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Jethroboam D. Cupino
Classroom rules

Respect Listen Enjoy while


Identify the different kinds of multiple intelligence;

Distinguish the kinds of multiple intelligence from

different scenarios; and

Share your possible prominent intelligence based on

self- assessment.
Activity 1: Watch and Learn!
Activity 1: Watch and Learn!
1. Who is the main character?
2. What are the talents of Ento?
3. What caused Ento to lose his confidence and interest in
enriching his talents?
4. Do you believe that idling the gifts, knowledge, and talents
will lead to its disappearance?
5. How will you enrich your talents and knowledge?
Multiple Intelligence
Intelligence is not a singular ability but a collection
of multiple intelligences, each representing different
ways people think, learn, and solve problems.
Howard Gardner
Born: July 11, 1943
Scranton Pensylvania

Graduated Bachelor Degree on

Social Relations and Doctoral
Degree on Developmental
Psychology at Harvard College
Howard Gardner
Worked as an Research Assistant at
Project Zero and focused his studies
on the Development of Artistic

Got Post Doctoral fellowship to

work at Boston Veterans
Administration Hospital
Howard Gardner
Got to see dozens of brain-damaged
patients in the morning and study
developmental artistic thinking in
the afternoon.

Used his experience on VA

Hospital and Project- Zero to
outline his book.
The intellectual notion of brain-damaged
patients and the different intellectual
encounters with kids at project zero
Activity 11: Arrange me, Darla!

Directions: You will be grouped into nine (9) and will be given a
of jumbled letters to assemble as words/phrases within 2
minutes. Once done, the completing group has to announce or
shout the word, “Darla” and present and explain the assigned
word pertaining to Multiple Intelligence.
Bodily- Logical- Spatial-
Kinesthetic Mathematical Visual
Intelligence Intelligence Intelligence
Musical Interpersonal Intrapersonal Naturalistic
Intelligence Intelligence Intelligence
• Being capable of using the entire body and
engaging in movement to skillfully address a
challenge. An example would be performing CPR on
a mannequin.
• Enjoy creating things with his or her hands
• Have excellent physical coordination

Surgeon; Sculptor; Athletes; Actors.

• People who are strong in linguistic-verbal
intelligence are able to use words well, both
when writing and speaking. These individuals
are typically very good at writing stories,
memorizing information, and reading.
• Enjoy reading and writing
• Are able to explain things well

Teacher; Lawyer; Writer; Journalist

• good at reasoning, recognizing patterns, and
logically analyzing problems. These individuals
tend to think conceptually about numbers,
relationships, and patterns.

• Enjoy thinking about abstract ideas

• Can solve complex computations

Accountant; Scientist; Engineer; Computer

• good at visualizing things. These individuals
are often good with directions as well as maps,
charts, videos, and pictures.

• Enjoy drawing, painting, and the visual arts

• Interpret pictures, graphs, and charts well

Surgeon; Sculptor; Athletes; Actors.

• People who have strong musical intelligence
are good at thinking in patterns, rhythms, and
sounds. They have a strong appreciation for
music and are often good at musical
composition and performance
• Enjoy singing and playing musical instruments
• Have a rich understanding of musical structure,
rhythm, and notes

Musician; Singer; Songwriter

• Those who have strong interpersonal
intelligence are good at understanding and
interacting with other people. These individuals
are skilled at assessing the emotions,
motivations, desires, and intentions of those
around them
• See situations from different perspectives
• Create positive relationships with others

Psychologist; Salesperson; Politician; Counselor

• good at being aware of their own emotional
states, feelings, and motivations. They tend to
enjoy self-reflection and analysis, including
daydreaming, exploring relationships with
others, and assessing their personal strengths
• Enjoy analyzing theories and ideas
• Have excellent self-awareness

Theorist; Philosopher; Scientist

• Individuals who are high in this type of
intelligence are more in tune with nature and
are often interested in nurturing, exploring the
environment, and learning about other species.
These individuals are said to be highly aware of
even subtle changes to their environments.
• Enjoy camping, gardening, hiking, and exploring
the outdoors
• Categorize and catalog information easily

Botanist; Farmer; Biologist; Conservationist

• An ability to delve into deeper questions
about life and existence. People with this type
of intelligence contemplate the "big" questions
about topics such as the meaning of life and
how actions can serve larger goals.
• Strong interest and concern for others

• The ability to see situations from an outside


Theologist; Pastor: Philosoper

Activity 111: Intelligence mo, Arte mo!

Directions: With the same group from Activity 2,

the members are tasked to enact a scenario
showing the characteristics of their assigned
Activity 111: Intelligence mo, Arte mo!
Significance of Multiple Intelligence
Theory on Education today
The M.I.T states that it is to the benefit of both the student and
the instructor if the student's intelligence can be identified.
Identifying a student's intelligence allows the instructor to
select appropriate activities for the student in the classroom
and guide their learning journey more effectively.
"At present, there are many things we
can't imagine because we're limited by
our evolved brains. But with
technology, we- or the technology! -
might create all sorts of new
Activity 1v: Essay rubrics
Draw on a short bond paper a comic
strips showing the different kinds of
Multiple Intelligence.

• Harvard Gazette-


• Educational Technology-


• Very Well Mind-


• Photos and Icons-

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