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Video summary the top 10 inventions

of all time
10- Paper
It was one of the four greatest inventions created in
China by Han Dinasty in the 2nd century BC.

9- the compass 
Sailors used to rely on landmarks or even stars to
navigate their ships, then the Chinese began to use
stones and magnetisms to orient themselves between
the IX and XI centuries, this extended to reach the
Arabs and Europeans. This not only made browsing
easier, it also made it safer.

8- Refrigerations 
the process of creating refrigerators was improved,
changing the way the food industry transports and
stores food. 

7- The printing press 

this was created by Johannes Gutenberg who
perfected and popularized the existing technology by
changing the Chinese principle of the mobile type
with the European press 

6- Plumbing 
everything evolved from holes in the ground to
chamber pots to latrines and eventually to toilets
from the XXXI to the XXVI centuries BC.
The development of plumbing improved the quality of
life for many people around the world.

5- Medicines 
The first group of drugs that resolve diseases such as
syphilis and strep infections.
Since then, more drugs have been developed to cure
diseases around the world.

4- Engines 
The creation of the motors made the industry and the
population move instead of relying on horses as
transport people.

3- the Wheel 
It is not yet known by which civilization it was
invented, it is only known that it was created in the
4th century B.C.
It was one of the most important inventions of
commerce and transport, since without it nothing
would be the same and we would not have the facility
we now have to move from one place to another

2- Comunications
 Samuel Morse gave us the first telegraph in 1836,
Guglielmo Marconi and Nikola Tesla developed the
radio in the late 19th century, moving images first
appeared on John Logie Baird television in 1925,
Conrad Sousa developed the first computer in the
early 1940s and Tim Bernerslee proposed the world
wide weld in the late 1980s and they all made the
world a little bit smaller

1- Electricity 
Electricity only became a necessity and a standard for
everyday life in the mid-20th century before it was
mainly enjoyed in large cities.

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