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Student nr: 65227018

Unique nr: 862719

Annuska Couvaras


A. Couvaras 17/04/2023

Above mentioned behavior is often a result of ADHD symptoms. Learners with ADHD
may not do what the are told, because they are distracted or because they find the
lesson boring or difficult.
A teacher who is unprepaired for the lesson or who lacks knowledge about the topic of
the lesson can also cause learners to lose interest in the lesson and rather talk to other
learners or play.
These causes are only two out of multiple. Other causes to behavior problems can be
trauma, depression, learning disorders, anxiety etc.
Direct instruction: Outline what will happen during the lesson. What you as the
educator will do and what the students will be doing. Time limits will be set for certain
Scenario: At the end of the lesson my students will be given some time to chat with
their friends, go to the library.
Monitoring: While students are busy with an activity, don’t just go sit behind your desk!
Get up an get around the class and check on the progress of the students.
Scenario: I gave my students an activity to complete. I went to my desk and got about 2
minutes after they started to check if everyone started. I can see where students
Modeling: Teachers who are enthusiastic, in control and organized provide good
examples for learners.
Scenario: While students are busy, Lisa struggled and asked for help. Instead of
screaming at her, I walked to her desk and helped her quietly.
Environmental control: Students enjoy a colorful environment. Learners like to know
more about you as the educator. Have some pictures of your family in class and some
of your hobbies.
Scenario; Sport is my hobby. I have pictures of me , my son and my husband in class. I
also have pictures of me playing hockey.
Assertive discipline: My class, my rules.
Scenario: One of my rules is when a learner or I am talking, fellow students are quiet.


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