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Geogebra 5.0.581.0
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1|Geogera basic Conceptual Tutorials

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2|Geogera basic Conceptual Tutorials

Point Tools

Tools Description
 By clicking on a segment, straight line, polygon, conic section, or curve or 2D as
well as 3D object.
 Clicking on the intersection coordinate of two objects.
 By using Command on Input Bar, Eg. A=(3,5) or connecting values of algebraic
number from algebra view ( free number, Slider.)
 To put a point in the interior of a Circle or Ellipse or polygon you will need to
increase the Opacity from 0 first.
 If you click on the perimeter of an object (e.g. Circle, Ellipse, Polygon), then the
point will be fixed to the perimeter rather than the interior.
 To attach a point to a path or region click a free point and the path or region.

 Selecting two objects creates all intersection points (if intersection points will be
 Directly clicking on an intersection of the two objects creates only this single
intersection point.
 You may click on either two points or one segment to get its midpoint.
 You can also click on a conic section or polygons in order to create its center point.
 Click into the Graphics View in order to create a new complex number.

 Click on a function or curves to find its local extremum values; if possible.

 Click on a function or curves to find its roots; if possible.

3|Geogera basic Conceptual Tutorials

Constructing Point By Commands
SN Descriptions Commands (by Input Bar)
1 Free Point A=(3,2) or (3,2)
2 Point on A= Point(a) Where a is an object.
Object Eg, a is line segment.
3 Point in A=PointIn(t1) Where t1 is a triangle.
4 List of Points s=PointList({(0,1),(2,6),(5,3)}) Advance concept
5 Sequence of b= Sequence((k,2), k, 0,8)) k is a scalar number
6 MidPoints F=MidPoint(f,g) f,g are functions or any
7 Centre T=Center(c) c is a circle
8 Intersections E=Intersect(f,g) f, g are fuctions or any
9 Complex Z=(3,2i) Any points as free
Number point.
Some other commands as discussed in Youtube videos
Other Points Commands comes under Advance Level

4|Geogera basic Conceptual Tutorials

Line Tools

Tools Descriptions
 Selecting two points A and B creates a straight line through A and B.
 By using commands through Input Bar
 Selecting two points A and B creates a straight line through A and B.
 By using commands through Input Bar
 Select the point that should be the starting point of the segment. Specify the
desired length of the segment in the appearing window.
 By using commands through Input Bar
 Selecting two points A and B creates a ray starting at A through B.
 By using commands through Input Bar
 Successively select at least three points which will be the vertices of the polyline.
Finally select the starting point again to finish the polyline.
 By using commands through Input Bar
 Select the starting point and then the end point of the vector.
 By using commands through Input Bar
 Select a point A and a vector v to create the new point B = A + v as well as the
vector from A to B.
 By using commands through Input Bar

5|Geogera basic Conceptual Tutorials

Constructing Line Tools' object By Commands
SN Descriptions Commands (by Input Bar)
1 Line Segment( <Point>, <Point> ) Where A and B are must be
g=Line(A,B) created.
2 Line g: 3x+2y=6
3 Segment Segment( <Point>, <Point> ) Where P and Q are must be
f=Segment(P,Q) created.
4 Segment Segment( <Point>, <Point> ) This command can be use
h=Segment((3,2),(1,5)) same as for line.
5 Segment Segment( <Point>, <Length> ) Where A is a point and p is a
with given k=Segment(A,5) or number as slider(fixed
length k= Segment(A, p) number)
6 Segment Segment( <Point>, <Length> ) Fixed direction segment
with given k= Segment(x(A)+p, 2) (parallel to X- axis), Where p is
length a number as slider(fixed number)
7 Copy as 6 k= Segment(3, y(A)+p) Fixed direction segment
(parallel to Y- axis
8 Ray j=Ray( <Start Point>, <Point> ) Where A and B are must be
j=Ray(A, B)
9 Polyline l=Polyline( <List of Points> ) Where A, B, C and D are
l= Polyline(A, B, C, D)
must be created.
10 Sequence of Sequence[Segment[A+i (1, 0), Where p is a number as slider(fixed
B+i (1, 0)], i, 1, p] number)
11 Sequence of Sequence(Line(A + a (1, 0), B + a Where p is a number as slider(fixed
(1, 0)), a, -3, p) number)
12 Sequence of Sequence(Ray(A + a (1, 0), B + a Where p is a number as slider(fixed
(1, 0)), a, -3, p) number)
13 Sequence of Sequence(Vector(A + a (1, 0), B + a Where p is a number as slider(fixed
(1, 0)), a, -3, p) number)
Some other commands as discussed in Youtube videos
Other Line Commands comes under Advance Level

6|Geogera basic Conceptual Tutorials

Special Line Tools

Tools Descriptions
 Selecting a line (or a segment) and a point creates a straight line through that point
perpendicular to the line (or segment).
 By using commands through Input Bar
 Selecting a line g and a point A defines a straight line through A parallel to g.
 By using commands through Input Bar
 Click on either a segment (or interval) s or two points A and B in order to create a
perpendicular bisector.
 By using commands through Input Bar
 Selecting three points A, B, and C produces the angle bisector of the enclosed
angle, where point B is the apex.
 Selecting two lines produces their two angle bisectors.
 By using commands through Input Bar
 Selecting a point and a conic produces all tangents through the point to the conic.
 Selecting a line and a conic produces all tangents to the conic that are parallel to the
selected line.
 Selecting a point and a function produces the tangent line to the function in its point
having the same x-coordinate of the selected point (e.g. if the point is A, the tangent
is drawn in x = x(A)).
 Selecting two circles produces the common tangents to them (up to 4).
 By using commands through Input Bar
 Select a point and a conic section to get the polar line of the given point (relative
to the given conic).
 Select a line or a vector and a conic section to get the conjugate diameter of the
diameter parallel to the given line or vector (relative to the given conic).
 By using commands through Input Bar

7|Geogera basic Conceptual Tutorials

 Creating a selection rectangle that contains all points.
 Selecting a list of points.
 By using commands through Input Bar
 Select a point B that depends on another point A and whose locus should be drawn.
Then, select point A to create the locus of point B.
 By using commands through Input Bar

Constructing Some Special Line Tools' Objects By Commands

SN Descriptions Commands (by Input Bar)
1 Perpendicular  PerpendicularLine( <Point>, <Segment> )
line  PerpendicularLine( <Point>, <Line> )
2 Parallel Lines  Line( <Point>, <Parallel Line> )
3 Perpendicular  PerpendicularBisector( <Segment> )

Develop your own concepts for

many others through watching
Other Special Lines Commands comes under Advance Level

Prepared by
Janak Singh Karki
Managing Director/facilitator
Try For Learn Pvt. Ltd.
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8|Geogera basic Conceptual Tutorials

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