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Big = small
asleep = wake (dormido/despierto)
wake up despierta!
Before = after
catch = drop (agarrar/soltar)
cold = hot
night = day
down = up
weet = dry (mojar/secar)
empty = full (vacio/lleno)
far = near/close (lejos/cerca)
back = front
sad = happy
hard = soft
out = in
light = heavy (liviano/pesado)
short = long
loud = quiet (ruidoso/tranquilo)
narrow = wide (angosto-estrecho/ancho)
off = on
smooth = rough (suave/áspero)
finish = start
stop = go
sour = sweet (ácido/dulce)
short = tall
under = over (abajo/ por encima)
ex. The frog jumped over the table

young = old (joven/persona mayor)

old man (anciano)

on top = bottom (sobre – apoyado/

abajo – fondo – parte baja

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