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Aedrian Joshua O.

De Castro August 20, 2020

1CMT Theology 1
A. What are my three significant learnings from the discussion? Explain why.
1. Inviolable Dignity.
As humankind is created in his divine image, God shared with humans his divine
life. As such, the creation of man point to the fact that each human being is of great
worth for we reflect in ourselves the image of God—our creator. Therefore, after
having created human beings in a very special manner, we possess an innate and
inviolable dignity. No one can ever take away that dignity because the degree of the
value that God places on humans, even in a sinful state, is so powerful that He,
himself, became man and then took on the guilt of fallen humanity.
2. Conscious Beings.
One truth that the story of creation presents is God’s giving of dominion over the
rest of his creation to human beings. This is because human beings are the highest
form of God’s creation. Unlike the rest of his creations, God endowed us with self-
awareness and free will and even God has no power over our decisions. As conscious
beings, however, we possess the responsibility to respond to God in faith. With the
boon of self-awareness comes the call recognize the voice of God. Furthermore, as
humans are made in God’s image, it seems as though we are his way of experiencing
and appreciating himself.
3. Equal, yet unique.
Despite having the same nature and origin and same divine calling and destiny,
each person is unique and special in the eyes of God. We are all created equally in the
likeness of God, but you are your own person. Nobody gets to be you, except you.
Nobody has your point of view, except you. We may be the same, but none of us are
you. None us can change people or the world in the way that you could change it. All
of us are related to God, but none of us have the same personal relationship with him.
B. One thing that I would like to clarify.
The topic that I would like to have a more in-depth explanation is the difference
between being immortal and being eternal. The discussion glossed over this topic but
failed to provide a deeper context. How does one achieve immortality or eternal life?
What’s the difference?

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