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Chapter I


This chapter consisted of the background of the study, identification of

the problem, research problems, limitation of the problem, the objectives of the

research, and the significances of the research.

1.1 Background of the Study

As we know that everybody should have language. Language is

thoughts, feelings, that are revealed through the utterance. Language is a part

of daily life. People always use the language for communicating with

friends, parents, neighbours, colleagues, and others. In Indonesia, many

languages that can be found out. Every language that is used by the people

depend on the ethnic. Language becomes a connection tool between one with


Talking about language, there are many languages in this world.

Whether the languages are mother-language or foreign language. But,

nowadays foreign language which has to be mastered by all people is

English language. As Hendrasworo (2009) states that English language is a

formal language which gets special position in 75 countries and is used by

more than 100 countries.

English language gets first order of teaching and learning in the

world. English language is known by all people as an Internasional

Language. English language becomes important element that should be

mastered by people. By mastering English language, people will be easier to

communicate with foreigner in cooperation, commerces, bussiness,

academic, sport, diplomatic, advertising, learning social-cultural, etc.

Indonesian government realizes that English language is so

important. It can be seen English language becomes an obligatory course in

every level of education. English language also becomes one of state

examination courses. It shows that English language has important position

in the world of our education. The world of our education is demanded to

shape and create the people which are able to have good attitude in state

scala or international scala. To compete with other countries, one way that

should be learned is by using foreign language especially English language.

Someone can talk English language if the people are able to master

the fourth of language skills. Those are speaking, reading, listening, and

writing. Listening skill is a skill for comprehending someone’s spoken.

Speaking skill is a skill to deliver thoughts, feelings, and people’s

requirement in oral. Reading skill is a skill for comprehending English

literatures. Writing skill is a skill to deliver thoughts, feelings, opinion, and

people’s requirements in writing. The fourth of language skills are people’s

goal to learn whatever languages.

From the fourth skills, the most difficult skill and ignored are

listening skill. It happens because the teacher tends to give priority to

speaking, reading and writing in teaching and learning process. Moreover,

the society considers someone that is able to speak well, it is a reflection that

they can be able to communicate well. A good speaking skill is an important

element to communicate successfully.

However, a good listening skill is also an important element in

communicating with other people. All people focused with a belief if

someone who masters foreign language especially English can be seen or

measured of speaking, reading and writing skill. Actually, it is a false

opinion. Without having a listening skill, someone can not master them

because the fourth of language skills have a close relationship each other.

In teaching listening skill of 36 Bandung Junior High School the

teacher less involves to use a media especially audio-visual media. Maybe, it

is caused by two reasons. First reason, the teacher can not use modern

technology tools such as laptop, speaker, projector, etc in teaching and

learning process. Second reason, the teacher wants to teach the material

simply. It means the teacher is less creative to create a good situation in

teaching listening skill.

When the teachers teach listening in the class, they just make

themselves as a teaching media. It means the teachers read the English

dialogues or sentences by themselves or record English words with using a

handphone. Then, the record will be listened to the students. It causes the

students less know the true pronunciation of the English words. Therefore,

the teacher needs to use other media in teaching and learning activity such as

picture, video, and so on.

Media can help the students in comprehending the material that will

be delivered by teacher. And beside that, the students will be also interested

in learning English so far especially in teaching listening skill. Not only the

students can be helped, but also the teacher. By using a media, the teacher

should not be tired to make the students understand about the material.

Talking about media, the writer tries to use song as media in teaching

listening. The writer believes that everyone really loves song. Song can make

someone relax when they are listening. Song is a good tool to help English

learning and teaching process. Song can motivate the students in following

English teaching and learning.

Song is an important part of English teaching and learning because it

makes the students more sensitive toward sounds, and learning a various of

meaningful sounds. Learning English through song can counterpoise

between right-brain and left-brain. It means that song can counterpoise

between intelectual aspect and emotional aspect.

1.2 Identification of Problem

In this paper, the writer writes there are several problems that will be

faced by the students in doing listening. Those are motivation, method,

media, situation, and teaching material.

Class situation is a condition that is created by the teacher in

classroom. It means that the teacher must be able to create the situation when

the teacher will explain the material. Whether that situation is great or not.

The situation has a role in teaching and learning activity. When the students

get a bad situation, they will be lazy to learn English. The other way, when

the students get a great situation, they will be quicker to understand the

material which will be explained by the teacher. In creating a situation, the

teacher has an important role. The teacher must be able to control their class

when the teaching and learning is progressing.

Moreover, the teacher must be able to know the situation which is

gotten by the students in teaching and learning activity. Whether the students

understand or not about the material. Whereas for a bad situation means the

teachers which can not control their class when the teaching and learning

activity is progressing. A bad situation happens because the teacher explains

the material unceasingly without asking to the students whether they

understand or not. So it makes the students confused, uninterested, and also

lazy to learn English so far.

Motivation is an encouragement or a desire which actuate someone to

do something. In this case, the students need a motivation of the teacher to

be able to master English well. A high motivation will create a great teaching

and learning. In the other way, a weak motivation will create a bad teaching

and learning.

In teaching listening, oftentimes the teachers especially the teachers

of 36 Bandung Junior High School give a bad impression to their students. It

means the teacher does not try to make something new in teaching listening

at classroom. Therefore, it makes the students bored and unmotivated to

learn listening in classroom.

Media is a tool or medium which is used by the teacher for teaching

and learning activity. Media can be included pictures, songs, videos, etc.

About media, almost teachers in Indonesia especially 36 Bandung Junior

High School rarely or never use a media. In teaching listening skill, media is

so important. The teachers are not enough to use themselves as a teaching

media in the class because it is less effective. The teacher can use other

media In teaching listening, the teacher can use video or DVD. By using

media, the students will know the true pronunciation of English words.

Besides, the students will be happy and enthuasistic because there is a new

thing which is showed by the teacher in teaching and learning activity.

Method is a principle or style that used by teacher in teaching the

material so the students can understand that material. Method is the problem

which faced by the teacher in teaching and learning. Sometimes, the teachers

are less suitable to apply the method when the teacher explains the materials

in classroom. In teaching listening skill, oftentimes the teachers use a

dictation method. A dictation method is a method which is spoken by


In teaching listening skill, a dictation method is less effective to be

used in teaching and learning. It is caused that someone who learns listening

skill must know the true pronunciation of the English words. If the teacher

uses a dictation method, the teacher is not suitable to pronunce the English

words well yet. Therefore, the teachers should use a suitable method when

the teachers explain the material in classroom.

Teaching material is material which is used by the teacher in teaching

and learning. The teaching material should be planned well by the teacher so

the students can comprehend the material. By having teaching material, the

teacher will be easier to convey the material to the students.

In 36 Junior High School Bandung, the teaching material of English

song which is applied is simple. The teacher only provides an English song,

then the English song will be sung together. After that, the teacher asks to the

students to answer the questions based on the English song. It means that the

teacher uses the English song to improve students’ writing skill. It is less

suitable to apply it in the class.

Beside answering the questions based on the English song, it can be used to

teach other materials. One of them is to teach students’ listening skill. Based

on the problems above, the writer tries to do a research as title,“The Use of

English Song as a Media in Improving Listening Skill.” There is a reason

to choose the title, because the writer wants to know how far the use of

English song as a media in improving listening skill. Beside that, the writer

really likes songs. The writer thinks song will give an good impression in

learning English.

1.3 Research Problem

Based on the background above, the writer will focus on this research

smaller in order to make easy in reaching the purpose of the study. In this

study, it will be developed in the following research question which are:

1) What are the procedures of teaching listening by using English song?

2) What are the teacher’s roles and student’s roles of teaching listening by

using English song?

3) What are the worksheets of teaching listening by using English song?

4) What is the evaluation of teaching listening through English song?

5) What is the result of this research?

6) What are the respondents’ opinion in teaching listening by using English


1.4 Limitation of Problem

The writer realizes that it is not too easy to find out the data if there is

no limitation in the study. Without limitation of the study, the result of

research will not be specified and focused in one thing. Then, the writer puts

some limitation in the research. There are several activities that can improve

students’ listening skill in teaching and learning English such as listen to

film, listen to news reports, listen to video and even listen to English song.

Therefore, the writer in this study will limit the improvement of students’

listening skill through English song. The study will be given to the second

grade of 36 Junior High School Bandung.

1.5 The Objectives of the Study

The purposes of this study is to analyze the use of English song in

improving listening skill. Based on the research problem above, the

objectives of this study as follows:

1) To find out what the procedures of using English song in improving

listening skill are.

2) To find out what the teachers’ roles and students’ roles of using English

song in improving listening skill are.

3) To find out what the worksheets of teaching listening skill through

English song are.

4) To find out what the evaluation of teaching listening skill through English

song is.

5) To find out what the result of using English song in improving listening

skill is.

6) To find out what the respondents’ opinion in using English song to

improve listening skill are.

1.6 Significances of the Study

The writer thinks that significances are important to improve her

works. Then, there are some significances of the study, as follows:

1) The Theoretically

The theoretically significance of study is to know the use of

English song in improving listening skill effective or not. Moreover, the

result of study is expected to improve students’ listening skill.

2) The Practically

The practically significance of study is consisted of 3. Firstly, for

students. For students, the writer hopes that the students will be interest

and enjoy in learning listening by using English song at the classroom.

The writer also wants to know how the development of using English

song to improve students’ listening skill. Secondly, for teachers. For

teachers, the writer hopes that the result of study will be useful to teach

listening in the classroom. Thirdly, for the next researchers. For the next

researchers, the writer hopes that the next reseachers will apply the study

as the information and reference in teaching listening toward the students

of second grade in Junior High School

Chapter II
Theoretical Foundation

This chapter discusses theories related to this study. There are several

theories provided in this chapter such as teaching listening, the goal of listening,

the types of listening, the process of listening, teaching media, song as a media

in teaching listening, evaluation and worksheet in teaching listening.

2.1 Teaching Listening

In Karo language, there is a proverb which sounds “Tuhu nge

ibegina, tapi labo idengkehkenna ”means“ memang didengarnya, tetapi

tidak disimaknya”. The parents often give advices to their children: If the

parents are talking, not only we hear what the parents say but also listen

carefully and put in your heart. It can not be disclaimed that there are many

ears which process the voice to hearing phase, but it does not process to

listening phase yet. Based on the explanation above, it can be seen that there

is a difference between hearing and listening.

In English language, the syllable of hearing is to hear, whereas the

syllable of listening is to listen or the form of each gerund is hearing and

listening. Hearing can be defined as a process of sound acceptance which

comes from outside without concerning the meaning and the voice message.

Whereas for listening is a process of hearing with comprehending and

concerning the meaning and voice message.

A process of listening has been included to hear, in contrast hearing

is not categorized as listening. In English course, there is a term “listening

comprehension” means “menyimak” and “to hear” means as “mendengar”.

A process of hearing occurs without planning, but it will come

coincidentally. Hearing and listening are two words that have different

meaning. In hearing, the way that is involved is physical and not intention.

In listening, mental is involved more advanced than hearing.

Sutari in Gusviani, Intan (2014) states that listening has the meaning

to take voice indirectly or directly. If there is a voice, our hearing aids will

take the voice. According to Poerwadarminta (1984), listening is to concern

or hear carefully what the speaker says. Whereas for according to KBBI,

“Menyimak diartikan sebagai mendengarkan (memperhatikan) baik-baik

apa yang diucapkan atau dibaca orang (Depdikbud, 1995)”. Based on the

explanation above, listening is a process of hearing carefully what the

speaker or reader says.

Listening is an important skill. Listening enables language learners

to receive and interact with language input and facilitates the emergence of

other language skills. In the other word, listening is a process of hearing,

knowing, and interpreting the oral signs.

According to Tarigan (2013),

Menyimak adalah suatu proses kegiatan mendengarkan lambang-

lambang lisan dengan penuh perhatian, pemahaman, apresiasi,
serta interpretasi untuk memperoleh informasi, menangkap isi atau

pesan, serta memahami makna komunikasi yang telah disampaikan
sang pembicara melalui ujaran atau bahasa lisan. ( Listening is a
process of hearing oral signs with full concerning, understanding,
appreciating, and interpreting to get the information, take the content
or message, also comprehending the meaning of communication
which has been conveyed by the speaker through pronuncement or
oral language).

Listening has close relationship with reading because both of them

are tool that are used to receive the information in communicating activity.

Its difference is a type of communicating. Listening relates with oral

communicating, whereas reading relates with written communicating. For

the goal, both of reading and listening have several similarities that are to

get the information, to comprehend the content, and to get the meaning of


Based on the explanation, it can be concluded that listening is a

process of hearing and concerning carefully what the speaker says and also

to comprehend the content or the meaning of communication which is in it.

To hear the people whom are reading or talking, listener should get the

information through language sound with having tones composition and


If the speaker and reader can be able to observe, the listener can

observe speaker’s motion advance and gestures such as expression, lip, and

so on. if the listener listens through media such as tape recorder, music, etc

the listener can listen language sounds which is delivered clearly.

In learning listening, there are several ways which need to be done

by the listener. Firstly, selective listening. Selective listening means to listen

the material at the same time the listener considers whether the information

is important or not in accordance with the goal of listening that is

established. Secondly, listen essence. It means that listening to get main idea

or summary of a set of sentence or oral discourse without fixed on small

parts. Thirdly, diction. It means to copy or to rewrite the letters, the words or

the discourses which are appropriately read, and note talkatives or

something that is read loudly.

In listening, the students oftentimes get the difficulties for learning

listening. From several researches that are done by the expert of language

proved that learning listening skill has own difficulties than other language

skills. According to Underwood (1990), there are several difficulties which

is faced by the learner among others:

The listener can not control the rapidity of talking so the listener can
not get information and understand the information; The listener has
been not an opportunity to ask the speaker repeating or clarificating
the message that the speaker is delivered. For example: when the
listener listens radio or watches television, the listener should be
able to comprehend the information as it is; Limited vocabulary that
is mastered by the listener, making the listener can not understand
the contents of the text. So it makes the listeners bored and
frustrated; Failure of the listener is to recognize and understand the
sign that is delivered by the speaker. Failure of the listener is to
interpret the information, so the contents of information are accepted
or understood different by the listener; The listener can not
concentrate because of various cases. Such as interested topics,
physical exhaustion, noisy environments, etc; Concerns in different
ways and the material which are taught by the teacher with the

material which is heard by the students through the audio or native

Yagang (1993) states that comprehending oral text is more difficult

than writing text. It is because oral text can be accepted in a short time, so

the contents of information can be accepted differently by the listener.

Whereas writing text can be read continuously in accordance with the

readers’ need. Beside that, oral text covers the topics which related to life or

anything else. On a various of opportunities the listener can not predict what

the speaker will deliver about the topics.

Based on the explanation, it can be concluded that many factors

which makes the students difficult to comprehend oral language. They are

internal factor and external factor. Internal factors are factors which appears

in own listener. Such as limited vocabulary, shortage of grammar, physical

condition, and so on. Whereas external factor is categorized into three


First, speaker. It means that a listener can not control the speaker in

delivering the information. Clariting the information which can not be

understood by the listener. Second, language knowledge. It means that if a

listener has limited vocabulary skill, grammar and the elements of linguistic,

it can be difficult the listener in comprehending oral language. Third, media.

In communicating orally, many medias that are used by the speaker to

deliver the information to the listener.

In daily conversation, between the speaker and listener can interact

each other, the effect of media is not much. If the listener can not understand

the information, the listener can ask to the speaker to repeat it. However, the

communication can only occurs one direction, so the role of media can help

the listener’s comprehending.

2.2 The Goal of Listening

Every person has a different purpose to listen the words or the

discourses in oral. Someone may listen to the radio in the morning to decide

whether to wear a coat or take an umbrella. Someone may listen to a song

for pleasure. Someone listens in different ways based on our purpose. The

purpose helps us to listen more effectively. According to Steven Brown

(2007), there are three purposes of listening which are:

Listening for main ideas means that the listener wants to get a
general idea of what is being said; Listening for details is something
we do everyday. For example: we need the details when we are
getting directions to someplace like a friend’s home. Just
understanding the topic in this case does us no good; Listening for
making inferences. Speakers do not always say exactly what they
mean. That is, important aspects of meaning are sometimes implied
rather than stated. Listeners have to “listen between the lines” to
figure out what really is meant.

However, According to Tarigan (2013), there are several purposes of

listening among others:

Listening for enjoying. It means to emphasize to enjoyable toward

something from the material which is pronounced or is sounded;
Listening for evaluating. It means to evaluate something that is
listened. Whether it is good-bad, beautiful-ugly, logic-unlogic, etc;

Listening for appreciating. It means to appreciate something that is
listened. Such as song and music, dialogue, discussion, panel
discussion, and so on; Listening for putting on ideas. It means to put
on opinion or feelings to other people fast and appropriately;
Listening for differing the sounds. It means to differ the sounds
appropriately. Whether the sounds differ the meaning or not;
Listening for solving problem. It means to solve the problem
creatively and analytically; Listening for convincing. It means to
convince oneself toward the problem or opinion that is confused.

2.3 The Types of Listening

According to Gary Buck (2001), there are two types of listening.

They are Bottom-up and Top-down listening. Firstly, Bottom-up. Bottom-up

processing means using the information we have about sounds, word

meanings, and discourse markers like first, then and after that to assemble

our understanding of what we read or hear one step at a time. Secondly,

Top-down listening. Top-down means using our prior knowledge and

experiences; we know certain things about certain topics and situations and

use that information to understand.

Students obviously need both bottom-up and top-down processing

skills in listening as well. Students must hear some sounds (bottom-up pro-

cessing), hold them in their working memory long enough (a few seconds)

to connect them to each other and then interpret what they’ve just heard

before something new comes along. At the same time, listeners are using

their background knowledge (top-down processing) to determine meaning

with respect to prior knowledge.

2.4 The Process of Listening

Listening is an activity that is a process. According to Tarigan

(2013), there are several stages in the process of listening as follows:

1) Hearing stage; in this stage, the listener will hear anything which is

conveyed by the speaker or called with hearing.

2) Comprehending stage; in this stage, the listener will understand or

comprehend well what the speaker says.

3) Interpreting stage; in this stage, the listener wants to interpret carefully

which is conveyed.

4) Evaluating stage; in this stage, the listener will evaluate the opinion or

ideas which is conveyed by the speaker.

5) Responding stage; in this stage, the listener will accept all ideas and

opinion orally and then the listener will start to respond what the listener


2.5 Teaching Media

Media is a tool that used to convey the information to readers. The

word “media” is the plural of medium which means a mediator. The word

“media” obtains to several activities or efforts such as a media in message

delivery, etc. The word “media” is also used in tesdaching and education so

it appears the term of teaching media or education media (Abdulhak dan

Sanjaya, 1996).

Sulaeman (1988) states that the word “medium” (media-jarak)

comes from latin, which is in English means “between”; in Indonesia means

“antara”. The word “medium” in instructional media with meaning

communication tool.

Communication tool in instructional media indicates to everything

which takes the information or the messages of resource to the receiver. For

example: film, television, radio, transcription, video, transparency, slide,

photography, pictures, edition materials (book, bulletin, newspaper,

magazine), and so on.

Media can be used in teaching and learning process. Teaching media

or the education media is a mediator which purposes to deliver the message

so that the receiver is more comprehensible the information. A process of

teaching is a communication process between messager and receiver. In

teaching, the teacher can play role as messager or organizer. In the roles, the

teacher should be able to create the condition which enables the

communication smoothly.

Teaching media is also used to avoid verbalism which still happens if

it is only used as visual aids. Sulaeman (1988) states that the teaching media

has several significances as follows:

Media can make the information of materials clearly so it is too

verbalistis; Media can solve the restrictiveness of room, time, and
senses; Media can make the students happy in teaching and learning
process, so the student can interact directly between other students,
environment, and the truth. The students can study individually
based on their skill and interest, so the studying is more interesting;

Media can stimulate the students, give an experience, and give a
perception; Media can stimulate students’ attention and students’
interest, so the students concentrate toward the material which will
be explained by the teacher; Media can facilitate the students in
connecting the knowledge that has been mastered with the
knowledge that will be learned; Media can make the students happy
in teaching and learning activity; Media can make the goal of
teaching and learning easily; Media can make the students in
organizing the information easily.
Based on the explanation above, it may be concluded that teaching

and learning media is a tool that is used in teaching and learning activity.

Teaching and learning media has an important role in teaching and learning

process. By using a media in teaching and learning activity, it is expected

that the students are happy and interested in learning the material. Moreover,

the information or message will be delivered to the students and that creates

the comfortable condition indirectly so the teacher is not tired to deliver the

material too much to the students.

2.6 Song as a Media in Teaching Listening

Song is a lyric which is accompanied by tones or rhythm. Song is a

text which will be sung. Song is the form of written work which is listened

with the music. Someone that listens song can feel sad, happy, enthusiastic,

etc because the effect of song really touches people’s heart. Song can

provide spoken tool indirectly which is saved into the memory. This

becomes learning and teaching process not to be awkward.

Encylopedia of Americana in Siti Aimah (2011) states that song is

short musical work with having poetic text. The work can be written form,

and sound form which are usually followed by instruments. Whereas

according to Jamalus in Siti Aimah (2011), song is an art work which is

sung by accompanying music instruments.

According to Tim Murphey (1992), there are several purposes of

using songs in teaching English which are:

Song are highly memorable. It means that through songs the students
can be easier to remember English words which in it; Songs are
highly motivation. It means that through songs the students can
enjoy the teaching and learning activity that is progressing; Songs
bring variety to the lesson. It means that using songs are one way of
‘escaping’ from the course book and adding new learning
experiences. By using songs in teaching and learning activity, the
students are not bored because there is a new something in English
course; Songs provide examples of everyday language. It means that
the language of most songs are simple, often in a conversational
style. Such as the lyric I am still love you from Mariah Carey, The
heart wants what it wants from Selena Gomez; Songs are fun. It
means that using songs in teaching and learning activity may create
a good condition at classroom. Enjoyable learning has to be more
effective than teacher-centred procedures.

Based on Tim Murphey’s explanations, it may be concluded that

songs have an important role in supporting teaching and learning activity at

classroom. Using songs in classroom activity will make the student

enthusiastic to learn the material especially the material is about English

course. Songs also provided simple words so the students can understand

what the song will be conveyed.

Song is a good tool to help the students in learning and teaching

process. Song can motivate the students in following teaching and learning

English. Song can make the classroom more interesting. When the students

love a song that is taught by the teacher, the students will be happy and

enthusiastic to learn English course. And that time, the students are learning

something indirectly. The use of song in teaching and learning can

counterpoise between right-brain and left-brain. It means that to

counterpoise between intelectual aspect and emotional aspect.

Song is an evergreen teaching aid in language learning, and popular

with students as well as teachers. Music not only assists with listening skills,

but also it creates a relaxed ambiance that facilitates the learning process.

When you are learning a new language, listening is more difficult than

reading or speaking.

Try listening to a radio broadcast in a language that you do not know.

It comes across as a barrage of indecipherable sounds; it is hard to figure out

where a word starts and ends, let alone a sentence. It seems impossible that

you will ever understand or manage to speak the language. But, you know

that we picked up our mother tongue by listening, and we can do the same

with learning a new language.

Songs can be an effective means of developing children’s language

skills only when they are well integrated into a scheme of work and

carefully selected for the cognitive and linguistic needs of pupils. Kirsch

(2008) states that listening activities should be based on meaningful,

appropriate, and authentic texts (e.g., a story, song, or poem) that assist

listening and remembering and that match the language and grade level of


To choose the songs in teaching and learning activity, the teachers

have to adjust the songs in accordance the students. Therefore, Ersöz (2007)

states that teachers should be careful to choose songs that are:

1) Contain simple and easily understood lyrics;

2) Link with a topic or vocabulary that learners are studying in class;

3) Contain repetitive lines;

4) Allow children to easily do actions (to help emphasize meaning).

2.7 Evaluation and Worksheet in Teaching Listening

2.7.1 Evaluation

Evaluation is a process to provide the information about how

far the specific activity have been achieved. According to Kumano

(2001), evaluation is an assessment toward the data that is collected

through assessing activity. Besides, Zainul and Nasution (2001) states

that evaluation can be explained as a process of taking decision with

using the information through the measurement of learning, whether it

uses test or non-test. In general, there are several functions of

evaluation among others:

1) Administrative function, to arrange value list and to fill the raport.

2) Promotion function, to determine students’ graduating.

3) Diagnostic function, to identify students’ difficulties in learning

and to plan the program of remedial teaching.

4) BP’s data source, to supply students’ data who needs BP.

5) The consideration material of development in the future time

which covers curriculum development, method, and KBM tools.

Based on the explanation above, it can be concluded that

evaluation is very important to be done by teacher. By evaluating, the

teacher may know how the teaching and learning activity is done in

the classroom. Whether the material can be conveyed to the students

well or not. By evaluating, the teacher can be also easier to know the

difficuties that are faced by the students when the material is conveyed

by the teacher. Evaluation can be gotten through assessing activity.

Therefore, the teacher needs to do the assessment activity.

Assessment is an activity in taking decision to determine thing

based on good or bad criteria. Assessment functions to measure

students’ knowledge about the material that have been learned.

According to Vandergrift and Christine (2012), assessment is an

important part of learning and teaching. The goal of classroom

assessment is, first of all, to provide learners, teachers, and parents

with the feedback on learners progress in listening development.

A second goal, for more formal contexts, is to assign a mark or

a level to learner listening performance for purposes of awarding

credits, placement, or promotion. Finally, ment on a large scale,

assesment provides program administrators and school jurisdictions

with information on the success of listening instruction in their

language programs.

According to Vandergrift and Christine (2012), there are two

approaches to assessment which are:

Formative Assessment. Formative assessment describes on going

assessment and observation in the classroom. Formative assessment
focuses on the process of learning. It seeks to enchance learning by
providing learners with feedback on their progress in meeting
targeted learning outcomes; Summative Assessment. Summative
assessment is a judgment of learner listening ability after an
instructional phase is completed, or a global judgment by an
educational jurisdiction on the effectiveness of an instructional

In making the assessment, a teacher needs to implement the

basic task. The basic task purposes to take theoretical notion about a

construct and to operationalise those, that is to turn them into actual

practice, in a set of test items (A test items is the part of the test that

requires a scorable response from the test-taker). Historically there

have been three main approaches to language testing that are the

discrete-point, integrative and communicative approaches.

The discrete-point testing is the most common approach to

language testing. The discrete-point defines language in behaviourist

terms. It means that language is a system of habits which operates

largely without our awareness. The basic idea of the discrete-point

approach is that it is possible to identify and isolate the separate bits,

elements of language – the units of linguistic knowledge - and test

each one of these separately.

According to Lado in Gary Buck (2001), the items that is used

in the discrete-point approach is segmental phonemes, stress,

intonation, grammatical structure, and vocabulary. Whereas for using

the test in learning, the teachers can use true/false, multiple-choice

questions and picture. Discrete-point items are usually scored by

giving one mark or point, for each correct item, and using the total

number of correct items as the total test score. In the following

examples of the types of test:

Example 1:
Test-takers hear
I hear they have developed a better vine near here.
They read:
I hear they have developed a better vine/wine near here
Example 2:
Test-takers hear:
How much time did you spend in Boston?
They read:
a. Yes, I did.
b. Almost $250
c. Yes, I had to.
d. About four days

According Oller in Gary Buck (2001), integrated testing is a

assessment to assess a learner’s capacity to use many bits all at the

same time. Oller stated that there are regular and rule-governed

relationship between the various elements of the language, and that to

know a language it is necessary to know how these elements relate to

each other.

Integrated testing approach puts the emphasis on assessing the

processing of language as opposed to assessing knowledge about the

elements of the language. There are types of integrates testing

approach that are listening cloze, other gap filling, dictation, and


Listening cloze or cloze tests are reading tests based on the

idea of reduced redundancy. The basic cloze procedure is very simple.

A text is selected, and words are replaced by blanks in a systematic

way. The test-takers has to fill in the blanks by writing down the word

they think fits best. In the following example of listening cloze is:

By way of introduction let’s have some information on just how far

british industry ........................ commerce hev been computerized //
how many machines are in use here compared with other ....................
of the world // well the statistics of national computer populations are
notoriously difficult to ................. // differences in the ways different
countries make up their figures lead to further problems ...............
making comparisons //
* // indicates pauses of four seconds

A gap-filling testing is a test to give test-takers a transcript of

spoken text, with words deleted, then play a recording of the text and

ask the test-takers to fill in the blanks based on what they have heard.

A gap-filling test is as same as listening cloze. However, the

difference is to put the blanks on content words. In the following

example of gap-filling test is:

The porters live in Dartmouth a small English town at the mouth of
the River Dart. Mr. Porter is a lecturer in engineering at the local
college. Mrs. Porter is a nurse and works in a nearby hospital. The
Porters have their friends, the Saids, visiting them from Egypt.
They’ve been there a week now. What they really enjoy doing is
taking a large boat out and spending an hour or two fishing.
Yesterday, Mr. Porter caught two fishes, and Mrs. Porter caught
three nice ones. Mr. Said caught a fish too, but it got away.

* The underlined words are deleted; test-takers must write them in

the blanks.

According to Lado and Valette in Gary Buck (2001), dictation

test is a test that is considered to be little more than a test of spelling

and punctuation. Hughes and Weir in Gary Buck (2001) states that

dictation as providing a good supplement to other listening tests.

The basic idea of dictation is simple: test-takers listen to a

passage and write down what they have heard. Usually this involves

listening to the passage twice: the first time, test-takers just listen and

try to understand; the second time, the passage is broken into a

number of short segments, with a pause between each, and during

these pauses test-takers write down what they have heard. In the

following example of dictation testing that is:

Test-takers hear:
Mary lives with her mother and father in a small town just outside
London. Everyday from Monday to Friday she works in a large
office in the centre of London. She always gets up at half-past six.
First she has a shower, then she has a good breakfast she usually
reads the morning paper. After she’s finished breakfast she puts on
her make-up, gets changed and leaves the house at about eight
o’clock. It only takes her five minutes-past-eight-train.

Segment #
Mary lives her mother and father
In a small town just outside London
Everyday from Monday to Friday
She works in a large office
In the centre of London

In scoring dictation, there are a number of ways. It is common

to score each word written correctly: the total available score for each

segment is the total number of words, and the total test score is the

sum of those. Hughes in Gary Buck (2001) states that scoring

dictations for low-ability test-takers can be very difficult when they

make many mistakes. Because it is not always clear exactly which part

of the text their response refer to.

Translation is not usually thought of as an integrative test, but

Oller suggests that it still remains a viable pragmatic procedure. In

applying the translation testing, the test-takers can do the test easily or

simple. The test-takers were asked to listen to the recording and then

during the pauses, write down a translation of what the man had said.

The translation testing was scored by awarding one mark for each

important idea expressed. All the translations were marked by the

same rater, and reliability was found to be quite acceptable.

There are two advantages to this technique. First, having a

speaker talk freely about his home country produced a reasonably

spontaneous text. Second, the requirement to translate ensures that

test-takers have to process the semantic content of the text. In the

following example of translation testing that the text is given below:

The most striking is its size;

It’s so large unbelievably large;
Especially if you come from a small country;
So if you want to come to Canada for a vacation;
You have to consider very carefully just a small part of Canada to

Communicative testing developed primarily in response to the

trend towards increased communicative second language teaching.

The basic idea underlying communicative teaching is that language is

used for the purpose of communication, in a particular situation and

for a particular purpose and the important thing is not what a person

knows about the language, nor how grammatically correct they are,

but whether they can actually use it to communicate in the target-

language use situation, the real-world situation in which the language

will be used.

Language proficiency is thus seen as communicative

competence. This idea influenced testing, namely that testers should

be less concerned with how much a person knows about the language

and more about whether testers use it to communicate effectively.

As Carroll in Gary Buck (2001) states that the use of language

is the objective, and the mastery of the formal pattern, or usage, of that

language is a means to achieve that objective. In the following

example of communicative testing is:

Test-takers listen to the song twice.

Don’t know ___________ I’ve been so blue
Don’t know _______ come over you
You’ve found someone new
And don’t it make my brown eyes blue.
I’ll be _____________ when you’ve gone
I’ll just ____________ all night long
Say it isn’t true
And don’t it make my brown eyes blue.
Then, response to the following questions:
How is the singer feeling?
Why does she feel like this?
What colour are her eyes?

Based on the explanation above, the writer can conclude that

assessing is so important. By doing the assessment, the teacher can

measure the students’ skill toward the material that is delivered by the

teacher. To do the assessment of listening, the teacher can use three

approaches to assess listening in the classroom which are the discrete-

point testing, integrated testing, and communicative testing. Moreover,

the teacher can apply in the classroom several types of assessing

listening. Those are multiple choice, fill the blanks, true/false,

translation, dictation, gap-filling and many others.

During the research, the writer will use gap filling test. These

following are the form of listening assessment that adapted from

Templeton. Gap filling will be used as the guidelines for assessing

listening during the research. The gap filling is a simple test. In

scoring, the listening cloze only needs to answer the missing words as

the objective assessment.

The objective assessment is an assessment that know the

students’ knowledge with having an evidence in teaching and learning

activity. The discrete-point will help the writer to assess students’

listening for doing the research. There is the assessment rubric of song

as follows:

Assessment Rubric:

A) Assessing for Fill the blanks

Description Score
Every answer is correct and the
1. 5
sentence is perfect.
Every answer is correct and the
2. 4
sentence is almost perfect.
Every answer is correct and the
3. 3
sentence is sufficient perfect.
Every answer is correct and the
4. 2
sentence is less perfect.
Every answer and the sentence is
5. 1

Total score:

= Score X 100

100 = ideal score

2.7.2 Worksheet

Worksheet is the sheets which are used by the students as a

manual in teaching and learning process, and consisted of tasks that

are done by the students in question form or the activity.

Worksheet is the simplest of teaching material because the

content is not teaching material but the development of questions or


According to Suryanto, dkk (2011),

Lembar kerja siswa adalah lembaran di mana siswa

mengerjakan sesuatu terkait dengan apa yang sedang dipelajari
oleh siswa. ( Worksheet is the sheets of where the students do

something which relate with what the material is being learned by
the students).

Worksheet has important role in teaching and learning process

because it can improve students’ activity in learning. Beside that,

worksheet can also develop process skill and optimize learning result.

According to Prianto and Harnoko (1997), there are several functions

of using worksheet in teaching and learning process, among others:

a) To help teacher in arranging lesson plan.

b) Make the students active in teaching and learning process.

c) As teacher’s manual and students in increasing the information

about concept that is learned through learning activity


d) To help the students to make note about the material that will be

learned through learning activity.

e) To train the students in finding out and developing process skill.

Every teacher will prepare worksheet to measure students’

understanding toward the material that has been delivered. Whether

the worsheet is in listening, reading, speaking and even writing aspect.

In listening aspect, there are many forms that may be given by teacher.

Those are:

Phonemic Discrimination Tasks

This form is a simplest form because the use of this form is not

too crucial. Phonemic Discrimination Task is a form that purposes to

identify the words that have been heard. The words that is empty

based on the goal of listening. There is the form of worksheet which


Test-takers hear:
I see your boyfriend in the Gramedia bookstore.
They read:
I see/sea your boyfriend in the Gramedia bookstore.

Jumbled Text

Jumbled text is a form that purposes to arrange the text

correctly. In this form, the text is usually randomed line by line and is

not whole text. In this form, students will arrange the text based on the

text that is delivered by thhe teacher orally in front of class. There is

the form of worksheet which is:

Fast heartbeats
Promises and color
Brave to be how
how can I’m afraid to fall when I love
but watching stand you alone
all of my doubt somehow goes suddenly away
one closer step

Error Recognition

Error Recognition is a form of worksheet that purposes to

identify the wrong words in the text/song. In this case, the teacher will

change the word which is in the text/song with other words. Whereas

the students will be asked to determine which words are wrong. There

is a form of worksheet which is:

Thousand Years
By Christina Aquilera
end all along I belief I would fine you
time has brought your heart to me
I have love you for a thousand years
I love you for a thousand more

Chapter III
Research Methodology

This chapter discusses the research methodology related to this study.

There are several research methodology which cover research design, population

and sample, technique of data collection and technique of analysing data.

3.1 Research Design

The research is about the use of English song as a teaching media in

improving listening skill. The research applied is descriptive and uses the

qualitative method. The writer does the research by following several steps.

These following are the steps that will be done by the research.

1) Planning

Before doing the study, the writer needs to prepare lesson plan

as a guideline in teaching and learning process. There are several action

as a planning; give the proposal to the headmaster where the research

will be held, make a preparation for the teacher who will teach during

the research. This preparation covers the formulating of lesson plan,

formulating evaluation form, teaching media, worksheet, and teaching


2) Implementation

This step is the implementation of the entire planning process.

The writer will do a research by observating the implementation of

teaching procedure about the use of English song as a media in

improving listening skill. In the procedure of English song as a media

will be implemented into three activities which are: pre-activities, main-

activities, and post-activities.

Pre-activities consisted of greetings, checking students’

attendance, checking the cleanness of the class, conveying the aim of

teaching and learning, and motivating the students in order to focus on

the material. Main activities is activities which relate to the material.

Main activities divided into three categories that are exploration,

elaboration, and confirmation. Whereas for post-activities is activities

which purpose to conclude the teaching and learning activity or accept

positive feedback and do the reflection.

Beside also that, the research will observe how the teacher’s role

and students’ role in teaching listening by using English song. The

writer will observe the use of worksheet in teaching listening and also

observe the process of evaluation and how the learning result is by

using English song. The writer will observe the respondents’ opinion

about using English song as a media in improving listening skill.

3) Reporting

After the writer observes the implementation of the use of

English song in teaching listening, and then the writer will arrange the

result of research into a paper which based on finding data analysis.

3.2 Research Method

In conducting the study, the writer will use a method that called

descriptive qualitative method. The writer chooses that method because the

writer wants to describe the use of English song in improving listening skill.

According to Moleong in Suharsimi, Arikunto (2013),

Sumber data penelitian kualitatif adalah tampilan yang berupa

kata- kata lisan atau tertulis yang dicermati oleh peneliti, dan
benda-benda yang dimati sampai detailnya. (qualitative research
data source is the view that the form of words spoken or written that
is observed by the researchers, and the objects were observed to

In this study, the writer will use a research approaching

that is Classroom Action Research.

According to Arikunto (2013),

Penelitian Tindakan Kelas adalah penelitian yang dilakukan oleh

guru ke kelas atau di sekolah tempat ia mengajar dengan
penekanan dan penyempurnaan atau peningkatan proses dan
praksis pembelajaran. (Classroom action research is a research that
is used by the teacher to the classroom or school where the teacher
teaches in emphasizing and completing or process rising and
teaching-learning practical).

Because the research uses a classroom action study, the writer needs

to apply two cycles that consisted of planning, implementation,

observation, and reflection.

The use of cycles in this research purpose to know the process of

using song in improving listening skill and also the difficulties that faced

by student. There are the cycles that will be presented into the following


Table 3.1: Steps of cycles according to Arikunto (2010)


Reflecting CYCLE I Acting



Reflecting CYCLE II Acting


According to Arikunto (2013), there are four stages of classroom

action research as follows:

1) Planning: In this stage, the researcher will explain about why, when,

where, by whom, and how the action was committed.

2) Acting: Research acting is the implementation or application of the

contents of the draft that donned the action in the classroom.

3) Observing: Activities carried out by the observer. While doing

observation, teachers implementing piecemeal recorded what happened

in order to obtain accurate data for the next cycle of improvement.

4) Reflecting: Reflecting is an activity to restate what is already being

implemented. The term of reflecting is more appropriate donned when

teachers have finished to do the action, and then dealing with the

researchers discuss the implementation of the action plan. The essence of

action research is the teachers as a actor tells to the observer about some

acivities that felt it has been running well and which are not.

Based on the chart above, the researcher will explain both of cycles,

among others:

1) Cycle I

In the cycle I, the writer will use it to lesson plan 1. In this cycles,

the researcher will take two times meeting to the students. In the first

meeting, the writer will give a test to the students without explaining

about the material. In the second meeting, the writer will do treatment or

action to the students. In this meeting, the writer will explain the

material based on lesson plan I which has been made. In this step, the

writer will continue the next action that called cycle II.

2) Cycle II

In this cycle II, the writer will use lesson plan II as the guidelines

in teaching and learning. The cycle II can be applied by the writer based

on the lack of the lesson plan. In the cycle II, the writer will do two

meetings. In the first meeting, the writer will give a treatment or action

again. The treatment or action will refer to the lack of lesson plan I, so

the students can understand about the material.

During the process of treatment, the writer will also give several

exercises which help student’s listening skill with using an English song.

The second meeting, the writer will give a test with using an English

song. It purposes to measure how the result of using an English song is.

And the last meeting, the writer will interview the students and teacher

about using English song as a media.

3.3 Procedure of Data Collection

Data collection are the process of collecting some data which are

needed by the writer for completing the result of the research. Those data

are the implementation of lesson plan in the class, the evaluation of

students’ work, the students’ work of teaching listening, students’ and

teacher’s opinion about using English song as a media in improving

listening skill. These are the procedures of collecting data that will be done

by the writer during the research.

3.3.1 Test

In getting data, the writer used pre-test and post-test. Pre-test is

a test which is used by the students before getting the treatment and

also using English song as a media in teaching listening. While Post-

test is a test which is used by the students after getting the treatment

and also using English as a media in teaching listening. The test for

pre-test, the students will listen song. Then, the students fill the

missing words.

The test for post-test is a paper test that has same categories

with the English song of pre-test. For the post-test, the students will be

listened several English song to answer the questions. Before doing

the post-test, the writer will explain the material about descriptive text

to the students. Moreover, the writer will give exercises by using

English song.

After the treatment finish, the writer asks to the students to

answer the English song. And then, the writer will use the scoring

system as a instrument in recording the data.

3.3.2 Observation

During the observation, it will be carried out to observe the

correspondence between implementation and lesson plan that have

been prepared. The writer asks to the teacher in order to observe

teaching and learning activity. During the research, the teacher will

write all things that happened during the class activities from start

until the end of the class.

It covers the implementation of teaching procedure using

English song in teaching listening, teacher’s role and students’ role

during teaching and learning process, learning result, the content of

teaching materials, and worksheet.

3.3.3 Interview

According to Arikunto (2013), wawancara atau kuesioner

lisan adalah sebuah dialog yang dilakukan oleh pewawancara untuk

memperoleh informasi dari terwawancara. (oral interview or

questionnaire is a dialogue conducted by interviewers to obtain

information from interviewees).

Interview data obtained from the questions and answers orally.

On this research, the interview is intended to explore the advantages

and the difficulties that students have during teaching listening using

English song as a media.

3.4 The Technique of Analysing the Data

There are six data that will be analyzed by the writer Those data are

the data of teaching procedure by using English song to improve listening

skill, the data of student and teacher’s role, the data of worksheet

implementation, the data of learning evaluation, the data of result, and the

data of student and teacher’s respondents. The researcher will use several

steps in analysing data.

First data is the data of learning procedure by using English song to

improve listening skill. Data will be analysed by comparing the lesson plan

with a data of instrument which is observed. Then the researcher makes

comments on the data that has been analysed.

Second data is the data of student and teacher’s role. The role of

teacher and student will be analysed by looking at the result of observation

of the activities of teachers and students during the learning process. The

activities of teacher and students then is compared with the theory that has

been imprinted.

Third data is the data of worksheet implementation. To get the data

of worksheet implementation, the researcher will compare the result of

observation with the theory that has been imprinted.

Fourth data is the data of learning evaluation. To get the data of

learning evaluation result, the researcher will analyze data from test which

are pre-test and post-test. First, the researcher reads both of data. Secondly,

the researcher will analyse both of the data, examine the data, then compare

the data. The researcher will use a rubric scoring of listening assessment for

evaluating the result of post-tet and pre-test. The result will be formed into a


Fifth data is the result data of study. To get the data, the writer will

analyze the data of pre-test and post-test and then that data will be

calculated with using the formula. The writer will compare how many the

improvement between pre-test and post-test and made into percentage.

Sixth data is the data of students and teacher’s respondents. The data

will be gotten by using interview. The data interview will be analysed by the

researcher then described into a description. After analysing, the researcher

will make a conclusion based on the all the data which have been analysed.

3.5 Population and Sample

3.5.1 Population

According to Arikunto (2013), populasi adalah keseluruhan

subjek penelitian (population is the whole subject of research). As

population, the writer will take the second grade students of SMPN 36

Bandung with totaling 286 students which divided into 8 classes (class

8A-8H). Each class consisted of 36 students.

3.5.2 Sample

Arikunto (2013) also stated that sampel adalah sebagian atau

wakil populasi yang akan diteliti (the sample is partially or

representative population to be studied). To determine the sample, the

writer will do class sampling which is taken randomly. The writer

takes one class as a sample from eight classes. The class which is

choosen as a sample in the research is Class VIII-D.

Chapter IV
Data Analysis and Findings

This chapter presents data analysis and findings. Data analysis and

findings consisted of the students’ listening score in pre-cycle, cycle 1, cycle 2,

post-test and also the students’ response in using English song as a media in

teaching listening skill.

4.1 Data Analysis

This study was conducted during three weeks with 5 active days. It

was started from August, 07th 2015 until August 24th 2015. In collecting the

data of classroom action study, the researcher used three kinds of

instruments which are pre-test, post-test, and interview. The data required to

answer research questions that were given to eighth grade students of SMP

Negeri 36 Bandung.

The pre-test in listening skill was administered to the subject under

study to get their pre-existing skill in listening. In pre-test, the subjects were

given 15 of fill the blanks items to determine their skill in learning listening.

Post-test was administered in both of cycle. This was the fact that in each

session the researcher administered the post-test as the reflection in listening

through English song as a teaching media.

Data analysis was divided into six terms analysis to answer the

research problems which are the analysis of the learning procedure by using

English song as a teaching media, the role of teacher and students, the data

of evaluation, the data of worksheet implementation, the result of research,

and the respondents of teacher and students.

4.1.1 The Procedures of Teaching and Learning

In analysing the data of the procedure of teaching and learning,

the research compared the lesson plan with a data of instrument which

was observed. The procedures of teaching and learning was

implemented in two cycles. Each cycle in this research consisted of a

sense of a steps, which are identifying the problem, planning the

action, implementation the action, observing or monitoring the action,

evaluating and reflection the score of the observation and revising the

plan. They could be explained in the following parts:

1) Cycle I

For knowing a sense of a steps in cycle I, it can be seen in the

following explainations:

Identifying the problem

As what the writer mention before, there are several things

which make the students difficult in learning listening as follows:

 The English teacher seldom uses Audio in teaching listening.

The teacher tends to use their own as teaching and learning


 The students do not get the right pronunciation.

 The students get difficulties in identifying the words that was


Planning the action

After found the facts that the students’ listening was still low,

the writer would use English song as teaching media. The writer

chose the materials and arranged the lesson plan.

In this research, the writer was helped by English teacher

who did observation while the writer was conducting the teaching

and learning process by making field notes. The writer also

prepared teachers’ diary, media and photography when the teaching

and learning conducted. It purposed to know the writer’s

weaknesses when implementing the treatment in classroom.

Implementing the action

In implementing the action, there were three activities which

had to be done. Those are: pre-activities, main activities, and post-

activities. The implementation of English song was also described

for each meeting below:

a) The first meeting

In the first meeting the writer explained about

descriptive text. It was conducted on August, 10 th, 2015.

Before starting the material, the teacher gave the greetings to

the students and asked them to pray together. After that, the

teacher asked to check the cleanness of the class and also the

students’ attendance.

The teacher conveyed the aim of teaching and learning,

then the teacher gave motivation to the students in order to

focus on teaching and learning that was taking place.

In doing introduction, The writer spent time for 10

minutes. It was done because the writer wanted to give an

opportunity to the students in accepting the material so the

students kept to give attention to the teacher when the material

would be explaining. The time that was spent by writer was on

time. There was not more time or less because the teacher

wanted to be profesional so that the study well seemed.

The second activity is main activities. In this activity,

the teacher gave the material to the students that was done

through three categories. Those are: exploration, elaboration,

and confirmation. Each category has several activities which

can be seen as follows:


This category has two activities which are: involve the

students for searching the information widely about the

material and gave oral questions about the material. The both

of activities was implemented by the teacher.

In this category the writer had done the activity well. It

could be seen by teacher who asked to the students about the

difficulties of learning listening. Moreover, the writer tried to

make the students critical thinking to the lesson so the students

could follow the teaching and learning process that was taking

place. However, the writer in implementing this activity got the

problem because the writer should work hard to make the

students focus to the lesson.


This category has six activities. Those are: give the text

of the song that entitled I have a dream (Westlife), observe the

text of the song, listen teacher that is singing the song with the

approriate pronunciation, follow teacher’s pronunciation,

identify the difficult words of the song and the theme of the

song. All activities were implemented by the students.

In this activity, Elaboration had been done by the writer

in teaching and learning process. In the script which was given

by the observer, the writer got the good criteria. But, there was

an activity which was not appropriate between lesson plan and

the activity at classroom. In teaching listening English song,

the writer should sing that song and did not read it in the front

because the students was more interesting to something

different in teaching and learning.


This category has two activities which are: the students

answer the worksheet and collect the answers to the teacher. In

the confirmation, the writer had implemented it well. The

writer gave the worksheet to the students because she wanted

to accustome the students in listening the English words and

also knew how far the students understood the song that they


Post-activities is the last activitiy in the procedure of

teaching and learning. In this activity, there are three activities

which are: give the positive feedback in oral form, conclude

the teaching and learning together, ask the difficulties that are

faced by students when the teaching and learning takes place.

In implementing post activities, the writer tended not to

give positive feedback in reward or point form so there were

children who were not enthusiastic to learn listening. But, one

of the best ways in increasing the enthuasiasm was by giving

reward or point to the students who was more actively in

teaching and learning such as answering the teacher’s

questions in spoken or written. By giving the point or reward,

it indicated that the teacher appreciated them in teaching and

learning activity.

Observing and monitoring the action

Observing and monitoring are important to be done because

the writer can know the students’ improvement in learning

listening. Observing and monitoring are done during the

implementation of the action while the students are doing that


In the process of observation, the writer was helped by the

English teacher. The English teacher made notes while the teaching

and learning was taking place. In learning listening through English

song, the writer asked to the students to find out the difficult words

of the song. Then, the writer explained the meaning of words.

After that, the writer asked to the students to listen carefully

while the writer was singing the song. The students repeated what

the writer spoke. In the last 20 minutes of teaching and learning

process, the writer gave the exercise to the students because the

writer wanted to know students’ comprehension toward the

material which was conveyed.

Based on the data result of teacher’s observation sheet in

cycle I, the writer has obtained the good and excellent criteria

(score 4 and 5). That data can be seen in appendice. Although the

teaching and learning activity which was implemented by writer

got satisfied score, but the students still got bad score in doing

exercise given by writer. There were 9 students who got the score

over 75, whereas 25 students got the bad score.

The most of children who got bad score faced the problem to

write English words correctly. Besides, in learning English each

word that was not perfect writing would impact to the words. To

solve the problem, the writer finally implemented treatment II so

that every student could get the high score.

Revising the plan

In order that students got the improvement of listening skill,

the writer decided to revise lesson plan in cycle I. The writer

focused on main activity in implementing the next activity

especially identifying the words was heard.

2) Cycle II

For knowing a sense of a steps in cycle II, it can be seen in

the following explainations:

Identifying the problem

Based on the result of cycle I, the writer found out that

several students still get difficult in comprehending the English

song that was listened. The writer identified this problem through

the exercises which were given. There were 25 students who got

score under 75 in cycle I. It can be concluded that the students’

score was low, and still needed to implement the next cycle so

students’ listening skill might improve.

Planning the action

In cycle II , the writer would like to convey the material

about how to read the English words correctly. In teaching and

learning process, the writer asked each student to sing the English

song. This aim of teaching and learning was to know what the

students’ lacking in listening skill. Beside that, the writer wanted to

train the students in speaking English words correctly. It was

planned by considering the time allotment in doing the lesson in the

class. In anticipating the limited time because of rich materials

taught. The writer planned to apply writing session. For example:

after the students did the test, the writer asked them to answer the

questions which related to the English song.

Implementation the action

The implementation of English song as a teaching media in

cycle II was described as follow:

a) The first meeting

The first meeting was conducted on August, 14th, 2015 at

07.05a.m. Before starting the material, the writer greeted to the

students and checked students’ attendance. And then, the writer

asked them to check the cleanness of the class.

Second activity is main activity. In this activity, the writer

divided into three categories which are:


In exploration, the writer just reviewed the previous

material. It purposed to back remembering that material.


In this activity, the students asked to make 4 lines. Then,

the writer asked to each line to find out the difficult words and

translate that words. After that, the writer sang that song with

the appropriate pronunciation as for example. Every students

asked to train with their lines for 15 minutes. After 15 minutes,

each line would sing that song in the front of class.


This category has two activities which are: the students

answer the worksheet and collect the answers to the teacher.

Third activity is post-activities. In this activity, the writer

just gave positive feedback to the students and asked how the

teaching and learning listening by using English song happy or


b) The second meeting

In the second meeting, the writer just gave the test to the

students. The writer asked to fill the missing song for 20

minutes. After that, the writer gave interview paper to know the

benefits of English song toward the students’ listening skill so


Observing and monitoring the Action

In cycle II, the process of teaching and learning was under

control. The students could listen well the English song, beside that

the students can pronunce the words correctly. The students also

knew the meaning of each word. The students were active in

teaching and learning process such as gave the questions, answered

the writer’s question, etc.

Based on the data result of teacher’s observation sheet in

cycle II, the writer has obtained the good and excellent criteria

(score 4 and 5). That data can be seen in appendice. In

implementing the teaching and learning activity, the situation and

condition could go on well at classroom.

The students’ listening skill was improved. It could be seen

from all students’ score who got the score up 75. Therefore, the

writer decided to complete the study until cycle II. Because the

writer thought that the score 75 was enough for knowing students’

listening skill improved or not.

4.1.2 The Roles of Teacher and Students

a) Teacher’s Roles

According to Brown (2001), there are five roles of the

teacher. In the implementation, the teacher had done all activities.

In the beginning the teacher had become a manager, she had

prepared a lesson plan to teach in the classroom.

The teacher had become a facilitator. The teacher organized

the activity of students in the classroom and also all requirements

to be used in teaching and learning, such as media. Beside that,

the teacher had also become a controller. In this way, the teacher

tried to make the class to be conducive. It means that the teacher

wanted the students to focus toward the material that was


The fourth role of the teacher was a director. In this way, the

teacher tried to make the students interactive in teaching and

learning process. It meaned that the students had to be active

toward the material that was given. The last role of the teacher

was a resource. In this way, the teacher had to able to answer the

students’ questions, gave advices, and also checked the students

final assignments. Moreover, a good teacher should interlace a

close relationship with the students so the material could be

accepted and understood by them.

b) Students’ Roles

In the teaching and learning activity, there are 4 roles that

have to be done by the students. Those were: firstly, students

listened to the English songs that was sung by the teacher.

Secondly, students gave attention to the material which was

delivered by teacher. Thirdly, students did the worksheet

individually as an exercise. Fourthly, students checked friends’

worksheet correctly.

Between teacher’s role and students’ role in teaching and

learning listening did not get the problem anything. From the data

of students and teacher’s role, it could be concluded that the

teaching and learning activity could be going on smoothly if the

teacher and students paid attention to each other.

Beside that, the students should respect to the teacher who

gave the material and followed the rule of teaching and learning

applied by the teacher. It was purposed to make situation

harmonious and condusive in teaching and learning classroom.

4.1.3 The Worksheets in Teaching Listening

In analysing the worksheet, the writer took the data from

observation results and compared with the theory. Worksheet is so

important in teaching and learning activiy because it can give more

knowledge to the students and remember to the material that is taught.

Based on the observer’s field notes, the worksheet which was

used by the writer was in conformity with the theory in chapter II. The

total questions were 10 questions and the time was 20 minutes. The

English songs which were used in worksheet were popular songs and

had simple words.

For worksheet, the writer used the song Hero-Mariah Carey in

cycle I and Big Big Word-Emilia in cycle II. In doing the worksheet,

the writer asked the students to answer it individually. The worksheet

which was also used in accordance with learning material.

4.1.4 The Evaluation in Teaching Listening

In evaluating, the writer took the data from pre-test and post-

test. The data of pre-test and post-test will be compared so the writer

knew how many improvements that was reached by the students. In

the following table from the pre-test and post-test, which described as


Tabel 4.1
The score of pre-test and post-test in listening skill
at SMP Negeri 36 Kota Bandung, Eighth Grade, one class.

Students’ Pre-test Post-test Improvement

Name ( X0) ( X1) (%)

1. D. I 21 76 55%
2. F. A 15 80 65%
3. E. J 17 76 59%
4. P. W 39 77 38%
5. I. R 37 80 43%
6. DA 39 81 42%
7. I. G 33 76 43%
8. L. M 13 75 62%
9. R. A. G 16 76 60%
10. C. M 19 75 56%
11. HA 10 75 65%
12. K. N 13 76 63%
13. G. A 52 93 41%
14. D. A 40 87 47%
15. P. C 25 80 55%
16. A. N 25 80 55%
17. D. P 33 87 54%
18. M. A 33 87 54%
19. Y. M 10 79 69%
20. S. C 48 83 35%
21. B. P 43 93 50%
22. T. T 15 79 64%
23. A. N 13 79 66%

24. M. M 52 95 43%
25. A. A 39 85 46%
26. Y. Y 35 87 52%

27. P. N 21 80 59%
28. H. R 29 81 52%
29. S. N 45 81 36%
30. H. N 37 85 48%
31. S. N. R 31 88 57%
32. K. S. N 25 79 54%
33. A. N 24 85 61%
34. A. P 12 75 63%
28,20 81,5 53%

X0 = Pre-test
X1 = Post-test

To compute the data with the following formula:

M = ΣX

M = Mean score of the students achievement test.

ΣX = Sum of total score.

N = Total number of the students.

X = Score

Based on the table 4.1, the writer could conclude that the

students listening skill was improved. The average of pre-test is 28,20

and the average of post-test is 81,5. It was important for the writer to

know about the weaknesses of students in learning English, so the

writer could design appropriate media in teaching learning process for

better result.

To know the comparing between pre-test and post-test clearly,

the following figure which described as follows:

Figure 4.1

The comparing of pre-test and post-test in Listening skill through

English song at SMP Negeri 36 Bandung,
Eighth Grade, One Class.

Figure 4.1









0 Pre-test
X0 X1


After analyzing the observation result in cycle II, the writer

found out some differences between the score of the cycle I and cycle

II. In cycle II, there were some positive results and weaknesses that

could be explained as follows:

1) Positive results

a. The students were interested to learn English especially teaching

by using English song. The students looked enjoyed and

motivated with that media so they gave more attention to the


b. The writer could manage the class better. The writer also could

take the students’ attention so the students focused on the

material that was delivered by the writer.

c. There were improvement of pronunciation

d. There were improvement of vocabulary

e. There was an improvement of the students’ listening skill. It

could be seen from the result of the cycle II, that it was higher

than cycle I.

2) Weaknesses

In the learning and teaching process, some of the students still

made a noisy and busy with their activities which could disturb

another students so the writer was neccessary to give more

attention to them.

4.1.5 The Result in Teaching Listening

In chapter two, the writer has explained that the final test of

using English song as media in teaching listening listened to English

song. The students have to listen carefully to the teacher. and they had

to choose the right answers.

In analyzing the result of teaching listening, the writer gave the

datas through pre-test and post-test. Pre-test was conducted on August,

07th, 2015, whereas post-test was conducted on August, 21st, 2015. The

test of listening skill was to choose the best answers by filling the

blanks. The English song that used by the writer entitled I have a

dream-Westlife. Pre-test and post-test were consisted of 15 questions

and the questions had to be equal.

From the observation result in pre-test and post-test, it could be

concluded that the use of English song as a teaching media could

improve students’ listening skill.

It could be seen in increasing of the students’ attention and

participation in learning listening and also the average of pre-test and

post-test which were in table 4.2.

After getting the data as showed on table 4.2 all of the gathered

data were computed in order that could find the mean of initial

reflection scores and the mean of post-test scores for two sessions (X 0

and X1).

The computation of the data could be shown as the following:

1. The mean score of pre-test: X0 = 959 = 28,20
N 34
2. The mean score of post-test: X2 = 2771 = 81,5
N 34

For determining qualification of the students’ achievement, the

writer would use the below table. The students’ achievement would

be calculated into the following criteria:

Score (0 – 100) Criteria

80 – 100 Excellent

70 – 79 Good

60 – 69 Fair

50 – 59 Poor

0 – 49 Failure

From the result above, there were five sets of raw scores, which

showed the students’ progress in listening skill by using English song,

that based on the research instrument in which the writer administered

pre-test and post-test in each session.

Table 4.2
Summary of the Research Showing the Average of Each Session
and the Grand Mean for Pre-test and Post-test.

IR Students’
Grand Mean
( Initial Reflection) Achievement

4.1.6 The Teacher’s Opinion and Students’ Respond in Teaching


a) The teacher’s Opinion

Date of interview : August 24th, 2015

Subject : Asking About English song

Place : Teacher’s office

After getting the data of observation and test, the writer

also used the data from interview data. The writer interviewed

English teacher orally so the writer knew teacher’s respondents

about the use of English song as a teaching media in improving

listening skill was successful or not.

The aim of interview data was also to give the

information about English song could be used in teaching and

learning activity especially listening.

In doing the interview, the writer recorded all

conversation with the teacher. The questions which were proposed

by the writer consisted of 6 questions. There were the questions

which were:

WQ1 : Pada saat bapak mengajar listening di kelas, apakah

bapak menggunakan media?
(Do you use a media when you teach listening in the

TA : Iya, bapak menggunakan media seperti Audio-Visual,

(Yes, I do. I use the media such as Audio Visual, Infocus).

WQ2 : Apakah menurut bapak penggunaan lagu sebagai media

dapat meningkatkan kemampuan listening siswa?
(Do you think the use of English song as a media can
improve students listening skill?)

TA : Benar. karena lagu dapat membuat siswa semangat

dalam pembelajaran bahasa Inggris.
(Yes, of course. Because I think song can make the
student enthusiastic in teaching and learning English).

WQ3 : Bagaimana menurut bapak kelebihan lagu sebagai

media pembelajaran?
(What’s your opinion about the benefit of song as a
teaching media?)

TA : Menurut saya lagu merupakan sebuah media yang selalu

di senangi oleh setiap siswa.

( In my opinion, song is a media that is always loved by
each student).

WQ4 : Bagaimana menurut bapak kekurangan lagu sebagai

media pembelajaran?
(What’s your opinion about the lacking of song as a
teaching media?)

TA : Menurut saya, kekurangan lagu sebagai media

pembelajaran jika lagu tersebut tidak sesuai dengan
bahan ajar.
( In my opinion, the lacking of song as a teaching media
is if the song is not in conformity to learning material).

WQ5 : Apakah menurut bapak lagu dapat memotivasi siswa

untuk belajar listening?
(Do you think song can motivate students to learn

TA : Ya, tentu. karena lagu dapat membuat siswa lebih aktif

dan semangat dalam belajar listening. selain itu, anak
dapat mengetahui pengucapan yang benar dari kata
kata bahasa inggris tersebut.
( Yes, of course, Because song can make students more
Actively and enthusiasm in learning listening.
Moreover, students can know the right pronunciation of
the English song).

WQ6 : Apakah menurut bapak lagu-lagu yang diberikan oleh

guru sudah tepat atau cocok dalam pembelajaran?
( Do you think the songs that are given by the writer is

appropriate or suitable in teaching and learning?)

TA : Sudah cocok karena lagu yang diputar oleh guru

lambat dan pronunciation yang jelas. Selain itu, kata-
kata yang digunakan dalam lagu sangat simple dan
sering dipakai dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.
( I think it’s suitable because the songs which are played
by the teacher slow and clear pronunciation. Beside
that, The words in song is so simple and often used in
daily life).


WQ : Writer’s Question
TA : Teacher’s Answer

Based on the teacher’s respondents, it can be concluded

that song may be used in teaching and learning listening at

classroom. Song that has rhythm be able to make students

comfortable in learning. If the students have felt comfortable in

learning, the teaching and learning would be progressing well

and smoothly. The students will accept the material easily that is


a) The students’ respond

Date of interview : August 21th, 2015

Subject : Asking About English song

Place : Classroom

Beside getting the interview data of English teacher, the writer

also took the interview data from students. The writer wanted to

know how the students’ feeling when using songs in learning

English. In this study, the writer limited students to be interviewed.

The writer just did the interview to 10 students. There were 9

questions in students interview sheet. As for questions and students’

responses, It could be seen in the appendix of research paper.

From the students’ interview data, it could be known that the

use of English song in teaching and learning activity could improve

students’ listening skill. The students could be more actively, not

bored, and happy in teaching and learning.

Moreover, the students felt that learning English through songs

could be remembered easily and learned by heart the words. The

students also could know the English songs. Beside getting the

advantages such as improving listening skill, learning through

songs could give knowledge to the students about pronunciation,

and added students English vocabulary.

Despite many positive things to learn English through songs, it

was not a few weaknesses derived from the songs. The most of

students did not have vocabulary more so that some of them got

difficulty to indentify theme of songs. Therefore, the writer decided

to translate each English word that was in the songs.

4.2 The Findings of the Research

The procedures of teaching and learning in this study had been

implemented by two cycles. It was because the writer wanted to get the

accurate data. In this study, all activities in teaching and learning will be

noted by the English teacher or observer because the writer wanted to know

how the development of using English song as a teaching media was

successful or not.

When the teaching and learning process took place, the English

teacher or observer noted all cases in the classroom, how the teacher’s role

and students’ role in teaching and learning activity. The teaching and

learning would be progressing well if between teacher and students could

communicate fluently. Based on the observer’s data, the writer had

completed her roles as a teacher in teaching and learning activity among


a) Teacher as a controller. The teacher ensured that the teaching and

learning activity became condusive, and checked each activity which

was given by the teacher such as did the exercises.

b) Teacher as a director. The teacher could be able to communicate with the

students well so the classroom to be interactive.

c) Teacher as a manager. Before starting the material, the teacher prepared

the lesson plan and teaching and learning module.

d) Teacher as a facilitator. In this role, the teacher organized the activity of

students and prepared all requirements to be used in teaching and

learning such as media.

e) Teacher as a resource. The teacher gave the precise answers from each

question which was asked by students and gave advices so it could

change students’s behavior in learning.

Meanwhile the roles of students were also important in teaching and

learning because it became a form of interaction between the teacher and

students at classroom. There were the roles of students in learning listening

through English song which are: the students listened carefully English song

that was played, did the exercises, identified the theme of songs, and found

out the difficult words.

Beside that, the writer found out the data of observation. Based on

finding of the observation, it explained that the use of English song as a

teaching media can improve students’ listening skill. It could be seen from

the average of pre-test was 28,20 whereas the average of post-test was 81,5

or got increasing as many as 53%.

The use of English song also could motivate students in learning

English. It was because song has simple words and can be understood easily

by the students. Song had tones which made the students are not bored

toward English course especially learning listening.

As the result, the students’ score in final test or post-test in learning

listening could improve. The students seemed enjoyed with the material

given. The students became more actively in responding teacher’s questions

and answering the exercises given.

In addition, the writer found out teacher’s opinion and students’

respon towards the use of English song as a teaching media to learn

listening. According to the English teacher, learning through English song is

the best and most creative way. In his opinion, beside there was something

different in learning English, the students also could more enjoyable at

classroom. Song is a tone which is loved by all people so learning through

English song will give positive effect indirectly for students.

Based on the students’ respon, the use of English song was an

effective way to learn English. Because English song usually has general

words so the students are easy for comprehending the information/meaning

of the song. By using song, the students were not bored or sleepy in the

classroom. Although there were some of them which did not still

comprehend English words, but the students kept enthusiasm than before.

Chapter V
Conclusions and Suggestions

The discussion presents about the conclusion of teaching and learning

listening through English song as a teaching media toward the eighth grade

students of SMP Negeri 36 Bandung City. Beside presenting the conclusion, this

chapter also provides several practical suggestions which are directed to several

people or institutes. So that this suggestion can give the benefit for the English

teacher when he teaches listening at classroom.

5.1 Conclusions

This study is classroom action research. Classroom action research is

implemented to help the students in developing and increasing writing,

speaking, reading and listening skills. In this study, the writer uses English

song as a teaching media. English song is given to improve listening skill

and learn English vocabulary easily. Through English song as a media, the

writer knows so far students’ skill to identify each English word which is in

that song.

The writer does her study in two cycles. Cycle I is conducted in

accordance with students’ situation in learning, whereas for cycle II is to

repair the treatment in cycle I. In every cycle, the writer takes the data of

procedure, worksheet, students and teacher’s roles, teacher’s opinion and

students’ respons in using English song as a teaching media to improve

listening skill. All data are analysed into the description because the study

uses a qualitative method.

Based on the data of chapter IV, the writer has implemented the

procedure of teaching listening which consisted of three activities.

Meanwhile, the writer takes the worksheet data of every cycle. The writer

also analysed the data of students and teacher’s roles in teaching and

learning activity. There are the result of teacher’s roles in teaching listening

at classroom that are: controller, director, manager, facilitator, and resource.

Whereas for the data of students’ roles, the writer observes the

students’ activity at classroom whether they can follow the material or not.

Beside, the writer gets the data evaluation and result through pre-test and

post-test. Based on the data pre-test and post-test that the use of English

song can improve students’ listening skill. It can be seen from score of pre-

test and post-test are different. The average of pre-test is 28,20, whereas for

average of post-test is 81,5. It shows that the average of post-test is higher

than pre-test.

If it is compared to be percentage, the improvement between pre-test

and post-test is 53%. Therefore, the study of using English song as a media

in learning listening is successful or effective in teaching and learning

listening. In addition, the students feel happy to learn English especially

listening in classroom. The students can also learn the pronunciation

correctly, and they are not bored in the classroom. Using English song as a

teaching media gives positive effects toward the English course at


There are the advantages of English song as a media that the students

will enjoy during teaching and learning listening in the class. Beside, the

students will be motivated to learning English course especially in listening.

In addition, the disadvantage of using English song as a media in this study

that the writer used the unpopular by the students. So, one students who

does not get a good score from the other students. They only get a standard


The writer also implements her study to some sides. It is because the

writer hopes song media can be applied in learning English especially

listening in the future.

5.2 Suggestions

Based on the findings of the study, it can conclude that the use of

English song is effective for improving students’ listening skill to eighth

students of SMPN 36 Bandung City because listening through English song

makes the classroom active and the students are more enjoyable for

learning. Because the use of English song is effective for improving

listening skill, the writer would like to suggest the following things as


1) For the teacher

Based on the study which is done by the writer, the use of English

song as a media is effective for teaching and learning listening at

classroom. The writer suggests to the English teacher to use English song

when he teaches listening in the class. By using songs, the atmosphere in

the class will be different. If the students usually listen the teacher

speaks, so the students will listen directly how to pronunce the English

words correctly. Moreover, the words in that song are very simple so the

students are easy for remembering that English words. The rhythm which

is in that song, makes the students keep enthuasism and are not sleepy for


2) For the students

The students often listen the English songs so that their listening

skill is more increasingly. Beside also that, the writer can add the English

vocabulary. The students are expected to be more effectively in teaching

and learning process and comprehend English course through that

English songs so that the students can add the knowledge widely.

3) For the next researcher

It is recommended to another researcher that want to examine and

investigate the effectiveness of using English song as a media in teaching

listening for the students of Junior High School. Also, this study gives

some benefits for another researcher.


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