su perior 183, 279 atten tion disturban ces 176 an atom y 74–76, 76, 134–145, 134–137
hypoth alam ic 183 au diom etry 119 blood su pply 145
in tercostal, posterior 283 au ditory perception 113 fiber con n ection s 138, 139
labyrin th in e 145, 272, 276 axon al tran sport 3 disorders 145–155
occlu sion 30 0 axon s 2–3 in farct 95, 95, 97, 97, 146, 298
lin gu al 271 m yelin ation 3–4 su bclavian steal syn drom e 147
m am illary 279 vascu lar syn drom es 302
m axillary 271 Broca aph asia 249–253
m en in geal B case presen tation 250–251, 250–251
an terior 260 Broca’s area 248–249
m iddle 260–261 Babin ski sign 41, 48, 49 in farct 250–251
p osterior 260 Balin t syn drom e 255 Brodm an n ’s cytoarch itectu ral m ap
occipital 278 ballism 219, 223 233
occipitotem poral 277 ban d of Baillarger Brow n –Séqu ard syn drom e 49–50, 49,
of Perch eron 277, 299 extern al 231, 232 56
oph th alm ic 91, 271, 273, 278, 279 in tern al 231, 232 bu lb
em boli 296 baroceptors 12 en d, of Krau se 12–13, 13
p araven tricu lar 279 barrels, cortical 235 olfactory 81–82, 82, 83
p erforatin g, occlusion 155 basket cells 7, 160, 232 bu n dle
radicular basoph il cells 185 m acu lar 87
an terior 283 bedw ettin g 198 m edial forebrain 83, 84, 179, 180,
great (of Adam kiew icz) 53, 283, beh avior con trol 255–257 180, 181, 190
283 Bell palsy 111, 112
recu rren t, of Heubn er 275, 279 Ben edikt syn drom e 152–153, 155
segm en tal ben ign paroxysm al position al vertigo C
lu m bar 282 (BPPV) 124–125
th oracic 282 Betz cells 37 cacosm ia 84
sp in al Bielsch ow sky test 93, 94 CAG trin ucleotide repeat, in Hu n tin g-
an terior 145, 146, 272, 272, 275, Bin g–Horton syn drom e 108 ton disease 221, 222
281–282, 282, 283 bladder Cajal–Retzius cells 227, 228, 231
syn drom e 55, 55 dysfu n ction 195–198 callosotom y 253
p osterolateral 282, 282 n eurogen ic 196–197 can al
in farction 312 n on n eu rogen ic 197–198 carotid 82
su bclavian 64, 271, 282 fu n ction 195 hypoglossal 82, 133, 134
occlu sion 147 in n ervation 193–195, 193, 194 optic 82
su lco-com m issural 281–282, 282 obstru ction sem icircu lar 115, 120
su praoptic 182, 279 in fravesical 197 can alolith iasis 125
tem poral, su perficial 271 n eck 196 capsu le
th alam ogen icu late 277 blin k reflex 102, 110 extern al 236
isch em ia 299 blood p ressu re regu lation 14 4, 184 in tern al 28, 29, 38, 171, 216, 227,
th alam operforatin g blood–CSF barrier 263 236
Index · 321

gen u 37 sh un t 268, 305 syn drom es 46–47, 46, 49, 49

lesion s 42–43, 42, 288 volum e 264 com m a of Sch u ltz 31, 41
cardiorespiratory fun ction 145 cerebrum com m issu re
carotid-cavern ou s fistula 273 an atom y 228–230, 228, 229, 230 an terior 82, 171, 183, 202, 216, 236,
carp al tu n n el syn drom e 67, 68 con n ection s 232, 233 237, 238, 253
cau da equ in a 45, 54 develop m en t 226–227, 226, 228 h aben u lar 177
syndrom e 53, 54, 61, 62 evolu tion 226–227, 227 of th e forn ices 202
cavern om a 306 fu n ction al localization 238–248, 238 p osterior 171
cells h istological organ ization 231–235, com p lex region al pain syn drom e 67
acidoph il 185 231, 234 com p ression
air, eth m oid 89 isch em ia 283–289, 295–297 brach ial plexus 63
basket 7, 160, 232 diagn osis 286–289 p eriph eral n erves 67
basoph il 185 w h ite m atter 235–237 sp in al cord 52, 52
Betz 37 ch an delier cells 232 com p uterized tom ograp hy (CT) 288–
Cajal–Retziu s 227, 228, 231 ch arley-h orse 61 289, 302–303
ch an delier 232 Ch arlin n eu ralgia 108 con es 84
ch rom oph obe 185 ch em oceptors 12 con gestive m yopathy 312–314
Deiters 115, 116 ch iasm , optic 84, 86, 87, 89, 103, 171, con sciou sn ess 14 4, 176, 299, 308
double bou quet 232 179, 182, 183, 216 con tin en ce 195
gran ule 160, 160, 161, 231, 232 lesion s 86 con us m edullaris 45, 54
h air 115, 116, 118, 120–121 ch olin ergic system 188 con us syn drom e 53, 54
m itral 82 ch orda tym pan i 109, 111, 112, 113, 114 convergen ce of in form ation tran sfer 6
olfactory 81 ch orea 219, 221 cordotom y 31
bipolar 82 ch rom oph obe cells 185 corn eal reflex 105
Pillar 116 cin gulu m 203, 237, 238 ligh t test 92
Purkin je 160, 160, 161 circle of Willis 278–279, 279 corn u Am m on is 203–205
pyram idal 203–205, 231–233 circulation coron a radiata 28, 236
Ren sh aw 4 4 an terior 270 corp ora cavern osa 199
Schw an n 3 cerebrospin al fluid 263, 263 corp us callosu m 171, 175, 180, 216,
tu fted 82 bottlen ecks 264 217, 227, 237, 238
cen ter distu rban ces 264–267 agen esis 253
ciliospin al 102 collateral 278–279, 278 lesion s 209
gaze, lesion s 98 arterial circle of Willis 278–279, su rgical tran section 249
p on tin e m icturition 195 279 corp us striatu m 217, 218
cen tral sp astic paresis 41 extern al-carotid-to-vertebral col- corp uscles
cerebellum 158–168, 217 lateralization 278 Golgi–Mazzon i 14, 14
blood su pply 276 extern al-to-in tern al collateraliza- Meissn er 12, 13
con n ection s 161, 162–164 tion 278 Ru ffin i 13, 13
floccu lon odu lar lobe 122–123, 159, im portan ce of 285 Vater–Pacin i 12, 13–14, 13
159 posterior 270 cortex
fu nction 164 cistern (s) 262 au ditory 245–246, 246
h em orrh age 167, 306–307, 306 am bien t 204 lesion s 246
in tern al structu re 159 cistern a m agn a 262 cerebellar 159–160, 160
cortex 159–160, 159 Clarke’s colu m n 26 afferen t inpu t 160
n uclei 160 classical con dition in g 207 cerebral
isch em ia 167 clau stru m 29, 37, 215, 216 agran ular 233
in farction case presen tation 301, claw h an d 67 association areas 247–248, 247
301 clivu s 89 Brodm an n ’s cytoarch itectu ral
surface an atom y 158–159, 158, clon u s 41 m ap 233
159 cluster h eadach e 108 developm en t 226–227, 226, 227
syndrom es 164–166 coch lea 114, 115, 116 fron tal lobe 247–24 8
vascu lar 299 colliculu s(i) fun ction al localization 238–246,
tu m ors 167–16 8 brach iu m 137 238, 241, 242, 243, 244, 245
cerebrocerebellum 159 facial 76, 109 gran u lar 233
fu nction s 166 in ferior 76, 76, 96, 117, 118, 139, h igh er fun ction s 24 8–257
lesion s 166–167 141 h istological organ ization 231
cerebrospin al fluid (CSF) 263–266 su perior 76, 76, 96, 97, 137, 141 lam in ar arch itectu re 231–235,
circu lation 263–266, 263 colon in n ervation 194 232, 234
bottlen ecks 266 colu m n (s) lesion s 41–42, 42, 242–246, 248–
disturban ces 264–267 Clarke’s 26 257
fin din gs in diseases 264 cortical 242–24 4 prim ary cortical fields 239–247
p ressu re 264, 305 prim ary au ditory cortex 245–246 gustatory 246
see also hydroceph alu s; in tra- prim ary visu al cortex 245 h ipp ocam pal 203
cran ial hyp erten sion p osterior 25, 26, 28–30, 33 lim bic 202, 202
resorption 266 lesion s 29–30, 34 m otor 36, 36, 37, 240–242
322 · Index

cortex Duch en n e–Erb palsy 63 excitation 6, 7

n eocerebellar 163 du ct excitatory postsyn aptic poten tial
orbitofron tal 206 coch lear 114–115, 115, 116 (EPSP) 5
prefron tal 248, 255 en dolym ph atic 115 exercise-dep en den t w eakn ess 72
lesion s 255–257 p erilym ph atic 115 exotropia 92
prem otor 248 du m bbell tu m ors 56, 57 exteroceptors 12
som atosen sory, p rim ary 240–244 du ra m ater 260–261, 261, 284 extin ction ph en om en on 255
lesion s 24 4 blood su pply 260–261 eye in n ervation
striate 85, 24 4 in n ervation 262 p arasym path etic 102, 103, 194
vestibu lar 246–247 orbital 262 sym path etic 102, 103, 104, 194
visu al 85, 24 4–245, 244, 245 spin al 261 eye m ovem en ts 89–102
lesion s 245 arterioven ou s fistu la 312–314, 313 accom m odation 99–101
cran iosacral system 188 dysarth ria 149, 249, 306 an atom ical substrate 10 0–101,
crista am pu llaris 120, 120 scan n in g 167 100
crocodile tears 111 dysarth roph on ia 167 con ju gate 90, 94–99, 118
cru ra cerebri 38, 75, 76, 171 dysdiadoch okin esia 166, 299 an atom ical basis 96
cu bital tun n el syn drom e 6 8, 68 dysequilibriu m 123–124, 165 reflex gaze m ovem en ts 98–99
cu lm en 158, 159, 161 dysgrap h ia 249 convergen ce 99–101
cun eu s 230 dyslexia 249 an atom ical substrate 10 0–101, 100
Cu sh in g syn drom e 186–188 dysm etria 166, 299 optokin etic nystagm u s 98–99
dysph agia 149 pu pillary con striction 10 0
dyssyn ergia 166 sm ooth pu rsu it m ovem en ts 98
D dyston ia 219, 223 volun tary 98
focal 223
decu ssation gen eralized 223
lem n iscal 135 F
pyram idal 38, 39, 75, 76, 135, 139
su perior cerebellar pedu n cles 137 E falx cerebelli 260
tegm en tal 137 falx cerebri 260, 281
Deiters cells 115, 116 ear 115 fascia den tata 203, 204
Dejerin e syn drom e 147, 150, 151 in n er 114–117 fascicu lus
case p resen tation 151 m iddle 114 arcu ate 235, 236, 237
dem en tia 208 edem a cu n eatus (of Bu rdach ) 26, 28, 28, 31
den drites 2 cerebral 284 fron totem p oral 236, 237
den dritic spin es 6 vasogen ic 302 gracilis (of Goll) 26, 28, 28, 31
derm atom es 17, 17, 18, 200 Edin ger–Westph al n u cleus 77, 78, 90, len ticular 178
sen sory deficits 17, 18 101, 103, 142 lon gitu din al
developm en t 8–9 electroen cep h alograp hy 238 dorsal (of Sch ü tz) 83, 137, 181,
cerebru m 226–227, 226, 228 em boli 285, 295–299 181, 190
déviation con juguée 98 p aradoxical 285 in ferior 237, 237
diabetes in sipidu s 184 see also isch em ia; th rom boses m edial (MLF) 95–96, 96, 118, 121,
diagon al ban d of Broca 83 em bolism 147 122, 123, 135, 137, 138, 139, 142,
diap h ragm 69 em in en ce, collateral 204 164–165
diap h ragm a sellae 260 en cep h alitis 209, 264 lesion s 97, 150, 152
dien ceph alon 8, 170–172, 171 case presen tation 209, 209–210 su perior 236–237, 237
digital su btraction an giograp hy (DSA) en d bu lbs of Krau se 12–13, 13 m am illotegm en tal 182
289, 290, 290, 291, 304, 309 en dolym ph 115 occip ital, vertical 237, 237
dip lopia 92, 92 en don eu riu m 14 occipitofron tal
discon n ection syn drom es 253–254 en op h th alm os 102, 191 in ferior 236, 237
olfactory system 253 en teroceptors 12 su perior 237
visu al system 253–254 en u resis 198 of Meyn ert 181
disin h ibition 6, 6 epicon u s 54 olfactory 79
disk(s) syn drom e 53, 54 optic 79
in tervertebral epidu ral h em atom a 311, 312 propriu s 20, 20
degen eration 58–62, 59 sp in al 314 sem ilu n ar 41
h ern iation 57, 58, 59–61 epin euriu m 14 subth alam ic 178
m assive prolapse 61, 62, 62 epiphysis 76, 171, 177, 178 th alam ic 178
protru sion 57, 60 epith alam us 171, 172, 177–178 u n cin ate (of Ru ssell) 122, 160, 236,
optic 87 epith eliu m 237, 237
lesion s 86 olfactory 81, 83 see also tract(s)
tactile, of Merkel 13, 13 p igm en t 103 fecal in con tin en ce 198
divergen ce of in form ation tran sfer 6 equ ilibriu m distu rban ces 123–124, fecal reten tion 198
dizzin ess 123–124 165 fen estra
dop am in e 7 esotropia 92 coch leae 114, 115
dou ble bou qu et cells 232 eth m oid air cells 89 vestibu li 114, 115
Index · 323

fiber(s) 14, 77, 78 forceps gap ju n ction 6

an n u lospiral 41 m ajor 237, 238 gastroin testin al m otility 14 4
association 233, 236–238, 236, 237 m in or 237, 238 gaze 92, 93, 95–97, 96
cerebral arcu ate 236, 237, 237 forn ix 171, 175, 180, 181, 203, 205, 216 diagn ostic direction s of 91, 92
clim bin g 160, 160, 161 crux 171 h orizon tal 95
com m issural 233, 237, 238 fossa disturban ces 95–96
corticon uclear 137, 156 in terpedun cular 75 lesion s of gaze cen ters 98
corticop on tin e 75 p osterior 158 reflex gaze m ovem en ts 98–99
corticosp in al 137, 156 rh om boid 74–75 vertical 96–97
cran ial n erve 77–78 fovea 84 vertical gaze palsy 176
Golgi 41 Foville syn drom e 147 see also eye m ovem en ts
gu statory 111–112, 113, 130, 173 free n erve en din gs 13, 13 gen italia, m ale
in tracortical 237 Friedreich ataxia 49 dysfu n ction 198–199
m ossy 160, 160, 161 fu n ction al m agn etic reson an ce im ag- in n ervation 193, 194, 198, 199
m yelin ated 235 in g (fMRI) 239, 243 gen u
parallel 159, 160 fu n ction al n eu ral n etw orks 239 facial n erve
pon tin e 75 fu n icular m yelosis 34, 34, 47–4 8, 48 extern al 109
projection 235 fu n icu lu s, p osterior 28, 28, 31 in tern al 109
radial glial 227 Gerstm an n syn drom e 255
radicu lar 90, 91 glan d(s)
subcortical 237 G adren al 194
trigem in al 104–107, 105, 106 Bow m an ’s 81
lesion s 107 G-p rotein -cou pled receptors 5, 7 lacrim al 112, 114, 189, 194
m otor 107 gag reflex 145 n asal 112, 114
pain 106–107 galactorrh ea 186 p in eal 178
som atosen sory 104–105, 105, 106 γ m otor n eu ron s 22–24, 22, 43 salivary 189
tem peratu re 106–107 static an d dyn am ic 24 parotid 114, 189, 194
vestibulocerebellar 121 gam m a-am in obu tyric acid (GABA) 7 sublin gu al 112, 114, 194
visceral receptors 7 subm an dibu lar 112, 114, 194
afferen t 186 gan glion (a) sw eat 104, 189
efferen t 186 basal 39, 214 glial cells 7–8
see also n erve(s); n eu ron (s) con n ection s 217–219, 218 globu s pallidu s 40, 171, 172, 174, 175,
fim bria h ipp ocam pi 204, 205 fun ction 219 178, 178, 214, 215, 215, 216, 217, 218
fissure h em orrh age 177, 305, 305 glu tam ate 7
collateral 230 lesion s 219–223 an tagon ists 160
h ippocam pal 204 n uclei 215–217, 215, 216, 217 receptors 7
lon gitu din al, cerebral 228, 230 phylogen etic aspects 214–215 glycin e 7
in ferior 236 celiac 189, 191 receptors 7
su perior 236 cervical Golgi ten don organ s 13, 14
orbital, su perior 82, 89 m iddle 190 Golgi–Mazzon i corpu scle 14, 14
posterolateral 159 sup erior 63, 103, 104, 129, 190 Gordon reflex 41
sylvian 228, 229 cervicoth oracic (stellate) 190 Graden igo syn drom e 108
fistula ciliary 100, 101, 103, 105, 189, 192 gran u le cells 160, 160, 161, 231, 232
arterioven ou s 312–314 dorsal root 16 gran u lization 233
case presen tation 313, 313 syn drom e of 46, 46 gray m atter syn drom e 47, 47
carotid-cavern ou s 273 gen icu late 109, 111, 112, 113, 114 Gray type I syn apses 5
fixation reflex 98 glossoph aryn geal Gray type II syn ap ses 5
floccu lu s 122, 159, 159 in ferior (extracran ial) 126, 127, 130 grow th -h orm on e-secretin g aden om a
flow er-spray en din gs 22 su perior (in tracran ial) 126, 127, 130 186
Foix–Alajou an in e disease 312 m esen teric Gu illain –Barré syn drom e 264
foliu m (a) 158, 161 in ferior 189, 191, 193, 198 gyn ecom astia 186
food in take 145 su perior 189, 191 gyru s(i) 228–229
foram en (in a) otic 113, 114, 189, 192 am bien t 82, 83
in terven tricular, of Mon ro 170, 171, pterygopalatin e 105, 109, 112, 113, cin gu late 175, 202
262 114, 189, 192 den tate 203–205, 204, 230
in tervertebral 59, 60 sp iral 117, 117, 118 fron tal, m iddle 229
jugular 82, 131 su bm an dibular 112, 114, 189, 192 fu siform 230
laceru m 82 trigem in al (gasserian ) 79, 82, 89, 91, lin gu al 230
m agn u m 131 103–104, 105, 141 occipitotem poral
of Lu sch ka 75, 76, 158 vagal lateral 230
of Magen die 75, 76, 158 in ferior (n odose) 127, 128, 129, m edial 230
ovale 82, 114 130, 131 orbital 230
rotu n du m 82, 114 sup erior (jugu lar) 127, 128, 129, p arah ipp ocam pal 82, 204, 230
sten oses 57, 58, 59, 60, 61 131 p araterm in al 230
stylom astoid 111 vestibu lar (of Scarpa) 117, 121, 122 p ostcen tral 28, 29, 30
324 · Index

gyru s(i) diagn osis 308–309 hyporeflexia 167

precen tral 36, 36, 37, 230 gradin g 308, 309 hyposm ia 84
rectu s 230 rebleedin g 310 hypoth alam ic–pitu itary axis 185, 186
sem ilu n ar 82, 83 see also h em atom a distu rban ces 185–186
tem poral h eparin 304 hypoth alam u s 170, 171, 172, 178–188,
in ferior 230 Herin g’s law 94–95 216
sup erior 231 h erpes sim plex en ceph alitis 209, 264 con n ection s 180–183, 180, 181, 190
tran sverse, of Hesch l 117, 118, 231 case presen tation 209, 209–210 fu n ction s 184–185
h erpes zoster 46 n u clei 179–180, 179
oticu s 112 hypoth erm ia 184
H Heu bn er’s artery 275, 279 hypoton ia 44, 167
h ipp ocam pu s 202, 203–205, 204, 216, hypotropia 92
h aben u la 177 227, 227
h air cells 115, 116, 118, 120–121 activation 205
h eadach e 302, 304, 308 con n ection s 205 I
clu ster 108 h om u n cu lus 28, 241
occipital 306 m otor 36–37 im poten ce 186, 198–199
h earin g 113–119 h orn in con tin en ce
diagn ostic evalu ation 119 Am m on ’s 203–205, 204 fecal 198
disorders 119–120, 126 an terior 135 u rin ary 196–197
h eart an terior h orn cells 43, 123 overflow 196
in n ervation 191, 194 in h ibition by Ren sh aw cells 4 4 stress 196–197
referred p ain 199 syn drom e 48, 48 u rge 196
regu lation 184 in ferior 204, 216 in cu s 115
h elicotrem a 115, 115, 116 p osterior 24–25, 30, 217 in dusiu m griseu m 202, 227, 227
h em an gioblastom a 167 lesion s 34 in farction
h em atom a syn drom e 47, 47 brain stem 95, 95, 97, 97, 146, 298
epidu ral 311, 312, 314 Horn er syn drom e 63, 102, 104, 149, Broca’s area 250–251
rem oval 306, 311 191–192 cerebellar, case presen tation 301,
sp in al cord 314 cau ses 192 301
su bdural 311, 311 h ou rglass tu m ors 57 cerebral artery 256, 290, 290, 291,
h em atom yelia 47, 314 Hu n tin gton disease 221 296–297, 298–299
h em ian esth esia 24 4, 299, 30 0 case p resen tation 222, 222 em bolic 285
h em ian opic ligh t reflex test 88 hydroceph alu s 266–268, 309 h em odyn am ic 285–286
h em ian opsia 245 active 266–267 case p resen tation 287, 287
bin asal 86 ch ildren 268 lacu n ar 286
bitem poral 86 com m un icatin g 266 case p resen tation 288, 288
h om onym ous 86, 88, 296, 297, 299 diagn osis 268 m idbrain 95, 95, 97, 97
h em iataxia 177, 299 epidem iology 268 pon tin e 154
h em iballism 178 ex vacu o 267 oral region 155
case presen tation 223, 223 hypersecretory 266 septal n u clei 209
h em icran iectom y 285 m alresorptive 266 spin al cord 55, 55, 282, 312
h em ihyp esth esia 24 4, 296, 297 case presen tation 267, 267 su bth alam ic n u cleus 223
h em ip aresis n on com m un icatin g 266 territorial 285, 290, 291
bilateral 43 n orm al pressure (NPH) 267 th alam ic 209
con tralateral 43, 24 4, 296, 297, 299, case presen tation 265, 265 case p resen tation 211, 211, 30 0,
305 occlusive 266 300
flaccid 43, 24 4 treatm en t 26 8, 309 Wern icke’s area 252
sp astic 43, 24 4 types of 266–267 see also isch em ia
h em ip legia hydrom yelia 47 in form ation flow 2
altern atin g 147, 148 hypercolum n s 245 in form ation processin g 2, 2
sp astic hyperkin esia 219 in fu n dibu lum 178, 279
con tralateral 42–43, 148 ch oreiform 221 in h ibition 6, 7
ip silateral 43 hyperosm ia 84 forw ard 6, 6
h em orrh age 305–311 hyperreflexia 41 recu rren t 6, 6
basal gan glia 177, 305, 305 detrusor m u scle 196 in h ibitory p ostsyn aptic poten tial
cerebellar 167, 306–307, 306 hyperten sion (IPSP) 5
in tracerebral 305–307 arterial 286, 305 in n ervation 68, 69–71
hyperten sive 305–306 in tracran ial 268, 285, 296, 297, 305 eye
in traven tricu lar ru ptu re 305 treatm en t 305, 306 p arasym path etic 102, 103
n on hyperten sive 306 hyperth erm ia 184 sym path etic 102, 103, 104
septal n uclei 209 hypertropia 92 som atosen sory 16–17
sp in al cord 314 hypokin esia 219, 220 in sula 29, 37, 216, 228, 231
su barach n oid (SAH) 267, 267, 307– hypom im ia 221 in tern eu ron (s) 20, 232
310, 309 hypophysis 171 GABAergic 205
Index · 325

in tervertebral disks see disks ligam en t, sp iral 116 Merkel’s disks 13, 13
in testin e in n ervation 194 ligan d-gated ion ch an n els 5 m esen ceph alon 8
in tracran ial hyperten sion 266–267, ligan d-gated receptors 7 m esocortex 202
285, 296, 297, 305 lim bic system m etastases, drop 167
treatm en t 305, 306 an atom y 202–203 Meyer’s loop 87, 88
see also hydroceph alu s con n ection s 203 m icroan eu rysm s 305
in trafu sal m uscle fibers 13 fu n ction s 206–208 m icroan giopath ic leu koen -
isch em ia lim en in su lae 83 ceph alopathy 286
cerebellar 167 lin gu la 159, 161 m icroelectrode recordin g 238
cerebral 283–289, 295–297 lobe(s) m icroglial cells 8
diagn osis 286–289 flocculon odu lar 122–123, 159, 159 m icrovascu lar decom p ression 107
p eriph eral n erves 67 fron tal 228, 228, 229, 247, 248 m ictu rition 193, 195
p rolon ged reversible isch em ic n eu- occipital 97, 228, 228, 229 m idbrain 75–76, 136, 137, 141–143
rological defect (PRIND) 284 p arietal 228, 228, 229, 247–248 in farct 95, 95, 97, 97
sp in al cord 55, 55 tem poral 228, 228, 229 Millard–Gu bler syn drom e 147, 151
stroke 284 locu s ceruleu s 137, 143 m iosis 191
tran sien t isch em ic attack (TIA) 284, lun g in n ervation 191 m odiolu s 116
290 Lym e disease 264 m on key h an d 67
see also in farction lym p h om a 52, 52 m on oplegia 43
isocortex 204, 231 m otor en d p late 4 4
m otor system
M cen tral com pon en ts 36–43
J lesion s 41–43
m acules 87, 115, 121 perip h eral com p on en ts 43–4 4
jackson ian seizures 32–33, 42, 24 4 saccu lar 115, 120–121 m otor u n it 44
u tricular 115, 120–121 m ultiple sclerosis 86, 88, 88, 96
m agn etic reson an ce im agin g (MRI) CSF fin din gs 264
K 289, 290, 290, 291, 303–304 trigem in al n eu ralgia an d 108
fu n ction al (fMRI) 239, 243 m ultiple system atrophy 220
kain ate receptors 7 m agn etoen ceph alography 239 m uscle spin dles 13, 14, 20–21
kidn ey in n ervation 194 m alleu s 115 m uscle ton e 24
Klum pke palsy 63 m assa in term edia 171, 172, 180, 181 abn orm alities 41, 219, 221
Korsakoff syn drom e 208 m ech an oreceptors 12 m uscle(s)
Meckel’s cave 260 abdu ctor digiti qu in ti 70
m edu lla 38, 74–75, 134, 135, 136–140 abdu ctor p ollicis
L adren al 191 brevis 69
syn drom es 147, 149 lon gus 70
labyrin th 116, 120 m edu lloblastom a 167, 168 addu ctor
lacrim al glan d 112, 114, 189 m em bran e brevis 71
in n ervation 194 basilar 115, 116, 116 lon gu s 71
lam in a Reissn er’s 115, 116, 118 m agn u s 71
basilar 116, 117, 118 tectorial 116, 118 pollicis 70
ten sion regu lation 119 tym pan ic 115 an con eu s 70
m edullary m em ory 206 biceps brach ii 60, 69
extern al 171 dysfu n ction 208–209 biceps fem oris 71
in tern al 171 episodic 206–207 brach ialis 69
tectal 76, 171 exp licit (declarative) 207 brach ioradialis 60, 70
term in alis 171 fron tal-lobe-type fun ction s 207–208 ciliary 100
lan guage 248–249 im plicit (n on declarative) 207 con strictor p h aryn geu s 127
au tom atic 249 lon g-term (LTM) 206–208 coracobrach ialis 69
n on au tom atic 249 su btypes 206–207 deltoid 69
see also aph asia n eural su bstrates 206 detrusor 193, 195
lem n iscu s sem an tic 206–207 areflexia 196
lateral 118, 137, 138, 139 sh ort-term (STM) 206 detru sor-sph in cter dyssyn ergia 196
lesion s 151, 152, 153 Squ ire’s taxon om y of 207–208 hyp erreflexia 196
m edial 26, 27, 28, 29, 33, 106, 118, tests of 206 in stability 196
127, 129, 135, 137, 138, 139, 140, typ es of 206–208 digastric 108
142, 174, 217 Men del–Bekh terev reflex 41 dilator pu pillae 103, 104
lesion s 33, 150, 151, 152, 153, 155 Mén ière’s disease 119–120 exten sor carp i
sp in al 30, 33, 106 m en in ges 260, 261 radialis 70
trigem in al 33, 106, 142 m en in giom a 57 u ln aris 70
lateral 137 m en in gitis exten sor digiti qu in ti 70
lesion s 33 bacterial 264 exten sor digitoru m 70
leu koaraiosis 286 fu n gal 264 brevis 61, 71
Lew y bodies 219–220 tu bercu lou s 264 lon gus 71
viral 264

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326 · Index

m uscle(s) p elvic floor 195 N

exten sor h allu cis p eron eal 71
brevis 71 p eron eus n asal glan ds 112, 114
lon gu s 61, 71 brevis 61 n eglect 255
exten sor in dicis propriu s 70 lon gu s 61 case p resen tation 256, 256
exten sor pollicis piriform is 71 n eocerebellu m 159
brevis 70 plan tar, of th e foot 71 n eocortex 226–227, 227
lon gu s 70 pron ator teres 60, 69 n erve(s)
extraocu lar 89–92, 89, 91, 123 quadratus fem oris 71 abdu cen s (CN VI) 80, 81, 82, 89, 89,
pareses 92, 93 quadricep s fem oris 70 91, 91, 96, 151
flexor carpi rectu s p alsy 93, 94
radialis 69 in ferior 89, 90, 92 accessory (CN XI) 75, 80, 81, 82, 122,
u ln aris 70 lateral 89, 92 126, 131–132, 131
flexor digiti qu in ti brevis 70 paresis 93 lesion s 132
flexor digitoru m m edial 89, 90, 92, 100, 101 alveolar, in ferior 105
brevis 71 paresis 93 au ricu lar
lon gu s 71 sup erior 89, 90, 92 great 19, 63
profun dus 69, 70 rh om boids 69 posterior 109, 111
sup erficialis 69 sartoriu s 70 au ricu lotem p oral 105, 106
flexor h allu cis lon gus 71 scalen e 69 axillary 19, 64, 66, 69
flexor pollicis an terior 64 bu ccal 105
brevis 70 segm en t-in dicatin g 58, 60, 61 cardiac 191
lon gu s 69 sem im em bran osu s 71 cervical 19, 69
gastrocn em iu s 71 sem iten din osus 71 tran sverse 19, 63
gem elli 71 serratu s an terior 69 clu n eal 19
gen ioglossu s 133, 134 soleu s 71 coccygeal 15, 65
glu teu s stapediu s 114 coch lear 111, 117, 118
m axim u s 71 stern oclein om astoid 132 cran ial 77–78, 77–82
m ediu s 71 stern othyroid 133 n u clei 77, 78, 79
m in im us 71 styloglossus 134 see also specific nerves
gracilis 71 styloph aryn geu s 127 cutan eous
hyp oglossu s 134 su bscap ularis 69 an tebrach ial
hyp oth en ar 60 su pin ator 70 lateral 19
iliop soas 70 su prasp in atu s 69 m edial 19
in fraspin atus 69 syn drom es 72 posterior 19
in n ervation 68, 69–71 tarsal brach ial
in terossei in ferior 104 m edial 19
dorsal 70 su perior 104 posterior 19
palm ar 70 tem poralis 105, 107 fem oral
latissim u s dorsi 69 ten sion regulation 20–21, 22 lateral 19, 65
len gth regu lation 20–21, 22 ten sor fasciae latae 71 posterior 19, 65
dysfu n ction 41 ten sor tym p an i 114 facial (CN VII) 80, 81, 82, 109–111,
target values 22–24 teres 109, 111
levator m ajor 69 lesion s 110–111, 111
palpebrae 89 m in or 69 m otor com pon en t 109–111
su perioris 90 th en ar 60 palsy 43, 110–111, 110, 148
scapu lae 69 thyrohyoid 133 cen tral 110
lu m bricals 70 tibialis idiopath ic 111, 112
m asseter 105, 107 an terior 61, 71 fem oral 19, 65, 66, 70
m en tal 105 posterior 71 fibu lar 19
oblique trapeziu s 132 fron tal 105
in ferior 89, 90, 92 triceps brach ii 60, 70 gen itofem oral 19, 65
sup erior 89, 92 triceps su rae 61, 71 glossop h aryn geal (CN IX) 75, 80, 81,
paresis 93, 95 vastu s 82, 112, 126–127, 127, 129–131, 189
obtu rator lateralis 61 bran ch es 126
extern u s 71 m edialis 61 lesion s 126–127
in tern us 71 see also sph in cter syn drom e 126–127
om ohyoid 133 m u scu lar dystroph ies 72 glu teal
oppon en s digiti qu in ti 70 m yasth en ia 72 in ferior 65, 66, 71
oppon en s pollicis brevis 70 gravis 72 sup erior 65, 66, 71
orbitalis 104 m ydriasis 102 hyp ogastric 198
p alm aris lon gu s 69 m yelin sh eath 3–4, 4 hyp oglossal (CN XII) 63, 75, 80, 81,
p ectin eu s 71 m yelitis 82, 132–134, 133, 135
p ectoralis p arain fectiou s 51, 51 lesion s 134, 150
m ajor 69 tran sverse 50 palsy 43, 134, 148, 150
m in or 69 m yopathy 72

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Index · 327

iliohyp ogastric 19, 65 sp lan ch n ic n ervu s in term ediu s 78, 79, 80, 109,
ilioin gu in al 19, 65 greater 189, 191 111–112, 111, 189
in tercostal 19, 70 lesser 189, 191 n eural tu be 8
in tercostobrach ial 19 pelvic 189, 193, 193 n euralgia
laryn geal su bclaviu s 64 Ch arlin 108
recu rren t 128, 129 su boccipital 63 glossop h aryn geal 127
su perior 128 su bscapu lar 64 trigem in al 107–108, 108, 302
lin gual 105, 111, 113, 114 su praclavicular 19, 63 idiopath ic 107
lu m bar 19 su prascap ular 64, 69 n eurin om a 57
m an dibular 17, 19, 82, 104, 105, 106 su ral 19 n eu roblasts 8
m axillary 17, 19, 82, 104, 105, 106, th oracic 19 n eu roborreliosis 264
114 lon g 64, 69 n eurodevelopm en t 8–9
m edian 19, 64, 66, 69, 70 th oracodorsal 64, 69 n eu roglia 235
lesion s 67 tibial 65–66, 65, 66, 71 n eurohypophysis 171, 178, 179, 181, 182
palsy 67, 68 lesion s 66 n eu rom a, acou stic 120, 125–126, 167,
m u sculocu tan eous 64, 66, 69 trigem in al (CN V) 17, 19, 33, 75, 80, 168
m ylohyoid 105 81, 82, 91, 103–109, 137, 146 n eu ron al m igration disorders 227
n asociliary 105 lesion s 33–34, 107–108 n eu ron (s) 2–4, 3
obtu rator 19, 65, 66, 71 troch lear (CN IV) 76, 79, 81, 82, 89, association 20
occipital 89, 90–91, 91, 142 cellular proliferation 8
greater 19, 63 n uclear lesion 95, 95 com m issu ral 20
lesser 19, 63 p alsy 93, 94 EE 246
oculom otor (CN III) 75, 79, 81, 82, tym pan ic 126 EI 246
89, 90, 91, 96, 100, 103, 189, 279 u ln ar 19, 64, 66, 70 excitatory 6
palsy 93, 94, 148 lesion s 68 fu n icu lar 20, 30
olfactory (CN I) 79, 81–82, 81, 82, 83 p alsy 67, 68 GABAergic 7
oph th alm ic 17, 19, 82, 89, 104, 105, vagus (CN X) 75, 80, 81, 82, 112, 122, glu tam atergic 7
106 126, 127, 128–131, 129, 131, 189, 192 grow th of cellu lar processes 8
optic (CN II) 77, 79, 81, 82, 84, 85, bran ch es 128 in h ibitory 6
87, 91, 100, 103 lesion s 128–129 m otor 20, 37–38
lesion s 86, 101 vestibu lar 91, 111, 120, 122 α 43, 123
pectoral vestibu lococh lear (CN VIII) 80, 81, γ 22–24, 22, 43, 123
lateral 64, 69 82, 113–126 static an d dyn am ic 24
m edial 64, 69 zygom atic 114 postgan glion ic 188
pelvic 198 see also fiber(s); n eu ron (s) pregan glion ic 188
perip h eral 14, 14, 4 4, 66 n erve p lexu s see p lexu s program m ed cell death 9
lesion s 18, 67 n erve roots 16, 57 pyram idal 37
differen tial diagn osis 68 accessory 131–132 see also fiber(s); in tern eu ron (s);
som atosen sory in n ervation 16–17 cran ial 131, 131 n erve(s)
syn drom es 67–6 8, 67 lesion s 132 n eu ron al m igration 8
peron eal 66 spin al 131, 132 n eu ropathy, vestibu lar 125
com m on 19, 65–66, 65 coch lear 117 n eu ropeptides 7
deep 19, 71 dorsal root en try zon e (DREZ) 24 n eu rosecretion 185
lesion s 66 facial 109 n eu rosyph ilis 264
su perficial 19, 71 oculom otor 155, 156 n eurotran sm itters
p etrosal spin al 15–16, 15 excitatory 7
great 111, 113, 114 an terior 14, 15, 44 in h ibitory 7
lesser 106, 114 posterior 14–15, 15, 16 syn aptic tran sm ission 5
p h ren ic 63, 64, 69 syn drom es 57–62 NMDA receptor 7
p lan tar cervical 58–59, 59, 60 n ociceptors 12
lateral 19 lu m bar 59–62, 60, 61, 62 n ode of Ranvier 3
m edial 19 posterior 46, 46 n odu lu s 159, 159, 161
pterygoid trigem in al 106, 108, 154 n orep in eph rin e 7
lateral 106 u n m yelin ated p ortion s 108 n otch , preoccip ital 229
m edial 106 vestibu lar 117, 121 n u cleu s(i)
p uden dal 65, 71, 193, 198, 199 n ervou s system abdu cen s 78, 89, 91, 137
p ulm on ary 191 auton om ic 188–190 lesion s 152
radial 19, 64, 66, 70 parasym path etic 184, 188, 189, 192– accessory 77, 78, 90, 100, 131, 135
palsy 67 193, 194–195 am biguu s 77, 78, 127, 129–130, 129,
sacral 19 hypoth alam ic con trol 188–190 131, 135, 140
sap h en ous 19, 66 sym p ath etic 184, 188, 189, 190–192, lesion s 149
scapu lar, dorsal 64, 69 194–195 arcu ate 135
sciatic 65–66, 65, 66, 71 an atom y 190, 191 basal, of Mayn ert 178
lesion s 66 hypoth alam ic con trol 188–190 cau date 171, 214, 215, 215, 216, 217
sp in al 15–16, 57 lesion s 191–192 h ead 37, 38, 40, 175, 215, 216, 227
tail 38, 204, 215, 216

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328 · Index

n eu ron (s) red 40, 91, 122, 137, 138, 139, 141– vestibu lar 75, 77, 79, 120, 121–123,
cen tral, su perior 143 142, 163, 163, 166, 217 121, 137, 140, 141, 161
cerebellar 160–162 syn drom e of 152–153, 155 in ferior (of Roller) 96, 121, 121,
coch lear 75, 77, 79, 135 reticu lar 137, 149
dorsal 117, 118 lateral 136 lateral (of Deiters) 40, 96, 121, 121,
lesion s 149 of th e th alam us 171, 172 137
ven tral 117, 118 reticu lar form ation 127 lesion s 149, 152
collicu lus au ton om ic 14 4–145 m edial (of Sch w albe) 96, 121, 121,
in ferior 217 salivatory 137
sup erior 137 in ferior 77, 78, 113, 114, 127, 130, su perior (of Bekh terev) 96, 121,
cun eate 26, 27, 33, 77, 106, 135, 136, 14 4 121, 137
138, 139 su perior 77, 78, 112, 113, 114, 14 4 n utrition al in take regulation 185
accessory 27, 135 septal 209 nystagm u s 124, 149, 165, 30 0
Darksh evich ’s 96–97, 96 lesion s 212, 212 com p lex 165
den tate 122, 137, 139, 142, 161, 162, Stillin g’s 26 gaze-evoked 165
163, 166, 174 su bth alam ic 171, 178, 178, 215, 216, optokin etic 98–99
Edin ger–Westp h al 77, 78, 90, 101, 217 periodic altern atin g 165
103, 142 in farct 223 reboun d 165
em boliform 122, 137, 142, 160–162, su prach iasm atic 178
161, 165, 175 su praoptic 182
facial 78, 109, 110, 111, 137 tegm en tal 40, 83 O
lesion s 151, 152 p edu n cu lop on tin e 143
obex 76
fastigial 40, 122, 137, 160, 161, 165 th alam ic 171, 172–176, 173, 174, 175
ocu lom otor disturban ces 165
globose 122, 137, 160–162, 161, 165 an terior 172, 173, 174, 175, 181, 203
olfactory system 81–84, 227
gracile 26, 27, 33, 77, 106, 135, 136, cen trom edian 172, 173, 175, 176,
discon n ection 253
138, 139 178, 217
oligoden drocytes 3, 4, 8
h aben ular 83, 171, 177–178, 205 dorsal 175
olive 75, 138, 150, 161, 163
hyp oglossal 75, 77, 78, 132–134, 133, in term ediate 175
accessory 138
135, 140 m edial 175, 206
in ferior 40, 76, 136, 139
lesion s 134 oral 175
lesion s 138
hyp oth alam ic 143, 179–180, 179 su perficial 175
op h th alm op legia
dorsom edial 179, 180, 180 in tralam in ar 173, 176
extern al 94
in fu n dibu lar 179, 180 lateral 172, 174, 175
in tern al 94
lateral (tu berom am illary) 180 dorsal 172, 173
in tern u clear (INO) 95–96, 97
m am illary 180 posterior 172, 173
Oppen h eim reflex 41
paraven tricu lar 179, 179, 181, 184 lesion s 176–177
optic radiation (of Gratriolet) 84–85,
posterior 179, 180 m edial 174, 175
85, 86, 100
preoptic 179, 179 dorsal 173
lesion s 88
sup raoptic 179, 179, 181, 184 n on specific 173, 176
optokin etic nystagm us 98–99
tu beral 179, 180 reticular 171, 172
ven trom edial 179, 180, 180 sp ecific 173–174
of Corti 115, 116, 118
in term ediolateral 178, 191 ven tral 172, 174, 176
vestibu lar 160
in terpedun cular 83 an terior (VA) 172, 173, 174, 176
oscillop sia 124
in terstitial, of Cajal 96–97, 96, 122 in term ediate (VI) 173
osm oceptors 12
len tiform /len ticu lar 37, 38, 217 lateral (VL) 172, 173, 176
osteoch on drosis 58
m am illary body 171 oral 174
cervical 58–59
m esen cep h alic 77, 79, 106, 127 posterolateral (VPL) 28, 30, 172,
lum bar 59
ocu lom otor 77, 78, 89, 90, 90, 91, 173, 173, 176
oxytocin 182–183, 185
100, 137, 142 posterom edial (VPM) 112, 172,
of Darksh evich 122 173, 173, 176
of Perlia 90, 100, 101, 142 th oracic 26, 31 P
olivary 118, 136 tractus solitarius 77, 79, 112, 113, 114,
accessory 138, 139 127, 140 pain
in ferior 75, 135 lesion s 149 perception 240
sup erior 137 trigem in al 75, 103–107, 106, 127, ph an tom 242
p ara-abdu cen s 97 135, 137, 139, 140, 141 referred 199–20 0
p araven tricu lar 182 lesion s 149, 152, 153 visceral 199
p on tin e 40, 137, 154, 161, 163 m otor 77, 78, 106, 137, 141, 153 paleocerebellu m 27, 159
posterior com m issu re 96 prin cipal sen sory 77, 79, 106, 127, paleocortex 202, 226–227, 231
prestitial 96 137, 141, 153 palsy
pretectal 103, 141 troch lear 77, 78, 89, 90 abdu cen s n erve 93, 94
pu lposus 58 lesion 95, 95 accessory n erve 132
rap h e 217 vagal 75, 77, 78 brach ial plexu s
dorsalis 143 dorsal 129, 130, 135, 140, 143, 149, low er (Klu m p ke) 63
m agn u s 143 192 u pper (Du ch en n e–Erb) 63
pon tis 143 bulbar, p rogressive 4 8

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Index · 329

facial 43, 110–111, 110, 148 pedun cles p olyn eu ropath ies 68
cen tral 110 cerebellar 74–75, 159 p olyradicu litis 264
idiopath ic 111, 112 in ferior 76, 118, 135, 137, 138, 139, p olysen sory m ism atch 124
hyp oglossal 43, 134, 148, 150 149, 159, 162 p on s 38, 75, 76, 136, 137, 140–141
m edian 67, 67, 68 lesion s 149, 152, 153, 154 lesion s 42, 43, 98, 99
oculom otor 93, 94, 148 m iddle 75, 76, 137, 138, 139, 146, oral region in farct 155
peron eal 66 152, 154, 159, 163, 217 param edian in farct 154
radial 67 su perior 75, 76, 137, 138, 139, 146, p on tocerebellu m 159
sup ran u clear, progressive 220 153, 159, 163–164, 217 Pop e’s blessin g 67
tibial 66 cerebral 38, 75, 141, 142–143 p ositron em ission tom ography (PET)
toch lear 93, 94 lesion s 42, 43 239, 289
u ln ar 67, 68, 68 syn drom e of 153, 156 p osth erp etic n eu ralgia 46
vertical gaze palsy 176 m am illary body 180 p ostsyn aptic m em bran e 4–5
Pan coast tu m or 192 pen u m bra 285 p recociou s pu berty 178
p an creas in n ervation 194 perfu sion p ressu re 285 p replate 227, 228
p an hypop itu itarism 185–186 perikaryon 3 p resu bicu lu m 204
Papez circu it 203, 203 perin eu rium 14 p resyn aptic m em bran e 4–5
p apilledem a 86, 167, 262, 302 periosteu m 284 p rim in g effect 207
p aragram m atism 249 perip h eral n erves see n erve(s) p rogram m ed cell death 9
p aralysis peritrich ial n erve en din gs 12, 13 p rogressive sup ran u clear p alsy 220
flaccid 4 4–45 perseveration 257 p rolactin om a 186
spastic spin al 48–49, 48 ph otoreceptors 84 case presen tation 187, 187
p araparesis 297 pia m ater 261, 262–263 p rolon ged reversible isch em ic n eu ro-
flaccid 313 Pillar cells 116 logical defect (PRIND) 284
spastic 313 pin eal glan d 178 p roprioceptors 12
spin al cord com pression an d 52, 52 pin ealocytes 178 p rosen ceph alon 8, 226
p araplegia 43 pituitary glan d p rosopagn osia 255
p aresis an terior lobe (aden ohypophysis) 183 p seu do-depressive patien ts 257
eye m u scles 92, 93, 95 p osterior lobe (n eu rohyp ophysis) p seu do-psych op ath ic patien ts 257
flaccid 42, 67, 312 171, 178, 179, 181, 182 ptosis 94, 191
facial 111 plate p ulvin ar 76, 172, 173, 174, 174, 175
leg 297 cortical 227 p up illary con striction 10 0
spastic 41, 312 cribriform 82, 82 p up illary ligh t reflex 84, 101
stern oclein om astoid m u scle 132 qu adrigem in al 76, 76, 141 afferen t path w ay lesion s 101
trapezius m u scle 132 plegia 4 4 efferen t p ath w ay lesion s 101–102
up per lim b 42 plexus 14–15, 16 regulation 101–102
see also h em iparesis brach ial 63–64, 64, 69–70 Pu rkin je cells 160, 160, 161, 162
Parin aud syn drom e 97 lesion s 63–64 pu tam en 40, 174, 175, 178, 214, 215,
Parkin son disease 219–221 cau ses 63–64 215, 216, 217
akin etic-rigid 220–221 low er (Klu m pke p alsy) 63 pyram idal cells 203–205, 231–233
fam ilial 220, 220 u pper (Duch en n e–Erb palsy) pyram idalization 233
idiopath ic 219–220 63 pyram ids
case p resen tation 221 bu ccal 109 cerebellar 159, 161
m ixed-typ e 221 cardiac 191 m edu llary 38, 39, 40, 75, 76
trem or-dom in an t 221 carotid decu ssation 38, 39, 75, 76, 135,
Parkin son -plu s syn drom e 220 extern al 190 139
parkin son ism 219–221 in tern al 191 lesion s 42, 43
parosm ias 84 cervical 62, 63, 69
parotid glan d 114, 189 syn drom es 62
in n ervation 194 ch oroid 171, 204, 216 Q
path , perforan t 204, 205 hyp ogastric 189, 193, 199
path w ay in ferior 193 qu adran tan op sia 88, 245
au ditory 117, 118 su perior 193 qu adriparesis 43
cortico-striato-pallido-th alam o- lu m bosacral 65 qu adriplegia 43
cortical 218–219 lesion s 65–66
corticopon tocerebellar 140 lu m bar 65, 65, 70–71
dien ceph alobu lbar 129 sacral 65–66, 65, 71 R
gustatory 112, 113 ven ou s
olfactory 82–83, 83 an terior extern al spin al 284 radiation
reticu lar, descen din g 14 4 an terior in tern al spin al 284 au ditory 117, 118, 174
sym path etic, cen tral 135, 137, 142 epidural 283 callosal 238
lesion s 149, 152 posterior extern al vertebral 284 optic 173, 236, 245
visu al 84, 85 p oikiloth erm ia 184 th alam ocin gulate 203, 203
lesion s 86 p oliom yelitis 48 radicu lar lesion s 17, 18, 57–62
som atotopic organ ization 85–86 p olyn euritis 68 differen tial diagn osis 68
see also tract(s)

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330 · Index

radion u clide stu dies 289 Rom berg test 166 som a 3
ram u s com m u n ican s roots see n erve roots som atosen sory system
gray 190, 191 cen tral com pon en ts 24–31
w h ite 190, 191 cen tral processin g 32–34
Rath ke’s pou ch 179 S lesion s 32–34, 33
rebou n d p h en om en on 167 perip h eral com p on en ts 12–24
receptor organ s 12–14 saccadic p ursuit m ovem en ts 165 speech 249
skin 12–13, 13 saccu le 115, 120 sph in cter
recess salivary glan ds 112, 114, 189 an al 71
in fun dibu lar 171 salivation 112 extern al 198, 198
optic 171 regu lation 14 4 in tern al 198
rectu m saltatory con duction 3 pu pillae 100, 103
em ptyin g disorders 198 scala ureth ral
in n ervation 194, 198, 198 m edia 115 extern al 193, 195
Redlich –Oberstein er zon e 24 tym pan i 115, 115, 116 dysfu n ction 198
referred pain 199–20 0 vestibu li 115, 115, 116 in tern al 193, 195
reflex(es) scalen e syn drom e 63–64, 64 vesical 71
an kle-jerk 61 Sch w an n cells 3 spin al au tom atism s 50
an tagon ist m u scle relaxation 18–19, Sch w artz–Bartter syn drom e 184–185 spin al cord 45
21–22 sciatica 61–62 blood sup ply 281–283, 282, 283
biceps 23, 60 seizures arterial hypoperfu sion 312
blin k 102, 110 ep ileptic 302 im paired ven ous drain age 312–
corn eal 105 jackson ian 32–33, 42, 244 314
ligh t test 92 sella turcica 91 com p ression 52, 52
crossed exten sor 20 sen sorim otor area 32 cordotom y 32
fixation 98 sen sory con flict 124 h em orrh age 314
fligh t 19–20 sen sory deficits in farction 55, 55, 282, 312
gag 145 dissociated 31, 47 syn drom es 45–55
h em ian op ic ligh t reflex test 88 lesion s alon g som atosen sory path - an terior sp in al artery syn drom e
in trin sic 18, 23 w ays 32–34, 33 55, 55
m asseteric (jaw -jerk) 107 periph eral n erve lesion s 18, 19, 67 cau da equ in a syn drom e 53, 54,
m on osyn aptic 18, 24 radicular lesion s 17, 18 61, 62
p olysyn aptic 19–20, 20, 21 septum p ellu cidu m 171, 216 con u s syn drom e 53, 54
p roprioceptive 18 seroton in 7 epicon u s syn drom e 53, 54
p up illary ligh t reflex 84, 101 receptor 7 h em isection syn drom e 4 9–50, 49
regu lation 101–102 Sh errin gton ’s law 95 tran section syn drom es 50–53, 50
qu adriceps (kn ee-jerk) 21, 23, 61 sin gle-ph oton em ission com pu terized acute 50, 50
sn eeze 105 tom ography (SPECT) 289 cervical 53
stapediu s 110 sin u s(es) 280–281, 281 in com plete 51, 51
su ck 105–106 cavern ous 89, 281, 281 lu m bar 53
triceps 23, 60 fron tal 89 progressive 52
triceps su rae 23 occipital 280 th oracic 53
vestibu lo-ocular (VOR) 124, 165 petrosal vascu lar 56–57, 312–314
viscerocu tan eou s 20 0, 200 in ferior 281, 281 tu m ors 56–57
reflex sym p ath etic dystrophy 67 su perior 91, 281, 281 epidu ral lym ph om a 52, 52
Reissn er’s m em bran e 115, 116, 118 sagittal extradural 56, 56
release-in h ibitin g factors 183, 183 in ferior 280, 281 in tradu ral extram edullary 56–57,
releasin g factors 183, 183 su perior 261, 280, 280, 281, 303, 56
Ren sh aw cells 4 4 303 in tradu ral in tram edu llary 56, 56,
resp iration 14 4 sigm oid 280, 281 57
reticu lar form ation 31, 39, 40, 83, 122, sph en oid 89 ven ou s drain age 283, 284
127, 135, 137, 140, 143–145, 143, sph en oparietal 281 spin al sh ock 49, 50
149, 161, 163, 175 straigh t 280, 280, 281 spin ocerebellu m 159
param edian pon tin e (PPRF) 95 th rom boses 302–304 fu n ction s 165
retin a 84, 85, 87 case p resen tation 303, 303 lesion s 165–166
retin op athy 245 tran sverse 280, 280, 281 split-brain patien ts 253
retrobu lbar n euritis 86 skin spon dylarth rosis 58
retrograde tran sport 3, 4 receptors 12–13, 13 stapes 115
rh om ben ceph alon 8 segm en tal in n ervation 17 Steele–Rich ardson –Olszew ski syn -
rib 64 sen sory deficits 17–18 drom e 220
cervical 64 periph eral n erve lesion s 18, 19 Stein ert–Batten –Cursch m an n dystro-
rigidity 220 radicular lesion s 17, 18 phy 72
Rin n e test 119 sleep–w ake cycle 14 4 stereocilia 115, 116
rods 84 sn eeze reflex 105 stereogn osis 32
Rom berg sign 30, 46, 48, 49 social beh avior con trol 255–257 stereotaxy 238

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Index · 331

Stillin g’s n ucleu s 26 p osterolateral 76 Korsakoff 208

stratu m p recen tral 229 m edu llary
gan glion are 160 rh in al 230 dorsolateral (Wallen berg) 147,
gran ulosu m 160 tem poral 149, 150, 299
m oleculare 159–160 in ferior 229 case presen tation 150
zon ale 171 su perior 229 m edial (Dejerin e) 147, 150, 151
striae sw allow in g 14 4–145 case presen tation 151
lon gitu din al 83 sw eat glan d 104, 189 m u scle 72
lateral 202, 227 sym path ectom y 192 n erve root (radicu lar)
m edial 202, 227 syn apses 4–5 cervical root 58–59, 59, 60
m edullares 75, 76, 83, 118, 177, 181 asym m etrical 5 differen tial diagn osis 68
th alam i 84, 171 axo-axon al 6 lu m bar root 59–62, 60, 61, 62
olfactory axoden dritic 6 posterior root 46, 46
lateral 83 axosom atic 6 n eurom uscu lar ju n ction 72
m edial 82, 83 ch em ical 6 Parin au d 97
term in alis 180–181, 180, 205, 237 electrical 6 Parkin son -plus 220
striatu m 217 inp ut 6 p eriph eral n erves 67–6 8, 67
stroke 284 m otor tracts 41 p lexu s 62–67
see also in farction ; isch em ia stru ctu re 4–5, 5 brach ial 63–64, 64
su bacu te com bin ed degen eration sym m etrical 5 cau ses 63–64
(SCD) 34, 34, 47–48 syn aptic tran sm ission 5–6, 5 low er (Klu m pke palsy) 63
su barach n oid h em orrh age (SAH) 267, syn aptogen esis 8–9 up per (Du ch en n e–Erb palsy) 63
267, 307–310, 309 syn drom e(s) cervical 62, 63
diagn osis 308–309 am n estic 208–209 lu m bosacral 65–66
gradin g 308, 309 an terior h orn 4 8, 48 lu m bar 65, 65
rebleedin g 310 an terior spin al artery 55, 55 sacral 65–66, 65
su bclavian steal syn drom e 147 Balin t 255 p on tin e tegm en tum
su bdural h em atom a 311, 311 basal gan glia lesion s 219–223 caudal 148, 152
su bicu lu m 204, 205 basis pon tis oral 149, 153
su blin gu al glan d 112, 114 cau dal (Millard–Gu bler/Foville) p osterior colu m n 46–47, 46
in n ervation 194 147, 161 p osterior h orn 47, 47
su bm an dibular glan d 112, 114 m idportion 152, 154 red n ucleu s (Ben edikt) 152–153, 155
in n ervation 194 Bin g–Horton 108 scalen e 63–64, 64
su bstan ce Brow n –Séqu ard 49–50, 49, 56 sp in al cord 45–55
in n om in ate 178 carpal tu n n el 67, 68 cauda equin a syn drom e 53, 54,
perforated 279 cen tral spastic paresis 41 61, 62
an terior 83 cerebral pedu n cle (Weber) 153, 156 con u s syn drom e 53, 54
su bstan tia cerebrovascular 295–302 ep icon us syn drom e 53, 54
gelatin osa 26, 31, 135 com bin ed an terior h orn an d py- h em isection syn drom e 49–50, 49
n igra 2, 39, 40, 91, 137, 141, 142, 217, ram idal tract 48, 48 teth ered cord 197, 197
218 com bin ed involvem en t of p osterior tran section syn drom es 50–53, 50
lesion s 155, 156 colu m n s, spin ocerebellar tracts, acu te 50, 50
su bth alam u s 172, 178, 178 an d (possibly) pyram idal tracts cervical 53
su ck reflex 105–106 49, 49 in com plete 51, 51
Sudeck syn drom e 67 com bin ed posterior colu m n an d lu m bar 53
su lcu s(i) 228–229 corticosp in al tract 47–48, 48 progressive 52
an terolateral 76 com plex region al p ain 67 th oracic 53
calcarin e 85, 87, 230, 230 corticospin al tract 48–49, 48 vascular 56–57, 312–314
callosal 230 costoclavicular 63 th alam ic 176–177
cen tral 229, 230, 230 cu bital tun n el 68, 68 case presen tation 177
cin gu late 230, 230 discon n ection 253–254 vascu lar 295–302
collateral 230 olfactory system 253 syn kin esia, facial 111
fron tal visual system 253–254 syrin ges 47
in ferior 229 dorsal root gan glion 46, 46 syrin gobu lbia 47
sup erior 229 flaccid paralysis 4 4–45 syrin gom yelia 47
h ip pocam pal 230 fron tal brain 174 system
hyp oth alam ic 171 Gerstm an n 255 adren ergic 188
lateral 228, 229 glossoph aryn geal 126–127 ascen din g reticular activatin g
lu n ate 229 Graden igo 108 (ARAS) 143–14 4, 176
m edian , p osterior 76 gray m atter 47, 47 ch olin ergic 188
occipitotem poral 230 Guillain –Barré syn drom e 264 cran iosacral 188
olfactory 230 Horn er 63, 102, 104, 149, 191–192 descen din g reticu lar 190
orbital 230 causes 192 extrapyram idal 214
p arieto-occipital 229, 230, 230 hyperabdu ction 63 olfactory 81–84, 227
p ostcen tral 229 in ap propriate ADH secretion discon n ection 253
(SADH) 184–185

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332 · Index

system corticon uclear 38, 39, 127, 133, 133, sp in oreticu lar 31
pyram idal 214 138, 138, 139 spin otectal 25, 31, 31, 136, 137
th oracolu m bar 188 lesion s 148, 153 spin oth alam ic 138, 140, 142, 174
vagal 126–132 corticopon tin e 38, 137, 138, 156, 161, an terior 25, 26, 27, 30, 31, 136,
ven tricular 262, 262 163, 166 282
vestibu lar 120, 124 corticop on tocerebellar 39 lesion s 30, 33, 33
lesion s 124–126 corticospin al 29, 37, 38–39, 38, 40, lateral 25, 26, 27, 29, 30–31, 31,
visu al 84–88, 233 138, 138, 139, 163 106, 135, 136, 137, 139, 282
discon n ection 253 an terior 31, 38, 39, 40, 41, 138, lesion s 30–31, 33–34, 33, 149,
see also lim bic system ; n ervous 139 151, 152, 153
system lateral 31, 38, 39, 41, 138, 139, 282 sp in ovestibular 31
lesion s 148, 154 su praoptico-hypophyseal 181, 182
syn drom es of 47–4 9, 48 tectocerebellar 164
T cu n eocerebellar 165 tectospin al 31, 40, 41, 135, 137, 139–
den tatorubral 161, 163 140
tabes dorsalis 46–47 den tatoth alam ic 161, 163, 174, 174 lesion s 153
tapetum 217 den tatoth alam ocortical 166 tegm en tal
taste 111–112, 130 dorsolateral 31 cen tral 40, 135, 137, 138, 139, 161,
taste bu d 113 extrapyram idal 127 163
tectu m 75–76, 141 fastigiobulbar 160, 162 lesion s 138, 149, 152, 153
tegm en tu m fron top on tin e 37, 40, 138 tem p oropon tin e 37, 138
m idbrain 141–142 fron toth alam ic 37 th alam ocin gu late 203
pon tin e 140 h aben u loin terp edu n cu lar 83 th alam ocortical 28, 30, 161, 163
cau dal, syn drom e of 148, 152 Lissau er 31 trigem in al 77, 79, 127, 129, 137, 138,
oral, syn drom e of 149, 153 m am illotegm en tal 181, 190 139, 142
tela ch oroidea 76, 171 m am illoth alam ic 171, 174, 175, 181, trigem in oth alam ic
teleceptors 12 182, 203, 203, 216 dorsal 141
telen cep h alon 8, 226 m otor 40 ven tral 141
tem p eratu re regu lation 184 lateral 39–40 tu berohypop hyseal 181
ten din ous rin g 89 lesion s 42–43, 42 vestibu losp in al 31, 40, 41, 161, 164–
ten toriu m 260, 281 m edial 39–40 165
cerebelli 158 syn ap ses 41 lateral 121, 123
teth ered cord syn drom e 197, 197 occipitom esen ceph alic 40 m edial 122, 123
th alam ocortical reciprocity 235–236 occipitopon tin e 138 see also fascicu lus; p ath w ay
th alam u s 26, 28, 29, 33, 37, 38, 40, olfactory 82, 83, 279 tractus
161, 163, 170–177, 171, 215, 217, 218, olivocerebellar 138, 139, 161, 162, retroflexu s 181
235 163, 166 solitariu s 135, 137
blood su pply 277 olivospin al 31, 40, 41 tran sien t isch em ic attack (TIA) 284,
fu n ction s 176 optic 75, 76, 84, 85, 171, 216 290–291
in farction 209 lesion s 86–87, 88 trau m a
case presen tation 211, 211, 30 0, p arietopon tin e 138 brach ial plexu s lesion s 63
300 p arietotem p oropon tin e 40 perip h eral n erves 67
n uclei 171, 172–176, 173, 174, 175 p on tocerebellar 161, 163 trem or 220, 221
lesion s 176–177 pyram idal 37, 38–39, 38, 129, 135, in ten tion (action ) 166–167
syn drom es 176–177 137 trian gle
vascular 299 an terior 135 hypoglossal 75, 76
th erm oreceptors 12 lateral 135 of Guillain an d Mollaret 163
th oracolum bar system 188 lesion s 42, 43, 150, 151 vagal 75, 76
th rom bolysis case presen tation sign s 41 trigem in al n euralgia 107–108, 108,
basilar artery 293–294, 293, 294, syn drom es of 4 8, 48, 49, 49 302
295 reticulospin al 31, 40, 41, 122, 161, idiopath ic 107
m iddle cerebral artery 291, 292, 293 164–165 trigon e, olfactory 82
th rom boses 302–304 ru broreticu lar 142, 165 trun k
diagn osis 302–304 ru brospin al 31, 40, 41, 135, 137, 138, brach ioceph alic 271, 283
see also em boli 138, 139, 142, 161, 165 costocervical 282, 283
tic douloureux 107 sem ilu n ar 31 in ferolateral 278
ton otopy 245 spin o-olivary 25, 31, 31, 138, 161 trun k
ton sil, cerebellar 159 spin ocerebellar thyrocervical 282, 283
tract(s) an terior 25, 26–27, 26, 27, 31, 135, tu be, auditory 115
bu lboth alam ic 28 136, 137, 138, 139, 161, 164, 165 tu ber 158, 159, 161
cerebello-olivary 162 lesion s 149, 152 cin ereu m 171, 279
cerebelloreticu lar 162 lateral 25 tubercles 75
cerebelloru bral 138 posterior 25, 25, 26, 27, 31, 75, 135, cu n eate 74, 76
corticobu lbar 39 136, 137, 138, 139, 161, 162, 165 facial 75
corticom esen ceph alic 38, 39, 138 syn drom e of 49, 49 gracile 74, 76

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tuberculu m cin ereu m 75, 76 su perior rotatory 125

tum ors dorsal 279, 280 vestibu lar 124
cerebellar 167–16 8 m iddle 280 vestibular system 120, 124
Pan coast 192 th rom boses 302–304 lesion s 124–126
pitu itary 186–188 cortical 279 vestibulocerebellu m 159
case presen tation 187, 187 in tervertebral 284 fu n ction s 164–165
sp in al cord 56–57 jugular, in tern al 281 lesion s 165
du m bbell (h ou rglass) tu m ors 56, occipital, in tern al 280 vestibulu m 114
57 of th e septum pellu cidu m 280 Virch ow –Robin space 262
ep idu ral lym ph om a 52, 52 oph th alm ic visceral p ain 199
extradural 56, 56 in ferior 281 visceroceptors 12
in tradu ral, extram edullary 56–57, su perior 281 visu al system 84–88, 235
56 radicu lar discon n ection 253–254
in tram edu llary 56, 56, 57 an terior 284 vitam in B12 deficien cy 46, 47
p osterior 284 vom itin g 145
spin al
U an terior 284
p osterior 284 W
ultrason ograp hy 289 p osterolateral 284
un cus 83, 230 striate 280 Wallen berg syn drom e 147, 149, 150, 299
urin ary con tin en ce 195 su lcal 284 case p resen tation 150
see also in con tin en ce su lcocom m issu ral 284 w allerian degen eration 67
urin ary u rgen cy 196 th alam ostriate 216, 280 w ater balan ce 184–185
utricle 115, 120 vertebral 284 Weber syn drom e 153, 156
uvu la 159, 161 velu m , m edullary Weber test 119
an terior 137 Wern icke aph asia 253
su perior 76, 146, 159 case p resen tation 252–253, 252
V ven ous ou tflow obstru ction Wern icke’s area 248
acu te 302–304 in farct 252
vasodilation 191, 192 ch ron ic 304–305 w h ite m atter 235–237
vasopressin (ADH) 182, 183, 184, 185 ven tricle Wilson disease 219
vasosp asm 310 fou rth 76, 135, 262, 263 case p resen tation 224, 224
Vater–Pacin i corp uscles 12, 13–14, 13 floor 74–75, 76 w in dow
vein (s) 279–281, 280 roof 75, 135 oval 114, 115
an astom otic lateral 86, 215, 216, 227, 262, 263 rou n d 114, 115
in ferior (of Labbé) 279, 280 th ird 171, 262, 263 Wiscon sin Card Sortin g Test 257
sup erior (of Trolard) 279, 280 ven tricu lar system 262, 263 Word Flu en cy Test 257
basal (of Rosen th al) 279, 280 verm is 122, 158 w rist drop 67
basivertebral 284 in ferior 159
cen tral, posterior 284 lesion s 165
cerebral su perior 158 Z
an terior 280 vertigo 123–125
great (of Galen ) 217, 280, 280 p osition al 124–125 zon a in certa 171, 178, 178
in tern al 279, 280 ben ign paroxysm al (BPPV) 124– zon es of Head 199, 199, 20 0
m iddle 125
deep 280 cen tral 125
su perficial 279, 280 p roprioceptive 124

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