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It is now time to gather your thoughts and summarize the learning you got through the
following reflective guidelines.

1. What did I feel or think about the topic? Why?

What I felt was I am blessed that I am able to know the difference between the two types
of performance-based assessment because it will help me a lot in the near future on
assessing the skills and abilities of my students that I might have a mistake on assessing
them if I didn't have knowledge between the two.

2. What did I learn?

What I learned was, it is not just because you want this particular activity to be
performed by your students even though it is not measuring the target competencies
that your students need to acquire, at the end that activity is useless because learning
tasks need to be carefully planned and the teacher needs to ensure that he will be able to
know the progress of the students because the vital part on doing all of the activities in
school is to measure the knowledge acquired by the students throughout the lesson. If
they have to learned or not. One important thing I learn is to ensure the appropriateness
of tasks and activities I do.

3. What was particularly significant for me? Why?

Aside from the appropriateness of tasks and activities I do. It is the purpose of the
activities, why I am doing this? what is it for? It is vital that in everything we do is with
purpose even in our life we need to find our purpose just like on giving activities to our
students and to give clearer expectations so the students know what is expected of them
and also the teachers know what to look for in students' performance or output.

4. How will I apply what I have learned in my life?


Now, that I have learned all of that I have this picture in my mind that I will think that
my students in the near future are like coconut. I will not stop to scrape them until I
produce the coconut milk and sooner through the learning process and proper
assessment, I will be able to produce their coconut oil.

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