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Restore root password

It can be preliminary task for starting Your exam. It is crucial to know this procedure by heart.

You do not know the root password but You have physical access to the machine. Create new root
password and log into the system.

(scroll down for an answer)

During boot time when GRUB loader screen is presented press e key. That will open an editor
with current kernel boot options.
Find the line starting with linux16. At the end of that line add rd.break and press Ctrl-x to
restart the system with new option.
For RHCSA8 only - You should also remove existing parameters ro and crashkernel=....
What this actually does is taking You to the target right at the end of the boot stage - before
root filesystem is mounted (on /).
Type mount -o remount,rw /sysroot. This actually gets You RW access to the
filesystem. /sysroot folder is Your normal / hierarchy.
Type chroot /sysroot to make this folder new root directory.
Now it is time to change the root password (that is what we are here for right?) -
type passwd and provide new password.
In order to finish the task SELinux must be taken care of. If not, contents of /etc/shadow will
be messed up. There are two commands to be provided:

load_policy -i
chcon -t shadow_t /etc/shadow

Type exit twice (with pressing ENTER after each one)

Now You can log into the system using new password

Additional comment:
It is possible to edit startup parameters of the kernel from the command line and make it
persistent. Just edit /etc/default/grub file and after that make sure to run grub2-mkconfig >
/boot/grub2/grub.cfg in order to apply the changes (for old BIOS config). For the UEFI computers
the final file is /boot/efi/EFI/redhat/grub.cfg.

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