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Chemistry Worksheets - Class - X



1. P. Metals are good conductors of electricity.

Q. Metals are lustrous.
R. Metals are generally soft.
S. Metals are bad conductors of heat. (L - II) [ ]
(P) (Q) (R) (S)
a) False false false true
b) True true false false
c) True false true false
d) True true true true
*2. Assertion : Metals are sonorous.
Reason : They are generally brittle in the solid state, they break into pieces
when hammered. (L - II) [ ]
a) Both Assertion and Reason are correct and Reason is the correct explanation of
b) Both Assertion and Reason are correct but Reason is not the correct explanation of
c) Assertion is correct and Reason is incorrect.
d) Assertion is incorrect and Reason is correct
*3. The major metals in the earth’s crust in the decreasing order of their abundance
are: (L - II) [ ]
a) sodium > potassium > magnesium > iron > calcium > aluminium.
b) sodium > aluminium > potassium > magnesium > iron > calcium.
c) aluminium > iron > calcium > sodium > potassium > magnesium.
d) iron > calcium > aluminium > sodium > potassium > magnesium.

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Chemistry Worksheets - Class - X

*4. Statement A: Metals lose electrons to form positive ions.

Statement B: Nonmetals possess lustre, are malleable and ductile.
Statement C:Metals have 4 to 8 electrons in their outermost shell. Non metals
have 1 to 3 electrons in their outermost shell. (L - II) [ ]
a) Statements A and B are correct, statement C is incorrect.
b) Statement A is correct, statements B and C are incorrect.
c) All the three statements are correct.
d) All the three statements are incorrect.
5. Identify the metalloid from the following: (L - I) [ ]
(a) arsenic (b) antimony (c) germanium (d) All
6. Which of the following metals have low tensile strength? ( L –I) [ ]
(a) Sodium (b) Mercury (c) zinc (d) Both (b) and (C)
7. Column - A Column - B
i) Ductile p) The property of making resonating sound.
ii) Malleable q) A substance can be drawn into wires.
iii) Sonority r) The substance can be beaten into thin sheets.
iv) Tensile strength s) Ability to withstand the longitudinal pull.
Choose the right match (L - II)
a) i  p , ii  q, iii  r, iv  s b) i  q , ii  r, iii  p, iv  s
c) i  s , ii  p, iii  q, iv  r d) i  r , ii  s, iii  p, iv  q
8. The metal that occurs in free state in the earth’s crust is: (L - I) [ ]
a) gold b) silver c) platinum d) all the above
9. The most abundant metal in earth’s crust is: (L - I) [ ]
a) oxygen b) aluminium c) gold d) plutonium
10. The second most abundant non metal in earth’s crust is: (L - I) [ ]
a) phosphorus b) sulphur c) silicon d) oxygen
11. The non metal which exist in liquid state at room temperature is: (L - I) [ ]
a) diamond b) graphite c) carbon d) bromine
12. State true or false: (L - II) [ ]
P) Non metals have many different colours.
Q) Nonmetals are less dense and have low melting and boiling points.
R) Non metals are sonorous.
(P) (Q) (R)
a) False false true
b) False true true
c) True true false
d) True false true
13. The non metal form that can conduct electricity is: (L - II) [ ]
a) Coal b) graphite c) diamond d) none
*14. Metals are good conductors of electricity, because, (L - II) [ ]
a) They are malleable.
b) They are ductile.
c) They have free electrons in their outermost shell.
d) They show elasticity and plasticity.

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Chemistry Worksheets - Class - X

15. Which of the following statement (S) are true? (L - II) [ ]

a) Among all the naturally occuring elements, around eighty percent are metals
b) Non-metals are more abundant than metals.
c) Sodium and potassium are soft like wax.
d) Bromine is a reddish brown liquid at room temperature.
1. State true or false. [ ]
P) All metals reacts with other substances to form chemical compounds.
Q) All the elements having one electron in their outermost shell are metals.
R) Metals are good reducing agents.
S) Nonmetals are good oxidizing agents. (L - II)
a) True False True False
b) False True False False
c) True True False False
d) False False True True
*2. 2Mg Z [ ]
+ +
4Na + X Y+H 2O 2NaOH

2Z ‘K ’
Identify X, Y, Z and K. (L - III)
a) H 2 O O2 MgO Mg(OH) 2

b) O 2 Na 2 O 2 Mg MgO
c) O 2 Na 2 O MgO Mg(OH) 2

d) H 2 O O2 Mg(OH) 2 MgO
3. The basic oxides reacts with acids to form (L - I) [ ]
a) Salt b) Water c) Metalloid d) All
*4. ‘X’ reacts with oxygen to form a compound ‘Y’. ‘Y’ on reaction with water forms a
new substances ‘Z’ that turns blue litmus red. Identify X, Y and Z respectively.
(L - II) [ ]
a) Metal, metallic oxide, base b) Non-metal, non-metallic oxide, acid
c) Metal, metallic oxide, neutral solution
d) Metalloid, metalloid oxide, neutral solution
5. Name the salts that are formed when, (L - II) [ ]
X) Acidic zinc oxide reacts with caustic soda.
Y) Basic zinc oxide reacts with the king of chemicals.
Z) Hydrochloric acid reacts with caustic soda.
a) Sodium oxide Zinc sulphate Sodium chloride
b) Sodium zincate Zinc sulphate Table salt
c) Sodium zincate Zinc sulphate Sodium chlorate
d) Sodium chloride Zinc sulphide Sodium chloride

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Chemistry Worksheets - Class - X

*6. Assertion (A) : Sodium reacts with water, producing a hissing sound. (L - II)
Reason (R) : Sodium reacts with water and produces hydrogen gas. [ ]
a) Both Assertion and Reason are correct and Reason is the correct explanation of
b) Both Assertion and Reason are correct but Reason is not the correct explanation of
c) Assertion is correct and Reason is incorrect.
d) Assertion is incorrect and Reason is correct
*7. Statement (A) : Sodium and potassium are highly reactive metals.
Statement (B) : Sodium and potassium are stored under water. (L - II) [ ]
a) Statement ‘A’ is true, statement ‘B’ is false.
b) Statement ‘B’ is false, statement ‘A’ is true.
c) Both statements, ‘A’ and ‘B’ are true.
d) Both statements, ‘A’ and ‘B’ are false.
8. When steam is passed through zinc, then (L - I) [ ]
a) Hydrogen gas is liberated b) Zinc hydroxide is formed
c) Zinc oxide is formed d) None
*9. Assertion (A) : When soft iron nails are dipped in a strong solution of copper sulphate,
a greenish black solution is formed. (L - II) [ ]
Reason (R) : Iron replaces copper from copper sulphate solution forming iron sulphate.
a) Both Assertion and Reason are correct and Reason is the correct explanation of
b) Both Assertion and Reason are correct but Reason is not the correct explanation of
c) Assertion is correct and Reason is incorrect.
d) Assertion is incorrect and Reason is correct
*10. Which of the following reactions are not possible? (L - III) [ ]
a) FeSO 4  CuSO 4 + Fe
+ Cu b) 2KI + K  2KCl + I 2
c) Na 2 SO 4 + K  K 2 SO 4 + 2Na d) ZnSO 4 + Fe  FeSO 4 + Zn
11. The correct decreasing order of the reactivity of different metals is :(L - II)[ ]
a) K > Na > Mg > Ca > Al > Zn b) K > Na > Ca > Mg > Al > Zn
c) K > Na > Ca > Mg > Zn > Al d) K > Na > Mg > Ca > Zn > Al
12. Metals react with mineral acids to form (L - I) [ ]
a) Salt + Water b) Salt + Hydrogen c) Salt + HCl d) All
13. Metals reacts hydrogen (no heating) form (L - I) [ ]
a) Hydrides b) Hydroxide
c) Hydrogen metalloids d) No reaction
*14. 2X + 2Y  2XOH + H 2
S+O 2 Z
Z + Y  P
Identify X, Y, Z and P (L - II) [ ]
a) Na H2 O SO 2 H 2 SO 3
b) K H2 O SO 2 H 2 SO 3

c) Na H2 O SO 2 H 2 SO 4

d) K H2 O SO 2 H 2 SO 4

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Chemistry Worksheets - Class - X

*15.X + 4H
2O 
Y + Z
X + S R
‘Y’ is the magnetic oxide of iron and ‘R’ is a
- II) sulphide.
[ ]
a) Fe Fe2O3 H2 FeS
b) Fe Fe3O4 H2 FeS
c) Fe Fe3O3 O2 FeS
d) Fe Fe2O3 O2 FeS

Metals and Non-metals

1. Match the following: [ ]
(i) Iron (p) Calcium
(ii) Aluminium (q) Lead
(iii) Galena (r) Bauxite
(iv) Limestone (s) Haematite
Choose the right match
a) (i) p (ii)  q (iii) r (iv) s
b) (i) s (ii)  r (iii) q (iv) p
c) (i) s (ii)  q (iii) r (iv) p
d) (i) p (ii)  r (iii) q (iv) s
2. (P) Bauxite 2-O(Al
O) (Q) Cryolite3 AlF
- (Na
) [ ]
(R) Haematite (Cu
2) FeS
(S) Cinnabar
(P) (Q) (R) (S)
a) False True False False
b) True False True False
c) False True False True
d) True True False False
3. Metal rich mineral found in nature is ________. [ ]
a) Cinnabar b) Galena c) Lead d) Ore
4. Science of extracting metal from their ore is ________.
[ ]
a) Ductility b) Malleability c) Sonoirty d) Metallurgy
5. Froath floatation is a method used for the concentration
[ ] of _______
a) Carbonate b) Cinnabar c) Lead d) Sulphide
6. In metallurgy, electrolysis is done for [ ]
a) Concentration of ore.
b) Obtaining metal oxide from the carbonate.
c) Obtaining metal oxide from sulphide ore.
d) Refining of the metal.
7. Metal which occurs in free state as well as in combined
[ ] state is ___
a) Copper b) Silver c) Gold d) Platinium
8. The natural materials in which the metals or their compounds are
crust are called: [ ]
a) Ores b) Sulphides c) Minerals d) Carbonates

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Chemistry Worksheets - Class - X

9. Assertion : The minerals from which the metals can be extracted conveniently
and profitably are called ores.
Reason : All the ores are minerals, but all the minerals can not be ores.
[ ]
a) Both Assertion and Reason are correct and Reason is the correct explanation of
b) Both Assertion and Reason are correct but Reason is not the correct explanation of
c) Assertion is correct and Reason is incorrect
d) Assertion is incorrect and Reason is correct
10. The various processes which help in the removal of gangue from the dressed ore,
there by increasing the percentage of metal in the ore is called _____. [ ]
a) Calcination b) Concentration of ore
c) Roasting of ore d) Reduction of ore
11. Which of the following is/are allotropic forms of phosphorus [ ]
a) Red phosphorus b) White phosphorus
c)  – black phosphorus d)  – black Phosphorus
12. Most abundunt element upon the earth is ________. [ ]
a) Nitrogen b) Oxygen c) Silicon d) Carbon
13. Chrome tungsten steel is used in making [ ]
a) Drilling tool b) Ridged wheel c) Amalgam d) Solder
14. P: Duralumin is a alloy of Nickel gold [ ]
Q: Silicon is used in making aeroplane chips
R : Amalgam is used for filling cavities in teeth
S : Nichrome is an alloy of nickel and chrome
(P) (Q) (R) (S)
a) False True True False
b) True False True False
c) False True False True
d) True False False True
15. Common brass is an alloy of [ ]
a) Cu and Tin b) Tin and Zinc c) Copper and zinc d) Bronze and lead
16. P) Stainless steel is an alloy of iron and copper
Q) Alnico can also be called as magnetic steel
R) German silver is an alloy of silver and nickel
S) Bell metal and gun metal are Iron-carbon alloys. [ ]
(P) (Q) (R) (S)
a) True True False False
b) False True False False
c) False True False True
d) True False False True

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