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Aerobics and Anaerobic Exercise

Learning Objectives

By the end of this unit, you should be able to:

1. Differentiate nature of Aerobic and Anaerobic.
2. Internalize the benefits of Aerobic and Anaerobic.
3. Choreograph and demonstrate Aerobic and Anaerobic exercise

What’s the Difference Between Aerobic and Anaerobic?

Aerobic exercise is any type of cardiovascular conditioning or “cardio.” During cardiovascular

conditioning, your breathing and heart rate increase for a sustained period of time. Examples
of aerobic exercise include swimming laps, running, or cycling.
In 1968, Dr. Kenneth H. Cooper, the so-called "father of aerobics

10 Aerobic Exercise Examples, Benefits, and More

At-home exercises
Gym exercises
Aerobic classes
How often should you exercise?


Aerobic exercise is any type of cardiovascular conditioning. It can include

activities like brisk walking, swimming, running, or cycling. You probably know it as

By definition, aerobic exercise means “with oxygen.” Your breathing and heart rate
will increase during aerobic activities. Aerobic exercise helps keep your heart, lungs,
and circulatory system healthy.
Aerobic exercise differs from anaerobic exercise. Anaerobic exercises, such as
weightlifting or sprinting, involve quick bursts of energy. They’re performed at
maximum effort for a short time. This is unlike aerobic exercises. You perform
aerobic exercises for a sustained period of time.

Read on to learn more about aerobic exercises you can try at home and at the
gym. And remember, always talk to your doctor before beginning a new aerobic
exercise routine.

Recommended Aerobic exercise which can be perform anywhere

Follow the FITT principle in doing the Aerobic and Anaerobic


At-home aerobic exercise

Cardiovascular exercises can be done at home. There are many you can do with little
to no equipment, too. Always warm up for 5 to 10 minutes before starting any

Jump rope

Equipment: gym shoes (sneakers), jump rope

Benefits: Jumping rope helps develop better body awareness, hand-foot coordination,

and agility.

Safety: Your jump rope should be adjusted for your height. Stand with both feet on
the middle of the rope and extend the handles to your armpits. That’s the height
you’re going for. If it’s too long, cut or tie it to avoid tripping on the rope.
Duration and frequency: 15 to 25 minutes, 3 to 5 times per week

Following a jump rope circuit is a great indoor or outdoor activity, though you’ll want
to make sure you have plenty of space. Your circuit routine should take 15 to 25
minutes to complete.

If you’re a beginner:

1. Start by jogging forward as you swing the jump rope over your head and under
your feet. Do this move for 15 seconds.

2. Next, reverse your direction and jog backward as you continue to swing the
jump rope. Do this move for 15 seconds.

3. Finish your set by doing a hopscotch jump for 15 seconds. To do this move,

jump rope in place, and as you jump, alternate between jumping your feet out
to the sides and then back to the center, similar to how you’d move them while
doing jumping jacks. Do this move for 15 seconds.

4. Rest for 15 seconds between sets.

5. Repeat 18 times.

If you’re an intermediate exerciser, you can perform the moves for 30 seconds and
rest for 30 seconds between sets. The advanced circuit should be performed for 60
seconds at a time, followed by 60 seconds of rest.

Aerobic strength circuit

Equipment: gym shoes (sneakers), sturdy chair or couch for dips

Benefits: This exercise increases heart and cardiovascular health, builds up strength,

and tones major muscle groups.
Safety: Focus on proper form with each exercise to avoid injury. Keep your heart rate
at a moderate level throughout. You should be able to carry on a brief conversation
during this exercise.

Duration and frequency: 15 to 25 minutes, 3 to 5 times per week

This aerobic circuit is designed to get your heart rate up. Perform the following
strength exercises for 1 minute:

torso twist

Then jog or march in place for 1 minute for your active rest. This is one circuit.
Repeat the circuit 2 to 3 times. You can rest for up to 5 minutes between circuits. Cool
down afterward with some light stretching.

Running or jogging

Equipment: running shoes

Benefits: Running is one of the most effective forms of aerobic exercise. It can

improve heart health, burn fat and calories, and lift your mood, just to name a few.

Safety concerns: Choose well-lit, populated running routes. Let someone know

where you’ll be.

Duration and frequency: 20 to 30 minutes, 2 to 3 times per week

If you’re a beginner, run for 20 to 30 minutes twice a week. Your pace should be
conversational during the run. You can alternate between 5 minutes of running and 1
minute of walking to start. To stay injury-free, always stretch after your run.

Equipment: gym shoes (sneakers)

Benefits: Walking daily can reduce your risk of heart disease, obesity, diabetes, high
blood pressure, and depression.

Safety: Walk in well-lit and populated areas. Choose shoes that offer good ankle
support to reduce your risk for injury.

Duration and frequency: 150 minutes per week, or 30 minutes 5 days a week

If walking is your main form of exercise, aim to get 150 minutes per week. This can
be broken down into 30 minutes of walking 5 days a week. Or, walk briskly for 10
minutes at a time, 3 times each day.

You can also use a fitness tracker to keep tabs on how many steps you take each day.
If your goal is to walk 10,000 steps a day, start with your base (current amount you
walk) and slowly up your daily step count. You can do this by increasing your daily
steps by an extra 500 to 1,000 steps a day every 1 to 2 weeks.

So, once you’ve identified your base, add an extra 500 to 1,000 steps. Then, 1 to 2
weeks later, increase your daily step count by an additional 500 to 1,000 steps.

Aerobic gym exercises

Your local gym is a great place to get in some aerobic exercise. They probably have
equipment like treadmills, stationary bikes, and elliptical machines. There may be a
pool for you to swim laps in, too.

If you aren’t sure how to use a type of exercise equipment, always ask a professional
or trainer for assistance.

Equipment: pool, swimsuit, goggles (optional)

Benefits: Swimming is a low-impact exercise, so it’s good for people prone to or

recovering from an injury or living with limited mobility. It can help you tone your
muscles and build strength and endurance.

Safety: Avoid swimming alone and, if possible, choose a pool with a lifeguard on

duty. If you’re new to swimming, begin by enrolling in swim lessons.

Duration and frequency: 10 to 30 minutes, 2 to 5 times a week. Add 5 minutes to

your swim time each week to increase your duration.

If your gym has a pool, try swimming as aerobic exercise. It’s a nonimpact workout,
so it’s a good choice if you’re prone to injury. You’re also increasing your heart rate,
toning your muscles, and building strength and endurance — all without adding
additional strain to your body.

You can start by swimming laps using one stroke, such as freestyle. As you swim
more, add additional strokes. For example, you could do 1 to 4 laps of freestyle
followed by 1 to 4 laps of breaststroke or backstroke.

If you get tired, rest on the side of the pool between laps. Always follow the safety
instructions and guidelines of the pool where you swim.

Stationary bike

Equipment: stationary bike

Benefits: This low-impact exercise can help develop leg strength.

Safety: Ask a trainer at the gym for help adjusting the bike so that the seat is the
correct height. This will help reduce your risk for injury or falling off the bike.

If you’re biking at home, a general rule is to adjust the bike seat height to maintain a
5- to 10-degree bend in your knee before reaching full extension. Doing so reduces
compression on your knee joint. It’s not recommended to fully extend your knee while
peddling on a stationary bike.

Duration and frequency: 35 to 45 minutes, 3 times per week

Riding a stationary bike is another option for low-impact cardio. Stationary bikes are a
good cardiovascular workout, help you develop leg strength, and are easy to use.
Many gyms and workout studios offer cycling classes, which use stationary bikes. But
you can still benefit from a stationary bike workout without taking a class.

After stretching and warming up by cycling at an easy rhythm for 5 to 10 minutes,

increase your pace to 15 miles per hour and aim for 20 to 30 minutes of steady
cycling. Cool down for 5 minutes. Stretch to finish.


Equipment: elliptical machine

Benefits: Elliptical machines provide a good cardiovascular workout that’s less

stressful on the knees, hips, and back compared to the treadmill or running on the road
or trails.

Safety: Look forward, not down. Use the handlebars if you feel unsteady or to help
you get on and off the machine.

Duration and frequency: 20 to 30 minutes, 2 to 3 times per week

The elliptical machine may seem intimidating at first, but it’s easy to use once you get
the hang of it. After warming up, keep your posture upright while you use your legs in
a pedal motion to move the machine. Look forward the entire time, not down at your
feet. Keep your shoulders back and abdominal muscles engaged. Cool down and exit
the machine to stretch.

Increase the resistance on the machine for a more challenging workout.

Aerobic class workouts

If you don’t like exercising on your own, a class can provide a supportive and
encouraging environment. Ask the instructor to show you proper form if you’re new.
They can help you modify the exercises if you’re a beginner, if necessary.

Attend group classes at your local barangay fitness center 2 to 3 times per week to
start. You can always go more frequently later on if you enjoy the workout.

Cardio kickboxing

Equipment: gym shoes (sneakers)

Benefits: Kickboxing is a high-impact exercise that builds strength and endurance. It

may also reduce stress and improve your reflexes.

Safety: Drink plenty of water throughout the class. Take a break if you feel dizzy.

Duration and frequency: 60 minutes, 1 to 3 times per week

Cardio kickboxing is a mix of martial arts, boxing, and aerobics. Your class may start
with a warmup of jogging, jumping jacks, or strengthening exercises, such as pushups.
Then expect a series of punches, kicks, and hand strikes for the main workout.
There may be core or strengthening exercises at the end. Always finish your workout
with a cooldown and stretch. Drink plenty of water throughout the class.


Equipment: gym shoes (sneakers)

Benefits: Zumba is beneficial for heart health, improves coordination, tones your

entire body, and may help relieve stress.

Safety: Drink lots of water during the class. Take a break if you feel tired or dizzy.
You may want to wear shoes that provide good ankle support if you’re prone to ankle

Duration and frequency: 60 minutes, 1 to 3 times per week

If you like to dance, Zumba is a fun choice for an aerobic workout. After warming up,
your instructor will instruct the class through easy-to-follow dance moves set to
upbeat music. You’ll finish with a cooldown and stretch.

Shoes are required. Drink plenty of water throughout the class. You can always take a
break and rejoin if you get tired.

Indoor cycling class

Equipment: stationary bike, cycling shoes (optional), padded bicycle shorts or pants


Benefits: Indoor cycling classes build strength and improve muscle tone and
cardiovascular endurance.
Safety: If your new or need a refresher, ask the instructor to help you set up the
stationary bike. Lower your resistance if you get tired, or take a break if you feel

Duration and frequency: 45 to 60 minutes, 1 to 3 times per week

Unlike a leisurely bike ride, a cycle class will get your heart rate up. It may include
resistance and climb (incline) portions for maximum training benefits. This will help
you build strength and tone your muscles. Some classes require cycle shoes that you
“clip” into the bike. You can usually rent these at your facility.

Most classes are 45 to 60 minutes long and include a warmup, cooldown, and stretch.
Bring water with you to the class. If you’re new, you can reduce the resistance on the
bike and peddle lightly for a break if you get tired,

How much aerobic exercise do you need?

The American Heart Association recommends 30 minutes or more of aerobic exercise

five or more days each week. That can be broken up, though. For example, you can
take three, 10-minute walks throughout the day.

You should also add in two or more anaerobic strengthening sessions each week that
focus on major muscle groups. If you’re new to exercise, see your doctor. They can
assess your health and recommend a fitness routine that’s safe and effective for you.

What You Need to Know About Anaerobic Exercise

Anaerobic exercises involve quick bursts of energy and are performed at maximum effort for a
short time. Examples include jumping, sprinting, or heavy weight lifting

Anaerobic exercise — a higher intensity, higher power version of exercise — is different

from aerobic exercise.

Although the term may not be one you’re familiar with, anaerobic exercise is a very common
and effective workout. In fact, you’ve probably put yourself through an anaerobic workout at
some point in your life!

Here’s everything you need to know about this calorie-torching, endurance-building type of

Types of anaerobic exercises

Anaerobic exercise is any activity that breaks down glucose for energy without using oxygen.
Generally, these activities are of short length with high intensity. The idea is that a lot of energy
is released within a small period of time, and your oxygen demand surpasses the oxygen supply.

Exercises and movements that require short bursts of intense energy are examples of anaerobic

These include:

jumping or jumping rope
high-intensity interval training (HIIT)

The difference between aerobic and anaerobic exercise

Aerobic exercise produces energy using a continuous supply of oxygen to sustain the current
level of activity without needing additional energy from another source. But anaerobic exercise
prompts your body to demand more energy than your aerobic system can produce.

To produce more energy, your body uses its anaerobic system, which relies on energy sources
stored in your muscles.

Slower-paced exercises like jogging or endurance cycling are examples of aerobic exercise. Fast-
paced workouts like sprinting, high-intensity interval training (HIIT), jumping rope, and interval
training take the more intense approach of anaerobic exercise.

One easy way to remember the difference between the two is the term “aerobic” means “with
oxygen,” while “anaerobic” means “without oxygen.”

The science behind anaerobics

Oxygen is required for the body to be able to use fat for fuel. Since aerobic exercise uses oxygen
to produce energy, it can use both fat and glucose for fuel. Anaerobic exercise, on the other hand,
can only use glucose for fuel.

Glucose is available in the muscles for quick and short bursts of movement, and can be used
when the aerobic system is maxed out for a short period of time.

When you begin to exercise vigorously, there is a temporary shortage of oxygen getting
delivered to your working muscles. That means anaerobic exercise must be fueled using glucose
through a process called glycolysis.

Glycolysis occurs in muscle cells during high-intensity training without oxygen, producing
energy quickly. This process also produces lactic acid, which is the reason why your muscles get
so tired after the energy burst.
By engaging in anaerobic exercise regularly, your body will be able to tolerate and eliminate
lactic acid more effectively. That means you’ll get tired less quickly.

The benefits

If anaerobic exercise sounds like a lot of work, that’s because it is. But the benefits that come
with the intense fitness regime are enough to make you want to power through your next

1. Increases bone strength and density

Anaerobic activity — like resistance training — can increase the strength and density of your
bones. This can also decrease your risk of osteoporosis.

2. Promotes weight maintenance

In addition to helping your body handle lactic acid more effectively, anaerobic exercise can help
you maintain a healthy weight.

One study Trusted Source examining the effects of high-intensity training found that while the
effect of regular aerobic exercise on body fat is small, HIIT training can result in modest
reductions in stomach body fat.

3. Increases power

It can increase your power. A 2008 study conducted on division 1A baseball players found that
players who did eight 20- to 30-second wind sprints three days a week saw their power increase
by an average of 15 percent throughout the season.

4. Boosts metabolism
Anaerobic exercise helps boost metabolism as it builds and maintains lean muscle. The more
lean muscle you have, the more calories you’ll burn during your next sweat session. High-
intensity exercise is also thought to increase your post-workout calorie burn.

5. Increases lactic threshold

By regularly training above your anaerobic threshold, the body can increase its ability to handle
lactic acid, which increases your lactic thresholdTrusted Source, or the point at which you
experience fatigue. That means you’ll be able to work out harder, for longer.

6. Fights depression

Need a pick-me-up? Studies show that anaerobic exercise, like strength training, can boost your
moodTrusted Source and even fight depression.

7. Reduces risk of disease

Gains in strength and bone density attained by high-intensity anaerobic training, like bodyweight
squats and pushups, can reduce your risk for diabetes and heart disease.

8. Protects joints

By building your muscle strength and muscle mass, your joints will be better protected, meaning
you’ll have greater protection against injury.

9. Boosts energy

Consistent anaerobic exercise increases your body’s ability to store glycogen (what your body
uses as energy), giving you more energy for your next bout of intense physical activity. This can
improve your athletic ability.

Anaerobic exercises push your body and lungs to rely on energy sources stored in your muscles.
The meaning of the term translates to “without oxygen.”

People may avoid anaerobic training because it is hard. Yet by practicing simple anaerobic
exercises, like high-intensity interval training, sprints, and heavy weight training, you can reap
the benefits of this powerful workout.

EVALUATION: Perform the following



NOTE: You can refer to google/you tube but not to copy the whole routine to avoid
problems in commenting your videos in the Facebook page

Activity 2.1 ESSAY 4

Dear Student, discuss on the following questions. PLEASE DO ANALYZE AND UNDERSTAND
THE READINGS TO AVOID COPY PASTE, exercise your skill in writing not copy paste.
1. What is the difference of Aerobics and Anaerobic exercise?
2. Benefits of Aerobics and Anaerobic in essay form not enumeration
Dear Student, based from the READINGS given, you choose from the given exercises in AEROBICS
as a basis for your own routine, you will be graded from the following criteria.
Choreography 50 points ( if possible not copied from the you tube, but you tube will be your guide,
self made aerobics is highly recommended to avoid duplication, Based on my observation, mostly
students copied the routine of their classmates which is not challenging on my part as a teacher,
Boring type, It should be SELF MADE AEROBIC ROUTINE.
Mastery 50 points it includes energy, timing and consistency

Total of 100 points.


Dear Student, based from the READINGS given, you choose from the given exercises in
ANAEROBICS as a basis for your own routine, you will be graded from the following criteria.
Choreography 50 points ( if possible not copied from the you tube, but you tube will be your
guide, self made Anaerobic is highly recommended to avoid duplication, Based on my
observation, mostly students copied the routine of their classmates which is not challenging on my
part as a teacher, Boring type, It should be SELF MADE AEROBIC ROUTINE.
Mastery 50 points it includes energy, timing and consistency

Total of 100 points.


Dear Student, based from the READINGS given, you watch in the you tube as a basis for your
own routine in ZUMBA, you will be graded from the following criteria.
Choreography 50 points ( if possible not copied from the you tube, but you tube will be your
guide, self made aerobics is highly recommended to avoid duplication, Based on my observation,
mostly students copied the routine of their classmates which is not challenging on my part as a
teacher, Boring type, It should be SELF MADE AEROBIC ROUTINE.
Mastery 50 points it includes energy, timing and consistency

Total of 100 points.


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