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Imagina que eres un dietista y elabora un plan de dieta saludable para otra persona.

Hable con
esa persona y describa los alimentos, diciéndole por qué son buenos. La otra persona debe
comparar las sugerencias con otras alternativas poco saludables. Usa adjetivos, comparativos y
superlativos. Usa el vocabulario del libro. Use ppt para presentar su ALP.

1. Desayuno:
 Avena, plátano y fresas (batido)
 Tortilla con el huevo, la sal y las espinacas con jugo de naranja
2. Almuerzo:
 Atún salteado con verduras
 Filete de pescado al horno con papitas hervidas
3. Cena:
 Sopa de verduras
 Huevo sancochado con espárragos al vapor

1. Desayuno
 Pan con pollo y papas fritas con gaseosa
2. Almuerzo
 Pollo a la brasa con chica morada y helado congelado
3. Cena
 Arroz con leche con mi conserva de durazno enlatada

1. Breakfast:
 shake of oats, banana and strawberry
 Omelette of eggs and spinach with salt and can you drink Orange juice
2. Lunch:
 Sautéed tuna with vegetables
 Baked fish fillet with boiled potato
3. Dinner:
 Vegetables' soup
 You can boil an egg and do steamed asparagus

1. Breakfast
 Bread with fried chicken and chips
2. Lunch
 Roasted chicken with chicha morada and ice cream
3. Dinner
 Peruvian Rice Pudding with a canned peach preserve
A: Hello
B: Oh Hello, how can I help you? A: Well...I have a problem Doc.
B: What’s wrong? A: I can't control my weight and I am having problems with my
health. I don't know what I'll do
B: Ok, I can give you a diet plan. Will you do this?
A: Yeah, I will try
B: So… Tell me, what do you eat in the breakfast?
A: Usually I eat a big bread with fried chicken and chips, very delicious
B: That's not healthy, in the breakfast, you should eat shake of oats, banana and
A: Iugh, I don´t like the strawberry, no no

B: Ok, so, you can eat Omelette of eggs and spinach with salt and can you drink orange
juice, it's more delicious than the first option

A: Oh, that sounds good to me. I love the salty food

B: Well, and what do you eat at lunch?
A: Sometimes I eat a Roasted chicken with chicha morada and ice cream, the frozen food
is very tasty
B: This is terrible, for this reason you have problems with your health and weight. You can
eat Satéed tuna with vegetables because the fresh food is healthier than frozen food
A: Can you give me another plate? I don't want eat vegetables again. That is the worst in the
world for me
B: hmmmmm
A: I have an idea! Can I eat Grilled heart? Please the grilled food is one of my favorites
foods. Oh, I think in my mind the spicy grilled heart, very very spicy, delicious
B: Spicy food is not the best, i recommend that you eat baked fish fillet with boiled potato
A: Why? My dish is more delicious that you dish
B: But you dish is terrible for your health; do you want die?
A: Ok, ok, maybe you have the reason
B: Finally, for dinner you should eat little. Maybe you can eat vegetable soup
A: Ahh well, I like the soup. Mmm I don't really want do this diet, but for my health I won’t
give up
B: I understand. So, see you in two months}
A: See you and thanks

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