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Oleh :

Name : Ni Putu Mahera Nugrahayani

No : 32
Class : XII MIPA 7


TAHUN AJARAN 2020/2021
Behind the rocky mountain. It was my first time climbing a
mountain. The mountain I was climbing is Mount Batur, it has
an altitude of 1717 mpdl. The photo was taken on July 25,
2020. I was hiking with a group I didn't all know, only a few and
it made me nervous. The rocky track gave me a little trouble.
My first climb I did not get sun rice because one of my friends
was sick and made the climb slow. But it all paid off once we
reached the top of the mountain. Behind the high and rocky
mountains, I feel proud and I also feel healing after looking
down and the amazing scenery. After this, I plan to take photos
at the top of a different mountain

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