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Ages 2 andUp KUMQ

Yo'1?- chilcl will clevelop fihe :mo\or

coh\t'ol skills while havihg f'1h '1Sihg
St!issors to C'1\ liheS ah<l shaJ:>eS.
How to use this book··· ...
llo''' ''' rut '''ifh sc-is~or:o;
Show your child how to cut along the designated lines. It is perfectly okay tf your
child cannot cut completely accurately. He or she will gradually learn to do so.

The first step in cutting is learning how

to properly manipulate scissors. Check
to see it your child can open and close
the scissors in one stroke, and also
check to see if he or she can hold the
scissors at a right angle to the paper. It
does not matter if the line your child
cuts is uneven like the one slhown on
the right.
• At the earty stages. c:htl<Sren usuaUy QJ1 oner.· nly

Please do not be concerned if your

child cuts off the designated line. or if
he or she cannot stop the scissors at a
designated point.
Please encourage him or her to learn to
align the scissors with the cutting line.

~ Cutting diagonaJ lines can be d<ificulL

Show your child how to hofd the paper

at the opposite side from the scissors
and near the cutting line. but not too
close ~o the blades. This is a difficult
skill that requires some getting used to.
Tips for cutting neatly
Open the scissors wide and cut half an
inch, then open the scissors wide again
and cut another halt an inch. Repeat
this procedure. ~

A In ocdor to CU1 neatly. use the patt of the bl3dos

nearest to the joint 1n the scissors
How to use this book···-..~
ll I~ X "'' t't!jO~'!
Kumon's First Steps Workbooks are designed so that children and 1parents can
learn and have fun together. Children learn best from active and ~>art1c1patory
parents, so please help your child with the activities 1n this book By helping
your child, you are encouraging him or her to develop a desire to I rn. as \Yell
as laying the foundation for your child to become a setf-mot1vated le rner.

11 tfo''' to choosf• oaul holtt s(!iSStlrs

Scissors can be dangerous if not handled properly. Keep an eye o your child
when he or she 1s doing the cutting exercises.

How to choose a good pair

of scissors
o Choose safety scissors with
round tips
e Choose scissors with holes that
suit your child's hands and
fingers so that he or she can hold
them easily.
@) Choose scissors your child can
open and close easily.
A PI0\!$0 Clloose C:\Sy·to-USO safCJI]( SQSsor&
P«:tured on the rfghl oro plastlc sitroty scissor

How to hold scissors property

Show your child how to put his or her
thumb into the smaller hole and his or
her forefinger and middle finger into the
bigger hole on the scissors. If the
bigger hole is large enough, have your
child put his or her ring finger into the
hole as \•1ell. The plastic safety scissors
1n the above photograph are good for
beginners. but your child may not be
able to fit more than two fingers into
the bigger hole.
A Pktaso lry 20 a~ your hanct w1 l lho
When your child holds scissors, please • sd$sors $0 lt\.'lt lncy :Orm " 6ltIDslfl1 fne
align his or her hand with the scissors
so that they form a straight hne \vhen
viewed from above.
Special f eatute$ of this book
1. Thi~
book'!> ~irnpll• dt•,j n•n <·an he-Ip (•hildr(•n a,. ~OtUl" n ~ t\\·o lt•nrn
itnporfnnt· ~killio. whil•• hnviug: fun.
2. fhi~ hook nllo'' ~ pnrttnt-. und t•hildrt•n (o ~ hnrc 11H•aningfu l
1>IH) ti ltH' to;tt•tht•1·.
:J. l'hi,.. book ii'> :.lf·1u·turt•cl ~o that )Our c·hild " ·ill d ('\C'lop fint• 1notor
t•o11Crol ~ki ll s" h ilt• { H ' tfttiri n ~ nt•" \'oc·nhulnr).

The aims and purpose of this book

• Develop fine motor skills 3. Cutting easlty atoog straight lines and
Your child will Improve f1ngor sttength and C\JtveS.
dexterity. This wtll he p your chlkf ho1d and The exercises in this boo'< are designed to
use a pencil correctly. which is an important teacl'\ children the above three skills in
ski I for more advanced learning. order of difficulty. You may think 11 ls not
• Improve scissor control safe to give children scissors. but for th s
If your child can manipuiate scissors and very reas.on it is very important to teach
thom how to use scissors property.
cut along designated lines accurately, then
he or she has acquired basic sdsSOl control. • Enhance children s sense of shnpe
In general. young ch kfren usually dovok>p As children cut along slraight lines and
scisSOf contre>a in the fo lowing or<Jer: cut'Ves. ot cut out cucles and anlmals, they
1. Cutting by opening and ci<>Sing scissors will associate words such as .. straight " and
onco (one stroke). "curved • with the shapes they reprosent.
2. Cutbng along a I ne by operllng and closing Your child's creativity ano shape compos. tion
scissors repeateclty. abrlity Wt I b9 greatly enhanced.

II How to use this book

J. To make tho exerclSGs oas1er for your J. When your ch1kf has completed each
chi'd, please cut out the iJ!ustrated portion page. please offer him or her lots of praise.
of oach page for him or her.
4. Please refer to the To parents" notes
i. Thts book requires scissors. Please use in this book ....ilich provide more comments
a pair of Oh ld·safe scissors and show your and adVJOO on how to help your child enjoy
child how to hold them. Teach him or hor and loarn from this book
not to point soss0ts at others. not to cut
things other than paper, and to bo careful
S. 1iy to limit the number of pages your
ch1Jd will complete 1n a day. It is bes1 to end
not to cut his ot her fingertips or other body
the day's work when your child s11I wants to
do more.
• c_.. ,U1t11M11C•11 "1 >#• lwrolo 8 C..-, l1td1ntrn#f J~ ~·'TUJJ!O COM 8 Art .fi~M '7 T,.Mlv~ }:,m,J:Ur
• /,.:mw i11n '~"' lr] <ir.1uw SnJ"ro 1.\ pj.,,,urqlti r, :ihKhJ Qiu..,

\ •

~ C ~ ~ P\.CtiaNll!J Co. Ud 01 ~ ~ ~ ol'tikod

A.; ; "'°
Ct 1oproduCtion o• lhOMI l'MlO!iats r~
d:e fl"°' 11r.t:on CO'ISett d P UIA$'•~ og fb1h NneriCD
To parents
Your d1ild wUI 1m1c-1k,· C'\lllinir hort line with one strolu·.
fiN. s:1y "dosr• aloud whik• JX)inti11R to th1..• W\Jrd. It b oka)' if
)'<1Ur child j(l)t'S nf( thl• (!Alling l"o..· or C°UI"" Ul\4.'l.('01)·. 11'll·~·
kt'l·p :111 <''/(' un ~our 'hlkl w tw ur . hl• will not j(N hurt.

Cut along
~.., ·n·~. pl1..,,., wt 11ll)IJIJl - k•r )~tr t 11kl.
Topar nta
F.11< uur-..1((• your i·h1ld 11> prnrt~ <1pc:ning and the
~~n;. If he or :J1c b ha\"in~ diffirully holdin}: tlw J~lJX'f"
tc'ady "hilc ,,,tting. )OU <'An pLlcc the p:1pcr nn thl• lnbl

Cut along II-. cat

.1 dot"" - tar )'Ol1r chl!c1
ro J)4rcnl
It i okay if )"Otlt d11ld ("lll!l oll the h11<• t•r cut Ut)(:\ nly,
11tt• irnport:ml thinit is for him or hr.r It> c·11jo)' thr
r:<•"f\'i .

Cut along
.... n ..

I I~
.' I
·4· Vroom!

1 ·. _ .
~ '--'-·-~· .........,
' '
1 I

To parents
Frorn this P''K'' oo, your d 1ild ~II prncticc op.•11111~ .md ~inf:
~i..~ rc:p(':it<'dl> lo ('l1t Wrll.l•'r lin(!" It i~ oluly for your cluld
le• 'top :thl'f on woke .ind cw r ~'llin \\l1(•n )our <"h1ld
h:i uc:,·t•s."fully cul ooth p:irt .. tiut, offt•r loc" uf 11r.1is..· and
t' 'Q\!l?ll,· him or h«'r to ;U"mni:w tlw r:art" ;L" !<hM\11 Ix"\

Cut along and arrange

the parts as shown above.
r r, M,, p ... \."\ t .1! 111_.. -
0 ir )l.'\lr 11' :I
I I.-
, . .

IL- · . _ ._ -
t .J. - •
.•. . ·1
Summer Splash! ••
To p"rent
Hav ... )'our child ..i.rrn U(i.' 1hc pi~ aflc r l"\lltlll~ 1twm, .11>11
~I) -0111t-thu1.,; likt'. "'&.'"
thl· ""' mal~ 1m· ti:winl( (uo in lht>
w.ttt'1'. -

Cut along ·-=-:~ ~:::..~~~:;.~

_ - and arrange the parts
:-~-- __s:-:.~: -r'"

as shown above. splash

Ship Shape
11w line oil thia. J>llJW i dial(on:al .tnd loniccr th,m hl'fow. p., not b~
co1.rt·n1<.'il if Y• or thl!d·11 t'11ttinir '" ~1·w. \\1wn your d1llrl ill ii.oi:§J1 ~I. 0!:1.-r
lat" of prni5e nnd rnro11TUR1• 1iiin or h<'r fo arr.mitt• th1 JW1 1Sl1(1~11, li<>\'l'

Cut along and arrange the parts

as shown above.
To parent
A k U )' child ~~11.S w <11& tlw P::•Jct' •)Ill o1
Tug-of-War! tlt.c booSo; by h n>- ur IK>rsd.f \\'hl'D )'«•r di&I
ha" 1~1 Afully ~"1' oul :ill th.- pcut,, hd11
him or lt• r t.11x- lhr Ji•X'<'l' h>J..'t'\hrr 11nd enjoy
a frkn11ly match <If 1u~f 1'7.'f ~1th )'Clur child.

.. -
Cut along _ and arrange
the parts as shown above.
f' "\'II ~ 11<11111 - r, .rd 'I
Let's Go Hikirlg!
To pnrcnt•
1111" t'Xt'n'i~ ii1 ntoh· ('l)lllJll' <1'1oel th.m tht• Pf('vtou c>n<.'JI. II your
~hild ~rn tu bo· h.'l'<·n~ .1 cliffl<'ult timl' cull1111( ~'. )'611 can
~ 1ide his or her lwid in 1h1· r4!ht dtrt'\.'tion Gl\-e iqiproprb~r IK'ip ~
th • }mlt C'hilrl can enjoy th<.' •Mi\ity ...;1houl fe<.lin~ pre--.. n!'d

Cut along and arrange 1the parts

as shown above. hiking
To pnront
On the Farm
l'rum tlu:o p.IJ:t' un, yo111 d11ltl 11011 lNrn ho" l•l top
~utti~ at a dt natro p«nc. EllC'Olu~· him or her II> op
;it th<" *. Mutt-rinv. th111 :1k1ll '' ..11 l111pur11n1 l<'P In
ll':lnlin ·Ii·~ tu 111.1n1i:-11.J.1e :oith,...oo; with <''cm1pkh· \'Ontrol

• • • •

• I
• :\\\tl111

• • • • • •
II nt
Leopard in a Cage!
In lhi c· • rdS<'. y•>Ur chiltf 11>111 • ut .1 !!.llli,tll· trokt· "'11h dar
.,ds'>Clr • :u1d llwn "tup. Alkr yuur duld has <n111 pl<-tt•d th1•
,.,1J\ I)', i'11Cool':a$W tum or lwr t•> fold 1111• 1-clj,!1 llJl~':tnl!i. ~ \011

:\) "'«nethirui fora hkt'. •1r f« fl!1l the k-on1m in Utt· c;1~1·.·

Cut along and arrange

the parts as..-,;
shown above......,-....,;;;.....,.;.;.;.;;
. ___________ _____________leopard

I• ~ ••
I• ~--......
I• . ,.
I• . •• ~·\ 4 . . . . . . ..:

I• •
•• •• v• •
II·-,_. ·''aCatch
•' ' .
l • ·- .
' ,--

To pn ren"l:i
hum 1hl ~~<"on. JO\tr d111.l \\ill ..-ut scv~nil 11trok•~ with 'he ~,.,so~ b<'lun-
""'111>ing ;&t :l cl\,,.(CllAkd polnt II ) child Ml!'m" to tK· f1.1vi•11t dt!fteult)', )O'J c.-an
"'MW> him er i'olf t :m c·u."llJlll",. ~ )ou li:l)' ~m<..1thlo.i: 1k«. ·vt'
tor> nt 1t11" l!lllt * ;
All,.r the· l':«•m j, do nt-. ~· "°mcthi1w lw. ·1 uok. ' '«' '-.i1u:hl 111 bt-aulifu butt• rll)--:--

Cut along and arrange the parts

as shown above.
• I r ,, •' · • ( 1 oip - lu ~ourC'?1ilfL Folcl lifl""Ud' »"n>: -·-

·-·-·-· •

I• I•
wigglc 1
Teddy Bear, wiggle!
Teddy Bear!

· I :ttu

~ -
~ -
. .

. .
"'-' C


-- - ..


To pa.rents
01ruu~h fl'P\ :Ucd JU~ctiet'. childr~·n Nr:>du:iall)' k•<lrn t<ll
hof.d sci..;.sors btt~ily. You can prell"fld tn b+: tlw {• t. M~I
~•>' ~nwthing fun hk•'. · 1\\1Ull to tkkl1 yau• ·

Cut along
· I' 1rt " ' f' , < 1t .iJonJ: - lM )vur child. h1lcl ~lfl!'luds ,&J<>ru: -·-.
IS·.Tweet! Tweet!

To p:ircnt
,\fkr ru1tin1t lit<• p.1gl! out of the book. !l1ow )'0\1r <"hikl
how to tum tlw p.1ptt ·•" m .~t'd in urdtr to cut 1·.1~h li111·.
A11l"f' yuur d1Ucl ~' finioit t•d, l\ip the bird' "'in~~ and :-'II),
1\\~t. '" )ti! I'm ltyul.11'

Cut along
• <"UI do~ - !or)ourdiili h:l.1\Jl"'~abn,it - · -
Wiggling the Legs

...: ~ :;

To pnrcints

fncuurns:• ) our .:h' ld 10 Jlf"U 1~· eit1tting lmrt I nC$. !iO

t h111 he or hr will S:«'I 11 c·d cu holding, opening and
cl~·1~ tll(" is:so~ \\'h<'n )O' r dulcl I~ romP:t'led th•
C'lWl'\ilit. offet" lot.i o! pr:!l!IC IUld y 1ilfll~th1n.1: lilc, •\'tr~
wiggl , wiggle !
t'OC'lci' You m:ide lo1:11 oflt·ics..·

Cut al ong
,. u.

rt. ., ~ .1loiu: - ,,, ) f dli ld



. ·;
Frotn tlw. ~l' clll. )C•Ur d1ild wiU pnicticc '-"hO\tlgir~ IJ~ dtrttUOO of lht:
C\IU1~ grok~ in llw m!ddl. ol lh<• lin<' Rt-ml'IUtM.<r to cut .Jotuc tll<• JCl'a.Y
lis"• 10 h1tl(l\'t• thl' mu-·rn
rd ponian of tlw p: <'!tutti thl' book and gi\(~
ti w yvur child. Then j!'.iv, >our cluld a hint b)• ·i~
....1111<-thinw: li}:r-.
· op ~1 Ch1· tar llM \'11. n~t dittetion. ancl th«i lop II the ''''' ~ll.•

Cut along
r .I I C

• •

Sour Lemon
Cutting 1n 7•1> 1 a diJr b 1!1 lo u er. $() 1''ht'11
\011r (hit.I I~ foll> rut th JUI r. olfer lot <•I
~ f1.1h' fon 1;is1cr11:og Md ,icr.;1o.i: the boy' mooth.

Cut along
r sour face
'19 Spider Web
'' ! -


n..r your d111i1 has C\lt 11lot1>: 1h1• d~1. J Un• twirl
•he- 1aprr up and kt 1h1• o..-i11 ponion ~ral do-A'O SQ lfw 1tx-
l'J)idrr dc!>u·ndcC. S.l) Wmt'.1hl11g lfkr. "'11~ spilli·r N)ll
b~'t'll)t ..

Cut along
1" ' • t
-...---~-- .. - • .. ..

Fishing Line
To partnta
It I ilJX•l'Unt ffJI' )'OOr cruld lu l('-;im ht~ to) haM IXl.Jll~
"'ith th• othtt hand ~ldk he 111 ~llt' 1.... cott1ns: Ht 11> your
.:hlkl ~ f> aclju·tmg the p)Sl('I" tn tt11• ri;iht din'ciion ~
d~ tw or AA1· i .. 1tllo..l'"l' )1(11• lirlJI th• ~·rt! ~mischi.

Cut along • fishing

• • • •

Yummy Banana!
To parents
t'rum lh IX1S,'(' on. your rhlltt ~1111 pr:irtkc at1ting l':\lrWu: Ii~. II h
ob) U )'VUt d11ld cuts off th<- lint". or ruts n tmii.:ht lir.c.!l In Iii
~11111 i: lklv )'C11 r child oricn :111d .:lo'.u• sci™'"' ""h Ulm !.trokt~
;, 11n'1-rto l"' h '"' nt".111) . llnh fan 111o11V1llV tJ1,-. 'll<11ill.'I' 11 outh
What a
l:>ig ):ai\e!
Cut along and arrange
the parts as shown above.
I . ,I

• •


To parOflls
Gone Fishing
I fouhc/ ~
goociie! .-.oil!

l:OCUUras:• )l>l!r child tu \'11 ~-.1rvt".$ Slo'l\I) and <.>atfll) .

\\'h•11 ht or me: n... '-11« Ull) cut tt1,. j)3J)C1', l'fXlltlnijlC
him or h• r '" opm i1rMI clo:.A• ll1l• li!lh' 1nooth.

Cut along _ and arrange

the parts as shown above.
I . n ul 1' ,.,... 11.ilor•._ - ·o 11< d •,1
- --
' .


'To par nts

• " -
In thi" l'XHC1•(•. thl" ~'IS'l~ lirw i~ ~·~tu.,.: mure dirfk"UIL
\\lit'fl )'l•Ur dti1d flaq !ini~hrd c111tin~. Pft'l(•nd to Ix· tht•
h1in;ca1111 t<a)'liOCllNhinr.: bk<-,-"·,, so ~llflUl\\. lhiml<)'tlU..

- -
Cut along _ ~. ~ _· - -:-=-; and arrange the parts
as shown above.
l' r 1' '
is He Ate What?

To parents
. _ !
ln'1hC:h !
Hdp )utlr cll"ld open nd c-1~ lite ociSSON 'W11h .,hcJn
'>lrok~ in "rd1-r to t"UI cun" ' n1.-atl)·. 1l1~h l't'IJC':1led
1nctk• . I~ ()f' ~. \'>ill ~uin.· llim1 !lei~~ e«itrol

Cut along and arrange

the parts as shown above.
• , r 11 Clo J.! - t ~) 11r ch J

Jelly Beans!
To parents
l\'ov. roar child •ill JitlM.-UC~ C1rtt1ng Wt)' "~') cur\-.: II
uka,• for him or her to cul at m1i:k-s :u tl.rst. Remind ~ ~•r
c hi1cl to d!.u1>,-c d 1('(t1on ~tth t•kh n1thn~ :.l!Okl .
I\' s so sweet!
Cut along and arrange the parts
as shown above. sweet face

Watermelon Patch
To patents
In ihi.~ t·x~ rri.~·. )'flur d1ild •1ll 1•r.1dkC' cutti11~ k>nK 111.(
:u1d 01"•ini;e luw tol(Nhcr. 8)' n<1w, yciu 11.1\ • Pl'•>blll>I>
ru:-ric-cd a bii.: 11llJ>l'l>\'t'll1tlll io )' diild'it 1 1x:r ~,lll i n~

Cut along
v..n it....~ , , 1..dr•nll - for )1>111' ctilld..
To paronts
111 thl'< <'J<1 ,, 1:-;e. )'Clor child m..'111- 10 hu~ the ~ .1111'
haru ii wt11k- \'\atting. Make· i!iUf~· he ••r i;he b holdi•JJ: ch(·
•JQl :it I h.. Jlf'Clll('f' n)(lc•. Aftrr lhl· cxcr • i do1w.
your d\tld <~n the 'W\11{..;:lini.: 1\lkr

Peel the Apple
To pare· ~
In thi~ t'X•·l'<'i'4.·. )'OUr ..:b1ld netih to hnld the p;1per ~nd
cum ii wlli'«' C\Jltins.:. ~ I . ke sure I~ or sh<: i hoMin~ the
~;~!"' at Ow Jln>P('f' anich·. \\'hcn lhe t·X• fd5e i" don~.
!rt the P3Pl'r ullwif)(i and ~· '."!O!ll1.:1lling bk•·· "l.ook 11L thl·
apt>k pi.1t.'ll"

Cut along
• (
.11 1• I .1 (t · Wnll - for )'6tl1 duld
What Am I?
To parents
If your du"lcl ~· f(I be h.l\m.: ti ui •h>', ~tum th•· P-ll~ for
h!in « htt ~· lhaa h~· Qt sh\: C'a:I twld I~ ~~ wa•~hl \\lwn
ycKtr child I~ su 11) a.ii out the p.VtS., mc'Oll '•'him or b1T
tu c.1'111 1"1• 11~ l»n' lhC~ b> 1umin~ lt1 • ttnt<'r p.irt. :uuund

Cut along and arrange the parts

as shown above.
• ~ I ( ' p Q \.-.n - tiQ.r \"OUf" "t; ,


v \,}
·J- ..1-'·. Upside
- '
My Horn is


_' ·

- _: _J ~

Top rent$
In 1111.. l'>eud~. )our ~h1ld will <111 wry 11hup ('OJllt".f"·
t,m'IXll'llgC roor 1.'.hikl 10 h.I\ ,. fun by ptt1r11d~ g t(J be: th•
rhino !\II s.:t)inst w1ac1h Ill( lillr, •He)·, mv h•rn b 1pskll'
l ' •~ 1ix ill'

Cut along and arrange the parts

as shown above. rhino
Turn Your Frown
Upside Down
\\1lm )'OOr dn•I h U('a."SS(ulb <.1019-d the tri~"Sel~ al
the ~ht (l(t lion. offer lw or'. H11v1•) I Jr chi!.I lum
lh •a1t 11tul 110rtioo :iround to m.ik•• lhl.' '.\I ;;ini •

Cut along and arrange the parts

as shown above. seal
Bounce, Bounce!
To p:ucnt
't11rti1u~ with thi11 p.1gc.-, your <'hlld ~111 \'Ul Oilt lnmlliiir
ob)i-<1 In 1hl, t'xt•m-.e )'Ottr <'hild will pr;i..-ti<'\· tuminl(
1ti.. P.'llt., :o.t••oidily MUund while C'lllling to 111.11kt• (•\'1 nly
t!V('CI ill(

Cut along
, •..,. t:I ~ <"' abrut - f(\t )'OOr 0: J
beach ball
Lunch Time
To piuctnts
\\'h~'ll )'OOr child 1~... "u4.:~..: ~ull)' cul 011I th" s1u dwidl.
o!fc:r lot.-, of pr:lf)('. Yoo cai1 ~· a pko~ )l'a:nc ~~th ttw
llul\$:' y<iur child 113" mad(• tltrou~tmut thi' "'<iricbook.

Cut along
· f'..rt r• r'• ,.. oat focir - itoq·uur dn1d.
JS Beep Beep
lo parent
If )OUr dtili! i ( UltJfl.: off th1• li11r .ind M,"l~ll' 10 be (UULng
into tl1c pkturt. hd11 him ur )wr • dju11 lhc· c•uttin~
drr«1a<m f-:w·n Ir be l)f t1h1· cuci< too br. y1M1 ~n ;ii "'~Y..
llM."lltl 11 "'lh 1.11 •

Cut along
".. uu.,. (iii: ...- ( b ~ - fof \ wr t hW
I . J, Hippo

' .·

- ~ .



- i


~~ ~

To p<1ront
Stanang with 1h1"' 1~.- your child ~m cut out nim.,1
J.ll:l'& I! ht· c;or tth,• r l\Ol\'11~ d11J~ul1y. )"'«1 ('all 1ggc•.t 1l1:Lt
he t•r l!ho· <'llllill>: .and tl"•n ad,u '' thr Pllllit'r in th••
tiJ?hl dir<'' tion . \\'hrn your chltd h.1 \Otllf)lrlt-d th,•
ext'Ki..e, olk-r "1•,; or pntl:l'C.

Cut along
f c1'"fl' n' 111oni: - foq~dulcl

• • • •

To J).1rents
fl it; <lUv fur yoc.1r t•hilJ to cl0!'1.· lh~ i;ci ...SC)l"S :if ··r 1. h ~n>IC1•.
bul i( l.c' 0 1 "hoe :!.t'(·mi lo~ abk- to c<>r.trol the St"i"~ ""'11•
)'Ml <".ill $110"" ham or la('!" ho.,.. to lt'C"p IOO\iD~ lh<: ~·"~
without comph·u·I>' do~in.i: th~·m . Wh~·n )our child lta'
~il\"l;'ec,~!uU>• 1:ut 001 lh~ l-ftplw1t olkr )I)(" of pru!S<-.

Cut along
f"in · t '· ·. cu• '· Jnl? - 6<1ouur duld

\\'htn )'DUt d1 let h:ts SU('C:CS~f-.1Dy ~ Jl 0111 ti r:tbblt. Yl•U
can m:ik•• a puJlflt'l by tnchi11.R it la a istidc. You ~-.:1uld d11
Ilic ~1mt' \\;th olhl·r .1nlln:\.ls :ind 11br a pretl'tld Junsrll'!

Cut along •

-- •
6 0
To par nt
Thi~",; th" L1.,11111i,;ni( thl wotkbook.11lca~ ltlflll'\af'I ynur chilrl'I'> work
on tlli.;; ";th hi or IM.-r "A'(lli\ .11 thl• beginning C1( th1· workbc"ik
Yau 'hcKtld notice t'l\<1n1100' imµiuwnl<'nl lk surl' co lt•ll your d1ild
h°"· pC"Oud ~·oo :th.' cir him or ll<'r. It may bt• a 11vud iil1·;a to k•'t'll thi
•l>tkbo)l>lc "" .1 rn·onl of your t'hi•l's ~·""th and <ll"\'t'lopn1< n•
Cut along
I I\ 1 pi- · n · ~·mi - foq our d Dld
KUMQN ..• ,. ,..
. -.-

• ,
• 10

• •, •.
Cer+itica+~~ of 4c'1ieVeP?en+ •
• • •
• •.

is '1ereby coff"\~ra+ulateq of\ cor»pletif\~

Let'.s Gut "Paper!

Presef'l+eq of\ _ • 2.0 _

Parent or Guardian -


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