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Proceedings of the 54th Annual Meeting of the Brazilian Society of Animal Science
Foz do Iguaçu – Brazil
July 24 – 28 2017

Edited by
Marina Parapinski
Maryon Strack Dalle Carbonare
Patrick Schmidt
Published by

The Brazilian Society of Animal Science

(Sociedade Brasileira de Zootecnia - SBZ)
SHC/Norte CL Quadra 310 Bloco B sala 35 Subsolo
Asa Norte - Brasília/DF


The Department of Animal Science

(Departamento de Zootecnia)
Universidade Federal do Paraná - UFPR
Curitiba – PR

Layout by Marina Parapinski da Silva (

Cover design by Guilherme Carbonar (

The authors are responsible for the grammatical and textual review of the manuscripts and abstracts.

All rights reserved. The copy and publication of this document is allowed in any form or manner providing
the source is mentioned.

ISSN 1983 – 4357

NOTICE: The individual contributions in this publication and any liabilities arising from them are of the sole
responsibility of the authors and may not necessarily represent the opinion of the companies and supporters,
as well as of the Brazilian Society of Animal Science.

AVISO: as informações expressas neste material são de exclusiva responsabilidade do(s) seu(s) autor(es), ou
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institucional da Sociedade Brasileira de Zootecnia ou de seus apoiadores e patrocinadores.
54ª. Reunião Anual da Sociedade Brasileira de Zootecnia
24 a 28 de Julho de 2017
Hotel Bourbon Cataratas – Foz do Iguaçu – Brasil
ISSN 1983-4357

Theme 4 | Genetics, genomics, animal breeding and reproduction

Formation of MEVEZUG pure ovine reproducers in Tierra Caliente

Guerrero, México.
Mireles Martínez Esteban Julián*1, Arelis Hernández Rodríguez2, Isidro Gutiérrez Segura1,
Ma Trinidad Valencia Almazán1, Adiel Catalán Robles1, José Alonso Galeana1, Rosendo
Cuicas Huerta1, Julio Gómez Vargas1
Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia #1 Universidad Autónoma de Guerrero,
México. 2Instituto de Ciencia Animal Cuba

The objective of the present work was to obtain pure ovine reproducers. From 2010 began to work with
the sheep herd of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science of the Universidad Autónoma de
Guerrero, located in the municipality of Pungarabato, Guerrero State, México. The faculty is 250 meters
above sea level. The climate of the region is warm subhumid, with average temperature between 24 and 30°C,
but in the heat season maximum temperatures up to 46°C are reached in the shade. The rainfall regimen is 800
- 1200 mm of rainfall per year. The production of sheep in Mexico is characterized mainly by creole animals
and crosses are made with pure breeds imported from several European countries and USA. Therefore, there
is a need to form local breeds adapted to the climatic conditions and production systems of Mexico. The
sheep herd initially had 100 animal of hair, with 50 sheep with their lambs and a reproducer. These animals
had phenotype Pelibuey, Black Belly, Dorper and Katahdin. As of May 2010, consanguineous crosses were
established. During this period were registered: date and type of birth, weight and sex of the newborn. Data on
birth weight of males and females were analyzed by ANOVA and multiple comparison test was used for the
comparison of means (Duncan, 1955), with a significance level of P <0.05. The first reproducer was brown
tobacco and had antlers, and the females had different phenotypes. Up to the present time, there are twelve
studs with their respective descendants, and Today the herd has 40 animals light brown and tobacco with their
lambs (15), and a reproducer. The sheep are of medium size with 45 and 60 kg of average weight in females
and male, respectively. Out of a total of 236 females and 245 males born, with an average weight of 2.65 kg at
birth and a proliferative index of 1.37, 10 MEVEZUG males were selected to used as reproducers in 15 herds
distributed in different sheep production units of the state of Guerrero. From the crosses of these breeders to
the females of these herds, are obtained F1 animals (MEVEZUG x Criollo). The sheep of different color to
light coffee or tobacco are discarded for the supply, the males are fed for the fodder in native meadows with
irrigation with 95.17 ± 19.45 g of daily gain of weight. In 2016, the trademark MEVEZUG was registered. It
is concluded that to date the color of the breed has been fixed in females and males, the registered productive
indexes are acceptable and work will be continued to improve size and productive indexes, through selection
of the best sheep.

Keywords: MEVEZUG, pure, ovine, reproducers

Anais da 54ª. Reunião Anual da Sociedade Brasileira de Zootecnia | Foz do Iguaçu 2017 | ISSN 1983-4357 464

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