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Dear future billionaire,

As a future billionaire, I want to be part of the 1% club too.

That is why, I wanted to figure out the hidden variables behind meteoric

I studied both the winners and losers – Oil Billionaires, Billionaire Tech
Entrepreneurs, Billionaire Bankers, Billionaire Investors, Billionaire Executives –
anyone who was a part of the ‘3 commas’ club.

People usually liken success to abstract concepts (hard work, purpose,

resilience etc.) but in actuality, these are just ways to blindside you from
learning the real keys to knowledge. -

1.  A deep purpose Deep-knowledge of market

2.  A vision Capitalizing on demand-supply gaps in said-market.
3.  Entrepreneurial drive Ability to arouse interest in product/service.
4.  Really, really smart people Really, really, really smart people.

Intelligence is extremely crucial to success. Intelligence surpasses talent and

works smart.

Between a human and Gorilla, who is more physically talented?

 Both scientific establishments and ancient philosophers tried their best to

explain our brain and nature’s intelligence and to this day, we are only halfway
there. Harvard Psychologist Howard Gardner established the concept of
multiple intelligences.

All of humanity’s greatness can be summed up in 8 categories -

1. Spatial: Understanding shapes, spaces and visualizations. They draw for

fun, and are good with puzzles. They can think abstractly and in multiple

Careers: Artists, Designers, Architects, Pilots

2. Kinesthetic:  Understanding body movements and possessing excellent
motor control. The way they use their body demonstrates physical and
athletic prowess.

Careers: Athletes, Dancers, Physiotherapists, Actors

3. Naturalistic: Intuitively understand nuances and subtle patterns in

nature. This can include a deep, intuitive understanding of biology,
geology, astronomy etc.

Careers: Scientists, Farmers, Sailors

4. Musical: Intuitively understand rhythm, pitch, meter, tone, melody and

timbre. They also might have the ability to sing, or play musical

Careers: Singers, Songwriters, Musicians, DJs

5. Linguistic: Also called language intelligence, this involves sensitivity to

meaning of words, order among words, the sound, rhythm, and hidden
meanings among words. These people are typically good at writing stories
and speaking.

Careers: Orators, Authors, Poets

6. Mathematical-Logical: The ability to analyze problems logically, carry

out mathematical operations and investigate issues scientifically. Albert
Einstein, Tesla, Elon Musk.

Careers: Programmer, mathematician, scientist, engineer.

7. Intrapersonal: Sensitivity to one’s own feelings, thoughts and goals. The

capacity to plan and act in light of one’s own traits.

Careers: Therapist, Psychiatrist, Philosopher, Entrepreneur.

8. Interpersonal: The ability to interact effectively with others. Sensitivity

to other people’s moods, feelings, temperaments and motivations. Being
able to understand and relate to those around you.

Careers: Managers, Politicians, Executives.

Depending on your choice of career, you need to possess a combination of the
intelligence(s) mentioned above.

Bonus: Seducing Lady Luck.

Lady Luck is a definitive factor behind many historic events. Some people hate
her and outright deny her existence. I worship her because she saved my life on
multiple occasions.

For some people, Lady Luck is a guardian angel. For others, she is an elusive

1.  Luck favours the prepared - it means the ability to handle whatever life
throws at you. Being prepared does not just mean planning beforehand.
Few truly understand the real meaning of this.
2.  Luck is picky - Intelligence and adaptability are her favourite traits, she
often tests a person.
3.  Above all, Luck is another name for uncapitalized opportunity.

The art of seeing opportunities + Capitalizing on them has created the VC

billionaires of this decade.

Learn this well.

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