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Warm-up: 3-5 mins

Repeat circuit 10-15 times.
Cardio Level 5, Recovery Cardio Cardio Level 10, High-Intensity Cardio
Option: Walk 30 seconds Option: Sprint 45 seconds

TIP » Perform cardio on a treadmill, Stairmaster, bike, or outdoors. The levels are based on a scale of 1-10, where 10 is an all-out sprint and 1 is
barely moving. For maximum results, stay true to the levels and make each sprint count.

Cardio Level 7, Intermediate Cardio
Option: Jog or incline walk 15 minutes

TIP » Perform cardio on a treadmill, Stairmaster, bike, or outdoors. The levels are based on a scale of 1-10, where 10 is an all-out sprint and 1 is
barely moving. For maximum results, stay true to the levels and make each sprint count.

Cool-down: 5 mins

TIP » Cooling down after exercise helps promote recovery and may increase the release of beneficial hormones.

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