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Title : Coffee consumption by teenagers in Kuala Lumpur

Figure 1 illustrates coffee consumption by teenagers in Kuala

Lumpur while Figure 2 presents price of coffee in Kuala Lumpur.
Generally, the consumption of coffee by teenagers in Kuala
Lumpur increased steadily despite the increase in price.

On average, boys drank one more cup of coffee a week than

girls in 2011 but in 2012 equal per week. In 2013, girls
consumed more. In 2014, the weekly consumption of
coffee increased.

The biggest increase in coffee price was recorded from 2012

to 2013 when the price rose from RM4 per cup to RM6 per cup.
However, the consumption of coffee escalated. From 2013 to
2014, the coffee consumption by boys and girls increased by one
cup per week for both, even though expensive.

In conclusion, the increase in coffee prices did not affect the


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