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Name: Aquino, Jerome M.

Date: 27/09/20
Code and Subject: Q362 – Highway and Railroad Engineering Schedule: 2:00 – 3:30 MW

1. Discuss the role of transportation in the economic and social activities of the country.

The role of transportation in the economic and social activities of the country is indeed
instrumental because it interconnects all businesses to all major world markets, driving trade,
creating employment, ensuring a better distribution of wealth and uniting mankind. It plays a
crucial role in the daily economic and social life of industrialized and developing countries. For
this reason, any penalty on road transport is an even greater penalty for the economy as a
whole. Trucks, ferries, planes and other vehicles that can transport people and goods plays a
huge role on transportation. They represent high technology at its best and are here to ensure
an even better quality of life that we enjoy today. Transport investments within cities and
across cities are essential for economic growth, job creation, and poverty reduction. Beyond
simply facilitating cheaper and more efficient movements of goods, people, and ideas within
cities, transport affects the distribution of economic activity across cities.

2. Explain the specific functions of different modes of transportation and compare the
characteristics feature.

There are four common various modes of transportation, these are the roadway or
highway, railways, air and maritime transportation. These types of transportation had their
own specific functionalities and characteristics to be able to transport.

 Roadway/Highway Transportation – it is basic mode of transportation we have. This

mode of transport helps to transfer the goods from one place to another place by road
through various methods like auto, buses, trucks, cargos, and other suitable factors. In
road transport, the chances of an accident are very high and it is also very risky. The
advantages of this transportation is it is very flexible in nature, it is good for transporting
perishable products. Also, it helps to facilitate the movement of goods even in remote
areas and it is very suitable for a short distance journey. On the other hand the
disadvantages of roadway or highway transportation as said before, it is prone to
accidents and breakdowns and it is not suited for long distance as it is not economical.

 Railway Transportation – It is a methods for transport where the products are moved
starting with one spot then onto the next spot and just as moves the traveler starting with
one spot then onto their next destination. It is favored because of its rapid transportation.
Invariance to road transport, where vehicles run on a level street or surface, rail vehicles
are directionally overseen by the rail tracks on which they run. The advantages of railways
is it is economical for long distances because it can easily cover all area of states and
cities this means of transport is very faster than roadways. Also, it most suitable for
carrying a bulky amount of goods and products.

 Airways Transportation – The distinct advantage of air transport is speed and suitability.
It is very useful for less working goods with a high value of the price. Air transport is also
known as aviation. The important characteristic of air transport is that does not need a
particular surface track for its working operations. It is the fastest means of transportation,
but the cost of operations is very high compare to other modes. Other advantages of air
transport is it provides an efficient, regular, and quick service and it is very suitable for
emergency services. While the disadvantages of this mode is a large capital investment
is needed and it requires a specialized skill and a high degree of training for its working

 Maritime Transportation – It involves the movement of goods through oceans and seas.
In water transport, the weights of goods are very large in comparison to other means of
transports. It plays a very crucial role in the development of exports and imports of goods
in the different parts of the world. The edge of this type of transportation is it is the very
cheapest or easiest means of transportation and it can easily carry a huge quantity of
goods. While the drawbacks of this transportation is there is a delay in the movement of
goods from one place to another and it can only be used in a limited area of operations
because it can only run on seas or oceans.

3. What are the characteristics of road transport in comparison with other systems?

There are many advantages to road transport services when compared to other modes of
transport. When you look at the capital required for road transport, it is very less than the other
means of transport like air, water or rail. Even the charge for constructing, maintaining and
operating roads is very less than that of railways and air transport. Road transport possesses has
a huge benefit from other modes of transport, that is the flexibility which it provides. The routes
and timings can be altered easily and quickly according to individual needs without much problem.
Unlike other systems, road transport is also best applicable for transporting goods to and from
remote areas that are not connected by other means like rail, air or water transports. The trade-
off for goods between cities and small villages happens majorly via road transport.

4. Explain the role of transportation in rural development in the Philippines.

The role of transportation in rural development in the Philippines is very significant. The
access to transportation contributes to the economic development, health, and quality of life of
rural communities here in the country. Reliable transportation is needed for rural residents to
access healthcare services, consumer services, employment and educational opportunities, and
social services. It is also important for accessing recreation and other activities of daily life. It
provides as well the continuity in moving people from rural communities to urban areas. Lastly,
the role of transportation in the Philippines has caused people to live in permanent settlements
and has given chances of sustainable developments.

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