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Differentiate Electronic and Information Age

3.Examples of apps and websites (include who created plus important dates) in Information age

6. What are the importance of the information age, and its future

Researcher: Ken Cedrick Yap


2. Claude Shannon- Father of the Information Age age#:~:text=the%20electronic
%20age%20began%20when%20electronic%20equipment%2C%20includin g%20computers%20came
%20into%20use age.html#:~:text=The%20Information%20Age
%20began%20around,access%20information%20and%20k nowledge%20easily.

Difference of electronic and information age.

Let’s start in the very start, since it is difficult to understand where the information age starts
without tackling a bit on the electronic age. The electronic age is defined in collinsdictionary “the
electronic age began when electronic equipment, including computers came into use.” Why is this
important? Well, this is the groundwork, the base, for the future of information.

The age of information is “regarded as a time in which information has become a commodity
that is quickly and widely disseminated and easily available especially through the use of computer
technology.” Where info is widespread and readily available, right now we are living in such age. But
where did it all start? Well we are not too sure about this, but we traced major advancements for the
information age back to one man. Claude Shannon. He is the father of the information age, and he has
all the right to be called as such. Here at this museum we will show to you how the information age
developed over time and the many advances it made throughout history.

Claude Shannon contributed in the early development of integrated circuits, computers and,
even AI. But how, well lest start off with “Information Theory” yes it is in the name of our subject I know,
but this theory paved way to the advancements on communication, storage devices, and coding. He
found a formula for information transfer, which paved way to the design of communication links that
makes up the internet.
Interesting story, telegrams before used long chains of cables to communicate long distances,
they used amplifiers at the end of each long line so the signal will go further, and further. Great IDEA
right! Right? Well look at it this way, the longer the signal has to travel through all of those cables
information will be loss that’s a given, but what if you use an amplifier well you will amplify the noise as
well. The further it goes the more likely it is to encounter noise and in the end you get nothing but noise.
This is where Claude Shannon comes around, he thought that information can be represented as 1’s and
0’s, binary(bit when shortened). Information can be shortened to that small space, encoded sent then
decoded with little to no loss for its quality. Now what does this mean for the information age, well this
means that information can be transferred with no loss in quality but also it can be stored in a smaller
space that before. And with the improvements in its transfer it paved a way for the development of the

He is also the one who made the basis for the computer circuits. What’s even more is that he
made that in his college thesis, when he was 22, 1938. It is the uses Boolean binary, that at that time
abstract but now is used by computers, he found a way to use It in a more practical sense.

(more about internet on the Francesca’s side)

3.Examples of apps and websites (include who created plus important dates) in Information

age Reference:
Websites were not always what we see today. Back then it was more exclusive and used
primarily for research unlike now so most of the first websites where used primarily in institutions like

the first website in the world, and was made by the Father or Internet Tim Berners-Lee In 1989. “The
site spotlights features in the DNA of every modern
website, including hyperlinks, a site map.” What we
see here is a piece of history of what websites looks
back in the day, and a look into what the backbone
of todays websites as well.

World Wide Web Virtual Library-

Tim Burners-Lee’s web Catalog at Cern


Well then this is a site you probably wouldn’t expect maybe

you would but this is a modern look on what online forums
are like back on dial-up discussions. Reddit arrived at 2005,
and what you see in here is a vast and broad amount of info,
news, story-reactions, factions of certain topics and many
more. It’s a way to share info in an open environment about
almost anything with no prejudice.
Now let me explain something, back then the internet was never meant for gaining money, it was
research but a website opened back in 1995 named AuctionWeb, and now its called.


Amazon right now may be leading in the online store front but eBay is the one who popularized it back
in the days. Made in September of 1995, it changed the way the world passed along and monetized
items. And now eBay is where you sill find people selling vintage things, things that are rare and scarce.


Before Google, yahoo in the January of 1994 was made and it tried to
make an effort to sort out the chaos in the internet. “Something
should help Internet users cut through all the noise”, Yahoo’s human
editors select links to news stories and other sites, a Yellow pages of
Now lets go to the 4 big sites we use constantly now


This is a video sharing websites if you

don’t know already but why is it here as
an important website, much more I
picked it as one of the 4 big sites. Well
its impact is immense considering it is
made much recently on February of
2005, for better or worse, what started
as a site for friends to send silly videos
of each other now grown to this
magnitude. It’s used for entertainment,
to learn new skills, keep in touch with
friends, but it can be a place where hate
speech can happen and many other


Made in the early 2000’s by Mark Zuckerberg is one of the most widely used website nowadays, and the
world’s largest social network, a Staggering 2 billion users uses Facebook. Think about it back then when
the internet was first made only a handful of people uses it, around 10 computers are connected back in
the day. This site is widely used today since there is a pandemic going on, it is a source of information
and a way to stay in touch with friends and relatives, a place where news and propaganda flows freely,
although there is still misinformation in it. Remember that point for later.


Ahhhh the students favorite site to search for information, launched in 2001
and its an open source website, where anyone who has internet access can
edit it, which is a bad thing since we can’t know for sure if the information
found is legitimate. Even with this it is the 5 th most visited website.

Lo and behold the number one site in this list, since its inception in 1998, Google has become ingrained
in our language
that Merriam
Webster added it
to the dictionary
as a transitive
verb(It was first
used on Buffy the
Vampire Slayer,
although first
recorded use of it,
is in 1998 as a
gerund). Its web’s
most pervasive
search tool.

These are some of the few websites that has historical significance and most widely used aswell.

6. What are the importance of the information age, and its future

Reference: Living in the Information Age: The

Misinformation Age | Vanshik Patel | TEDxYouth@KCVI Psychology of Dictatorships 5 Crazy Ways Social Media Is Changing Your Brain

Right Now

So, I am going to be as unbiased as possible here and try to explain it through my words and the words
of the reference given so that everyone here can understand the importance of that of the information

The information age is one of the 4 major advances to communication and media, it is still ongoing and
it is still here although signs of which its use may change for the good or bad. The information age helps
us connect to one another in a global scale and helps us share information from the smallest
insignificant things to major scientific discoveries. And if not for the efforts of Claude Shannon, Tim
Berners-Lee and countless other engineers and scientist that helped us build this complex web of
networks and communication, this day and age will not be same at it is now.
The importance of it now as an individual and a part of a community is to connect us, and help spread
awareness in this world. One of the reasons why dictators is trying to stop the spread of information by
controlling this information, if a country knows another country is better and that they’re country is not
then a revolution will start, it is also the reasons why a dictatorship led country is underdeveloped in the
equipment needed for information. Needless to say I’m blabbering. The usage of information and being
able to access it freely makes it able to further advance our own society, and ourselves, being able to
meet and make relationships with someone despite being on opposite sides of the world. It has its
downsides though.

Remember what I said in the end of my explanation of Facebook. The spread of misinformation, there
has been an influx on information lately and often it became too much. We could stay that yes; we are
still in the age of information but right now we are in an attention age, a sub age of the Information age.
Since the spread of information is far less back then you wont fight for the attention of the viewer of
that information. But right now we are constantly bombarded by information that it became a
competition on who can get the viewers hook on your information. And thus, knowing the trick on the
psychology of humans we can make fake information more interesting and attention grabbing making
the viewer more susceptible to absorbing fake news rather than the real ones. It is evident even now
with the pandemic raging on and people believing something although not doing extra research on it.
People have changed, and I hope soon we can change again, we are changing to be a bit lax on backing
up info we see.

But this is what’s good about the information age, you can search and delve deeper than before, than
that of the electronic age. When back then the government has the monopoly over what gets said in
television but now, we are in an age where we can speak our minds out, and that we are not controlled
as easily as before. There are several accredited sites on the internet to get great information for free, I
would like to share googlescholar for many sources for thesis and many more that has been peer
reviewed, and openstax a place where we can get free books, ranging from psychology to biology to
even Ap Physics I’ve been using it for years now and it’s a great service, I promise this museum is not

So, when will this end, well I don’t think the information age will end, we have become dependent and
coexisted with is. And it will be here to stay even if there is more ages to come, who know the next
communication age will be interstellar communications, where transmissions is sent through worm
holes, but that’s only speculations. Do I think the information age is important, yes, is it good, well
definitely but there is its bad side; But it is up to you to on how you will use it, and if you can use it
Additional info for reference for the presenters to know what to talk about the Internet Was Invented | The History of the

Internet, Part 1 How the Web Became a Thing | The History of the

Internet, Part 2 Did the U.S. Government Invent the Internet? |


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