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My greatest desire as a teacher is to positively influence my students.

Each student is an individual; each made up of unique characteristics.

Teachers partially impact the development of these characteristics. They help students to grow
in not only intellectually but also personally.
Learning is such a prominent part of our lives.
I believe that it is the job of the teacher to truly spark this learning process. My past teachers
have implemented this desire to learn within me and I hope to instill this love of learning to our
future generation.

As stated by the theorist, Howard Gardner, all children “learn, remember, perform, and
understand in different ways.”
With this theory of Multiple Intelligences in mind, a great teacher effectively integrates all
types of lessons to accommodate each student. One should hope to incorporate a curriculum that
has hands-on activities for those that are kinesthetic learners, spatial activities for those that are
visual, musical activities for auditory learners, and verbal activities for those that learn best
through linguistics.
I believe that all students have special qualities that they bring to the classroom and it is
extremely important to highlight each skillset.

To encourage this learning, it is important, as a teacher, to have a positive, and uplifting

environment for the students. I believe that students learn their best when they feel secure and
safe in the classroom. Each student is more willing to learn and participate in class discussions if
the teacher is caring and does not talk down to his or her students. A teacher who is
passionate about his or her job does the best at reaching his or her students and provides the most
nurturing community.

All students are equal in the eyes of a teacher. This concept is one of the most important to
have as a teacher; to have a disposition of equity. After seeing favoritism in the classroom first
hand, I hope to learn from this and avoid discrimination as a future educator.
Favoritism can be very devastating to students if they realize that they are not liked as much as
their peer. It can damage the student’s feelings towards the teacher and can create a bad
reputation of the teacher.

I will be there to support my students emotionally. Not only do teachers provide a learning
environment, but they also provide a listening ear. As a teacher, I hope to be there for my
students if they are struggling and to lend them a helpful hand. It will be my job to help and
guide them through difficult situations they might be facing.

By following this philosophy above, I hope to appropriately follow in the footsteps of my mother
and become a great educator. Overall, I just hope to be influential in at least one of my future
students’ life.

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