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When one is coaching, there are different qualities that each possesses and executes.


is what makes a coach and a teamwork. A few qualities that I believe would be important to

possess as a coach are leadership, trust, support, and communication. Leadership is one of the

most important ones because one you are the face of the team, two, you are the one making

executive decisions for the team and finally you have to make sure you instill the quality of

leadership in your players. As a coach, any good or bad thing that happens to your players or the

team as a whole affects you because you are the face of the team and you’re running the show.

So, everything that happens, you have to be responsible for that, all while showing your team

that those are actions that are taken as a leader. Executive decisions are made by the leader

because they are the ones to oversee everything while trying to make things fair and just for the

team as a whole. Lastly, instilling the quality of leadership in your players is great because this is

something that they can learn and use to tackle on life whenever it can be applied. I want my

players to see this type of leadership within me when leading the team. I want them to learn from

me and become better than I am.

Trust should run deep within a team and should stem from the coach to the players and

vice versa. If there is no trust within a team, then you can’t even call a team, a team. Trust should

be built as a team, but also person to person. I would only hope that my player shave trust in me

to conduct plays and believe in me when I do the things that need to be done for the team. I want

them to know that I have the best interest at heart when making decisions for the team. I would

also love to have trust within each and every player of mine because it shows that I believe in

them and support them as well. It is also important that my players have trust in and outside of

the game. This is because this will create effective communication that doesn’t have to be

explained because they end up understanding each other. Trust is a wonderful thing.
Showing your players that you have their support is one of the greatest feelings ever.

Speaking from experience, in high school I played a couple of sports and I can say that I only

had the support of one of my coaches. It is not fun when you are playing for a team and you are

giving it your all, and you aren’t getting support from your own coach. I want to support my

players whether that is on or off the field. I want them to know that they can count on me for

anything whether that being a ceremony, letter of recommendation or even a shoulder to lean on.

This not only builds character but trust as well. My goal is to make sure anyone can come to me

for anything.

Communication is key for anything in life. Communication has to be strong especially

when working as a team whether that is in sport or in real life. As a coach, I would stress that

fact that communicating impacts our lives as a whole. This can be from coming to practice late to

having to miss a game because of an emergency to even having an injury. Communication has to

work effectively throughout a team so that whatever needs to be fixed or addressed, is done in

the right manor without anyone being lost. I want to be able to know what is going on with my

team with daily checkups no matter the issue because whatever is happening outside of sport can

affect performance and attitude in sport. Communication builds a team and that is something I

want to make sure is done so that we can all be united as one.

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