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Talk about 3 things representative of the 20th century.

Choosing the most representative things of the 20th century in not an easy task, since so
many events have happened in these one hundred years. Progress has been made in almost every
field and man has never been closer to reaching his limits as he is now. On the other hand, this
century was not spared from terrible mistakes of judgement and in spite of all the progress, evil
managed to infiltrate in our society.
That is why, I believe that instead of remembering only the good that has been done, people
should also bring to mind the bad, so that it will never return. Therefore, in my opinion, one of the
most significant and tragic events that marked the last century, whether we like to admit it or not, is
the spreading of communism and its effects. This world wide plague reached in just a few years
almost all continents and managed to destroy millions of lives. Under a shiny mask of equality and
prosperity for all, the communist movement brought about only misery, fear and most important the
loss of self-respect for many. Its awful influence is still felt today in the 3 rd millennium and it is
uncertain when it will fade away for good.
Strange as it may seem, another major event which had its roots in a democratic country,
towards the end of the 60’s, is the Women’s Liberation Movement, which led to a radical change of
our modern society. Although not powerful enough at the beginning, the ground-breaking
conception of man and woman spread like fire and 40 years later created the world in which we
now live, a society based on equal rights and the abolishment of discrimination.
However, if it hadn’t been for one of the greatest innovation of the last century, the mass-
media, probably the two events mentioned above wouldn’t have been so spread. Although
represented by newspapers even before the year 1900, mass-media have reached an incredible level
of development only after the invention of the radio, television and computers. The new means of
communication has are virtually everywhere in the world, and perhaps the one which had the
greatest impact on mankind is the Internet. The World Wide Web has been a breakthrough without
precedent, and now people all over the world can communicate with each other in only a matter
seconds and also find heaps of information about everything they wish to know.
All in all, it seems that the 20th century was full of contradictions, but it also meant many
incredible good things for mankind.

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