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Department of Economic and Social Affairs Population Dynamics (UNITED NATION)


Philippine Death Statistics (Preliminary): January 2019 to June 2020


Article IV Sections (c) of Executive Order No. 648

P.D. 856 (Sanitation Code)


As a country's population increases, the population in that country will be affected by

certain factors; the birth rate and the death rate are two of the most significant demographic
patterns. From January to June 2020, the provisional number of reported deaths in the
Philippines reached 259,426 and was smaller than the number of recorded deaths in the same
months of 2019, amounting to 309,010. The differences in confirmed deaths were smallest in
February in the same months of the previous year (45,730 in 2020 vs. 48,806 in 2019 or a
difference of 3,076) followed by January (53,078 in 2020 vs. 57, 704 in 2019 or a difference of

-practice different funerals and methods of disposal for dead

-Designed to meet the needs of all the religions

-Muslim, Christian and other religion provides areas for burials (garden burial)
-features public green throughout the center of the building allowing families of dead to pray
worship meditate these also help reduce pollution of the city improving the environment of the

-tourist attraction

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