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1. Explique la visión de Charles Darwin acerca de los orígenes del lenguaje

2. Explique la teoría de la aparición del lenguaje desde la tradición bíblica
3. Explique la historia del faraón Psammetichus
4. Explique el experimento del rey James de Inglaterra
5. Explique la teoría del recurso de los sonidos naturales
6. Explique LA TEORIA DE la interacción social
7. Explique la teoría de la adaptación física
8. Explique las características anatómicas de los monos antropoides en contraste con las del
hombre actual
9. Explique la teoría de la creación de herramientas
10. Explique la aparición del lenguaje como recurso genético
11. Why is it difficult to agree with Psammetichus that Phrygian must have been the original
human language?
12. What is the basic idea behind the “bow-wow” theory of language origin?
13. Why are interjections such as Ouch considered to be unlikely sources of human speech
14. Where is the pharynx and how did it become an important part of human sound
15. Why do you think that young deaf children who become fluent in sign language would be
cited in support of the innateness hypothesis?
16. With which of the six “sources” would you associate this quotation?

Chewing, licking and sucking are extremely widespread mammalian activities,

which, in terms of casual observation, have obvious similarities with speech.

17. What exactly happened at Babel and why is it used in explanations of language origins?
18. What are the arguments for and against a teleological explanation of the origins of human
19. The idea that “ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny” was first proposed by Ernst Haeckel in
1866 and is still frequently used in discussions of language origins.
20. What is the connection between the innateness hypothesis, as described in this chapter,
and the idea of a Universal Grammar?
21. Explique la diferencia entre las señales informativas y comunicativas
22. Explique las características del lenguaje:
23. Explique la relación entre los chimpances y el lenguaje
24. Why is reflexivity considered to be a special property of human language?
25. What kind of evidence is used to support the idea that language is culturally transmitted?
26. What is the difference between a communication system with productivity and one with
fixed reference?
27. How did the Gardners try to show that Washoe was not simply repeating signs made by
interacting humans?
28. If Sarah could use a gray plastic shape to convey the meaning of the word red, which
property does her “language” seem to have?
29. What was considered to be the key element in Kanzi’s language learning?

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