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Tommy Matic IV: ignorant nonsense. Luna was killed in June 1899.

Aguinaldo was ambushed and

captured in March 1901. That means the war continued on without Luna for about two years.

And for "the only general the Philippines ever got" Luna had no military background - he was a
pharmacist who took barely a year's crash course in military science. He had no commission, no military
experience, no command experience, nothing but the ability to convince people that he was some kind
of military genius, something which his track record of ZERO BATTLES WON really does NOT support.

Harold Navares Jr: Oh you know too well of the old "attacking the straw man fallacy", don't you? As I
read your argument, I don't see any point at all! What has it resulted from then? Ignorance! What a total
nonesensical argument. Lol

But let me bite in, Mr. The irony in your statement! Of course, the war continued because your
Aguinalado RAN in the mountains like a coward! Had they listened to the proposed plan by Luna, they
could've not been hunted by the Americans in the mountains. The Filipinos could've fought in the
mountains like a real NATIONALIST and would have gained the Americans more casualties! Had Luna's
plan was only approved.

And let me educate you, sir. What a pity that as you conclude this pointless argument, you have lacked
researching at all! Shame! Lol. Antonio Luna was a great Military Strategist. He has been studying
Military Tactics since he was 16 yrs old. He went to Belgium and was under General Gerard Leman. And
don't fool yourself for believing that Luna didn't knew what he was doing as a general. And besides! He
established the Academia Militar that is now the Philippine Military Academy.

Can't you see the bigger picture that Luna has been a great part of the History of the Philippines?
Obviously not, judging from what you have said. Lol.

And for the "objectiveness" of my argument, here are my references (which you clearly have lacked
considering at all. Oh what would I expect? Clearly because what you have said was not a fact at all but
simply an opinion, subjective):

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