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Spare the rod and spoil the child.

When a baby is born, we assume he will be loved and cherrished as one of the most
wonderful blessings in a person’s life. Parents usually want the best for their child, they wish for
him to grow strong and beautiful and they do everything in their power to bring him up right.
However, in this attempt to do everything by the book, parents tend to forget that they are actually
raising a “little man”, who doesn’t have any experience what so ever and who is bound to make
many mistakes until he grows up.
That is why children are often punished unjustly, just because they cannot fully make the
difference between right and wrong, or between what is harmful and what is not. Of course, one
way or the other, everyone has to learn these things, but in my opinion severe punishment should
never be a solution for teaching a child. What does a 5-year-old know about life, anyway? Barely
nothing, so if he won’t eat breakfast, go to bed early or stop crying, that doesn’t mean he has to be
strictly disciplined smaking or spanking. Each period has its hard moments, but they eventually go
away. Parents should keep in mind that at an early age one is very impressionable and each trauma
grows deep into one’s mind and, over the years, may lead to serious problems.
When speaking about their childhood, people always distinctly remember the punishments
but seldom the reasons for which they were punished. Therefore, adults cannot get over the anger
and the frustration they felt years ago when they couldn’t really understand what was wrong with
their behavior. Beating a child will never make him respect and obey his parents but rather cause
him unnecessary suffering, which is not exactly the best way to start your life. Talking is a much
better solution for teaching a person, even though it takes more time and patience. In this way, it is
more likely for a child to understand what is required from him and act accordingly, thus avoiding
corporal punishment.

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