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User creation with specific properties

Create two users: john with uid/gid equal to 2000, password 12345678 and davis with uid/gid
equal to 3000, password 87654321. Make davis' account validity stopping in one month.

(scroll down for an answer)

The best command for user creation and editing are these starting with user -
so useradd and usermod.

useradd -u 2000 john

passwd john
# here provide password for john

useradd -u 3000 davis

passwd davis
# here provide password for davis

Right now is the time to change validity of davis account. On my system (CentOS) I've run:

[root@centos1 ~]# chage -l davis

Last password change : Sep 14, 2019
Password expires : never
Password inactive : never
Account expires : never
Minimum number of days between password change : 0
Maximum number of days between password change : 99999
Number of days of warning before password expires : 7

Given that we know the current date we can set expiry date manually:

passwd -e 2019-10-14 davis

Additional comment:
Remember there is a difference between password expiration and account validation. It is usually
better to expire password and make user not being able to log into the system or disable the user,
rather than deleting it.

usermod command is also used for adding/removing users to the group (groupmodcommand

does not do that)

Trying to create user with already taken UID will result in an error.

During user's creation with useradd command the structure of home direcotry is taken

from /etc/skel folder.

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