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Will - be going to

What's the difference? 'Will' and 'be going to'

Will + infinitive Be going to + infinitive
A decision before the moment of
A decision at the moment of speaking: speaking:

Julie: There's no milk. Julie: There's no milk.

John: Really? In that case, I'll go and get some. John: I know. I'm going to go and get some
when this TV programme finishes.
A prediction based on something we
A prediction based on opinion:
can see (or hear) now:
I think the Conservatives will win the next
The Conservatives are going to win the
election. They already have most of the votes.
A future fact:

The sun will rise tomorrow.

For promises / requests / refusals /

I'll help you tomorrow, if you like.

More examples:

 (The phone rings)

Julie: I'll get it! A decision at the moment of speaking
 I'm going to go on holiday next week.  sound like you've only just decided at
that minute. Of course, this is possible, but normally we plan our holidays more in

Other points about the future:

We use the present continuous tense for definite future arrangements. Often, it doesn't

really matter if we choose 'be going to' or the present continuous. In the following example, there
is really very little difference in meaning:

 I'm going to the cinema tonight.

 I'm going to go to the cinema tonight.

We use the present simple tense in two cases. First, we use it for a timetabled event in the
future, like public transport or the start of a class:

 My train leaves at six tonight.

Second, we use it after certain words, when the sentence has a future meaning. These words
are: before / after / as soon as / until / when:

 I'll call you when I get home.

Will - be going to
Exercise 1: will or be going Exercise 2: will or be going Exercise 3: will or be going
to? to? to?
01- Have you got any plans 01- I am tired. ____________ 01- I can't climb this tree.
for tomorrow? cook dinner today?
Don't worry. ____________
- Yes, I ____________ visit 02- Are you free tomorrow? - help you.
my grandparents. Sorry. ____________ study
02- They have made a
for the exam.
02- Why is she learning decision.
Spanish? 03- She can't play with you.
They ____________ lose
____________ have a
- She ____________ travel to weight next year.
03.- What are you going to do
04- What ____________ do if
03- We are thirsty. this evening?
you win the lottery?
- Wait here. I ____________ - I don't know. Maybe
05- I think ____________
get some water. ____________ play golf.
always love that woman.
04- Meat or fish? 04- This shirt is really nice but
06- ____________ buy some
I think it ____________ be
- I ____________ have some food. Do you want to come
very expensive.
fish, please. with me?
05- Hey! The phone is ringing!
05- What do you want the 07- Did you speak to Sara? -
keys for? Oh,no! ____________ - Alright. ____________ take
phone her right now. it.
- I ____________ close the
door. 08- Can I have a glass, please? 06- Where are you going?
____________ drink some
06- If you don't take a taxi, - We ____________ play
you ____________ arrive on
09- Would you like to go to
time. 07- We have bought Lucy a
the cinema? - No, sorry.
07- Why do you want so ____________ clean the
many oranges? house. - Do you think she
____________ read it?
- I ____________ make an 10- Where does that noise
orange juice. come from?- I don't know. 08- Why are you wearing
____________ have a look. sunglasses?
08- Oh! I haven't got enough
money to pay! 11- Why are you switching on Because ____________ go to
the TV? the beach.
- Don't worry. I
____________ lend you - I ____________ watch a 09- It's starting to rain!
some. football match.
- Ok. ____________ take an
09- We need one more umbrella.
10- ____________ come to
- ____________ you play the party?
with us tomorrow?
- Sorry. I have to work.

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