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Total Quality Management QC approach concepts and techniques received

only sporadic attention in the United States
Patria de Lancer Julnes (USA). QC figured prominently in the USA at
Penn State Harrisburg, Middletown, PA, USA the height of military production during World
War II but then declined. It was in post-World
War II Japan that QC was first widely
Synonyms implemented.
QC remained underdeveloped in the USA not
Quality management; Total quality control evolving into TQM due in part to lack of involve-
ment of management. The perception was that
ensuring quality products was the exclusive
Definition responsibility of quality control departments
with heavy emphasis on statistical controls
TQM is an organization-wide, integrative effort to (Deming 1982; Feigenbaum 1951). It wasn’t
continuously improve the quality of an organiza- until the 1980s, with more than 20 years of accu-
tion’s products or services and fully satisfy the mulated success in the Japanese industry and fear
needs and wants of their customers/clients. that the Japanese would overtake American indus-
try, that a more management-based version of
quality control, TQM, gained a broader audience
Introduction in the USA. The most prominent figures in the
history of QC, and subsequently TQM, are in the
Total quality management (TQM) has a long but USA, Walter A. Shewhart, W. Edwards Deming,
spotty history, filled with false starts and great Joseph Juran, and Armand Feigenbaum and in
achievements that can be traced back to the Amer- Japan, Kaoru Ishikawa.
ican factories of the early 1900s. The emergence In the public sector, the implementation of
of mass production and concomitant need for TQM coincides with the rise of the New Public
standardization and cutting waste drove factories Management (NPM) movement in the 1980s.
to emulate laboratories testing the scientific This movement emphasized private sector
approach to improve productivity and efficiency. approaches to increase government performance.
This era saw the emergence of both Frederick
Taylor’s brand of scientific management and qual- What Is TQM?
ity control (QC), the forerunner of TQ- The term TQM is believed to have been first
M. However, unlike scientific management, the introduced by Armand Feigenbaum in 1983.
# Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2016
A. Farazmand (ed.), Global Encyclopedia of Public Administration, Public Policy, and Governance,
DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-31816-5_1872-1
2 Total Quality Management

This modern-day version of quality control efforts quality toward which they would strive. For
is now understood as a process and a philosophy Shewhart and those who followed, statistical con-
for ensuring the quality of an organization’s prod- trol methods, including measurement and sam-
ucts and services and can be characterized as pling as well and the isolation of causes of
follows: variability, can help industry ensure quality,
improve productivity, and reduce cost. This initial
Total: implies that everyone, every department, application of statistical methods to address these
and every function in the organization are issues in industry is marked by Shewhart’s intro-
involved and focused on improving the quality duction of the quality control chart in 1924, which
of all the organization’s activities. allows for the plotting of data to study how a
Quality: implies conforming to and exceeding all process changes over time in relation to
requirements. These requirements are set by preestablished tolerance limits of variation. The
the customers, who are the ultimate judges of use of the quality control chart also sealed the
quality. importance of data in quality management – for
Management: implies that achieving total quality analysis, prediction, presentation of results, and
does not happen by accident. Instead, it decision-making.
requires deliberate and continuous efforts at In his book Economic Control of Quality of
all stages of the production process and is led Manufactured Product, first published in 1931,
by management. Shewhart laid the foundation for defining quality,
the scientific basis for controlling quality, the eco-
What follows describes the evolution of TQM nomic advantage of controlling quality, and the
from its QC foundation to modern times. This application of statistical methods for achieving
evolution is presented in chronological order and quality control and, ultimately, achieving cus-
shows the major actors, events, concepts, and tomer satisfaction. Shewhart believed that
ideas that led to this management philosophy. through the application of statistical methods to
routine systems of production, industry could ful-
fill its purpose of meeting human wants in an
economical way. Key to this was the need to
From Quality Control to Total Quality minimize variability of the products by setting
Management up quality control thresholds at every stage of
the production process, from start to finish. This
Foundation: Quality Control 1900–1940 would then reduce the cost of product fluctuation,
TQM was born out of the application of statistical inspection, and rejection.
quality control systems (QC), including control In 1939 Shewhart introduced the three steps of
charts and the quality circle, developed by control – specification, production, and inspection
Dr. Walter A. Shewhart. He was a statistician, or “judgement of quality,” which he believed
physicist, and engineer who started his work in represented “a dynamic scientific process of
1918 at the Western Electric Company’s Haw- acquiring knowledge” (Shewhart 1939, p. 45).
thorne plant in Cicero, Illinois, and remained These steps came to be known as the Shewhart
there until 1927 when he went to Bell cycle and later popularized as the Deming cycle in
Laboratories. Japan (Deming 1986).
Shewhart recognized that the quality of a prod- Further, Shewhart was an important influence
uct is inherently attached to the value that the on both W. Edwards Deming and Joseph Juran
consumer gives to the product and so is based on and often collaborated with Deming. Both
the characteristics of the product that consumers Deming and Juran worked at the Hawthorne
perceive as important. Accordingly, these percep- plant. Remarkably, this was the same plant
tions should guide organizations to standardize where the scientific management studies that led
their products and maintain the standards of to the Human Relation School were conducted.
Total Quality Management 3

The use of statistical methods for quality con- required during the war for cruisers, aircraft
trol continued to develop and disseminate through fighters, vessels, and submarines (Watson 2005;
the 1930s as manufacturing became more com- Schenectady Public Library 2015). Through his
plex, increasing the need for skilled individuals to work here, Feigenbaum expanded and further
perform quality inspections and to learn to mini- refined the QC concepts to develop what he
mize variation throughout the production system. came to call total quality control (TQC), described
Looking back, history shows Deming playing an below.
important role in the dissemination of statistical
methods training. While he was in charge of math
Post World War II: Total Quality Control
and statistics courses at the graduate school of the
and Reconstruction in Japan
US Department of Agriculture, he invited some of
A 1950s version of QC methods with a more
the luminaries of statistics to give lectures. One of
holistic approach, closely mirroring some of the
these was Shewhart, who was interested in mak-
characteristics of modern TQM, was total quality
ing statistical control techniques accessible to
control, TQC, a system-engineering approach
workers and focused his training on the practical
introduced by Armand Feigenbaum in his 1951
use of statistics in the production process.
book Quality Control: Principles, Practice and
Administration. The TQC approach was later
Quality Control During World War II (the
refined and elaborated in the Feigenbaum (1961,
1983) republication of this book with the title
The ideas about quality improvement were elab-
Total Quality Control. Feigenbaum (1951) intro-
orated and received a tremendous boost during
duced a set of 37 principles for establishing qual-
World War II when American manufacturing per-
ity control programs based on “experiences with
sonnel received training on the use of statistical
total quality control” (p. 1). The first principle was
methods to improve the quality of military prod-
a definition of TQC as “an effective system for
ucts and processes. Both the training in these
integrating the quality-development, quality-
methods and the war figure prominently in the
maintenance, and quality improvement efforts of
evolution toward TQM. Key actors during the
the various groups in an organization so as to
1940s included the War Production Board whose
enable production and service at the most eco-
work focused on promoting and supporting train-
nomical levels which allow for full customer sat-
ing to American industries and Deming, who was
isfaction” (1951, p. 1). Watson (2005)
among those who provided the training.
summarizes the basic tenets of Feigenbaum’s
Also during this time, after leaving Western
approach to quality as follows:
Electric Company, Joseph Juran, another propo-
nent of the use of statistical controls, joined the
• Quality is an organization-wide process.
government’s Land Lease Administration. In this
• Quality is what the customer says it is.
capacity he improved the efficiency of processes
• Quality and cost are a sum, not a difference.
so that oversea allies could receive supplies in a
• Quality requires both individual and teamwork
timely manner. Others also focused on promulgat-
ing statistical controls including Ellis Ott, Harold
• Quality is a way of managing.
Dodge, Harry Romig, and Eugene Grant (Watson
• Quality and innovation are mutually
Moreover, during World War II a 23-year-old
• Quality is an ethic.
Armand Feigenbaum supported the war effort and
• Quality requires continuous improvement.
continued to build the foundation for what would
• Quality is the most cost-effective, least capital-
become TQM. Feigenbaum was made manager of
intensive route to productivity.
quality control at the General Electric’s
• Quality is implemented as a total system
(GE) Schenectady plant in New York. This plant
connected to both customers and suppliers.
built the bulk of the propulsion equipment
4 Total Quality Management

Feigenbaum continued to develop and imple- For his part, Juran spread the philosophy that
ment TQC as a senior executive at GE, both in the achieving quality required both technical and
USA and in Europe and Japan. Concurrently, managerial involvement but that the main respon-
Edwards Deming and Joseph Juran conducted sibility for quality lies on upper management and
training on the application of statistics to quality their application of the management process
improvement for Japanese industry workers, man- based on “the quality trilogy”: planning, control,
agers, researchers, and engineers (1950 and 1954, and improvement (Juran 1988, p. 35G.8). This
respectively). The Japanese Union of Scientists philosophy was a radical departure from previous
and Engineers (JUSE), which focused its efforts quality improvement practices, which assigned
on the reconstruction of Japan’s economy after the the responsibility for quality control to specific
war, invited them to deliver lectures and provide quality control departments and was confined to
training on QC. manufacturing and quality inspection.
By the time Deming and Juran arrived, the After the visits of Juran and Deming, and
Japanese had already begun to study quality and between the periods of 1955 and 1960, Kaoru
the application of statistical methods for quality Ishikawa introduced the term company-wide
control of customer goods. They had been quality control (CWQC), a version of total quality
exposed to “the men from the Bell Laboratories control (Ishikawa 1985). This version
[who] explained to members of JUSE that statis- decentralized quality control and spread the
tical methods had improved accuracy of Ameri- responsibility on the entire organization. With
can weapons” (Deming 1982, p. 100). CWQC, Japanese companies started to
When Deming visited Japan in 1950, he deliv- deemphasize the application of statistical methods
ered numerous lectures across Japan. It was dur- and techniques as the main approach for quality
ing one of his lectures with top management that improvement in favor of a broader approach that
Deming also introduced a chart showing produc- combined these methods with organizational-
tion as a system and argued that quality improve- wide strategies and managerial methods (Strang
ment involves the entire production line (Deming and Kim 2009). The lectures by Juran led to the
1982). It was also during this time that he popu- expansion of the concept of quality control to all
larized the use of the Shewhart cycle referenced the areas and branches of the company (Juran
earlier. 1988). Thus, a main difference from
In his 1982 book Quality Productivity and Feigenbaum’s version of TQC, as explained by
Competitive Position (later refined and Ishikawa (1985), was that while Feigenbaum
republished as Out of the Crisis in 1986), Deming advocated TQC be conducted by QC specialists,
lamented that while the application of statistical in Japan all units and employees became involved
methods gained great importance in Japan’s (p. 90).
reconstruction efforts and eventually led to the Moreover, building on the teachings of
unparalleled success of the Japanese economy, in Deming and Juran, in the early 1960s, Ishikawa
America by 1950 the “Brilliant applications also introduced quality circles, which became a
burned, fizzled, and died out” (p. 101). Discussion component of the quality improvement practices
of quality control and improvement in mainstream in Japan and later in the USA. These were small
America had to wait until the 1980s. Nevertheless, groups of employees (5–10) that performed simi-
the American Society for Quality Control lar jobs, coming together periodically to study and
(ASQC), now the American Society for Quality discuss production-related problems, identify
(ASQ), was born in 1946 out of the quality efforts causes of the problems using simple statistical
implemented during World War II and has contin- techniques, including the Ishikawa diagram (fish
ued in existence since then with a mission to and bone diagram), and suggest and carry out
uphold standards of quality and promote innova- solutions to increase productivity and quality. By
tion in quality. combining the application of statistical methods/
tools with employee participation in the
Total Quality Management 5

company’s decision-making process, this made Through the years a number of American com-
quality control “everybody’s business in an orga- panies and government organizations had
nization” (Sengupta 1987, p. 54). experimented, with varying degrees of success,
Quality control circles, as initially dubbed by with the different strategies of the quality move-
Ishikawa, were characterized by voluntary partic- ment widely popularized in Japan. However, by
ipation (jishusei, Lillrank and Kanö 1989) in that all accounts, the reemergence of the interest in
workers were not coerced or mandated to partici- quality improvement in the USA was an attempt
pate but by themselves “initiated and sustained the to respond to the success of the Japanese quality
effort” (Ishikawa 1985). The groups were often revolution (Juran 1988).
led by a foreman or supervisor. Through its mag- By the 1980s this “revolution” in Japan threat-
azine Quality Control for the Foremen, JUSE ened American manufacturers and the national
promoted the approach among Japanese workers, economy. By then it was widely believed that
adopting the slogan “QC circle members—Let’s American products were no longer competitive
study!” (Ishikawa, preface to the original edition, (Deming 1982). Investing in producing quality
1986), providing instructional material for study- products, reducing the cost of “unquality things,”
ing and training on quality control methods, and and implementing zero defects began to be pro-
organizing lectures and conventions where mulgated as a way to improve profits (Crosby
workers could learn from each other. The number 1979, p. 1). Similar to the 1900s, the 1980s were
of registered QC with JUSE went from three in characterized by a need to reduce waste. By turn-
1962 to a staggering 148,106 by 1982 and ing waste into better product and services, the
1,205,780 registered members in the late 1980s, company would unleash a chain reaction that
spreading rapidly throughout Japan’s industry at a would result in “lower cost, better competitive
registration rate of about 1000 circles a month position, happier people on the job, jobs, and
(Cole 1980; Juran 1988). more jobs” (Deming 1986, p. 2). Also, though
not a new idea, the notion that everyone in the
1980s Onward—Rebirth of the Quality organization, all the way from top management to
Movement in the USA and Emergence of Total frontline employees, has a role in quality improve-
Quality Management ment finally started to take hold in business
The ideas and methods for improving quality, first strategy.
developed in the USA and then elaborated and Sounding the clarion call for the need for trans-
applied in Japan with spectacular results, circled formation of management in American industry to
back to the USA at a time when American stay competitive, Deming (1982, 1986) proposed
manufacturing was in decline. The rebirth of the a set of 14 points. These have now become equiv-
quality movement evolved into the concept we alent to TQM, though not originally presented as
now know as TQM. Although TQM is often asso- such (Deming 1982, pp. 16–17, p. 30):
ciated with Deming, the first person to use the
term TQM to describe an inclusive 1. Create constancy of purpose toward improve-
organizational-wide approach to quality control ment of product and service.
was Feigenbaum (Watson 1995). In the 1983 ver- 2. Adopt the new philosophy.
sion of his Total Quality Control book, 3. Cease dependence on mass inspection.
Feigenbaum described the organization-wide 4. End the practice of awarding business on the
impact of a total quality control approach as one basis of price tag.
that “deepens the work and the very concept of 5. Constantly and forever improve the system of
quality control. . .. [P]ermits what might be called production and service.
total quality management [emphasis in original] 6. Institute modern methods of training on
to cover the full scope of the product and service the job.
‘life cycle’ from product conception through pro- 7. Institute modern methods of supervision
duction and customer service” (p. 14). (leadership).
6 Total Quality Management

8. Drive out fear. As such, the basic tenet of customer satisfaction

9. Break down barriers between staff areas. could not be fulfilled. Swiss also worried that
10. Eliminate numerical goals for the work force. Deming’s orthodoxy, with its emphasis on inputs
11. Eliminate work standards and numerical and processes, would lead to goal displacement.
quotas. Finally, Swiss argued that the turnover of high-
12. Remove barriers that hinder the hourly level government executives made it difficult to
worker. create a culture of continuous quality improve-
13. Institute a vigorous program of education and ment, a requirement for successful implementa-
training. tion of TQM. However, Swiss recognized some
14. Create a structure in top management that will value in TQM. He encouraged public sector orga-
push every day on the above 13 principles. nizations to implement a modified version of
TQM that retained customers’ feedback, the
These 14 points share similar ideas as the tracking of performance, continuous improve-
37 principles promulgated by Feigenbaum. ment, and employee participation as guiding prin-
According to Deming (1982), these points formed ciples. Swiss may as well have been foretelling the
the basis of the system of management fate of TQM in the public sector. TQM per se was
implemented in Japan post World War II. enveloped in the New Public Management
The imperative for American firms to imple- movement.
ment such quality management systems was ele- Although the principles and values identified
vated when in 1987 the US Congress established by Swiss continue to be promoted, the language of
the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award. TQM in government has been replaced by prac-
This award, equivalent to the Deming Prize tices promulgated by the National Performance
established in Japan by JUSE in 1950, recognizes Review, with its emphasis on a citizen/customer
excellence in seven quality management domains: orientation in government and cutting waste; the
leadership; strategic planning; customer focus; Government Performance and Results Act
measurement, analysis, and knowledge manage- (GPRA) of 1993, reauthorized in 2010 as Gov-
ment; human resource development and manage- ernment Performance and Results Modernization
ment; process management; and results. Act, with its emphasis on performance measure-
The management literature suggests that the ment, strategic management, and stakeholder
adoption of TQM in the USA was rapid and wide- involvement; as well as the Sarbanes-Oxley Act
spread from the mid-1980s through its peak in the of 2002 (SOX), with its emphasis on accountabil-
mid-1990s and then experienced a rapid decline in ity and accuracy in financial practices.
popularity (Strang and Kim 2009). TQM was The private sector TQM appears to have been
enthusiastically endorsed in industry and govern- replaced by the Six Sigma method. This method,
ment by President Bush who touted the approach first developed by the Motorola company engi-
as “’Reasserting our leadership’” (Carr and neer Bill Smith in the mid-1980s, seeks to
Littman, 1990, p. 2, quoted in Swiss, 1990, improve performance through the reduction of
p. 356). But the efforts to promote TQM in gov- defects. The approach harkens back to the prac-
ernment did not go unopposed. tices of the QC movement, with its emphasis on
One of the most oft-cited critiques of TQM was statistical analysis, Shewhart cycle, quality cir-
delivered by Swiss (1992), who argued that cles, and the qualitative methodology introduced
Deming’s version of TQM, which he called by Ishikawa (Folaron 2003). It also encompasses
“orthodox TQM,” was not suitable for application some of the values of TQM and the ISO 900 and
to the public sector. Swiss believed that the QS 1200, such as the focus on satisfying cus-
manufacturing foundation of TQM made it diffi- tomers’ desires. General Electric, once again,
cult to adapt to organizations that produce ser- played a crucial role in the dissemination of the
vices. Furthermore, unlike private companies, Six Sigma method when in 1995 CEO Jack Welch
government cannot readily identify its customers. discovered it and successfully adopted it to
Total Quality Management 7

improve performance and financial performance Crosby PB (1979) Quality is free: the art of making quality
(Watson 2001). certain. McGraw-Hill Book, New York
Deming WE (1982) Quality, productivity and competitive
position. Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Center
for Advanced Engineering Study, Boston
Conclusion Deming WE (1986) Out of the crisis. MIT Center for
Advanced Engineering, Cambridge, MA
Feigenbaum AV (1951) Quality control: principles, prac-
The history of TQM is firmly grounded in a foun- tice and administration. McGraw-Hill, New York
dation that consists of the application of statistical Feigenbaum AV (1961) Total quality control: engineering
methods to quality control (QC). Though not and management. McGraw-Hill, New York
always discussed, early QC efforts were also Feigenbaum AV (1983) Total quality control, 3rd edn.
McGraw-Hill, New York
based on an underlying logic of a system perspec- Folaron J (2003) The evolution of six sigma. Six Sigma
tive where all aspects of the production process Forum Mag ASQ 2(4):38–44
needed intervention to ensure products that satisfy Ishikawa K (1986) Guide to quality control (2nd rev., for
customers’ needs and reduce waste. That QC was clarity. ed.). Quality Resources, White Plains, NY
Ishikawa K (1985) What is total quality control? the Japa-
practically abandoned in the USA after playing nese way. Prentice Hall, London
center stage during World War II may have been Lillrank PM, Kanō N (1989) Continuous improvement:
due to the fact that for the most part, quality quality control circles in Japanese industry. Center for
control was viewed as the responsibility of quality Japanese Studies, the University of Michigan, Ann
departments, engineers in particular, and not Juran JM (1988) Quality control handbook, 4th edn.
managers. McGraw-Hill, New York
Although the teachings of Juran and Schenectady Digital History Archive (2015) Schenectady
Feigenbaum emphasized the important role man- county, New York contributions in World War II. http://
agers play in the improvement of quality, the html
realization in Japan that quality was everybody’s Sengupta AK (1987) Made in Japan: quality circles come to
job helped post-World War II Japan become a India – some observations. Decision 14(2):53, Retrieved
major industrial economy. Only then, in the from
1980s, were the principles of TQM, often associ- Shewhart WA (1931) Economic control of quality of
ated with Deming, adopted in the USA not only in manufactured product. Van Nostrand/MacMillan,
manufacturing but also in service organizations, New York/London
including healthcare. In the public sector, where Shewhart WA (1939) Statistical methods from the viewpoint
of quality control. The Graduate School, U.S. Department
TQM was received with skepticism by some, it of Agriculture, Washington, DC
became part of the larger New Public Manage- Strang D, Kim Y (2009-09-02) The diffusion and domes-
ment discourse. While some of the values tication of managerial innovations: the spread of scien-
espoused by TQM have been maintained, TQM tific management, quality circles, and TQM between
the United States and Japan. Oxford Handbooks
as such has largely faded from both the public and Online. Retrieved 19 Feb 2016, from http://www.
the private sectors.
Swiss JE (1992) Adapting total quality management
(TQM) to government. Public Adm Rev
Cross-References 52(4):356–362
Watson G (2001) Cycles of learning: observations of Jack
▶ New Public Management Welch. Six Sigma Forum Mag ASQ 1(1):13–17
Watson G (2005) Feigenbaum’s enduring influence. Qual
Prog 38(11):51–55


Cole RE (1980) Work, mobility, and participation: a

comparative study of American and Japanese industry.
University of California Press, Berkeley, Cal

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