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Seminar 3.

Seminar subjects follow the flow of CCC (Catechism of the Catholic Church).
In Seminar 1 is the profession of our faith as Christians. Here, we are being told of the beginning of our
faith from the beginning of the Bible and the Jewish tradition up to the present moment.
In Seminar 2 is the Celebration of the Christian Mystery. Here, the Sacraments are being introduced to us
in fulfilling the command that Jesus taught and established. It is also the sign of God’s manifold grace to
be present to us daily and every moment of our life.
Now here in seminar 3 after all the building up of our faith and the sustenance of being a Christian, we
emanate the God-like attitude of Christ and practice it as part of our life. It is also the expression of our
faith. This is Life in Christ. We act, think and live like Him.

Seminar 3 begins in understanding our dignity as man. Man is dignified in all sense because in the
creation story God breathe into him the breath of life. 1 It is the breath that gives life and likeness of God
to men, through which the Divine is present in every human and has the capability to be one. Endowed
with "a spiritual and immortal" soul, the human person is "the only creature on earth that God has willed
for its own sake." From his conception, he is destined for eternal beatitude. 2

Man enjoys the gift of intellect and freewill. He can use reason to understand and explore things in life.
With his free will he can direct himself towards the ultimate true good. He has the obligation to follow the
law according to his conscience and for the betterment of his neighbor. To live in a moral life is to bear
witness to the dignity of the person. It is also understood that man abused his freedom when the Evil One
enticed him to do evil acts. Because of this abuse we all carry the stain of original sin. To be united with
our true self God, sent his only begotten Son and showed us the true right and good. With every
christian’s goal in his spirituality he achieves the union with his Savior, he attains the perfection of
charity which is holiness.

we are all called to beatitude.

For your first assignment. kindly answer on a separate sheet or document preferably word doc.
TNR Font 12 Justify keep it short please.

1. what is beatitude?
2. What are the beatitudes of the Old testament and of the new testament?
3. Compare both beatitude’s differences and similarities.
4. Personal Reflection. Can you fulfill the beatitudes given by Jesus? If yes, How? If no, Why?

1 Genesis 2:7 NRSV “then the Lord God formed man from the dust of the ground, and breathed into his
nostrils the breath of life; and the man became a living being.”
2 CCC 1073

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