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Project / Practical File Based Homework

Class X
(For Internal Assessment in Board Exam)

Subject: History
Present a book review of any one of the following works:
1. Gandhi’s ‘The Story of My Experiments with Truth’.
2. Nehru’s ‘Discovery of India’.
Note: Word limit is 2000 words.

Subject: Maths
1. Prove geometrically:- area of a triangle = ½ x base x height
2. Discuss and derive the formula to find the roots of a given quadratic.
Take any one example in each of the following two cases from daily life,
frame it in the form of a question and solve it.
(i) Distance and time based example (ii) Expense based example

Subject: Science
Two files, as prepared in Class IX, have to be continued. Experiments must be
written as directed by the subject teacher.
1: Practical file of Physics and Chemistry
2: Practical file of Biology

Subject: Commercial Studies

1. Survey of a Multinational Corporation whose products are used by the
2. Survey of a company engaged in the services sector.

Subject: Computer Applications

Prepare the practical file as instructed by the subject teacher.

Subject: Art
Still Life
1. Complete four compositions in still life. (fruits, vegetables, objects,
2. 4 – 5 objects should be placed to make a beautiful composition.
(Shade with 4B and 6B pencils)
Nature Study
Complete four compositions in Nature Study (flowers / plants / a stem
with leaves).
(Shade with paints)
Tentative date of submission: Last week of July

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