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The Behavior Analyst 1991, 14, 187-196 No.

2 (Fall)

What Can Behavior Analysis Learn From the

A versives Controversy?
J. M. Johnston
Auburn University
The paper argues that behavior analysis may have contributed to the aversives controversy in a number
of ways. The role that the field has played and the lessons that may be learned are discussed in the areas
of research, training, and politics.
Key words: aversives controversy, aversive consequences, punishment, professional training, devel-
opmental disabilities, retardation

HISTORICAL CONTEXT therapy still suggests that the environ-

When the fledgling field of behavior ment might be important. Behavior anal-
ysis now plays a substantial role in the
analysis began to venture outside of the
animal1aboratory in the late 1950's and care of the developmentally disabled
early 1960's, it stretched its hesitant wings however, by virtue of a good match be-
with populations whose care was gener- tween its techniques and the population's
ally ignored by the culture. In those days treatment needs, as well as by default by
before the courts had begun to examine other professions. Though often poorly
implemented by paraprofessionals, be-
the constitutional rights of mentally
ill and retarded individuals, behavior havioral techniques now constitute the
analysts were free to develop their lab- foundation of a generally accepted treat-
ment model for the care of this popula-
oratory-based principles into treatment
tion, and some behavior analysts are even
procedures with remarkably little inter- well integrated into the power structure
ference from the bureaucracy. Even the
other helping professions (psychiatry and of the developmental disability service
the growing field of clinical psychology) delivery and professional bureaucracies.
provided only modest barriers. They were In summary, although behavior analysis
already growing frustrated by the clinical is hardly in command, it has certainly
had ample opportunity over many years
challenges presented by chronic psy-
chotics and profoundly retarded clients. to influence policy-making and service
delivery at both professional and regu-
As a result, the field of behavior analysis
was given relatively free reign to develop latory levels.
not only its technology, but its political
and bureaucratic prowess in these service THE AVERSIVES CONTROVERSY
delivery areas. The aversives controversy is a collec-
It is now 30 years later. Whether tion of disagreements among a variety of
squeezed out by the increasingly power- interested parties concerning the tech-
ful profession of clinical psychology or niques used to decrease undesirable be-
having abandoned this population in the havior, mainly with developmentally
face of the modest efficacy of its early disabled individuals. The disagreements
treatment methods, behavior analysis center around the use of aversive stimuli
plays a fairly limited role in the care of as programmatic consequences, with
traditional mentally ill populations, al- some individuals arguing that some (or
though a distant cousin called behavior even all) kinds of aversive events should
not be used and that effective, non-aver-
Reprints may be obtained from the author, De- sive alternatives are available and others
partment of Psychology, Auburn University, Au- saying that such aversive stimuli should
burn, AL 36849. not be eliminated as treatment options

because they are sometimes necessary. Given the considerable involvement

However, it is also a fight about the phi- of behavior analysis in the retardation
losophy underlying behavioral services industry for the past three decades, it
for this and other populations, about how seems reasonable to wonder if the field
treatment decisions are made, and about has unknowingly played some role in this
familiar issues of professional territori- controversy's development. Can errors
ality. of omission or commission be retrospec-
Although the roots of this brouhaha tively identified that might have facili-
can be traced to earlier decades (Schroe- tated the emergence and growth of this
der, 1990), it was during the 1980's that issue? Are there lessons that can be
attention became dramatically focused learned from these recent events that
on the use of aversive stimuli as pro- might improve the effectiveness with
grammed consequences for undesirable which we apply our philosophy, meth-
behavior. A series of related events may ods, and technology to this or other fields?
have been significant, including position There is, in fact, some evidence that
statements by special interest organiza- the aversives controversy is partly the re-
tions, a highly publicized legal case con- sult of various general characteristics of
cerning punishment-based treatment the field of behavior analysis and how it
programs, a device designed to automate has functioned in the area of develop-
punishment of certain self-injurious be- mental disabilities in particular. Ifwe can
haviors using electric shock as a conse- identify the field's role in the etiology of
quence, and various debates and confer- this problem, behavior analysis may ben-
ences. Unfortunately, the social and efit from this experience by learning how
political style that has characterized the to achieve its service delivery goals more
controversy has itself become one of its effectively. The arguments about how be-
more painful issues (Schroeder & Schroe- havior analysis may have contributed to
der, 1989). the aversives controversy and how it can
avoid similar problems in other applied
areas can be organized into three general
topics: research, training, and politics.
The ease and rapidity with which these Research
issues have developed suggest that it has First, applied researchers seem to have
a broader foundation than a few precip- shown relatively little thematic interest
itating incidents can provide (Schroeder, in investigating behavioral characteris-
1990). Although the aversives contro- tics and pathologies that are common in
versy seems to be mainly about the use the developmentally disabled popula-
of certain types of punishing conse- tion. The dominant theme in the applied
quences, it may have more to do with behavioral literature instead concerns
how treatment procedures are selected, treatment procedures. Although we can
which is at the heart of the behavioral point with pride to at least some exper-
treatment model. Arguments against the imental studies of behavioral phenome-
use of aversive consequences also di- na (e.g., the literature concerning stim-
rectly challenge the applied behavioral ulus overselectivity, as reviewed by
literature, claiming that it is generally Lovaas, Koegel, and Schreibman, 1979),
misleading regarding both acquisition and our applied literature has thus far con-
reduction procedures (LaVigna & Don- tributed fairly little to improving our
nellan, 1986). With such concerns, the understanding of such behavioral phe-
emergence of the aversives issue suggests nomena as self-stimulatory behavior and
that the behavioral treatment model in self-injurious behavior. As a result, we
the field of developmental disabilities has have probably not earned a reputation in
been leading a more precarious existence the field of developmental disabilities as
than many may have suspected. a science that can make breakthrough

discoveries about the causes of particular then be willing to acknowledge that al-
patterns of behavior that in turn amelio- though the technology warranted further
rate long-standing clinical challenges. A development, there was probably no bet-
more impressive scientific track record ter alternative that could reasonably be
of this sort would probably be helpful in turned to (such as gentle teaching, for in-
discouraging disputes concerning our stance; see McGee, Menolascino, Hobbs,
technology. & Menousek, 1987). One of the argu-
Even though the behavioral literature ments that has emerged from the aver-
concerning developmental disabilities has sives controversy is that there are alter-
some thematic and analytical research native ways of decreasing undesirable
literatures of high quality (for instance, behavior that are generically as effective
the work of Lovaas and others with au- and broadly applicable as punishment
tistic children), they tend to be strongly procedures (LaVigna & Donnellan, 1986).
treatment oriented. Even discoveries of Although this contention is now prompt-
considerable promise in understanding ing research that could eventually expand
basic behavioral processes such as stim- our treatment repertory, such efforts could
ulus overselectivity have been pursued have originated much earlier from within
mainly for their immediate practical ben- a more probing applied research litera-
efits, rather than for their scientific po- ture.
tential in better understanding behavior Third, the shortcomings of the general
in general or even particular areas of pa- applied behavioral literature seem es-
thology (e.g., Schover & Newsome, 1976; pecially true in its rather weak punish-
Schreibman, Koegel, & Craig, 1977). Of ment literature. Punishment procedures
course, there is nothing at all inappro- have always received less experimental
priate about such treatment interests, but attention than reinforcement techniques
these clinical priorities have not been (Johnston, 1972), which may be appro-
matched by a well developed scientific priate for some reasons. However, be-
thrust that can earn behavior analysis a cause neither literature has strongly
measure of valuable respect by others in focused on improving efficacy and effi-
the field of developmental disabilities. ciency, the punishment literature re-
Second, our applied research literature mains proportionally weaker than its re-
has instead primarily focused on dem- inforcement sibling.
onstrating the efficacy of multi-procedure As a result, there is much that is not
behavior change packages. However, in- known about accepted techniques, and
stead of analyzing procedures in ways that much of what is assumed or accepted may
will make them more effective and effi- not be scientifically defensible. For ex-
cient, the literature has generally tended ample, the timeout literature is still un-
to emphasize the development of new clear about such fundamental issues as
procedures and new applications for ex- the role of the time-in environment, the
isting procedures. Therefore, if there has duration of timeout, and the procedure's
been any overall improvement over the appropriateness for behaviors that can be
years in the effectiveness of behavior re- emitted during timeout (Brantner & Do-
duction procedures, it may have been herty, 1984). Misled by its seminal study
more the result of improvements in dis- (Foxx & Azrin, 1973), the overcorrection
semination of the technology than the re- literature showed serious misunder-
sult of research-based improvements in standings of how the procedure really
our knowledge about the procedures worked until the excellent chapter by
themselves. Foxx and Bechtel (1984) was published
As a consequence, behavior analysis more than ten years later. As still another
may not have reaped the benefits that example, the importance of reinforcing
might accrue to a discipline that has alternative, desirable behaviors as a way
clearly shown significant improvement of enhancing the effectiveness of punish-
in its technological capabilities. Were ment procedures has been examined
there such a track record, others might mainly in early animal experiments. In

short, it can hardly be argued that the new focus, however, the field might ben-
punishment literature offers practitioners efit from redefining the conception of ap-
clear, research-based directions about the plied behavior analysis that emerges from
most effective ways of using punishment its literature. In particular, training pro-
so that the need for it can be minimized. grams need to accommodate an impor-
Fourth, even less is known about ways tant distinction between applied research
of decreasing behavior that do not in- and applied practice. At present, gradu-
volve punishment. Perhaps behavior an- ate training often tends to dichotomize
alysts have been poorly motivated to fo- students into either basic or applied ar-
cus on alternatives because punishment eas, but we fail to recognize a further dis-
procedures can be satisfactorily effective tinction that is routine among other nat-
when implemented correctly. Perhaps the ural science/technology fields such as
field's historical focus on changing be- medicine and engineering. What we do
havior by arranging powerful conse- not yet seem to appreciate is the impor-
quences has discouraged consideration of tance of selecting and training individu-
managing undesirable behavior by iden- als for either research careers concerning
tifying and controlling causal variables or applied problems or service careers fo-
by analyzing the role ofantecedent events. cused on delivering behavioral technol-
Whatever the influences on the directions ogy. Because the contemporary concep-
of the behavior reduction literature, it tion of applied behavior analysis does not
has certainly not given thorough atten- emphasize the differences between ap-
tion to techniques that do not involve plied research and service delivery career
aversive consequences. Even a procedure directions, we may be producing indi-
like differential reinforcement of other viduals who are inadequately prepared to
behavior (DRO), which accommodates do either as effectively as the field re-
this concern and has indeed received quires (Johnston, in press).
meaningful experimental attention, has One result may be an applied literature
in routine practice been distorted into with some of the problems already de-
ways ofgetting staffto pay some attention scribed. For instance, the literature's em-
to clients and is often used in an inap- phasis on studies that demonstrate new
propriate manner. Thus, behavior anal- methods and applications in preference
ysis is not well prepared to respond to to thematic experimental investigations
concerns about the use of aversive con- of behavioral problems and procedures
sequences by pointing to a well devel- seems to stem from our failure to appre-
oped literature that develops, evaluates, ciate the very different interests, skills,
and applies a variety of other ways of and priorities required to effectively pur-
dealing with problem behavior. sue careers in applied research versus ca-
How can we improve our applied re- reers in service delivery. Conducting
search efforts so that we can not only sound, analytical research concerning the
overcome these weaknesses in the area etiology of behavioral disorders, for ex-
of developmental disabilities but avoid ample, may often require circumstances
comparable problems in other areas? The that are not customarily available in ser-
more immediate remedies are obvious. vice delivery settings. This kind of re-
We need to work toward an applied re- search will be most effectively pursued
search literature that emphasizes the- by individuals whose training and daily
matic, analytical studies aimed at (a) interests are primarily research oriented
understanding behavioral pathology and who work in settings and in bureau-
common in the developmentally dis- cratic environments conducive to re-
abled (or other) population(s), (b) im- search activities (e.g., university affiliated
proving existing treatment procedures, facilities). Furthermore, although these
and (c) developing techniques for man- researchers will face ethical and regula-
aging behavior using culturally palatable tory limitations on their experimental
consequences. options when using developmentally dis-
In order to create the context for this abled individuals as subjects, we have

barely probed the experimental possibil- largely whatever each participant wants
ities that remain available. In reconcep- it to be, and the resulting collective def-
tualizing how we can best use the field's inition of the field should be reason for
resources to meet society's demands for concern.
behavioral services, it will help if we rec- Perhaps we should worry about where
ognize that the effectiveness of our ser- this might lead. There is a risk that the
vices ultimately depends on the scientific modal doctoral level individual working
quality and scope of our applied research in some applied areas who is generally
enterprise. These values should be well acknowledged by himself or herself and
represented in our training programs. by others to be a behavior analyst might
Aside from reflecting a distinction be- become someone who is fairly unfamiliar
tween applied research versus service de- with the philosophical underpinnings of
livery, we also need to develop a better this approach to the study and manage-
sense of the literature and what it says ment of behavior, who has only a super-
about the field's directions and needs. In ficial appreciation of the research meth-
other words, we need to take an organi- ods of behavior analysis, and who has a
zational interest in our literature by re- poor understanding of the basic research
lating its active and inactive areas to cur- literature from which applied procedures
rent issues and needs. For instance, the supposedly derive. Although there might
shortcomings of the applied literature re- be disagreement about the appropriate or
garding punishment and alternative ways necessary degree of expertise in these ar-
of decreasing behavior have always been eas, it may be argued that such individ-
available for anyone to see, but few have uals are not likely to have state-of-the-
been interested in looking at the litera- art skills in analyzing and ameliorating
ture in terms of disciplinary or even po- behavioral problems. In fact, it is not at
litical needs. Although each researcher all uncommon to find individuals work-
must always be free to pursue whatever ing in retardation settings who have grad-
questions he or she wishes, the field of uate degrees but little formal behavioral
behavior analysis-like other scientific training and who proclaim at least prac-
disciplines-must begin to take regular tical expertise in this technology. Al-
stock of its research directions and relate though we certainly want to encourage
them to other scientific and societal in- identification with the field of applied be-
terests. The motivation to look at liter- havior analysis, this situation presents a
atures in this way can be inculcated real problem for the identification of the
through graduate education. field.
Even though these general training
problems may contribute somewhat in-
Professional Education directly to the aversives controversy, their
The professionals who are seen as rep- effect is probably pervasive. The lack of
resenting the field of behavior analysis in agreement about a core doctoral curric-
the area ofdevelopmental disabilities may ulum in behavior analysis certainly con-
also have something to do with the av- tributes to the shortcomings in the ap-
ersives controversy. First, because the plied literature suggested above because
field has generally not addressed curric- the literature is primarily influenced by
ular issues, it has no minimum or even the educational history ofthose who have
recommended standards for what con- contributed to it. The field's preference
stitutes proper (minimum) training in be- for demonstrating the applied power of
havior analysis at either Master's or doc- operant contingencies instead of analyz-
toral levels. As a result, it sometimes ing behavior and procedures so as to de-
seems as if behavior analysts (and, thus, velop more effective and reliable tech-
the field itself) are increasingly being de- niques is partly the result of how behavior
fined by self-nomination rather than by analysts were trained to think about be-
educational history. To some extent, what havior and behavioral technology.
it means to be a behavior analyst can be The field can begin addressing these

issues by establishing a minimum or core evidence of this problem, the discipline

curriculum for not only the doctorate, has allowed it to grow worse over the
but for the Master's degree as well. Al- years. The shortage of individuals with
though merely discussing and publicizing even modest behavioral training working
such standards would be useful, it might in the field of developmental disabilities
be more effective to set up a formal mech- is now severe at all three degree levels.
anism for accrediting training programs At any moment, there are many positions
that meet the standards. Although ac- going begging for applicants (Salzberg,
crediting training programs will not as- Favell, Greene, Hopkins, & Schneider,
sure that their graduates uniformly share 1989).
desirable skills, it is more financially and For example, Florida has been at-
logistically feasible than a national pro- tempting to find up to 11 doctoral level
gram to certify individuals. (Even indi- behavior analysts for its system for more
vidual certification cannot guarantee all than three years now, and some positions
services actually delivered meet the high- still remain open. The problem is even
est professional standards; this would re- worse at the Master's level. Alabama's
quire evaluation of service delivery on much smaller system needs 50 Master's
site.) The Association for Behavior Anal- level individuals today, and 20 a year
ysis has recently established a task force after that. Furthermore, these are gen-
charged with studying the issues in- erally good jobs with increasingly high
volved in accrediting training programs pay, considerable authority for playing
and making recommendations about how an important role in service systems, and
to do this.! excellent opportunities for career ad-
Establishing minimum standards for vancement. Of course, there are even
professional education in the field would more jobs available for individuals at the
have many desirable effects. It would cer- bachelor's level. Developmental disabil-
tainly aid in defining expert credentials ities is one of the few fields in which un-
in behavior analysis, which itself would dergraduate psychology majors can build
be extremely important in applied set- satisfying careers without graduate train-
tings such as retardation facilities. It ing.
would also encourage graduate programs In other words, we seem to have of-
to develop their curricula in ways that fered a behavior change technology with-
would help assure that their graduates out providing the means to deliver it. As
better served the field's needs. Further- a result, behavioral programming is often
more, an accreditation program would designed and largely implemented by in-
establish contingencies that would en- dividuals who are at least unprepared and
courage many academic departments now often unmotivated to do what they are
offering only limited training in behavior asked. Is it any surprise that behavioral
analysis to hire additional faculty in or- programming in many retardation set-
der to meet the standards. tings often does not approximate the state
A second kind of educational problem of the art? If someone is inclined to have
that is more specific to efforts in the area concerns about the procedures used to
of developmental disabilities is that the manage the behavior of disabled indi-
field of behavior analysis has failed to viduals, they will not have to look very
produce a supply of properly trained per- far to find things to complain about. Be-
sonnel at bachelors, Master's, and doc- havioral technology is indeed often badly
torallevels who can adequately serve the implemented. Reinforcement-based pro-
necessary roles in the service delivery cedures are often less effective than they
system. In spite ofclear, though informal, might be. Punishment procedures are
used when they do not need to be. And
even though many behavior analysts are
I This task force is chaired by Bill Hopkins, and
its members include Don Buschell, Wayne Fuqua, all too familiar with these problems, we
Jim Johnston, Karen Fixsen, Andy Lattal, Chuck have not yet addressed them as a field by
Salzburg, and Laura Schreibman. improving our training goals and capa-

bilities so that we can produce an ade- reaucrats, and parties interested in de-
quate supply of properly trained person- velopmental disabilities about the nature
nel. of the field of behavior analysis and the
The field can address these problems technology that is being offered to serve
by becoming much more aware of its ed- this population. Even though behavior
ucational capabilities, its annual training analysis has made respectable contribu-
output at different degree levels, and var- tions to retardation journals, its focus
ious other features of its training efforts tends to have been narrowly technique
and the characteristics of its personnel. oriented. There seems to have been less
It should then regularly consider these tendency to publish on a broader spec-
personnel matters in the context of the trum of topics that would help educate
field's desires for growth in different di- other professionals about the implica-
rections and in relation to the personnel tions of behavioral philosophy, methods,
needs in various employment markets. and literature for the care of develop-
In other words, we need to do what other mentally disabled persons. Perhaps be-
mature disciplines do; we must attempt cause behavior analysts are sometimes
to exert some control over the production unfamiliar with talking to non-academic
of behavior analysts. Such controls would communities, we may do an even poorer
necessarily be indirect at the individual job communicating with people who do
level, but they might focus on widely not usually read journals. As a result, al-
varying features, such as the level of de- though bureaucrats, lawyers, parents, and
gree earned, the general area of special- interested citizens may know a little bit
ization, and the type of employment about behavioral programming, it may
planned. sometimes be worse than knowing noth-
For instance, even though this kind of ing.
information has never been gathered, it This superficial familiarity would seem
seems clear that our ability to offer ser- to assure a fertile ground for misunder-
vices to the field of developmental dis- standings, suspicions, and receptiveness
abilities and the demand from this field to systematic programs of deceit. For in-
for our graduates mean that we need to stance, the number of individuals who
produce far more individuals who have have taken an active role in arguing
a certain type of training at the bachelor's against the use of procedures involving
level and many more individuals with a aversive consequences is not large
different type of training at the Master's (Schroeder, 1990), but their arguments
level. In addition, we may also need to (both reasoned and emotional) have been
produce more doctoral level individuals sufficiently attractive to a much larger
who have the interest and training to de- constituency to gamer considerable sup-
velop research careers in developmental port. Might there have been broader re-
disabilities in academic and research set- sistance to such political efforts ifbehav-
tings, although we must carefully evalu- ioral technology and its foundations had
ate the employment market for such in- been better understood by the full range
dividuals. Of course, we also need to tum of interested parties?
out more doctoral graduates than we are This kind of communication challenge
presently producing who are interested must be met at national, state, and local
in and trained for careers in the service levels. As the national representative of
delivery sector of this field. Although we behavior analysis, ABA must reach out
do not yet know what proportions of these to retardation and other fields in more
types of training are needed, this is ex- effective ways than it has in the past. For
actly what the field's ongoing study of instance, although there has been interest
personnel issues must learn. on the part of the American Association
There is a third kind of training need for Mental Retardation for coordinating
not yet effectively addressed by the field. the scheduling ofits national meeting with
That is, the field has not done a very good ABA's annual meeting so that members
job of educating other professionals, bu- of both organizations can conveniently

attend parts of both gatherings, it has been certainly evident in the aversives contro-
difficult to arrange logistically. Neverthe- versy. For instance, the field is finding it
less, this is exactly the kind of national difficult to respond in a coherent manner.
gesture that is called for. At state and Because behavior analysis is still strug-
local levels, the effort must usually be gling with basic issues such as how it
more personal, although there are many should be defined and how its national
opportunities for programmatic activi- association should function (Etzel, 1988),
ties as well. State-level behavior analysis it has belatedly reacted to the aversives
organizations can do a lot here through issues at a national level with ad hoc spe-
their annual meetings and other outreach cial interest groups (e.g., the Internation-
programs (see Johnston & Shook, 1987). al Association for the Right to Effective
Treatment, Inc.) and the efforts of a few
individuals who happen to be especially
Politics interested in the problem. The picture is
In a more explicitly political vein, we no better at the state level. Behavior anal-
have not done a very good job of inte- ysis seems to have few allies in the bu-
grating effectively with the larger group reaucratic power structure in most states,
of professionals who constitute the power and those who are in power have many
structure in developmental disabilities. available mechanisms for pursuing their
This is an academically heterogeneous agenda.
population of individuals who may share We need to teach our students to be
only a career in this field and includes fully involved in the professional com-
professors, full-time researchers, officials munities defined by their interests, and
in state and federal service agencies, di- these interests must be broadly defined.
rectors offacilities, leaders of profession- In the case of developmental disabilities,
al and special interest associations, and for example, we need to encourage stu-
so forth. dents to be active members of a variety
Although there are certainly some of developmental disability associations
laudatory exceptions, the field ofbehav- and special interest groups, to publish in
ior analysis is generally not powerfully a broad array ofdevelopmental disability
represented in a broad range of other journals, and to play the politics neces-
groups and organizations. Neither do we sary to work their way into the power
seem to have infiltrated ourselves very structure. We need to encourage students
well into state service delivery systems. to look at administrative careers as no
Just one behavior analyst in even a mod- less valuable to the field's long-term in-
erately powerful position in a state agen- terests than research or service delivery
cy office may sometimes be more valu- careers. And we need to teach students
able than a number of behavior analysts how to be effective in their dealings with
working in service facilities. We do not those holding other perspectives without
seem to be intimately involved in setting losing their own identity (Morse & Bruns,
policy at either academic or bureaucratic 1983).
levels. The field tends to react to the pol-
icy initiatives of others and usually in a
fairly uncoordinated way. In other words, PIG'S EARS AND SILK PURSES
behavior analysis is not as well repre-
sented in the academic, state, and federal In summary, the lessons that we can
power structure of developmental disa- learn from the aversives controversy seem
bilities as it must be to avoid inappro- to revolve around how new behavior an-
priately constraining regulations and to alysts are created. Graduate (and under-
achieve its long term goals. graduate) education has a pervasive in-
Although behavior analysis has some fluence on who we are as professionals
legitimate excuses-it is, after all, a rel- and, thus, on how the field evolves. Our
atively small discipline, only a portion of professional education not only gives us
which is directly involved with the area a technical repertoire, it largely deter-
of retardation - this general deficiency is mines the nature of our general interests,

which eventually become the interests of of the scientific literature regarding the
the field. If we tend to limit our profes- treatment of severe behavior disorders
sional involvement to behavioral organ- that will bear directly on these issues (Na-
izations and journals, for example, it is tional Institutes of Health, 1989). Of
because we were not trained to under- course, there have been dozens of sym-
stand and appreciate the benefits of in- posia and other discussions of these mat-
volvement with other professional spe- ters at various national meetings.
cialties. Similarly, if we tend to ignore Third, the controversy has already re-
the needs of the punishment literature, it sulted in increased research funding de-
is because we were not adequately trained signed to improve our knowledge of ways
to evaluate the needs of the literature or to manage serious problem behavior. A
to appreciate and practice certain styles center grant was awarded by NIDRR to
of research. Robert Homer, Edward Carr, Glen Dun-
Finally, even though the aversives con- lap, Robert Koegel, and Wayne Sailor,
troversy is disruptive and will lead to among others, to conduct this kind of
some legal and regulatory actions that re- research. This is certainly not the only
quire correction (see Sherman, 1991), it research effort that has been occasioned
will also have some benefits for the field by these issues.
of behavior analysis and its interests in It is not yet clear what the resolution
the area of developmental disabilities. of the aversives controversy will bring.
First, it will prompt various appraisals It is obvious that the issues this fight has
such as this with their suggestions for how raised will be with us in different forms
behavior analysis functions as a science, for some years, and we will see actions
as a technology, and as a profession. These from federal, state, and professional en-
reviews may lead to some changes along tities affecting the delivery of behavioral
the lines suggested here. technology that will involve laws, regu-
Second, a number of debates, sympo- lations, policies, and research (Sherman,
sia, and special events have already pro- 1991). Nevertheless, it is possible to be
vided us with the belated opportunity to optimistic about the effects of the aver-
educate colleagues and others about the sives controversy. At one of Florida's re-
issues. For instance, in the fall of 1988, tardation institutions in 1972, there was
a small group ofindividuals were brought a major episode centering around the use
together by the National Institute for of behavioral procedures. It was nega-
Disability and Rehabilitation Research tively covered by the state's newspapers
(NIDRR) to educate some of their top and led to the governor appointing a blue
officials on these matters (at which there ribbon advisory committee to make rec-
was an opportunity to explain basic con- ommendations about how behavioral
cepts to NIDRR staff, the director of the programming should be regulated. Out
institute, and the U.S. assistant attorney of that mess eventually evolved one of
general). 2 The Cambridge center for Be- the strongest behavioral programming
havioral Studies also held a debate in service delivery systems in the country,
Boston in December of 1988 that has led which is now spreading from the retar-
to films and other educational materials. 3 dation system into the mental health sys-
Finally, the National Institute of Child tem (Johnston & Shook, 1987). Can we
Health and Human Development held a use the aversives controversy to lead us
consensus conference in September of toward improvements in how the field
1989 that provided a formal assessment goes about delivering its technologies?

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