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In the last holidays I went to the city of Pereira, which is approximately 160 kilometers

away from my town. This was a great experience for me since I had never traveled so much

or so far. I went there to visit my younger sister named Emily. Since we do not see each

other very often and I wanted to spend time with her.

In the time I was with her we went to several shopping centers where we ate delicious

desserts and some meals that I never knew tasted like sushi and octopus. This was very bad

for my stomach since I was not conditioned to this type of food and I stopped A bit bad but

I recovered quickly from this and the next day I could continue enjoying it as we went to a

place called Bocaco Valley a paramo near Pereira, it is a beautiful place and being in high

season I saw many foreigners like Portuguese French and American people visiting the

place, we also went to a place called comfamiliar that is a water park where I had a lot of

fun as I went into a wave pool and I threw myself through several slides after this I met

some family that never had seen but In spite of that they resived me very well and that's

how my Easter holidays ended coming back to my house in Villahermosa Tolima.

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