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 It is not enough to be smart: we know that all the teachers in the school tell us that we are all intelligent
and have the skills to be good students, the problem is in the students and their desire to study. They
should not be lazy to do the work and study for your evaluations.
 Find a reason to study: if we take into account that students only study for the grade or for being
exempted from an evaluation, they will not apply all their effort to the work; if the students realize that
this could help them with their future and to get a better grade for their ideas will be more applied, but
this only happens when the students are in higher grades as tenth or eleven grades.
 Adopt their own study strategy: students have to learn how to study in a better way since there are many
distractions at home. So, they can do homework better than those they ask for. This also leads to have a
good meal before doing a job as this causes distraction.
 Feel comfortable or concentrate: students in classrooms cannot always be concentrated as they have
many methods of concentration as well as with their classmates. Besides, they are lazy to be in the class
or just stay there for annoyance.
 Planning schedule: you should resort to an organized way to study, this would facilitate the work of the
student and will see it easier to perform.
 Take advantage of classes to save time: if the classes are fluent with the subject, students will get to
understand faster and facilitate the study method without problems and will not have to last seeing the
same topic for 3 or 4 classes in a row.
 Memorize but understand the content: Clearly, all students always say that they understood the subject.
Those who do not understand the subject say that they understand it just because of the fear that the
teacher scolds them.


Mychelle Cante, Cristian Riaño, Sofía Maldonado, Manuel Tesarinni and Jennifer Lopez from 10th grade have
made an amazing field work to create their final project. Chapinero was the place they chose to plan a travel
itinerary for a tourist. On the images, the group has already presented what they have done along the second
term, including a map with the especific location of the places to visit in Chapinero. Despite of team work has
been prohibited in the school, the results showed how profitable could be the field work. This is an invitation to
think about new ways to learn, using methods such as project based learning of CLIL, were students involve all
their skills in the creation of products.

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