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BARS- Performance mgmt

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Job Profile – Human Resource manager

Skillsets selected –

 Approachability: Serve as a link between management and employees by handling

questions, interpreting and administering contracts and helping resolve work-related
 Communication: Provide current and prospective employees with information about
policies, job duties, working conditions, wages, opportunities for promotion, and
employee benefits properly. Giving full attention to what other people are saying.

Serial CI/Anchors Strongly Agree Undecide Disagree Strongly

No. Agree Disagree
1. Is approachable by management and
employees. And helps resolve work
related problems

2. Communicates job information

properly and gives undivided
attention to what others are saying

3. Knows and understand what

motivates different employees and
strive to become a source of
encouragement for them

 Motivation: One of the primary roles of HR Managers is to help guide employees

toward achieving their career goals, both internally and beyond.

Critical incident measurement - Mark on the selected rating

BARS Approach (Behaviourally Anchored Rating Scale)

Consider the following rating scales which assess the HR Manager on 5 Dimensions
Scale Performance Measure
5 Outstanding work
4 Very much satisfactory work

3 Satisfactory work

2 Unsatisfactory work

1 Poor work

Manager is very approachable in nature with
the employees, try to solve their problem,
also gives out all the policies related
5 information on time. Tries to listen to
employees and their grievances and tries to
come to a common point. Motivates
employees to work towards their individual
goals and organizational goals and becomes
a role model for them. In short tries to do
with his work with perfection.

Manager is approachable in nature with the

employees, tries to listen to employees and
their grievances and tries to come to a
4 common point. Motivates employees to
work towards their individual goals and
organizational goals and strive for

Manager is somewhat approachable in

nature with the employees, somewhat gives
3 a patient hearing to employees & try to
solve their problem, gives out all the
policies related information on time about
salary working hours etc. Occasionally
motivates employees to work towards
themselves & organization

Manager is rarely approachable with the

employees, gives a false hope of trying to
2 solve grievances, also gives out all the
policies related information whenever he
himself feels it is necessary. Sometimes
motivates employees to work towards their
individual goals and organizational. In short
easy-going attitude person.

Manager is not at all approachable to

employees, employees can’t express their
1 opinions & grievances freely, often ignores
important policies to be communicated to
employees of the organization. Does not
motivates employees much to strive for
excellence and organizational goals.

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