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Prime Minister’s wife dies in a crash

This news title is related on the internet to a car accident of Zimbabwe prime minister - Morgan
Richard Tsvangirai. It seems it was a common accident for that region with single-lane roads and
deep potholes. The accident had happened when they travelled to their countryside home after
weekend rally. They were staying in a three-convoy car when a trunk lost the way and hit the prime
minister’s car. He survived, but his wife died after the car rolled and she was thrown out. I’ve never
seen a such bad accident in my life.

11A/ pg 25

Huge earthquake destroys city

A huge earthquake took place today in Travelex region with a magnitude of 7 on Richter scale. It
seems there was no earthquake until now in this region and they are unprepared to manage the
disaster. While I’m writing the story many earthquake aftershocks took place and the people are
scared. As soon as will end the saving teams will go through each place and try to help the survivors.
By the time the time the authority met to plan the actions. During the meeting, many people offered
to help, and a list of voluntaries groups was created.

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