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Name : Marcellina Vera P

NIM : 12180289
Class : 3-M

Descriptive Text
My Only Son, Deo
I have a son named Deo, he is 16 years old, he has a short hair, flat nose, big eyes, brown
skin and he wears crutch because he lost his right leg when he was child. He loves video game
very much. He spend his weekend and free time for playing video game, his favorite video game
is GTA, sometimes he forget to eat and take a bath. At first people think Deo is an uncaring and
stubborn person, actually he is a friendly and humble person. He shy because of his physical
limitation. He think no one wants to be his friends. He prefer makes a friend with animal, so I
buy him a dog, and he call his Dog Browny. Deo loves Browny so much, he take care of Browny
as his little brother.

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