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While Doctor Strange is mainly an action film with great action scenes and visual

effects, it also has powerful dialogues and strong performances that add to the quality of

When Stephen Strange played by Benedict Cumberbatch is introduced at the start

of Doctor Strange he's pretty much unbearable. His ego is massive, and he treats
everyone around him like they're less than—including his girlfriend, Christine Palmer
played by Rachel McAdams. But the renowned surgeon is served with great setback
after a horrifying car accident, where his hands were rendered useless and his career
was seemingly ruined forever. This sets off the film's true events, as Stephen Strange
attempts to find a mystical way to heal his wounds, and presumably set his life back on
track. But he gets much more than he bargained for, and is trained by The Ancient One
and Wong, before facing off against massively powerful foes like Kaecilius and

Doctor Strange is another fairly straightforward hero's journey. Strange loses his hands,
something he really values, and on a quest to fix them, ends up gaining something more
meaningful. Sure, this kind of story has been told numerous times, but the thing with
Marvel is that they're always able to sell it in a way that feels fresh. This is largely due to
the vast number of different characters they have at their disposal. These characters
manage to make us care about the story.
To describe the visual effects in Doctor Strange, this movie takes trippy special effects.
It feels like Marvel was taking drugs when they were making these scenes. There are so
many colors, and I love some colorful visuals in any action movies. The action scenes
are so entertaining; the Cloak of Levitation is its own character with its movements and
behaviors, city blocks twist and turn and everything in between, and the time-travel thing
allow for even more visual-effects goodness.
Overall, it was great, despite not following the comics. The only flaw I saw was that they
gave Dr. Strange a bit too much power and there are scenes which I found myself
getting pretty bored. This movie maybe given a real theme of "Dont text and drive or
else you'll crash and get severe hand damage.”

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